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Post by unfnknblvbl »

ITT: GameHED says something outlandishly retarded. Local attention whore tries to manufacture controversy. Sensible people have one or both on their ignore lists. Life goes on.

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Post by Jasper »

Actually it indeed was an attempt to manufacture controversy. This forum has gotten so fucking BORING, and dropkicks like yourself aren't helping making it any more interesting! :?

And bitch, you know i'm not on your ignore list! :lol:
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Candy Arse wrote:
GreyWizzard wrote:WOW! Just fucking... WOW!
Your mate. Defend him.
I know right?? I'm flabbergasted!
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Post by GameHED »

Jasper wrote:Actually it indeed was an attempt to manufacture controversy. This forum has gotten so fucking BORING, and dropkicks like yourself aren't helping making it any more interesting! :?

And bitch, you know i'm not on your ignore list! :lol:

Nope the time will one day come when they use gays to persuade hetero sexual people that we are abnormal. It's a valid tactic used by the reptilians to pit one group to fight another.

If the gays understood the spiritual realm they would see what is going on. Each person when they have sex with another being is tied as a soul to the other person they screw. Whatever demons were inside that person at the time go into the other person and these demons follow them around wherever they go and have a curse they can remove.

The need for gays to have to use christians to marry them to another gay may seem controversial but it's a practice used by occultists to try to transfer a demon from one being to another to gain more influence like the persuadatron in the game Syndicate.

In the old testament the gays wanted to fuck some angels and what happened was it (the city where gay rape happened) got judged by God because He couldn't allow the spiritual disease to touch a clean vessel. (I'm not talking about physical disease like aids but I mean in the spiritual realm a person is only allowed to be spiritually clean if they remove sin by sacrificing an innocent animal to pay for the sin debt in order to make things right with God. It's a jewish custom of those days. Today christians don't do this but use the blood of Jesus in place of animal's blood to ritually clean themselves from sin)

Think of it like this if you have a soul tie to a being that worships fertility gods or something like that, the curse that they inherit (sometimes considered a gift by occultists) also goes onto you and whatever demon or deity they worshipped is now your commander.

Ever experience bad luck, lack of success in the things you do in life? Or just people notice things around you go wrong? These are curses you can remove with the holy spirit.

Yes it might seem like I am being non-serious but there is a science to this shit.

Gays have been around since the beginning of time. It's just the media has a fascination about the celbrities coming out that has me intrigued and I believe that they want to use them in some way to promote their agenda to demonise heterosexuals.

Make the Heteros fight the gays and have them compete for votes and shit like that.
When people attach themselves to a victim group it means the politicians can better control society through a technique of divide and conquer. This fighting between the two opposing groups creates a needed distraction so they can get the man they want into power while continuing to rape both groups of rights and freedoms that they had before these people came along to produce laws to attack one group.

As long as they can trick people into believing they represent that group they can keep one half of the people voting for them and piss off the other and then switch sides when they want to introduce new laws to oppress the other half when they have extracted contributions from the first group.
It's all a game. Keep attacking one side, then change sides, then flip again and you get all their money and support.

But the gays are evil because God wants them to avoid getting these curses that they may have inherited from past ancestors who dabbled into gay sex rituals from generations ago in order to please the fertility demons. Something as simple as having a dragon statue or a sculpture of another god in your home (a form of spiritual fornication) can open a doorway into the demon world to allow the demons to spy on you and own your place and inhabit your body and put thoughts into your head. This is how the celebrities have turned towards gayness: before they were gay they didn't have the demons telling them to do it with another person of the same sex. People still think their thoughts are their own without understanding that spirits can enter into your temple and whispser commands into your mind without you realising they were the ones who told you to do evil acts. A demon possessed person is not evil, but the evil spirit inside them is. It's the evil spirit that control these people due to inheriting the curse from the gods that previous generations worshipped.

