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My annual thread about Eve Online (£3 sale on also)

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

You should've blasted him. :)

One thing I admire about this game is while it's obviously a fantasy setting it's subject to real life moments. It's fair to say the game doesn't hold your hand so when I headed back out to find the gravimetric signature with my new found scanner knowledge, which after about 10 mins I found then warped to, I discovered I'd left an item necessary to proceed to the next stage of the mission back in my hangar. Mission aborted, back to base.
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My annual thread about Eve Online (£3 sale on also)

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

Deef wrote:That's the same video I was recommended heh. I doubt it's Aura because scanning was added years after the game was made.
I thought she might be permanent staff who also does the Aura voice work. I read in recent blog articles that there will be new content featuring Aura voice overs.
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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online (£3 sale on also)

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lol, yeah leaving the cargo behind is one of those things. There's no escape, one day it will get you, 13 jumps out.

Speaking of real life, DAMMIT I was being careful but still messed up. I was in low sec, watching the scanner and local, and I knew exactly which one particular player to avoid. Tech 2 frigate, somewhere in here, and there have been recent killings. I knew not to warp to a useful place because it would be likely that hostile players were there, and I had safespots already set up. I just needed something more central to that patch of planets/moons/bases to get more readable scan results. I thought I had picked one that was pretty useless and random...

My one real mistake was warping to 0; first real lesson I had completely failed to remember.

The one real problem though was that out of about 40 places that particular player could have been in the system, I happened to warp in right on top of him. God dammit Leeroy. Mash warp out, already jammed. Ok fight time but I knew I had no chance. He didn't even web me and simply moved faster than my Rifter even with the afterburner on so there goes the whole single tactic I might have had to my advantage. He must have had a microwarp drive. I was just a bit glad that the whole process at least lasted more than 5 seconds. I got about a whole minute to flail about uselessly; enough to determine that, no, I indeed could not outrun this mofo nor his guns at that distance.

I think less than 7 deaths before my first PvP kill is an ok goal... and I can taste that victory already heh, don't give a damn who it is. >:|

Once I get a kill, I'll post some noob tips. Oh but here's one critical thing:

*** If you're going into low sec, RENAME YOUR SHIP. ***
This is basically the number one stupid thing to not do. If you don't, people can identify you, and they will find you, and kill you.
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My annual thread about Eve Online (£3 sale on also)

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

More good info thank you. Ouch re: loss. So what does insurance cover? I'm guessing ship minus gear.

Ventured out last night to another PvE agent. 21 jumps. Was a long, pretty ride. Loving the game.
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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online (£3 sale on also)

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Insurance doesn't pay well but it's something. Yeah it doesn't matter what's on your ship, the payout is fixed once you buy the insurance. There are a few options at different prices, which is a little redundant really, and the different prices follow a formula that is surprisingly basic once I realised it:

The amount you pay is simply equal to how much better off you will be than if you had just used the default, non-purchased insurance.

Eg, if my Rifter explodes I get 90,000 by default if I don't buy insurance.
If I take the insurance option that costs 65,000, I would receive about 220,000 ISK. That is 65,000 (the cost paid back) + 90,000 (the default I would have received regardless) + 65,000 again (I am this much better off for having taken insurance).

So you don't have to do any maths when purchasing. The amount you pay is equal to how much better off you will be when your ship pops, compared to no insurance.

Insurance is not a good deal by any means, it's simply something. My Rifter plus fittings costs 520,000 if I keep it cheap. I only receive about 155,000 (plus original insurance cost) for losing it, and I would have received 90,000 without insurance anyway.

I have a cloaking module and I don't use it when I'm PvP hunting, because that one piece alone costs more than double the ship and everything on it.
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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online (£3 sale on also)

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

Captain's Quarters preview. Rolling out shortly.
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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online (£3 sale on also)

Post by Deef »

Looks good, but the walking doesn't look relaxed. Flashbacks of Shenmue walking right there. However the way he pushed his weight forward when walking uphill was a nice tough. Being able to stand above your ship = noiiice.

