Far Cry 5

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Re: Far Cry 5

Post by Candy Arse »

GameHED wrote:Yep the console ports were handled well.
GameHED wrote:Found a bug.
:wtf: :lol: :wtf:
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Re: Far Cry 5

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I mean in terms of performance/smoothness.
When you play a game and it feels smooth, this makes the gameplay good. I played Far Cry 4 on Xbox360 so I encountered the stuttering bit more than the people on ps4 at the time. But it was still decent enough. (completed every outpost on hard without being detected) However for Far Cry 5 it's only appearing for current gen not last gen machines. Meaning more effort was placed on these versions. (compared to FC4 which had to work on both last gen and current gen)

The bugs thing is a problem of third party publishers rushing shit out. First parties tend to polish the shit out of stuff. But even they have occasional bugs too. Except nintendo which has much more consistent record of trapping everything. BOTW was their first open world game and hardly any patches were made to fix shit. Same with Xenoblade. Japan is catching up to the west and starting to use more simulation in their games now. (but without giving up on polish. Unlike western developers who make you download 30 gig patches day one :down: )

I had the same door glitch thing on one of the trucks whose doors are supposed to open up when you loot the trailer of the truck*. The ramp slid out but the doors didn't open. I guess this is ubisoft's new signature glitch. Bethesda's is the 'getting trapped into the floor' one which was present back in the daggerfall days, and ubisoft is making sure doors have twice the security by having two of them to stop you getting stuff.

*there are enemy trucks with loot in the back trailer which require you to look to the side of the trailer for a button to press to open the doors so you can get the loot in the back as part of gaining resistance points.
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Re: Far Cry 5

Post by GameHED »

Another thing I would like to mention is in this game it assumes you know how to do stuff and forgot that complex moves like the chain takedown, pistol takedown, grenade takedown, death from above takedown and death from below takedown, ....were all nicely explained and illustrated through miniture videos in the previous games. But for this entry they took those out!

I liked that system because it showed you how to perform the moves. Newer players may have a hard time understanding how to do the moves now because the game doesn't explain those enough imo.

I get it that most people here know this since people have played the earlier games. But imagine if this was your first FC game? This is bad presentation on ubisoft's part. You need to assume that the person picking up your games is picking up them as their first entry in the series without having experienced the previous games. Another nitpick I think is worth mentioning. Simple stuff like running while crouching to slide into cover to hide quickly. Throwing grenades into the seats of cars by driving beside them to take out groups of enemies and the vehicle in one move etc all count towards telling the noob how to play. Sure don't treat us like idiots by telling us everything with gps markers on the map which spoils the fun of exploration, (FC5 only tells you basic stuff once you get location of it but fills more detail in when you visit the place on foot) .....but DO give them the instructions on how to play like the old Far Cry games. Those little mini-movies show what happens when you pull off the moves which is great and doesn't need to be changed. Teaching people how to be efficient isn't a spoiler it's just showing what the perk does and what buttons you need to press to execute them. Much like movelist in a fighting game.
Last edited by GameHED on 01 Apr 2018 10:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Far Cry 5

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Bububu CrackHED said console games don't ever have bugs? :lol: :fight: :lol:
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Re: Far Cry 5

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They have less than pc. Skyrim on launch on pc <<<< skyrim launch on console.

Closed platform > open platform for stability.

Open platform > closed platform for mods and the freedom to remove DRM/abuse by greedy companies who want to ruin the honest guy's experience just to get the pirate. (who the honest guys eventually rely on to get the superior DRM-free version anyway after they've bought the official game with money :P )

Also bugs in general come mostly from third party companies releasing on multiple machines. (they have to rush shit out and today that means downloading these huge patches. You don't see this with nintendo games) Since FC5 is on less machines, it means developers can focus on existing versions. Less platforms to make the game for, = better optimisation for the fewer platforms the game is releasing on.

eg FC4 had to be on lower spec console while FC5 is only on current gen. Core of the game can better reflect what today's machine can do.

