Xcom Enemy Unknown 2K12. GOTY OUT NOW! Dishonored what?

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Re: Xcom Enemy Unknown 2K12 Edition. Aliens invasion 12th Oc

Post by Hercy »

t0mby wrote:Downloading the PS3 demo now, 1.5gb.
Great, keep us updated. Is it at 6% yet? 7%? Oh god, I can't hold it.
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Re: Xcom Enemy Unknown 2K12 Edition. Aliens invasion 12th Oc

Post by t0mby »

It finished ages ago. My speeds have always been fine. :P
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Re: Xcom Enemy Unknown 2K12 Edition. Aliens invasion 12th Oc

Post by t0mby »

Just finished the two level demo. Game almost plays as I imagined a 3D version of the original would. The first level is a bit ho-hum but it is just there so you can get to grips with what to do. 3/4 of your squad die and it looks like there is nothing you can do about that since you have to follow specific movements.

The second level loosens the reins a lot but as with most if not all demos, it's easy. Final game has a difficulty that makes it just as hard as the original. The lack of movement units doesn't seem as bad as I thought. You can move twice or move once for a 'dashing' move which sends you a bit further, or alternatively move once and then shoot. You might have other options but I didn't play it after one try. Just wanted to see how it would play. Since I am a huge fan on the 94 original I will say I am not disappointed.

Roll on Friday.

PS: Note to self. Get a cheap monitor. SD licks dog balls.
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Re: Xcom Enemy Unknown 2K12 Edition. Aliens invasion 12th Oc

Post by Candy Arse »

This game is awesome.
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Re: Xcom Enemy Unknown 2K12 Edition. Aliens invasion 12th Oc

Post by GameHED »

Yesterday I had a choice to get this but chose not to and got dishonored instead. Have I made a mistake?

I like X com but this looks like it is simplified a bit. These days you can't tell if that is a good form of simplification that
a) allows you to do things more quickly and smoothly so you feel more productive and can get things done quickly and in fewer steps
b) a dumbing down process in order to make it accessible to a wider audience but then suffers in depth in exchange for it.

hopefully it is the former. The reviews say the console version actually control better than pc in some ways which is good to hear because it means they thought about everyone! (see bethesda? it can be done)

How many hours will this game take to complete on normal?
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Re: Xcom Enemy Unknown 2K12 Edition. Aliens invasion 12th Oc

Post by t0mby »

I've already lost one game playing on Classic + with Ironman enabled. I sort of wish the old time units were still here but then again I can see this new way works. Oh, and lol@the ending movie when all the council members drop out.

Only problem I've encountered was on one level my dude with a shotgun shot through a solid brick wall at an alien on the other side who was not in his line of sight. Aside from that I am really stoked I chose those over Dishonored. A refreshing change and I don't think I'll need any other games for awhile with the replay value this offers. Dreading trying Impossible difficulty, but I hope it has NG+.
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Re: Xcom Enemy Unknown 2K12 Edition. Aliens invasion 12th Oc

Post by GameHED »

I hear it is a bit like VATs in Fallout 3?

I might start on easy/normal first. I think when humans landed on the moon, neil armstron saw some shit on the moon and because he was a man of integrity he couldn't bare to lie to the public about aliens(actually extra dimensional beings) and had to hide himself from the public so people couldn't get him to speak about his experiences.

This game will probably prepare you unawakened masses for the day when the real aliens decide to come down from thier hiding spots and announce their secret domination over us over the ages and bring in the NWO and get us to worship them as gods.

We should start building multiple bases around the world (open society) to fight aliens for real because the government is too chicken of these beings to fight them openly which is why they cover up their existence. They are only as powerful as you give them power. Once you deny them their energy they can't operate. Churches around the world are not able to talk about esoteric topics like this so humans are crippled. Jesus gave people the power to fight evil spirits. That's what the aliens are. The new agers are in danger of worshipping these through alien cults like Raelian cult and Scientology and other groups that engage in mind control techniques to psychically manipulate their followers and torture them if they disobey. First free these guys from slavery, (anonymous is doing good work) then get the intelligence about the cults off them and then form an independent research group to capture the alien's weapons and tech to enhance our ability to fight them in physical form.

