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Post by jahooley »

Azumi (Japan, 2003)

If you like ninjas and things, see this. Not as ninja as I would of liked though. Not enough rooftop jumping and your typical stealth-like moves that of a ninja who can make himself scarce in less than a second etc.

Still, this movie deals with ninja ASSASINS on a mission, all very dangerous with a katana. And like all me mates, if you have a fetish for cute jap girls (Azumi) you will like this.
Action, blood, slashing and slicing. Lots of emotion, drama and intensity with a few odd laughs.

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Post by Scullibundo »

Borat - Fucking hilarious, go see.

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Post by Mavy »

The Prestige.

A pretty interesting movie but overall a bit slow. I was thinking about other things I could have been doing quite often throuhout the movie.

6.5 do-you-think-he-saw-us's out of 10
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Post by Ben »

Scullibundo wrote:Borat - Fucking hilarious, go see.

yikes that's a big generous imo.
It was funny but those funny moments were too few and far between.

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Post by AgOnNy »

BORAT - 8/10!!!!!!!!!!!!! :up: :up: :up:

Fucking awesome shit, the whole entire cinema were crying of laughter!!!
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Post by Scullibundo »


The plot moves quickly but the pace of the movie is slow enough to build up momentum to the prestige of the film. It's one of those movies where the first three quarters acts as a prelude to the twists. Very good movie, I enjoyed it thoroughly. The jumping between the present and past is sometimes done without warning, so you have to pay attention. Chris Nolan pulls a Momento on your ass.

I give The Prestige 8 black cats out of 10 top hats.
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Post by edgecrusher »

Miami Vice

I'm glad i didnt go and see this at the movies. A movie that went no where. One of the worst hyped up action movies i've seen, a waste of time.

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nice! High five!!

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Post by Scullibundo »

Scanner Darkly

I would give the first half of this movie 8/10, while I would give the second half 5/10.

The rotoscoping effect is amazing, Linklater's come a long way since Waking Life. The film was enjoyable in the first half if only for the characters and the banter between them. The second half was more narrative focused, and when the plot's thin it has a hard task of maintaining interest. Definitely feels like the second half of the film drags.

I give A Scanner Darkly 6.5 dessert surprises out of 10.
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Post by Rorschach »

Saw Children of Men last week - one of the most depressing science fiction films I've seen since 1984. Great viewing, the longview scene near the end of the film is one of the best, worthy of De Palma. It put me on edge all week thinking just how important children are and the world they will inherit in the decades to come. 8/10

Just got back from seeing Casino Royale, the best Bond film I have seen. Daniel Craig seemed miscast at first because he says so little but once the film gets moving you can tell what a quality actor he is. He also brings physical menace to the role. I loved Pierce Brosnan as Bond (not so much the movies in and of themselves) because he had the mannerisms downpat but he lacked physicality, he was constantly relying on weapons/toys to get him out of absurd situations. This Bond looks like a killer. What surprised me most was that 50% of the movie is set in the Casino Royale with little actual action going on but it still remained interesting throughout, not an ounce of wasted film. This Bond borrows a lot in style from the Bourne series (more Identity than Supremacy - not as hyper-realistic) which is why I loved it. 9/10
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Post by Ambrose Burnside »

Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan

I have no idea why this movie isn't rated R. I'm thinking of the incredibly hilarious "fight" scene in particular. :lol: :lol: :lol:

If you hate this movie you have no sense of humour whatsoever, and fail at life. This is the first movie I've seen where everyone in the cinema was laughing pretty much continuously from start to finish.

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Post by DjBigK »

ja. Even my wife found several parts of Borat v.funny. Caught her chuckling on a number of occassions. Though I think she was genuinely disgusted by the afforementioned fight scene!! :P
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Post by jahooley »



Met half my expectations. Too much of a 'movie' IMO. I much prefer the proper journalistic format that the character had in the Ali G show. If all the GOOD BITS were taken from this movie and put into a half hour segment = :up:
Many flaws picked in there too...same topics used in interviews ie learning etiquette, learning jokes etc. Easy to pick out the scripted lines of some people

I still laughed, just as not as hard as I was told I would. Oh well.
Funniest part? him watching Married With Children = GOLD :up: Very clever idea for the character.

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Post by DjBigK »

jahooley wrote:Borat.


Met half my expectations. Too much of a 'movie' IMO. I much prefer the proper journalistic format that the character had in the Ali G show. If all the GOOD BITS were taken from this movie and put into a half hour segment = :up:
Many flaws picked in there too...same topics used in interviews ie learning etiquette, learning jokes etc. Easy to pick out the scripted lines of some people

I still laughed, just as not as hard as I was told I would. Oh well.
Funniest part? him watching Married With Children = GOLD :up: Very clever idea for the character.


Whilst the same ideas were borrowed from his original segments on Ali G, they were at least freshly done, with varying results. It was a movie after all, it was always going to have to have some central story line.

What do you mean by 'scripted lines'...
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Post by jahooley »

In almost every encounter with someone or a group of people (both in movie and in the tv series) where he pitches some crazy Kazakh idea into contrast with 'The American Way' the most immediate response to him is "Well, no, we don't do that here in America..." Hearing a lot of people quote exactly that kind of response didn't really help the overall unscripted approach (for me, anyway) I mean, I could be wrong.

Also, the part with the chicken on the subway. Would of fooled a lot of viewers. It was an attempt to make it look as candid as possible, whereas in reality, the majority of those faces on the subway looked like they knew exactly what was going on. Sure, I saw a few people panic and scream, but the rest was edited. And that one young punk that stood up and told him to fuck off? C'mon, I didn't buy that for a second.
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Post by jahooley »

I guess from it;s all a bit harsh coz now that the movie has come and gone, the character is gone. This is/was a genius idea for a character compared to Ali G, but now, there is nothing more that can be done with it...

