Rate the last game you finished

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Post by Kangawallaby »



What a great game, I wish every game had this kind of story and ending, and to keep me intrigued for 40 hours along the way.
Battle system that keeps you on your toes and really makes you think.

Great game overall.

2010 is must have the best start to the year for games in a long time.
Mass Effect 2, Heavy Rain, FFXIII, God of War 3, BF BC 2 and I could go on......
2nd place is the first loser....

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Post by GameHED »

yeah cheapness is all thru Final Fight but its not like we didnt know that already.
Abigail is probably one of the cheapest sons of a bitch.

When he charages at you he has very good range on his punch. So you got to either use guy's off the wall jump kick (the fast one that travels long distance) or walk up or down just as he is within distance to punch you ( he's kind like balrog with his long arms)

If you timed it right (never ever telegraph that you want to move up or down early in his charging punch or he will home in on you like a homing missile) you will avoid his knockdown punch and can grab that bastard free and throw him back at the wall. (timing is key: wait until after he moves forward before moving up or down - because he moves quickly he won't be able to turn sharply while he is moving forward so it will miss you)

All these little things make a big difference and although you will die from lack of energy evnetually (due to energy rolling over and you being drained a bit before you get to the boss) you will still beat them in a DECISIVE win where the skill between you and the cpu is clear. (cpu only gets an occassional win due to awesome damage and stamina while only hitting you occasionaly, but you get a consistant win by hitting them frequently and avoiding hits but having shit health and stamina - a bit like playing with a handicap)

So yeah those moments can be frustrating but dying isn't as bad when you know how exactly how to beat them and how they fight, and how to avoid all their attacks. Being killed because you made a mistake is just a setback not the same as dying due to the game being impossible. Arcade games that were this hard had to be hard due to the amount of times they were replayed and how small games were. If they were too easy maybe the game would make less money, true, but some people were drawn to the challenge and not frustrated at loss. As they came back they found out how to avoid the cheap attacks and the game felt more like a normal difficulty to them due to replaying that section a lot.

Cheap enemies does not mean it's impossible. Just that you got to know when those spawn points come so that you are ready for them and kill as quickly as you can to avoid them being cheap. (ie faster you kill on a replay, the less to worry about and the easier that section feels as you get better, quicker and more skilled)

Oh and the sword is a great weapon for damage but it adds delay on attacks (unless you are haggar) so you are at a disadvantage to rushing attacks. Only use it when someone is corner trapped or getting up from a knockdown. Same idea in double dragon advance. If you use the kali sticks or the bat you are fucked from faster attacks intercepting you. Damage dealer strategies fail when big guys with lots of health are escorted by groups of faster guys who surround you easily. So drop the weapon and kill the fast guy with weaker fast moves to thin the herd before you go for big weapons. The sword is not useless, just that it has weaknesses that you must consider depending on the makeup of the group you are fighitng. The best and cheapest attack in final fight is when cody has the knife because of the speed of his hands and that it knocks down immediately. His knee kick has stun power, but he is slow to move his feet after he attacks unlike guy who can walk immedietly after a light punch, giving him time to stun and then grab after 1 hit. So like the bosses, all these advantages come with disadvantages in other areas. You just got to consider who the enemy is, the number, the type, and what character you are. It's a balanced game.

Even the guys throwing molotov cocktails can be beaten by simply staying at the side of the screen and throwing them as soon as they appear. Knowing where to stand when they do a scripted attack like that is like knowing where to go when a big boss attacks a certain area of the screen. It's just cheap on the first try because they have the advantage of surprise.
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Post by Pointy Cat »

Two games I've finished since FFXIII.

God of War III. Finished this a few weeks ago actually. Loved it, great game. Gameplay wise it's nothing new, but it's still awesome. Fantastic to look at, though it was graphically mixed in a few areas. The ending was really well done, tied up things well, good end to the trilogy. 9.5/10

Modern Warfare 2. I finished this last night. I bought it last year but I just never got around to playing the single player. Very flashy and fun to play. The story is stupid though and told poorly, but it's not like I played it for that. A good collection of set piece scripted events. 8.5/10
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Post by cloud »

I knocked GOW3 on the head a couple of days ago....WOW awesome game! Still wasn't as good as the first one, was like a awesome movie i didn't want to end. 10/10
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Post by flipswitch »

Finished GOW3 a week or so ago. I'd give it an 9/10.The making of doco you unlock is very good.There were many making of features, but the first one went for like 30-40mins.I haven't seen the others yet.

