The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

Reka wrote:Correct. Who gets to define what hate speech is?

It's a really shitty precedence that's been set. Going forward they'll just point at how Alex Jones was treated and maintain that that's the new norm. The mainstream media has been scripted for decades and now measures are in place so the alternative media must follow suit or risk being silenced.

It's a big loss for anyone who wants more than one side to the stories being jammed down our throats.

Edit: also this. Let's justify silencing anyone we want by putting the veneer of technology on our choices. I mean, who could possibly argue with quantifying online hate? Sounds objective to me!
She definitely needs to surgically cut the mole on her face already. Looks like someone glued a raisin to her face. Very distracting. I'd believe her more that machines can learn and outdo humans if she had serious look on her face rather than a smug one that is forced to read a script and is laughing at how ridiculous the job she has is of pretending AI can defeat man.

Nobody trusts the mainstream media anymore because it has already been admitted that government propaganda (bullshit passed as real news) is legal. That means lying is completely fine so it's up to the viewers to take responsibility for not believing what they hear on the news if they want to be protected against the effects of it. But beyond that it's about elections. Because so many people get their news from social media and the elites know this, anyone who is already established/respected or just gets a lot of views is competition for any emerging power trying to muscle in on the alt news market. So what do the left do? Create special rules for everyone else but which they themselves do not have to follow. IT's an admission of defeat because it's like a losing fighter in a martial arts tournament turning to illegal moves after he is losing or going to lose so he breaks the rules out of frustration that he can't win in a fair fight with referee and judges and a fair system in place to get a sense of satisfaction that he can still have a feeling of power if he can injure the opponent on the way down to falling.
The left never cared about respect. The whole goal of being nice is to disguise themselves as good people to the public not because they are ACTUALLY nice. And this is why I say it's an admission of defeat. If they can't win in the fair system then they will resort to cheating. And everyone knows it, so like a cornered animal that knows it's going to die it lashes out in desperation fighting for its life.

That is why it's dangerous to just give up gun rights. When these guys turn to violence you need a backup for when they do go into rage mode for losing as there is no honor on how they conduct themselves. When you are trying to sneak evil stuff into a society that is good you care little about respect just that the people are brainwashed into believing you are respectful using illusions. They have probably figured that if they can't convince people, maybe they can scare us. That won't work because we can use the free market to counter that. (corporations like google rely on us to provide content and be customers to the service so when competing service rises up we can just choose to walk away from their offering just as you can say no to a shaved up midget prostitute cosplaying as a loli character who thinks you are a paedophile and thought you were into short people and little kids with no sexual organs or body hair because it's what the popular japanese cartoons today have in them.)

See it's a case of 'they need us more than we need them'. And that is why collectivism has to turn to dictatorship to survive. Without it, the illusion (that they are doing good for humanity) can not be maintained. People woke from the spell already so the wizard is not using ilusion magic but alteration magic now to change the rule of what reality is. The younger and dumber people of society won't notice anything different because they never saw things before they were born and still easy to manipulate by using fear and intimidation. It's not going to work since people have archived their lies. When something goes up on the internet, it fucking STAYS. There are copies all over the bloody place. The lizards are pretty much fucked so they have quit hiding now and becoming more brazen. The war for minds still goes on as individuals after truth seek it in the free market. When enough people have been lied to enough times at some point they are going to say "enough is enough, I'm walking away." They fear US. That's why they turn to fear tactics to scare us thinking it's what is needed to stop people walking away. But all it does is make it worse because people now have even more justification to rebel against the evil wizard who wishes we would stay under the control of the spell. hehe

Kanye West even ditched his blonde illuminati control hair. That is a sign of bad things for them. When even their own guys are brave enough to reject the control freak's power. (much like Maijin Buu finally deciding he must get rid of the wizard Babidy and go it alone for his own self respect and sovreignty)
mind altering drugs of the sorcerers, pharmacist, shamans, witches etc to communicate with the gods
Johnny Depp (WTF are they doing to him? Are they going to sacrifice another celebrity? What does he know that they want to cover up? This is what happens when you trust a lesbian who betrays you. Go MGTOW guys. It's the only safe lifestyle these days..)
many levels of meaning with occult symbols (history of the signs)
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

Looks like Alex was merely the first to be censored on youtube. Now the elites are putting propaganda on top of the videoes you make in order for the reptilians to try to counter truth with their own mainstream media lies and deception (low level mind control and influence): ... ideos.html" onclick=";return false;
YouTube to add “fact check” propaganda messages to MMR vaccine videos in latest Orwellian attempt to override reality

Monday, August 13, 2018 by: Isabelle Z.

(Natural News) Not content to stop at banning videos, YouTube has decided to add “fact checks” and quotes to videos on topics that it feels are controversial, and the MMR vaccine is one of them.

Last month, the video sharing platform started placing a blurb of text beneath certain videos offering viewers a “scientific” explanation. For example, the text placed underneath some videos about climate change is taken from a Wikipedia entry on global warming and reads: ”Multiple lines of scientific evidence shows that the climate system is warming.” They’re also questioning sources, with a series of climate videos posted by the RT news site containing a description from Wikipedia about the publisher that says: ”RT is funded in whole or in part by the Russian government.”

The move comes after YouTube announced this spring that it will place descriptions taken from Encyclopedia Britannica and Wikipedia alongside videos about topics that tend to attract conspiracy theories, such as the Oklahoma City bombing and the moon landing. Although YouTube has not shared a full list of topics that will be given this treatment, some of the topics identified in a post to its administrators include global warming, Dulce Base, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Kecksburg UFO incident, the 1980 Camarate air accident, and the MMR vaccine.

The company has not notified the users who originally uploaded the videos in question that they will bear these propaganda messages. It is not clear why YouTube is lumping the MMR vaccine’s proven link to autism in the same category as conspiracy theories, but given their track record, politics almost certainly played a big role.