I also like how it takes all those stupid, pointless trade items - like milk - and actually gives them a place in the game now. Hell they could quite literally make a collection/rares game grow out of all that. I also really like the idea that in the future, you could be taking a trip across 21 star system to quite literally get a new pair of pants. And if CCP have considered it, quite literally fighting in spaceships, for pants. You blow up your opponent and loot his cargo... seriously if the public area stuff takes off, they could really go somewhere with the appeal of character fashion. Hilarious.

The way it will be the new zero-point introduction for new characters is also a total plus for Eve. The huge gap of empty space between character creation and actually starting the game has always been wtf-ish.

Do you know about their future plans and Dust 451? Console based planet-bound FPS and PC based space combat interacting in the same universe; really impressive imo. It's an idea too great for any company to just create out of nothing but because Eve is already what it is, CCP really have the opportunity to create a game whose scope is just unprecedented. The idea of fighting in an FPS, not for the victory points or "air strike" or whatever, but simply to get access open to another player/players up in space to have their own effect on the on the game... is pretty cool. I like the thought of a small team psyching up to try and get past a big team to open the way for some veteran Eve player in titan to obliterate 90% of the playing field.

All for pants.
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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online (£3 sale on also)

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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online (£3 sale on also)

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... why?
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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online (£3 sale on also)

Post by Twiztid Elf »

Because of the un-fucking-bearable pressure to jump in.
It's bad enough I have people telling me I SHOULD be playing this, that I also have to face this thread on the ranch also proving it is the game I SHOULD be playing.
I don't have the room in my life for this right now dammit! So divided.
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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online (£3 sale on also)

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Well, if it helps, I completely can not argue with you. I avoided it for 4 years and it's very easy to see why.

Eve doesn't have to be a time sink, because skills train while you're offline and if you can find someone that will cough up ISK for you a bit then you lose nothing from not grinding like any other MMO. Having said that, Eve is very capable of consuming far too much time. You can sit in a station for an hour just buying and fitting your ship. An hour might not happen too often, but 15-20 minutes does, and refitting is common and often involves travelling. Your corp arranges a fleet battle in 20 minutes and that's not enough time. It gets extended to 30 minutes, then the battle itself and travelling and refitting again. Everything is really stretched for the fun:time ratio, no doubt about it.

If you feel like getting stuck right into it, probably leave it if life is full because Eve presents you with an ocean of potential time wastage.
If you are happy to just give it a little time here and there, it's worth a look if you think you can keep it that way. Pepp doesn't play for very long sessions I think.
So choose from one of the above, is my advice.

I don't think there's really a substitute for time when it comes to offensive PvP however. If that's a strong/deciding interest know that it will take serious/too much time and you're looking at weeks or months also.
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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online (£3 sale on also)

Post by Burnzoire »

The good thing about eve is that you can stop playing whenever... keep training offline if you keep your subs going.. then jump back in and find plenty of new things to play with whether it's patch additions or new things you have trained for.
I've taken many breaks from eve but I'm glad I signed up when I did because my char is well old and skilled up now. Still, new players have it all these days compared to when I was a young capsuleer... :)
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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online (£3 sale on also)

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Yes but what about solo PvP Burnz? Do you think that's gotten harder?

There's an Aussie guy in my corp... damn his accent is so much cooler than everyone else's, I can't describe it heh. It sounds like this guy knows what he's saying.

Had a lot of fights with a really nice FC (flight commander). He just kept the information flowing, kept repeating the orders and such, explaining things to the new guys, and just a really polite, friendly way. Was good. Sounded Asian.

Fleet PvP is still being the suck. The corp is definitely more interesting and I can see that community developing already, so that's cool. But the fighting itself, practically impossible for me. Mainly due to two things: 1. I'm in a Rifter and I've learnt that their reputation really is a reputation. In any fleet battle, the Rifters will be the first primary targets because they are feared more than any other frigate. The reputation actually overpowers their strength to the point where people were advising to just not use a Rifter. I had started training Gallente frigs already but at that point they still weren't high enough.

