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Re: Eve Online thread · Free 51 days possible again, see OP

Post by Deef »

The 5€ total I have spent on Eve so far had certainly gone a long way but time was finally running out. I needed to fly to Arnon to get my PLEX. And do some shopping.

And engage in shenanigans.

Phase 1

For the umpteenth time this week I stare through a glass wall at my desired fit sitting less than 5tf away, and there's nothing I can do about it without losing the tech 2 guns or a heat sink. That's right, we're talking DPS, we're talking the Slicer. The Midler, out to get some action. I can't fit her for PvP just yet so I instead throw the gear I'll need in the boot and head to Arnon still in PvE mode; I can grab a CPU mod once I'm there. I will never see a missing skill level irritate me more than being stuck on Electronics IV.

I pass a flashy Drake in his death throes at Ostingele's gate to highsec. Maybe I could have whored that killmail, or would the non-flashy victor, another Drake, have turned on me? If I was quick to zap and run would he have even caught me? Probably not. I only wonder and continue on. Thanks to Brep's video showing that the HUD can actually be moved, I spend the rest of the journey on autopilot screwing with the UI.

Arrive. Dock. PLEX. Buy co-processor. I pull the old girl apart and strap on the goods. Basically we're going to kite with the MWD, scorch and a long point. Nothing too flash; no rigs and no tech 2 disruptor. A serious fit ruined by my skills budget. Who cares, it's going to rock and somewhere, out there, a noob is going to be welcomed to Evil. I mean, Eve. He will be welcomed to Eve.


Phase 2

Right, I need some cans. I need some targets. I find a ship out on his own and warp to his belt. An Exequror, soon to be joined by a Vexor. Inexperience on full display, I am advised that a Slicer can take a Vexor and that Vexor > Exequror. Turns out the Exe is just a cargo cruiser and this guy's just mining anyway; I doubt he's a threat at all. Next to him is a juicy can full of veldspar. Veldspar suddenly becomes a lot more valuable in my mind. Should it come to that, can I take both of these cruisers? Don't need to. They're both in NPC corps which means whatever I do to either one, he's on his own. Double check the facts in my mind, forget completely about the Vexor and return to the precious, precious veldspar. Naturally for a miner, his ship is parked right next to it.

Drones. Suddenly drones are everywhere and the Exe has me locked. I pause briefly but this is normal; I do the same all the time. He's not aggressing, just trying to intimidate, just playing the mechanics and I see the drones are on a leash. Triple check the facts because let's face it, I'm still a noob out of water here and despite the universal laws of Eve, losing the Slicer is not in the plan. This is all about letting someone else do something stupid and having the overwhelming upper hand. This is not going to end with a "gf." More like a sorry and a frowny face.


I can only carry a fraction of his haul but that's all it takes; the glove-slap has been dealt. I turn and fly out of scram range just in case, pretending to myself that it wasn't already too late to do this had it been genuinely required. In reality, if he had wanted to scram me and had been capable of it, I would have been scrammed. I had toyed with the idea of simply tractoring the can away from his ship since I have a spare high that I can leave offline. It would have been worth it for the lolz alone, but I'm impatient so I steal his loot next to his cruiser. The warp scrambler never happens of course and soon I'm zooming around him at 20km, admiring the results of my stunning feat of bravery. Balls of rolled titanium, this one.

Nothing. He doesn't care, I could only lift 1000 units and there's heaps more in there. Okay so he's not going to fight, he knows how it works. Check the market. "Well, at least I can rip him off almost a million ISK," I reason to myself with complete inaccuracy. Herp. The only problem is carrying it. By the time I fly back for my third dip into his earnings he'll probably have left the scene. Then I realise I can simply make it my ore, instead of his ore, and he will just have to deal with that. So once again I pull up next to his ship and his little operation and create a new can of my own with the 1000 veldspar I had just nicked. Open his can, grab all of his hard work, drop it into mine. That must have annoyed him. It was pure, gleeful robbery. I should have laid a little smack in local. Oh well, hindsight. All this ore you just extracted, it's mine now. Property of Xenial Jesse Taalo and Concord will defend it as such. You could steal it back but I'm afraid my ship is bigger than yours. Well, not bigger, but that's the point innit guv? The Midler is clearly wearing the pants right here and my ship can kick your ship's arse.

He didn't steal it back.