The Chief Marketing Officer of PragerU, Craig Strazzeri, said YouTube’s new policy, which has affected some PragerU videos, shows its political bias.

He said: “Despite claiming to be a public forum and a platform open to all, YouTube is clearly a left-wing organization. This is just another mistake in a long line of giant missteps that erodes America’s trust in Big Tech, much like what has already happened with the mainstream news media.”

Others have expressed surprise that these blurbs are showing up on videos that are about science rather than conspiracies. YouTube says that even more videos will receive the labels in the months to come and that it is using an algorithm rather than people to determine which videos will be given the blurbs.

Right now, they are only visible to viewers in the U.S., and they are expected to be rolled out gradually. YouTube will be keeping track of how often viewers click on the blurb, which will link back to the original source.

Angry users flocking to speech-protecting sites

People are growing increasingly fed up with YouTube’s attempts to control the narrative and influence what people believe by silencing views that oppose their own. This month, they came under fire for banning right-wing host Alex Jones’s channel, which was just the latest in a long string of moves against videos on topics like vaccines, climate change, natural health and guns.

If you’re looking for a place to post or watch videos without YouTube insulting your intelligence or controlling what you read and share, the free-speech alternative is the place to go. With more than 300 new channels joining the platform each day and 1.5 million minutes of video served each week, it provides a destination for people who value freedom to discuss all manner of topics that are unwelcome elsewhere. Best of all, there is no user tracking, shadow banning, or long ads to sit through. As great and fair alternatives like this gain in popularity, one can only hope that YouTube’s reach will shorten dramatically.
Very sneaky stuff. If you are still on youtube you NEED to get off there now as this is the equivalent of vandalisng material by placing things on it that go counter to the purpose of a channel. The only way to beat the elites is to suck them dry of wealth so they can't continue to operate just like we all did when we stopped reading reviews from sites like polygon or stopped buying games from EA with loot box shit and SJW nonsense and also stopped watching mainstream television owned by the pedophiles and satanists who are desperate to capture the youth.

To beat them: You compete with them for the audience time and money and resources. As the information war continues on, countries like china are getting richer and buying up the media, your public resources, and influencing what is contained in movies and trying to use communist tactics inside the west. (soft invasion of their collectivist ideas to weaken our will to fight for freedom and the constitutional values that we are founded on)

To combat that you need to watch what your kids consume and educate them on the history of the companies that are big today and what change they have gone through since the time they were built. IE propgandists that are pro-corruption bought them off and influenced them in exchange for globalists money and support just like when you fave musicians sold out to the illuminati and became 'one of them'. IE lost their soul to become a rich powerful figure (let's just call it zombie or puppet) to influence the young man's minds to preach satanic lifestyle to the widest audience. The same guys that would play the same pop song million times on the radio instead of diverse range of artists songs back when people still listened to music on the radio and had no choice what to hear instead of just downloading whatever they liked which is what we have today to break free from the mind control and brainwashing.. To break free of youtube propaganda everyone must form a critical mass to boycott services that are becoming more draconian as a way to maintain purity. (show that you care about the constitutional values by not giving them money)

IT's all about MONEY. IF you are making money for yourself on youtube and they get a cut of the money, you are supporting the beast. The beast at some point when it gets big enough will eat its own master. That's why you should boycott any communist system because it is feeding off of your energy. And spread the word to your friends at dinner parties to never support them monetarily or through content production. It's a way to demonstrate the power of the creative man over the greedy businessman who is sucking away at the creative energy of artists/producers/workers who are what make the channel/content appealing to the audience in the first place.
So where can I go to make money? Do whatthe alternative media did back in the day and move to alternatives. IT's a repeating cycle just like when hackers have to find new exploits when a software is patched up so you can't tinker with your products to do things that it wasn't originally designed for. You are like that hacker moving to new land and seeking new opportunities and taking big risks like explorers of the past braving the dangers of loss that can occur by abandoning the land you felt safe in to maintain that purity of free spirit that won't back down on his principles and prefer moving out of the control freak's zone of influence and leaving them to fight amongst themselves for scraps while you look to bigger and better things.

Remember the right wing extreme and the left wing extreme are working together to bring in authoritarian systems. Whatever side of politics you support is not the point: if they are anti-constitution and anti-free speech then they are pro-dictatorship. Your grandads fought wars to protect people from the bad guys of their day. Now the bad guys are back as brainwashed kids whose single moms want the government to rob people of money instead of living a responsible lifestyle. It's not about left vs right but the collectivists/authoritarian vs liberatarian. If they win you will probably get world war III and your country will be dragged into it and your sons daughters will act as human sacrifices for the satanic elites who love conflict and wars to obtain power and take property.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

5G and the dragon people. How the tech companies plan on using smartcities to draw on spiritual energy around the planet to open portals to the demon world.
As youtube slowly gets more censored and we move to cities run by the demons through the technology which is possessed by them, videos like this will probably be banned by tech giants who invested a lot of money into building these smart cities. No way am I taking the mark of the beast. I would rather join a nintendo branded city where there are no bugs in the system and the driverless cars let you play nintendo switch on them while it drives you around. Fuck Bill Gates. Illuminati owns his arse. Doesn't surprise me that the public is dumb enough to put faith in technology that needs to be patched every minute. If we were flying around in flying cars and microsoft had been involved with the AI you'd see people crashing into building every day and they just blame the AI for it. Hackers could hold cities hostage so easily due to lack of security in the software. No thanks! IT sounds cool on paper but I like human run cities over demon possessed crap.