The occultists keep this knowledge secret because its how they control society from the shadows. They want to change society so it suits their way of living and people become vessels for these spirits who are desperate to seek a body to experience sex in the earth realm. They once had their own bodies but are forced to keep away from those who can send them back to the spirit realm (underworld where they await judgement for the future)

In ancient times these spirits could act as spies for emperors to carry out tasks to gather intelligence. They are being used today by secret societies just as in ancient times. Since the fallen angel were created before man kind they have gather more knowledge than us and can deceive people by disguising themselves as good guys out to help humanity. It is thought these spirit will come back in the end of days to deceive everyone and christians will turn against the true church because they let them get into their minds. (lust, the belief that money can grow their congregation, political correctness, merging together into one with the apostate church, changing the meanings and interpretations of the bible to suit man etc)
Many shamans are going around the world right now opening up demon gates in preparation for the NWO where magick becomes a common thing to people to engage in and use out in the open.
If you don't believe this wait until the aliens appear in the sky and they try to convince you that all religions are just the same thing. This is the rebel angels using technology to get us to trust them. They need permission to enter before they can be given power. If you don't accept the offer, they can't break into your body as it is not their property.
But they can tempt people with money, fame, a cushy life to obtain your support. It's happening now in churches that have become politically correct and marry gays even if it goes against God. They will try to convince everyone they are christians but they opened themselves up for accusation by the demons that they are not christians because they broke their own rules and lost legitamacy. This is the time of testing to see who is real and who is fake. The ones that fail, end up part of the demon's puppets. (unless people repent)

There are many prophecies about the end but one of the signs is when people turn towards an "alien god". One of the ten commandments is that man must not worship a foreign god. God is not part of this world. So he must be referring to things that refer to beings in the earth. (demon worship) In many sci fi movies we always see aliens coming out of the sky but nobody ever makes stories where aliens came from below with their ufos and started a takeover.
Physically they may have come from the heavens when thrown out, but spiritually they are lower than us so they must have been inside the earth chained up but released later.
This is why ufo nuts go crazy when you tell them aliens are real but they are not friendly. They are demons living in underground bases with occultic humans. The technology you are seeing today is being used to enslave.
It the reason the mexican government will never get the US to reveal information about the UFOs. Because it would only reveal to the public what they really are. Since they (the governnment) are joined together at the hip they would not want people to figure it out so they cover up for the demons.

Have fun making theories about me trying to get attention. I'm not getting attention. These gays can be helped if they remove the spirit of gayness out of them. There are many different types. Everyone has weaknesses. When you redo rituals of the past, you invite the beings from those times to inhabit the body and then transfer the spirits to people you come into contact through sex acts when you touch them. So if you touch a dead body, you may have the spirit of death on you, and then others touch you and those spirits move to another person through transfer of blood. If you do a virgin the blood is mixed with the being and then gateways open up. There is a lot of interest in vampires because they need blood to keep them into the world of the living. But a person with innocent blood is more valuable to satan.
They want an innocent soul tied to the person who is part of his team. Sex and death are closely related for this reason. Spiritually you don't want to mix clean with dirty and build satan's army. But look at all these celebrities and the music videos. They are destroying the youth on purpose to influence as many people as possible to be enslaved to the demons who need vessels to inhabit in the world of the living.

There is a great article here on how Ke$he claims her vagina is haunted: ... y-20131024" onclick=";return false;

These are bad spirits trying to get into our world to experience the pleasures of sex and reincarnate as the babies of these people who will exhibit demonic characteristics. The women of ancient times had sex with the fallen angels and this is how we got the nephilim. These were evil demi-gods who were the heroes of man back in the day because they were skilled hunters. What does this shit have to do with gayness? The giants were heavily involved in gay sex because they loved themselves more than human women. (who probably threw themselves at them) So it is possibly that the spirit of gayness is these same spirits trying to haunt these "stars" (AKA as angels in the bible). They need the innocent blood of virgins so paedophilia is rampant. Again the theme of fucking/raping angels from old testament days. Just as the people in Sodom and Gomorah before they were judged for getting the good people spiritually dirty through sins to have them be judged.
It's too dark so pastors don't like thinking about these things as it will scare people away. But you got to help these people as they get the demons transferred into them by the satanists who tempt them with goodies. Once they control the human, they will convince the human that the thoughts are their own, but they are the spirits in them whispering the command to act a certain way. Demons can cause diseases through supernatural means. I suspect this is the power they have which is why people want to summon them to use as weapon. The penalty for sin is death. If you get innocent people to sin and turn their back on God by replacing their god with money, sport, sex (dick worship, fertility goddess worship,was common amongst pagans) you can kill people. This is why loss of traditional morals are the measuring device for when judgement is coming and why demonic activity is possible after that. Look at the ugly piercings and tattoos on young people. They are mutilating their own bodies and calling it art. Visually people are becoming demonic entities because these spirits are telling them to do it but they think they are making that decision on their own.
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Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