Everyone believes in the existence of aliens but they don't want to pressure the government to get us into space, :roll: explore what's going on up there, because they are more interested in their everyday boring life on earth competing with each other for riches which you can't bring with you after death. It's all owned by the corporation and the corporation owns you. The judges are all high priests of ancient cults when you go to court (also a temple) and when they sentence you they are using luciferian curses on you. The way to break this spell is to learn their ancient laws and take advantage of their obedience to the luciferian doctrines to use their very own law against them to show the weakness of their belief system. (or corrupt behavior within their religion which they don't follow sometimes if it benefits them to break their own rules.)

"Judge not lest ye be judged". This is how you beat the alien's priests. You take their own law, learn it, and use their own law against them to show the illogical systems they made which destroys the values of luciferian beliefs and makes them look like hypocrits in front of their own followers of the religion. There is no need to kill them physical form unless it is in self defence. Better to just convert their own followers away from bullshit cults using the sword of truth. The spiritual battle is far more important. The aliens are here, the secret bases are here, Phil Schneider is dead, the politicians can't do anything. You must be the change you want to see. The aliens are psychically manipulating their human sympathisers now and the power is growing as more gateway are opening.

These games are I believe are helping to prepare for the real thing. But you got to act soon. As humans enter more and more wars against themselves the aliens are getting more powerful as they see human bloodshed as a sacrifice that feeds them energy to continue to rule and use the humans like chesspieces in a game. The humans are like gladiators that participate in their own destruction for the alien's entertainment. (much like the robots in the transformers cartoon before they split into two factions) It's time to turn against the aliens and expose them. But first identify those in power who work with them and consult with them to how to control everyone. Since these being can shapeshift it is not a wise thing to just accept them as who they say they are but to test them to see if they are lying. What is restraining aliens is the holy spirit. When we drilled into the earth we freed some of these demons (grigori) from the prison they were in and this is why UFO activity has increased since then. As long as you see yourself as nothing other than a fleshy animal without a soul the government will continue to treat you like a piece of cargo, property of the government corporation and traded on wallstreet as nothing more than stock.

You have to remember you have a soul inside your body and that as a living man, with a soul contained in it, the identity of who you are is affirmed otherwise you can't claim to be alive. You can be used as property as a non-living object. But most people do not pay attention to revelations where it warns that in future through buying and selling, men will trade the souls of men as commerce. It is happening everytime you identify yourself as a picture on a card, or a name (ink on paper) but don't explicitly say you are a flesh and blood man with a living soul. Because you just told them you were a picture of yourself on a ID card with a number, or the actual ink on the paper, which are just dead objects. (property owned by the corporation) Saying you are objects forfeits any rights that God gave to you which is what gives you authority over the demonic system put in place to control you. (treating you as cattle or non-living entities ie zombies with no soul inside it)

When you were born you might have been given a name after you came out of the mother's womb and were given over as property to the corporation, but before that (while still IN the womb) you were a spirit that God might have had plans for after your death. So identify yourself as that spirit to get your rights. You as a spirit live in a living body, and as a living entity claim all the rights God granted to you. This then gives you the supreme authority to heal, (the almighty God created their gods) and cast out their evil spirits influence over your mind and remove the curses they place upon you and to also dispel their magick when dealing with the judges who worship these beings as their gods. When you go in front of them you must arm yourself with truth and the armor of god. If the aliens can beat you in a debate you are going to lose your fight. But if you are guided by God and know what to say they can't break their own laws and go against the wishes of their gods.

If you don't understand this, the spirits must obey certain laws to be able to control stuff much like humans must obey the law of gravity to prevent them floating into the sky and into space. You got to know their laws first in their world to fight them and then judge them using their own laws. Whether they want to let you off, is not important. What is more important is that you can remove the moral authority they believe they have over you as gods that deserve to be worshipped. Since lucifer is supposed to be a good upstanding being, then you must reason with his minions first to show how this is not the case. The deceptions being used are tests to see how much knowledge/gnosis they have and if they have worse knowledge they must be in error, being that is all they care about because they want to be able to say they are above man in wisdom.