Instead he bailed, leaving me to think of the best way to truck this stuff to a station. I had recently lost a Thrasher so I decide that now's the time to replace it and that this will be my mini hauler. Since Dan Estrellas Amigo had spent a lot of time in Arnon there was still plenty of junk lying around and I quickly threw together a Thrasher fit that was nothing short of art. One missile launcher, 2 different lasers, two 150mm autos, two 220mm autos and a railgun. Beautiful. MWD, medium shield booster, cargo scanner. Just a cheap, fun mess and it was going to finish the job in only 2 runs. This was my favourite Thrasher ever. Was.


Phase 3

Which belt was it again?

I hunt around for a few minutes but it's obvious what has happened. I've taken too long and Abrakadabra Ivankov, for that was his name, has returned to the scene, grabbed my ore and left the system. Stinking thieves. Cloaking would have been the way to go there. Well, I'm in a hippyfit Thrasher now, perfect for inciting noob aggression and flipping some more cans.

I don't bother with the scanner and just roam the belts until I run into another Vexor, a different one, whose pilot has a real bounty on his head. As before there is someone here mining but no can this time. A few abandoned NPC wrecks are lying around so I head for those to at least pretend I'm here for a reason. Meanwhile everyone locks everyone else lol; so much for keeping up appearances. The miner decides it's a little too hot and warps away; the cruiser decides it's not hot enough and proceeds to ram me several times. Mofo. MWD on and continue the pretend looting. He doesn't know I have a Slicer nearby. I jettison the trash as I loot and eventually he does decide I'm worth it and steals said trash.


This time I won't forget which belt and I bring up a new bookmark to be doubly sure. Planet X, Belt 1. I'm still safe; he's waiting for my response and no-one is attacking. He can't attack. I can, I'm allowed to, but I'm still typing away in my new bookmark. So much red where my shields used to b- what th- I'm being attacked! He's attacking me! WTF! Who started attacking??!! Where is Concord??!! Why are my missiles o- WHY ARE MY MISSILES ON!?!? ARGHHH BELT 1 NOT BELT F1!!! FAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGING warpwarpwarpofcourseI'mscrammedwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarp. S***.

Like the farmer's daughter's father fetching his shotgun as he cusses under his breath, my pod docks again in Arnon VIII and I hustle for the Slicer. God damn session timer. Frikking F1 key. Why were we locked anyway!? It's on mate. IT. IS. ON. I am going to get this ship in space and I am going to hunt you down. I am going to kite you and you won't be able to hit me and you won't be able to scram me and your drones won't be able to catch me and you will slowly die. So this is what the session timer is all about; thinking bad th- ok forget that the Slicer is active. The Midler is active. This bitch is ready to go and I am going to take that Vexor. Some people I've never spoken to before said I could and dammit I think they're right.


Warning! You are currently flagged for being part of combat actions and you are about to enter an area with people wanting to kill you! If you continue they will use all means necessary to kill you and the station will probably not let you back in. Are you sure you want to continue?

UN. DOCK. :evil:

Phase 4

Well so much for hunting him down, he's right here. And we're both flashy...
Last edited by Deef on 18 Aug 2011 11:16 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Eve Online thread · Free 51 days possible again, see OP

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

Excellent read. 'Belt F1' lol.

And then?
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Re: Eve Online thread · Free 51 days possible again, see OP

Post by blackhuey »

And then...?

BTW you can't tractor someone else's can or wreck. Blue or white only.

And lazors on a Thrasher is never, ever right. Ever. :up:
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Re: Eve Online thread · Free 51 days possible again, see OP

Post by Deef »

And we're both flashy...

There's a mindset you adopt quickly once you begin to fly PvP space. Don't fire until you're sure. Be aware of his drones and the potential key modules. Watch out for his friends. Beware of the sentries. Beware of local. Be aware of the aggression timers and your inability to jump away or dock up. Be aware of the GCC and every single player in the game. Because once that aggressive act leaves your ship you are flung, without remorse, into the dark side of Eve mechanics and things immediately get ugly. The severity does vary but the base rule holds true and without having to think about it, everyone knows; bad things will happen if you press fire. So hold up. Assess the situation. Lay off that fire button and you might live.

I throw everything I have at the Vexor the moment he comes into view.

Noob noob noob kill noob noob noob noob station noob noob. This violent streak of red is cutting my overview in half as soon as empty space becomes visible and suddenly all the rules are gone. It wasn't the drive for revenge but it wasn't a calculated move either; I didn't know he was going to be right there. But the fight had simply already started. It didn't matter that the Slicer and Vexor hadn't traded even a sideways glance; in Concord's eyes we are already engaged in combat and the time for hesitation ended with that critical typo. To be honest I didn't even think on this, I didn't have to pause and check that it was ok. I guess some practice had seeped through and I confidently hit everything the second I saw him. Win or lose, it was the right thing to do. Both lasers and the disruptor activated, blinking in anticipation before my ship's sensors had even completed their lock. Oh s*** I'm in scram range.

