Witcher 3 - Hype is REAL!

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Re: Witcher 3 - Hype is REAL!

Post by AgOnNy »

Candy Arse wrote:And that next patch is fucking fantastic. So good I restarted the game! Controls are much more responsive in alternate mode and the encumbrance adjustments and stash ability is really good. Performance is improved as well (on PC that is, console got worse :suicide: GameHED :suicide:). 2440p 60fps all settings maxed.
Check your PM's mate
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Re: Witcher 3 - Hype is REAL!

Post by GameHED »

I'm ok with open world rpg being of a low fps.

The racing games need to be 60fps but if your game is open world and only half of this I can settle for that.

The pc is not a game system. It's for doing your taxes and mmos. As long as console gamers keep progress back, it forces coders like CD Projekt Red to push themselves to the limit instead of wasting resources.

Third Parties always make generic stuff because they know they will release the title to two systems so therefore they can't focus on making it too good on one system or the sales of the version on the other system suffers. They are split between the two system and what result is generic result for both because the engine isn't perfect. If it was just one platform all attention would go to polishing that one game for that one platform. You'd get less choppy framerate, and more time to fix the bits that cause problems.

Anyway fallout is coming soon. Then Xeno blade 2. These open world games are going to keep me so busy. I'm also playing final fantasy 14. By the time I get to truly enjoy it maybe the final patch will see console running smooth again?

One thing that will be interesting is mods for fallout on console. This could mean fallout gets user generated content that acts as free bug fixes and balance fixes that is superior to official fixes. I wonder how this will affect sales of console editions since pc main advantage is fixing broken bethesda titles through changes to the game which were not available on console.
PC gamers need to understand that greedy game companies care about the masses more than hardcore gamers otherwise they would not have dumbed down elder scrolls over time by removing things. What mods can do is add back systems that bethesda took out to make thier games more appealing to a broader and dumber (but whose numbers are bigger) audience. (example the inability of things like climbing walls which as a thief character makes sense - climbing trees to shoot arrows at longer distances is combat related thing: you get height advantage, some monster can't climb, the ability to hide or sneak by being above someone to surprise attack to do critical hit , the safety of being hidden in leaves etc etc These are things you should be able to do in new elder scrolls games but instead of adding stuff to the franchise, bethesda removes stuff. Modders can add back things fans liked about older games. It's a big deal.)
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Re: Witcher 3 - Hype is REAL!

Post by GameHED »

Framerate is improved a bit for those that care:
http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digit ... erformance" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

the framerate is still crap but ps4 guys can turn off some post processing fx to get a small framerate boost.

By the time cyberpunk comes out maybe they will be a lot more used to the consoles and get better results?

Remember kids games are about fun too not system wars. Mario Kart had no weather fx but way more fun than these serious racing sims which are stuck to only realistic tracks. Not everyone is dull like you. Splatoon is faster paced than cod and appeals to anyone and runs smooth with fast controls. Major in the major areas not major in minor shit. Most tv out there are 1080p. The extra detail might not be as noticeable from further back on couches. But mostly noticeable in tiny room where your face is closer to the monitor. You got to think of the environment. Are you playing games in the living room where you want big chunky text to see what is written? ..or in a tiny room where your face is right up close to the monitor and tiny icons and fine details are easy to pick up? In the living room you sit far back.
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Re: Witcher 3 - Hype is REAL!

Post by Candy Arse »

I just checked, it's still 60fps on my PC at 1440p with all settings maxed out.
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Re: Witcher 3 - Hype is REAL!

Post by pilonv1 »


Was only low 50s for me on high/ultra at 1440p when I tried 1.07 recently.

" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

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Re: Witcher 3 - Hype is REAL!

Post by GameHED »

Candy Arse wrote:Performance is improved as well (on PC that is, console got worse :suicide: GameHED :suicide:). 2440p 60fps all settings maxed.

It was in response to this. :lol: :owned: So now console is the same but with the improvements. You lose. :D

Most of us bought console. I probably won't buy that version since I prefer playing on a couch. Yes you can play pc on couches too, but nobody does that since the tv is limited in res so you won't see the extra details and then have to move it back to the desk where you normally sit to do stuff on pc.

This is a hassle since pc is not a pure game console. It is for doing taxes and hacking and pirating.

