What disorder does GameHED have? Place your bets.

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What disorder does GameHED have? Place your bets.

Post by Vzzzbx »

GameHED wrote:So if you guys go to a doctor to get your head checked and are told you are autistic you should look into vaccines which is what I have been warning about for ages but nobody actually wants to look into.
Question answered, lock thread.
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Re: What disorder does GameHED have? Place your bets.

Post by GameHED »

Peppermint Lounge wrote:Imagine what we'll be getting 12 months from now.
I'm interested in the wierd things pep. Some of the stuff that is wierd cleary are hoaxes and some of the wierd stuff is real.

take this deformed guy for instance:
clearly this is someone who has a rare disease that in public people are not freaked about but what if scientists wanted to create something like this on purpose in secret lab and stuff? (create a spider like human? sort of like how the villains in comic books want to create superhuman mutants with powers and take advantage of mistakes in nature and call themselves the more "highly evolved humans")

It might help explain some of the wierd things that people see like the skiny tree man video. You play games where you play a space marine that kills all kinds of monsters and stuff that look wierd. Has it ever occurred to you that if more and more wierd alien-like being were to ever appear to us humans in the future that they'd want to kill us first before we kill them on sight?

This is why anything wierd is covered up, probably because there are going to be those who can't accept what they see. They can't accept things out there being real and have created a box around them to block out the stuff they can't explain or haven't seen before.
I don't blame the aliens for wanting to hide as stick like trees and stuff sometimes.
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Re: What disorder does GameHED have? Place your bets.

Post by GameHED »

Vzzzbx wrote:
GameHED wrote:So if you guys go to a doctor to get your head checked and are told you are autistic you should look into vaccines which is what I have been warning about for ages but nobody actually wants to look into.
Question answered, lock thread.

I'm saying you guys are autistic. :lol: Why don't you go to a doctor and check it out to be certain? You create stuff that has nothing to do with the original topics (saying you saw michael jackson at 1:26 when there is no evidence of him in the video and Link looks nothing like him)

Yes you could say you were joking but I think you really thought link was michael jackson. Please get your head checked I mean it vzz. It might not serious but I would just go to be sure.

I think all of you who take the combined vaccine or giving your children it should seriously look into it if the kids do display signs of it. This is not a joke. Not all of this stuff is safe. I'm not saying all phamaceutical companies are evil but that to be on the safe side, look into this yourself and find out the truth.
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Re: What disorder does GameHED have? Place your bets.

Post by Burnzoire »

yeah ok I'm going with narcissism for 200 thanks Stu.
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What disorder does GameHED have? Place your bets.

Post by Vzzzbx »

GameHED wrote:You create stuff that has nothing to do with the original topics (saying you saw michael jackson at 1:26 when there is no evidence of him in the video and Link looks nothing like him)
Do you ever accept responsibility for anything?
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Re: What disorder does GameHED have? Place your bets.

Post by GameHED »

itch wrote:
this is a good video for people here who complain that people who disagree with them must be somehow out to get them.

When I back up arguments in my threads for instance by quoting what others say about digital distributed games are in some way evil because they trap a person into accepting terms of use that they would not have had to do if they had just bought physical copies they will try to counter that saving space and getting a game cheaper is more important than consumer rights.

When I told people I dont work for EbGames they assumed I was part of a conspiracy to attack digital distribution when I am pro digital distribution but I feel the future is going to wards a DD model over a retail copy model which might see the death of retail in time. (I don't like the idea of either side having oo much power : harvey norman with internet sales tax and DD having the right to tell you to be online at ALL times to play a game in single player) Some might say those who are against DD way of purchasing are just old fashioned but it's not like hat at all since I like the convenience of DD but I highlight the weaknesses of this type of purchasing of games.

It's natural to accuse those who have a difference of opinion from you as being crazy or paranoid but what if that future is admitted by the people like david braben who says those who suppor the purchase of a 2nd hand title are worse than pirates?

If those guys are out to make a consumer right a criminal act (like that of theft) in future I want to be there to stop people like that from making people who own the games from being prevented from selling, by using logic (showing them examples of where their own logic fails) to show them that they don't in fact "own" something (your game) that was already purchased once from retail so it is morally wrong for them to claim they are losing money when those are just people selling a game they paid for with their own money. It's not the same as a burgalar stealing money. It is someone taking something and getting money back for something that they no longer want. It is not piracy since pirates make money by selling illegal copies of something they don't own.

It is one thing for one guy to say "i disagree" but to immediately not question the logic behind the other sides arguments by name calling, is just plain rude. People really do see decisions corporation make as being motivated purerly by profit more than for enhancing the quality of a service. But does that mean the paranoid guy who fears something (not being allowed to delete a savegame or sell off a first hand copy of something they own secondhand) somehow in collusion with EBGames.

