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Post by GameHED »

"The Age of Terror":
[youtube] ... r_embedded[/youtube]

British documentary on the King David Hotel bombing in 1946. History repeats. We can relate this to many other engineered crisises that will be used against the people in future to convince them to give up their freedom.

When the terrorists strike the civilian targets, the shock it creates makes them react to the event emotionally and from there the mind control can begin and the innocent people will do anything out of desperation. The government will react, and the solution is brought in to draw normally peaceful-loving people into ones that become full of hate. Again emotion.

Use the hate to justify torturing and killing. An eye for an eye. This is why humans fight wars and don't learn from history because they let all the emotions control them (the paranoia in the US of innocent people being terrorists and all this illegal tracking and spying is proof of this) and don't want to look at things logically.

When people are in shock they just want to have a rescuer to give them the anwser to something. To provide them all the solutions whithout questioning any motives behind the 'solutions', which has allowed the bad guys to take advantage of them and force all kinds of stupid draconic laws to enslave them under the justification that "it is good for you. We are saving you from yourself!" - see the Watchmen movie as a good example, as a justification of the villain's needs to kill innocent people to trick the good guys into lying for them.

If people just understood that the events triggered by the manipulators were brought about by the same people trying to save you and offer the solution, then they wouldn't fall for all the traps.

Unless the human race matures and stops justifying killing innocent people "to bring peace" because of this idea that "it's a NEEDED and UNAVOIDABLE sacrifice" (ie you can't have peace unless you kill and torture things - playing right into the devil's wishes) and make up excuses like "the ends justify the means" you are just doomed to repeat the same mistakes over again and the bad guys just keep coming back and laughing at how simple-minded the slaves are because of the shock tactics they can use to trick with. Killing innocents under the belief you can bring peace is the biggest fault I see of all the leaders who allow it today and why so many people are starting to wake up realising that society itself is sick for choosing to allow evil to continue by doing nothing.

Those with blood of innocents on their hands trying to desperately turn people against each other by deliberately breeding hate, planning false flag attacks, using the military to frighten the people really need to change their ways. It's only going to blow up in your face, as the manipulator above you takes advantage of you for carrying out their crimes for them and decides to put all blame on you to escape their own exposure. You will see a lot of people scared to do the right thing because they need to cling to what position they have sort of like when in Lord of the Rings Saruman won't understand that the Evil Sauron doesn't share power with a partner because he gave up being a good guy. It's a pyramid where total enslavement is the only solution to bring true "stability" "total order". (because even allies can still argue and fight amongst themselves and get jealous of each others' things)

This is how the evil guys work: by not telling the guys below what they are truly going to do once they get what they want. (compartmentalise the information so the dupe does all the work for them to take fall, when the villain decides its ok to allow them to be caught - less for the villain to have to share with, to those he manipulated) Cobra is winning.


here is an old 81 news report on the bohemian grove.
Mentions the cremation of care ceremony where all your worries are burnt away.
I hadn't seen this one before. (only heard about the alex jones video recently) But for those wondering where all the influential go to in secret and how the conspiracies can be possible if it requires so much co-ordination, involving so many people, then you can understand how if you see them as people who do lots of stuff in secret away from the public view and from mainstream news. "if this is all true how come I haven't heard about it in the papers and stuff?" Easy: because they don't want you to know. Plotting how to control people is "evil wizards in a forest" business. So all the evil guys get to have their privacy, while the rest of us are watched by the all-seeing-eyeball and tracked and monitored.


(series of videos from the black man's perspective)
"America as corporation"
Features angry black men schooling brothers on the topic, warning about the link to the banking elite, and why the general feeling of enslavement despite the illusion of freedom on the surface:" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

..doesn't look like they'd be very big obama fans then..
Last edited by GameHED on 28 Mar 2009 10:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Twiztid Elf »

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Post by GameHED »

Lot of angry christians out there. Not all americans citizens have lost the fighting spirit. The waking process is slow and gradual...

My prediction is they will use bioweapons to destroy the environment and force you to eat GM food (they first need to see how self sufficient each person is and see if they can remove the self-sufficiency) . The controllers will have a fake 'rescue' of people (ie excuse to take control of the whole nation under the guise of brining order) with emergency services and lock down the cities (zombie apocalypse) to prevent disease they made from spreading.

Everyone will die in the fema camps and based on information you filled out that went into the database, the government will decide if you are worthy to live.

"We must cull the population to save the planet. It's what's best for society. You are the cause of the globe warming too much."

As I said before why all these movies coming out lately about zombies, and quarantining people and killing them off? There is a secret message: you guys are the zombies that the elite must eradicate because you are polluting the planet. (even though it's them spreading the disease and using chemtrails to weaken people immune systems to make them have diseases)

If they can't use terror they can fall back on you, 'the irresponsible polluter of the environment' who is a threat to the country in times of food shortage, water shortage, haarp generated natural disasters (china earthquake for eg) to rape you of control of your life. Blame everything on people. Solution to saving earth? Kill innocent people. (like the blue guy did in watchmen and what some who work in government will do to their own without question because they are blackmailed into it)

Hard times ahead.. The best way to track slaves is have the chip implanted. So I think that is the equivalent to the laser barcade marking in terminator. Alex Jones reckons Arnold Schwarzenegger is gathering people into camps by removing them from tent cities into the labour/death camps. The Kyle Reese character warns you in "The Terminator" that you will be taken into the camps and numbered for orderly disposal. Come on people... Wake up. The robots have lost their ability to deprgram themself from the master controls to be able to think independently from the programming that is being used.

