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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online. Now with pew pew.

Post by Deef »

If you do get it, make sure to contact me or Pepp first. If you use someone's invite to start up, that person gets a free PLEX (= a free month or lots of in game currency) and you get a slightly longer trial period to add to your account. Remember, your first month's activation/subscription should be 51 days, not 30.

Anyone considering starting an Eve subscription, talk to another Rancher for an invite. :)

I believe that until you disable it, the game will warn you before you do anything stupid that will allow others to attack you. Yes, stealing someone's loot allows them to attack you. What's more significant is that this is the one way someone can fire upon your ship in highsec without Conchord swooping in and ending the party. This is the key to what makes friendly highsec fighting possible.

The most common method of highsec pewpew however is in corps. You're probably still in an NPC corp, Pepp. Most corps (guilds) are player-run and once you're in a real corp you are allowed to attack any ship that's in the same corp and, more sensibly, any ship that's in any corp that has a war declaration against your corp. This is how RvB is so focussed on PvP; unlike most player-run corps, RvB is really 2 corps that have a permanent war declaration on each other, so we are safe to fly around and endlessly shoot at each other without Conchord getting its willies up. We also have semi-frequent in-corp battles, blues fighting blues, when the reds are being boring.

It's one great way of being a bastard. Join a corp, get a big ship, then go kill some of the noob members lol. Then run. The corp itself will get its feathers mighty ruffled lol, but at least Conchord will stay out of it.
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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online. Now with pew pew.

Post by Deef »

Speaking of...

Pepp, you still got that spare PLEX (or enough ISK to buy one back)? I might ask a favour of you...
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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online. Now with pew pew.

Post by Burnzoire »

I'll renew my subscription soon, before all the big games come out and after incarna is running well. My character is called Brep - add him and I'll see you in a month or so...
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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online. Now with pew pew.

Post by Deef »

Jesus Burnz, people are dreading the Incarna update. The last patch has already been patched 3 times just to get it back back to 99% normal and things are still going wrong. To give you an idea, all Tech 3 ships flew backwards. Yes, this is no lie, after the patch all tech 3 ships up and flew ass-backwards. What the f*** that has to do with upgrading the UI workings I have no idea. Warp tunnels disappeared (and are still temperamental), the overview started forgetting to remove things even after you've warped away, lock-on became a very common accident, the entire UI kept disappearing on and off, auto-pilot jumping crashing the client when minimised, and something about Planetary Interaction that I don't know, broke. Even the capacitor somehow shifted its graphic off-centre in the HUD and that was very hard to un-see.

And this was just a tiny update, not a real expansion at all.

Incarna = Eve down for a week.
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My annual thread about Eve Online. Now with pew pew.

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

Can't wait for it though. Punchanella needs to stretch her legs.

Yes I have a PLEX.

Pilon get on board. :)
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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online. Now with pew pew.

Post by Deef »

So here's the deal.

I give myself buddy invite, I make 21-day trial.
You give me PLEX, I use PLEX to activate trial.
I get free PLEX from CCP for buddy program.
I give you back PLEX.
I get 51 days free for the lowly cost of abandoning my original account. It means in 18 days Dan Estrellas Amigo wouldn't even be available anymore.

By the way, I learnt that you can buy GTC (game time codes) out-of-game instead of PLEX, and then exchange 1 GTC for 2 PLEX. I don't know if it helps you or not, but for EU players forced to buy PLEX in euros, it ends up being about 26€ for 2 PLEX instead of the normal 20€ for 1. This method is a smidge cheaper than even US prices per PLEX. If you're not sure what I'm on about, it's basically that with Eve, the subscription/PLEX costs are the same amount in $ or €. They pay $20, we pay 20€. -_-

What did you pay for yours anyway?

Another convoluted way of paying less to play is using the neverending use-a-PLEX, get-a-PLEX aspect of the buddy program to constantly make a new 51-day account, every 51 days. To keep your character growing, you simply do a character transfer. This costs 20€ each time, so effectively you pay 20€ every 51 days instead of 15€ every 30 days. Maybe that could even be changed to $20USD with a proxy, equating finally to under 8.50€ a month.

The downside is you would have to keep making a new account which means never-ending rookie chat channel, and no persistant presence on the Eve boards. It's not really worth the bother to save 5€ a month.