The casuals outnumber hardcore that is why microsoft bought minecraft and invested so much into waggle 2.0 this gen. But people are over that now and ok with low res since good coders can still give them the 60fps as they get better at optimisation and not wasting power like the lazy pc coders who just release games on it because its cheaper to do it.
Have fun being angry that I have pc but don't use it for games as often as console despite the better specs. (because I don't want game companies to collapse due to piracy or be treated like a criminal when I actually buy legit copy of the game for pc all the time just for being one of the honest ones..lol)

Also a lot of gamers also own console for the japanese games. So no matter how great the specs of pc, the console will always triumph over pc since people like games that are not buggy messes with no quality control and checking. Trust me when I say this we are more relevent than a bunch of balding fat dudes who just play strategy games and management sims because they have no skill, shit eyesight, and poor reflexes. :P PC needs its own forum. I'm sick of seeing pc gamers spam this thread with console games that are ported to pc. If they are console games on pc then that means they are console games, not pc games. This is why people are always disapointed by games looking like shit on pc because they are making an assumption that just because there is a port of a game on pc then it must be a pc game. Wrong. You are playing a console game. Games are made on consoles because it's a game machine and pc is for prgramming the games not for playing the games. Nobody is going to play street fighter on a pc dude. Too much hacking, modding of the code, and virus software interfering with the framerate when it fucks up your smooth game (plus the anti virus software scanning for the virus which eats up cycles as it scans_ as you play the game. Console is where the tournament players go and that's that. Get used to it you pc fag. 8)
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Re: Witcher 3 - Hype is REAL!

Post by Candy Arse »

GameHED wrote:It was in response to this. :lol: :owned: So now console is the same but with the improvements. You lose. :D
I run the game at a higher resolution and at double the framerate. Please tell me more about how I "lose".
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Re: Witcher 3 - Hype is REAL!

Post by GameHED »

You lose because the pc is playing console titles not a pure pc game. Same deal with dark souls port and the bugs that cause weapons to break or skyrim and its crap interface designed for console tvs. Those are console games. You could have pure pc games instead that are exclusive to pc which run on better engines. I have been talking about that for ages. If pc gamers got more big triple a exclusives console gamwrs would get jealous enough to abandon them just like how people eventually abandoned the arcades once home console took over. Simple concept for you to understand. Anyway the economy may not be too healthy so in a way perhaps its ok that gaming is held back graphically. Some people may want graphics to stay ugly so they don't have to upgrade and are comfortable with the visual fidelity they are getting. When nintendo brought out 3d on 3ds, look what happened: The parents demanded 2d for 3ds instead. You don't understand the customers. PS 2 had the shittest visuals of its time but nobody gave a fuck. Consoles aren't going anywhere so long as you can p,ay stuff like persona 4 on ps2 or sony exclusives like unchartered on ps3 and ps4. It's the pc gamers that need to look honestly about why they bother with it if all they see is console ports. ' I own both. Show me stuff that I don't already own on console then maybe i care. Consoles being smaller, cheaper, and being closed platform has advantages when you look at exclusives. It's sometimes the reason to buy one. PC? It's the same content just prettier.
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Re: Witcher 3 - Hype is REAL!

Post by Candy Arse »

PC has PC games. Now PC has the best version of console games. But because we now have access to far better gaming experiences on PC, we lose out because we're playing them on a box without the Xbox or Playstation logo.

So basically you're completely fucked in the head. Gotcha.
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Re: Witcher 3 - Hype is REAL!

Post by flipswitch »

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Re: Witcher 3 - Hype is REAL!

Post by Cletus »

I was reading about the Xbone Elite Dangerous port the other night and was very disappointed that I can't plug my X55 Rhino into the console and play the game on console how it was meant to be played because while pc can handle console ports, clearly consoles can't really handle pc ports.. Pc version, better frame rate, sharper graphics, absolutely superior and immersive control, free online play. Same will go for Star Wars battlefront. Flying a tie or an X-wing with a control pad will suck arse. H.O.T.A.S FTW. Any pc player with even the simplest stick set up will be better off than console players.I'm no KBAM expert so I also get to use a control pad for the first person shooter part of multi.
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Re: Witcher 3 - Hype is REAL!

Post by Candy Arse »

You won't hear about this in the media, but Console ports on PC uses a lot of fast patter and sleight of hand to persuade people that its activities are on the up-and-up. None of what follows is my own original research. Rather, all of it is taken from wiser people than I, and it is these people who deserve the credit for first observing that Console ports on PC has remarked that an open party with unlimited access to alcohol can't possibly outgrow the host's ability to manage the crowd. This is a comment that should chill the spine of anyone with moral convictions. To make sure you understand I'll spell it out for you. For starters, Console ports on PC likes to cover up its criminal ineptitude. Such activity can flourish only in the dark, however. If you drag it into the open, Console ports on PC and its foot soldiers will run for cover like cockroaches in a dirty kitchen when the light is turned on suddenly during the night. That's why we must name and shame Console ports on PC's goombahs for their dishonest acts of Marxism.

