Gender Pronouns

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Gender Pronouns

Post by GameHED »

very scary times we are living in:
If you were forced to use a word that you don't think even exist, and could go to jail for not using it....fuck that

If he ever goes to jail for refusing it I think the army should break him out of jail. The constitution is global. A person's God given rights are sacred. If canadians let these crazy people have their way they will try to bring this crap to all the other western nations.

No wonder Jordan is so popular.

What trans people need to understand is that there is a difference between someone intentionally trying to offend you by being disrespectful towards you and someone just being offensive because of the thing they did that offended you.

Example in a lot of heavy metal or rock or rap music the artist may swear in the lyrics and some people with conservative values may feel these swear words are offensive to them. But that's not the same as the artist TRYING to offend those particular people who don't like the words that offends them by using them. Yes they may be offensive but the intent in the latter case wasn't to offend you but its just offensive in general. In other words you were not being targeted. You were offended because you think the words are bad.

The same problem exist with these marxist who want to police our language. I can create a song that makes fun of a politician and not intentionally offend the people that respect that person. But the song wasn't intended to go out and offend the people that think the politician deserves respect. Those people that like that politician are not targets of harassment. Do you see what I am saying?

These guys are trying to create laws as a type of hammer or weapon to shut down intellectual debates. We can see what they are doing here. And I don't like them. You're freedoms are not free. You have to fight for it. If your rights infringe on another's right that's where you right is limited. Pretty simple to me. The trans people have to fight these marxist and let them know that the constitution freedom is for ALL, (quote from optimus prime) not just the ones in society the left thinks are protected group. That's discrimination. You can't have free speech and then say "nope only those people get to have it, but not you."

If the government thinks it can just run over my freedom then it is in violation of basic rights. It is scary how there can even be a debate. It's common sense. Western nations needs to arm up and be ready for civil war. If these guys start to enforce tyranny we arrest those police that attempt to kidnap innocent people and put them in cages. If people don't do this then you may as well go live in china where there is no free speech. Seriously not exageration there. Governments ARE NOT ABOVE THE LAW. Your power comes from US. You take our money we own your arses. If you don't like that use your own money and don't steal from the people to fund your tyranny. At the end of the day, if you like communism nobody is stopping you but don't force others to abide by laws that they didn't consent to be governed by. Those laws only apply to YOU (because you agreed to be bound by them as you think the laws are good for you) not the ones that never consented to be bound by them. (who think the laws are unjust and tyrannical)

If you want to impose your will on others prepare to fight us in war or shut up. Most people want co-existence: that means you must tolerate people of different beliefs who live alongside you and who may go by different laws to your own. If you can't do this then you are a threat to society. Western values are basically constitutional ideas that are based on biblical teachings. "do unto others as you would have them do unto you". If you don't want other imposing their will on you then why should others let you do to them? Everyone can get along if they just let their own rules govern only thier own people but don't force others who are not part of that group to also have to abide by those rules. This is common sense and we need to start teaching little kids this so they can fight the government when it decides to selectively apply laws to benefit certain people (minorities) based on who it thinks can be used as weapons against the people. If the good guys are the ones paying the taxes, then the government has to understand those guys are your BOSS. Not the other way around. How hard is that to understand? Nobody cares about not being offensive to trans people because they are tiny group compared to the rest of the population. Why does so much power have to be placed into the hands of a tiny group to go and bully the society that group lives amoungst? Don't the ones who own the government corporation (the tax paying masses) have the authority as the boss of the government?

We need to police our governments so they are held accountable for high crimes. Without enforcement of basic rights you may as well not have freedom because you don't even know what it is. (debating people about whether it's ok to use a word FFS lol)
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Re: Gender Pronouns

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Re: Gender Pronouns

Post by GameHED »

Another thing to look out for guys (related to the topic title because it censors free speech):
This is a big issue (not the name of the magazine the homeless guy on the street sells). What's going to happen is they will change the definition of "Domestic Violence" from physical violence against another person to verbal abuse (something as simple as name calling or saying offensive things or just raising your voice)