It felt like he was taking a few moments to respond, while I was hitting the MWD and busting for range straight away, but ultimately the two events did occur at the same time. More accurately, he beat me to it. I hammered the MWD but it just clinked back at me, lifeless. Look up, webbed. Webbing effects crawling their way around my little space in space. Ok.



This is not the plan. This is not the way it is supposed to happen.

Again it felt like some small amount of practice was getting through and I calmly did the right thing amid the panic. Close range always means issues for speed tankers. It's a bit of a pain in the arse really. If you have a MWD don't even go near it. If you get webbed, web back, hit the AB and fight in slow motion. If you don't have a web, don't even go near it. And if you get stuck inside a range you don't want, with your precious speed cascading away from you, you burn. You fight the drag and hope that amid the slow reactions of the enemy's orbit and the fact that big ships are much slower than frigates by default, you might make it. A pimpin' AB can escape a crappy MWD sometimes. Then again, a webbed anything with no AB and no MWD isn't going to fly for s***. Not so smart after all, I was already dead, trying to fly away.

The Midler gets slapped, so hard, just like the Thrasher did and my shield just falls off. Well, there's still a bit of it le- nope, no, ok that's gone, now I'm in armour. Dock. Docking request denied. I know, now dock. Docking request denied. Dooooock. ARGH. Warp. Nothing. Warp. Nothing. Warp. Nothing. I know this, I know all of this, but... gweh. Fly damn you, just fly.

I glance at the speedo for the first time. Four. I see a four, a four hundred and something. That's... not as bad as it shou- oh hi drones. Sigh. I don't even know what drones feel like. I have to deal with them. Somehow oblivious to the utterly useless, I leave one laser on the cruiser and only release one to take on the drones. I prepare to lock them up then realise with dismay that drones are not on my overview. I had taken them off for the scanning earlier. It just doesn't get any better. If you are ever offered the answer "Whilst being raped" on Eve jeopardy, "When is the right time to open overview settings?" is not going to win you any money.

Armour drops another third. I wish I had more armour. :(

I'm not going to touch the drones, I'm not going to get my range, why am I even still alive. That first hit was a mixture of crumpling in the face of overwhelming brute force, and the speed tanker's common understanding that while a fight is still settling in, you're going to lose a few teeth. I guess I just didn't want to accept that my Slicer was only good for 3 such hits, maybe 4. Shouldn't I be dead by now? I don't get it. I'm still not orbiting, his tracking should be having no issue at all, all I'm doing is slowly burning away. Could I be outside his range? I'm still only at about 12km now so that can't be it because he popped the Thrasher from furth- TWELVE!?!? WARP! WARRRRRRP!!! Warp warp warp warp for the love of god you little tramp WARP!!!


"Warp drive, active."

Oh god. It's starting. It's going to happen.

The Midler puts me into cardiac arrest as she stops dead and spins. The drones arrive in an instant and they just kick my face in while the ship aligns to god knows what and builds up the speed to enter warp. I am having a heart attack.


Not the Slicer, not another Slicer. Not to more stupidity.

Everything goes quiet as she hits 75%. The needle returns to zero then lifts off. Oh what a beautiful sound, punctuated so nicely by the soft boom as warp kicks in proper. I haven't just entered warp, I have entered peace. I love warp. And I'm going to take up smoking.

I arrive at some asteroid belt. Not looking so cosy this time, and with the pressure off I pick a station and dock up. Repair. Oh repair man, I love you. I love everything. Now I'm good as new. You know what your problem is Jesse? You got the range wrong from the start. All you have to do is set the scene instead of appearing right on top of him, then you're good to go. So get out there and hunt him down; he won't be on this undock, it's random and you didn't even fly here first.

It's like I'm stupid or something.


Warning! You are currently flagged for being part of comba-

For the last time, undock.