Military are undergoing sensitivity training. One group will turn against another, giving the controller the ability to sit back and watch them kill each other as they try to create internal strife. The control is multigenerational which is why the black dudes in the other youtube links is trying to warn of how the false peace and false freedom granted to you by the government is in fact more enslavement because it's giving permission to the controller to have you as a slave; as a piece of property. Moral would have nothing to do with it, if you are a slave you can do whatever you want to it, so the elite see it as their right to own people. So instead of the people having the government serve them, the peope are servents to the corporation but publicly you are given the illusion that you have some say.

The first step is people need to accept they are capable of wrong and reprgram themselves from the years of conditioning. Denial phase is over.

Secondly, civil disobedience. Ron Paul and freedom loving people are not a dangerous terorist as they want you to think, so you have the moral high ground to tell the government to kindly fuck off. You are just taking back what's rightly yours to have not trying to bring about anarchy or cause trouble.

Thirdly teach your children to understand the history. When you die it's up to them to pass the knowledge on. The governments job isn't to give you knowledge to help you, but to brainwash, and further the corporation's agenda.

Fourthly: Health, stop eating so much junk that makes you sleepy and tired. Strengthen the immune system, and reject GM food. Don't let them give you a vaccine with dangerous things inside it. Looks can be decieving.

Fifthly: fight and reject everyday. Because if the pulblic openly rejects something, for a short time, they will just come back when you aren't watching and sneak new laws in that they know are too unpopular with the people.

Sixthly: research into how your money is being wasted by government and pay attention to all the companies that seek to profit from the masses who are to be decieved by the technology. (the diebold voting machines scandal for example) It's not that you can't trust technology, just that technology can be abused and misused for evil purposes. (ie collecting information on people like in nazi germany to profile people) Expose them. And be aware they can easily come back under different names. Judge things based on what the end goal is.

Seventhly: when they have civilian spies, use that to your advantage and mislead and feed bad information and scramble the info. In an infowar it's actually a bit like learning martial arts where you must know yourself first and measure yourself against the other guy to predict how the fight will go in your mind before making a move - don't waste energy worrying or hesitate. Remember it's a battle for control over your body and mind like a demon that wants to possess your body and control you from inside out to get you to do somehting that will harm you, not help.

Eighthly: watch a lot of mainstream tv to understand what this is all about, and be critical of what's said instead of absorbing something without questioning what's being fed there. But don't let your mind focus too heavily on the obvious things. Try to decode the sublte message and patterns that are there which enter your subconsciou and let your instincts guide you. (sort of like using the force in star wars - the kids couldn't do what they do because of consciously knowing what action to take and using fast reflexes: noooo..they could understand what would happen before the event came, react early, to appear like they are fast but in reality took steps early because the evil was easy to sense early by tuning into it to avoid a trap. )

Ninthly: be patient with people who are not awake and who are closeminded. Not everyone is convinced something is wrong, until such time it personally affects them. "Oh no what can I do?" ...That's when you come in to explain things. Sometime people just don't have time and are tired. So just back off and let them relax and come back later. They need time to think and information overload can frustrate becasue when the brain is full of info already, feeding more will just make the new info go in one ear and out the other. It's the pride. Nobody likes to be critical of themselves and their own ideas and opinions. You are not trying to start fights or make people angry.

Tenthly: You have a right to defend yourself and your rights, rejecting the "expert knows best" trap. But let them take the offensive in arguments over what's 'right and wrong'. If they harass, use bad language and names to demonise, the public will fear them because their true colour has come out. There are more good people than bad. If the good turn against you just have a thick skin and keep defending. Eventually they give up and ignore because they run out of ways to lie and have to face up to reality. "If you don't do this then this bad thing will happen. If you don't buy this awesome dish detergent, your kitchen will not shine, if you don't give me x amount of money how can I save the world etc etc ... anyone who doesn't listen to me is irresponsible and stupid, so let me have the microphone." The bad guys have ultimatums. Do X or else you die. No options. Just trust me. You should respond: "Err no, expert, you've done enough thank you. I'll take my chances trying another path where the track record hasn't shown failure. Being knowledgable in a field doesn't necessarily mean you will act responsbily and take the right action. Oftentime the opposite is true since there is a string attached for you giving advice which most are not willing to pay for as well as whatever career you are trying to protect by trying to look credible through the coverup of mistakes and being selective over what information you give to the public. The public shouldn't reward incompetence no matter what papers you have proving you're credible."

The masses are used to going with what they know, but not trying the unknown, so they stick to a rigid 'group with a label' without questioning if that group has been hijacked by those who want to sabotage the beliefs and twist the original goals to prevent anything good coming out. This is why nobody can trust the 'expert' whose real job is not serve people but keep the establshment in power and make plausible-sounding excuses for failures. The internet censorship going mandatory for example. The results is what matters not what party is to blame because if they both were aiming to do the same thing what difference does it make? They are both dishonest and sneaky, right? It's a myth to say the government use experts who know what they are doing. Sometimes it's just people who are put in positions of power as favours, to take advantage of the power that the position provides more than because they want to be good at filling the position. If the experts say "freedom is tyranny. And tyranny is freedom",it's because they just used 'labels' to trick people into accepting what they thought was going to be the opposite of what they actually got. It's because of this mindset that the "expert knows best" that allowed people to get manipulated so easily.

fema camp locations:" onclick=";return false; ... ations.htm

(at the bottom it says: NOTE 90% source data used on this site comes from official government sources
this is not 'conspiracy theory' it's simply factual evidence of collusion.)