I bloody bloody warned yas... once the public is too peaceful and there is no more bad guys to find and capture the government will create more laws to arrest innocent people just to justifiy its need to exist. Eventually the prisons become full of innocent people and work slave labour conditions for the corporations that need cheap labor. (to compete with indians and chinese on the global economy)

You said the reptilians didn't exist even though the queen killed princess diana who admitted they were going to kill her in a car accident and called them lizards. You said chemtrails were bullshit despite geoengineering being real. You thought feminists were not invading our male spaces (videogames by making characters into pussies and shoe-horning in skinny female protagonists in movies who can beat up men 5 times their own body mass with a flick of their twig-like legs to send him flying back hundreds of feet and expecting little girls to believe it growing up and having them become cops or soldiers which endanger the lives of the public or the people in the squad who can't be lifted to safety because the females are not strong enough to carry the wounded guy back to safe spot).

Everyone thinks the government is your friend and then when the commies put cage around you (through restrictive laws or in prison) you awake and by then its too late. They have army of SJW and feminist who are brainwashed into believing their cult is doing the right thing. You want to fight back, don't pay any taxes. Arrest the judges. Get the military to back up the people. (if not leave the country like MGTOW have done by going to thailand)

To prove I am not full of shit first watch this:
Lowenstein Brown
Published on Jun 19, 2013
Dr. Robert Simon, licensed psychologist, expands on the legal definition of domestic abuse to include on-going verbal, psychological, and emotional violence. Throughout the discussion, domestic abuse is defined and re-defined to present it as a spectrum of habitual, maladaptive behavioral patterns that attack the psychological safety of victims, instead of limiting it to the common, social definition of acts of physical violence.

For more information on Divorce and Domestic Abuse, please visit our entire roundtable discussion on Domestic Abuse at" onclick=";return false;.

Next Segment: Michele Sacks Lowenstein, Certified Family Law Specialist, divorce attorney, explains the court's opinions on whether single instances of domestic violence justify long-standing restraining orders and custody modifications.

Dr. Simon is a psychologist whose services are often employed for clients of Lowenstein Brown who require his specialties as part of their divorce team in collaborative divorce, mediation, and divorce negotiation sessions. He is a recognized expert in his field and a founding member of the San Diego Family Law Council for Children. Dr. Simon is a forensic psychologist consultant with over 20 years of experience in family law and divorce psychotherapy. For more information on Dr. Simon and his services to the public and legal professionals, please visit:" onclick=";return false;

Michele Sacks Lowenstein is a Certified Family Law Specialist based in San Diego. She's a partner in Lowenstein Brown, a professional family law corporation, and has attained numerous honors, including being named a TOP San Diego lawyer in 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2011 and 2012 by the San Diego Daily Transcript, recognition as an AV® rated attorney by Martindale-Hubbell, and has been repeatedly selected as a Super Lawyer. She has been practicing family law in San Diego for over 28 years. For more information about Michele Sacks Lowenstein's experience, achievements, and qualifications, please visit her official biography page at" onclick=";return false;.

Elizabeth Brown, attorney, specializes in family law as a partner in the Lowenstein Brown law firm. She has been awarded the TOP Attorney designation by the San Diego Daily Transcript for the 2012 year. She has served as President of the Public Interest Law Foundation and volunteered in the Peace Corps as an advocate for youth. In addition to her successful representation of clients in traditional court, Elizabeth Brown also excels using alternative dispute resolution models such as four way meetings, the use of special masters, and private judging. For more information on the successes and qualifications of Elizabeth Brown, please visit her official biography page at" onclick=";return false;.

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in a free society, in order to maintain freedom of speech you must be allowed to use whatever words you wish. If the government tries to enforce laws that imprison people who are just using their rights to free speech, then it is up to us guys in the community to form a support network for victims of government abuse of authority. In other words, if the government tries to kidnap an innocent person you are duty bound to gather up the people in the local community and put that policeman into prison or hold that person captive. The kind of laws the communist are trying to enforce in a free society are not compatible in this country. You have to also teach the kids the kind of abuse of communist nation have against people whereby they enforce a belief that the "need of the community outweigh the needs of the individual" so they understand where this collectivist thinking comes from and why governments like this can justify killing their own people. It's what makes free country different from a dictatorship where the government will try to use fear and intimidation against you in hope you buckle under pressure. You got to be that guy that will go so far as to ally with biker gangs or rogues to fight the police on this to show you mean it when you say this kind of shit will not be acceptable in your community/town/rural village/cubby house in the sewers/hobbit hole etc ....wherever the hell you call your living space.