As people fight for control believing they have the moral authority over you, the tests get harder. Not many people are going to use peaceful methods since it is easier to just use force. If you do that (and it is not self defence) then you lose that moral authority. The new agers want to paint their leaders as if they are some nice beings out to help, so I guess the appearance and image is important. But we are not caring about images. We should care about the truth through the words and actions of the beings instead; given that they can shapeshift and never want to be seen. (their true form is too scary for the public and have had to go underground due to the shock people experience seeing them. This is why censorship is so important: they have to at least appear clean and spotless to the masses before anyone will respect and trust their sagely advice. Again it is all about images, and deceptions, not truth. The alien's minions weakness is they must use mind control to obtain power which has worked on those who do not value the importance of having moral authority but are materialistic and easy to please)

When humans finally close the gates that are being opened to make it easier for the spirits to influence minds, then the influence lessens. The leaders of the cults are good at what they do which is why people have enslaved themselves to them (bribery, brainwashing, threats of violence, blackmail etc) But there comes a time when people start thinking about the long term and know they are getting a bad deal. (seeing it now as freedoms are being taken away to form a united organisation that offers no benefit to the ones trapped inside as their wealth decreases when they are robbed every day through unjust laws they unknowingly agreed to be bound by through their signature - or your id card - which is what the devil requires hoping you will not read the fine print)
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Re: Xcom Enemy Unknown 2K12 Edition. Aliens invasion 12th Oc

Post by GameHED »

Candy Arse wrote:This game is awesome.
Could you tell us if it is better than the older games? If it sells like shit the next one might have to go the Kickstarter route with shit graphics. (I'm afraid turn based strategy is doomed like adventure games)

I don't like short reviews. I only have X amount of money to spend and have read the reviews of paid reviewers but want your opinion (it is not exclusive to nintendo, and I noticed you are a strict xb-pc tard) as this game may take 1000 hours to complete.

You put 10 times more effort bashing nintendo consoles than giving info on the games you like.

I still have sleeping dogs and Dishonored to play. I am doing these game slowly so I won't get a chance to play this for a while yet. I will buy it at full price instead of waiting for a price drop though just because I am a Xcom fan.
I was hoping this game would come to wii u. Looks like I have to delay throwing out my xbox 360 for a while. As for pc, this game doesn't look like the type to stretch it's power to its limits so I prefer playing console version and leaving the pc where it belongs: on a desk where it is actually suitable to place an actual keyboard on.
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Re: Xcom Enemy Unknown 2K12 Edition. Aliens invasion 12th Oc

Post by Candy Arse »

It's a good game.
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Re: Xcom Enemy Unknown 2K12 Edition. Aliens invasion 12th Oc

Post by t0mby »

GameHED wrote:
Candy Arse wrote:This game is awesome.
Could you tell us if it is better than the older games? I don't like short reviews. You put 10 times more effort bashing nintendo consoles than giving info on the games you like.
You don't get to tell others how to make posts when your previous one was an 11 paragraph rant about Neil Armstrong, Aliens, Secret Bases etc etc. All you wrote about the game was this...
I might start on easy/normal first.
I definitely wouldn't bother with Easy, even Normal I got through 14+ missions before I lost my first soldier. I've started again on Classic for my third attempt now but without Ironman enabled.
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Re: Xcom Enemy Unknown 2K12 Edition. Aliens invasion 12th Oc

Post by GameHED »

t0mby wrote:
GameHED wrote:
Candy Arse wrote:This game is awesome.
Could you tell us if it is better than the older games? I don't like short reviews. You put 10 times more effort bashing nintendo consoles than giving info on the games you like.
You don't get to tell others how to make posts when your previous one was an 11 paragraph rant about Neil Armstrong, Aliens, Secret Bases etc etc. All you wrote about the game was this...
I might start on easy/normal first.
I definitely wouldn't bother with Easy, even Normal I got through 14+ missions before I lost my first soldier. I've started again on Classic for my third attempt now but without Ironman enabled.
If I had owned the game I would be talking a lot about it. I have spent about 2 hours watching vids but it is not the same as playing. I plan to buy it next week.
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Re: Xcom Enemy Unknown 2K12 Edition. Aliens invasion 12th Oc

Post by cloud »