The lesson learned: games are better optimised when the developers only have to worry about the one platform. So it's unfair to compare a third party title releasing on last gen and current gen systems with say, a first party game which is only on one system and optimised and polished for that one system capability. The reason games have a generic look and feel to them isn't just because of the engines they use which are recycled over and over again. (unlike the japanese who make whole engines for specific games) It's also because they have to ensure the game runs on the older consoles. Once you no longer need to care about the older systems, the game can look and run a lot better without being held back. PC being open platform has the problem of being held back by old legacy tech. But the bulk of gamers is on the peasant machines since people tend to pay for stuff. That's why witcher 3 could get away with open world. They admitted this. More money = bigger game.

What the ideal is for game companies to strive for? : games that are big open world without the lack of polish from western companies who let all these bugs destroy whole quest chains thanks to the pressure to rush things to market. None of this "60GB patch on day one" bs. I still see the occasional enemy body popping up and down when it gets stuck to the floor and looks like a demon possessed dude rather than corpse in this game. Something I had hoped they would have solved. (you know when the physics engine can't decide how it was supposed to land and lets them shake around like crazy forever? That one) Ever since console got hard drives and broadband internet capability, it has invited a lot of negative practices that we were trying to get away from in the pc world. (ie the sense that it was an unfinished work and not a polished product like all nintendo games are)
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Re: Far Cry 5

Post by GameHED »

What happened to this guy is actually what I did:

https://www.resetera.com/posts/6081413/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

I jumped into the helicopter to avoid getting kidnapped by their guys on the second attempt and the whole screen just blurred out so no matter what cool ideas you had in mind, you still are a slave to the story not the other way around. (ie gameplay determines your fate)

I think a better way of handling it is let us go to sleep in a bed or camp out in the woods or something. And while you fell asleep, some guy (maybe a paid informant who is one of the civilians who you thought was a good guy and you trusted enough to let your guard down a bit) has snuck up on you in your sleep because they were really sneaky and then you get put in a van with a bag on your head so you don't know the location of where you are being taken to, and you are tied to the chair etc .... and that avoids the problem of tricking the player into thinking they have control over this part of the game. The main problem stems from making us believe we can avoid the sequence. It's deceptive and makes us feel like the story is ripping us away from the fun of playing the game and intruding on our hobby. Sort of like an Ad break during a tv show. And we have to go through with it thinking it's real gameplay rather than it being honest and telling us: "this is a cutscene, you are powerless to my story here. Stop pressing buttons thinking you can still avoid me".

If you are going to force us to watch cutscene do it in a more honest way. Don't trick us into believing we can escape. Or do what I said above and be like GTA where you can make the game partly about escaping the arrest/kidnapping so that players with skill actually can use things like smokebomb to lose the tracker from hunting them like an animal and this becomes part of the fun. They weren't ambitious enough in this area I guess. This is why I think story needs to take a backseat to gameplay. We buy games for the gameplay not story. I know some of you want good stories in games. But there is a way to tell them through a linear progression system within the open world game. You set up roadblocks within the gameplay environment that leads the player to eventually come to a point where they are ok with giving up the random exploration. This funnels them into the story without it feeling forced. Because you set up realistic enough excuses for why they got to move in a specific direction towards your story. (eg putting lots of high level enemies in spots you don't want them to explore for now so they can try to sneak past them but fail due to limits of their character. The gameplay forces them to think with their brains: "It's not logical to go there in this direction for now, since the chances of survival are lower so I better start with the easy shit first and move in this direction and go the path of least resistence" . This way it feels like the player chose to do it rather than story forcing them to do something against their own will. But it leads to the same conclusion!)
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Re: Far Cry 5

Post by Candy Arse »

GameHED wrote: :backpedal:
So we've gone from "consoles have no bugs" to "consoles have bugs"

Owned :lol:
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Re: Far Cry 5

Post by GameHED »

One of the early complaints people have of the game is how the area feels too cluttered with activity because patrols come every few minutes.

