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Post by pilonv1 »

just realised the alex jones shows are like 3hrs long. cant be stuffed podcasting that. will just listen when im online

one final question - whats the deal with people claiming jones is a disinformation officer?
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Post by pilonv1 »

I watched End Game last night, enjoyed the Bilderberg bits but got bored very quickly of the Eugenics stuff. Also Jones just seemed so over the top yelling shit with his megaphone.
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Post by GameHED »

Some interesting gun grab resistance coverage from glenn beck:


too bad liberals. What I think will be the future of security are robot security droids which can guard a home without its weapon being able to be removed or the droid disarmed. All controlled by your game console in the living room. This way we don't need big governments spying on us to protect us. We just each get our own droid, it sends the footage through its gun camera to the police and the identity of the criminal or terrorist can be seen by the gunwielding droid. We can turn the security on at home, and people can save money this way without having to beg big government for help and more 'security'/confiscation. Unlike a guard dog it will be able to see with nightvision, ir, and have motion sensing along with recording ability. And if you don't like guns just have it armed with tazers or direct energy weapon ie the type used for riot control.

Big government is inefficient. The bigger they are the harder they fall. When a big thing fails, its losses are also big. Less control and corruption at top levels is needed.
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Post by GameHED »

one final question - whats the deal with people claiming jones is a disinformation officer?
I'm not so sure since I have only heard of him from others and only started listening to the show recently. (although have watched some of his early documentaries before that)

From what I gather they think he might be a scaremonger letting some information out that the bad guys actually want us to hear to get us shocked and cause panic, and through the panic people overreact to everything he covers and are misled or lured into action that will get them into some kind of trouble or put the NWO into advantageous position.

Even if true, why not just take the information he provides freely just for yourself and file it away without making any assumption yet? Even if a portion of it is true, then it might be useful later. People don't like doom and gloom if they can't stamp a time to it. So they get anxious and impatient.

My own belief is that there are probably agents inside the NWO too who might have to appear as agents for the NWO to the masses in order to be convincing to them, so you got lies mixing with truth. The idea for the good guys forced to do their masters bidding is to make the lies easy to identify for others so they can filter out the lie to get the true bits. Like a hacker making his protection easy to crack for other hackers he wants to crack it.

Normal people will take the false with the true bits together and end up being confused and feeling betrayed. The hacker who can seperate the BS bits can stumble on the true bits with a filter and still get something of value.

Oh yeah there is some stuff from bill cooper where he suspected AJ is a NWO shill:
1998 interview with cooper:" onclick=";return false; pt2" onclick=";return false; pt3" onclick=";return false; pt4" onclick=";return false; pt5

Draw your own conclusions..Question things, ask good questions, be wary of wolves in sheep's clothing and research all the sources too. Nobody knows absolutely everything. Actually I think alex has admitted he was wrong about Y2k and if you take into account his age, it could just be that he was a victim himself fed bad info and didn't have the skills to look into the info handed to him.

EDIT: (this ones supposed to be hard to find and rare)

99 wiliam cooper show on the topic of alex jones:

3 hour show all 20 parts (due to the 10 min limit) in hide tag:
[Click to see hidden content]" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
Last edited by GameHED on 18 May 2009 08:46 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by pilonv1 »

yeah lots of people claim he's CIA or some shit.

plus theres this site" onclick=";return false;
Nobody knows absolutely everything.
this annoys me, because i want one source i can trust :D

read up some stuff on the moon landing today. ive always found it suspicious since we haven't been back there since 1970ish
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Post by Twiztid Elf »

There are many reasons people say AJ is a CIA shill or working for the NWO.

The fact that people like William (Bill) Cooper have long been pushing up daisies, and AJ gets to keep drawing breath is a big one.