That video is very important for future as we see the iluminati trying to promote the female goddess worship now. A lot of that is to do with their beliefs in the false gods. They are fascinated by the fallen angels and worship them as gods. If the beast chip system is linked to the purchase and sale of goods and you are not a SMART-person, what happens to you in these smart cities if you like old tech? Probably you will be starved and forced to live outside of it as these fallen beings run those places and the new agers take their orders from them as beings of light. The bible warns that satan can take on the form of an angel of light. So we are living in time of great deception where people think they can have peace by placing trust in these beings who were already jealous of man long ago and misled people as a trap. The bait is these utopian cities to get us all to go along with their agenda (worship them) and the trap is that they will control your body when it is attached to you. The body to a christian is a temple of the Holy Spirit to live in so it would be considered an invasion to have foreign god enter into the temple claiming ownership of your own body. That's why it's important to interpret prophecy with open mind. (technology is becoming more and more a requirement to do business today whereas in past times it was optional. Could you as a survivalist survive today without it and become a cave man like the guy in Far Cry Primal and live outside a smart city? That is something you need to ask yourself as the elite try to chip everyone and everything with GPS trackers to track where all the resources are flowing to. They need that information to find out who is buying their products and the 'internet of things' is the system that already is doing that )
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Paedophilia: if legalised by the post modernists..

Post by GameHED »

I was inspired to create this thread by cletus who posted about it in the tinfoil thread.

What if scenario: It's the future. Kids are all gay. Frogs have turned gay. The soy boys have taken over society and have all the single mothers votes and have now entered politics and become leaders. And paedophiles are angry that gays are treated better than them in society and have power over the heterosexual crowd. The paedophiles want more rights. The government says ok since they are illuminati backed and agree to grant them power.

The question:
What do you plan to do if you have kids and the paedophiles move into your community and claim victim status and become a protected class by the elites? They demand to be able to have sexual relations with your children. What do you do?

Serious topic.

paedophiles are being promoted as "born that way" like the gays did in order to obtain special rights
We all know what the church will do: If the priests are all paedophiles in the closet you will not hear much disagreement from them since many probably got the job to be close to kids. What happens to the rest of us heterosexuals who don't like the paedophile race? In democracy the majority are supposed to be the ones to have the power but the elites ignore that by giving the abnormal ones power over the majority. (see feminism and "no fault divorce" laws for an example. If your wife was caught cheating on you and you do not want the divorce she can still get half your shit despite breaking up the family by her actions)

I'm not ok with the paedophiles and satanist trying to enforce their religion on others. I'm not ok with the gays telling christians they have to bake gay wedding cakes (goes against the concept of religious freedoms - you can do anything you wish to yourself and to your own people as long as it doesn't harm others that were never part of your group who never consented to actions you are trying to enforce on them by the system of law you made up for yourself or your people). Should we refuse to pay taxes and form private armies to overthrow the socialist governments (like the trade federation in Star Wars?) when they decide to side with the satanist?

This will be a hot topc in future. Libertarians have always encouraged people to 'prepare for the collapse'; always saying we should buy gold, buy bullets, and stash guns everywhere for a Red Dawn type scenario..., but are these guys prepared to physically fight too or just talk about the collapse? We live in very dangerous times now where insane leaders demand we take them seriously and are expected to believe them when they are just criminals pretending to be our leaders.

To me it's about the law of contracts: if I didn't consent to something, the rules you made up for yourself do not apply to me. I never signed the deal. No consent from me to obey your system? No authority to enforce those rules on me or upon those that never consented. (see the Freeman movement for more) The flow of authority comes from whoever your god* is. If it's not mine then he has no power or authority over me (just you because he is your father) unless I believe in it and pledge loyalty to that god. You got no proof I ever agreed to be bound by your god's rules? Then you have no power over me to tell me what I can and can not do with my meatsuit/temple/physical body. It's property made by my God. Simple idea.

But nobody seems to understand this and thinks we are ALL part of one big collective group (global communism) instead of individuals with sovereignty and God-given rights that shall not be infringed. Quick example of basic freedoms being infringed upon:
1. games like GTA 5 getting banned from sale in department stores just because hookers can be run over even though EVERYONE can be run over. Don't grown men have a say in what is and isn't acceptable to them as adults? IT's not like the game is a snuff porn sim.
2. Internet being censored SELECTIVELY (no alex jones on youtube but young turks is ok despite them being way more offensive) (Chun Li's boob jiggle removed in street Fighter 5 being one of the bigger ones. Why does capcom care what non-buyers think? They are not buying the game so how can they be offended?)
3. Underage prostitutes in some countries legally able to sell sex but it's illegal for a man to buy it. Doesn't that seem strange to you? It's like saying underage sex is fine so long as it's not the man asking for it? What kind of moral guidance do these people go by? Where is there rulebook which tells us their definition of right and wrong behavior according to them who made up their own rules? IF there is none, how can a person NOT offend them if an outsider doesn't know what rules to follow when wandering into their society? Do men have less rights in these countries than women and why are we ok with that? I thought have equal rights was something all nations agreed was good thing? (it's progressive?)
etc ....and many other things (IE man-spreading laws) happening now such as sex robots replacing women prostitutes as the second sexual revolution for men, and it being seen as a bad thing by feminist who are only ok with sexual freedom so long as it benefits women lol

Second question (if you were ok with foreigners setting up pro-paedophile marriage with kids) :
Would you let a paedophile marry your child daughter? Not a joke. The world is turning into chaotic society and muslims are already ok with paedophilia so if you are around lots of them don't be surprised when the radical left bash up kids for insulting a paedophile because the UN is on the side of the predators.