Phase 5

I hit a safe, I hit the D, and I hit local for some smack.
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Re: Eve Online thread · Free 51 days possible again, see OP

Post by blackhuey »

This is the best story ever told. For reals.
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Re: Eve Online thread · Free 51 days possible again, see OP

Post by Burnzoire »

:lol: awesome deef, that was a great read :D Good to see you're embracing the darker side of eve!
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Re: Eve Online thread · Free 51 days possible again, see OP

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

Bwehe I lost a Wolf in a rat encounter just now. It's ok, I have my original Wolf fitted and ready, albeit 20+ jumps away. I was bouncing around belts looking for em then three appear. They webbed me but were orbiting my stationary arse inside 10kms. No probs for my 4 x ACIIs + rocket launcher II I would've thought. Man where's the damage? They were taking ages to die. I didn't even get through one before my shield alarm sounded. Warp out, no probs.

I went back in to try and kite them a bit but was soon swamped. Ok, take two. Again they orbited inside 10km, again I was webbed. Still very slow to kill a single target but at least this time I managed to do it just as shield ticked over to armour. Ok, warp out and start again. Ok, I must've missed the mouse click. Planet, warp to 0. An external influence is preventing me from warping. Ok, nothing to worry about, you still have full armour. Let's just align the ship to an object, try to fly out of range and warp. Again and again I tried, spamming warp, for as long as it took them to slowwwly whittle down an assault frigate's armour and hull until pop. Death by a thousand cuts.

I grabbed the Jag to head back well out of range and observe my wreck. 100km away I saw the two remaining rats near my wreck and the wreck of the rat I managed to destroy. While contemplating the best way to obtain my gear I saw a rat had closed to 60km away. Hmm, fast rat. Maybe I'd better warp out of here just to be safe. Warp drive active. Wha... how is the rat in this last second now 9km away. An external force is attempting to interrupt my warp drive. An external force *has* interrupted my warp drive. I'm webbed, scrammed and being orbited again. Hilare! I target them both and unleash weapons exactly as I did in the Wolf (which I'd only just renamed to 'Butterfly' btw so that means Butterfly's wreck was in the distance). The Jag's shield absorbed their damage better and sliced through their irritating arses with aplomb. Why a Wolf with the exact same ammo and guns + 1 couldn't do that I don't know. Actually as I type that I think I do know. My Jag is fitted with a web which I'd dispatched. Although the tracking on my ACs should've been sufficient. I just do not know.

As I remarked to Brep at the time I think when Eve decides it's time for a ship to go, it just must go.
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Re: Eve Online thread · Free 51 days possible again, see OP

Post by Deef »

Local is full of people much like myself, looking to kill, looking to be killed, amid the miners and startup mission runners that bait us all. With the formalities of introduction clearly settled, I make public contact.

"Snip King, what happened?"
"Why did you leave?" he replies.


"How did I get away? My microwarp was dead, you had me webbed, I was toast."
"I didn't have a web."

No web. Hmm, I was sure I had recognised those effects but it's hard to remember exactly in which hazy torment one is engulfed. It wasn't the scram, I'm sure, but... well I just don't know what it was.

"Even then, I had no prop. What happened, how did I live?"
"I was stuck on the station."

Oh station, I love you. In my mind's eye I see this fat old cruiser bumbling around the Sisters of Eve undock, failing to follow up that first killer volley while I'm slowly slowboating my way out of scram range. Screaming at Aura.

Instead of smack we only exchange silence. I still don't really get it. Does bumping mess up your tracking? Were the drones really unable to catch me? I wasn't going very fast, he had so much time to take me down. I just don't get it.

He's not coming up on the scanner. He might be on the opposite end of the system or maybe he's still docked. Cruisers need repairs too, because amid all the terror I had actually put a decent dent in his stupid head also. He had appeared to be flying a passive armour tank and his shields had melted at a satisfying speed. Not as quickly as mine of course - me with no tank at all inside scram range apart from "Don't be in scram range" - but indeed I wasn't the only one to go into armour. In fact, of the two of us I had done the most damage. Like a bee stinging a walrus. Ok I'm going to have to scan from somewhere else.

Snip King is more into the direct approach:

"Where are you now?"

I wanted to reply "Nowhere," but that would have given too much away.

"At a safe."

Like I'm going to tell you where I am.

"Gonna fight again?"

Dammit why so many questions. I stay silent. Don't know how to answer. I pick a new point to scan from but it makes no difference really; of course I want the element of surprise on my side but even if I find him I'm going to have to warp in at range, which means he will have the choice to leave anyway, which makes scanning for him pointless. But hey, I'll do it my way because that has been nothing but success tonight. The truth is, I'm scared of this guy. The fact that he's asking for more in local only makes me more afraid. On one hand I believe I can take him, if I have range. On the other hand he hit me frikking hard in 1 shot and I don't want to play into his game. For the second time tonight I reassure myself with failed logic and simply believe that if I can find him my chances of victory will shoot up.