If people consent to be governed by those laws and actually want to be bound by them? hey, then that is fine. :up: They chose to be bound by it. But it doesn't apply to free people who believe in god-given rights that trump anything from man. (government does not grant you your rights) Your leaders must be corrected/jailed for any high crime they commit against you. IF not by your own people then by other nations that are free who also believe in the constitution and freedom and liberty. (eg in countries like china christians have to go underground because there is no religious freedom there and they would be considered criminals. It would benefit them if christians from other countries assist them. The reverse is also true if you are being persecuted for beliefs in your homeland ie those nations attack that group in your community which are trying to force beliefs upon you for which you did not consent to be governed by: it's all about CONSENT)

Now we know these guys are pedophiles and satanists, so it's obvious why they want dictatorship since they can't openly gain support for their systems like normal people. The only thing letting them get away with shit is the fear their followers have if they don't listen to them. It's up to individuals to revolt against it in their own way. (sabotage, arresting cops that try to kidnap people, hacking their computers, terrorism if needed ie wrecking stuff, blocking access to bridges to stop them supplying things to followers etc) Guys like William Cooper knew they were going to try to label anyone that disagrees with them as terrorists. Be that thing they fear if its for a good cause. Don't let them play with words and change meanings of things. Go by dictionary definitions.

This is serious stuff: if they get to change the meanings of words like the psychologist above did they can paint ordinary people as dangerous and that is how they trick the public into conformity. It's the same trick feminists use against men by playing the victim and making false accusation to get people to submit to political correctness. (comedians know this which is why they won't even go to colleges anymore since a lot of what they joke about is not politically correct speech)

To win you must use the fear of public humiliation against the SJW and feminists because as we know the only reason they have to act the way they do is because they are weak and think they need a third party to make decision for them like the borg in star trek. If they believe they can't think for themselves they turn into agents for the bad guy who pay them money to ruin western civilisation. Pedogate is an example where celebrities are now coming out to warn people of the real abuse the satanist are involved in. What the government is trying to do is say the people are the abusers not the child sex traffickers that are involved in these dark satanic activities.

Think of all of this as a social experiment on the public at large to see how you will respond to a future dictatorship in your nation and whether the people are in fact brave enough to honor the values of past generation who fought in wars for freedom. If you cave in to it, they will know to step on you and push you around. Same shit that bullies do in elementary school against the smallest kid to see if its safe and if the other kids join in on the bullying,.... or if they gather up in a support network to attack the bully or call the teacher to teach that bully a lesson.
You guys are the victims but the attack is from within your own nations against you. (as opposed to invaders parachuting in like in red dawn)
So they use laws as a hammer or weapon instead of bombs or guns. Those laws allow the family court/psychologist to make up any law they please to imprison or fine anyone whose views and opinions they disagree with. This goes against REAL law of the bible and the freedom of western civilisations. So first we must educate communities about why our own government is very dangerous right now. Also how to go about talking to police about this law and how we will NOT support them (in fact discourage them from enforcing it at all by explaining why it's not morally acceptable in christian society) or let them enforce these types of laws in western countries. And finally get the backing of the military to prevent any use of force against people who never consented to these laws in the first place. The believers of the LEGAL definitions of "domestic abuse" can be bound by them obviously, just not the rest of us who know our rights and will exercise them. We MUCH prefer the DICTIONARY definitions of domestic abuse which is the physical violence being done against another. Anything other than that definition would mean the government can just imprison ANYONE for any harsh language and claim they are 'helping families' LOL)

The whole point of family law really is to make the lawyers rich. They make money when people fight. It's a business. It has nothing to do with actual justice. When people are not fighting? They go broke and have to create new laws to make it easy to get new money from existing pool of people left that haven't been thrown in jails. Informing people about these satanists and freemasons and cults is the first step. These people make money breaking up families. It's the exact opposite of what they say they are. To understand satanism you got to reverse the message to get the true meaning. So when they say Family Law they mean "Anti-Family Legal crap to extract money from dysfunctional people in service of helping feminist leave the family" rules. If you know your rights you know not to accept the services of the government (which offers a debating platform for the two party to ruin each other's and the child's lives and charges you money for it).