Another one is that he flatout refuses to talk on any topic relating to the Catholic church. No Jesuits, not Knights of Malta, and no dark pope.
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Post by pilonv1 »

any of you seen this yet? i got it last night

IFC NEW WORLD ORDER 2009" onclick=";return false;
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Post by GameHED »

yeah lots of people claim he's CIA or some shit.

plus theres this site" onclick=";return false;
Yeah. But even that site has the disclaimer:
Note: We do not contend that everyone associated with these websites are knowing intelligence operatives. Some have been professionally manipulated, others merely misled. In any event these are promoting the psyop agendas and disinformation themes of the covert controllers. This is also not meant to be a fully comprehensive listing of all the fake websites.
which means you got to look outside the internet itself and see what claims the authors of the various books have made in the past to understand where they are coming from and what they are thinking. (some of the stuff in new age books which I don't necesarily agree with is still very interesting and sounds very hive mindish - this has led me to believe they champion a global government and are being used)

The thing is: It's not enough to just dismiss them just because you don't believe it. What's important is they do believe it and when they think they've led a group down a path that conditions them to accept whatever plan they have in store for them, you can at least see how they went about it and warn people ahead of time to prevent them having their way. The fear they want to bring can't hurt you if you are not scared of it but instead choose to use it to show others how it is being used all the time to trick people into agreeing with the NWO plan to give up individuals controls over themselves and personal rights.

What it comes down to is your money is being wasted all the time to entrap you in 'their world' and they don't like it when you try to show people the 'antihero' they put in place to which is designed to bring a mock rescue of you from crisises that they cause so they can put you in state of panic that makes everyone beg for help from big brother.

My belief is that so long as people fight for less controls and deprogram enough people, giving them the reasons they should rejecting the fake 'rescue' and false peace, then you can break the manipulators will. Your own money and energy and fear feeds them and encourages them to keep it up, sort of like feeding a giant monster which grows bigger and bigger and gets hungrier and hungrier the larger it grows asking for more control the more you give it. You want the monster to be spanked! :D You want it to be tamed and disciplined, the masses calm and logical, not angry and frightened and panicked which makes it more greedy.

But...remember, just because those sites get views, that doesn't mean the shill isn't giving out some good information on topics to look up on. It's more your reaction to information that is what actually matters in the end. If you start to panic and let emotions guide everything without taking time to think about it first, you will be doing what they want and harming yourself in some way. But if you just take that information and question it and not draw any conclusions (looking at all possiblities) but keep it in mind for later, it might serve some valuable purpose - becuase you can at least use that false information to determine if the informant is reliable for future references.

It would be like you willingly deciding to enter into a dodgy pyramid scheme or something and fully knowing it's a scam, and doing it as an experiment to yourself and others, just so you can confirm to another person that this particular scam type is proven to be one to peope that won't try it because of risk. The idea being: take ALL risks and try to see where ALL paths end like you would try to explore a secret cave in a Zelda dungeoun to confirm through trial that what you suspect is fake, actually IS fake through first hand experience, just in case. It's the reverse logic of ONLY spending time going down the paths that you think are real. Instead of that, why not do two things? Find out which are false as well and then warn others not to go down them in order to identify everything?

It won't be a waste of your time if you wanted to explore the whole cave and see all the paths inside it, so that you can confirm where the dead ends are early; taking a pro-active approach, rather than wondering about them. When you enter a dead end to confirm that is it a dead end, that is not the same as being misled down the wrong path. Rather, you just decided to look there anyway as a way to explore as much as you can, without having to cause any fights with a fellow dungeon explorer, or having to argue with others which of the paths to take when you intend to sweep the area if possible. Collectivists like to categorise people into "big groups" not understanding that people are not limited in what they think based on groups the manipulator created to pit against each other but by what they themselves think. Some people just loosely agree on some things, and then disagree on many other things and not fighting or arguing but keep themselves openminded to change as it happens and as new information comes to light. (which is why it's important to inform people and warn people - the informing helps them understand what they can see for themselves if they open their eyes and look at the world around them, while warning helps them to avoid traps in the dungeouns and dead ends, so they don't have to be tricked and can be used positively instead of helping the bad guys)