The place for everyone to live like a caged animal to get them off the land and regreen the earth because you polluted it. The beginning of the Prison Industrial Complex.

What is a terrorist?" onclick=";return false; ... rorist.htm

includes a wide range of groups. Now the one to take into consideration is those people who just don't want to take a chip because they value having privacy and worried about giving personal information to big brother. This is where the anti-war, the patriots who believe in the constitution, and liberal minded people who have no interest in terrorism should watch out for, because if you support not having your body implanted or having you be tracked like a criminal or spied on as if you were actually one of the terrorists, then you could be seen AS a terrorist under the definition of a terrorist in the document. It's something each person needs to think about carefully. You're automatically a terrorist just because as an innocent person who loves privacy you don't want to be spied on as if you were a terrorist.

The rights that were once there, are no longer there because it's safer to just assume everyone is a potential terrorist because terorists are "nice people" who "dress normal". No matter how you look at it, that's making war with innocent people and accusing them of something they are not, and labeling them a terrorist because terrorists can look like you.
Just like how the internet filter is mandatory because even though most people are not accessing terrorist websites, by default everyone should be filtered anyway. If you try to fight for your freedom to not have filter, you could be defined a terrorist yourself. This is the fear tactic they'll need to get people scared to question any actions to rob people of freedoms, that the government will try to use. "Oh we are doing it for the benefit of all" ..despite nobody wanting a internet filter or government spying on citizens or the collection of personal information to secretly profile inviduals etc.
This is an example of what I am talking about Glenn Beck tries to associate actual terrorists with people who are Ron Paul supporters. This way the establishment can scare people from supporting anything outisde the simple left-right system, totally oblivious to the bad that both sides do. (which were actually created specifically to divide the world into two halves by the bad guys to control the world before merging them together into a world government. divide and conquer by first creating two sides of exactly opposing viewpoints and setting them against each other, before "coming to the rescue" as peacebringer to bring a world government of control where humans have no rights. The first instance was the league of nations/UN and the next might involve a third world war that after it is finished and people beg for peace, results in a global union. Like "european union" and "north american union".)
This explains why the need to put the public itself into prison camps because they can't let go of this stupid fear that anyone who is actually for freedom; freedom of speech, freedom to not have illegal spying, freedom to live (carbon tax is a tax on living); freedom from the irresponsible behavior (bank bailout) is some kind of 'terrorist' out to kll them. And not just a peaceful person without any violent intent. Just like when the mainstream media tried to blame the school shootings on videogames and demonise people who play lots of violent videogames or watch violent movies as potential threats to society because they like to play violent shooting games like doom.

You see the sublte mind control the government is using? That's going to be the future generation of kids growing up being good obedient robots, willing to kill their own parents because the government convinced them they are evil and bad ...unless people actually wake them up and get the head start. This is why the Ron Paul supporters, the militia, anyone who actually has morals, is innocent (bad guys need bad guys to help them carry out their plans) is seen as a big threat. They will try to demonise them and say they are terrorists wanting to blow things up, they are violent evil videogamers training to murder, that gun owners who shoot for sport are extremists (that dosn't rule out that some extremists are also sporting shooters or hunters of course, but the same could be said of people who play too many violent videogames, some of them could be psychos too, but certainly not because of videogames turning them into one) that anyone with morals and wanting accountability is a 'fundamentalist' out to kill.

This is an attempt by the control freaks to hide their guilt by setting one group of people against another, and creating scapegoats in the hope they can get people to fight against themselves. Fortunately most people are good, but they need to keep up the fear campaign to convince you that "If you don't do this Y action, then X bad thing will happen! This is the ultimatum. We are the experts and know beyond a doubt all those videogamers are killing school kids, that people wanting to excercise basic human rights are actually terorrists disguising themselves as normal people..." etc etc and more BS propaganda. ...Don't lose the battle for minds....


explaining the two different constitutions:
humans as monsters:
the banking conspiracy
"What is the point you are making, GameHED?"

When you are born you are already a caged monster, but the controllers like that they are invisible to us. Whenever conspiracy theorists mention bankers involved in something, it's normal for the masses to laugh because most people think they have independent control over their everyday life and the media won't lie or cover things up. Instead the chances of being lied to make more logical sense when you consider the amount of secrecy at the higher levels. It starts to make sense then why Ron Paul suporters are targets for the controllers, why some want to "cull the population", why we have so much forced censorship, the building of camps, the ability of the controllers to bring a nation to bankruptcy and using the crisis to destroy the old system and create new systems on top of them, .....because as humans we are property to corporations and slaves to 'the man', not sovereign. As the mind control of the masses begins to wear off, the desperation to further add even more controls gets stronger. This is why all this hunger for a global control system (gordon brown announcing a need for global government) because it will mean no man can escape the prison planet. (think of it like cutting off any escape, to keep the cattle/monster contained inside the human farm)
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Post by GameHED »

Coast to coast show on how humans might be descended from aliens:
basically says that the debate is too politically incorrect to discuss because people think you are being racist. But I think the idea would make a lot of sense for why so much variation.