The problem is the game doesn't explain why this happens. It's obvious to players who have played games likes saints row and older FC games that the reason for the frequency of enemy is because they control that territory until you take it back off of them and your homies/resistence fighters patrol the area themselves and make it safe for travel.

But for noobs, they have to have that explained to them. Again: always assume the person buying your games know nothing about the series.

Copy capcom with Monster Hunter World and try to teach them as they play. These guys complaining that enemies are spawning and appearing so quickly after a fire fight, wouldn't give negative feedback about that if they understood that the game rewards you for actually doing shit like taking outposts and controlling the zone to make it a friendly territory. That is something that is obvious to US but not to new people to the series or dumb guys.

Also there needs to be emphasis on stealth in Far Cry since it's about an underdog guerilla fighters taking on the big bully who can just use brute strength to have their way. I think it's important to reward the stealthy players a little bit more than those who just want to attract the attention of everything in the area to have fun.
I don't like the new challenge system over the experience points system. You know why? Because it forces people to use a weapon they are not interested in using (due to how they built the character) just to get perk points. So thier motivation for using it seems artificial. That's something people who like to get achievement points go for. But it has no business in a stealth game imo.

In a stealth game, you want to be a ghost as much as possible and so the game should discourage unnecessary risk. Sure what you do is risky stuff. But you do it because the payoff is greater when you take a bigger threat on and topple that challenge. Not because someone had to force you to do that by telling you that they'd give you some perk points to play that way and giving them advantages over others who just play smarter and make wise choice based on the situation.

Do you see the difference: one lets players play the game stealthy because it makes sense not to be seen and to use your weakness (being smaller and harder to find) as a strength. You avoid weapons you are not good with or don't think work for you and choose ones that are good. It's the player adapting to challenges organically within the immediate environment. You see lots of vehicles? you use antiarmor and anti tank weapon. You locked out of buying explosives? You use drugs to make you run faster, hide in bushes, and smoke to escape detection until they give up search. Usage of tools comes as you encounter different challenges through play.

The other just tells players: "I'll give you a cookie if you try all the different toys in the toybox just so you can brag to people that you tried everything. "

I much prefer the old system in FC3. Please don't do the challenge crap anymore. (don't games these days already have the achievement systems for people who care about that crap?) It's a stealth game. I grew up watching action movies like First Blood, Predator, Diehard, and even Conan the Barbarian (where conan actually had to use his brains for once and take on two giants tougher than him and funnel them into traps because he knew he was fucked if he didn't do that) and in these movies the action hero was not the toughest man in the movie but very vulnerable and resourceful and didn't just do things to show off like Vin Diesal in triple X.

They had to be more like ninja since it was a case of one (or a small squad) against many. So stealth was a must in order to getting the missions done without inviting the danger. Go back to that idea of proper action movies from past where you could root for the good guy because he was SMALL and VULNERABLE and the enemy was BIG and NASTY with lots of brutes. Snake Plissken wasn't invincible bad ass. He could be killed. Flying a plane to the top of a building was not so he could show off and win a trophy for pulling it off. It was smart and tactical to sneak in and do the unexpected thing that the regular guys didn't expect. That's what far cry should do: reward your creativity. Not be a Call of Duty with big open world taking orders from a large military force. If you put in challenges you artificially force us to care what style of play you want us to try out when in reality the game should be a stealth action title with the option to play loud when you were detected and when it makes sense to be seen or heard to divert enemy attention away.

The old games respected you more for being a ghost. Now it seems that you only want to complete the weapon challenges just to get perk points to upgrade the character and it's stupid because it means people who just use everything are getting advantages over those who choose a particular playstyle and play that playstyle well. Why the fuck should the latter guy who just plays to the strengths have less reward than the guy who looks at a menu to see what perk point rewards he get when he completes challenges?! See what I'm saying?

