I believe the next videogame crash is coming

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I believe the next videogame crash is coming

Post by Twiztid Elf »

I've always scoffed when people have made this claim, but seriously this time around, combined with how depressed and stuck in a rut the market seems to be, it really feels real this time.
Sure, it won't be all consuming like the Atari crash. I'd say Nintendo and Steam will be only lightly impacted, but the rest.....

What makes me think this? Just looking at the JB catalogue that came in my mailbox yesterday. I'm not going to bother taking a photo, but here's what's on the videogame page (Nintendo were on the previous page):

Need for Speed - Just no.
Call of Duty - Tired last ditch effort appealing to nostalgia
Battlefront 2 - Pay 2 win.
Lego Marvel Superheros 2 - ? Kids game
Sims4 - Just no.
Destiny2 - Lootboxes
Gran Turismo Sport - Online only
South Park but whole - Could be ok?
Assassins Creed Origins - Just no. lol.
Forza7 - lootboxes
Shadow of War - lootbaoxes
Wolfenstien - Could be ok?
Madden - Iterative
NBA - Iterative
Fifa - Iterative
WWE - Iterative
NHL - Iterative
Overwatch - Two years old
Project Cars 2 - Buggy
Marvel V Capcom - Tired, lazy, uninspired and built on a budget.
Evil Within 2 - Could be ok?
F1 - Iterative
Fallout 4 - Uninspired and boring

^ This is the Christmas lineup? Really? What an absolute pile of shit. There is no creativity in this list whatsoever. Not any.
The only things that are mildly interesting here are: South Park, Wolfenstien, and maybe Project Cars or Evil Within. And all of them have some flaw or reason to be indifferent towards.
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Re: I believe the next videogame crash is coming

Post by GameHED »

I've been saying we're doomed for ages that people are getting more lenient in criticism of games because what has happened is they can't make the distinction between things that are big because they are well-established names so therefore people buy them because they are well-established series vs things that are big because they are just damn amazing peices of art that push us to think about things in ways we never thought of before.

It's the same problem with music where a song is popular because it is marketed well but the artists and creators don't really have anything truly original in the music but see their work as a mere commercial product and the end result is music that feels manufactured by factory robots for mass consumption rather than made by hand by a genius trying to set a new high bar out of raw ambition or to outdo themself.. (because profits come before the message of the artist trying to make interesting shit. Everything must be safe and your art is treated like canned food)

The question should be are the reptilians the ones responsible this time? Notice how indie games seem to have more diverse look and feel and people making them despite being on low budget are able to capture the thing that made a thing fun? Becaue they were not restricted as much by what 100s of people have to say about a decision and can move immediately. (like old school game developers in the 90s when tech was too shit to need 100s of others involvment and so each game felt like it had personality or soul due to the creator able to express more of themselves in the work they make rather than just do what is popular or sels the most.

Same problm with modern movies:
what happened to all those interesting science fiction horror movies from the 1980s whne it was all about survival and characters knew they were going to die and monsters still had sexual juices falling off of their bodies. (compare the xenomorph aliens to the new one in alien covenant which is a dry skin version made in CG program and reminds us we are just watching a videogame cutscene of xenomorph and not the dirty and slimy one we remember from the past which would rape its victim and breed its way to victory? Why are the new ones not drooling from hunger to eat people?)

If I say you're doomed, you are probably going to be doomed but just haven't realised it yet. Games need to have emotion inside of them so that when people play them they are shocked, amazed, excited, intrigued, and can't predict what is going to come next because the creator is constantly breaking formula so it feels like you are on a ride and don't feel as though you can easily see what is ahead of you and the maker is able to play with your mind a bit. We may as well hire robots to make games in the future. The lootbox shit is just the latest straw on the camels back that will break sooon.

But the industry is convinced it's not a big enough deal to destroy companies:
it's called being in denial. Doom never sleeps. It just hides itself from you so that it arrives when you don't expect it. Evil Within BTW just look like more of the same but since it is a new horror franchise in a genre that was supposed to be dead I don't think that is a major issue. It's when games start automatic purchases despite not knowing if they are good or not and people not criticising them very harshly because they expect something to be middle of the road and get automatic praise because they are fanboys of the series or because they got an early review copy so they gave it more points than they would have if it had been under a different name made by an unknown guy.