Learn about the Deluth model:
Now I know you guys don't believe in conspiracy theories but this is conspiracy facts which you yourself can easily look up. A conspiracy theory is merely a theory about a conspiracy that has not been proven. You can prove this shit because you experience the stuff in today's world where your own kids are getting brainwashed by public school system which is dumbing kids down and brainwashing them.
If the police are all white knights/manginas because they work for the government and enforce these laws for the feminazi, then men need to have black knights to defend innocent men against unjust criminals inside the government which approve of tyrants.

ex-commie Yuri reveals secrets of the brainwashing techniques of the collectivist and what they do to their own puppets once they accomplish the mission (ie destabilise the nation) :
modern useful idiot of 2018 = SJWand feminists infesting male spaces and pop culture today trying their best to blend in with the respective communities by faking that they are genuine members of the communities and getting called out for BS by real members. Once these guys succeed the government will kill them because they know too much and have to be killed in case they realise they were lied to and don't obtain their end of the bargain from the master of the puppets and then turn against their own master. (reminds me of what happens to rogue ninja from Naruto)
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Re: Gender Pronouns

Post by t0mby »

Madmya wrote:bump
Would read again. 4.5/5
selfish wrote:Being a massive fanboy and trying to hide it is Lestat's worst bottleneck.
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Re: Gender Pronouns

Post by GameHED »

Jordan kicking more mainstream media butt:
The war is against feminism not women. Women may benefit from all this communist crap they are mandating in the western society, but we all know about female in-group preference which is why non-feminist women may still join the feminist cause in secret by not coming to men's defence. If we can educate girls about the differences between collectivism (which is irresponsble because it makes everyone so weak and dependent on others for permission to do things) and constitutional freedom (your rights exist because you exist and nobody gets to grant or take your rights away) then more adult women would come to the side of men in the fight against third wave feminists who have become so radical that they are creating ridculous laws like "man spreading" and other such nonsense that is just plain bullying now. :down:

We got to crush communism at some point so we have to take the fight to them not wait for these guys to get cocky and start making laws that destroys people's careers and ruins little boys school life. It's a war and even if you don't like fighting and don't want to argue, they will eventually come for you after they are done bullying this guy into thinking of the abusers (third wave feminists and trannies and gays forcing christians to bake wedding cakes for them and calling them stupid titles and ruining star wars by making character have zero character development whilst expecting us to care about them) as good guys helping people.

We should mandate that kids learn the dangers of communist systems and how many have died from it alongside the stuff the nazis did in world war 2 against jews. Also how minorities are also racist too! It doesn't matter if its japanese guys being racist against non-japanese or white guys against blacks or blacks against their own people or jews betraying their own kind, it's all bad. So we need to teach kids that minorities can also attack their own people and not worry about whether the next film has too many whites in it but whether the free market likes to see those white guys based on merits. I don't like forced diversity because of the initiation of force.
So we teach tolerance but not forced diversity. If you force me to do anything you are plain evil. But the problem is today's secular crowd doesn't like strong language like EVIL. They want to say it's harmful.

The solution is to present it in a way where you ask the kids a question: is it fair for people to be discriminated against because they are successful people and therefore need to be handicapped by new laws that make it easier for minority people to take that guys job? And if they say no, you pat them on the back and say: "you understand what fairness actually is". Then you ask the kids that say yes: "where did you get this idea and why do you believe it?" Log down their answer and ask the parents why the kids believe it is ok to discriminate against people who are high achievement people? Then teach the parents about communism and the oppressive governments of the past that killed innocent people and stopped people from having basic rights like freedom of speech and other things that we enjoy in the western nations.