The game is a stealth action title and so it should not reward the guy who just uses everything to show off and say "I'm better than you because I used all the tools and you just stuck with a select few.. nya, nya, nya-nyaaah nya!" :roll: Then the guy who got all the challenges done gets to thumb their nose up thinking they are good when in fact they died a million times while the other guy avoided being seen or heard and used his brains. :lol:

I think to make a game that would make the loud guy happy is to just copy Call of Duty Ghosts and make a Far Cry spinoff series set in a "what if?" future world. ie set it in a post-apocalpytic world (where doomsday preppers were actually right and the world is a mess so scavenging through trash to make shit like in the mad max movies, and dealing with madmen who were driven crazy due to mental breakdowns are common thing and not just special villains like Vaas from Far Cry 3) .....and then let all playstyles be balanced evenly.

The sneaky guy will be detected by non-human (mutants, biological weapons like super soldier and monsters, robots attached with surveilance system to find you) more easily since governments had access to higher tech than far cry bad guys in the pre-apocalypse world. While the loud guy will eat through way too much ammo if he doesn't care about trying to be accurate with his shots and wastes too many of his grenades on soft targets where weaker attacks would suffice. No matter what style, you are fucked in some way so it becomes about skill using that style and not completing challenges on a list to get stronger. (which has been artificially bolted into the game for people who can't just play games and need to be patted on the back all the time)
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Re: Far Cry 5

Post by GameHED »

Candy Arse wrote:
GameHED wrote: :backpedal:
So we've gone from "consoles have no bugs" to "consoles have bugs"

Owned :lol:
I never backpeddled. PC have MORE bugs than console. So do you deny that Skyrim on PC has more bugs than the console one?

You don't deny it. So I win.
Do you deny that closed platforms have better optimisation because developers just focus everything into that one version?

If not then I win.

Where are you getting the idea you won against me when I have been playing pc my whole life. I don't just play on console. HAve you played saints row 2 on pc? Some ports to pc are shit and some are good. (ie GTA5)
But overall consoles have enjoyed stability. But it was only about the time when we had HDD when patches became normal. And everytime you boot a game up the update is downloading bug fixes and shit. I think standards are slowly dropping and we are getting used to it now so most people don't care. But they still complain about it online or post about it.
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Re: Far Cry 5

Post by Candy Arse »

Wow check out the damage control :lol:

First "consoles have no bugs", now "consoles have bugs"

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Re: Far Cry 5

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Uhhh the third parties have more bugs thanfirst party consoles games.

Why don't you want to admit consoles before HDD and broadband were not bug ridden software messes when nintendo was dominating in the 16 bit days?

Consoles of today inherited a lot of bad habits of pc gaming: rushed to market with need to "fixit later after it's out".

But consoles even today still have less bugs than pc. I use Skyrim pc as an example.

Other Mods: ask him this question in PM. Tell me what he says. I think he pretends to ignore me when he is losing.

Does he own a PC store or something? Find out. I think the reason people still play on console is the feeling that if its on a closed platform it means a bit higher quality assurance is done than on open platform. So people think console is still relevent even though pc gamers want it to die off because it competes on the gaming front. Nintendo is seeing a lot of great indie titles on the eshop thanks to steam being full of bad games hiding the good games under a pile of dogpoop. So the quality assurance thing really matters inthe great platform wars. You guys just don't want to admit this. You have egos. But the poor peasants love the lower spec console if only because it unites them under one thing. A single brand that they can identify with. It's a psychological thing. The cranky pc gaming guys love to bash the lower powered machines but the truth is developers love them. Otherwise witcher 3 wouldn't have been a big open world game. Too much power cuts off those who are on a tight budget so these big greedy companies have to be careful not to kill off the console platforms while still making games with good-enough graphics to sell their games to pc elitist who has to justify their purchases to themself or they'll go mental.

I long for the days when a game felt polished and complete but big budget too. Like you could do anything and it wouldn't break itself. Games are fragile today. Rockstar did a good job with port of GTA5 to pc. But I am using that as an exception to the rule. Not the norm. Most third party rush shit to the market and then you get all the bugs that come with open world. But as we have seen with Zelda BOTW, you can make epic adventure titles if you polish the game enough.