Globalism is to blame for this. One exampleis how in anime now, they are using CG and offshoring the animation to non-japanese workers and what you get is stuff that isn't as good as the shit we saw in the 80s. When you hire people who don't care about the thing they are working on, they will only put a tiny amount of effort into the work because they don't like doing it. They are just there for money only and it loses the quality and attention to detail that doing it locally would have had. Fuck these reptilians. Dragon Ball Super animation < Dragonball Z.
Also the same thing in toys and action figures: in the old days of transformers toys, all the toys were manufactured in japan. Now they are made in china, india, vietnam etc and they skimp on the paint applications and feel rushed to keep the product within a strict budget. example on one toy you get lots of paint application but limited posability. On another you get good posability but then they forget to paint shit like the headlights and tail lights on the car modes which is just lazy. (which is why people prefer buying the imported ones from japan and not the local edition)

You wanted cheaper products and the end result is more lazy work that is half-assed vs what you had in the 80s where there was high standard of quality because kids were smarter and more aware of brand image and gave a crap if the toy would look good and last. (macross VF-1 Jetfire/chunky monkey = many times more sturdy than new stuff today which are probably deliberately designed to break in hopes you buy multiples.) This is why you should demand high quality and don't let greedy businessmen cheap out by outsourcing the work to people that are underpaid and treated like dogshit. If you are treated like dogshit and the fat guy at the top doesn't actually care about the products that they are trying to sell, and takes shortcuts, then you get mediocre products made cheaply without care. Sure the business might make more profit and boosted the share price by hiring foreigners, but you as the customer feel less love for the brand now that they did this because it doesn't stick out like premium stuff does. This may explain why the masterpiece collection line is created due to older smarter generation buyers being more discerning than today's kids who wouldn't notice tiny differences between toys of the past vs the ones now.

When you let reptilians ruin fun, you get modern games, toys, and movies made for teens with an attention span of a fly. And PC gamers invading the console scene and ruining it by introducing lootboxes and F2P MMO business models into triple A full priced titles. Bastards. I bet the next GTA will be online only with MMO style system embedded into the single player mode. This then becomes normalised and the kids think it was always like this and there is nothing to complain about because those kids never knew of anything better before they were born. Then the greedy companies if they DO fail, can ask for a bailout and be like the too big to fail banks and get corporate welfare which allows them to continue to create poor products at the expense of letting better companies come in and compete against them. Now that feminism has infiltrated gaming I think they can get away with it because the weak always like to play the victim and say they have to have their job protected instead of them just adapting to the changing times. The government will then bully the businesses to do things that go against the norm and bad games flood the market instead of fewer high quality games which stand out from the pack. (seeing that problem on steam where loads of bad games come out that hides the good ones and bad games are rewarded with profits because nobody can see where the good games are in a pile of shit haha)
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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Re: I believe the next videogame crash is coming

Post by lestat »

Publishers are playing it very safe these days, they had a few flops with some new IP and now they're just sticking to what the market is buying.

There is very little excitement, anticipation like there used to be in this hobby.
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Re: I believe the next videogame crash is coming

Post by Vince »

lestat wrote:Publishers are playing it very safe these days, they had a few flops with some new IP and now they're just sticking to what the market is buying.

