World of Warcraft fucking sucks

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Post by Cletus »

I confess to spending approximately 513 hours game time,roughly 21 days on WoW.

Thus ends any speculation as to my silence.

You don't understand man...LIVE was dead quiet.Tomby went on a holiday he still hasn't gotten back from.Chaos found a woman,Pet was banned from video games,Juz had sold his Xbox too early in preparation for the 360.Pilon,Cardsy and Elf were committed to WoW,Jizz was a Whippet and Candy was quiet on the game front.Lestat didn't even have a LIVE account.

I was fucking lonely man.You don't understand.I didn't fit in with the way things are on an MMO but still, I was so popular with the guild that Scrote still harbours feelings of resentment toward me because he'll never quite be loved like FilthyCletus was.Ilce and Beerbelly gave me pretty shiney magical gifts and promised me power and bigger and better toys.

I only picked fights or attacked players of much lower levels than my own,only picking on the weak vulnerable individuals.

For 513 hours I was intent on getting stuff that had a purple name because purple named stuff was the best apparently.

I never got any purple stuff.
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Post by GreyWizzard »

I played the game for awhile, I can see why people enjoy it, but it isn't really for me. I only got just over level 20 and found it way too repetative, collect 6 batwings, find me the head of Bigus Dickus, rinse repeat. I think the other thing that annoyed me were the comments "learn to play your class" bah... why do I have to play the game in a specific way? Isn't that the point of this game, to enjoy it at my own pace? Apparently not... if you don't play the game a specific way and wear specific stuff, and level a specific way, you can't play the game... Forget that shit, I'm outta here (WoW, not this forum).
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Post by Scullibundo »

Exactly, I tried to play it my own way (I was a Night Elf who arrived at Ironforge at level 4 or something after a long journey) and it wouldn't let you. So I leveled to level 20 or so and just found it boring as fuck. World of Walking indeed.
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Post by Ekin »

I think your problem is with MMORPG's and not WoW itself.
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Post by Sonic Jam »

I agree with Ekin, WoW is the best MMO by far so if you're going to enjoy the genre at all it's gonna be WoW, and if not then it just isn't for you.

I enjoyed it for a while but the lack of individule challenge put me off eventually, the contributions of one man in the end game is just too little imo.
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Post by Pointy Cat »

Indeed. Either you love MMORPG's or you hate them. It's a genre that really appeals to some people (like me) but for others it's a painful genre to play.

I still play WoW and love it. Though the criticisms people make of it are all valid. Awesome game if you like MMORPG's, but still quite flawed.
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Post by Sonic Jam »

Fuck you and your awesome avatar, I want a cool avatar :(

One day when pings and technology allow they are gonna make an MMO with real time combat and I am gonna die at my computer.
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Post by Pointy Cat »

Klonoa owns all!
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Post by Cletus »

Sonic Jam wrote: One day when pings and technology allow they are gonna make an MMO with real time combat and I am gonna die at my computer.

Us real gamers have to be very wary of that shit.

Imagine if a decent MMO was released on LIVE.I dare say all and sundry who bag out WoW will be the first to lose their lives to the game.

Pat,Juzz,Pilon,Candy and Cardsy I'm definitely looking at you.
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Post by Sonic Jam »

Imagine a CoD game like the single player campaign, but every person is a player.

We would all die at our XBoxes.
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Post by Cardsy »

Yep I'd be fucked ... mind you I pulled out of WoW just before I impregnated my mind with that head clap disease most people caught ... I actually started WoW with Ilce and DJ Fusion.