2. The enemy corp (Red Fed - I'm in the blue corp of a red/blue pvp alliance) knew me a bit too well last night; that I'm an easy kill and a quick way to get a Rifter off the field.

I also plain suck, no doubt about that. PvP really is more about pilot skill than virtual skill; there is just so much to learn and have an understanding of. You have to learn to fight as if you're not expecting to die, to not panic every single time lol, to understand who's attacking you, why, what the limits are of that situation, how useful you can be to the fleet with that, etc. Plus all the cut and dry data on screen: are you targeting right, orbiting correctly, who else has you in their range, should you be afterburning, how's the capacitor, are drones on you, who is seco- oh you're dead.
In other words, I have still come nowhere near being in a fight where I've had things under control and then simply lost. Every fight (ie every loss) I've been in has seen me explode while I'm still just trying to get a handle on things. It only makes it more encouraging I think, because you know that all you're doing is learning. I don't know how long it will be until my virtual skills actually make a significant difference because so far it's only about learning what to do and how to do it, and taking the time to get blown up again and again doing so. One pro joined and he was like "Don't put me in a frigate battle, I'm terrible in frigates."

One thing that's not so fun though is that it seems in most battles, and especially in all-frigate battles, the strategy of swarm and kill is basically the only thing that goes. 10 vs 10 is really two games of 10 vs 1 running in conjuction, and then it changes to 9 vs 1, 8 vs 1, and so on. Yep, it's reality and the strategy that works, but it isn't fun when you're the first "1" all the time and I wish there was more to it. However all-frig battles really are the complete bottom of the ladder. As the 101 class of fleet PvP I can accept that strategy is pretty rigid.
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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online (£3 sale on also)

Post by Burnzoire »

I've never been in a fleet fight... being in a big corp is too much of a time sink for me. I usually just tinker around making money to get new cooler ships and fits. I've done a bit of solo/small gang pvp and loved it though. No game has made me sweat more :P
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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online (£3 sale on also)

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Yeah, that's my question. When you were doing your solo/gang PvP, what kind of weaker targets would you come against and with what kind of regularity?
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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online (£3 sale on also)

Post by Burnzoire »

Dunno, haven't done it in ages mate. The playing field has changed a lot since then.

I should go right into PvP next time I get a subscription. Stop arsing around and actually put my 60M skillpoints to good use :P
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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online (£3 sale on also)

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

Scheduled downtime. The joys of MMO gaming.

Update time then. A week and a half in and I'm very happy so far. I wanted to play an MMO again so I could feel like a bit-player amongst something much larger. To that end Eve is the perfect game. While playing you can 'look at' entities in the distance eg: asteroids, space stations and so forth. I'm getting a kick out of doing this so I can observe from atop a distant object my little dust-spec inching along the vastness of space.

I love the skills system. A typical gameplay feature of this genre I don't like is skills grinding. Eve does away with this entirely. So long as you have skills queued in your character's schedule learning takes place constantly during play or while logged off. It makes more sense and it means my game time is dedicated to missions, making money or socialising. I've yet to choose a career path. At the moment I'm doing all early career missions and learning applicable skills. Perhaps a career path will open up to me, perhaps it won't. For now I'm liking military/combat missions and exploration. The business side of the game is intriguing as well. I stumbled across interacting with planets while traveling and quickly concluded this was something to explore well down the path. The following tutorial agrees with me.
I also like the way Eve handles logistics. If you buy an item from the market it doesn't appear in a magic bag or bank accessible from multiple locations. It resides in the station you bought it from be that the one you're orbiting or one in a system 21 jumps away. The cheaper the market price for an item the more dangerous the journey to retrieve it. If a mission requires you have an item with you you'd better remember to grab it otherwise it can be a long journey back home to get it. Also if you wish to manufacture an item you're subject to the availability of the station's assembly lines. If they're in use by clients you must join a queue and wait. This kind of logic increases the immersion factor for me.