Any kind of system that punishes you for being too successful is ENVY which is just a sin. You want that other person's power so you create obstacle to hold that person back. That's not equality. That's discrimination because you are not as good as them so you run to government to change the rules of the game. That is akin to letting a boxer punch below the belt if you think he will lose a match and you let him ignore rules of the game because you want the guy that is losing to win the boxing match. That's not equality. That's manipulation of moral systems which is what the third wave feminist wants. This is not acceptable and anyone that supports these radicals must be shamed publicly. Without society shaming these idiots they wil think they are continuing to do good and helping people when all they are doing is discriminating against anything that is sucessful that doesnt also benefit them. Creating unjust laws that punish a person for getting ahead is discrimination! There is no way to escape that. If men left a communist nation and fleed to a christian one, the feminist would run out of a scapegoat to blame for their inability to achieve things. We as men have been way too soft on feminist and now it is time for us to say: you can have power but you MUST TAKE RESPONSIBILITY after you screw up and not blame men for your failure. It's part of being an adult! If men leave, and give the feminist the power they have, and then go to another island, and achieve something outside of the island the feminists have created where collectivism rules, then if that collectivist island fails, then feminists have only themselves to blame. But currently men have taken all the blame for everything but not given authority. To have responsibility you need authority first so if the man fails he gets the blame for the failure. With power/authority comes the responsibility. So for men to survive, we have to leave the corrupt collectivist systems first, let these feminists fail all by themselves, and then let these feminists learn from that mistake and not let them have the optin to blame us.

This is where MGTOW comes into things: men leave that plantation, wait for collapse, (just like the matrix movie where the slaves disconnect the wire from the back of their neck/spinal cord) then rebuild after feminists learn what happens after you deny rights of people out of envy for their success. And if the feminists do succeed in being strong and independent without men's help, then that is great, more power to them. (men can finally achieve even greater things by exploring space and leaving the planet and be at peace.)
But the first thing is we have to test their theory on collectivism, let it fail to prove to them communism won't work, and then after this when they are open to alternative demonstrate why we were right all along by achieving things. Not for women to impress them or show off to get them to like us, but as a quest for truth to fight against the lies of the manipulators who brainwashed these women in college who genuinely believe women and men are exactly the same. (which men already know is nonsense otherwise females would do all the same jobs men excel at eg physical labour and perform exactly the same. Equality does not exist but equal opportunity already DOES and these radical feminists are lying to the public about how bad women have it. If we just think of it as a fight of truth vs lies then we can stop allowing the debates to turn political which is what the mainstream media are desperate to do because the left wing socialist and commie lost power so to them its about revenge and regaining power by brainwashing children. But the audience listening want the truth and waking up to the tactics of these liars which is why they are working hard to censor speech)

The biggest weapon the feminists have against men is the ability to manipulate other women into believing they are victims. (it's known as female in-group preference) These brainwashed people then vote for a feminist leader into power, that leader then is pressured into discriminating against males, and slowly over time men have to obey the laws these politicians created which oppresses them.

What men need to do is create the arguments that any extra power men give over to women must also include extra responsibility as well (in other words they get the blame when they fuck up and it goes on their record and then they are publicly shamed for it not the patriarchy) and this will place balance back into the middle where it belongs. (ie feminists can have the grass huts and primitive society while men achieve things outside of the collectivist community; a place where employees are not scared of cry bullies and will work hard because there is an incentive to achieve without being held back by jealous people) The feminists today want power without any responsibility. And they have this now. What we do is give them power (so they can fuck it up all by themselves) but all responsibility goes to them. (ie men's money is kept hidden away so they have to pay for bad decisions as "strong independent people" and not the hard working guy who had nothing to do with their failures and is enjoying freedom from tyrants having their hand in their pocket to fund these lifestyles) What we don't want is clowns with too much make up dictating to responsible people how to live life. That is like letting children lecture adults on acceptable behavior when the kids are irresponsible and taking money from the parents and dependent on them. If the females can be powerful with responsible behavior then we celebrate those strong females but not because of feminism, but because those individuals earned that through individual merits as good people not thanks to politicians or feminist radicals granting them anything. The credit goes to the individual.

