GTA V and GTAO Thread

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Re: GTA V Gameplay TRAILER!

Post by AgOnNy »

I like game, game I play.
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Re: GTA V Gameplay TRAILER!

Post by GreyWizzard »

Even without worrying about women in the game... because god knows why you're so fixated on how I see women... it's a horrible story about horrible people. There is no joy or humour in it. It's not offensive, it's just shit.

I've played and completed the so called story. I'm pretty sure I'm fit to make an opinion on it. You know... having played the entire story. It's not like I just perused screenshots and maybe looked at a quick video and then claimed I knew everything about it.

But if you want to harp on about women, no the story doesn't need women or a female lead. I'm happy to agree this game is about 3 male leads. The problem is that every woman in the game is poorly written. It's is written to make you hate women. What's the point of that, why not just show us that these dudes hate women and be done with it. Don't make the player feel like a misogynist.

I haven't had a massive change in my opinion of women. I'm just more open to how people feel about their portrayal in video games. You only need to look at how GTAV treats trans gender people... Or black people... Or basically anyone who isn't a white male.
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Re: GTA V Gameplay TRAILER!

Post by AgOnNy »

I think Franklin (the African American character) is treated quite well. Michael takes him under his wing, shows him the ropes & Lester even buys a flash condo in the Hills for him to live in.
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Re: GTA V Gameplay TRAILER!

Post by cloud »

Best GTA in years! Loved every aspect of it!

I hope Rockstar continue down the same path for 6..
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Re: GTA V Gameplay TRAILER!

Post by GreyWizzard »

:lol: @ ags

I have no issues with you guys liking the game, that's cool. It's not wrong for liking it. We like and enjoy what we like and enjoy.

I don't like the game but I shouldn't be chastised for stating my opinion. Just because I don't agree with you on the game doesn't mean either of our opinions are wrong.
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Re: GTA V Gameplay TRAILER!

Post by Cletus »

No Grey, you make a point of mentioning how women are treated in the game and it attracts a response. Your opinion, you share it, your choice. Nobody asked you for your position, you freely offered it. And it's also so misguided to assume that there's no way it isn't going to get a response. Because of the odd hypocrisy you display. And yes, you've changed your attack on GTA and moved to the story...but we know that's not your problem with the game.

What you want (and thank fuck for us you won't get it) is a politically correct GTA where everyone is a portrayed as an upstanding citizen. I'm not sure there's a game in that though.

Also, it's weak to think you can come into a GTA thread, bag it out with some deluded notion of how things should be done and not be "chastised" for it. Anyone who wants things banned because they find it offensive (and we've heard this from you on similar issues) will inevitably be chastised for their puritan ideals..

I remember a shit named Migishu back on the ODWF who was big on stating he was celibate. He was chastised. It's a similar thing. Tell a bunch of blokes that are fans of the game that their game is a putrid mess and women are treated unfairly. Tell a bunch of sexually active (or men with a desire to be) that you're a celibate by choice and they'd piss themselves laughing.

If you're ok with being on the outer with a view then stick to your guns. I would. But everyone is telling you that you're wrong about it because, well, you're wrong about it.

But just remember, you brought yourself into the discussion.
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Re: GTA V Gameplay TRAILER!

Post by GreyWizzard »

I want a GTA where you can be a criminal but be likeable. Oh wait that is GTA Vice City. Tommy Vercetti is the shit.

None of the characters are likeable in V. Franklin is a poorly written blank character. Michael bemoans his horrible life but it's that way because he made it that way, it's his own fault. Sorry Michael I feel nothing for you. Trevor is a psychopath, he is in a complete mental break. Are you saying we are meant to find that funny? We are meant to laugh at the antics of a mentally disturbed person? I don't enjoy the characters and I don't enjoy the story.

Your the one who wants to keep harping on about my opinion of the treatment of women in the game. You keep saying that's the only reason I hate it... I've listed my issues with the game, the story and characters been the primary issues. The treatment of women is just a bonus really.

I don't want some politically correct GTA. I just want a GTA with enjoyable characters and a good, strong cohesive story. It's not hard to realise that all your players aren't white 30 something males and maybe take their thoughts and opinions into consideration.
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Re: GTA V Gameplay TRAILER!