Younger generations are going to see the older generations as the crazy ones thanks to indoctrination of their minds in public schools. (by the time they get to college they are trained to hate anything conservative or libertarian by the communist jews who poisoned them to turn against their own parents) So don't be surprised when this shit is normalised and you are in prison for offending a paedophile and not accepting their lifestyle. The elites are working tirelessly to remove individual liberty from society as it scares the shit out of them and now allying with radical groups to collapse civilisation. There I said it: it's a conspiracy and not a natural movement. It's an engineered one predicted by many. The less people locally that breed the more voters that are foreign voting against the locals. It was always an invasion. I predict that in the future you will not have enforcement of constitutional values and people will forget what the previous wars were about and why people liked western society and labelled them as heroes freeing people. (instead of invaders. Eg when europe was beaten in WWII we could have conquered the land but just gave it away. Don't you find that strange?)

*in the case of secular crowd and athiests their god could be defined as the local leader/the government itself/the lab coat wearing egghead genius scientist of the day that they have the same kind of respect for and obey. (eg catholics have the pope and he claims infallibility and the god of his people just as roman emperors thought of themselves as god in human flesh. Whoever their "pope" is = their god/father because he sets out rules for them to follow, and they are the children of that belief system)
Last edited by GameHED on 19 Aug 2018 11:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Paedophilia: if legalised by the post modernists..

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

please move to conspiracy thread.
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Re: Paedophilia: if legalised by the post modernists..

Post by flipswitch »

Please don’t forget bestiality. I always wanted to understand it from a user.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by theboss »

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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

Some great Simpsons NWO Doom predictions:
This is why preppers exist. So we can loot the dead bodies after the illuminati finds them and kills them and escape like Snake Plisskin. Why are there so many survival sims like Minecraft and Far Cry Primal and Fallout games? Because people are thinking about this shit all the time. They never imagined it would be like Final Fantasy where Sephiroth would kill the robots and corporations like the monster killing its own creator.

Randy Qaid "Star Whackers" conspiracy solved? ... en-bugged/" onclick=";return false;

Pizza gate saga continues
1/3 of the stars rebelled.... could they have taken human form and got jobs in hollywood? heh" onclick=";return false;
Ken Peters past predictions:
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Re: Paedophilia: if legalised by the post modernists..

Post by flipswitch »

flipswitch wrote:Please don’t forget bestiality. I always wanted to understand it from a user.

Don’t worry found this. :lol:

viewtopic.php?f=1&t=10080&p=377817&hili ... ad#p377817" onclick=";return false;


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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by Cletus »

So...fucking a chook isn't as perverse as eating the chook by his logic.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by flipswitch »

You must be talking about his favourite meal, Chicken Tonight.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

Who is behind the gangstalking?

" onclick=";return false;

About bestiality:
It's becoming more common now as people become more perverse. What's happening is the illuminati wants to normalise the perverted behavior then turn the perverted people against the normal people and then claim the normal people are abnormal and give the perverted guy all the rights at the expense of taking rights away from the normal people. This is what I take issue with. Not what sexual activity you are into. For example why do gays think it's ok to bully a christian into baking gay wedding cakes but not ok for christians to shame gay people who are christians into not having sex with men which the bible says is a sin? You can't shame people into something if they are actually proud of not serving gays, only shame those who are not christians and who don't care what God thinks but then expect the christian to follow their lifestyle/rules.

It's about rights and property. As a libertarian we don't give a fuck what you do with your body but we do when you impose your rules on others. In the future since feminist have so much power they will ally with muslim to bring paedophila into society and normalise it. If it becomes normalised it means society has no shame victimising humans who have no ability to choose since the brain hasn't developed on the child to allow consent much like with kids being murdered in abortion clinics. So Why I ask the question is to find out where the forum draws its line on what is acceptable or not acceptable. Everyone is varying degrees of sickness here. There I said it. I think you are mentally ill for not realising that satanists are controlling your mind in subtle ways through brainwashing tactics that have proven to work on people of the past.

A guy who changes laws to give one side more power over the other is not in following with libertarian values which is you are all equal under God therefore no man can demand from another anything unless there is consent and that some rights are unalienable which means nobody can trade them away. If you demand special rights over others you violate the rights of the other person. It's the reason men have gone MGTOW as they learn about things like 'no fault divorce' (ie if you catch your wife cheating on you, it's still your responsibility to pay despite the woman breaching the marriage contract) and the family court not dividing the power equally and instead favouring one side over the other.
It all comes back to what society thinks is acceptable. If slavery is considered unacceptable for instance then laws are made to outlaw it. If laws are made to legalise paedophilia it is inevitable the radical left will try to force you into accepting it to allow muslims to marry 9 year old children. And then eventually they will be a protected class. (ie having more rights than others under a belief that minorities are not in power so we have to grant them more power and authority than everyone else. Don't ask me where they get this logic from. I'm not a brainwashed idiot from the 60s who just makes shit up and passes it off as moral law and forces people to think I'm smart so therefore the idea must be made into law)
And it's a serious topic. Will the government protect the rights of babies and children against paedophiles in future (given the illuminati already sacrifice humans and control them?)
IF not that means it's time to run away.
Some people argue that this isn't new because in ancient times child sacrifice was common thing by pagans. Abortion is just the modern version of it. We have to have these talks now before the radical left attack christians who will fight this or we will be in war again. (note how the left try hard to tone police forums now and pull down statues to make you orget history? That is censorship of our heroes of the past. IT's a cultural war and you are not going to be able to avoid them since they will breed and hunt you down like the Hunger Games contestants for points.