There is very little excitement, anticipation like there used to be in this hobby.
It’s almost gone back to like it was when I was a child, but my excitement lies most in Nintendo and their reinventing of franchises they own. My levels of anticipation for MARIO Odyssey tomorrow are pretty damn huge. Maybe it’s because there’s such crap around but MARIO just looks the goods. Seems like it’s trying new things. Now I don’t know if a crash is imminent, but games really are becoming boring...
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Re: I believe the next videogame crash is coming

Post by Lepo5 »

Tomorrow 27/10

1. Mario Odyssey
2. Wolfenstein 2
3. Stranger Things Season 2

....I'm excited.
Candy Arse wrote:
Lepo the Legend gave me his pair for free.
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Re: I believe the next videogame crash is coming

Post by guttermouth »

Lepo5 wrote:Tomorrow 27/10

1. Mario Odyssey
2. Wolfenstein 2
3. Stranger Things Season 2

....I'm excited.
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Re: I believe the next videogame crash is coming

Post by GameHED »

Games are also made easy on purpose so people can finish it earlier and not piss off kids. Skyrim dungeon puzzles come to mind. Old games didn't markthe location of everything down so it ruined the mystery. In the old days your reward for searching was progression. Now you are just given a to-do list of tasks and shown where to go on the GPS map, and then just do it as if you were aware of everything before it happens and no explanation is given how you know everything. LOL Zelda BOTW didn't do that: it named things when you arrived and filled in the map to full detail after you visit it. Old games didn't have spoilers which is why we as little kids were blown away when we made discoveries that we thought nobody else would figure out. This meant a game still had a sense of wonder and excitement in it that you can't get today anymore due to the internet, and due to bad design decisions by makers of games that are scared they won't sell as many copies if they make a game too challenging. And now we got this guy making fun of hardcore gmers and rating down 10 games like Zelda Breath of the Wild which will just scare companies to dumb our games down even more Grrrrrrrrr.
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Re: I believe the next videogame crash is coming

Post by Madmya »

What does a crash mean? AAA budgets disappear?

I'm quite optimistic about gaming currently. Can't wait to sink time into games on the X.
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Re: I believe the next videogame crash is coming

Post by unfnknblvbl »

I think it's hit the "too big to fail" point. People just keep buying the new Assassin's Creed and Far Cry every bloody year. Even Forza is a bit tiring, with a big release every single year that everybody buys regardless. "Annularising" is the worst thing that can happen to a non-sporting franchise, IMO. Getting a new game with the same characters, premise, or story every bloody year devalues the experience.

...but hey, people keep buying them, so what do I know?
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Re: I believe the next videogame crash is coming

Post by Madmya »

unfnknblvbl wrote:"Annularising" is the worst thing that can happen to a non-sporting franchise, IMO. Getting a new game with the same characters, premise, or story every bloody year devalues the experience.
Yep, completely agree with this.
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Re: I believe the next videogame crash is coming

Post by unfnknblvbl »

I know publishers want to maximise their return on investment by reusing as many assets as possible, but there has to be a limit. Even a new Forza game every year has burned me out. I used to get really pumped for a new release, but now... I've barely even played FH2 and FM6, and the only reason I picked up FH3 was because it was on sale. I figure I'll probably skip out on FM7 altogether.

Can you imagine getting a new GTA or Red Dead Redemption every year? Why would I ever get hyped about them if they were that common?
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Re: I believe the next videogame crash is coming

Post by GameHED »

I'm ok with regular releases just without dip in quality as the price to pay for getting them faster. I have always believed that if they take their time and polish something, then it will bring confidence back so consumers want to buy your game rather than rush it out and then fix it later with patches. It shows that you don't care about how you are perceived by your competition who try to outdo you. The people working on the gmae didn't take pride in the work they did. They are like the Orcs in LOTR slaving away on the game but can't wait to go home earlry. haha For them it's just a job and they just want the money and see no reason to try as hard as possible as if they themselves were going to pay for the game and play it. As the industry got bigger, you got less diehard fans of gaming involved and they see games as busy work sims not pieces of entertainment that must be fun to everyone that likes playing games.