Perhaps all the aliens that people claim they were abducted by are using the earth as a garden to grow different types of food. We tend to it, and then the various races come and take samples to study and the best is kept alive and the ones that they don't like are taken to other places in the galaxy. So each culture on earth has their own heaven or godly being that they see as the creation god that built them using various legends to explain how they began. And at some time in history they await some kind of ufo to appear to pick them up.

Of course in the legends there are evil sky gods trying to fight the good ones and this might explain why you've got wars on earth as the ones that were built by the bad aliens are here to destroy the rivals to kill the competition. (ie earth is a future battleground to test which of humans should be leaders and depending on the results of battles they can evolve like pokemon into stronger forms perhaps getting new bodies based on how well they survived on earth under various conditions - like gentically modifying them a little bit each time to get the right balance)

To the 2012 new agers not all the evolutions will be physical. Some might be given some kind of power that can be tapped into which awakens and needs to be surpressed by the controllers. (like in that akira anime) The focus seems to be raising consciousness to ascend into a godman. The beginning of the psychic wars. A contest is held: Which super beings powers are the most powerful of all? (magick the gathering)
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Post by GameHED »

Another one on ancient aliens:

Bill Cooper ("Behold a Pale Horse" - now dead) on alex jones talking about NWO in 1998:
this talks about the sci-fi "credits" money system where you use those to pay for stuff with the chip in your body. Smart cards and then later the implanted chip.
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Post by lexo »

When 2012 comes and nothing happens are you going to perhaps reevaluate taking all this imaginary crap so seriously?
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Post by Twiztid Elf »

There are some real cosmic scientific changes that will happen around 2012 though. Our Solar System crosses the galactic ecliptic. The Sun is predicted to experience a lot of solar flare activity during 2012 which will cause a problems with technology and communications.

Why are humans so arrogant to laugh at or to dismiss the awesome power of the universe?
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Post by lexo »

There's nearly as large of a difference between being dismissive and logical as there is to being cynical/invested in truth/sceptical/constructively critcal and living in fantasy land with the religio-nuts.

I'm all for social scepticism but GameHED and these loons he posts have absolutely no backing for anything they claim besides their imagination. I mean really, psychic wars and lizard people? Give me a break.

I know he'll just say something like "Why shouldn't I? Why would you be so quick to dismiss something that you can't disprove?", to which the answer is because I am a reasonable, responsible and critical thinking member of society. And to which I'd also question, why wouldn't you just do what everyone else does with that frame of mind and take up religion? Is it just more fun to think that Transformers and Freddy Kreuger actually have some underlying secret alien message?
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Post by Mk2 »

I know I haven't been here long but in my short time of reading GameHEDs posts almost all of the fantastical ideas of political alien lizard corruption seem to somehow use some form of popculture as a reference point. It's like there'll be a statement of aliens using us as host workers* and then out of nowhere "JUST LIKE IN THE TV SERIES V".

* I don't actually know if the TV series V used this premise.
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Post by mech »

Twiztid Elf wrote:There are some real cosmic scientific changes that will happen around 2012 though. Our Solar System crosses the galactic ecliptic. The Sun is predicted to experience a lot of solar flare activity during 2012 which will cause a problems with technology and communications.

Why are humans so arrogant to laugh at or to dismiss the awesome power of the universe?

People are getting all in a tizz about 2012 because of Mayan calendars, not because of actual scientific predictions. Why do you write such rubbish?
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Post by Twiztid Elf »

Why are you so blatantly ignorant and smarmingly condescending like you know it all?

Go and read about the Mayan calendar. Because they had fuck all else to do back then, they studied the skies. For a FUCKING long time.
The reason the Mayan calendar ends on 2012 is because we DO cross the galactic ecliptic and into the age of aquarius. A new beginning. The end of a long 5129 year cycle. 2012 is real cosmic significance. Not just because some group of people wrote up a calendar.
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Post by GameHED »

Just for the record I don't necessarily believe the new age predictions as all being true (I just don't know!) but I do take interest in psychic predictions, ancient prophecies and things like that. Instead of "these things must happen at X date" claims, I believe a person has free will and can shape his destiny (like the character in "terminator" trying to change the future) but that there also beings from either a) other worlds or b) from other dimensions and that is what many of the shamans and village elders from many culture were communicating with when talking to their god/s.

I think the reptilian thing is actually linked to black magick rituals and people allowing the interdimensional beings (just disembodied spirits) to take control of them (like the dead person taking over whoopie goldberg's body in the movie 'Ghost' so it could talk to patrick swayze)

I'm not trying to start a debate about if this is in fact real, I just find this stuff interesting that's all so I post it here. Nobody knows absolutely everything. What's so wrong with speculating about the mysteries?


and back to more conspiray stuff:

G20 is coming, so watch for the announcement to save us from global economic crisis by bringing in a global new banking system just as alex jones is warning about all the time." onclick=";return false;

total domination of the world through the control of the money on a global scale is imminent. The bad guys are going to 'rescue' everyone by forcing nations to accept a global currency. North American Union. European Union. Asian Union. Eventually then a global union. Through the triggering of choatic events to hold the global population at ransom, they can bring global order. New World Order. Open Satanism will be the world religion and eveyone will be sent to work based on what your genes say you can do, not on what you feel like doing. (see the movie "Gattaca".) Individual freedom is not permitted.
I'm all for social scepticism but GameHED and these loons he posts have absolutely no backing for anything they claim besides their imagination. I mean really, psychic wars and lizard people? Give me a break.
I know it sounds far-fetched but the aliens have this thing where they can communicate using telepathy instead of talking. See the movie "Powder" with Jeff Goldblum - this is what many think is the next evolution of humanity. If you were a space creature and lived a long time in environments with no atmosphere for the sound to travel through the air to create sounds which go into your ear to recieve the signal, so your brain can translate that into meaningful info, and this being had to talk without using the mouth, well you would probably evolve to be some kind of creature with psychic communication ability. In the same way computers with wireless comunication talk to each other without sounds. Some people believe the greys are 'organic' robots.

Sure there is no evidence publicly available for all to see (in fact I think the reason is because governments are secretive about the super secret "high technology" and it's a national security threat to let the public know anything on the crashed ships, so all the best stuff is kept for black projects - so this is why the disclosure project to give the people in the know the permission to bring it out to the public without them being assasinated if they say stuff due to the oath they signed to not tell the public) ...but that doesn't automatically mean there just can't be some kind of being out there smarter than ones on earth.

Monkeys appear pretty intelligent and have cognitive thought, but are dumber than us. So why not a type of animal which travels in space on other planets who are as advanced to us as we are to all the animals (the monkey) on earth? All the technology and science wouldn't be understandable to humans. So it's not possible for our minds to accept in the way a dog can possibly understand human concepts and make sense of it. It's "fantasy" because no one has seen it. Doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Remember this is not an evidence thread. Just a thread for conspiracies and other wierd stuff that you would find interesting. Unless we as a human race leave this planet and actually start to explore, how will we ever know what is and isn't true? It's like people who thought the earth was flat beause they were just too close-minded never giving the other guys a chance. Sometimes you got to try things before you gain more knowledge, even if it unpopular idea at the time. You can't trust the government because they lie about everything to keep you distracted and not upset the established order of things. Panic is not what they want. They want to keep us busy busy busy so we can't think for ourselves.

I tried to warn pat about the death of nations that can control themselves independently from some global system, but now it's all coming true and there is this desperation to get everyone tracked, chipped, scanned, profiled by all the computers and then using the information to catalogue all the animals on earth, enslave them through manipulation of all that valuable information that can control your life in subtle ways.

See the documentary "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" to understand how information/computers is used by rothschilds as a type of weapon against humans by using the information against them while subject remains unaware of the weapon used on him.
HTML:" onclick=";return false;

We are just resources to the controllers. Humans are just the batteries powering machines in the matrix. If you can manipulate the energy flow going to us you can bring pain and this is what they use.
Last edited by GameHED on 29 Mar 2009 09:24 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by Mk2 »

Mk2 wrote:I know I haven't been here long but in my short time of reading GameHEDs posts almost all of the fantastical ideas of political alien lizard corruption seem to somehow use some form of popculture as a reference point. It's like there'll be a statement of aliens using us as host workers* and then out of nowhere "JUST LIKE IN THE TV SERIES V".
GameHED wrote:I think the reptilian thing is actually linked to black magick rituals and people allowing the interdimensional beings (just disembodied spirits) to take control of them (like the dead person taking over whoopie goldberg's body in the movie 'Ghost' so it could talk to patrick swayze)
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Post by mech »

Twiztid Elf wrote:Why are you so blatantly ignorant and smarmingly condescending like you know it all?

Go and read about the Mayan calendar. Because they had fuck all else to do back then, they studied the skies. For a FUCKING long time.
The reason the Mayan calendar ends on 2012 is because we DO cross the galactic ecliptic and into the age of aquarius. A new beginning. The end of a long 5129 year cycle. 2012 is real cosmic significance. Not just because some group of people wrote up a calendar.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh my god, this post has it all. I hope you know how ridiculous you sound.

What do you think they saw in the sky?

The reason the Maya Calendar ends when it does it because of their numbering system. If it really were so significant, if it really were possible to foretell something huge was going to happen then, do you not think that people would not be all over it? What do you think the "galatic ecliptic" actually is, and how it will affect us? Age of Aquarius? Are you taking the piss now?
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2012 will bring the Age of 27 to me.
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Madmya wrote:2012 will bring the Age of 27 to me.
And i'll be too old to debate xbox720 vs ps4 which is what will be happening here in 3 years time. We dont want to be doing this until the world ends you know...
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Post by GameHED »

Look people let me explain something:

Lots of the technology that you see around you is stuff that is old to the military. You are allowed to touch it, study it, use because the government says you are allowed to touch it, study it, see it.Just like when that guy was explaining in the transformers movie about how a lot of the stuff started out for military use only and then gradually made its way to commercial applications. It's fantasy sci-fi stuff up until the 3 or 4 generations ahead that get to see it. ie. the grandkids of the kids of the kids of the adults who are first introduced to it through comic books and movies and stuff.

Now the reason lots of the stuff is forbidden is due to a few things:

-if terrorists or enemies get ahold of this stuff it could create threat to your own people. Like experimental new missiles, fighters, energy weapons etc There is no reason to use the experimental things if the existing things are fine and do fulfill their role.