Still no Vexor on scan. If he's out there wanting more he must be somewhere simple, so I decide that I'll resort to roaming the asteroids once again. Where to begin. Is it true that the killer always returns to the scene of the crime?

Planet X. Belt 1.

Turns out, it is.

Phase 6

Warp finishes hit the MWD it flares up his drones come out glad we're both too busy to communicate 'cos if we had voice comms he'd know I'm not keeping my cool. Burn, transversal, get it going. Several thousand metres every second, this is my game now I'm the rocket. Flashy flashy red, yes I see you. Locking range, locked. Spiral inwards. The drones are still far away but it's the rocks I'm worried about; we're in a belt. Yes rocks. Rocks have beaten me twice before. Don't ask. Reducing orbit. For the third time tonight I haven't done something stupid; I didn't warp to zero. I warped to 50 and now we're at 30, 25, overloading the highs... 20. Now I'm a bee with a big-arse fishnet and I hurl the warp disruptor across the 20km. Yeeeeeah, bitch.

Things are looking good but I know I'm going to have to get in tighter. I have a poke from this distance and now he's probably stressed. "Ohhhh, it's that Slicer fit." Yeah that's what he's thinking I reckon. No damage yet, ok, tighten her up. I move in to about 16km and this is it, things are starting to turn. My orbit closes in and the Vexor's shields begin their march into hell.

And my entire shield up and leaves.

For f***'s sake.

God dammit Leeroy. God damn son of a slutty mcslutwhore. Armour, I'm in freaking armour, already?! But I'm at my range! It's ok, lose a few teeth, lose a few teeth, this is the way. Chill out Jesse, orbit is just settling in, he won't hit you again. I have the combat log open but this isn't exactly the time for a read. My shield fell off and I'm still pushing my heart back down my throat from that time when my shield fell off.

Orbit finally stabilises. My lasers are still firing, the drones are too slow and whatever guns he had on, they weren't going to land any more lucky shots.

Indeed, Snip King never hit me again.

The end.

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Last edited by Deef on 21 Aug 2011 10:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Eve Online thread · Free 51 days possible again, see OP

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*slow clap*
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Re: Eve Online thread · Free 51 days possible again, see OP

Post by blackhuey »

I loled out loud at the banana.
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Re: Eve Online thread · Free 51 days possible again, see OP

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

Wolf is replaced (I still have my coveted Wolf 1 docked back in Rens). I also have 5 x tech 2 pvp fit Rifters assembled and ready to fly. Thanks to blackhuey for organising procurement and shipment of components to a local station. Easy as.
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Eve Online thread · Free 51 days possible again, see OP

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

I ran a mission last night called The Blockade. 5 waves, dozens of rats. Over 1m in bounties, 700k reward and I'm glad I took the time to loot wrecks because I picked up a meta 4 tracking disruptor that goes for 5m. A fun session.

I'm close to level 3 security missions now which should be a consistent, fast earner to call upon when required.
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Re: Eve Online thread · Free 51 days possible again, see OP

Post by Deef »

Sorry for the thread hijack there; I didn't mean it to go so long or even go into roleplay and then it just kinda spiraled into well, that.

And sorry because I also have to report that I didn't get the kill. I ended it that way for the sake of the story, instead of writing the anti-climactic moments just after. Had I made the kill, the story would have continued for a few more cool paragraphs about drone fighting and, critically, cap fighting. I was quite disappointed because it would have been a most epic finale if that concluding spoiler tag had contained not a banana, but a Battleclinic-hosted killmail. As if I would have been able to keep it to myself for those days anyway. It would have been my first solo kill, which in my mind is the only kill that really means anything, and a cruiser at that. To win that fight, so unsure and uninformed and inexperienced and meaningful in victory, would have been a bit of noteworthy gaming high.