The Synagogue of Satan is here today and we are reaching a time where everyone has become zombiefied.

for cletus:
^certain drugs can open doorways into the demon dimension. Many of the beast looking demons were the experiments of the past when DNA was tampered with to create experiments. It was the reason for the Flood to kill off the corrupted creatures who had DNA tampered with against God's original design. That dog was probably the spirit of a once living creature. Please watch Beauty and the Beast movie and tell me the illuminati is not subtly promoting demon sex and bestiality? I dare you. They are into it as it opens the portals to communicate with their gods.
Every time I see a woman walking a big German Shephard on the street I think "she's probably fucking it" and given how youtube hasn't taken down the above video I'm assuming it's happening everywhere because pet stocks have gone up and feminists don't have a man so a dog is a replacement for one when they fail to get one. Why do girls like horses and ponies and shit instead of motorbike and cars? Because you can't fuck them.

rebellion in heaven and how the fallen ones bred a bloodline of half-human half angel beings:
Noah was pure in his generations meaning he didn't mate with strange flesh. All the other people had to die.
Underneath the Vatican are where the beasts are:
Mark of the Beast (spiritual sex/fornication with the animal goat god) Goats are rebellious, sheep are obedient. What do witches want? Power from the beast. Feminism is taking over man, and all those aborted kids is the sacrifice to the beast. What do furries want? To be animals. Only a matter of time they genetically alter their DNA in future to enable themselves to breed with them. (repeat of what happened in the pre-flood times when the fallen angels tampered with nature. See book of enoch. Note in the video the "Beast rising from the sea" statue in the vatican? That is symbol of people who are the sea picking the leader. Lucifer picks the man and that man is granted the power. The spiritual head of the NWO is important because people believe in signs and wonders as the marker for who is the chosen one. It's like the proof you have been given the authority from the evil boss )
CRISPR tech = beginning of the end
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

A look at some of the real life sorcery promoted in the Black Panther movie:
A lot of illuminati movies put stuff in the movies without the knowledge of the people working on the film. So this is not to say they all support what is in the work. But black guys needs to be aware of what they sneak in so thier kids don't get influenced by it. Explaining things to kids is how you shield them in future from bad influences. Lot of comic book charcters actual get origins in myths and then adapted to modern day. (shieldoftheson has done an excellent video on this but youtube wiped his old channel which he didn't back up)
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

Joe Rogan turns against his audience and supports the NWO now and bashes Alex Jones: (he actually had him as guest one time sucking up to him to gain more followers and traffic for his channel :roll: Would have been interesting if he had him on for an interview to talk about censorship after the leftists kicked him off hehe)
never trusted him. :down: I trust the comedians that support free speech no matter what offensive stuff is said. But to take the left wing ones seriously you have to be ready to be disappointed these days. You cannot ban or censor a person simply because that person supports Trump. That is changing the rules to suit your bias. If you don't believe in UFO? Don't believe in false flag events? That's perfectly fine. Nobody is FORCING YOU to agree with the tin foil community or accept their evidence if you don't see it as proof.. If they were more people would come to support you Joe.

...But whether you like or hate something? That has nothing to do with free speech! Remove that and you now lose your OWN protection that the law gave to you to say what you wish. So when you come into an extreme right wing community they will now be justified in banning you from even setting foot on their turf. Before that, both sides could actually freely speak shit to each other and make fun of each other without need to ban. So both sides of politics are now WORSE off than before. Divide and conquer: make both sides fight so less energy is spent fighting the NWO. That's what's going on here. It's not going to work since people are concentrating on how to stop the NWO now and working towards defeating them by removing support for collectivist world where individual rights are sacrificed for rights of groups of people. (you are never a group of people just an individual and to see proof of that look at what people do after socialism fails and the government collapses: they turn against each other in the streets for survival to look after number 1 which is why doomsday prepers are getting a lot more respect now than in the past because they know it's inevitable when too many people are born thinking they are entitled to free shit and the government can't give anymore since there is nothing to give away. )

And that's why folks to never trust entertainment guys for truth. The goal of these ladder climbers is simply to get popular and become change agents to push an agenda once they are paid enough money and have enough followers to influence the mob and then use that mob to push the change. There is nothing new about these tactics and it's the reason people stopped watching mainstream tv in the first place. The hope of these types is if they can just get popular enough, gain a following like Thulsa Doom in Conan the Barbarian, then they can be leader of that cult and use the power to influence the way everyone thinks. But Jedi mind tricks only works on the weak-minded.

When you turn the social media and the public forums into propaganda centres to push for a particular world view or a commie leader during election time, you are just placing us back in the box. We will never go back into the matrix again. IT's too late. It's like going back to mainstream tv where you only have a few channels when we have on-demand services with limitless channels.

You lose. We win. We the people create our reality by developing things and freeing humans from the reptilian. You merely try to follow us around thinking you can contain it. But we can basically see your steps before you even make them because you are still in the old pyramid mindset of trying to enslave minds to serving you and it doesn't work because you lack basic morals. We serve the god of creativity and invention (artists, engineers, entrepeneurs, explorers, writers who create original works etc who need truth in order to get things done). You guys serve the god of mind control. (rumour makers, false accusers, con-artists, illusionists, politicians, lawyers, speech makers, marketing and advertising etc things which are all about manipulation of people to deceive them into agreeing with you using persuasion and charisma to make them change their opinion. You don't stand a chance against us if the public WANTS the truth. We have been watching you for a very long time and learned your tactics. We know how easy it is to infiltrate your groups and use your own logic and reasoning against you to reflect back the evil intent you have for others right back on to you. And this is just the beginning.