-the economy. Some technology is to good that it will ruin the establishment who wants you to continue to be a slave and continue to consume the things they have control of so inventions are suppressed or government projects kept as black projects only so as to protect certain industries.
If something offers a less profitable way to do something and cost next to nothing to run, the people that would have made money supplying it would go out of business. If the powrs that be that make lots of money profiting on something they see no reason why you should be able to get something easily that would threaten to kill their flow of money.

-mass panic. People wouldn't go to work or do anything which would shut a nation down.

Now lets take the use of teleportation as an example (many ufo sighitngs report the craft just vanishing in front of them suddenly):

The USAF investigated teleportation and probably still is if it hasn't already moved from research into operational status:" onclick=";return false;
Air Force Research Laboratory (AFMC)
This study was tasked with the purpose of collecting information describing the teleportation of material objects, providing a description of teleportation as it occurs in physics, its theoretical and experimental status, and a projection of potential applications....Naturally occurring anomalous teleportation phenomena that were previously studied by the United States and foreign governments were also documented in the study and are reviewed in the report.

The mainstream media want you to believe the ability to create a wormhole will require a large amount of energy to make it seem impossible. But that's just for the public. If something like a plane or a missile or bomb or something like that could be teleported around it would give the enemy easier time destroying things and you'd need some way to counter these things. At the least: be years ahead of anyone else that has access to similar tech before allowing scientists in public to be allowed to have access to it. (maybe several decades in the future, when they allow us to fly around in anti-grav cars? But they have shown those in cartoons like the jetsons for ages)

You can't just allow people to see all of what's out there because they need to protect you from your own stupidity if you accidentally kill yourself, or it backfires.

Stuff like microwave ovens, lasers, libghtbuls etc would seem like magic to primitives on an island who never got the chance to see it. It would be their fantasy and sci fi. Similiarly the being that the various cultures around the world say they saw come down from the sky to teach them shit, are possibly just beings with more technology and high science than them and promising to come back one day at a certain point?

So I think a lot of the new agers want the aliens to come back and appear to them unaware of the possibility they could be evil guys just using the planet and with aliens on earth in bases now spying on us. (ie like a deal was made with the government to abduct people in exchange for weapons) If the aliens are just ordinary beings with access to high tech things, they are likley just using technology for material gains or for some evil purpose than to help the people; asking for nothing in return. Once they get what they need they'll feed us harmful things that backfire to kill us off. All the crashed ufos and stuff is going to trigger our research into making more deadly weapons which make humans better at killing each other off in wars and stuff.

Imagine being able to be like Skywarp in the transformers: set of a big bomb, drop it, then safely teleport out of there. This gives people much easier time to attack cities with impunity.
The governments all around the world need to disclose to the public everything about UFOs before it is too late. All this secrecy puts you in great danger. Some technology should just be thrown away so nobody can have it lest it brings the extinction of the human race which is what an hostile alien race posing as good guys, would want. Notice how the aliens have tricked the governments that guns are bad? Why do they want to leave us open to an alien invasion? Could it be they are physically weak and wouldn't survive an attack in an environment they can't fight well in so they use human spies to help them control select individuals on earth to carry the plans out?
Last edited by GameHED on 30 Mar 2009 10:32 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Twiztid Elf »

mech wrote:Oh my god, this post has it all. I hope you know how ridiculous you sound.

What do you think they saw in the sky?

The reason the Maya Calendar ends when it does it because of their numbering system. If it really were so significant, if it really were possible to foretell something huge was going to happen then, do you not think that people would not be all over it? What do you think the "galatic ecliptic" actually is, and how it will affect us? Age of Aquarius? Are you taking the piss now?
I never said anything huge is going to happen. I don't think it will affect us.

Our solar system crosses the galactic ecliptic in 2012. Scientific astronomical FACT.
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Post by mech »

What do you think that is and how do you think it's significant?
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Post by GameHED »

My personal opinion is that it going to be a bit like y2k where the hype is bigger than the actual event. There is a whole section dedicated to 2012 on ATS boards) But some say y2k was real and sme dager was avoided when people were aware of it.


Here is more conspiracy history/documentary stuff:

Attack on USS liberty from bbc:" onclick=";return false; pt1" onclick=";return false; pt2" onclick=";return false; pt3" onclick=";return false; pt4" onclick=";return false; pt5" onclick=";return false; pt6" onclick=";return false; pt7

Nader's speech on this;" onclick=";return false;

To all those in military: brings up the importance of doing what's right vs following orders. Will be important in the future.

edit: original link was too old

I recommend Candy Arse watches that one and "Age Of Terror" linked above. Promise there is no reptilian stuff.

I noticed reptilian stuff and anything to do with greys is too politically sensitive in these times. (lots of people here must have reptilian friends and that I only get attacked when I post about UFOs!) But I believe if people don't talk about this, people will think YOU are the crazy one instead of them.

Even though NASA has been caught doctoring images and airbrushing... Look they're hiding stuff. I think actually Pat's disapearance may even have something to do with it. Was he really crazy, or did he know something and was silenced before he could tell us about what's really going on?

One thing I've noticed about conspiracy theorists is that they seem to get a bad image in the mainstream media a lot, and i can understand that becase there are a lot of crazy ones out there too, but for ones that are not crazy, well those are the ones I am interested in, because I do think the government lies a lot about things like this. (as a kid I used to read a lot of books about ufos and supressed inventions and stuff) It goes without saying to take everything you read or hear with a grain of salt.