Oh, and to Sacha Baron Cohen - PLease don't do a feature on that third character/alias - Bruno, the gay fashion reporter.
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Post by Scullibundo »


I was really really hyped for this movie. The opening title sequence will tell you straight away this is a throwback to the older movies. I love that this Bond is grittier and colder. Without delving into spoiler territory, the pacing of the movie is definitely off. They spend so much time on specific plot segments that by the time they start building up to the finale, the movie is over. Which is a lot to say considering the movie is 2.5 hours long.

The locations were gorgeous. The humour was cheeky and choc full of innuendo.

Slight spoilers:
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The film definitely suffers from a Halo 2 type 'ending'. But apparently the next movie picks up on the same storyline, so there you go.
I didn't care for the score most of the time. Mainly because it didn't seem to gel as a whole. It felt rather disjointed between scenes. The score is reminscent of the plot, in that it shows hints of what you're looking forward to (the Bond theme), but dies off quickly - a cocktease.

Overall I'm very happy with Daniel Craig as Bond. I love that we see our hero get beat up and run around bloody - something that is akin to the old action hero days of the 80's and early 90's (think Mclane or Riggs). He also has that ruthless quality to him that's been missing from a couple of the past Bonds.

Overall the film was very enjoyable, but could've been written a half hour shorter.

I give Casino Royale 7.5 bruised giblets out of 10. :up:
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Post by t0mby »

THis week on Film 4 in the UK they have some 'Skool Theme' for movies. On Mon I saw Billy Madsen for the first time, that wasnt too bad, a few good laughs to be had, and on Tuesday I saw Ferris Buellers Day Off for the first time since the 80's. Still a great movie with many laughs. (Finally understand where Juz gets his 'Rooney Eats It' from in his xbl profile).

Tonite is School of Rock which I havent seen yet so looking forward to that.
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Post by Candy Arse »

Just got back from Casino Royale, and uber impressed I am. Daniel Craig kicks major arse as Bond. Rugged, arrogant, raw. He is the man.

Vesper Lynd is ridiculously hot!!!! Holy fuck. The pacing of the movie felt good right up until the conclusion of the big poker game where it felt a tad rushed, but overall I still enjoyed the movie immensely. On first viewing I would say better than Brosnan's Bond films bar the iconic Goldeneye.

8.5 scratched nuts out of 10.
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Post by Darwi »

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Post by Peppermint Lounge »

Wake of Death

Van Damme straight-to-DVD action flick with the best possible plot premise for any action film - revenge. Van Damme plays Ben Archer who is ex-mob muscle gone straight. His wife works for immigration and brings home a refugee - a young girl who just happens to be the runaway daughter of a ruthless Chinese kingpin. Kingpin comes to LA, slaughters wife on the way to his daughter, queue Van Damme inflicting death and mayhem.

The ex-mob back story works well because it means Van Damme's character is not bound by law or rules. It makes for one of the more sinister, albeit poorly edited torture scenes I've seen for a while hence an R rating. Action is good although Van Damme does his dispatching with guns mainly. Not much in the way of martial arts.

Sometimes what occurs makes no sense at all and the wife is a terrible actor (Van Damme has a few scenes where he must convey emotion and does a surprisingly good job). Overall though I found this utterly enjoyable. Keep it in mind the next time you can't find anything to watch.

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Post by Womble »

Casino Royale

Fuuuuuck yeaaaah.

I agree about the general pacing, a little - but keep in mind that the book does a similar thing. I was very surprised by how true it is to the book - barring things like the M sub-plot/relationship, the last scene and poisoning instead of shooting. Though keep in mind it's been a while since I've read the book, so... yeah (I have no idea what this sentence is trying to convey, too late now - you read it, you can't un-read it).

I think the dialogue is really very good - snappy and not ridiculously trite like most bond movies. Not many double entendres and those that are present are quite subtle at that. I felt they were crediting the audience with a fair bit of brain - except for the poker expositions, real subtle. Meh, nitpicking now.

I think Craig does a fantastic job of displaying the sardonic side of Bond without being up-himself - which I honestly don't think either Connery or Moore ever achieved.

Right from
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"Don't worry the second one is".... "Considerably".
I knew this was gonna be good. And it didn't let up all the way to "... Bond, James Bond". Fuck I can't wait for the sequel. I smell the greatest Bond era ever.
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Post by Peppermint Lounge »

I saw Casino Royale on the weekend too. What I liked about Craig's Bond is he isn't suave by nature, rather it's merely another tool in his chest to be used when necessary.
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And how frigging cool was that foot chase early on?
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Post by Sonic Jam »


One of the best casts for a movie ever in my eyes with the real standouts being Hugh Jackman and David Bowie, and the direction is great too as you would expect.

The plot is the real attraction for this movie though as it twists and turns jumping from different time periods unraveling to its dramatic conclusion, I couldn't look away even for a second.

I'll definitely pick this up when it comes out in one of the HD formats for a second viewing, 9/10.
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Post by Mavy »


Saw this tonight. All the reviews have been pretty bad and I expected it to be pretty disappointing. It actually turned out better than what I hoped it would have been before I read the reviews.

I liked the characters, the dragon, and the story kept me interested right to the end. So they must have done something right. Will look forward to the sequel, hopefully this doesn't flop so badly that they can it.

8.5 so much better than Narnia its not funnies out of 10 :up:
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