For those of you playing at home.. don't bother reading the above post. It's fucking stupid.. in summary gay demon spirit transferral science.

It's all science, ya cunts.
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Post by Cletus »

At a glance he also seems to think that in the future we'll be pitting gays against each other in a battle to the death.

We will call it The Hunger Gaymes.
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Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

More like The HUNG GAYMES
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Post by Madmya »

GameHED is famous. ... 7009647647" onclick=";return false;
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Post by Froggy »

Gameheds right u know, the reptillians have manufactured so much of your thoughts and experiences none of you can see the truth anymore
Vzzzbx, you lose again!
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Post by GameHED »

GeneraL CyberFunK wrote:For those of you playing at home.. don't bother reading the above post. It's fucking stupid.. in summary gay demon spirit transferral science.

It's all science, ya cunts.

Doubt all you want. But if I don't warn you of this stuff you will blame me for not alerting you to the dangers of the cults out there that are secretly controlling society using combination of mind control, demonic spells, and psychological warfare to convince us hat giving up guns is safe, giving up authority to the government is better than making yourself the authority by being guided by common sense, and making yourself a victim (asking society to change its traditions for you to feel comfortable) is better than making yourself tough and independent so that you don't care what others think.

It's not safe. They want to use the disarmed population as slaves. Much like M.Bison tried to control cammy in street fighter and she was meant to spy on the good guys and then there was sleeper agents all over the world collecting street fighter data to become the host body for the demonic spirit which controlled the leader off the secret society shadowlaw.

listen to this video about the hidden agents of this new agey cult who are going to eventually worship lucifer as he steps onto th world stage as a hero to bring peace. (the bible warns people that satan can come as an angel of light and we know the illuminati worship stars and light because they are pagans - google vatican's lucifer telescope)
Why do these people speak as if they have foreknowledge? Because they have been plotting to remove the old rule systems and replace them with their own religion. When they use the UN and manipulate world leaders with blackmail they can control whole nations by hiding in the shadow. We are living in the time of the end where globalism is taking over from national sovereignty. There are secret armies right now preparing for when a city is nuked and they blame christians for the attacks because they need to remove the holy spirit which is restraining the demons from having their way with humans who they need to possess in order to control society.

The only people that do not have victim status are white christian males who believe in freedom, the constitution and who are lovers of guns. The cops will be disarmed while the military will conduct covert war against the civilians that are not going along with the plan, acting as the armed police wearing plain clothes. The gangstalking techniques are already happening now where they are going after veterens and purged the miiltary of any christians who will not obey orders that go againt the constitution and kill unarmed civilians.

please read: ... /index.php" onclick=";return false;
to understand the political tatics of the previous empires to understand why need you scared and use fear to manipulate the masses into going along with dictatorship. America used to be the only place they could not fully obtain control over since people cared about their rights enough to be on guard. But even they are going to have to fight a guerilla war thanks to so many people being brainwashed over a period of hundred years into accepting socialist dictatorship of victims being controlled by collectivist elite who have satanism as their religion.

A lot of money is spent understand how we think because it influences who you vote for, whether you trust a person (based on speech how well they are dressed, what race they are etc) and what type of puppet leader they need to place into power to give us the illusion we have choices that matter. The only way out of this trap is you form a group of suvivalists to act as spies to monitor who the guys are that are using gays, blacks, women, minorities as weapons to vote out of power the traditional leaders so that they can slowly chip away at God-given freedoms that all people had to fight and kill others for in previous wars.