This change in attitude is why you get the bugs on day 1, rushed releases, missing content that could have been in the game day 1, and generic content that feels like it was cut and pasted from another game into the new year's release. (ie recycling assets to save money and cut corners. Like eating fast food which was made in a hurry to meet a tight deadline vs eating at classy restaurant but having to wait for the chef to cook it well using proper ingrediant and fresh meat which actually nourishes you rather than makes you feel sick lol)

If the people involved in making games are not having fun making them then you can see it reflected in their work and they as people prefer not to be creative but to be fast and efficent at getting things done. I would rather have a game that feels like it was made carefully but sticks in my mind when I am not playing it, than one where it feels like last year's release with new cosmetic changes. I liken it to when you watch an anime and when they run out of material to place in the tv show due to the manga being worked on by the original creator still. The anime can't just rely on material from the comic because it's not enough content for a season so they have to add in filler episodes which feel like time wasters to pad the season to get a certian number of eps for the season. These types of episodes feel like they change the pace and flow of the original comic book and actually dilute the quality of the thing you are consuming. These eps are probably outsourced to B grade workers paid in peanuts so it lacks the same quality as the core content from the original creator's comic book. Having smaller quantity but higher quality is better than more content but which feels like you are grinding forever to progress as you get older and more jaded. And the loot box stuff may lower interest in playing games if people think the only reason they are playing for so long is because the game design was created to sell things and punish you for paying less. Its just a shop and you will be stuck in the game forever like the kids in the Dungeons and Dragons cartoon never being able to leave the fantasy world they are trapped in. :lol:

Proof that Dungeon Master was a dick and wanted the kids to be stuck in the fantasy realm: (he wanted to make it an MMO the little bastard)
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Re: I believe the next videogame crash is coming

Post by t0mby »

At first I thought you were crazy but when you pointed out that this was the Xmas line up..... Sheesh, it's pretty poor.

Will buy the new NFS though, reviews pending.

PS: Yakuza 6 in Feb. :rock:
selfish wrote:Being a massive fanboy and trying to hide it is Lestat's worst bottleneck.
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Re: I believe the next videogame crash is coming

Post by GameHED »

Just remember when you buy from EA, you are purchasing from the company that ruined so many destinies.
Which is why EBgames is the only thing holding back the evil a bit. When you buy from the preowned section you prevent the beast from growing too powerful too quickly. We are all preowned beings at the end of the day when you consider how used you feel playing thier games and realising you paid money for a shopping application for virtual items instead of a game. Pay-to-cheat games = beginning of the end. The next evil scheme will be if you don't buy any cheats in the game for a certain time, then the game deletes itself and you have to rebuy it again so EA can increase the total sales of thier games. After alll everything is on the cloud so it's a service now not a product. They can do anything they want to the service they offer you.Just like Blizzard destroying WoW classic. EA if they wanted to be really mean can patch in new bugs to the game to make your life difficult on purpose just to say 'fuck you arsehole for not buying any cheat codes' because all games are ALWAYS online inthe future. If you are offline the game won't even start. You helped create the monster by feeding it., Now that it got really big it is starving and wants to eat you its master.

The doom is real. We are not crazy tinfoilers. Well maybe we are but that's not why we are warning you. We have seen the future in our time machines and EA destroyed everything after people stopped buying boxed products and compters required that you scan your RFID beastchip embedded in your hand in order to purchase digital items due to being a cashless socciety where everyone gets a universal basic income. What remained was only a few survivors who can get back in time to warn people of the present day to alter the destiny of the game industry so it doesn't happen. By altering the present day by choosing different companies to purchase things from, we can still preserve our existence in this timeline.
That is why the prophecies in the scrolls were written as warnings for the people in a later times. Those writing the scrolls were not aware of what they meant back in their time of writing them down becaue it was not meant as warnings for them but to a future generation who would be enslaved by the beast systems made by these giants.

The reason the beastchip is so appealing to them is because by forcing everyone to identify themselves at the computer or console, it allows them to sell seperate copies of a single game to just one individual instead of letting multiple people in a household (such as your family members) to share the game. This system lets them boost profits because it forces each individual to identify themselves at the screen. This is why DRM and spywre inside the always-online games exist to track how much you buy, who is buying and study what parts of a game you are interested in, so they can tailor what to sell you in future. It's like having someone watching everything you do and this will at some point enslave everyone. If you didn't like the game and the web camera shows you not smiling they will remove that feature in future updates. If you were doing too well in the game because you have skill, they can increase the difficulty of the game or nerf your ability on the fly like the dip switches on old arcade games to make sure you lose and to make you angry enough to buy a cheatcode from EAs shop. :roll: This will drastically increase profits of EA because no matter how good you are at games, they can give cheats to the computer (if it is a single player game) or offer free cheats to noobs to make your life more expensive. Very evil! :down:

Perhaps if piracy was legalised your grandkids wouldn't be in such debt to the reptlians who have forced them to become dubai porta potties in order to pay off their college debt? No one ever listens to the truth as it hurts their feelings. But it is good for you and will help you and free you from the slavery of these materialistic souless bastards. :up: You want to tread on the serpents? Don't give them too much energy. Just give them enough to survive so you can control them.
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Re: I believe the next videogame crash is coming

Post by BOOMY »

Crash is not coming. Providing gaming/TV streaming/online/virtual console access etc. "as a service" is more profitable for a content provider than offering a one-time payment for unlimited use. Especially if the product received from the one-time payment takes the same amount or more investment from them than the on-going profiteering methods.
Also consider how (ir)relevant console gaming is in the face of juggernauts like League of legends, iOS, steam and even the switch. Siphoning money from the existing console user base is seemingly the only option to maintain the funds required for AAA games.
This is not a crash or a sign of a crash. These are the growing pains we face transitioning from a 'box under the tv" and physical media owning the entertainment space in a household, to a "personal streaming device" with on-going subscriptions and cloud content owning the entertainment space.
We can rant and complain all we want, but fact is, kids are growing up in this environment. The model we hold dear is losing importance as the kids grow up and become bigger more relevant consumers than our demographic.

Also consider current gen console gaming's complexity, hardware updates and fuck around setting things up. You may as well use an android or iOS device if no setup and fuck around is what you want. You may as well use steam and a PC if AAA high quality content is what you want. You may as well use your mac/Linux/raspberry pi/old shitty laptop/vita/switch if indies are all you care about. We might expect console gaming to be an easy plug and play solution based on what we have experienced growing up, but a kid today would see a tablet that "just works" as a far easier plug and play solution.

Furthermore indie games are a thriving industry and offer the content you feel is missing. This will continue rising in popularity and relevance as AAA console dev's push the "as a service" agenda.

And finally, MAHVEL is a fucken top game. What is wrong with you, have you even played it?
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Re: I believe the next videogame crash is coming

Post by BOOMY »

Crackhed, EB games are the biggest pusher of the dev's that have gaming as a service, pre order bonuses, statuettes, DLC bonuses etc. They are contributing to the problem more than anyone and their bread and butter comes from promoting the AAA profiteers. Get your head out your arse.
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Re: I believe the next videogame crash is coming

Post by GameHED »

Nah I agree with TE on this. When so much is spent appeasing little kids who play crap games the talent will leave those companies in disgust and do other things.
Consoles will continue to win over PC since the living room is where people like to relax on the couch to play games not huddled in front of a keyboard unless its a popular PC-only title or MMO.

Again with EBGames bashing. If it weren't for them I would have to buy my games direct from EA at full price rather than preowned and wouldn't be able to sell my copy second hand on gumtree whenever I wanted to buy the next roster update lol

A lot of people thought smart phones would kil dedicated game devices but since there is so much shovelware on the tablets, and phones and people have to sift through it all, it leaves a bad impression on them and they stop buying and just focus on the few really great titles. But you will never see the next major Street Fighter or Tekken on tablet. Hardcore gamers are the ones buying the most games not the pc elitists who need things to reach bargain price before they buy it. PC gamers are bitter people (Candy Arse often looking forward to a day when nintendo stops making games on tv and focuses on small low budget pc games that only appeal to basement dwelling nerds for example) that just play strategy titles not the core that can keep the industry afloat. You can see the move away from PC exclusivity to releasing to both pc and console in the form of Overwatch. Consoles have become more PC-like but without the poor quality control associated with pc titles that are rushed out to market without a third party checking them for bugs and bad design and balance which ruins the reputation of the console brand.

