Rate the last game you finished

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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by t0mby »

Uncharted 4

Man, it's taken me ages to complete this. About July/August last year I got stuck on Chapter 20 on Crushing with some insane battle among shipwrecks with a shit tonne of enemies including a few big armoured dudes. Finally passed it and finished the remaining chapters and epilogue (Total game time 27hrs). Loved the way the game wrapped up. Still undecided if it's the best in the series but it is the best at what it does out of the 5 games especially giving you the illusion of a bit more freedom.

8.5 times longer to complete than usual out of 10
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by Froggy »

Nioh, became a slog near the end and I found the story hard to follow but if you love the souls games you will love this.
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

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Mass Effect Andromeda.

Technical issues aside... it looked and played amazing.

Issues i think that deserve mentioning are the pacing and quantity of crew dialogue. There was a lotxof gameplay and major events that simply didnt get mentioned or acknowledged.

The only love interest who had a proper fleshed out romance was Scott and Cora. While i liked Gil and Scotgs romance..was too fast paced in progression for how sparse it was. Hopefully the update coming soon will flesh that out a bit more.

Tye ending was great.. plus i actually want to go back to see what else can happen.

Only issues in writing i found was that I hated Liam Kosta. What a fuckin knob. But then again.. i hayed Ashley from ME1. Pity i cant leave Liam to die.

Multplayer has been super fun too.

Currently clocked 110hrs and finished itxon level 67.

I give it 8.5 dead eyes opened out of 10. With room to improve depending on updates and dlc.
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by t0mby »

I'd deduct another 6" for no Space Dong as well.

So that brings it to 2.5 Jim Sterlings out of 10.

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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

Yeah the lack of space dong was disappointing.. not even gratuitous arse shots made it in.. BUT I guess the lead up and intimate moments of the Gil Romance was very well done.. plus Gil is a very likeable character.. The problem was that the build to the relationship was way too stop start and gated. I spent 40hrs checking in with him for new dialogue not to get any and yet as soon as the Hunt for the Archon was finished.. we were professing our love and agreeing to have babies. I really liked the direction they took with the romance and what they set out for that pairing.. just wish the lead up to the romance wasn't so sparse and stilted in the dialogue checkpoints.

The Movie Night side quest was amusing and interestingly enough.. the facial animations were a LOT better for that scene.. As much as I hate Liam.. his face and smile actually looked real.
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by t0mby »

Deus Ex Mankind Divived

After the awesome Human Revolution I was really looking forward to this but to be honest I struggled to finish it. The story didn't grab me at all. Was glad I picked it up for cheap at Big W late last year otherwise I would've felt ripped off. It's polished I'll give it that but even polish doesn't make a game.

6 dead augmented people out of 10.
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by Twiztid Elf »

Twiztid Elf wrote:Mario Kart 8.

The lack of real battle mode is a real loss. The battle mode that is there, although not as good, is ok.
I'm a little disappointed in the track selection. Some of the new ones are amazing though. Mount Wario, the Ghost house and Bowser Castle are amazing. As is the desert one.
Despite this, the game is excellent. It looks fantastic. It plays fantastic. And the 150CC provides a decent challenge - something the franchise has been missing since probably Double Dash?
In true Mario Kart style, the game really shines when you have people along side you also playing, whether only local or online.
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Well, there is solid battle mode now. The game is an absolute visual feast.
I've pumped in a solid 30 hours + and enjoyed it completely.
I don't know why I feel compelled to give it an 8 though. Maybe because I've played it before, it's a retread, and times have changed. When I consider that I've given Zelda and Horizon 9's this year, MK8D just doesn't feel up there with those two epics.
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by PhoneMonkey »

Mass Effect Andromeda.

Initially almost didn't jump in at release after the hilarious animation GIF compilations at neogaf made me think it was going to be an absolute abortion along the likes of Batman: Arkham Knight on PC.