I stopped the day after I watched the sun go up and down in WoW World and outside in the real world!!!
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Post by Peppermint Lounge »

I adored WoW for a long time but it got to a point where I was being driven to play the game rather than choosing to. Trying to keep up with obsessed mates from levels 50-60 then at 60 subjecting myself to Molten Core raids that at times ran for 8 hours straight. It was still compelling in a way but that level of committment doesn't fit my lifestyle and is IMO unhealthy. Especially so as you realise it will never end. Conquer a dungeon? Fantastic, now we can spend the rest of our lives farming it over and over. The game's greatest strength is also one of its greatest failings. Committing yourself to multiple other human players all with visions of purple grandeur can be a fun social interaction but it ensures you can't just quit when you want to quit. Well you can but you'll be letting the group down and doing your reputation no favours. The reality is you're stuck there and if you have a partner in the house he/she will think you utterly insane as you ignore all in favour of WoW.
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Post by mech »

Peppermint Lounge wrote:I adored WoW for a long time but it got to a point where I was being driven to play the game rather than choosing to. Trying to keep up with obsessed mates from levels 50-60 then at 60 subjecting myself to Molten Core raids that at times ran for 8 hours straight. It was still compelling in a way but that level of committment doesn't fit my lifestyle and is IMO unhealthy. Especially so as you realise it will never end. Conquer a dungeon? Fantastic, now we can spend the rest of our lives farming it over and over. The game's greatest strength is also one of its greatest failings. Committing yourself to multiple other human players all with visions of purple grandeur can be a fun social interaction but it ensures you can't just quit when you want to quit. Well you can but you'll be letting the group down and doing your reputation no favours. The reality is you're stuck there and if you have a partner in the house he/she will think you utterly insane as you ignore all in favour of WoW.
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Post by Candy Arse »

Someone post that on PlayWoW
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Post by Seraph »

The only real issue I have with WoW is that the game, and the structure/culture of its players, makes the game more rewarding to players that have been playing the game for a long time, and not necessarily rewarding for the best players. To give an example from PN's own history: A 40-man instance culminated in the death of boss character Ragnaros, and upon his death he dropped 4 items. The (IMHO flawed) game mechanics mean that these four items would normally be awarded to four random players, based on the dice roll, but as in most guilds, there was a structure that ensured that those who had been in the guild a long time had dibs on the items. This means that you need to stick around for a long time to get any gear - gear that often takes many "runs" to even have a shot at due to the random drop system the game uses. It means that you don't have to be a great player as long as you are online a lot, and it also means that new guildmembers have no incentive to improve their skills at the game - rather, they play on in the hopes that some higher ranking guildmember will quit so that they can move up the pecking order. Some players will even try to stir the pot of a guild to try and get players kicked out so they can get a step closer to shiny purple goodness.
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Post by General Chaos »

-FACT! <- directed at Peps post/Mechs response....

It's true though. My GF would think me crazy for ignoring her for more than an hour or so per night to play on XBL and I can mute myself and move around the house freely with the wireless controller if i choose.

Then there is the whole not getting out and going to Soccer training, cooking a decent meal etc etc health aspect that Pep alludes to.

Fuck PGR2 nearly killed me.
Last edited by General Chaos on 07 Jul 2006 10:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Seraph »

Addendum: I should note that I am not suggesting this is WoW-exclusive behaviour. Most MMOs have this sort of structure to them - WoW just happens to be the most popular one at the moment.
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Post by lestat »

The reality is you're stuck there and if you have a partner in the house he/she will think you utterly insane as you ignore all in favour of WoW.
Hehe you know the funny thing is my misses of course knows what's happened here and the first thing she asked is. "So does that mean you'll never play WOW ever again", I replied yes and she couldn't wipe the smile off her face.

I totally agree with you pep and the thing is for me anyways, the post 60 game really is designed to keep you playing the same content for a stupid amounts of time. You get caugth up in obligation and then loose a sense of fun that got you there in a first place. This is why i love playing on live with the cowboys, i get awesome conversation with the boys here, he have fun just playing at our own pace/ability and if one of us has to crash or do something else, it's not a problem. I already have a full time job, i don't need another one and mmo's imo become virtual jobs/obligations.
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Post by GreyWizzard »

When I played I was playing with friends from work and had formed our own guild and stuff. I posted in the WoW section and the first thing ilce said was that I should change to the server playnow is on and join them. He was pretty insistent and kept saying I wouldn't have as a good a time. Uh... okay dude... I think playing with my friends who I work with will be more enjoyable then people I don't know IRL. I thought his insistence to get me to join their server back then was a little odd. Dude you are coming on too strong.
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Post by Ekin »