The spiritual realm is the most important realm to combat these guys because they need you to sign the agreement to go along with the dictatorship for the nephilim to be allowed to gain control over the hosts otherwise they are trapped.
You can chain them up easily if you command them but it won't work if you lose legitimacy and break your promises and oaths and take the money they offer. This is why many are going to end up joining private military to combat the threat now that the government has been robbed of power by the elites and all the gold has been missing that countries like germany asked back for. If you can't trust government, can't trust big corporations who team up with big government, then you have to fall back on only things you can which is your core beliefs. Once they change your thinking that is it, you are one of the luciferians who planned for ages to get this new age utopia where sovereign nations have to obey a central governing global authority which is run by evil men.

The gay people need to understand that over many generations these spirits become attached to certain people because they need to use those groups to open the gateway for more demons to enter into the world of the living. For example when a soldier goes to war and kills people, he comes back a different person. He lost a bit of his soul. The sin opened up a gateway because the spilled blood is like a ritual sacrifice to get 'freedom'. Everyone's idea of what freedom means is different so they use differences to make people kill each other to commit the sin of murder. They play one group against the other and this empowers the elite everytime someone commits a sin. The currency is not money it is souls. That is the endgame. Best way to beat them is give up the things they try to offer and offer to make them free by introducing them to real freedom which is to give them truth. (if you believe using chaos to bring change is going to help people then you are still enslaved by brainwashing)

The bottom line is everyone needs to stop forcing others to accept their sinful behavior. Instead fight your sin. The gay guy who is in the closet knows he is doing something wrong much like the thief who steals, or the liar who lies. They should be ashamed for trying to force priests/pastors to marry them to other gays in violation of their own traditions. It doesn't matter whether you think you are entitled. God feeds both wicked and righteous people. You need to respect others rights if you want rights. You can get married outside of church system. By dirtying others, you are spreading sin and influencing people to sin with you. This is the reason for all the floods, earthquakes, disasters because today's generation is unrepentant. That means you lost your fear of God and now boast that you are of no need to be guided because you don't believe you are wrong and therefore will be put to the test after evil is allowed to be unleashed on the world in the form of these supernatural entities that have lived inside these cultists who will perform all kinds of deceiving tricks to obtain dominion over the people as slaves/cattle. Use your common sense: what do they gain by telling you how to live your life and why do they insist only government has power to determine good from bad by using man-made laws to alter how society runs? Demonic power. They have all the money they could ever want. It's the power they can obtain from demons if they tempt people to invite demons to influence the living world.

All those guys who were warning you about celebrities involved in pedophile rings are not kidding around. George Soros donated millions to NAMBLA. (an organisation that wants to legalise paedophilia) The world is getting more bold. They do not understand the danger they are in. Lucifer = lightbearer. Light Workers = cult being used to spread the doctrines of luciferian religion. Georgia Guidestones = plan for mass depopulation for the elites to make it easier to control humanity since we outnumber them and they generally support the reptilians which are anti-life for humans.


Dumitru Duduman prophecy about modern day sodom and gomorah:
We are now living in the days when micronuke = conventional weapons. (MAD doesn't apply, so the future wars are probably going to involve dirty bombs snuck in through the borders using illegal immigrants. We don't want world war 3, but it seem the nwo does, (david icke also mentions something about this and why they preparing for civil unrest) and notice how the purge of the military of christians in 'murica means people can't even pray? Maybe this is God's way of getting his people out of the way?)

longer vid from prophecy club:
Last edited by GameHED on 04 Aug 2014 12:54 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

GameHED, if you died.. or at the very least never returned to this forum.. no one would care. No one would be sad and no one consider your lack of presence should the end of days be upon us. Your warnings are stupid and your incessant dribble that infers we give a shit about your rantings - wasted.

Your bullshit is flawed but that is only seconded by your lack of ability to have insightful and logical discussion.

You're like a public transport taking L Ron Hubbard.. your finger nails are probably just as long too.
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Post by t0mby »

unfnknblvbl wrote:ITT: GameHED says something outlandishly retarded. Local attention whore tries to manufacture controversy. Sensible people have one or both on their ignore lists. Life goes on.