Glad I didn't - while the shoddy animation certainly stands out, like Ryder dancing down a slight inclined set of stairs along with wobble eyes like they've just hit the glass barbecue, there is a lot of meat on this title. Dragon Age: Inquisition in space is an accurate description, but I think this template suits the space locale much better than the fantasy setting of Dragon Age.

The good: combat (not including sqaddies) is great and meaty. I ended up going a mix of biotic, tech and combat, with Singularity, Incinerate and Concussive Shot giving me a fair bit of flexibility, especially against armored foes. The Nexus seemed bigger than the Citadel, and I though a bit better fleshed out in look and feel. Glad they brought back a bit of RPG element with crafting and research and while not super deep, makes weapons and amour a bit more interesting to craft/acquire. I ended up doing the Scott/Cora romance, which was really well fleshed out (no pun), and at least got to spot a bit of space tittie (and a nice arse). The planets being sandboxed was well executed, and made landing on a new one feel meaningful. Graphics are unreal, tech issues aside, and even on my old Core i5 750 (pushed to the ragged edge) along with a GTX 970, a mix of settings landed me a reasonable frame rate of mostly 60fps. Loved the art style with all of the Remnant sites, definitely gave a sense of awe.

The bad: I think Scott needed to be made a bit more grizzly as he comes across as a bit of a pussy, which is a stark contrast to Shepherd. Some side quests can become a chore, and the 'Tasks' here are like side mission in BoTW (minus the carrot reward). Not having control of your squaddies or being able to equip them with found gear is shit - can't believe they would take that out - would have happily dealt with even worse animation to keep that in. Scanning planets is uneventful, so unless you want an extra 244XP, don't bother. While the recent patch fixed being able to skip inter system animations, they need to fix having to watch the Tempest video every time you leave a planet, or at least allow you to skip it (hearing the same sky jock comment every time I land or re board the ship is really annoying). Also, while Drack and PeeBee are definitely the best in the squad you pick up, the rest are absolutely forgettable.

If they fixed was was in my bad list, it would be a solid 9, but for now an 8.5/10. Better than BoTW.
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

I really liked Drack and especially Vetra.. she was cool and snarky.. and she had good banter. Pee Bee was good too and I actually liked her story arc and character progression... as same with Cora. Jaal was okay I guess but Liam was just fucking annoying. Even then the other squad mates kinda intimated they thought he was a douche.

As for Scott not being as grizzly and hard as Shepard makes sense since Scott wasn't N7 nor was he a decorated war hero to start.. I kinda liked his greenness. I loved Shepard... but he wasn't exactly funny on purpose.. he was quite serious most of the time.
I agree about the skipping of cut scenes..
other things they need to fix is unlocking the consumables in apex... I'm in Myanmar ATM and I've racked up 200/200 of the loot crates and the speed and time it takes to open each one is fucking horrid. 200 will take me about 30min and most of them are just money and minerals.

I really did do a lot exploring and learning about the planets was kinda fun though time consuming. Very pretty though.

I think if they allowed kitting out squad mates and control of their powers it would be cool but mostly they did well on their own.

There is still much to play and learn though post game which I think is good plus there seems to be a LOT of story to be told in DLC
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Rate the last game you finished

Post by PhoneMonkey »

Yep they left it wide open for DLC, and in a way where I think you won't need to reload a save to experience it, which is the best way.

Hoping for something as awesome as the Shadow Broker DLC - along with Witcher 3's DLC, it's amongst the best.
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

Shadow Broker and Citadel quality stuff would be amazing.

The final push to the finish once you found the Salarian ark was fucking awesome. Loved it.. plus when you go talk to everyone after the event.. I did have warm fuzzies for my squad. Except Liam. He is a knob.
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by PhoneMonkey »

The epilogue was good too, having a chat to everyone once it was all said and done.
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

Liam was the worst but I thought his Loyalty mission was the best :up:
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

I think him being such a fuckwit made it a bit meh for me. I enjoyed Cora's more. The loyalty missions had effort put into them though and I did enjoy them.
I really enjoyed the vaults and also fighting the architects.. there must be a few left to tackle as I didn't see one for Haavarl or the Turian habitat that was just rock.. I haven't gone back to the first human one either where Alec died yet.. plus we still need to learn about what the scourge is!!