You got to look at things from the point of view of us consumers. I know that sony was crazy for not having a second hand analogue stick because I actually own psp and so I am justified in saying it. But it's not because of some conspiracy to hurt sony but to make sure that the next consoles have good controls. I believe that if a handheld has crap controls you can't play games properly and it is frustrating to people who feel they are restricted.

This doesn't mean I am an EBgames employee. Having said this real conspiracy exists and it is not the ravings of crazy people. The inability of people to actually look at the evidence properly is what cuases those who have a different opinion to believe that everyone else is crazy which is why I like to post comments from other posters on eurogamer to show that I am not the only one who has the opinions that I do. It is only on this board which is isolated from the rest of society where I feel the need to do stuff like that. No where else where I go do I see such a massive reaction to something where people will try to convince me of their opinions and get angry if mine disagrees with their own one.

This is why it's important to attack a person's argument and not attack a person because at the end of the day random comments of people on the internet can not be taken seriously until the poster looks at the problem in a mature way.




All part of the paranormal conspircy to cover up evidence of that phenomenon but it doesn't mean the people who like to talk about such stuff are crazy (radar doesn't lie, things that are appearing in the air may leave evidence of their existence) but they can be labelled as such by those trying to hide something from the public.
I come here partially because unles you can give a good reason for a banning, each member is free. You CAN go offtopic and this is why I come here. Not to insult people or troll, but I like to have serious discussions too. But along with that look for information on games too. It's funny when people were trying to get me banned the only reason for it was posts that are long. lol
I wasn't accused of stalking or harasing a member, posting spam or NSFW content. It shows that some posters have a control freak issue. If they see shit they may not like or a person they don't get along with they will try to eliminate them from the boards out of fear for people who think differently from them.

An example of this is mech not accepting that reptilians could be a type of alien being that occultists are in contact with through channeling - this is something that is gaining popularity because of the new age movement. David Icke has been debunked but I find those entities that he claims are contacting him to be very real from a religious perspective which teaches that there are beings that exist like that conspiring since ancient biblical times in the form of snake cults and other pagan beliefs where meditation and other mind numbing excercises are used to try to communicate with these entities.

My view of the alien agenda is that there is something out there and it doesn't have to be a carbon based lifeform. It can have a hgher intelligence than us smply because it's been around longer than humans so it may have a science or access to things we don't which makes them seem magickal. If human scientists don't understand something that doesn't mean the science is junk science or not real science. (this is why they argue amongst each other all the time because their careers are on the line) It just means our scientists need to figure out the mystery of how that stuff really works by having a more open mind about it. Lack of proof does not mean evidence of existence is lacking. (this is where we enter the area of cover ups because governments and big corporation lie to the public on stuff all the time - and yes that involves mind control and people dying mysteriously)
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Re: What disorder does GameHED have? Place your bets.

Post by GameHED »

Vzzzbx wrote:
GameHED wrote:You create stuff that has nothing to do with the original topics (saying you saw michael jackson at 1:26 when there is no evidence of him in the video and Link looks nothing like him)
Do you ever accept responsibility for anything?
Not if nobody else here does. You get treated the same way you treat others.

Posting a response to your joke about michael jackson in a zelda game is my way of entertaining myself.

You said you saw michael jackson, then pat told me what he has to do with the topic, and then I just referenced you talking abut michael jackson which is why I posted a youtube vid of him saying that sony had contracted him, meaning it wouldn't be right for him to feature in nintendo products because sony historically are control freaks (who own the spiderman font, and were also against bleemcast emulator on the dreamcast) about that stuff. I was just joking around. Ad you were just joking around. Doesn't mean we are offtopic or that I should clean my posts up.

It was a joke. But did you take responsibility for your actions? My point is anything you do that isn't apropriate in a topic is ok WITH ME, but when othes say anything I do that is inapropriate in a topic ISN'T OK then I feel I am being targetting by people who just don't like me as a person. I don't really care or want them to like me, (hating me is fine) but I do want to excersise the right to be here which is why I think trying to get me banned has nothing to do with making the place more clean, it is just people trying to get me banned because they disagree with my opinions on stuff. (for example when I attacked MVC3 for being dumbed down for having less buttons and needing a dedicated launch button which I didn't like - it wasn't an anticapcom post but I can see paranoid guys thinking I'm just being a troll there)

You can continue talking about michael jackson (no need to edit your posts to be shorter or more relevent) and I can continue talking about reptilians. But don't expect others to give you extra powers to force other people to change if you yourself don't apply the same rules to yourself is all I am saying.

If there were strict rules I would not want to post here in the first place. If you can't handle the way mods don't want to ban, then why not make your own forum or get your own blogs? :P
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What disorder does GameHED have? Place your bets.