But always keep an open mind too. It's not strange to me for an alien race to exist out there, and for the government to lie about it or to have the people who do know about it be sworn to secrecy and to have those that know, have their memory erased (as some have said happened to the astronauts) or compartmentalise their info so they don't know what it is they are working with. (ie tricking them into thinking they are working on some human made thing instead of back engineering off-world tech)

Religion and how it links up to beliefs in otherworldly beings

I think what scientists need to understand is this: if you can believe in the possibility that alien life might be out there, could that be any different from religious people believing in some kind of invisible being that is more technologically superior to the aliens who control them all and built them all? Kind of like how in the matrix all kinds of being exist outside the rules of the matrix but once they get outside the matrix, they can hack into the code of the world, and sort of take control things by manipulating the natural laws?

I've always thought that the aliens if they existed, have a science which we humans don't understand, but that those who are even more sophisticated than them (whether it be another race that controls them or a being that created them like an alien 'god' of some sort) to restrict and limit their powers and it is that reason they can't influence people unle we welcome them in.
What happened was the ancients all worshipped them as their gods and then they kind of took advantage of it and enslaved them using their technology to opress them to create a slave religion that limits what people can do. (new agers believe the rules are what stop us from accesing our true potential like how neo couldn't escape until he awakened the dormant power in the matrix)

While the benevolent gods who want to free people, these guys don't rely on technology but spiritual powers and stuff that are beyond the understanding of the 'logical' science-based gods who are experts at war, industry, and killing/hunting, and building, instead of 'nature'. All the secret societies that value knowledge and use it materialistically to fight other less-sophisticated civilisations with the knowledge are stronger in this world, (the desire to take control of all global resources and 'number' them) but in the spiritual world, they are much weaker and there is the struggle between the two worlds.

What the new-agers want is everyone give up logic and reasoning while the establishment attached to material things in this world want us to deny the existence of the spiritual so they can conquer the people stuck inside their world. One is stuck bringing a heaven on earth through physical means and thorugh control over everything in it. (including its people) The other is focused on mind numbing and taking away the logical thought from people to ascend to another level of being.

This is what I think is the war of the worlds and you see this in games like final fantasy where the corporation has raped the planet, and people then have to lose the 'knowledge' (all the technology which has made man weaker) to save the planet. This is what 2012 is baiscally. They want everyone to raise their awareness and use magickal energy to destroy what they see as opression and menawhile the government wants to destroy the ability to tap into the powers (the third eye which is symbolised by Neo inside the matrix hacking into the matrix from another world outside the matrix to become like a superman) because it sees that world a threat to their controls.

Notice how they ban drugs and natural herbs and vitamins and stuff, but they create thier own chemicals that are harmful to you and put poison in the water? (fluoride to make people docile) This is why 2012 is supposed to be significant. If people had super powers like the kid in "Powder", maybe they could exist "outside the matrix" and destroy the world like Sephiroth did in "Final Fantasy 7" game, and the technologically-reliant people of today could free themselves of needing computer chips, big pharma drugs, GM Crops, poisoned water, military checkpoints that remind you that you are an enemy for not accepting enslavement, etc

If people had the magick ability to bring a giant asteroid or something and kill everyone on the planet "things would be better off" is the thinking.

Both sides want their own dream (one side wants to cull the planet of humans, while the other wants to destroy it and then start over) but they are both bad because they are using themselves as weapons to kill things. (one is just using magick and energy from another place to attack something while the other uses physical bullets and weapons) One wants us to think like they do and only accept anything they want as the only truth. The other thinks "truth is relative" and that there is no single truth out there, because there is more than one reality.

My view on all this is:
If you want to be a godman you've got to stop wanting powers and stuff just so you can escape. Fix things on earth without using powers so you won't need to have the third eye which will make you evolve into a grey which will cost you your individual soul and identity because of having to be part of a "hive mind" that isn't allowed to think independently from the swarm. Personally I think aliens, are just a type of demonic soul that is undead, living inside a aritifically cloned body. They are dead spiritually and physically too because they look so weak.

What the reptilians are: the descendants of the dinosaurs that were supposed to have died off, and the survivors live in the underground cities for many years and became the legends of ancient cultures. (ie the 'nagas' or sepent people) They are still around, but they have had to see if they can use human host bodies so people on the surface world don't get alarmed when they see them. These are the ones that act like a warrior cult and want humans to be more primitive in thought to keep us in constant war. The goal of the reptilians is to create as much terror and fear so as to feed off the negative energy and hatred and set humans up to kill each other.

Secretly the reptilians control humans through human hosts, (perfect dark, V the miniseries, all the david icke books, "They Live" movie) who through mind control follow the wishes of the reptilians, and this is why peace protesters and antiwar acitivists and people trying to expose the conspiracy (those who are progun, anti federal reserve etc) are always targetted by them. The human have a bit of reptilian dna in us so we can hopefully be used by the reptilians as slaves to do something useful until such time as we are not needed anymore. (advances in robot technology that make us obsolete - just like the 70s version of battlestar galactica where the original cyclons were reptilian aliens)

Yes it's all far fetched but in ancient times people had greenskinned beings and blue skinned ones and all kinds of weird beings recorded down. You can't say to me there wasn't some kind of genetic modification going on. Espcecially when religions say there were giants roaming the earth. And recently we have discovered hobbit people. There is more out there.
Last edited by GameHED on 30 Mar 2009 09:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Twiztid Elf »

mech wrote:What do you think that is and how do you think it's significant?
I'm not going to explain it to you here. It would take me too long. Time I don't have at work. In a nutshell and in Earth terms, our solar system is crossing the equator of the galaxy.