The downtime tonight is a precursor to Captain's Quarters being deployed on 21/6. That's going to be a massive boost to how the game presents as well as provide for more time fluffing about, having fun, while not doing particularly much at all - another joy of MMO gaming.
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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online (£3 sale on also)

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One thing that interests me basically as much as the Captain's Quarters is that this update apparently is laying the groundwork for a UI upgrade. Dammit that's one thing I've wanted since I first tried the game; it needs it. Not that the UI is terrible and in fact it does a very good job of handling so much data, but some key areas need to be reworked. I hope their plans are along those lines, and not just prettying it up. Like, the market UI shouldn't pause while it's fetching data, ALL fonts need to be adjustable, chat windows need more presentability options, and tbh after 8 years the context sensitive side of things should be seeing a significant evolution in how intuitive it is. There are also standardisation issues still... You buy 10 Afterburners and they're stacked, but take 1 off and put it back and Aura jumps in to tell you they're not stackable. I can toggle the scanner and fittings windows, but not the cargo or market windows. No, those ones I have to select and use a different command to close. I shouldn't have to remember which services toggle and which don't. Service-dependant hotkeys would be even better; so I could open Assets and access the search field without needing the mouse.

I'd also like to see more visual clues when interacting with anything on-grid. Orbiting the wrong target because I didn't notice the grey row between black rows sitting on a black background while the target's name is as out-of-the-way as possible... is a mistake I have made so many times. In PvE it isn't so bad but in any PvP that will get you killed much more often than not. The difference between ship selected and ship targeted needs to be much, much clearer imo. Because your guns are interacting with spaceship X while your navigation with Y... >_<.

One thing that's a bit of a shame about Eve is that being such a big thing, requested and promised updates take years. They're always working on something, always working on and adding quite a lot of something (Titans, Planetary Interaction, Captain's Quarters, character models, Incursions, Aura, overhauling the agents system - all since I last tried the game), but between a lot and everything there's still quite a big gap and it seems typical that something you wished were fixed is destined to be fixed.... in about 4 years.

Still doing a lot of fleet PvP; still dying a lot. So far I have been given 40 million ISK and 15 Rifters. I'm finding a lot of time is being wasted in refitting, because I just can't buy all my s*** in one place. To correct something you said there Pepp, items you buy being 4/a zillion jumps away is less to do with difficulty getting there than it is simply with other players putting those items there. The whole market is just people putting their stuff on the market wherever they choose and naturally hot and cold spots exist. Trade routes are just more examples of those things from reality that work in Eve. Players find holes in particular parts of the market, exploit them by shipping huge amounts of whatever between systems, and when lowsec space falls into their route things get really interesting and your PvPers are literally like the mafia waiting for things to fall off the back of a truck.

For me, it's a shambles. I am lucky in that I have a cluster of 5 stars with everything, but still, that sucks for wanting to refit and get back in a battle fast. Rifters are disposeable now. Fleet battles are a whole other story to solo PvP too. Very much a different feeling because in fleet battles you have to get used to the fact that if you're primaried and a frigate, you're not going to not die. Frigate battles aren't too thrilling really because no-one has an important role and it's just attrition; you know 17 ships are going down.

Damn... still down for patch.

Oh man... my corp had a huge Cruiser brawl the other night. Over 500 Cruisers were blown up. I only watched, but the looting lol. The participants didn't really care but the onlookers like me lol... field day for loot. There were about 5 people looting and it took them the better part of an hour hehe... like space ants cleaning up giant space crumbs.
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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online (£3 sale on also)

Post by Deef »

Mmm after that tutorial, Planetary Interaction seems completely pointless to me. There's no real gameplay on the planet, only logistics. Outside the planet it only equates to ISK. Twenty factors to understand just to create items and ISK. If there are faster ways to make ISK (and there are) I can't see any meaning at all in PI... and those other ways are also more fun.

It looks cool though.

Edit - Ok it's a total coincidence that the Caldari cruiser I was looking at for that screenshot is actually the player who organised it all. The whole brawl was made possible because he can manufacture cruisers and over some period of time actually gave every player their ship; I think even 10 ships.
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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online. Now with pew pew.