Post by GreyWizzard »

Saying I'm wrong because everyone here says I'm wrong is moronic. It's like a homophobe saying hating the gays is cool because the group of people he hangs out with are also homophobes.

I think the reason people laughed at Migs was because we were a bunch of juvenile morons who didn't know any better.
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Re: GTA V Gameplay TRAILER!

Post by Cletus »

People laughed at Migs because he thought he was taking the higher ground but in reality he just couldn't get a root. Tell me I'm wrong but only a fat little social retard would "choose" celibacy in the face of never getting a root anyway. Oh and by the way, Migishu chose to divulge the information to a bunch of videogamers. Were they really supposed to handle that with respect, care and consideration?

If you didn't like the story then that's fair. I didn't hate it. But as I've said, I honestly think you only say that now because your whole stance on the rest of it has been shot down. Nobody remotely shares your opinion on GTAV. While I might be overzealous in calling your opinion wrong, I absolutely think you have an agenda. I'll be clear on what that is - you want to look like you have this great care and understanding of how women ought be portrayed in our games. Nobody seems nearly as distraught about certain elements of GTAV as you, except for those Christian chicks that had it banned at Target (based on lies and misinformation). Various points are raised to indicate there seems to be some double standard from you on this too. It's valid to question you. Like I said, nobody dragged your opinion out of you. Nobody personally asked you to state your position.

I love you, Grey...but in this I just don't get you at all.
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Re: GTA V Gameplay TRAILER!

Post by GreyWizzard »

I had always stated my opinion about the story and characters first. My wife asked me why I was still playing it if I disliked the characters so much. I told her the game was fairly easy and I wanted to see how it turned out.

I brought up women in the game because it was something I noticed. This isn't some social justice warrior bullshit. It's how I feel. All women in the game are poorly portrayed (except maybe the sweet old lady that Trevor kidnaps and falls in love with). It just irked me that every woman you met in the game was either a compete bitch (Michael's wife), a sex worker (see all the sex workers (except the trans sex workers because they are seen as crazy men) ), or sexual promiscuous (Michael's daughter). I thought a game in thus day and age could treat women with a but more respect.

That doesn't mean I need a female lead in a game, that just means I'd like better writing. Look, Michael's story works (in that shitty kind of way) because of his his family is written. But that doesn't mean every other female needs to be groups into one of the 3 categories I mentioned.

I know we are never going to see eye to eye on it. It's my opinion on the game. I hope the next one is a bit more progressive in regards to characters and story. But it can still be a fun murder simulator without taking it to the darkest of extremes. I think the game would benefit if the Houser's step back from the writing. Red Dead is the better game because they weren't at the writing helm, even if Mexico does make it lose focus a little.
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Re: GTA V Gameplay TRAILER!

Post by Candy Arse »

The white males in GTAV are degenerate pieces of shit, they're not portrayed in a positive way at all....then again this is GTA and that's par for the course, pretty much all characters in GTA games are pieces of shit regardless of gender or ethnicity.

The only Rockstar game I can think of with a legitimately sympathetic lead is RDR. Liking characters or humour in a game/movie/comic whatever is subjective. Tommy Vercetti was also a degenerate piece of shit, one you just happen to like. I liked him too, but then again I fucking love Scarface and I love all things 80s so that's an easy fit.

No big deal with any of this, but objecting to the portrayal of women when there's ultra-violence against women in your Youtube video....head scratcher.
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Re: GTA V Gameplay TRAILER!

Post by Cletus »

I was just about to say the same thing about Vercetti. The character is a it again. He does some terrible shit. My Tommy also had sex with prostitutes, killed them and took his money back. Ok that was me controlling Tommy...but he did it.

And Ray Liotta killed any chance of really big names working for the Houser Brothers ever again after Vice City. You won't see the same delivery of a GTA or Rockstar game ever again, probably.
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Re: GTA V Gameplay TRAILER!

Post by GreyWizzard »

I'm not sure if I've said I have an issue with violence against women in videogames. If I have could you please show me?

But yeah... Let's bring it back to women... I don't know why you two are obsessing over this so much. Only people who believe that women are infiltrating your male orientated gamer world have this much of an obsession, like gamehed.
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Re: GTA V Gameplay TRAILER!