I think I'll have a proper look at making a US account though, even if it's just for being able to buy a single PLEX cheaper if I don't feel like getting a GTC.

EDIT - Ok so eveonline.com can see my real IP address despite going through a proxy? The Eve website reports your IP at the bottom, which still says a Spanish IP despite having logged out, changed browser, cleared cookies, connected through proxy, checking proxy IP and location, then returning to Eve website.
Too smart for me heh. No matter.

Image 098.png
Took on 3 cruisers and a battleship at once. This is the big guy once the other 3 were dead. The little blue lasers are mine. :D
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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online. Now with pew pew.

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

Made very good progress over the weekend and it started with the loss of my 5 million ISK cruiser. Yes Deef the mongrel Stabber is no more. I lost it during a scouting mission where upon shooting at some distant targets I spawned Armageddon. I just managed to warp out of there and it was then I read the mission was to scout only and not engage enemies. No problemo I thought. Just a quick warp back so I can complete the mission and... oh. They were all still waiting for me and I appear to have warped right in the middle of them. It took seconds, as in it was over half way during aligning for warp, let alone my warp drive actually firing up. This was an RSPCA approved death, that's how instantaneous it was. But this is Eve and ship destruction does not equate to death so after a quick pod ride home I took stock.

Decided to hone my existing skills with a view to obtaining all the damage and defence bonuses that come with them. I'm back in my destroyer with a new fit, one that is actually competent. I was recruited by a corporation and the very pleasant and experienced recruiting officer assisted with fine tuning my Thrasher loadout. It was during this time I learned you can group weapons. Up until then I'd been managing separate turret icons. Not that I could group the Stabber guns because they were a mish mash of varying calibre and range. My Thrasher has 7 250mm cannons that go boom at once and hit much harder than anything I've fired before. Not quite 400.9 but close and as mentioned I'm training up all those gunnery skills to at least 4. Actually if you add the missile a full, well aimed salvo is 400+. Minmatar ships can shield or armour tank however it's necessary to choose one for an optimal result. I've gone shields and my loadout makes for much stronger shields and better shield recharging. Actually here's the fit...

High 1 to 7 - 250mm light artillery cannon 1 grouped
High 8 - standard missile launcher 1 w bloodclaw light missiles

Med 1 - small shield booster 1
Med 2 - 1mn AB 1
Med 3 - heat dissipation amplifier 1

Low 1 - gyrostabiliser 1
Low 2 - shield flux coil 1

Rig 1 - small capacitor control circut

Yes my first rig. I ran some level 3 missions with my corp mate and was amazed at the difference in both damage dealing and the damage I could take. Other than knowing it's a Gallente ship I don't know what my corp colleague is flying. It's big and can take on many frigs and cruisers at once. It really does serve Eve well that battles look and sound as good as they do too. I hadn't really been close to all hell breaking loose yet so that was an enjoyable experience too.
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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online. Now with pew pew.

Post by pilonv1 »

Peppermint Lounge wrote:Pilon get on board. :)
Hoping there's a sale during the Steam summer sale
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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online. Now with pew pew.

Post by Cletus »

I'm tempted to try it out.

I'd love to do the dirty work.
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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online. Now with pew pew.

Post by Deef »

Remember that tomorrow is Incarna so put some big-ass skill in the queue, ie, your Frigs V. So when it goes down for the inevitable patching of the patch's patch you won't lose skill time.

Huge boring wall of text approaching. :oops:

Took on the level 2 Blockade mission in my Slicer the other night. God damn.
[Click to see hidden content]
The first 44 enemies, no problem, even with the stasis tower putting a web on me for a really freaking annoying 250km. You should have seen the battlefield after about 30 minutes... wrecks spread across hundreds of kilometres and if you zoomed waaaaay out you could see the trail and practically plot a history of the fight heh. But basically I just used the long range ammo, could still outrun them with the MWD, and no dramas.