Edit: I would also like to add that we must distinguish lies which are designed to mislead and honest mistakes. Although some have mad mistakes we can't immediately assume they are disinfo just because they aren't 100% accurate. (could it just be that they want to profit from the sale of products and exploit fear? but at the same time post truthful information too?) We should hold the site to the same standard of scrutiny as every single site it lists as disinfo. For example is listed down and that link leads to a site selling pharmaceuticals. Don't just believe them on their own word. Do your own research into them. If they have high standards for other sites, and don't like to admit to being wrong themselves in order that they can look trustworthy, then you should hold them to those very same high standards to which they expect all others which they're critical towards.

Also be open to the possibility that the very site criticising the 'fakes' movement is part of the fake movement itself to reveal to you that all the sites it lists have in some way been controlled or manipulated by them, in order to even further shock you as part of the psyop. :) My view is that this is a list that "the powers that be" just wishes would not be around for them to waste thier time with, but are worried that they are getting a lot of attention, so now their plan is to demonise them, in the hope they can secure a monopoly on alternative news through division; creating paranoia and mistrust amongst them to try to take control over it. Seems a little odd they would put that much effort into it unless they knowingly contributed to the disinfo themselves to dirty the reputation of the sites? Rense for example doesn't even create the articles for his site, it's just contributions from other authors and links to other websites. This is something anyone who has bothered to go visit the site knows. This is what I mean by finding things out for yourself! Some sites make honest rookie mistakes due to ignorance.
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Post by pilonv1 »

never thought about this one before" onclick=";return false;
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Post by mech »

I have, so stupid.
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Post by Twiztid Elf »

Yup, Joe Vialls did a lot of investigation work on Port Arthur before his death, and brought up a lot of good questions.
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Post by Twiztid Elf »" onclick=";return false; ... clear.html

Not really a reliable source.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
North Korea to be attacked;
U.S. Nuclear first strike "likely"
Washington, DC (TRN) -- North Korea yesterday withdrew from the Armistice that halted the Korean War. Today, official Washington is abuzz with not so secret "Top Secret" plans for the United States to make a limited nuclear first strike to wipe out the North Korean threat in one fell swoop.

Russia has been alerted to "make plans" for radiation fallout in its eastern border area.

In consultations with China, the U.S. Ambassador to Beijing was said to be stunned when he was told by the Chinese government "Kim Jung Il is out of control and dangerous. He has become a serious liability for China. Do what must be done, but please do it in a manner that minimizes risk to China."

China was then briefed about US plans and asked to prepare its southern population areas for radiation fallout. It is expected that prevailing weather patterns will disperse fallout over the sea, causing it to thin out dramatically before moving over land.

Worst development since World War 2

Our source in the State Department explained today why this situation got so bad, so fast. "The Korean War legally never ended." he said. "There is no peace treaty, there is only an Armistice, a formal cease-fire. When North Korea officially withdrew from the Armistice yesterday, it automatically brought us back into a hot war. "he continued.

Speaking on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to speak to the media, the high ranking state department source told Turner Radio Network (TRN):

"Of all the scenarios involving North Korea, withdrawing from the Armistice was the one thing we thought they never would do. Since the War, everyone has known that withdrawing from the Armistice means the cease-fire is over. Today, that cease fire is over; we are back at war with North Korea and this time, the outcome will not be negotiated. Withdrawing from the Armistice was the last mistake North Korea will ever make. Their leadership must surrender now or they are nothing more than dead men walking. It's over for them" he finished.

Pentagon: Nuclear first strike "Likely"

Early in the evening on Tuesday, President Barack Obama gave permission for the US Military to airlift "Patriot Missile Air Defense" systems to South Korea and additional units to bolster 16 systems already in Japan. Those systems were airborne hours later and arrived in South Korea and Japan today.

The model of Patriot Missile systems sent is "PAC-3" and they were accompanied by M-901 control stations and AN/MPQ-53 phased array radar.

Sources with acute knowledge of the plans for North Korea have confirmed to TRN that a US nuclear first strike is going to be launched.