Overall I was pleased with the game they made, excellent production values as usual.Few minor complaints that people have mentioned before.

I was literally going " "that looked freaken awesome during my playtime.The have raised the bar even higher than U2, but I'm not sure if U3 will outdo it.But overall I prefer U2 to GOW3.
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Post by Gamma »

I recently finished God of War III.

There were a few sections I enjoyed quite a lot, but I won't spoil them here. Some parts of the game made absolutely no sense at all, nothing matched the impact of the first boss, revisiting areas felt like a cop-out and the ending was extremely unsatisfying. The atmosphere-destroying Guitar Hero section was particularly lame. Props however for the hilarious reaction to making a mistake in the sex QTE, the cutscenes depicting the results of Kratos' actions on humanity after each boss fight, and the innovative use of your mother-in-law's carcass as a puzzle-solving element.

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Post by Pointy Cat »

After finishing MW2 I decided to finish another game on my backlog, Dead Space.

I was already half way through the game. I bought it when it came out on PS3 but I had to stop playing due to Sony taking months to fix a trophy sync bug that prevented me loading my saves.

After reading through the in game logs and remembering it all I stormed through the second half of the game. Awesome stuff. I loved it when it came out and I still love it now. It's a pity the sequel is still a year away. 9/10
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Post by Candy Arse »

I went through Dead Space again a few months ago, still a game of the highest quality.

Finished AfterBurner Climax twice today. haha 15 minute runs mind you, but I still saw the end credits. Fantastic arcade game, btw.
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Post by Pointy Cat »

After finishing Dead Space I decided to knock over Dead Space: Extraction on the Wii.

If you didn't already know, it's an on rails 'light gun' shooter set just before Dead Space. And yes, only on the Wii... but it actually doesn't do too bad a job with it. Of course the game doesn't look nearly as good as Dead Space, but for the Wii (heh) it actually looks pretty decent. But anyway, gameplay wise it's pretty damn good. Being the nature of this kind of game it differs quite a bit to Dead Space. Its light gun shooter gameplay is usually done very well, aside from the boss fights which were a bit annoying. However, whilst it retains much of the feel of Dead Space quite well it doesn't hold onto the eerie tension. Probably an unavoidable side effect of being an on rails shooter. Though it adds more of a chaotic feel, which probably suits with its plot better anyway.

Story wise it adds quite a bit to the plot of Dead Space. It's not just a throw away side game. As you go through the missions it also unlocks the Dead Space comics which also add to the story. They're voiced over and sort of animated. Done really well.

Overall it's a nice touch. I picked it up cheap a while back from Kmart for $30 and pretty sure it's still that price. I didn't expect much really but it left me with quite a good impression. 8/10
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Post by GameHED »

Still playing through Saint's Row 2. Completed about 1/3rd of it (I'll be doing all the activities and diversions, as well as exploring all neighborhoods) and finshed sons of samedi gang.

I am serious about getting all these open world titles out of the way because if I don't they will just sit around gathering dust. lol

Rating so far: 7.5 It seems a little bit more serious now and the game doesn't spawn as many 'fat homie' types within the game environment as SR1 which I miss. (your character just seems pissed off more than he needs to be) But I noticed there are more fat hookers now. :P

Some of the activities are way better now. (insurance fraud requires more skill requiring you guiding yourself to combo and less reward for 1 big move like before, but the reward and fun for doing them is higher)Races are more enjoyable imo. But I would have loved it if you had the option to hold the races yourself and create your own track around the city and bet money.
The environments are much busier than the first with lots of cars, (the ones in the distance move very wierd like they are fake objects) and people populating areas, but more fog. I feel like I'm playing turok in a city.
Fighting mechanics are more varied with the throw options so that if someone turtles you can end them immediately. (occassionally you get pushed back by npc if you abuse it) Throwing people off buildings is hilarious.
Better camera response (no lag before you swing it around making it easier to look around) and improved car driveby controls.
Weapons are more varied but generally the only one that stands out is the one you get for doing ambulance missions because you can resusrect a dead guy after killing them. That is fucken funny if you feel killing people once isn't enough. Just go over to a dead guy, use the weapon and they will get up again. Now kill them again! Maybe you can use it to train yourself to get better gang kill bonuses. haha

But generally it's more of the same so it doesn't deserve huge score.(repeat performance tend to get less credit than whole new game)
A good example is the city itself: if they made an enitrely new city with a completely unique feel to stillwater it would have got a 9. Right now if you had your fill from the first game you shouldn't expect too much; just an improved version of what you liked from before.