But the last 4 enemies, god damn what a whore of a mission. To start with, let's acknowledge that the hardest NPC for a frig to survive against is pretty much another frig. I suppose being level 2 wasn't helping. Frick I just could not find a safe place with them. After numerous warpouts I decided I'm going to have to look at some more serious range options even though I'd just killed a truckload playing an easy range game. Had to jump 3 stars away just to get some longer guns. Come back, still really hard, still no dice. More warp outs. During all this the other players in local are starting to catch wind of some idiot Slicer pilot buzzing around somewhere and getting beat up lots. All in lowsec of course. A few times I did warp out with a burning hull and when you're approaching a station to dock, amid flashy reds and other orange players, you don't really want them to see your ship burning in lowsec. Sure enough, people are scanning me down and start crashing my mission while I'm now struggling to kill even 1 enemy. The fortunate thing was that the massive runaround it has been means these guys trying to kill me are warping on grid a good 100km away from me. And my practise in lowsec of late means that I am really good at not falling asleep at the wheel. Getting the hell out when people are showing up just to kill you, yeah, that's like normal now. I still freak out, I still don't check ships or distances until the warp is engaged (heh it's like you're looking back, "Captain, what are we running from exactly?" "Damned if I know!"), I just bail first, think later.

On that note, when you do get into lowsec stuff, familiarise yourself with the various ways to initiate warp. If you're in panic mode, hotkeys and overview are your friend. You can even have your autopilot ready to fire if you don't mind being whisked away to a stargate. They should let bookmarks be one of the overview options. The thing to really learn is to panic even if it's not a flashy in lowsec, and that can catch you out because you might miss it on your overview when "neutral" player warps in. That takes recognition and thought, as opposed to the sudden flashy red that fires up the primitive urge within to... start pressing buttons. Lots of buttons. Really quickly. More buttons.

On one occasion a fleet of three mofos, all flashies, showed up just to kill me. I suppose I should feel a little proud. And seriously, I sat in my safespot many billions of kilometres away and just wished please, please kill the NPCs, dammit. I kept refreshing the mission journal, hoping they'd get bored and figure the NPC rats to be easy pickings and just knock them off for me. But no luck. What mofos. Since I could see they weren't killing my targets, they probably knew I had to and thus were expecting my return. I had no choice; I had to out-wait them. FUN. -_- But really this only took about 10 minutes.

And one particularly lucky sod did get within 8km of me. Christ. I still hold my breath when it's on of those on-the-edge warps. I imagine he was already locking on but just didn't get enough time for it to complete. Thank truck. He even wrote a little smack in local. No reply from me; I just did not want anyone antagonised. I had 4 NPCs left to finish this bloody mission; the last thing I wanted was the human element escalating.

I also liked that these other players were warping in to kill me and discovering a 400km wide mess of a battlefield, and one lonely frigate.

What with NPCs refusing to be killed and a growing interest from the local players in getting me killed, it was all getting a bit too close for comfort and I couldn't keep making regular appearances around the system's main station in a fairly expensive frig that was repeatedly on its last legs. I considered phoning a friend but what can you do? In highsec you ask for help and someone helps. In lowsec you ask for help and someone helps. Then kills you. And my corp was too far away to ask. Besides, teh honour.

Ok. Dock up one last time. Armour repper. I had even destroyed a rig (ironically the armour rep boosting rig) to improve my range. Take out the big fat shield to, again in the name of range. It's nice that the lasers do have unlimited ammo; I possibly spent less on the mission than the mission reward. Possibly. Right, heal up again and warp back to the site for the nth time at my usual 100km out for the obligatory check-for-mofos. I've learnt that lesson before. In lowsec, if it's not a gate or station, never warp to zero.

This time I played it smarter. Bookmark. Fly 250km away. Bookmark. Fly 200km up. Bookmark. Partly so if more PvPers come raining on my parade I can warp out of their grip but stay on grid to annoy them (so much for not antagonising), but largely so I can escape the NPCs when I need to and let the armour rep do its thing without having to dock up again. And with a lot of time and practice this eventually worked. I could stay at 29km range (my max being 30km) on the enemy frigs and slowly peashoot them to death. 400.9? Ha, more like .... 7. Even this took multiple warp outs because while all 4 of them were alive they were still out-dps-ing me. It was a real c*** of a mission. Finally the 3 little guys were dead and only a cruiser remained at which point I could switch back to short range ammo and the much more comfortable speed tanking approach, and took him down.