The first strike will be carried out through submarine-launched, BGM-109 Tomahawk cruise missiles, model TLAM/A whose explosive payload can be "dialed" to be anywhere from 100 kilotons to one point five megatons nuclear yield per missile.

There will be no warning. North Korea will not be able to track the incoming cruise missiles via radar. The only way they will know the attack is taking place is when they see a blinding white flash as the temperature rises to ten thousand degrees and the wind gusts to 650 miles per hour.

North Korean troops along the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) will be hit first to prevent them from invading south Korea. Multiple cruise missiles using Time of Arrival (TOA) control will detonate simultaneously along the DMZ, wiping out over one million North Korean troops in seconds.

Minutes later, after the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) confirms that the North Korean leadership has been told by their own command structure that their troops at the DMZ have all been killed, Kim Jung Il will be contacted and asked if he is willing to surrender. It is expected he will not.

At that point, a B-2 Stealth Bomber will be sent in to deliver the final blow. Pyongyang will be hit with a surface detonation of a massive nuclear bomb, wiping out the entire city and the entire government of North Korea.

As soon as that surface detonation takes place, several hundred additional cruise missiles carrying conventional payloads and launched from land, air and sea sites, will hit every North Korean military facility in the entire country, instantly crippling their entire command and control system. Carrier based Aircraft will then fly in to clean up whatever resistance remains.

It is expected the war will be over within one or two days. Korea will be reunited. It's Capitol will be Seoul and its government will be democratically elected.

One strike, two purposes

This difficult decision to make a nuclear first strike was arrived at because the threat of North Korea invading South Korea once hostilities resume was too great a danger to world stability. The world does not need or want another large, lengthy war.

The decision to use a nuclear first strike serves another purpose as well: sending a clear message to countries like Pakistan, India and Iran about what they can expect if they continue traveling down the nuclear road.

The thinking in Washington, Beijing and Moscow is that the world needs to send this message and there will not be a better reason or better time to send it than now.

Additional details on tonight "Hal Turner Show" airing from 9:00 - 11:00 PM eastern U.S. time (GMT -0400) tonight, Wednesday 27 May 2009 .,
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Post by pilonv1 »

i expect some strike but not nuclear. Certainly not the smartest idea.
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Post by Reka »

Another kick in the guts for this dead horse....
Initially it was ridiculed. Then it was violently opposed. Eventually, it will become accepted as being self-evident....
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Post by GameHED »

Candy reckons explosives.

Summary of what's happening now: star wars episode 1 2 3. Sith lord levels of manipulation: Create the droids to create the fear needed to justify creation of the clone army (secretly built long before the droid threat had been publicly known about meaning the droid threat was planned in advance to give them an excuse to exist) that would eventually be purposed-built to be used to kill jedi. (clones/masses of soldiers sent to wars are truly unaware of their own mind programming so are innocent victims in it all despite being used by the sith).

terrorist = droids/betrayed chinese aliens

clones = anti-terrorist videogamers which will pilot the future mechanoid soldiers through videogame sims. (america has all the best weapon technology and needs some bad guys to use and experiment on - all the future weapons will rely less on manual controls and physical fitness and also be simplified)

jedi = ancient religious obstacle preventing sith lord's formation of world/galactic empire.

Once we become clones/stormtroopers for a global empire with nothing to fight, other aliens on other planets will be enslaved by us. But the controllers will get more powerful and the people more warlike such that they enjoy fighting amongst themselves as sport like in ancient times before the great flood.

Unless humans mature and evolve, taking responsibility for their own failures and looking inwards, we are going to be repeating the same mistakes. I think if they can just perfect humans in a way where we can survive (see cyborg monkey video) radiation, heat, biological weapons, and make those the next generation soldiers, we might still have a chance in the event of a great war to survive.