Everything I wrote was perfectly true except for the things I was unaware weren't true at the time. Case in point, tractor beams. I didn't know they just don't work on a stranger's can or wreck. How dumb is that? What a wasted opportunity in Eve for more shenanigans; tractoring other people's cargo around, p***ing them off. The game could at least flag it the same way as stealing, but nope. As blackhuey said it just doesn't function. Lame as, bro. For shame devs. I guess there's some reason for it but I really don't wanna hear it; I want to tractor! :evil:

The more critical mistakes-of-awareness in the story were things I didn't even know until after starting the third post, because that is when it dawned on me to go and check the combat logs on my hard drive. So I mentioned the log in that part of the story since I did indeed have it open on screen during the fight - I often do - and I should have known then what was really going on. I genuinely did not bother to look at it (because I've seen it as more of a what-am-I-doing tool than what-is-he-doing tool), so it was stupid of me to even bother having it up at all if I was just going to ignore only the most important piece of both fights. Anway, having finally read the log and coming to that moment of realisation, I had to keep writing from the frame of mind that I had been in during the night in Arnon.

The log revealed that the real events were basically that the cruiser wasn't hitting me, ever. Writing the third post I finally knew that it had been the drones all along. My guess is that Snip King had built a frigate trap, with tiny hybrid guns designed for really s***y short range but decent tracking I suppose. I'm talking seriously short range. The cruiser itself had never had a god damn chance of touching me, and everything that happened in the story had been the drones. The files showed that when I undocked on top of him, he managed to get me with one crappy little volley from those blasters and it was nothing. Every heart thumping leap through my shields and armour was the drones, the whole time, both fights. Hob IIs. Here's a sample of the log from the fight on the undock:

[ 2011.08.17 20:15:30 ] (combat) Snip King (Hobgoblin II) hits you for 99 damage
[ 2011.08.17 20:15:30 ] (combat) Snip King (Hobgoblin II) hits you for 107 damage
[ 2011.08.17 20:15:30 ] (combat) Snip King (Hobgoblin II) hits you for 114 damage
[ 2011.08.17 20:15:30 ] (combat) Snip King (Hobgoblin II) hits you for 241 damage (Wrecking!)
[ 2011.08.17 20:15:30 ] (combat) Snip King (Light Neutron Blaster II) misses you
[ 2011.08.17 20:15:30 ] (combat) Snip King (Light Neutron Blaster II) misses you
[ 2011.08.17 20:15:31 ] (combat) Medium Pulse Laser II hits Snip King [GFTF]<31RD>(Vexor) for 127 damage (Wrecking!)
[ 2011.08.17 20:15:31 ] (combat) Snip King (Light Neutron Blaster II) misses you
[ 2011.08.17 20:15:31 ] (combat) Medium Pulse Laser II hits Snip King [GFTF]<31RD>(Vexor) for 27 damage
[ 2011.08.17 20:15:32 ] (combat) Snip King (Light Neutron Blaster II) misses you
[ 2011.08.17 20:15:33 ] (notify) Requested to dock at Arnon IX - Moon 3 - Sisters of EVE Bureau station
[ 2011.08.17 20:15:33 ] (combat) Snip King (Light Neutron Blaster II) misses you
[ 2011.08.17 20:15:33 ] (combat) Medium Pulse Laser II hits Snip King [GFTF]<31RD>(Vexor) for 45 damage
[ 2011.08.17 20:15:33 ] (combat) Snip King (Light Neutron Blaster II) misses you
[ 2011.08.17 20:15:33 ] (combat) Medium Pulse Laser II hits Snip King [GFTF]<31RD>(Vexor) for 36 damage
[ 2011.08.17 20:15:33 ] (combat) Snip King (Hobgoblin II) misses you
[ 2011.08.17 20:15:33 ] (notify) The station denies you permission to dock for the moment due to your recent acts of aggression.

It's cool because it's so true heh. Those 4 seconds said it all really: my lasers were weak but reliably chipping him down, his blasters were doing nothing but miss, but the drones were landing nasty potshots. This was actually the drones at their very worst and it doesn't show that thankfully they missed me 9 times out of 10. You can see that yes I really was trying to dock hehe; I wasn't making even that up. Yeah I 100% knew it was pointless. Hey I was stressed, this was a very dark moment. I should have focused completely on the drones, if only I had been more aware. I had the short range, more powerful, better tracking crystals on board crying out to be used for precisely this job (INMF for all you Amarr lovers out there). Just a noob failure. I imagine, however, that with such low power guns the Vexor probably had an armour tank somewhere up between ridiculous and "is that really necessary?"

The true ending? Yes it was simply the capacitor that decided playtime was over. I saw that it was sinking too fast and I knew switching off the MWD was too dangerous. I was already too uncomfortable to think of tactics for handling this on the fly, so recalling the warp-out heart attack I'd had 20 minutes earlier, I just broke orbit, flew a long way away, then warped. This made me think of you also Pepp; you've had similar gripes.