Post by Burnzoire »

It was added to complete the cycle of the materials in eve. Now everything is created from hunks of rock in space or mines on a planet. Everything in game was built by some other player. That's what makes eve so dynamic. I love the market in eve, I just wish the gameplay was a bit more fun. By that I mean it can be good fun hitting sites and pvping, but you usually spend more time travelling and waiting.
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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online. Now with pew pew.

Post by Deef »

Maybe that's nice for those into the market, but what's the difference? The game controls the abundance of minerals that make those special items, just like the game controlled the abundance of those special items, no?

I see it more as quite literally the scene-setting for Dust 514. I am thinking that this stuff is very possibly going to be in places where future console players will be fighting. Damn, the scope and reality of this idea really impresses me.

Had a good moment today. We blues were mooching around, some action on the red base. Too many frigates, only a few of us, and they had a couple of tech 2's out. We played kiss chasey for a while, that is, docking games. They come out but dock again before we can get a kill, but if we can get one to agro it gives us time. A Tech 2 Wolf agro'd me... and that's a bit of a thrill heh. Report this to the fleet and DAMN IT'S ON BOYS!! Everything's go and best of all, I'm ready for this. Taking damage but throw on the microwarp drive and I'm burning out of his weapons' range. I'm already too far to web or scramble, this is the key to the fitting I currently use most, so I am actually capable of doing something tactical when I'm taking damage for once. Warp disruptor, orbit and soon, the cap boosters. The other 2 guys in fleet swoop in and it looks like we're actually going to get this. He's still firing at me but just not hitting.. omg it's actually working! And yep, soon enough he pops and we are bloody pleased. T2 frigate downed by our crappy toys; his ship worth more than 10 times all ours combined, and all because I got the warp disruptor on him and was able to spam the MWD. Not a super amazing tactic but a tactic nonetheless that is an issue for all short-range frigs. Turns out later that one of the other guys had a tracking disruptor on him too which is possibly what kept me alive (or possibly he was just not fitted for range like most PvP Rifter setups), but yes, that was a really nice moment when a minute later, safely out in space again, the FC says "That was good work, who kept him scrammed? Someone have a long point or something?" Yep, that was me. I was well bloody chuffed. Some FCs are really nice guys too. Eve has voice chat built in and for me this is a kind of new thing. I really enjoy it.

It is very cool being the accidental bait when you have a fleet that you know has got your back and is just itching to burn in, guns blazing. You just say the word on comms and bam, everything comes to life.

A few minutes later some guy undocks in a flipping Hurricane. Ffs. This is a running thing in this Red vs Blue PvP alliance thing. "The other team always upships." Seriously I am a believer in this. A hurricane? We had like 4 frigates flying around. I didn't even bother to warp away, he couldn't be serious. I wrote in local "lol are you serious". Turns out he was, down I went. Turns out that was the guy I had scrambled and thus brought his T2's destruction. He was a little bitter hehe. I'm bummed I lost my winning Rifter though, and also that I have thus allowed him to see my fit. (Basically a MWD, cap booster and warp disruptor in the mids, nothing but power boost and armour buffer tank in the lows and 2 long range guns, to go with the disruptor, in the highs. Can only fit 2.)

Some other good moments... man I can't remember. We've killed a Drake and a Rupture in 1 battle with only Destroyers, that was good. We've had a couple of "We're safe here" then a 15-strong red fleet just barrels in on top of us and it's just teh lolz. "Warp out, warp outwarpoutwarpoutwarpouttttt" on comms, and as you must know Burnzoire.. that agonising wait for warp to kick in. Last night we were looting a rather successful attack that was still on grid with red HQ. After a while I felt the overview to be a little too red. "Guys... they're starting to outnumber us on grid" I write. A few notice, someone says it on comms, FC wakes up. "Oh.. yes.. guys.. careful. No, get out of.. go. Go go go go go go gogogogogo" because right then red's commendably-fast reshipping and regroup had all just starting warping in right on top of us again, and it was literally just the timing of me noticing that kept us alive by flipping seconds. Warping out while you're already being locked onto... stressssss. Especially when you recognise who some of your attackers are and know how good they are at tackling.