Seraph wrote:The only real issue I have with WoW is that the game, and the structure/culture of its players, makes the game more rewarding to players that have been playing the game for a long time, and not necessarily rewarding for the best players. To give an example from PN's own history: A 40-man instance culminated in the death of boss character Ragnaros, and upon his death he dropped 4 items. The (IMHO flawed) game mechanics mean that these four items would normally be awarded to four random players, based on the dice roll, but as in most guilds, there was a structure that ensured that those who had been in the guild a long time had dibs on the items. This means that you need to stick around for a long time to get any gear - gear that often takes many "runs" to even have a shot at due to the random drop system the game uses. It means that you don't have to be a great player as long as you are online a lot, and it also means that new guildmembers have no incentive to improve their skills at the game - rather, they play on in the hopes that some higher ranking guildmember will quit so that they can move up the pecking order. Some players will even try to stir the pot of a guild to try and get players kicked out so they can get a step closer to shiny purple goodness.
I will dispell some myths about the game for you.

The fact is if you attend raids you WILL be noticed by the guild leader or officers and it comes down to them who is deserving of loot. So it is fair that the person who attends raids the most will be most deserving. The DKP system sorts this out where the more raids you go to the more points you earn and can spend on loot. Ultimately its the best players that can take down bosses and will get loot.

Also due to the great mixture of classes (warrior, priest etc) and even their talent sets within those classes means not everyone will be waiting for the same item. There are also many items to collect individually per instance so its really not that bad.

I guarantee you that after 3 runs (those 40 man raids are done weekly) you will have something or will be eligible for a nice epic item or more. Its highly likely you could get something on the first run if you join an established guild.

But in the end WoW is a business, it is designed to make you play for as long as possible. Thats the nature of the game.

Post by Pat »

The rare loot issue simply negates the benefits of a co-operative game by allowing the feelings of greed and jealousy to fester beneath the surface. It takes the best aspect of human nature and plays it off against the root of all evil. There is no good that can come of this in the long run.

Case in point: someone will crack the shits in WoW and steal all the bank contents. Or leave the guild because of not getting some 'rare' purple tampon. Contrast that with CoD2 online, and the teamwork there. The WORST thing that can happen is some untoward tea-bagging after a search and destroy round.
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Post by Ekin »

Pat wrote: Case in point: someone will crack the shits in WoW and steal all the bank contents. Or leave the guild because of not getting some 'rare' purple tampon.
That happens all the time :lol: Search for wow ninja loot.

But if everyone got everything in one instance run the game would be over in a week. :lol:

Part of the fun is learning the boss strategies (which admittedly doesnt take long) and testing them along with your new equipment on the bosses.
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Post by Sonic Jam »

Pat I think you will find that if we took CoD2 more seriously, the same type of crazy feelings you see in WoW could manifest themselves.

It all depends on how serious you take the game, I've seen psychotic CS players too and that game is essentially an older version of CoD2 search and destroy.
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Post by Talez »

Everyone should play Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst :up:

The Xbox 360 controller makes it sex!
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Post by Seraph »

I understand how MMOs work, Ekin, it's ok :) I might've got a little sidetracked when I wrote that though, because it seems I forgot to mention the most irritating thing. As for the raids thing - again, generally the rewards go to the guys who have been playing for a while, not necessarily the players who have been playing the best games. It's a subjective, flawed system, implemented to try and minimise the damage done by WoW's luck-based, and therefore also flawed, system.

40 guys spent 6 hours doing a raid so they could take down the main boss. 4 of them got a reward, not necessarily based on who did the most in the raid.

On one level I dislike that because a guy that is less skilled than another player might get an item over him.
But the main reason I dislike it is because 40 guys worked together, and only 4 got a reward.
Last edited by Seraph on 07 Jul 2006 02:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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