Notice how nintendo always get those 10s from edge because they are so polished? because the hardware and software are tied intimately together while team of people are checking that things always work smooth. You don't get that from shit tablet games and pc which is too free to be safe from locking up your machine or freezing up or interfering with your system due to spyware viruses and bugs which reminds you its an american product made by sloppy weed smoking hippies that destroyed the game industry during the atari days when it was ok not to care if the game actually sucked because people were fucking dumb and just bought things like ET thinking it would be as good as the movie it was based on.

We know better now, but the next generation of gamers are reverting back to the caveman days of gaming industry when quality is lessened in favour of big profits in the short term, whilst ignoring the long term consequences of losing reputation with the customer who buys the games and feels ripped off after they play it and experience buyer's remorse. Having content that breaks the balance of online competitiive play is the cancerous tumour that will result in the game industry inevitably dying with the exclusion of the top tier names in the biz who don't rely on marketing and hype. It is collapsing not a transition. Call of Duty sales went down as the community got tired of the multi and forced them to go back to WW2 again. It's a sign buyers are losing faith in the triple A companies who spend too much energy on hype and so they lose interest if they think IGN is being bribed when they give automatic 9 and 10 despite the games not really being mind blowing. What will cause the crash is high expectations for sales being good forever, but little improvement in quality between games. People will buy it because they want to meet thier friends online in it, but also feel the game is unimpressive as they become more jaded. (ie the reason creators eventually leave companies because they are forced to make the same shit forever due to the greed of corporate executives that only see $ signs and not whether a series needs a new sequel so quickly.)

Loss of confidence in the products can cause a crash. But we can stop crash by voting with our wallets to support the games that treat customers with respect and not just walking ATM machines. Withholding money from naughty companies is not foolproof thing because there are more dumb guys than smart guys but it will slow down the collapse a bit imo. Remember when diablo 3 had the poor user reviews on metacritic and forced them to improve it? The negative criticism helped to improve the game. Your wallet shows you mean what you say in the angry comments sections of boards. They are monitoring us al the bloody time to see our buying patterns. So when you speak the language of $ by withholding it from them when they do something stupid, they take notice more than what you see in reviews. As the money is what lets them continue to make new shit and not what you feel about their games. The problem is when people LOWER THEIR STANDARDS over time because bad design becomes normalised and the kids think it is normal to pay for bad games because they didn't know any better since they didn't live during the time before loot boxes, pay-to-cheat-to-win business models, and the sense that you are always being watched when the game phones home what you do in the game and how you perform so that they can tailor ads to you based on what they think you need to buy. They are used to being treated like ATM machine and are desensitised to it over a long period of time. To counter that, you just got to withhold the money long enough and spend it on the companies that respect you. If your triple A game feels like a free-to-play game, you are getting ripped off. Earning through merit is what makes playing fun, not how easy it is to beat people after you bought heaps of shit. When you encourage everyone to buy heaps of shit just to stay level, it makes the game more expensive and the community splits up between the haves and have-nots. The have nots eventually quit and lose interest when they realise they are at disadvantage because it is boring. Overwatch worked because it didn't go the EA path of changing the balance. Online gaming is doomed if everyone follows EA's lead and it becomes normal to buy unbalanced games that become balanced only after everyone agrees to become whales. I think this is big enough to cause a crash because the big publishers get cocky enough that they don't have to listen to us anymore. And when they ignore warnings of doom it is the equivalent of not looking at the road signs while speeding. The danger increases the more they abuse the loot box thing and grow in power, which makes them richer, but less popular. (think of Mr.Burns in the Simpsons who has no friends because he is so mean)

EA can just gobble up things and destroy them, leaving workers to give up on their dream and this results in boring and predictable games.