I will complete the entire things now and do the other 2 gang campaigns with a full review later. (for those who still hadn't played it, I think making a minireview or impressions first is required) But I don't think my rating is going to change.
If you can get this game cheap and are not sick of the older GTA games I recommend trying it. (good to do now since it's not an xbox-only franchise)

I'm using a guide for some of the harder shit. For some reason I'm not as hardcore into this as much as when the first one came out (because when it first came out, it was all we had in the GTA open world gang genre for HD systems, so I treasured it more) and am rushing through it so maybe that has made me be more jaded in scoring the second game a little.... (ie I already know what to expect form having played the first game to death) But overall; and if you didn't play the original yet, there is loads of things to do in this so it feels more packed, making it much better than the original in a side by side comparison. (just not feeling necessarily more 'fresh' to me)

I think the 3rd games is going to need an upgrade in graphics to get any attention because of GTA4. Unless they do something like make the map much larger or create new cities with other gangs or something new like being able to choose which gang to join instead of being the saints. (There was a point in the first game where I wanted to be in the westside rollerz and as the underdog see if I can defeat all the older gangs. Why can't they let us have multiple stories for all the gangs to increase replayability for example? Just like in Real Time Strategy titles like Starcraft? That is to say there are no 'evil' or 'good' gangs just a war for power and control?)
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Post by emptyvessel »

As part of my immense games backlog, I set myself the task of finishing Uncharted 1 before I started Uncharted 2.

I've finished both games now, and while Uncharted 1 was excellent, there were some game design issues I had with it (ie it turns into Doom 3 towards the end with the zombie dudes and the dark corridors).

Uncharted 2 was incredible though. One of the best games I've ever played. The train fight, jumping between jeeps and the architectural scale of some of the places was just fantastic. Graphically it's brilliant as well, which goes without saying.

Also finished New Super Mario Bros Wii and while it doesn't hold a candle to the NES and SNES Marios it's still quite a good platformer. The end boss fight in particular I reckoned was a pretty cool spin on things.

Got the God of War collection to re-aquaint myself with things (played GoW1 on PS2) before I get GoW3. Also got Portal to finally finish up (told you I had a backlog)
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Post by jobbidiar »

emptyvessel wrote:As part of my immense games backlog, I set myself the task of finishing Uncharted 1 before I started Uncharted 2.

I've finished both games now, and while Uncharted 1 was excellent, there were some game design issues I had with it (ie it turns into Doom 3 towards the end with the zombie dudes and the dark corridors).

Uncharted 2 was incredible though. One of the best games I've ever played. The train fight, jumping between jeeps and the architectural scale of some of the places was just fantastic. Graphically it's brilliant as well, which goes without saying.
I agree, can't wait for Uncharted 3 now!

Finished the single player part of Splinter Cell : Conviction tonight, i loved it, i can understand a bit why people who have played the previous splinter cell games might not be happy with the changes they've made to the game, you CAN still play the game the entire way through with stealth so i don't understand why ppl are bitching about it. As for the black and white effect, i didn't mind it i loved it in The Saboteur (one of the best underrated games of 09' imho)

I'm not really all that into stealth games so since this was more like the tv series 24 in a sense i liked it a lot.

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Post by Twiztid Elf »

Pokemon Heart Gold.
It is what it is. Fun, enjoyable grind. 7/10.
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Post by mech »

Mass Effect 2 - 9/10
Ratchet and Clank: Crack in Time - 8/10.
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Post by Twiztid Elf »

God of War 1

Excellent, really fun combat almost up to the level of Bayonetta and Ninja Gaidens. Great Boss fights. Kratos is bad-ass. Great anti-hero.

Then, the fucking puzzles and the set pieces. Some of the cunty sections of the game are just so fucking horrible. Yak. Sometimes I just wanted to scream at the top of my lungs "FUCK THIS GAME".

Really happy to be playing through this series. Not having done so has bothered me for too long.

(I'd say had I played this last gen I probably would have given it 8/10).
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Post by Pointy Cat »

Since I got 3D Dot Game Heroes I decided to finally knock off Zelda Spirit Tracks. I've been near the end for a while, but kept getting distracted by other games.

The game is very similar to Phantom Hourglas in terms of gameplay. The most obvious difference between the two games is the Train, but it simply plays the same role as the Boat in PH. A more important difference lies in the central hub dungeon, which works far better than the one in PH. Other than that, it's much the same, and includes many of the same pros and cons as PH. 8.5/10
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Post by Peppermint Lounge »

Mass Effect - 10/10.