This Far Cry game has regressed by not even bothering to animate the carving animation from previous games. WTF? How can you forget shit that is already done from a previous title?
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Re: Far Cry 5

Post by flipswitch »

How can Skyrim have more bugs on PC, when there are specific mods on PC that aim to fix all bugs in the game the Bethesda hasn’t tackled, which obviously isn’t available on console.
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Re: Far Cry 5

Post by Candy Arse »

flipswitch wrote:How can Skyrim have more bugs on PC, when there are specific mods on PC that aim to fix all bugs in the game the Bethesda hasn’t tackled, which obviously isn’t available on console.
Destroyed :lol:

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Re: Far Cry 5

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Launch skyrim not present day skyrim. The point is at launch people were experiencing bugs.

Bugs that we can all agree make the product feel incomplete. This doesn't happen with old school japanese games which is the gold standard of how a game should run on day 1.

We know Zelda BOTW is just as open as any far cry or asscreed and it is problem free.

Stop making excuses. I get it you defend pc because it's the only place to download tentacle rape mods for skyrim so you love it. But my points still stand ok?

Ever since Jasper left you guys are bored of nobody to talk to.


back to the topic:

the animal encounters in this game are hilarous: (reminds me of why open world stuff from the past is popular in the first place especially older gta games before they went super serious on us with over the top realism)
the game is the best "co-op with a buddy in campaign" game out right now. Playing on console right now. Can't stand PC gamers. Don't want to be associated with pirates or bad players of street fighter. For the sixth game I hope it is set in australia in post apoc times after bombs dropped. Irradiated mutated crocodiles and dingoes infected with blood of dirty and diseased pc gamers who don't shower would be terrifying sight. Vehicle modification would be a must. Ubisoft has a chance to capture the borderlands crowd if they can get the humour and horror balance right. Perhaps experiment with a more cartoon style like blizzard did with overwatch. Old cartoons were super violent but extremely fun to watch because of the unpredictable outcome of the story. Something on the level of Simpson's Roadrage but with guns and gore level of old 80s uncensored japanese anime.
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Re: Far Cry 5

Post by Candy Arse »

OK cool so we've gone from "consoles have no bugs" to "consoles have some bugs and even though with PC games you can patch out all bugs and console games still have them...console is betterer"

Cool story bro :lol:
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Re: Far Cry 5

Post by unfnknblvbl »

lestat wrote:Native 4k on Xbone X, pretty impressive considering it's open world and looks amazing.
Xbottery aside, that is pretty impressive.

Also, this game looks fucking gorgeous. I'm tempted to buy it just to experience the prettiness. Shame Ubisoft apparently spent all their budget on the graphics and none on the story.
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Re: Far Cry 5

Post by GameHED »

Looks like Zip is a fan of alex jones and infowars:

The funny thing is it's actually true. The chemicals in all the water and food is killing us. Scientists are saying that men's testosterone is going down sharply. Most tinfoilers agree it's the plastic and soy in absolutely everything you eat that is processed. Time to start buying from organic farmers only.

I met this guy just yesterday while hanging around the south western region of the map and went on a mission involving aliens and crop circles. Really I wish the made a truly scary Far Cry similar to Perfect Dark involving real aliens slowly taking over the planet. There is no reason to have these missions as mere joke or side story stuff. X-com already does this stuff. Why not have reptilian and greys visiting people at night abducting cows and people and embedding microchips and shit into them to control them?

An entire Far Cry should be made on the subject matter of whether people are trustworthy or not. These issues were in movies like The Thing. (John Carpenter one) The scariest monster of all is man. All the wars he has waged on himself and his own brothers makes jaws, godzilla, dracula, zombies, michael meyers, freddy krueger, Jason, and king kong pale in comparison. You have a creature that can shapeshift into the form of a man and let him loose. That's the game. Avoiding look-alikes of your own friends who you trust go around killing everyone until you can kill it. You were fighting your own species and the alien is the one that became the monster based on his actions which is to trust only his eyes and the surface appearance. You can have scary looking humans that want to help you, and innocent looking monsters that want to eat you which you trust. In the distance everyone looks like they are crazy but in fact, in reality there is an infiltration happening within the world by foreign threat that wants to hide itself.