Fight over. That was the conclusion I thought better to not put in the story. At least I had been awake enough to keep an eye on the cap; I'm at least proud of myself for doing that because I really am accustomed to not thinking of it in normal Slicer duties.

Sorry for not-totally-epic ending and thread flood. Revealing the killmail would have been sweet. Sad panda.

Lessons learnt:
· Check kill boards. I should have been more afraid of this guy with his 20:1 ratio.
· Learn to set up the overview properly already.
· Always get the drones first.
· I need to work on my fit and on economising the guns and MWD with the cap. Unfortunately all my cap skills are rubbish.
· Don't make stupid typos, stupid.
· Think twice about warping amid a pack of drones. Better yet, if I can actually keep my head together while believing I'm already dead meat, don't warp to the most unaligned destination there is when you're already getting hammered.

· Combat log. Get a clue.
- - What would have been cool is if I had been in a voice channel, like an RvB standing fleet, at the time. So I could see his guns appear on my log and actually speak to people to get intel in the middle of the fight. "Guys someone help me quick. He's got um... light neutron blaster twos. Someone please tell me the important things.. range, tracking." Because I don't know hybrids at all but I can't really list that as a mistake imo.

· That I jump between present and past tense too much when telling a story.
· That I still suck at PvP.
· That I am still reeling from losing my third Slicer. I learnt that I am still not prepared to lose another Slicer heh. The time I lost one to getting stuck on rocks was really demoralising.

Mistakes made:
· I shouldn't have warped to the most obvious station in system. He only had to follow me and wait. Thus, before undocking with my hippyfit baitey Thrasher, I shouldn't have left the Slicer docked in the most obvious station in system.
· I should have been aware that he could be waiting on undock, and that this would be absolutely fatal to undock into because of his scram hitting my MWD.
· I should have played it a little more cool when undocked and saw him. Yes attacking him was right, but I should have used the session timer. I can't believe I forgot all about that; it's like the one thing RvB whores out the most. Station games, every day. I didn't deserve to live through that undocking, I know it.
· The original veldspar really was worth a million ISK. It was thinking it would take two cargo loads that was the herp derp mistake. It would have taken 20, woops.
· Thinking it's easy to find noobs to kill. I'm the noob.

Things I don't understand:
· What made me think I was webbed. I saw something, I swear.
· Can I outrun drones or can I not? I need more experience with this. How did they get me so hard in the 2nd fight with my MWD on? How did I live so long in the 1st fight with no propulsion mod running at all?

Ok, ramble over. If there's a next time I'll try to make it leaner and meaner. God really sorry for such a boggy 4th post!

Electronics on its way to V. Darn Pepp, you have like 5 level V skills I'm still catching up on. Weeks. :(

Can we move system yet? I'm getting into the Crusader more, because it's a very cheap and maybe decent Slicer wannabe. Anyway, we need a system with better light for it; it's pink. Reynire green does not work.
Last edited by Deef on 17 Sep 2011 09:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Eve Online thread · Free 51 days possible again, see OP

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Jesse you cock tease.

I can now do L3 security missions. Tempted to do some in an assault frigate but I suspect these were designed with Battlecruisers in mind. Would hate to lose a 40m AF to a scrambling frig + missile boat or turret. Therefore a Hurricane is on the way.

I've spent the last days training Electronics Upgrades V. Handy skill, opens up immediate covert ops options, but it's taken bloody ages. I'm finishing it because I started it basically.
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Re: Eve Online thread · Free 51 days possible again, see OP

Post by Burnzoire »

I <3 Reynire. I'm making lots of isk from untouched exploration sites, and now I'm about to venture into level 5 missions in my passive ishtar. I can currently tank over 1500dps vs Serpentis, and hit for over 500 dps, all without any capacitor whatsoever. Furthermore, in 20d I'll be able to tank for 1807dps vs Serpentis. My carebear roots are strong :D I do need to come on a roam soon though, before I end up with 5.0 sec status again.
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Eve Online thread · Free 51 days possible again, see OP

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I also want a Prowler. There goes September.
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Eve Online thread · Free 51 days possible again, see OP

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In lieu of Cane I have a Rupture I've fitted for L3 missions. It has no AB, 9k HP of hardened, fast recharging shield, Warrior drones and a tractor beam for loot (240m/s top speed). It's slow but it works. So a frigate webs me? Oh no so I'm slowed to 90m/s from 200, whatever will I do. I have ACs fitted to drill orbiting frigates, drones slowly whittle away cruisers, my shield + shield recharge rigs ensure I recover more damage than I receive.