I don't like the idea any more than you do but you know it's coming. You are going to be forced to take chips at first, (to locate your body if you die, they'll do this for cars at first) then similar to "rogue trooper" a total copy of your brains thoughts will be kept up until the moment you died, (like a blackbox recorder) then this information will be fed into another new body (due to the old one being wrecked) or a computer, so you can gain experience from the last death and slowly get a bit better like a player dying in his computer games and loading up his save again in order to gradually find the right way to do something through trial and error.

The collectivists only see humans and value them based on how productive they are to the state which is why humans will never stop having a war in all its history. They don't give a shit about individuals' uniquenesses or spirit. Just controlling them in a way to increase their power.

I have nothing against master chief but I think that's what they want people to voluntarily become: just be like a machine to gain more power and influence. As the technology gets more sophisticated it just makes the enemies stronger too.

Already they are trying to model the human brain in an artificial form and soon this will become more intellgent than us.
And there are many other reasons I can think of why they'll use artificial means to keep a battle damaged or injured soldier on the move even after being paralysed with stun weapons.
(so all those peaceful non-violent weapons will be rendered useless - like i said, solve the problems spiritually to avoid needing to kill stuff. All they want to do is create a master race of controllable cyborg zombies without a spirit or ability to think. Once they achieve that, life is meaningless)
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Post by Reka »

I am drunk. But fuck me GameHed, you really don't assist in helping people to think outside the box. You essentially promote that space as 'crazy'.

Throwing reptillians (or movie anecdotes) at people isn't what I'd consider to be the best approach. Try something that's closer to home and let the people work it out themselves.

Sure, there'll be the people like Mech who will never get it (some minds are just plain locked shut), but subtlety can go a long way sometimes, and the more open-minded members are probably more likely to consider a more subtle analysis than the wild conjecture you routinely post.

Give people some credit and tone it down man. Point them in the right direction and let them do the math.

That's assuming you're not a gag account to begin with.....
....or are you just the product of a gazillion monkeys on word processors with an unlimited amount of time on your hands? The quality and quantity of your posts sometimes supports this theory. :)

Sorry man - just venting - I know your heart is in the right place but you're going about it the wrong way (in my opinion)..... day you'll end up reproducing War and Peace. But I'll be fucked if I read the whole thing :)
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Post by GameHED »

I just find movies as good ways to explain stuff.
It's sometimes used as a tool to entertain, but as well as that you can find some hidden truths.

Also I know people don't like to talk about aliens but it's important to know because if the government is lying about their existence it means they are in danger of themselves being manipulated at some point by them because there is a real threat of them using thier technology to overpower them and control them; leaving us vulnerable. Truth is more important than your reputations. A lot of people who probably wanted to talk are being gagged.

I think people need to be given an opportunity to know what is going on in space and what if possible is the true agenda of the beings in question. Could they have visited leaders and made secret dealings with them? What are religious leaders views on otherworldly beings? Will the technology at some point go into the wrong hands and how would people deal with that?
There could be a war going on in secret.
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Post by Reka »

Aliens are like 911 - there's irrefutable evidence that something is going on, but the people who don't want to hear it will cover their ears and scream "LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA" so they don't have to.

People don't want their beliefs challenged. Bottom line.

The current 'Financial Crisis' has been engineered and a lot of people won't accept that as fact. They're scared of the concept and deny it vehemently. People have faith in their governments much in the same way as they have faith in religion. And much like religion, it's in poor taste to question their beliefs, regardless off any 'truth' you may have to provide on the subject. People take offense when you challenge their beliefs. Bottom line.

I think you're trying to wake up the 'masses', but man, rather than throw everyone in from the deep end with 'reptillians', how about going a bit shallower with something that people may actually swallow for their fist chew?

I'd like to think that we'll all 'get there' eventually, but small steps are better than leaps of faith....
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Post by GameHED »

I see what you mean. But if the government is hiding them they could also be colluding with them or blackmailed by them to carry out whatever plan they have for us.