Great history on feminism and how the cancer began:
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Re: Gender Pronouns

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People love Jordan Petersen because he's fearlessly logical. That doesn't go down well with many social justice warriors.
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Re: Gender Pronouns

Post by GameHED »

The mainstream now see him as a genuine threat. You will notice when a person is making money, well respected, and not going with the plan to emasculate the society so it isn't competitive anymore (the commie want everyone to be equally poor and miserable) that is when they attack the character of the popular speaker.
The SJW are anti-white racists and sexist against males. There is no "reverse sexism". It's just the left wing being sexist against men and racist against white people for George Soros. Their own people are in fact at war with themselves in that respect. They are anti-"anything that is winning in the competitive workforce" which is the exact opposite of the free market where the hardest, fastest worker with highest performance gets the gold medal/highest pay and earns the most and becomes the financially successful leader of the community. Feminist today are no longer about equality. Yes equality of outcome (like mario kart they want "rubber band AI" to save the loser so everyone who is winning is handicapped if they get too far ahead in a race) but not equality of opportunity. (where people are allowed to try anything but if they are not getting the same high performance as the best worker, then they are naturally weeded out in a competitive environment by the higher performing workers who win the game)

If SJW understood the differenes between the equality of outcome vs equality of opportunity guys, then the left wouldn't be so ridiculed today by the trump crowd who are sick of SJW and want a right wing guy to save them. The moderate left wing guys who want equal opportunity should war against these guys and claim the title of the TRUE SJW and push out the fake SJW who are really just authoritarian (using unjust laws to force diversity in the workplace which is evil) types that feel like they can be labelled good guys by oppressing innocent people who are just sucessful people.
Another thing that is worrying is how they try to paint INCEL people to meritocracy supporters. An incel is a guy who can't get pussy. This is a result of lack of self improvement on their part and not being attractive. It's BECAUSE he isn't a competitive guy that he isn't getting anything. So when they attack the incel, they are making the right wing argument stronger. (ie that in life there is no such thing as fair but you got to make the most with what you are given without whining to the government about it. Some people are born genuises (ie doogie howser) and just have natural talents and unique gift, and others are circus freaks that are more likely to make money joining a circus to scare people. You don't want the ugly freak to be model and the brainy guy doing tasks that are below his ability because it is a waste of resource. It makes the workplace inefficient (you are seeing it in the game industty now where the top talent have to leave to make way for forced diversity quota by these SJW and feminists) and tells the guys who are underdogs that the only reason they can improve themselves is thanks to government interference with the free market by manipulating the rules of the game so the underdog is allowed to cheat. What this does is encourage them to have low self esteem now because they realise they got to where they are by underhanded methods instead of doing it the normal way. It teaches them that they can't rise up in status through their own way of being better and improving themselves, but instead through using the government to bully other innocent people. (it's akin to allowing a losing side to used banned moves in a martial arts tournament and banning those moves being used by the winning side)

This is why your movies and games are going to suck too because they will encourage bad messages in them and your kids will believe that. (eg in the Last Jedi everyone is automatically a bad ass because training is for the loser and teachers are not necessary. Want to learn martial arts kid? Just give yourself a black belt and everyone will respect you without you having to prove yourself or be tested first through trials. That's the message of the post modernist. And it's the reason people hated feminist and SJW taking over the franchise due to lack of discipline and self control being factors in whether a person can succeed in a battle, which doesn't fit with how people imagine the world works. Contrast this with a lot of japanese comic books where the hard worker can better themselves or learn something from failing and come back stronger. It's because the left wing guy doesn't respect those virtues like patience and strong work ethic that people are turning away from the new movies aimed at millenials who are entitled to have things without earning it)

What globalists want in general is a communist system where there is no more middle class. So this way the government owns the people and tell the peasant how to live. When they own everything, they control everything including you. It's really about soveriengty here. The UN do not want leaders, they want collectivist authoritarian system of governenance where the government bosses the peoplpe around and not the government answering to the people. It's basically the roman empire or babylonian empire with lucifer as their religious leader. The older generation needs to rebel against it and teach kid to also rebel. The money you make is being stolen through laws that allow them to bail out the loser without that loser getting punished for bad behavior and wrong decision so the loser doesn't learn from the failure and instead realises there is no consequence for failing or acting in criminal fashion. It affects you daily.
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Re: Gender Pronouns

