360 or PS3???

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360 or PS3???

Post by Vince »

I'm in a bit of a quandry at the moment. I have a pre-order placed down for the PS3, but the more i look at the 360 (esp Xbox live arcade with castlevania symphony of the night :up: ) i think that possibly it would be better to shell out for one of Microsofts power machines.
I look at the PS3 and believe that eventually, it will have a similar future to the PS2 in terms of total volume of games (not all will be classics, but the PS2 had some awesome games). The PS3 has blu-ray, strong 3rd party support and a very well recognized brand name that almost ensures it will be a huge success. It will have Metal Gear 4, Silent Hill 5 and the next God of War (3 of my fav franchises of all).
Then i look at the 360, and i see a well established console that has had a massive head start, which means it's here to stay for a long time and is a worthy opponent to the PS3, has a great thing going with Xbox live, a pretty large user base, and has the HD-DVD drive competing head-to-head with Sony's blu-ray. The thing that scares me is that is has had no impact on the Japan market so far, and i'm scared that eventually all the Japanese devs will drop the 360 and deal only with the PS3 (and Wii, of course! :D ) I'm not that much into many American games (God of War being a huge exception, but that's a Sony exclusive), so i basically just wanna know what everyone's opinion is. I know the PS3 is a while off still, so it's hard to talk about it when it's not out yet, but i'd like to know anyone's opinions, and hopefully i'll form a strong opinion and decide which console to purchase.
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Post by Candy Arse »

If there are 360 games you want now, buy a 360. Then get a PS3 when it is available with games you must have at the time.
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Post by Peppermint Lounge »

Both must be owned sooner or later however at this time I've only committed myself to PS3. 360 has great games but many current and upcoming are available on PC, enough that I will hold off until something truly exclusive that can't be miseed comes along eg: Halo 3.

PS3's launch list looks to have some decent titles. Enough to have fun with the machine early on. Fun too will be the ability to play an entire back catalogue. I understand the points BC naysayers make but it's undeniably good PR to include full BC with PS2 and PSOne titles. It genuinely fosters brand loyalty which is going to be a deciding factor in determining who wins the biggest market share this gen.

Post by Rocco »

From reading you’re initial post, you seem to prefer Japanese titles over Western developed games.

Without a doubt, purchase a PS3 :up:

If you’re after the MGS’s, Final Fantasy’s, Silent Hill’s, Okami’s, Devil May Cry’s and other Eastern developed gems, then the PS3 would have to be you’re system of choice.

I like you believe once the PS3 does launch, Japanese titles for the 360 will dwindle even further then its current lackluster state. Sure the PS3 may not have the ultimate launch line-up, but come 2007, you may start kicking yourself for dropping $600 on a system (360) that eventually will fail to offer what you seem to be most interested in (Japanese titles).

I personally actually like the PS3 because I can see the amazing titles this system is going to eventually boast. Whilst the 360 is also impressive, the system mostly succeeds relative to games that will most likely be playable on PC, or multiplatform titles that will also be available for the PS3 system.

What is going to be most interesting though is Sony's Xbox Live equivalent online service, and if it manages to meet or exceed MS's offering. If it does, there goes MS's no 1 exclusive competitor advantage :wink:.
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Post by friick »

PS3 is the better long run purchase, it's what I'm going with.
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Post by Candy Arse »

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Post by GameHED »

Get the 360 first and ps3 for when all the good stuff is out. When the games you like have been played to death or are ported to ps3 after exclusivity runs out and devlopers pull a third party "DC abandonment" move, sell the 360 to get the ps3, if it happens.

Oblivion is a good western developed game imo. Japanese devs should make rpgs more like it. (or give us the third shenmue game)

I don't think brand loyalty is such a big thing anymore: third parties will just inevitably try to milk a popular game through ports to many platforms. It's more the stuff like the "Halos", "Final Fantasy"s or "Zelda" that you know will likely stick to a single platform that are the big deciding factors more than the "trust in the brand" or sense of loyalty you feel towards the platform itself. (hope that each of the franchises focuses on pushing the platform to its limits and feels polished despite the limitations of the platform)
Last edited by GameHED on 27 Aug 2006 03:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by mxlegend99 »

friick wrote:PS3 is the better long run purchase, it's what I'm going with.
At the rate it's going, we will be lucky if it releases this year. If it does, fuck keeping it. It will sell for shitloads on Ebay. Supplies are not looking good. Sony are expecting to maybe get half what they promised by Christmas... and you can bet your ass Australia is going to be taking a hit on what comes out, if not being delayed altogether.

Sony haven't even started manufacturing the console... so they could run into more problems by the time they do.

Xbox 360 FTW :thumbsup:

Grab a PS3 later once it has dropped in price and the games that people actually want are out.
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Post by GreyWizzard »

I say go with the system that has the games you want, and later when there has been a price drop on consoles pick up the other system.
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Post by flipswitch »

I will be getting a Ps3 near launch or shortly after.It has all the gaming franchises I like, plus tons of jap support, full backwards compatability, blu-ray, and I'm really liking the launch titles.I was considering an Xbox360, but I dunno, besides like 2 games, no other games interest me.Maybe later on when Halo 3 comes out.
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