Everyone wants to know what's up with ufos and whether or not they've taken over. It's just that the military is scared to admit it is powerless against them. And that if the aliens wanted to stop nukes they could just use their technology to interfere with world affairs.
I understand its not easy as a warrior to admit you are not in control of something, (warrior's pride) but it's selfish to hide the information and guard it, banning live imagery so that we get censored stuff. Why should people care about space if all it is going to be used for is further enslavement and control over minds?
It's like internet censorship. Come on, show us the craft. Let us know what's happening. We can take it.
And no bullshit explanations like space dust. There is evidence showing intelligence.
This is why all our weapons are useless because they give us the stuff and disable it easily since it's theirs.
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Post by mech »

Reka wrote:Aliens are like 911 - there's irrefutable evidence that something is going on, but the people who don't want to hear it will cover their ears and scream "LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA" so they don't have to.

Irrefutable eh?
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Post by BruceCamblzChin »

Jesus. What a terrible load of shit those people on the Port Arthur massacre are speaking. "Why did it take several hours for police to get there?" how about coz its one of the most remote peninsuals at the end of the world and theres only one copper for the whole place?

Fucken hell.
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Post by GameHED »

I want to post something on Ghosts/shadow people.

What do the skeptics think of this grainy video of one showing a bald man hiding inside a building? Kinda looks like kratos.
March 17, 2007

Uh the video you have on the shadow ghost, needs to be corrected. The person recording the video is a man. He was a construction worker working on the "Smith Building" (not a church). Him and other...
Uh the video you have on the shadow ghost, needs to be corrected. The person recording the video is a man. He was a construction worker working on the "Smith Building" (not a church). Him and other workers were experiencing strange events there so he decided to take a camera one day and that is what he came upon. The reason I know this is because I live in corpus where the building is, it is no longer called the smith building they remodeled it and made it look better, and many local ghost hunters have gone to investigate that building and finding many strange paranormal evidence. I was just informing on the truth about the video, its no woman and its no church, its a regular old building that is downtown here in my hometown. THANKS MovieLover07 FOR THE INFO ON THIS WONDERFUL CLIP..... DAVID ;)
This looks pretty genuine, not an obvious cg fx thing.


port arthur massacre:" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

Too late already. The guns are gone.
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Post by t0mby »

GameHED wrote:I want to post something on Ghosts/shadow people.

What do the skeptics think of this grainy video of one showing a bald man hiding inside a building? Kinda looks like kratos.
March 17, 2007

Uh the video you have on the shadow ghost, needs to be corrected. The person recording the video is a man. He was a construction worker working on the "Smith Building" (not a church). Him and other...
Uh the video you have on the shadow ghost, needs to be corrected. The person recording the video is a man. He was a construction worker working on the "Smith Building" (not a church). Him and other workers were experiencing strange events there so he decided to take a camera one day and that is what he came upon. The reason I know this is because I live in corpus where the building is, it is no longer called the smith building they remodeled it and made it look better, and many local ghost hunters have gone to investigate that building and finding many strange paranormal evidence. I was just informing on the truth about the video, its no woman and its no church, its a regular old building that is downtown here in my hometown. THANKS MovieLover07 FOR THE INFO ON THIS WONDERFUL CLIP..... DAVID ;)
Wonder why they used the music from the Jumpman? :P
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Post by lexo »

GameHED wrote: What do the skeptics think of this grainy video of one showing a bald man hiding inside a building? Kinda looks like kratos.
I think people have some vivid imaginations...

It's the same as looking up at the clouds and forming shapes, picking the ones that fit with what you're imagining and ignoring all of the rest. The video camera just had a hard time picking up darker patches in the room, have you never tried taking photos without the flash on before?

When I was a little kid (like six or seven) I actually thought I saw ghosts a couple of times. I'd wake up and they'd be standing around me and I'd be so scared I couldn't move. Turns out it was sleep paralysis (I still get it once or twice a year). It's like you almost wake up, so you can see the real world around you and stuff, but you can't move your body and it almost feels like you're weighed down or something, and you can still be half dreaming sometimes. Your imagination can do some wild stuff.
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