Now that elections are coming people will naturally lose trust in the leader you guys want to push because you had to cheat to obtain support. It's no longer about Alex Jones but that you took the public's own freedom to listen to him which is an offense to the sovereignty of the people. (it actually has nothing to do with politics but the fact that you think you can decide for others what they are allowed to hear or see - the same problem of trusting in mainstream media sources which are owned by the elite who push for things that are not in the best interest of the people. Think back to when you were a little kid and wanted to listen to a rock song or metal or rap and your parents told you not to do that? People will now WANT to do it because you want to control their behavior and they take it personally like you are abusing them.) WE all naturally rebel against things that involve stopping us exercising basic rights. And that's the problem of Joe. He wants us to accept that a censored internet is a better place than one where YOU the individual gets to decide what to filter out of your life by choosing what is acceptable to hear and see rather than a central authority who has an agenda of their own. It's very old way of thnking. It's like only having one choice of software to choose from when you buy a computer and having to accept the lousy quality instead f being able to either make your own, or buy one that is better from another developer. It's anti-free market of ideas. And we are past that time now and never going back. Once people get a taste of freedom they never willingly choose slavery. Extreme right wing guys will just imprison you based on your political belief system because they will see you as dangerous person because you say one thing but then don't apply the rule to yourself. And the reason we trust people is if they live the life they preach. Nobody likes a hypocrite.
Anyway as the left push for more authoritarian language control (ie trying to fight science and scientific terminolgy) people on the left who were moderate are now going closer to the centre now. If people decide to fight the chinese and rhe communist systems in their own land, then future generations can live in a less brainwashed world. It's all up to the adult of today to push back on the radical left or the kids will grow up in a system where they can't even speak. (because making a sound is considered terrorism. Everyone will use hand signs like the freemasons to communicate lol )
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

How to survive the end:
If you are 1 of the 144 000 you will survive all the doom that is coming down the line. It's about authority to conquer death through having strong defense system. The walls act as the anti-zombie protection for those who were patient preppers. The satanists put their faith in black magick and using human made tools to fight wars. The big fight is the war within people. Once you become one of satan's children you basically enslaved yourself to his authority over your temple/body. That means you absorb his weakness which is all the sin he has piled up which means Satan is laughing at how he can trick humans into being judged by God to go to hell with him.

The spiritual war is the real war. Everyone physically is dying in slow motion through aging anyway. This is why the people need to be prepared to die for beliefs. Its the one thing that occultists can't control. (secular humanist are afraid of death which makes them easy prey by the occultists in power to control them since they love the world) If they cast a hex or curse it will bounce back and hit them harder in the face due to God's protection against evil. But you have to be willing to hate the evil and many people are liking it. That's what determines your character. You can have the most powerful army but if they fight for evil you've already screwed yourself because that isn't going to last forever. (all throughout history empires fell due to basic human corruption and moral weakness to stand up for truth - due to poor foundation in the beliefs of the ruler) Why is gold precious? because it lasts. Why are precious jewels shiny and loved? Time doesn't wear them away or degrade them unlike other things. Just like people who are patient don't just quit. This is the quality of the people that endure and fight for the principles that are sound in dark times. And the occultists hate this. Bitcoins are forever after all.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

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Shield of the Son

The link between the actors and the demonic world
Now you know why entertainment industry is so full of occult symbolism. May explain heath Ledger's death.
"I warned him!" -Jack Nicholson after Ledger's death. (what did he warn him about? Was it demon possession?)

MidnightAnd Lulu
MidnightAnd Lulu
2 years ago (edited)
Heath Ledger starts hanging around with Michael Stipe. Stipe used to hang around River Phoenix all of the time. Ledger gets an odd "Old Man River" tattoo, which was River's famous nickname among friends and family, the joke tying his name to the song. Ledger dies. Johnny Depp gets his part. As we know, Phoenix died at Depp's Viper Room club on Halloween by an accidental overdose.

Depp's character in "The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus" has a strange scene in the film, where he talks about monumentalism and legend status. A female character in the film sees the pictures of Princess Diana, Valentino and James Dean borne on boats following the passing of an Anubis sculpture. The woman points out that all these people are dead. To which Depp's character replies:

"Yes … but immortal nevertheless. They won’t get old or fat. They won’t get sick or feeble. They are beyond fear because they are … forever young. They’re gods … and you can join them.”
It's iluminati sacrifice for sure. To "immortalise" their boy thus making a legend. Jack was probably telling him to guard himself from evil demon that chose him to be the vehicle for its performance through him after channeling the evil spirit for aid.
The Scary Scotsman
The Scary Scotsman
3 years ago
Supposedly there was a press conference just after that was shot and he explained that what he ment by that was he warned people about taking sleeping pills as he nearly drove of a cliff while on them. He ended this statement with " But I also did not know Mr. Ledger " So why say he had warned "him" in this video, then go on to say he never knew him. Weird!!
entertainment is worth a lot of money. Illuminati scripted his response at this time I bet to go along with the narrative that it was just accident. Just like Diana's death.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

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The plot to kill off the blacks:
this is the reason you need to test the chemicals in food, find out what's in the chemtrails, and filter the water. These reptilians seem to want to kill off the poor man out of fear of them. The royal family believes the world is overpopulated. Killing off people silently is the best method of the elite to get away with it without suspicion. Everytime you eat something pray over the food before consumption. A lot of the processed shit has chemicals that are not good for the human body. Think about why organic farmer is more popular now. Money corrupts.

Dangers of 5G network. ... eless.html" onclick=";return false;
It's like being cooked in a microwave for 17 minutes.

Mike Adams has started a youtube alternative:" onclick=";return false; If you need to abandon the pro-censorship companies bitchute is another good alternative too.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

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Super heroes of the bible (it is believed these will make a comeback in the end days as the 144000)
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

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Alex Jones response to banning from social media platforms:
The future is mixing porn with news. I got this idea after hearing a rumour that alex was into tranny porn.