Let's keep our fingers crossed that Console ports on PC doesn't shatter other people's lives and dreams. If Console ports on PC makes fun of me or insults me I hear it, and it hurts. But I take solace in the fact that I am still able to make technical preparations for the achievement of freedom and human independence. Call me old-fashioned, but bitterness seeps out of Console ports on PC like blood from an underdone ribeye steak. That extreme bitterness is, as far as I can tell, what leads it to dismantle the family unit. While it's true that Console ports on PC once used its notoriety, name recognition, and national fund-raising base to support those for whom hatred has become a way of life, Console ports on PC has yet to acknowledge that fact. Courage is what we need to provide a ruthless criticism of Console ports on PC's unmannerly philosophies—not politeness, not intellectual flair, not cleverness with words, just courage. And it sometimes takes a lot of courage to look a ribald controversialist in the eye and tell him that I'm willing to accept that Console ports on PC combines greed and bloodlust into a single persona. I'm even willing to accept that I make no bones about the fact that pestiferous Machiavellians are truly the lowest form of human life. But contrary to my personal preferences, I'm thinking about what's best for all of us. My conclusion is that what's best for all of us is for me to shine a bright light on Console ports on PC's writings, which flourish mainly in the darkness of McCarthyism.

To deny that by preventing people from seeing that the real problem is the complexity of a changing national and world economy, Console ports on PC's helpmeets can kill people and blow people up and attack governments is jackbooted nonsense and political irresponsibility. It is nonsense because the conflation of daffy hammerheads and picayunish eejits in Console ports on PC's diatribes is either dramatic hyperbole or a fatal methodological flaw. And it is irresponsible because I stand by what I've written before, that I see myself as a link in the endless chain of generations, with an inescapable responsibility to oppose evil wherever it rears its malapert head. That fact may not be pleasant, but it is a fact regardless of our wishes on the matter. And what about Console ports on PC's functionaries? They, like Console ports on PC, are deplorable erastophiliacs. I think I've dished it out to Console ports on PC as best as I can in this letter. I hope you now understand why I say that effrontive dimbulbs suffer from a collective self-image that prefers victimization to success and imposes a suffocating group conformity that ostracizes nonconformists.
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Re: Witcher 3 - Hype is REAL!

Post by Cletus »

well fucking said.

totes agree.
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Re: Witcher 3 - Hype is REAL!

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

I have no idea what he just said...

I'll just follow Cletus's lead.
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Re: Witcher 3 - Hype is REAL!

Post by itch »

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
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Re: Witcher 3 - Hype is REAL!

Post by Burnzoire »

These days consoles are simply budget PCs in every way. To try and class them differently is an exercise in futility. They USED TO have custom architecture, they USED TO play games instantly. They USED TO be developed for a single targeted platform. Old argument is old.
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Re: Witcher 3 - Hype is REAL!

Post by GameHED »

LOL Thanks for wrecking your own threads.

Looks like ps4 is getting more enhancements.

http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digit ... aiting-for" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Yes pc is technically better but it's getting ports of console games. Not original exclusive content designed from the ground up for pc gamers only. I own a pc. I want to see shit on there that is better than what I already play on console.

It's like getting excited that you can play Shovel Knight on a keboard. Why the fuck would I care if you can see it at 120 fps when it is a game designed for old consoles and is more authentic at only 60 or 30fps?

The pc gamers need to wake the fuck up. In the old days you guys laughed that you had all the best FPS games. Now most people play games like Call of Duty on console. On CONSOLE! Who is laughing now? And many of those pc titles that once were only on mouse and keyboard systems appear on vita and 3DS because of the touchscreen which can act as a mousepad.

So yeah I get that it's got the looks but pc needs to be ahead of consoles not just in looks to get my respect. You guys are just ads for steam. So glad EB Games has digital download to compete with them. The fanboys on this board need to understand that pc is inferior precisely because it must pander to console. It can't be its own thing. Console is not going anywhere. Because games are superior to play in the living room on a couch without the need to bring a desk with you. Certain games are better on pc but many games are better on console. Not because of the tech but because of the lifestyle of the gamer who is not going to like bugs here and there and viruses and cheating online and other stuff. That is why Street Fighter on console is the best experience. As candy gets older he feels pressured to play pc games more because by having a more expensive system it gives him a chance to beat the poorer guy with more skill.

He constantly talks about how there are not enough fps for racing games in console, and nag companies to make ports to the pc, it's all because he is crap at the games and needs those extra frames to compensate for poor reflexes. So by playing on pc he can upgrade the machine, challenge people on worse systems who can only see in low res and then he can beat them using a higher spec system to win.