The first 40-something ships took me about half an hour. The last 4 ships took me more than an hour and a half with all the almost-dead warp outs, fleeing PvP hunters, the return to Arnon for new fittings, the waiting games, bookmarking, repping in the field and finally just the time it took to kill them at 29km. By the time I finished, my original wrecks, unlooted, were already disappearing. It sucked.

But the Slicer lived, and I got lots of LP. Soon I'll have enough to buy a +4 implant which I'll give to my new character hehe.

· Sorry you lost your cruiser though! Lol.

· Yes the Thrasher with 1 big group of arties can do devastating alpha damage. The term "paper tiger" is thrown around a lot for destroyers. That's just another one I'd like to test against the Slicer heh.

Speaking of the Thrasher, remember the Wolf... 5 weapons on just a frigate. Reading up on frig setups it seems that the Wolf and the Dramiel are the scariest opponents. In fact Pepp, if you want a showboat with some hefty punch, check out the Dramiel. It is probably the most highly regarded frigate and unlike the Wolf you can probably fly it already. If not, you'll just need to get Gallente frigs to level 3 and you could do that in a day. Check it out. Its high slots seem weird at first but then you realise it gets a 100% boost to projectile turret damage straight out of the box. It beats the Slicer and I can not afford it lol, so you should have a look imo. Just don't flipping get it blown up lol. The Dram and Slicer would have some great friendly fights I think, not like that unexpected comedy the other night hehehe.

· By the way, it seems that Tech 2 guns are more about the ammo than the guns. The energy turrets I use for example, the T2 version is exactly the same as the most fancy T1 version, but it can use T2 ammo. That is literally it.

· You know, I believe we don't even need the summer sale to save people the subscription cost. We can just do the PLEX thing, I think?
Last edited by Deef on 21 Jun 2011 04:26 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online. Now with pew pew.

Post by Deef »

God dammit I lost my Slicer.

This time I didn't wait long enough. CRY.
And I warped to zero. STUPID.

What sucks is that it was another really tough mission and I had only just reached the endgame.

It was much more interesting than the wall of text I wrote before. Some NPCs were easy at range, others plain warped away when I turned my sights onto them, but dictating most of the battle was the one ship with heavy missiles and his irritatingly inseparable mate using target jamming. The entire mission meant switching tactics about 4 times, and spending most of it losing lock and being unable to target anything. ECCM came into play. Corp and Eve-Uni weren't being very responsive to my questions about ECM and ECCM, but I did end up sussing out what I needed to fit in order to get some target locking working again. I fitted the most basic ECCM - Radar I and continued. Still not enough. I couldn't even tell, was it helping? Wtf does ECCM do anyway? Is there even any point to having this module fitted?

The missiles were big problems. Can't possibly dodge. With the right speed I could barely out-damage him at range, but not when my lock was still slipping away more than I could deal with and he wouldn't leave the side of his target-jamming mate. I felt like I couldn't win for a while there. In the end, simply barrelling in and fighting in the mud worked, using the strongest, shortest-range ammo there is while the jammer-ship's light rockets actually did more damage than his mate's heavy missiles. Messy brawling.

But finally I got these two guys down, damn, respawns, but soon I was simply mopping up. All that remained was half the armour of the very last enemy ship when an orange PvPer warps in on my parade. One half of the last bloody NPC argh god damn and now the shenanigans have to begin.

Initiate panic-mode ritual, warp out, ask questions later. Look behind me and take note of his ship. Yeah, nah.

As before, I knew there was a waiting game to play here. Just wait longer than normal and let him get bored. There was no way to warp in at a safe distance on this one because it was a mission that used an acceleration gate; activating it would warp me into the battleground at zero. So just be patient. I jumped around the system a bit, just to prevent him from scanning me down anymore. I realised that I could at least warp to the gate itself, that's exclusive to me and my mission. Right?

As I entered warp I thought "Hmm, no warp-to-zero option on the acceleration gate either. Oh well, should be fine."

And there he is, sitting right on the gate at zero, waiting. Practically waving a cheery hello as I'm still coming out of warp. It was a big "Ahhhhhh..... f**k" moment, watching my ship decelerate to realistic speeds again while still refusing manual control. He's already applying his lock. Warp finally finishes. Spam the hotkey. Spam warp. Spam get-the-hell-out. Warp warp warp awarpwarrpawrwrwarp. Scrammed.