Post by Cletus »

Yeah well that's not the discussion. And no, I know your issue was with how women are portrayed. That's the basis for my line of discussion with you. We've been here before. I think it must come down to your being vocal about how women are represented in GTA...and it bothers you. But I find these bikini clad teen azn fighters and the like to be a worse and much clearer form of objectifying women (which for the record does not concern me at all). And you don't seem to.
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Re: GTA V Gameplay TRAILER!

Post by GreyWizzard »

But that's not my argument, it's just one of the points in my argument. You're the one who keeps bringing it back to it.

I'm really confused as to why you are stuck on that single point.
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Re: GTA V Gameplay TRAILER!

Post by Cletus »

I'm as stuck on it as you are.
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Re: GTA V Gameplay TRAILER!

Post by Candy Arse »

Women being portrayed as useless objects in a videogame where everyone is a sack of shit = not ok
Women having their heads ripped off, set on fire, having their hearts pulled out, exploding etc = fine.

Opinions are opinions, the above viewpoint is just strange because it's inconsistent. That's the only point worth bringing up for me since everything else (bad story, unfunny humour) is subjective.
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Re: GTA V Gameplay TRAILER!

Post by jizzlobber »

Yeh but in MK everyone is brutally killed, it's a bad comparison... I think Grey's point is in gta females are a bit of a joke, there to be trodden on.

He's probably right, some people find it offensive, some don't.
But you expect that from gta.
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Re: GTA V Gameplay TRAILER!

Post by Candy Arse »

And in GTA everyone is portrayed badly, it's not like the males are spared. Society in general cops it in the GTA games, I think they're equal-opportunity piss takers.

Shout out to Brucie, my all-time favourite GTA character.
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Re: GTA V Gameplay TRAILER!

Post by Candy Arse »

If a GTA game were to be released where the females were not stereotypes and the males continued to be, it would be inconsistent.

The quality of the story in GTA V (or lack of), the humour...that's all up to the opinion of each person and that's fine. I don't think the story is anything to write home about, it's not a patch on RDR...but the game sure is fun to play and some of the humour works for me. The Lifeinvader guy getting his head blown off was fucking hilarious.

Women and men being portrayed as shallow dicks, psychotic killers, hillbillies etc....that's GTA being GTA. I personally don't see one gender copping it worse than the other.
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Re: GTA V Gameplay TRAILER!

Post by Twiztid Elf »

I don't get this at all.

GTAV comes out.
People don't like it. Fine.
People express that they don't like it. Fine.
People say it needs to change. Not fine.
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Re: GTA V Gameplay TRAILER!

Post by AgOnNy »

Maybe they can do a GTA Utah/Salt Lake City & we can all play as mormons. Ride bikes around the city & spread the word, those who don't conform are beaten with replica golden pages...or maybe combine the next GTA (Dallas/Texas) with RDR & the main character can be a Chuck Norris rip off?

Or better yet, GTA Straya'Cunt. You can play as a bogan hick in a suped up Commodore or Falcon, hitting up bongs with your loser mates, drowning your sorrows with VB cans, downing shitty burgers with pineapple & smashing underage 'bitches' for a pack of ciggies. Top it all off by stealing your mums Centrelink payments.

I just realised I have no idea where I'm headed with these thoughts, but I think I'm on to something!
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Re: GTA V Gameplay TRAILER!

Post by Cletus »

Candy Arse wrote:Women being portrayed as useless objects in a videogame where everyone is a sack of shit = not ok
Women having their heads ripped off, set on fire, having their hearts pulled out, exploding etc = fine.

Opinions are opinions, the above viewpoint is just strange because it's inconsistent. That's the only point worth bringing up for me since everything else (bad story, unfunny humour) is subjective.
This. Exactly this.
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Re: GTA V Gameplay TRAILER!

Post by Froggy »

Don't like it don't play it or gtfo and go watch golden girls with those ex prostitutes who got it banned from target and kmart. The rest of us will enjoy Trevor and co for what they are.
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Re: GTA V Gameplay TRAILER!

Post by Vince »

Froggy wrote:Don't like it don't play it or gtfo and go watch golden girls with those ex prostitutes who got it banned from target and kmart. The rest of us will enjoy Trevor and co for what they are.
Hey- I watch (and love) Golden Girls. I also happen to love GTA5... And I agree- if you don't like something, don't play it. It's quite simple really.
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