Not that it doesn't have faults but they are so minor against everything that's awesome about this game. One of the best games I've ever played.
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Post by lexo »

Skate 3

This one was clearly rushed out the door before it was finished. Problems range from forgivable physics glitches to sloppy mistakes like misnamed sponsors, to blatant filler challenges (like "do any 5 tricks" multiple times over for the same team characters).

The most unforgivable for me is the lack of offline multiplayer. My mates and I still play Skate 2 a fair bit together, albeit on the only fun track there is (appropriately named "Fun Track"), and had been hanging out for months for an improved multiplayer aspect. To remove it completely from the game, for me, makes this one only worthy of renting for a few days.

The game's a lot easier than Skate 2, there's only a few challenges that are actually challenging at all. You have the option of either "owning" or "killing" a spot as in the last game, with the latter being the harder of the two. If you're going to play this, definitely make sure you attempt to kill every spot or there's next to no satisfaction to be had in most cases.

I did notice that reviews didn't come out on any of the major sites until the game was already out on the shelves, and I suspect a bit of sneakiness on EA's behalf. Frankly, I wouldn't have bought the game if I knew there was no multiplayer and that the career mode was unfinished/stacked with filler.

I still did have fun with it, the engine and controls still keep it miles ahead of the Tony Hawk's Pro Skater games, but overall it really is pretty disappointing and more of the same (with too many steps backwards). I haven't tried it online and can imagine it would be a better investment if you're into online console gaming.

6/10 (1-10 scale rating, not 5-10).
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Post by emptyvessel »

Finally blasted through Portal. I bought it a month or so ago as part of a cheap Orange Box for 360, and then got frustrated at trying to do the precision portal placements via the pad.

With the current Steam sale (Portal free until the 24th) I got the PC version and blasted through it in a few hours.

I think that's the major issue. It's a few hours. It works because they've woven the "story" with GlaDOS and the characterization into it, and it's a fine example of unique gameplay, but I'm not completely omfgpwned by it.

Still 8/10 with an asterisk as a "Game you must play before you die".
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Post by Twit »

I can die now I guess, since I also just played through Portal last night (only 4 years late or whatever). Loved it, didn't mind the length, and the ending had me smiling, feeling melancholic, and wishing I had a weighted companion cube handy. I'd be fine with just more episodic content for this. I don't think it needs to be a giant sprawling adventure or anything - just add some episodes perhaps with their own unique themes 'n stuff and make each one around that same length. That would do me.

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Post by BruceCamblzChin »

Playing thru the Sonic games again at the moment, I have a SF4 fightpad and the thing is set out exactly like an old megadrive controller, I love it!!!

Bosses on Sonic and Knuckles were hard at times espesh the last one, Sonic 3 was easier - music in both was brilliant, bring on Sonic 4 sez I.
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Post by Gamma »

Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia. 9/10

Continues the winning Metroidvania formula while giving more than a few nods to the series' roots. The use of a map to divide levels lends a lot more variety to the environments, and the boss battles range from "good" to "fucking epic". Great graphics and sound, and absolutely sublime controls.

I prefer the previous games mega-jump over the flight glyph, and it'd be nice if the glyph sleeve changed your equipped items like the doppelganger soul in Dawn of Sorrow... also, there are a few translation errors that can have you barking up the wrong tree, but these problems are minor in the context of the game as a whole. I'm on a New Game+ now, on 99.9% and chasing the last few boss medals before getting stuck into Boss Rush. Can't put it down.

BTW I highly recommend 7 day renting Castlevania Judgement on Wii to unlock the level 255 cap rather than beating hard mode on a level 1 cap. :shock:
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by Twiztid Elf »

God of War 2. Disappointing. 7/10.
Started amazingly strong, then fell to shit in the last quarter of the game. See the GoW collection thread for my full comments.
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by mech »

Heavy Rain - 8.5/10.
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by Deef »

Street Fighter IV

Visual style is very cool but quite chunky. Backgrounds aren't super flashy.
New characters are all great. Interesting and fun to try.
Glad it runs on my laptop.
Honestly the music could be better - apart from the theme I find the soundtrack barely memorable.
I really miss the "Select your opponent" from Third Strike offline. I really loved that feature.
Gameplay is solid.

Would give it higher if more lovin' (or CPU) had gone into the backgrounds and music.

Of course this is completely redundant now. It's more that I have been trying for ages to remember the last game I finished so I could write something here heh.
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