Oh well what-bloody-ever. I turn my ship around and begin the motions. "And it was such an expensive Slicer too" I think with dismay as I lock him. I wasn't even anywhere near good range but like I was ready for it anyway; I don't even have a scrambler on. His drones came out but I don't think they even had time to reach me.

Without even thinking to warp my pod out of there, because I am that much of a noob, I move to corp chat to have a whine. Corp chat reads: "sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss". Spamming the hotkey had very clearly not been working. Woops. The first of many lessons I learnt in the next 20 minutes.

I was only lucky that he didn't kill my pod. Lucky in that he was a nice guy. I don't have any implants in but the distance would have been very disheartening. Since it seemed we were on speaking terms, I spoke up in local and asked him to finish my mission, which he did for me. Yes it was indeed the very last NPC to kill, dammit. I did have to return however, because after all this it was actually a mining mission and my agent was due some scordite.

We got talking...

[21:16:32] TURBOman > ive tried for about 3 days to get you now lol
[21:16:38] Dan Estrellas Amigo > lol serious?
[21:16:39] Dan Estrellas Amigo > DAMN
[21:16:45] Dan Estrellas Amigo > That makes my defeat worse
[21:16:51] TURBOman > yeh seen you zipping about in Aeschee
[21:16:54] Dan Estrellas Amigo > I've enjoyed my cruisey lifestyle
[21:16:56] Dan Estrellas Amigo > Yeah heh

Aschee is where my agent is.

What was more hilarious was the ECCM that came up later in the chat. All that time he had been hunting me, I had accidentally done the one thing to make it more difficult for him; I'd equipped ECCM without knowing what on earth I was doing. I had really pulled a Homer because the truth is that ECCM doesn't work on NPCs at all. It was completely useless, yet all the while someone was hunting me and having a hard time doing it because I had warped back into the fight with ECCM fitted. He must have thought I had an idea. I didn't lol. This kill was a 3-day job for him and I'm getting around like Spongebob Squarepants, clueless. The things going on behind the scenes were hilarious, and he was probably one of the mofos that starred in my previous wall of text.

A quick rundown of things I learnt about being hunted in lowsec:


Rule 1. Never warp to zero.
Rule 2. If the only option is warp to zero, see Rule 1.


· Acceleration gates and the deadspaces they access are like instances. Except in these instances you aren't safe. Players with skill and patience can find you and drop in on you.
· Inside a deadspace area, you can not warp at all to any other point that is also inside it.
· So if you're inside the gate, you can't warp to any bookmarks you made in there.
· Outside the deadspace and back in real space, you can only warp to zero on a deadspace gate. If you are being hunted, see Rule 1.
· If you're in real space, warping to any bookmark you made inside the instance will only warp you to the gate. At zero. Rule 1.
- This is why another player was able to find my "exclusive to me" acceleration gate. He didn't find the gate, he found my instance, warped to me insde it, and bookmarked it. After he warped out, he warped to his bookmark again and that automatically took him to my acceleration gate.


· Finding players in the middle of nowhere (ie, not near a celestial body) means you need more than the directional scanner, you need probes.
· You need 4 probes to get 100% to be able to warp to someone you've found.
· The smaller your ship is, the closer the probes have to be to get 100%. On scanning for frigates, that distance is about 2AU.
· On scanning for frigates equipped with ECCM, that distance is about 1AU. XD
· This means that if you're in the middle of nowhere, and you discover probes within 1AU of you, someone is hunting you and that someone is getting close.
· Checking for probes is very easy and only requires the directional scanner. Set to about 300,000,000km will give you a 2AU warning for probes. Just keep hitting it in your mission and you should be fine.

I really died for 3 reasons.
1. He had more patience than me.
2. I didn't think he could possibly be at my acceleration gate anyway.
3. I warped to zero anway.

The misfired hotkey spamming apparently would have made no difference, he would have had me scrambled regardless.

I was a good sport about it but he must have sensed my noob's disappointment; it was going to be a squeeze replacing the Slicer. Not only did he leave my pod alive, after some minutes he transferred 50 mill to me. $_$. Bringing the total of free handouts received to 90 million ISK.

And the ship he flew? A Dramiel.

What's funny is that now I can afford one.

But I think I'll make the new character first.
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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online. Now with pew pew.