Its the end of days and you won't have time for games that are grindy anymore. The future belongs to mid budget titles made with high quality by talented individuals who have enough creative freedom to express themselves but also enough discipline to get the thing out on time so it can keep the interest of the public long enough for them to remember to buy it amidst a flood of me-too games that just copy old shit and don't do a better job than the old shit. (ie when WoW was the shit and so many MMO couldn't beat it because people only had time for one and so they just played the best one and ignored everything else)
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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Re: I believe the next videogame crash is coming

Post by Twiztid Elf »

BOOMY wrote:Providing gaming/TV streaming/online/virtual console access etc. "as a service" is more profitable for a content provider than offering a one-time payment for unlimited use.
Not if there's no customers left it isn't.
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Re: I believe the next videogame crash is coming

Post by unfnknblvbl »

it's as I said though; there's always going to be somebody willing to buy Assassin's Creed 2018, or Call of Duty: Everybody's Forgotten That The First Three Games Were Set In This Era
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Re: I believe the next videogame crash is coming

Post by Jasper »


Interesting how it was the NES that SAVED the industry after it was annihilated following the tragic video game crash in the early-mid 80's...so don't you ungrateful bitches & traitors EVER forget that! :down:

A superb in-depth article from Ars Technica for why you should ALL be grateful to Nintendo and on your knees thanking them, instead of spitting on them like most of you cunts often do... :down:

NES: How It Began, Worked, And Saved An Industry
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Re: I believe the next videogame crash is coming

Post by lestat »

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_game_crash_of_1983" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
North American viewpoint.

In Australia and Europe, the C64 saved gaming and became the place where I first learned to program, it was then followed by the much loved Amiga.
The Commodore 64 weathered the crash and went on to become one of the best selling computers of all time.
NES was never that huge in Australia, Sega had a bigger foothold with the SMS at the time.

So no having lived through it, I have nothing to be grateful to Nintendo about.

I owe my career to C64 though. Amazing machine, it was such a joy to work on it again when I was doing hardware design in uni, basically doing circuit design using a 6502 as a controller.
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Re: I believe the next videogame crash is coming

Post by Jasper »

Are you fucking kidding me? :shock:

Who gives a fuck about the Australian videogame market - which is nothing but an insignificant blip on the radar (a thousand times more so back in the 80's). :roll:

The audacity of you to try and rubbish Nintendo saving the industry following the crash - with you resorting to a bullshit argument of "WELL, NOT HERE IN BUM FUCK NOWHERE AUSTRALIA!!!" and by bringing up the Commodore 64 (which is a PC and not even a fucking gaming console)...really demonstrates just how much of a bitter & deep-seeded hatred for Nintendo you must really have (and i'm guessing it all comes down to you being a little Sega nerd as a child)! :down:

Bitch, you need a lesson from infamous youtuber The Gaming Historian to teach fuckers like you to be grateful to Nintendo for saving the videogame industry! :down:
Last edited by Jasper on 02 Nov 2017 02:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I believe the next videogame crash is coming

Post by unfnknblvbl »

The NES was also not terribly huge in Europe, soooo....
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Re: I believe the next videogame crash is coming

Post by lestat »

Gaming is just ancillary to the silicon revolution at the time. There were lots of companies producing new technology in computing, Nintendo was just 1 company involved and not the savior like you claim.

The point of crashes it to restructure, out of the ashes new companies are formed that are more efficient and learn the lessons of failure from others.

As I pointed out, the rest of the world was steaming ahead producing amazing game content on the C64. Stuff like IK+, The Last Ninja, Turrican, California Games, Barbarian, Lode Runner, Karateka etc.

Then there is the arcades which had many great companies like namco/sega/midway/konami/DataEast/SNK.

No hatred toward Nintendo just facts, the hatred is directed at you, a clueless idiot who didn't live through that time and experience it, making stupid claims.
By that year, Gutman wrote, "Video games were officially dead and computers were hot". He renamed his magazine to Computer Games in October 1983
This was my experience, people shifted from video games to computer games, the idea of a computer that could play games and do your homework was huge, especially for kids trying to justify the high cost to their parents back then.
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Re: I believe the next videogame crash is coming

Post by Jasper »

You're a fucking delusional fool! :down:

For people who want to learn the FACTS about the industry crash of 1983 - head to Ars Technica (the most reputable technology news website in the world) and DON'T listen to habitual Nintendo hater lestat with his bullshit Sega fan fiction revisionist history... :roll:

NES: How It Began, Worked, And Saved An Industry

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