Post by Vzzzbx »

Is that a no?
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Re: What disorder does GameHED have? Place your bets.

Post by itch »

GameHED wrote:
this is a good video for people here who complain that people who disagree with them must be somehow out to get them.

Hey dude, nothing personal. At the end of the day:

Being a narcissist isn't a crime.

In fact, I think the description fits my conduct more than it does yours.

But it can be very helpful to understand mainstream personality definitions. It can help you identify patterns in your own behaviour. They are really detailed nowadays.

Besides, personality definitions have a sliding scale. You can be really narcissistic, or just a little bit.

Obviously, I have that tendency, but in my day to day life, it doesn't really stick.

I have too much empathy to be full blown, I care about people and lately - I work really really hard, and understand that I have to to achieve anything.

Both of those are against the Narcissist type.

On the internet though, it's like a caged animal is let out and my latent narcissism is unleashed. The internet is actually a wasteland of narcissistic diatribes, supported by all the 'social networking' and 'Web 2.0' sites.

And the conspiracy world is unusually representative of narcissism. Some people, when they fail at life reach for the conspiracy as a reason or excuse as to why they haven't made it. It's the illuminati's fault.

What intrigues me though, is the question - What happens when the narcissist is right?

You know, is it possible that Isaac Newton was a narcissist? Entirely.

And if you are a narcissist and you manage to imitate a non-narcissist, does that make you a psychopath?
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Re: What disorder does GameHED have? Place your bets.

Post by t0mby »

Vzzzbx wrote:What?! It wouldn't rub on the belly, it'd be up his bum and caked in poo.

Kevin Costner's poo.
Think about it bro, only one person can 'enter' during the missionary position, the other penis is picking lint out of the belly button.

:lol: :nana: :lol:
selfish wrote:Being a massive fanboy and trying to hide it is Lestat's worst bottleneck.
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Re: What disorder does GameHED have? Place your bets.

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

t0mby wrote:
Vzzzbx wrote:What?! It wouldn't rub on the belly, it'd be up his bum and caked in poo.

Kevin Costner's poo.
Think about it bro, only one person can 'enter' during the missionary position, the other penis is picking lint out of the belly button.

:lol: :nana: :lol:
Something to point out here is that all you can actually do is THINK ABOUT IT... which kinda makes a bit gay... :D

But seriously.. while only one person can enter, the other penis is more than available to do more than just pick lint out of a belly button... use your imagination...

Further to this, it's no different to a straight couple doing anal from the missionary position..
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What disorder does GameHED have? Place your bets.

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

Well I suppose if the dude on top had some kind of arm paralysis, or had both arms amputated to a high enough point that his stumps didn't provide sufficient angle, then the penis on tummy rubbing scenario might pan out.
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What disorder does GameHED have? Place your bets.

Post by Vzzzbx »

Wait, how many penises are there?
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Re: What disorder does GameHED have? Place your bets.

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

PLus why has Pep brought Stumping into this... dirty bugger!
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What disorder does GameHED have? Place your bets.

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

Hey, hey we'll have no discrimination here, thanks. Gay amputee pride.
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Re: What disorder does GameHED have? Place your bets.

Post by General Chaos »

NOW YOU'RE A MAN!* .....

*For Bruces entertainment only if this does not make a lick of sense.
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Re: What disorder does GameHED have? Place your bets.

Post by Burnzoire »

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Re: What disorder does GameHED have? Place your bets.

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

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Re: What disorder does GameHED have? Place your bets.

Post by Burnzoire »

Now you're a MAYOOOOOWN
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What disorder does GameHED have? Place your bets.

Post by BruceCamblzChin »

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HSj-2sh ... ata_player[/youtube]

A mayn mayn maaaaaaaaaaan!!!

That vid scared the shit outta Burnz lmao!!! I remember that shit it was pretty rad and also uncool.
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Re: What disorder does GameHED have? Place your bets.

Post by cloud »

LMAO! Big titties!
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Re: What disorder does GameHED have? Place your bets.

Post by Burnzoire »

hahaha yeah the stumping vid. good geezus. i couldn't get away from the screen quick enough and almost busted my headphones. cunt! :lol:
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Re: What disorder does GameHED have? Place your bets.

Post by t0mby »

GeneraL CyberFunK wrote: Something to point out here is that all you can actually do is THINK ABOUT IT...
Helps me sleep at night.

selfish wrote:Being a massive fanboy and trying to hide it is Lestat's worst bottleneck.
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Re: What disorder does GameHED have? Place your bets.

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

Do you think lizardmen would use stumping as a means for procreation?
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Re: What disorder does GameHED have? Place your bets.

Post by BruceCamblzChin »

lol at Burnz' new avatar, can we get 'A mayn mayn MAN!' for his custom title?
Last edited by BruceCamblzChin on 15 Aug 2011 05:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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