zombies - slow, decaying, easy to outsmart, visibly ugly. Any fat slob who doesn't care about survival can kill dozens of these with guns and homemade weapons to burn them and be done with it.
alien shapeshifter - fast, alive, menacing, smart, wants to become like you to kill more people by deceiving everyone you know. You can't fight what you don't see.

conclusion - everyone thinks the other guy is The Thing. Everyone is sure they are right. Everyone wants to kill each other to prove they are not wrong. Result - trust in the truth and test everyone based on actions. Be that psycho that looks like he is antisocial dick if you have to.
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Re: Far Cry 5

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The truth about why SJW game reviewers may have given this game a shit score:
limp-wristed city folk raised by feminist single mothers just can't handle the tough setting where only alpha males thrive in a hostile rural setting where hard working blue collar people have earn their money through backbreaking activity that would kill these SJW from exhaustion. The gayness of saying sentences like a question pisses me off. Stop ending sentences like they are questions you faggy hipsters. Talk normally please. Your not the girl from clueless. Just....stop...it. If it's a statement then don't end with question mark. arrrgh.. And go to the fucking gym once in a while you weak little shits and stop being threatened by the normal people. :lol: The game is not set in the orient or exotic setting like james bond movie for once but your own land and its fresh. I'm afraid that these kids grew up fearing Yosemite Sam because he was such a trigger happy cartoon character and this traumatised them as children because of the guns. Rednecks have the guns. They don't like it. Rednecks are the spotlight. They are jealous. Alex Jones finally gets reference through mention of frogs turning gay and that was the straw that broke the camels back. Homefront and this and the movie Red Dawn must really trigger them because good guys can't be conservative. It's time to tell it like it really is with these fake 'journalists' hehe
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Re: Far Cry 5

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Why some reviews are positive despite bugs: (recommended for Candy Arse to read and research this guy if he thinks he is a bullshitter)
https://www.resetera.com/posts/6135374/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

the guy gave good score because the ps4 version he tested was not buggy.

I swear I'm not his friend and he doesn't know me. It's just that reviewers who gave things good score and claim it run smooth without too many bugs or flaws are not automatically just being positive because of moneyhat. The version they tested was in a more complete form at the time of review. You can argue "but the pc version will be patched up more later like skyrim has" and yeah I will grant you that but I mean day 1 version of a game should be polished like console games of the old days before they got broadband connections and HDD which is where we are today with post release patch craziness of 30 gb lol. Should we just get used to that? I think I would rather just wait longer than to have it early but waste time downloading shit. Some may disagree with me and that is fine.
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Re: Far Cry 5

Post by GameHED »

This is actually pretty important for noobs who just bought this game:

https://www.resetera.com/posts/6155527/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

https://www.resetera.com/posts/6177395/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

basically if you don't want to be locked out of some of the game's content, always do main missions first which introduce you to major characters in the begining. What the game does is have a resistence meter that when it fills up at certain milestones (indicated by round bumps in the progress bar which is the bar that measures how much the civilians are fighting back against the cult) your character triggers cutscenes which start main story missions that then autocomplete older main missions which you as a player may not have started yet.
The reason for that is so the story makes sense. Personally I would have just forced the player to go see the early stuff so you get character familiarisation then give the player full freedom. But this game wants to be weird.
To be on the safe side, try to follow the logical path the developers intended for you if you are afraid of missing out on some content. (this is for OCD gamers who want to 100% see absolutely everything in the game mostly. But in the age of youtube where you can just watch things without having to play through it, I don't see this as a big deal personally.)
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Re: Far Cry 5

Post by GameHED »

Some of the improvements of FC5 over the older FC games:
The bullet drop is important for long range gun fighting. Its subtle but makes combat more realistic.

I don't like the challenges though. Instead of challenges why not just present them as mini games. It seems so lazy in design to just look at a list of things to do and then just do them. No imagination from ubisoft at all in this area..