The pc version of witcher could BE better. You know it, the console gamers know it, but because not enough pc gamers buy games, they couldn't make it as awesome as you expected. Don't try to complain to us console gamers that we are having too much fun. You need to complain to the game developers to treat you better with more respect and encourage pc gamers to buy stuff instead of feeling entitled and blaming ebgames/gamestop for why the game companies are collapsing. (trying to tell the companies that preowned games are killing sales, when its clear its the pc gamers pirating the games because they won't get a job. Buying and selling your games secondhand is a consumer right you dumb shits)

The good news first. PS4 benefits hugely from the update, and our first stress-test in Crookback Bog shows the biggest gains in the shift to patch 1.10. This area's fog and water transparency effects push the engine hardest, and notoriously, prior versions of the game locked PS4 to the 20fps line here. But with everything updated fully, frame-rates now stick closer to the 30fps line across the entirety of our run. At points this gives The Witcher 3 a boost of 10fps overall on PS4, and it overtakes a fully-patched Xbox One version in direct comparison.
I feel sorry for the bone owners. MS should plan their next console just as nintendo release NX imo. Start again. This time make the next controller a clone of the Wii U tablet. I can't see myself ever going back to a traditional controller again. Why? There is no disadvantage to having the extra screen for online games and stuff. The extra screen means you can easily manage your inventory while keeping an eye on the action going on in the game world where the environment doesn't pause while you are looking at menus. (With other console, every time you pause, the screen is obstructed with status screens which could allow monsters to kill you midway through managing inventory. It's why DS games like PSO Zero worked so well)

What the tablet does is act as a mousepad and editor. Nintendo controller is still superior to the others apart from not having dreamcast style triggers. That's something I think nintendo need to copy imo. The tablet is also useful for browsing the internet as you can click on hyperlink directly using your finger without using crappy analogue sticks. (these can be used to zoom and scroll instead)
This is what I mean by superior controllers and systems: nintendo has the better controllers than the other guy and designs the games around them. So that it's fun just moving around in their games like splatoon. If they were to go third party the games would play like shit. Because the game designers would have to settle for other companies default controllers, which then drags the review scores for their games down.

I noticed when logging in, using the touchpad to just type your password is much faster than all the other consoles where you need to use the sticks to select individuals letters one by one. If nintendo were smart they could do a small text based mario adventure game using the touch pad similar to the old c64 games. You type in look to look around, talk to talk to npc, and move to move the character around. The whole game would be you typing i the commands like those old computer games.
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Re: Witcher 3 - Hype is REAL!

Post by Burnzoire »

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Re: Witcher 3 - Hype is REAL!

Post by Candy Arse »

With the latest patch the game runs even better on my PC now, getting above 60fps with all settings maxed out at 1440p.

Now that I've sunk over 100 hours into both this and MGS5....I think Witcher 3 is the better game.
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Re: Witcher 3 - Hype is REAL!

Post by cloud »

Candy Arse wrote:I think Witcher 3 is the better game.
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Re: Witcher 3 - Hype is REAL!

Post by flipswitch »

Just had a 17gb patch the other day, it go me back in the game so I can't complain. Looking to spend some more time with it.
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Re: Witcher 3 - Hype is REAL!

Post by Candy Arse »

170 hours into this game and I haven't even touched the DLC for it. It's there ready to go but fuck it. More Gwent cards to collect, more monsters to kill and hopefully more women to bang senseless.

I topped out at 225 hours in Skyrim since release...but that was a long time ago and Witcher 3 is still less than a year old. This game is THAT FUCKING GOOD.

:btw: it still runs above 60fps at 1440p max settings on my awesome PC. :suicide: GameHED :suicide:
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Re: Witcher 3 - Hype is REAL!

Post by GameHED »

Skyrim lets you create your character though candy so it does have replayability.

I think Witcher 1 and 2 should be re-released again and see if they can make some money off those older games and port them to current gen consoles. Looking forward to Cyberpunk. Any news on that? After the DLC they were supposed to concentrate on that.

I still have the board game in a closet somewhere.
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Re: Witcher 3 - Hype is REAL!

Post by GreyWizzard »

Burnzoire wrote:Image
How is that even possible? Wouldn't his arm be stuck on the other side? It's confusing... I need to research this more.
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Re: Witcher 3 - Hype is REAL!

Post by t0mby »

It's a Stargate!
selfish wrote:Being a massive fanboy and trying to hide it is Lestat's worst bottleneck.
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