Engineering V will be complete tomorrow. Finally. -_- Damn it's always 1 point of power missing for the fit you want. I'm hanging out for thermodynamics, because I'll be able to overheat the warp disruptor and scramble people from a more relaxed range. After that I might see what other defensive or tactical skills I can improve to add to my T1 frigate capabilities. I can already do rigs but haven't used any because they're just silly expensive. Soon maybe. I don't know, I don't actually earn any money, still basically feeding off the lucky handouts I've had. It's been about 3 weeks and I haven't actually gone and earnt ISK since about.. day 4?

I know this might look like gibberish to some. That's half the point heh.
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My annual thread about Eve Online. Now with pew pew.

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

Nice post. I'm pleased to say it's not gibberish to me.

Learned an old lesson last night ie: never underestimate. I returned to finish some tutorial missions and kicked off the advanced combat series. Here the game takes you through the use of warp scramblers, stasis webs and so forth. Prior to this I'd completed some L1 missions so these tutorial missions were an absolute cakewalk. Eg: effortlessly blowing up pirates in a reaper with a single civilian turret. So when the time came to complete the 'exam' mission I saddled up my Rifter and headed out. I was drilled. Frustratingly I couldn't unlock targets I seemed to auto lock onto. I wasn't shooting targets I wanted to shoot, my afterburner wasn't working, warp disabled and I generally had no control over anything other than my eyes which I used to watch my ship blow up. My underestimation complete thanks to the full cargo hold of loot I acquired during my L1 missions.

A moment to lament the loss.

In the spirit of Eve I podded back to base, kitted another Rifter, considered what went wrong and warped back into battle. On this occasion I smashed my afterburner immediately to put some distance between me and the three targets (one target, two wingmen). It was still a tough battle, vastly more difficult than the extremely easy missions immediately prior and harder than any mission I've done elsewhere so far. For me PvE battles thus far haven't required I deviate from a target. I lock on and when the target is destroyed I do the same to the next one until there are none left. In this fight I had to unlock, break off, use asteroids for cover, burn out to recharge, attack again. All of this achieved via mashing through relevant scanned items with clumsy scrolling + right clicking. Thankfully I beat it on my second try.

The completed mission did give me my first destroyer, a Thrasher, which I look forward to flying.
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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online. Now with pew pew.

Post by Deef »

Aww all the cargo? Did the same last night... got some phat loots and forgot to stash it, and later, pop.

The story you just told is like the Sisters of Eve epic arc. It's basically.. lame. You do about 15 absolutely pants missions; either just ferrying junk or really easy fights, then suddenly there's one where the enemy is using webs and speed tanking me... me... even without the webs. I learnt a couple of real lessons from that. 1. If you're going to be webbed, web back. If you can't web back, don't we webbed. 2. That straight lines are your friend when you're being speed tanked. Ie, fly away and shoot backwards.

That particular mission took me and a mate, in a cruiser, 3 tries. It was nice to see that on the 3rd we actually were taking control of the fight. But I'm not impressed by how much the game sets you up to be raped with all the way too easy missions before it.

I don't know if you've been playing range (artillery) or speed (auto cannons), but consider using artillery on your Thrasher and going for what people call "alpha kills." That's when you kill the target either in your first volley of attacks, or at least before they have time to target you or warp out. More of a PvP thing yeah, but still, the Thrasher can hit hard with 7 guns instead of 3, and if those 7 guns are artillery (slow rate of fire but harder hits) then that first hit is going to have the punch of maybe 14 autos, and if you look up the enemy resistances you can look for the best ammo and choose a variant that has a range you like, and you should really see a very big difference.