Significance? In astralogical terms, it is significant as it only happens every 5000 years (or so). To the Mayans it was significant - they based their long count calendar around it.
Significance to our day to day life? Probably nothing.

BTW - Just on the Y2K thing. It was real. I don't think to the point of planes dropping out of the sky. But there was enough real potential impact to cause minor disruptions. I hate how idiots 'write off' Y2K. The reality is that there was a LOT of work done to avoid problems. The work that was done was for the most part very effective.
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y2k was nothing though. I was one of countless techos holed up in server rooms at major clients waiting for the clocks to tick over, they did, we went home. Sure we were good administrators in the lead up to it but that's just being competent. Nothing remotely random, extraordinary or cataclysmic occurred. Biggest non-event ever. The same cannot be said for the ny parties that year though. :)
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Post by GameHED »

Yeah but this 2012 thing might mean humans start getting awakening ability like mind over matter stuff:
What this means is humans will awaken "the third eye" which is what new age teachings say is the thing needed to evolve us. It is believed to be the pineal gland in the brain and people with negative thoughts are not going to be able to ascend into a godman.
This is why I put all that 'magick the gathering' thing in my post because what if two people who are positive and just disagree with each other have a fight or argument over who is more positive than the other and should be allowed to have control over the world they both have to live in?

It would be like a mind game where the two worlds would have to fight for existence. Just like it was depicted in akira when you had the nerdy kid attempt to kill his best friend and ended up losing control over his ability? Now I can see the government using these people for things like remote viewing and acting as psycic spies to steal secrets. I predict that if the new age thing is real and people start developing all these mind powers it will just be abused by the government and turned into a weapon against them.

What's going to happen is the return to the core. People will start disappearing, develop strange power, they will be able to travel dimensions.

Imagine a 2d creature trying to see a 3d creature. If the 3d creature were above the 2d creature, they would essentially be invisible. It has to do with dimensions, if we ascend to the 4th dimension, those in the 3rd dimension could have trouble seeing us.

This is what David Wilcock and all the new age gurus are looking forward to. It's possible they will merely imagine it happening and what is real in their mind may not be real to us. We'll just see them in a drugged up state where they look like a guy meditating. So it's just one reality splitting into two and you leave behind in this reality your negative part of you. You know in Dragon Ball Z when that green guy splits into two people and leaves behind the evil part of him? And that was the origin story of how he became? That's what I reckon could happen.

What they say is going to happen to you physically:
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Post by Twiztid Elf »

Peppermint Lounge wrote: Sure we were good administrators in the lead up to it but that's just being competent.
If it was anything like what I saw going on in 98/99, you're massively understating your efforts.
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This one I recommend to people interested in the NWO conspiracy and worried about the global union. It helps people to understand the terms behind the NWO and our march towards a one world hive mind control system where we can all pretend that we are free but instead taken advantage of by the powers that be that thirst for more more more like a vampire sucking the victim dry of blood. From a former skeptics POV:
Once all power is centralised, people will be given no rights. It's not about rich or poor, left or right, but control over the globe and the people in it. (the money system just being the tool to create that dream which is how the occultists envisioned they would one day get their revenge and reduce the population; creating new laws that people are forced to follow that make innocent people criminals for breathing and having the right to own land and protect themselves with a gun and for having children, privacy etc)

Think of humans as "monsters" and like the pokemon we are caught into a giant pokeball to be used tofight for our pokemaster. The mark of the beast reduces man to an unthinking animal to be programmed (trained like the monsters in nintendo pokemon universe) to carry out the orders (like commanding the monsters to fight using certain moves) of the master. The fight over control over the humans is much like the monsters in the game "archon" where you pit the light and dark side against each other, and at certain "positions of power" (represented as powerpoint on the board, but in the real world its certain leadership roles that allow the monsters to be commanded under by spells) battles are easier to win to those who occupy the points.

The wizards are those who have the most powerful spells on the people; our leaders (who command the monsters, summoning their strength) and you can visualise them as a multiheaded beast when all the globes leaders unite under single rules. The earth is a chessboard. (leylines that intersect give off more energy for them to gain earthly influence over it) The monsters are the humans bound by the contract to obey the laws. Some event is going to happen which will see the system collapse completely, destroying it at a time when it is most strong due to poor foundations; ike a poorly built structure with weak bonds. Think of the "lord of the rings" when the weak links in the fellowship failed as power was misused by those who coveted more than they had through their own greed - it is a doomed creature born to die, stuck in a trap of its own making, collapsing under its own weight, killing itself like a cancer or a fatal disease. Curing the sick beast, can only be done with purity of character.

This is why people need to be self-sufficient; fighting their own sickness everyday or the disease spreads. We need to identify our own weakness to fight effectively. More war, more hate, more need to control others has allowed dishonest leaders to manipulate people to make them have to kill each other rather than go to the source of failure.

another good yt from the same person:
speculation on what could be future possible false flag attack to motivate people to war:" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

Not saying I agree with anything. Just interesting stuff..
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