Welcome to The Ranch, enjoy your stay.
Best move I ever did was put them both on ignore.
selfish wrote:Being a massive fanboy and trying to hide it is Lestat's worst bottleneck.
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Post by Vzzzbx »

Torn between acknowledging GameHED's very clear mental deficiency and slamming the shit out of him for all this totally unacceptable garbage. Going with both.

I suspect demons and reptiles are further down the bumming list than how incredibly great it feels to have a big hard cock jabbing your prostate.
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Post by Hercy »

I don't know. I really think that GameHED might be o̤̹̻̙n̟͎̰̘̗̟t͓o͇̬ ͈̝̫ͅs͉̪o̟͕̯m͍̖͕̜͉e͚̣̟͕̖̮t͖͎̗̠̥̝̬hin͔̠̦g̹͍̹̣͇ ͎̬b̲͕̮̱͎̰̰e͍͓͉̳ͅͅc̱̟̞̦a̗u̟̮s̜̼e͈̭̺̜ l̸͎͎̙a̠̞̗̮̺ͅͅs̱ṯ̸̺̻͔̺͖ ̮̹̖̮n̙͔̕i͢g͎̭̹̦͢ͅht̳͙̣̻ I҉̼̹͇͚ ̡̯̬̙͈̩̮w̗̱̦͓͝a͕͓̰̭̹͙s vi̶͚s͙̘̠̱̝i҉͖͕t̞͎͓͘e̷͚̼d̫͇̟̥͢ ̢̝͓̫̩̲̰ͅb̜̠̘͜y͏̬̞͙̝̹
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Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

Holy shit, your text is melting!
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Post by GameHED »

GeneraL CyberFunK wrote:GameHED, if you died.. or at the very least never returned to this forum.. no one would care. No one would be sad and no one consider your lack of presence should the end of days be upon us. Your warnings are stupid and your incessant dribble that infers we give a shit about your rantings - wasted.

Your bullshit is flawed but that is only seconded by your lack of ability to have insightful and logical discussion.

You're like a public transport taking L Ron Hubbard.. your finger nails are probably just as long too.
I don't agree with that.
L Ron Hubbard inadvertently helped expose how some of the mind control worked.

The occult is not based on human reason. It's called mystery schools for a reason. They don't fully understand the stuff they are doing so it's not able to be controlled fully like you can with the laws of nature through formulas. It's supernatural.

To understand why nasa,(it's always been known to use occult symbolism) the wizards(high level satanists communicating with beings from the world of the dead), the alien agenda and end times are linked please read this: ... philim.htm" onclick=";return false;

And don't listen to vzzbx. I don't care what that guy thinks. To wake up zombies you don't have to care what those zombies think since they are tied to their daily rituals in a sleep state trying to win popularity contests not loking for the truth. I don't want people to care if I die. When you die you actually gain the abililty to be given a cleaner better body because the world is like prison for mildy evil beings to inhabit. But if you live you have to worry about the quality of the life living with beings that torment you. When those days come you will wish to die. Dude your unaware of the technology out there. Much of this shit comes from these aliens. And it is all designed to enslave us covertly by being reliant upon it to survive.

Sometimes to wake people up you got to slap them around a bit to help them. Like you are dizzy so you need to knock your head to regain consciousness. By waking you up it gives you a chance to break from the cycle.

It's not so much that gays are evil it is that the evil spirit of gayness has taken hold of gays to make them do gay stuff because those spirits were not naturally created - they are the result of unholy union and wish to repeat their life in this world of the living after escaping from where they came from. Send them out of your habitation and you won't behave in the way they want you to. People have been cured of smoking addiction, sex addiction, and other destructive behavior by purgig those spirits out, but you can't see them the gift of spiritual discernment, so people think it is how they act normally and blame themself not realising there is spirit attached to them trying to influence their thinking and behavior while hiding. Once you get delivered the person acts normally. Since these spirits may be there legally due to a pact previous ancestors of yours made to the demons which you didn't even know about, you are cursed with these beings who take hold of you after the previous masters die and you inherit the curse of your forefathers.
You can break that generational curse by taking authority over them using the name of Jesus. This is why they hate that name in these occult secret societies as it is like being cut in half by a sword. But the sword is a spiritual weapon - spirit meaning breath. However your words have to have meaning and intent behind them to be of any effect. Just repeating them like magick code is not the same as believing what the words mean and using them with intent to destroy evil. Nephilim are spirits, the sword is spiritual. Using spiritual weapon sends them on their way.

