The gay marriage topic

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GeneraL CyberFunK
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Re: The gay marriage topic

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

I actually thought Turnbull had it in him.. but after the NBN and now SSM.. amongst other things.. he's been shit.. BUT better than Abbott.

In terms of the Labor side? I think Penny Wong is probably our best bet.. Penny looks after Penny.. so she has it in her. Terri Butler is actually great.. but I am not sure if she has the charisma to get to the front of the party. Tanya Plibersek I like.. mainly because I can see and hear in her voice the "Oh for FFS this whole thing is bullshit".
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Re: The gay marriage topic

Post by Madmya »

Come on man, you had nothing to do whilst downloading a 10gb file. You've got stakes in this, you should be all over it.

I don't think it happened.
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Re: The gay marriage topic

Post by Madmya »

I'll help you out with the quote I think you're thinking of:
“I certainly intend to facilitate the passage of a bill,” he said.
Facilitate is what he did.

Also, you should thank Tony Abbott for legalised SSM:
“I put this process in place. I have, in a sense, facilitated the change,” he said.
In a sudden departure from his past rhetoric about marriage equality, Abbott said he wanted to see the legislation passed as soon as possible.
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Re: The gay marriage topic

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

Madmya wrote:Come on man, you had nothing to do whilst downloading a 10gb file. You've got stakes in this, you should be all over it.

I don't think it happened.
Between learning how to use After Effects, re-learning Reason, creating content for a youtube channel - trying to organise 4 contractors (1 here working with me in my studio, one in Malaysia and the other 2 in India) and trying update an ops manual.. I should be all over it? Some of us don't have the liberty to post drunk and critique others what they should be doing with the moments they get when they can focus on something else other than work.
Madmya wrote:I'll help you out with the quote I think you're thinking of:
“I certainly intend to facilitate the passage of a bill,” he said.
Facilitate is what he did.

Also, you should thank Tony Abbott for legalised SSM:
“I put this process in place. I have, in a sense, facilitated the change,” he said.
In a sudden departure from his past rhetoric about marriage equality, Abbott said he wanted to see the legislation passed as soon as possible.
If that's what it was.. If you bothered to read.. I said I was happy to concede.. are you drunk again?

Secondly.. SSM would happen regardless - he doesn't deserve anything based on his comments and his campaigning for the NO vote. He enabled a horrid dialogue against LGBTI Australians. It didn't have to be this way.
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Re: The gay marriage topic

Post by Madmya »

GeneraL CyberFunK wrote:
Madmya wrote:Come on man, you had nothing to do whilst downloading a 10gb file. You've got stakes in this, you should be all over it.

I don't think it happened.
Between learning how to use After Effects, re-learning Reason, creating content for a youtube channel - trying to organise 4 contractors (1 here working with me in my studio, one in Malaysia and the other 2 in India) and trying update an ops manual.. I should be all over it? Some of us don't have the liberty to post drunk and critique others what they should be doing with the moments they get when they can focus on something else other than work.
*swoon* You must be soooo busy!!!!!! You're all over the place in your rambling. At one point you say you don't care then ramble on and on, then you say you have heaps of time to type nonsense but now have no time to fact check your own assertions. Get a grip.
GeneraL CyberFunK wrote:If that's what it was.. If you bothered to read.. I said I was happy to concede.. are you drunk again?
Well shit, I thought you'd like to actually know the facts given it's clearly bothered you (wait, what's your carefactor level currently at?). But silly me, I suppose you'd have preferred living in your reality frothing about abbott and 75% electorates.
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GeneraL CyberFunK
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Re: The gay marriage topic

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

Your initial point was that electorates are irrelevant.. and I simply replied why it was of relevance.. because it was made relevant by MPs saying they would consider results when making their final decision. The media spoke a lot about it. Members of the community - in Abbott's electorate spoke about it. In the grand scheme of things.. it had relevance. ... te/9104112" onclick=";return false;

This has reference to MPs saying they would vote in accordance to their electorate.

You're wrong - Get over it.

As for the Abbott media file? I've had a look.. can't find it.. already conceded I was likely wrong about it. I've made peace with that. So I suggest you get over that too.

In future I'll pepper my responses with :) so you can better gauge my carefactor level and frothiness. I save my frothiness for anything EA related now. My current carefactor is meh... why did I bother explaining in depth why I didn't bother following something up to someone on the interwebs.
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Re: The gay marriage topic

Post by Madmya »

You're right, clearly to some MPs their electorate results were important. Probably MPs who weren't passionate about the issue and didn't want to lose votes over it.