I think I now know what it is to fly Gallente.
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Re: Eve Online thread · Free 51 days possible again, see OP

Post by Burnzoire »

Wow pep, you just described a baby passive Ishtar :)

I took mine into my first L5 last night with bruce bringing some DPS in his cane. I was surprised at how well my tank held. It was barely scratched, and quickly recharged to full once a few ships were destroyed. Only got through 1/3 pockets though. Once bruce got a MWD equipped he was able to really hurt the BS (1M bounty each).
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Re: Eve Online thread · Free 51 days possible again, see OP

Post by Deef »

How would you say the L3s are paying off Pepp? I just can't be buggered doing L2s because they're typically the opposite of lowsec ratting, which I'm quite comfortable with. The big guys I'm fine with; got a 1.1mill battleship last night while not even bothering with the 3 cruisers around him. But 4 lowsec frigates will make me sweat a bit, and L2 missions are much worse for NPC frigs.

I could always switch to long range, but Zzzzz....

If anyone sees a Civilian Afterburner, can you grab it for me? There aren't any in Placid.
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Re: Eve Online thread · Free 51 days possible again, see OP

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Skipped past a particular belt because it was all frigs and I was already in armour, but on my way out noticed it had a Shadow Serpentis. Dusted a couple of cruisers in the following belt, docked, repped and went back for the frigs. The Shadow dropped an Energised Adaptive Nano Membrane (armour buff) going for 10 mill. Not much compared to some of the things you guys have reported but my first nice find. Nice to see "Find in Contracts" appear as the only pricing option on something you just found.

One of the things about Eve that won't hear any complaints from me is the ISK factor. It genuinely works; everything can be talked about in terms of the game's currency yet still be completely valuable because of that currency. In PSO you'd get hyped about a rare find because it was rare, and nothing else. After 168 levels I found a God Shield Byakko, massively rare and completely pointless since a common C-Mode shield was precisely as effective. Stupidly rare but no chance anyone would trade for it or want it. Anyone would have paid their entire bank for it in meseta however, because meseta meant absolutely nothing.

In Eve, when you find something rare all your mind fills with is dollar signs and glee, because it actually works. Far from being worthless, ISK is the bona-fide backbone of it all.

I like how people post the most potent ship fits on Battleclinic and viewers respond with a thumbs down, simply because it costs too much in ISK. I like how choosing and losing ships will truly make me concerned for how much pretend money I'm spending. There's so much ISK flying around out there but the game easily carries it.

I really should start scamming. I've watched one work so easily... but oh the morality of it.


On on unrelated note, I am getting totally accustomed to flying in towards cruisers and watching the complete shield roll all the way over in one hit, with armour moving part way across at the same time. My shield has about 250hp and I take hits of 300, and I'm actually liking the effect of the two indicators revolving at once. Then I get in and start shooting. Even though the Crusader is so weak to begin with, carrying on in hull doesn't stress me out anywhere near as much as it used to, unless my attackers are frigates.

There's a lot to play with in speed tanking; liking that. Not liking when 1 cruiser decides to fly 20km away and fight from outside the pack.
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Re: Eve Online thread · Free 51 days possible again, see OP

Post by Deef »

Just had two hurricanes chasing me in a heavily laden Bestower through 5 jumps to Intaki. Warp core stabs ftmfw, because they had a scram on me. But I made it, and now I'm all $_$.
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Re: Eve Online thread · Free 51 days possible again, see OP

Post by blackhuey »

... and they were all GAAAAHHHHH STAAAAAABS

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Eve Online thread · Free 51 days possible again, see OP

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Punchanella's five millionth skill point celebrations this weekend. Might put two or three potent Rifters on the line and go roaming.
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Re: Eve Online thread · Free 51 days possible again, see OP

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Well, I'm lucky the patch happened when it did because it led me to put a 4-dayer in the queue, just before my laptop's power supply died. Had to buy a new one.

Looks like I'm about 1.5 million SP behind you Pepp. Eternally. I was that close to PMing you my login actually so you could top up my queue, but all good now.

In other news I can fly Amarr Assault Ships now, which aren't worth a god damn thing if you ask me; rockets and 1 mid slot, fail.
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Re: Eve Online thread · Free 51 days possible again, see OP

Post by Burnzoire »

eeep I forgot to train lastnight. Not much eve activity for me lately as Deus Ex and some other projects are keeping me busy, but i'll be back :)
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