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

Nice posts, Deef... shame about your hot Imperial Navy Slicer. At least the dude was a sport and really what game delivers these kinds of cat and mouse thrills? Damn cool to think he was out there scanning like a mofo for you. For three days.

Argh I've only got 23 hours of training queued thanks to our backwater time zone. Did not quite make it home fast enough. The sooner we get the opportunity to queue training via our phones the better. Should be cool. Even during the new client download, so long as the API server is up I can queue training c/- Evemon.

The Dramiel does indeed look hot. It comes with a small projectile turret bonus per Minmatar frig level too. 3 highs + a launcher, 3 lows and 4 mids. Nice. Might get me one of those. The Freki also looks formidable. All after my Wolf of course. :) I have a Rifter fitted with T2 guns and they look pretty special. All big and lit up. Flew it last night and man it's fast. Just got back into the groove of afterburning in close, orbiting at 2500m and observing how much doesn't hit you. Actually did I say back in the groove? Given the last time I did it was in my first week let's not pretend I'm calling on any substantial experience.

Roll on captain's quarters.
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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online. Now with pew pew.

Post by Deef »

I do find it totally hilarious that I had no idea what I was doing and had inadvertently made his life harder, out there in the shadows hunting me down.

You checked out the patch notes? Apparently the turret graphics are getting quite an overhaul so I suppose those tech 2s of yours are only going to look better. Salvaging mods are finally getting a turret model as well; this is exactly the kind of thing I like to see in updates. Little, superficial, pretty improvements. I demand them. Another piece of great news, Aura is indeed coming back for all the tutorials and the tutorials themselves are receiving some level of overhaul as well, starting of course from the CQ now. Tutes? Ok good. Aura? Excellent.

I think you should get a Dram just to experience how much it holds you back lol, to have a ship you're afraid to lose. And THEN to experience losing it. Since they're so expensive I think I'll leave one until I want it as a serious hunting weapon (even though that would be the way to get it destroyed fastest). I do like the Wolf, a lot, but my focus is on the Malediction and Crusader first, so that throws 2 weeks away before I could look at training for the Wolf. The Freki; I'd love to get one but you have to realise that buying a Freki would cost just over 6 years' worth of game time.

I'm a bit bummed about one thing: they've rescuplted the male avatars a bit to make them "more realistic". I read "muscle nerf". I don't want that. I wish I'd already made my new character. I know, always crying about this same thing.

Another tiny superficial plus to this expansion is the cap and ship damage indicators are getting more colour again. I hated those changes which you might not have noticed. (The lost life used to be a super-red red and the cap used to be a bright and shining orange.)

Another superficial minus is that in-station ship spinning won't work anymore. This is very sad, sad news imo because being able to just spin the camera around was kind of part of relaxing in dock. It let you feel like you still had something to control that was quick and responsive, while you could ogle your ship as you wished. Gone. :(

But part of the turrets overhaul also means that they will be visible in station now. I hope the autocannons get a visual upgrade because like all things Minmatar they are the fug. I am very curious to see what they mean about corrected turret animation. If they have finally made them stop snapping back to neutral position unnaturally, I will be very pleased.

I find it funny how little I care for the big changes but get so worked up by all the little graphical nuances.

Since this is a new expansion, the title screen is going to change. Hmmm.

This is funny too:

Client update #1 for Incarna 1.0, released June 21, 2011
This client addresses several important issues with Incarna and we strongly urge players to install this update. This will be presented immediately after you install Incarna 1.0.

.... They've created a patch before the expansion has even gone live. Now that's impressive.

You know.... I really freaking hope I insured that Slicer. I can't even remember.
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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online. Now with pew pew.

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

About to go to gym but had to log in and see the update. Looks sensational. Eve absolutely nail their universe and the interiors, hangars and video feeds integrate so well. Character looks great too.
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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online. Now with pew pew.

Post by Deef »

Bah I waited for the update, knew it would be late, but when it finally arrived I just had too many problems to get it done.

Still yet to check it out but... uh... the clothing items... have you heard? There is some serious horses*** pricing happening. Oh well, it's completely optional and at the moment I don't know why anyone would care anyway since CQ still isn't public.

And so much for Planetary Interaction being there to complete the circle, so to speak. Clothing items have one source only: money payments. Every item you see on the market will have originally come from someone's cash.
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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online. Now with pew pew.