I'd also prefer an integer value of your carefactor please.
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Re: The gay marriage topic

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

I'm probably at 3 bleeding out NO voters on the side of the road out of 10 types of sandwiches I could make.
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Re: The gay marriage topic

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Don't be a rainbow hater General

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Re: The gay marriage topic

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

HA! :lol:
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Re: The gay marriage topic

Post by GameHED »

I just have to say after the SSM thing passed, I think society may be doomed. Even though the left try to pass themselves as the tolerant ones deep down inside there is an evil group inside that wants to persecute those that disagree with their opinions on stuff. I realise over the years it doesn't matter which of the sides you vote (conservative or liberal) they are still puppets of the reptilians so its just a fake war. All sides are the bad guy and one of the reasons they ask us what we think it's merely to guage how many people believe something that they wish to pass just so they can figure out a way to convince us not to believe what we do through mass propaganda in tv, movies, and social media. (GCF if you don't believe me look into how conservative and christian youtube channels were shadowbanned recently. Lot of people were actually trying to make money from these platform and all of a sudden you are being persecuted for your opinions. What happened to being tolerant? Ahhh I get it: only certain groups they will tolerate but not the opinions that oppose the left :D )

I use to respect left for being all anti war and stuff but over time I realise when you are nice to people you get burned. Now they are going to take all the guns from the rednecks and western society is going to be destroyed when they bring in soviet union/europeon union type of government to replace free western society where individual freedom is favoured over the desire of a group collective. I see the left wing SJW-types as the new religious mob of today doing the witch burnings and the government as the god they serve and obey without question. (most propaganda is by them in cahoots with big tech companies who are run by liberal-leaning people who are pro-NWO)

White heterosexual christian patriot conservative are like the niggers of the modern time now. You can see it in the way SJW are trying to push all the LGBTQ stuff in marvel comics and stuff to force diversity. Freedom loving guys like me do not want FORCED diversity. It's the initiation of force that we should all be worried about. Civil War is coming. Once the left in the US finally get trump out of power, I think world war 3 will be started which is what hilary clinton would have begun had she gotten into power. (reptilians are trying to make an external enemy out of russia so they can control the other half of the globe as putin seems to be anti-NWO)

Lesbian feminists are getting more militant now pushing their worldview on everyone else. Example they are trying to ban sex robots but ONLY for males. (these are going to be very popular as people are avoiding marriage in modern times as women won't even cook and clean or offer anything of value to the table) Very discriminatory. We live in a crazy world. Where the "tolerant" ones are the most violent and crazy and the sane truly tolerant guy who doesn't use violence is getting bullied by people who have no moral character to speak of, so it's useless creating laws since they won't obey them anyway but who think they have the moral high ground over the majority of the society who pays the taxes.. I think it is time people just stopped paying taxes and hid their wealth now to prevent the war. Without money they will starve to death when resources run dry and the government has to rely on automated systems.

I'm a big fan of peaceful non-compliance. If they attack your person, you destroy the infrastructure in self defence and make businesses too scared to operate in the land. (muslims are going around raping little girls and nobody, not even feminists care about this. You cannot live in a lawless society forever. Someone will pay for these sins)

I repeat what I warned you a long time ago: The left are NOT the gay guy's friend. It is a means to an end. (destroy western society including christians and family so that children grow up being owned by the state as the state's property. They couldn't do this in a society that still accepts that the parents of the children are under the authority of its biological parents. There is no going back now) They (the gays) were pawns in a much greater plan in much the same way blacks were to be pitted against white guys to create division and conflict by telling blacks they are oppressed. (or better yet women vs men to stop male authority in society through feminism and the corrupt courts to destroy family with family courts) The conflict is the key: get everyone killing each other and not being strong nation which is proud and strong enough to be independent of needing the central banker's money/help. By making it weak, it goes into debt and the bankers own the people forever by indebting them perpetually forever and ever.

Time to start prepping.. Unless Jesus arrives to rescue christians. (the belief is he'll scoop em up and take them to a place of safety when the SHTF) With solid foundation everyone is going to suffer. Where is all the tax going to come from when people stop having babies and just have sex for pleasure and not procreate? Answer the immigrants. What do muslim do when they outnumber you? ('you' being white guys with western values) They enforce sharia law on the local population. Please look at what is happening in sweden as an example. The alt right have got it all wrong: you don't have to fire a single shot. Simply breed with white women while removing rights from the females so they will start families and you won't see birth declining. You don't need to hurt or kill the brown people. But that's not going to happen because people still believe the feminists are good and there is no harm in giving them the freedom to sleep around and treat sex like a mere hobby and never settle down and start family and have babies and be mothers. Once the population become extinct, the culture of the locals ALSO dies. (no preservation of the identity of that population. This means they are replaced by the culture of the immigrants. It's happening now. Nobody is marrying or breeding. But the brown guys are. When they outnumber the locals they will start violently attacking them. And the taxpayers are giving them free shit making the acceleration of the death of western values go away even faster. Trump got in the way of that for a while but no garuantee he can hold off the crazy left for too long. To marxists this is a culture war. This explain why they push for gaynes in everything. It's not for gays but for destroying local population from breeding and stuff. Roman empire had same problems ie money dried up and barbarians came in and just toppled it with ease due to internal corruption and moral decay of the society, not because the military was bad at war.)

We'll see how all this turns out. But I get the feeling no matter what side you support you're fucked, Just how the illuminati like it.
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