There are evil spirits swirling all over the earth trying to whisper ideas into people's heads. This is what affects behaviour along with promises of power, money, fame, control etc You need will power to resist the offerings and idetify the strongholds, then attack these strongholds to keep them out so that they can;t influence thinking.

Anyway there is a lot of interest in trying to control these being by vatican (they created a powerful telescope name after the fallen Angel Lucifer): ... f-lucifer/" onclick=";return false;

perhaps they seek to use the aliens to create the NWO by using their tech to deceive? Pay attention to these things. It's not a joke you dick. These organisations are interested in controlling society so they want what power they have to enhance the control they already possess. Why would they spend so much money on shit like that? And why are these new agers interested in "Light work". These luciferians are seeking their messiah (the fallen angel) so they can rule the world. (much like the boss from Street Fighter 3) Star Worshippers (angel worship) is forbidden amongst many religions. Now what are all these religious fanatics doing observing the stars with telescopes names after Lucifer the lightbearer? Is God a star? Nope. But people want aliens to be their saviours in the UFO community and think they can solve their problems. What do aliens often have? Telepathic ability to send thoughts to your head directly. Same thing the demons have by influencing the hosts behaviour. Gays are gay because the powers that be want depopulation so they are trying to get people to rebel against God, not because they give a shit about a tiny minority. It's part of a larger plan to change society using pop idols, leaders, heroes etc to control what fans of those idols thinks and use those fanatics who worship heroes, to bring about the change the demons need to allow them the gateway to enter into the world of the living.

Just think about it. These reptilians are power hungry beings that are into controlling others. They want to enslave mankind and use magick to bring about the end of the world.

When Jesus makes his second coming these are the guys that will try to attack God. They will censor what we can see in the sky in the hopes we don't detect the false image of the beast who will try to deceive us into accepting him as world leader when he brings his alien religion after people turn away from athiesism and demand some spiritual leader to save them. If you are gay stop letting the government use you. Turn your back on the demon spirit of gayness. If you are proud to sin then these guys are going to start attaching themselves to you much like feminists who transformed from people seeking equal rights into nazis trying to boss people around for satanists who hijack movements for thier own secret agenda.
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Post by Cletus »

Hercy wrote:I don't know. I really think that GameHED might be o̤̹̻̙n̟͎̰̘̗̟t͓o͇̬ ͈̝̫ͅs͉̪o̟͕̯m͍̖͕̜͉e͚̣̟͕̖̮t͖͎̗̠̥̝̬hin͔̠̦g̹͍̹̣͇ ͎̬b̲͕̮̱͎̰̰e͍͓͉̳ͅͅc̱̟̞̦a̗u̟̮s̜̼e͈̭̺̜ l̸͎͎̙a̠̞̗̮̺ͅͅs̱ṯ̸̺̻͔̺͖ ̮̹̖̮n̙͔̕i͢g͎̭̹̦͢ͅht̳͙̣̻ I҉̼̹͇͚ ̡̯̬̙͈̩̮w̗̱̦͓͝a͕͓̰̭̹͙s vi̶͚s͙̘̠̱̝i҉͖͕t̞͎͓͘e̷͚̼d̫͇̟̥͢ ̢̝͓̫̩̲̰ͅb̜̠̘͜y͏̬̞͙̝̹
WTF :shock: :shock:
Bob Brown’s Rainbow Cumrag
Posts: 5484
Joined: 04 Jul 2006 06:38 pm
XBL ID: Fairlie Arrow
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Post by Vzzzbx »

GameHED wrote:Like you are dizzy so you need to knock your head to regain consciousness.
At least we know what happened now. GameHED, that's not how it works.
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