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

I looked at the meagre clothing items on sale at the moment. A couple of blouses, a skirt and hot boots only for me at the moment. Was going to pick them up tonight actually, server availability pending. I glanced at the AUR cost but have not considered conversion rates between AUR vs PLEX. Just hurry up and bring it back on, please.
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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online. Now with pew pew.

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

Kickin' back, listening to some ambient tunes.

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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online. Now with pew pew.

Post by Deef »

Well the ship on the splash screen certainly looks totally awesome.

Completely disappointed with the new Aura. This isn't NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams. :(

Impressed by the turrets. They do indeed look cool, even on the lowest of the low noobship. How annoyed am I that I lost my Slicer just before this?

Impressed by some things, disappointed by other, and for me the loss of good things that once were outweighs the many little cool additions Incarna brings. I mourn the loss of ship-spinning and I am hugely disappointed by not having the proper Aura back. Just some English accent... cry. On top of that, Incarna really doesn't add much to the game at all. NEX especially is just a shell of a service; the prices are one thing, but not even being remotely fleshed out with content is another.

Totally bummed about Aura. Oh, I said that.

Edit - The ship on the title screen is the new Maller! Damn, it does look good. Here's they are to compare, old then new:
Image Image

There is a lot of whining on the eve boards about Incarna. But if they had simply released the turret updates and the Maller, everyone would have been over the moon. Have a close look at the turret changes; the icons will take a little getting used to but the turret models themselves are great. You can even watch them, in your fittings window, put themselves on and offline. The autocannon barrels actually spin! I was only just getting used to recognising the guns on an enemy's ship by sight; now it's being made nice and clear. I love that you can even tell if they have left something offline. Oh you'll see what I mean, just play with the guns.
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My annual thread about Eve Online. Now with pew pew.

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

I only got a snippet of the new voice in CQ. Wasn't sure if it was Aura but figured it likely was. Not a bad voice by any means although yes minus the digitised effect.

Heh I'm not actually concerned by the lack of indoor ship spinning. It's not something you could do in the hangar without it looking weird ie: your character standing there while their large spacecraft is rotated by a mouse. Given you can rotate your ship in the fitting screen and in space I'm actually fine to just have it parked, rotating slowly as per your character's view.

It is a lot slower to undock given one must swagger over to that specific spot each time.
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My annual thread about Eve Online. Now with pew pew.

Post by Peppermint Lounge »


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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online. Now with pew pew.

Post by Deef »

You can fly it already? No wei.

I want to fight your Wolf with my Malediction. One day.
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My annual thread about Eve Online. Now with pew pew.

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

Still some days away from having skills for all desired equipment levels but ordered in lieu. I'll fight you in my tech 2 Rifter if you like.

I love that just when you think you're getting on top of your training something comes up that exposes you. Placing orders in this instance. I had no options to specify timing or region setting. Trade at level 1, queue it up.

Oh and forget what I said about undocking. While using the new undock function I neglected to see the old, faster method is still there.
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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online. Now with pew pew.

Post by Deef »

No yeah.

And I just realised you can still buy clothing items from ISK without those items needing to be put on the market by other players. Make ISK, buy PLEX, split PLEX to Aurum. That settles my distaste for the clothing stuff quite a bit.

But oh boy, you should see the whining on the Eve boards. Pandemic Legion (huge corp) are going corp removal/shoot-on-sight for players using bought clothing items lol, and a bunch of other corps are following that lead. One guy posted his cancelled subscription. Just funny. One significant thing however is that so far, the devs haven't replied at all to any of the feedback. Normally they're right on top of the it.
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My annual thread about Eve Online. Now with pew pew.

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

That's what I meant to say. I looked at PLEX vs AUR last night. Can't recall exact but 1 x PLEX is approx $17. One PLEX converts to approx 3,500 AUR. Current AUR pricing means a pair of boots for my character costs $15. Fifteen dollars of Australian legal tender. What the??

Heh how do Pandemic Legion players determine shop-bought clothing? Can they scan for that or are they just blasting players with avatars displaying non standard clothing?
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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online. Now with pew pew.

Post by Deef »

They said they have Alts in Jita monitor the trading heh.

And the monocle... 4 PLEX...
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