Post by GameHED »

One thing the psychologists need to be educated on is the difference between the incel and the gamers. Ie gamers are not violent people in reallife but we love playing violent games:
There is a belief amoung these type of people that games are things loser play because they can't get laid and these are the guys who will shoot up a school due to being depressed. This is the part that scares me most because the mainstream media was responsible for perpetuating the myth that all the school shooters did what they did because they saw it on GTA and had no choice but to kill people in real life. It's similar to the wage gap myth feminists repeat all the time which need to be corrected so the public knows the truth.

If Jordan ever gets into politics it's something to watch out for. It may be a trap by the lizard men who might use him to demonise the 4chan crowd who lets face it are the people that helped expose the evil of pizzagate (leading to hilary clinton losing support due to the scandal of human trafficking and black magic witchcraft involving spirit cooking) and the mainstream media is working hard to attack incel groups which are being targeted as the new "potential terror threat of today". They got sick of killing brown people, testing the balls of the gun owners, and watchers of horror porn movies (remember when they blamed the movie "The Matrix" for school shootings because the shooter wore black trenchcoat like the characters in the movie?) so now they are coming back to link gaming with violent attacks, with incel community (who exposed the child pedophile rings). It's very subtle but I think that will be the next tactic the reptilians might use. (turn feminist single moms against games)

fornite blamed for violent shootings:
No matter how many times it is debunked the mother will always be scared of things they don't understand. (it's biological) They don't think rationally so the fear game works on them which is how the iluminati successfully get things banned or removed from shops. This is why I think if we remove voting right from feminists we can reverse the damage it has done to society. No point having intellectual debates with people who don't care for evidence to back an argument up. Doom was the bad guy of the past, now it's Fortnite. It seems all the games with shitty graphics are the most effective ones to cause violence.
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Re: Gender Pronouns

Post by Deef »

Games wouldn't be better without feminists though.
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Re: Gender Pronouns

Post by GameHED »

I think they need to be placed on a seperate planet once humanity finally gets off earth and into mars. Much like the aliens in Macross (the Zentradi split up into male and female groups)
They can clone mark hamil in case feminist disney ever gives up the star wars franchise and we get to see the real episode 7, 8, and 9 where Luke Skywalker isn't a loser and the emperor is reborn as the joker after being brought back to life through DNA sample taken from his undies when he shat himself after falling down from a great height in episode 6.
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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Re: Gender Pronouns

Post by GameHED »

A great video from TFM explaining how the left keeps inventing new terms to change the definnitions of english words. (the solution: invent new words or terms once the existing ones have been hijacked and the meanings changed by the left)
The best way to deal with them is not to play the game. Create whole new languages. It's what God did during the times when the ancient Babylonians were trying to build a tower in defiance of God. The languages were confused so everyone had to split up and this blocked them from working together to fuck the world up.
We have reached a similar time where everyone is hijacking each other's language to change the meaning to confuse people, so to reverse this you invent new language and words to make it really hard for them to understand what you are saying to them. The legal profession already does this with their own language called legalese which requires you get a person who understand what is written to translate that. (robolawyers will eventually take their jobs away too though in the future)
If soros wants an open society to make people more inclusive people can just create closed society to reverse this. The more barriers there are the harder it will be for them to hack your culture because they first have to understand it to begin hijacking it.

It's one of the reasons we can spot fake fans because they do things that are not consistent with real fans. So when geeks point out that the SJWs are not real fans of esoteric topics, they are easy to spot by the other real fans who thought they were just part of the geek club. These strategies will help slow down the SJW culture war on the western society and make the communists easier to spot amoung the various geek social circles. Maybe people can copy the secret societies and use hand signs and other shit on top of that and every so often the language and codes is changed at random times to ensure the infiltrators can't unscramble it.
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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