I was so impressed with how they did make me feel the sense of wonder and of exploration. I've been walking around the temples of Myanmar thinking I'm gonna find a monolith... :) I really enjoyed Eos, Voeld and Elaaden.. plus still need to find out about the worm!!
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by t0mby »

Yakuza 4 (PS3)

Finally, after purchasing this 6 years ago on a holiday in Adelaide I have finished it. Prior to continuing my save 3 weeks ago my last save was in 2012 so it's been awhile. Loved having 4 characters and really enjoyed their stories. Certainly was an improvement over Yakuza 3 which I enjoyed as well but the pacing was a bit off for newcomers. Couldn't be arsed with all the side quests in the end, did something like 48/65 yet some were entertaining and quite long as well. Looking forward to booting up #5 and smashing that out before I move onto the next gen games.

8.5 broken umbrellas fished from the ocean out of 10
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

Struggling for motivation to dive into another epic after Andromeda, been playing some CS:GO or AFL Live Evolution each evening, with the usual AoE2 game on the weekend with Mrs Burnside.
Currently playing: Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition (PC), Far Cry 4 (PC), FIFA 23 (Series X)
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by Twiztid Elf »


Credits rolled this morning at about 118-119 hours.
I don't even know where to begin with how much I fucking love this game. The way it draws you into it's world.
The amazing characters and style. The amazing soundtrack. The amazing hand drawn cut-scenes. The fantastic dungeons, bosses, fights and character abilities.
The only minor complaints I have are how slow it moves in between dungeons sometimes, and how long it is.
2017 - best year in gaming ever.


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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by flipswitch »

What's your current GOTY front runner?
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by Twiztid Elf »

Heh. That's surprisingly a really tough question. Usually, most years, at any point I'd be able to answer it easily as a "at this point in time".
Not this year. At this point it would definitely be between ZeldaBotw, HorizonZD and P5. I'm glad I've still got 5 months to mull over it and let them resonate in my mind.

As much as I enjoy it (and Splatoon was my 2015 goty) Splatoon2 at this point won't be up there. Just because it feels too iterative.
The only other game launching this year that I expect has potential to get up there is Mario Odyssey.

The last two years have been online shooters for me (Splatoon and Overwatch), so it's about time narrative driven single player experiences reclaim their rightful place at the top. :D
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by Froggy »

Mass Effect Andromeda.. thought I'd left a review but I can't see it. The story was very uneven, the actual storyline when it was on song was great and compelling but there was too long inbetween the good bits with just naff, it also felt like a linear progression, literally get one planet to 100%, then go do the next, then end the game. I fucking hated Liam too, what a whiney wanker, would have left him in a vault if I could have that option. I played after the fixes to animation so whilst it was still all over the shop (especially textures flopping in and out) it didn't really bother me. At it's core it is a good game, I did feel like I had to slog through to the end as like a lot of people I wanted to finish most of the quests if not all to make sure I had explored all options etc but the ending was great. One thing that shit me is I didn't realise I was in the prologue at the end when on the ship, so I went to go outside thinking I was gonna get to walk around the new world and then boom credits lol. Don't make that mistake everyone. All in all combat was great, weapons crafting absolutely useless (got one good gun of each type I liked and some armour and that was that), story is overall good and real good setup for #2 if it ever gets made.

Dead Rising Super Dead Mini Golf.. not a bad little add on, I'm enjoying it, entertaining with friends.
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

I still loved Liam's loyalty mission though, even though he was the worst character in the game.
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by Twiztid Elf »

Splatoon 2
Sequel to my 2015 goty.

It's Splatoon and it's still awesome. But it's not as awesome and ground breaking as 1 was.
It's very easy to lie on the couch and go into Turf War and watch the hours just evaporate. Ranked mode is excellent aswell.