Having said that, the Rifter is still more than adequate for those advanced military career missions and everything I just said is kinda overkill heh. The first time I even used a destroyer was that recent Drake kill. Destroyers are kind of an "in between" class of ship it seems. In our fights the rule is often frigs only, but then someone says "yeah dessies are ok too". They're basically like an extra meaty frigate. More guns, more armour, not a huge loss in speed, but no extra mid or low slots and not enough extra CPU or power to move to the next class of modules, so no new tricks at all really. They are just about is doing what a frig does, harder. You're not going to tackle a frig in a dessy though (well not 1 on 1), so they reside in a fragile niche of usefulness it seems - blasting frigs to pieces in the right conditions, but an easy kill for a solo frig if not set up for it. I want to not like destroyers, but I have definitely enjoyed watching things melt under their guns. In fact, watching any opponent go down due mostly to your attack is a new kind of satisfying that I'm only just getting a taste of lately.

We got a couple more nice wins last night... a red Hurricane and Armageddon. The cane was a good fight, chasing him around both sides of a gate. The geddon was a lame kill, but later I realised a fair one anyway.

We also got a war target - someone who has declared war against us that isn't Red - and with WTs anything does, ie podding is allowed. We destroyed whatever he was flying (and it was a good battle, I just can't remember what we killed) and one of us had scanner probes out and we were able to find where he had gone in his pod. He was silly enough to stay in system. We set up the most patient camp outside the station he had docked in, a few of the guys confident they could easily get a fast point (warp scramble or disrupt) on even a pod, and basically this is Eve. This whole fleet of us being complete mofos waiting to pod this guy, and that's the name of the game. Unfairness for the win. Inside Red vs Blue it's a different story but against real enemies there is no fair heh. In the end, he disconnected. He kind of had to lol. He wasn't going to buy and fit anything nasty from inside that 1 station hehe.

Just to correct something you said Pepp, when used as a verb "to pod" means to kill someone in their pod.


What about the patch? You had any issues? Man I see the reputation CCP have earnt themselves for this, what a clusterf*** of a patch. I was actually expecting to play the game that night when the patch was done, but then the notice says 2 hours late. Then 3 hours, then 3 hours 30. Finally 3 hours, 45 minutes late it's done. I patch, log on, starting looking at the minor cha-.... wtf. UI completely disappears.

Long story short, Eve is simply broken for me in Vista now. They have now patched the patch twice but the patch-patching has not fixed the bug I was getting. I tried unpatching, repairing, even used the steam client. I then downloaded the whole damn game again but that installer has a corrupt file issue! Ffs. So after waiting 3 hours more than expected for the patch to be done, I then spent the rest of the night trying to get the damn game to work at all. In the end I had to give up, buy a microphone the next day (this was to do with why I was using Vista in the first place), and now only Win 7 Eve works.

And the capacitor is not only off-centre now, but goes invisible if you get light behind it. Very lame. -_- That off-centre thing really irritates me, but it seems they're not bothering with more patch patches now.

... Dammit, I just went 7 hours without any skills training! >_<
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Re: My annual thread about Eve Online. Now with pew pew.

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

Deef wrote:Just to correct something you said Pepp, when used as a verb "to pod" means to kill someone in their pod.
Whoops thanks for the correction. Flying around by myself, developing my own vernacular, meanwhile experienced players are wondering why I'm killing myself.

I can't say I discerned anything untoward after the patch. Other than there was another one very soon after. I feel your pain re: not training anything. I went an afternoon with nothing queued one day and found it rather irritating.
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My annual thread about Eve Online. Now with pew pew.

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

Made good progress over the weekend. PvE missions are pretty engaging. I like the infrequent nature of tasks. Straight after a tough combat mission you might get a simple courier or rescue mission requiring nothing but travel.

I kitted my first destroyer, a Thrasher, which took a couple of hours of buying and travelling to pick items up. I ended up soloing a mission that my agent recommended would require friends. About 16 mobs. The destroyer took hits well but I couldn't hit anything with my 7 artillery cannons. A good deal of ammo later and I thought perhaps I should stop trying to fly it like a Rifter. Sure enough as soon as I stopped orbiting targets and manually straightened her up they popped like flies. I also had a targeting system installed which I was pleased to see target multiple enemies.
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