You have topless anime chic being raped by a tentacled monster while news is being reported by her. When alternative news got too popular it made it a bigger target too. You must provide something people can't live without if the government bans it, such that it makes them angry enough to fight: :that thing is porn. People will riot in the streets for that. Imagine all the money lost by isps if it were made illegal for being offensive? People would kill the SJW for taking down your alt news service. You know how you have titty bars? You could have topless news reader giving truth and get the young teens attention to come to you for info. You write the script, she reads from it and the only difference is you hear a porn star saying what you would have said. That is the future of news. Nobody has long enough attention span these days. If terrorist bombed a building nobody gives a shit anymore because the chinese own it just like hollywood who hoped the chinese audience would like the SJW star wars movies when they actually hated it because the people in it were too ugly LOL
What hey could do is cg animate futa motion capture person which is voice overed by popular anime voice actor. You can mix animation with motion capture and live footage. This way when attack the channel they are just spreading rumours about a fictional being. Nobody can take the mainstream media's accusations seriously. Just an idea..
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

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Scary stuff. The aliens must be coming to fuck everyone up:
It's Megatron. When feds are hiding shit it must mean they want to hide the coming of the planet X or the UFO full of giant clone aliens. Bastards.This is why they built all the underground cities while we get killed on the surface. Alright Twizted Elf what do you think is happening? Is Hilary Clinton trying to contact her friends offworld to obtain more power?

related: ... id23776873" onclick=";return false;
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

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Another great video on gangstalking. We all thought it was just people's mothers doing it as punishment for not visiting her enough times and the mothers turned into the one in Everyone Loves Raymond but it could be NWO organisations (an evil version of S.H.E.I.L.D in the marvel comics) :
There is a lot of debate about whether its spiritual demonic attack or just government but the government is owned by "them". Since the leadership has vested interest in controlling everything the last thing they can't control is the human mind unless that individual agrees to the contract.
They cant kill you otherwise you come back later (in spirit form as mentioned in the bible - not as zombie but in a new body) but they want the soul. If they can get that, then you go to hell with satan which is how they win the spiritual battle/game. (the bible refers to the second death as the death of the human soul. The first death being the physical body. If they kill the body the good guy gets to go with God. That's not good for the bad guys who chose satan. What they want is your agreemet like a pushy door to door saleman who wants to close a deal with your signature so he locks you into contract.)

Interesting stuff. A lot of christians say in the end days 144000 pure virgins will be chosen by God to carry out special mission. I'm going to assume by virgin it means you didn't commit spiritual fornication with the beast system (mystery bablyon which is constantly trying to collect souls for the evil army) and not that they have not had sex. The new agers call them warriors of light. I think it's just business deal: the demons have no legal authority to get inside if you reject them. (think of it like the vampire having to ask your permission if it's ok to come into your house before entering. IT's just a rule. The currency in the spirit realm is souls. Whereas in the physical world its labour force. (how much you and your skills/work output are worth in terms of material wealth which is what powers the economy. Without slaves the master can't get his agenda done)

Getting on a list should be a badge of pride. The NWO must be pissed at everyone for being so behind schedule. Fighting against them has bought time for others to exit the matrix/beast system they've built to make us slaves. (in past time slavery was more physically obvious when black people were literally used to do labour-intensive jobs out in the harsh sun where whites would get sunburned. Today with machines doing all that, it's more about breaking the will of individual to reject their programs which they need to work in order for everyone to be brainwashed. If you think outside the system you are a threat to the established one which makes you a bigger danger than others because not going with their system interests them: they have less leverage over clean people than a dirty guy.)

The best way to deal with this is play the game by being nice to them and greeting them and make sure act in way they do not expect. If the stalker is being controlled it's not their fault because the were told lies about you. (think of it like that game chinese whispers which you played as a kid: they may not know what the message was and just pass on the copied message which is corrupted by the time it go to them. The mainstream media use to be the ones to lie to the mases so what I think has happened is they turn it local and use people around you to lie instead of go on a national level. This is how they drive the individual nuts because they think everyone in the society has gone nuts and the effect is it causes you to want to isolate yourself from others which is the desired effect of the controllers. By showing them you are proud to be anti-NWO and double down on what you do it really gets to them because they can't figure out how to make you isolated. They are frightened of how certain people can influence others which is why the mainstream media is workin to censor social media and take over that space as the dinosaurs have realised nobody watches tv anymore.(IE lot of people get their information from social media today and not tv. This has meant they lost a lot of influence compared to the indie and alternative media which makes things hard for them. So by going local, they think they can stop the resistence to their plans. It doesn't work that way: individuals naturally can smell bullshit when they invesitgate the liars by looking for inconsistency in their story. Everyone is much more skeptical since 911 because they know how much power the mainsream media has when it works together to get people angry and go to war all the time)

If you are independent, this is bad to them. So you get targetted. Creative people, artists, and those who have natural instinct to stop bullshit are what they fear the most. It's about conformity: you are like Neo in the Matrix breaking away from the program.

ex-private contractor spills beans about tech involved (V2k commonly referenced)
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

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How Five Eyes can be used by governments to spy on its own citizens:
this may also be linked to gangstalking of targets. Basically using proxy allows you to ignore protections that were set in place to guard the freedoms of the people. God is allowing the truth to come out." onclick=";return false;

Luke 8:17 For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light.

According to Jonathan Cahn Trump vs Hilary battle for control over 'murica fullfills a pattern that is seen in old testament time right down to the tiniest detail. See his book The Paradigm.
sept 27 interview on the book:
Doesn't surprise me that Jezebel = Hilary given all the pizzagate shit that is coming out. It's basically a Warrior vs Wizard fight. Might vs Magick. People are sick of manipulation and tricks. They want a raw guy who cuts through the bullshit lies to give them what they want not promises and excuses. After 911 governments have turned all the power against innocent people and sold out to satan. People today now see them being openly evil. The next step is going after the good guys and then declaring empire of america....unless people repent and slow down the criminals. Trump bought time to stall the plans.