With all the complaining about trucks being so common and patrols being too regular at least the spirit of old open world games where anything can happen is captured in this game:
https://www.reddit.com/r/farcry/comment ... t_farcryd/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; :lol:
This is why you always bring a buddy or an AI controller partner with you. They always call out for danger when they see animals and other things to alert you.
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Re: Far Cry 5

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This is a great video to show people new to far cry how you can become a badass ninja action hero if you know enough about the stealth takedowns and use every feature well: (death from above takedown is used a lot here)
looks very rehersed but it gives people an indication of what a stealth playstyle involves if you just don't make noise and focus on one enemy at a time instead of guns blazing which is what most impatient ADHD americans are used to from years of playing call of duty military shooters without considering about the order of the enemy to move against and how you can use distractions and sound to divert attention before sneaking up on their unguarded side to prevent alarms from being raised and ruining the chance of survival. In guerilla warfare games you don't attract attention unless that's a baiting tactic to lure them away from other enemies so you can isloate them for silent kills and drag their body to a bush or dump in water. Many people don't think of far cry as a stealth game which makes me chuckle. The whole setting is based on attacking weak points, getting out of there and hiding before the large military force has time to respond to what you are doing. It's not Call of Duty with an open world. One guy vs many for the vast majority of the outpost gameplay.

Note how the physics engine allows you to throw a bat in the air and let gravity pull it back down and hit an enemy right in the top of the head to stun them so you can combo him? These are things open world games let you do through creativity. Watch what he does with the knife near the end of this video instead of using the bat. Funny stuff. If you like old rambo movies and chuck norris and arnie movies you will like this guys style as these clips are the video game equivalent of those over the top action scenes in those movies. :up:
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Re: Far Cry 5

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Re: Far Cry 5

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Ben Kuchera at it again bashing a game simply because it doesnt push his own political beliefs onto the public.

No wonder gamergate stomped these guys:
no commie or socialist authoritarian crap in my games thanks. The good guys are the gun nuts escaping from tyrants as we have seen in movies like Red Dawn. Not the other way. Fuck the communist jews and mainstream media. The nazis were bad. But the communists are ALSO bad. Don't push your shit down kids throats. You lost. Get over it. Capitalism won and the only thing left are the NWO and greedy guys that want to take over the whole globe by combing the evil half of both sides and enslaving everyone.
Last edited by GameHED on 02 Apr 2018 09:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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Re: Far Cry 5

Post by GameHED »

unfnknblvbl wrote:
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LOL assumes I care whether he puts me on ignore. You tried this before with candy but he can't resist. I won.

After Jasper left he got so bored he had to follow whoever he can't beat or ban from the boards. I'm happy he is here on the boards to keep them alive but never going to agree with his opinions or taste in games. Witcher 3 is shit in control compared to zelda BOTW. Get over it. We gamers actually buy and play games. Not pirate or emulate shit. Edge put zelda BOTW at the top spot man. Candy is fake. He knows he is fake. That's why boards are dying because more people are discussing gaming on the local communities on each platform.
People are relying more on honest reviewers on youtube who tell the truth and make money exposing lies. Not angry pc gamers who still can't play Red Dead Redeption on pc and feel a need to bash console platforms out of frustration that ll the best triple A shit is on peasant machines. All I do is tell things like they really are. Just accept it. Money is what makes these games better and companies more profitable. Not your beliefs of what machine is best. You have to pay! Then when you buy shit, the developers are drawn to the platform. And no matter how big sales of a platform are, as long as you own that platform there is no need to argue who is 'winning' the sales charts. I own all of them. The pc wouldn't be dying if people cared about the quality of games in general. (ie rushed releases etc)

The future is console dominance. We all thought they'd be dead by now but as we see with XBOX One X and PS4 Pro are doing well along with Switch. Developers notice that and when candy tried to bash console I chuckle. It's the most stable version currently. Don't get butthurt please.
Last edited by GameHED on 02 Apr 2018 08:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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