Single player is nowhere near as good as it was in 1.
Grizzco Salmon Run horde mode I don't care about.
The new maps aren't really that good and not as remarkable or memorable as the launch S1 maps.

All up, the reality is that it is an iterative sequel to an amazing game.
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by t0mby »

Yakuza 5 PS3

I've played nothing but Yakuza these last couple of months and #5 I wrapped up yesterday after clocking in a whopping 110hrs on my first play through.

Geez this game is filled to the brim with stuff to do, played havoc on my ocd. Each time I started a new chapter with a different character I wanted to carry in with the previous one but by the end of the chapter I loved their story. Even Harukas chapter, despite hating all the menial tasks actually had good story. The end was a drag though, there was no where to save between starting the final act and the credits rolling and it went on and on and on.

The story was a bit of a mess in places and I found it hard to follow at times but overall it was a good game and the updated engine was a blessing after the old one. I still rate 4 above 5 though.

8 questions wrong in the baseball quiz out of 10

Now onto Yakuza 0 at 60 glorious frames per second which arrived in the post today.
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by Gamma »

Super Stardust Ultra VR (PS4)

Picked this up on the cheap recently. It's been a long time since I've fired it up on the PS3, but as best as I can remember, this is the same game but with nicer visuals, new environments, an additional set of music (so now there's original/retro/orchestral) and some extra modes. It wasn't actually developed by Housemarque, but you really can't tell- it's 100% faithful to the original. Arcade Mode plays out the same in terms of enemy waves/bosses, but the planets themselves look different. I also seem to recall keeping my weapon powerups when the game loops back to the start on PS3, whereas here your weapons are reset- which is better, since it means chasing a highscore isn't necessarily dependent on playing through the whole game on Normal simply to be able to start Hard with all guns blazing.

Really fun game that stands the test of time. The weapon system has enough going on to be interesting, without being so complex as to get in the way when the action ramps up. I play most twin stick shooters that I can get my hands on, and this is one of the best. I particularly appreciate that a high score run doesn't necessarily mean a huge time commitment- a big chunk of your points come from finishing a stage quickly, as opposed to a lot of other games like this that force you to drag out levels and boss encounters to maximise your score. Similarly, rather than being punished for hoarding bombs (in that unused bombs are simply a waste), they affect the score multiplier.

I don't have a PSVR headset so the VR mode isn't accessible to me, but I imagine it would look very cool and melt my brain after about an hour. Online leaderboards only show the top 1000 Arcade Mode scores, and if you don't make the cut you're condescendingly placed 1001st regardless of your score. Last night I finally cracked the top 1000 and landed in 672nd place, 16th in Australia. There doesn't seem to be anyone on my friends list with this game which was a surprise- I don't know if that's because this VR version is considered a different game to the original PS4 release, or there just straight up isn't anyone playing it. Would be nice to have a rival or two, but I'm happy chasing these other Aussies for now.

I still haven't checked out all of the new modes, but what I've played is very difficult to fault. 9/10 I guess, only because it's a re-release for the most part.
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by Twiztid Elf »

Sonic Mania
So like most I guess, I played a fair bit of 1, 2, 3, and even Spinball on the MegaDrive. Finished Sonic Adventure 1 on the DC.
Then the long break to Colours and Generations which were both excellent.
So I have a pretty solid Sonic background. I like Sonic and Sonic games, but I wouldn't claim to be as big of a fan as many others here.

Anyhow, I wasn't planning on getting Sonic Mania, but I got swept up in the hype and grabbed it.
I'm so glad that I did. It is superb. A true return to form for the 2D blue blur.
To a part time fan like me, it really does capture the essence of the early Megadrive games. Sonic handles and the game plays very much like them.
The levels are longer and a lot of fun. There are some levels in here that are pure joy to play.

But then there are some annoyances and frustrations. A couple of the levels are a bit annoying and a couple of the bosses are downright horrible.
All in all, a great trip down memory lane. This Taxman guy really knows what he's doing with Sonic, that's for damn sure.
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