...but they are countering with censorship of pro-trump supporters on social media now - why? Because of upcoming elections to capture the mind of the masses again like the old days when the elites own all media and could control the narrative. They updated their tactics to also include false accusations of leaders they don't control which smears the reputation of the ones getting in the way of their evil plans. When a false accusation is made the accused can't use social media to defend themselves against the accusation so people will automatically believe the accuser because of a belief they are not defending themselves but in reality they are shadow-banned or publicly banned from speaking. This is why free speech is important because the smearer gets to post while silencing the innocent person and having a monopoly on flow of information. To combat that you withdraw from supporting companies that are anti-free speech. The faster you do it the quicker the resistence can form. Yeah they/reptilians win for a short time as it is written the antichrist has to get his dream come true, but that is in desperation to get as many people on his side before the time runs out, and not some everlasting empire which allows them to stay in power. Even though money is tempting, there are certain things people won't do even for that and we are reaching that time now where people are turning against the elites if they think they are in vulnerable position to be backstabbed. The deceivers are themselves deceived.
As alternative media rises in power they will try to smear individuals that are sucessful. Recent example is targeted sargon of arkadd
if you are on the list you are big threat to them. When they quote you out of context and never post the full quotes it's admission that they can't beat you in debate. So they are increasingly going to make shit up hoping people will just believe them on the face of it. To combat this we teach people to check them for lies. (most don't do this which is why they were able to obtain so much support in the past - we have to change as consumers of information)

Karen Hudes reveals the secret constitution (old but relevent today as government corruption peaks):
the constitution for the united states of america vs constitution of the united states
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

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Squarish looking clouds - there can be no denying that geoengineering may be involved or they are covering up what is happening in the skies (ie planet nibiru wormwood etc)
In this video you will see mention of geoengineering being used as a 'solution to global warming'. But are we all being sprayed by smart dust so we can be tracked by the reptilians more easily? We live in crazy times. Square clouds, SJW trying to legalise pedophilia because Jonas was born a kiddy fucker, and the invasion of male spaces by feminists who still believe in a pay gap caused by men being sexist despite men working longer hours and doing jobs that are more demanding in skill. Didn't David Icke say something about the reptilians getting a power from choosing little boys of high intelligence and that somehow the energy is something they can feed from? (it explains the sex magick rituals some of the secret society engages in and why they want to promote this on wide scale)
She Who Knows All
2 days ago (edited)
Many insiders were warning us since the 90's about this. They said that the elite would bring about their global community plans under the guise of "climate change", and anything that is "smart" (smart TV, smart phone, smart cars, etc.) should be avoided like the plague, because if it is "smart" it is going to be used as a 'Singular Monitoring And Remote Tracking' (S.M.A.R.T.) device to keep a watchful eye on humans in the most intimate of ways. They are ushering in their vile, evil plans one by one. What to do? Dont be smart, be wise!
We are all addicted to the smart device. But the real threat is the Smart City! This is when everyone is a slave to the AI. Who cares whether they see you naked masturbating to tentacle porn or what brand of games controlled you buy. The big threat is being a part of a hive mind system where you are essentially an organic robot serving a machine which treats you like a part of its own body. This is the reason doomsday preppers want to be self sufficient and free of the tech not because tech is evil but that evil can use technology to do evil and that is consistent with prophecy. eg as soon as man discovered flight with planes we used it in war for bombing the shit out of things and weaponised it. Same with vaccines and other things which can be used for good: it's used to depopulate the earth for the elite by causing ids to get autism and so they can't breed or interact with others, and the nanobots I guess serve as a healing system for people so they can't die. A type of false immortality that keeps them glued to this world which is run by elites. So if you ever try to commit suicide they won't let you. They need someone to feed the demonic entities which need a host body to inhabit. Dying means they can't access a physical body to influence this world. (they have been deprived of one since the great flood when the giants were killed.) The technology and the occult are intertwined. eg rocket scientists were into the occult. CERN is one of the more popular examples where a satanic ritual was performed (see below)
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

Exposing the Smart Grid (it's true purpose)
This is the reason for alot of the strange behavior of certain people in communities imo (and semi-relates to gangstalking ie navy yard shooter, myron may going on shooting to get revenge on the torturers and experimenters etc. Future shooters could be motivated to go on mass killing spree due to silent torture techniques. Truth community needs to investigate this subject as I believe this experimentation will go world wide in future once smart meters become in 100% of homes. These shooters in my opinion are the experiment for tech that will be put in place for all people once smart cities become the norm and not the exception.)

If you guys get Smart meters placed into your home while you were gone, take note of how you feel health wise after it was done (it can cause cancer, make you feel headaches and trouble sleeping at night) and get Smart Meter radiation blockers if you can. It will stop the harmful radiation from entering your body. (it should be mandatory to protect your family just like putting on seat belt when driving or wearing a protective gear/hard hat on construction site. This is the digital protective gear)

The Beast System (scariest movies explanation):
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

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The california fires - the NASA war plan
Rothschild - Plans to Restructure North America - the Next Frontier of Climate Change is Resilience . . . Nationwide and Globally those at the highest levels of power are using weather as a weapon to force Impact Investing (the power of an event to produce changes and investment opportunities)
Sounds like the ultimate bond villain's scheme to rule over everything or something Frieza would do.
Pat Ratzinger
8 months ago
Agenda 21 The Wildlands Project is in Isaiah 14:16 They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, [and] consider thee, [saying, Is] this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms; 17 [That] made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; [that] opened not the house of his prisoners? ISAIAH LIVED AROUND 700 BC!
This is why building empires is pointless until the wicked are judged. All the materialism in society to grow wealth is wasting time as the bad guy can just destroy what you build on a whim. We should be helping each other like brothers but people are too narcissistic to care about their fellow man because they are competing with each other instead of co-operating.

Document mentioned in the video (pass this on to your friends and family): ... of-war.pdf" onclick=";return false;
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