So tomby what do ya recommend to start on?
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Re: Xcom Enemy Unknown 2K12 Edition. Aliens invasion 12th Oc

Post by omega »

Tried the demo on PC and loved it. I bought a Steam key from http://gamekeysbuy.com/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; for $34. Naturally, I was a bit dubious about their legitimacy, but took a punt coz they accept Paypal. 1/2 an hour later I had my key and Steam accepted it. I'm downloading it as I type this and was worried it would turn out to be a dodgy Russian version, but it's standard English language version as far as I can tell. Download at 20% - can't wait to fire the game up.
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Re: Xcom Enemy Unknown 2K12 Edition. Aliens invasion 12th Oc

Post by Candy Arse »


Love love love love this game.

So far, early days of course, this game does great justice to the original game. GOTY contender so far unless it somehow falls on its face during a long campaign.
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Re: Xcom Enemy Unknown 2K12 Edition. Aliens invasion 12th Oc

Post by t0mby »

Cloud = if it's your first Xcom game then start on Normal and see if you get to grips with everything. One important tip I can give is always take a couple of n00b soldiers out along with experienced ones. Sooner they're ranked up, the smaller chance of them panicking in the heat of the battle.
Candy Arse wrote:Satellites. GET SATELLITES UP OFTEN.
Finding it hard with the 20 day wait time plus only two satellites per uplink. There is an upgraded uplink later but takes awhile. Plus all the excavating and planning so they're adjacent to each other for bonus perks makes future planning hard unless you have one of each building per level and the. put them in the same place on each lower level.
GOTY contender so far unless it somehow falls on its face during a long campaign.
I called it back in Jan. Come at me bros.
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Re: Xcom Enemy Unknown 2K12. GOTY OUT NOW! Dishonored what?

Post by t0mby »

Quit my Normal game tonite and restarted a 3rd time deciding to go back to Classic difficulty without Ironman enabled. Normal was a bit of a chore although I did see a new enemy on my last mission. Also came across a big shift in the progress of the story, something I don't think was in the original from memory.

I'd talk more about it but other seems like only myself and Candy have good taste so I'll leave other for now. :P
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Re: Xcom Enemy Unknown 2K12. GOTY OUT NOW! Dishonored what?

Post by Burnzoire »

I spent a bit of time on this last night finally. Love the way the game chains everything together - it really pulls you into the world and you get very attached to your soldiers! Sgt Sexy died :( He captured our first live alien only to die from an exploding car. RIP.
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Re: Xcom Enemy Unknown 2K12. GOTY OUT NOW! Dishonored what?

Post by Vince »

Never played an RTS before but always wanted too. Is this a good start? Only hearing awesome things about it...
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Re: Xcom Enemy Unknown 2K12. GOTY OUT NOW! Dishonored what?

Post by Hercy »

No, as it's not an RTS.
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Re: Xcom Enemy Unknown 2K12. GOTY OUT NOW! Dishonored what?

Post by t0mby »

It's definitely not an rts.

Xcom is a tbs.
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Re: Xcom Enemy Unknown 2K12. GOTY OUT NOW! Dishonored what?

Post by Vince »

Fair enough- TBS. Still having never played one before would it be worth taking the punt on this?
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Re: Xcom Enemy Unknown 2K12. GOTY OUT NOW! Dishonored what?

Post by Candy Arse »

Well we're all saying it's a great game and GOTY contender, so if that isn't enough what is?
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Re: Xcom Enemy Unknown 2K12. GOTY OUT NOW! Dishonored what?

Post by Burnzoire »

They're made this REALLY accessible if that helps. The game starts on rails mixed with some good setup cutscenes. Not just for the hardcore fans.
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Re: Xcom Enemy Unknown 2K12. GOTY OUT NOW! Dishonored what?

Post by t0mby »

Really glad I've taken a bit of a holiday and can sink some time into this. For a turn-based game it has quite a few 'fuck yeah' moments, especially when your guys are leveled up. Choosing covering fire from your support crew then running dashing in missing oncoming fire is a great feeling. More so nothing is as satisfying as shooting an enemy at point blank with the shotgun and 'double shot' perk.

Seems to be a bit of variety in the missions and locations too. One small gripe, just a nitpick really, i wish some of the vehicles and road signs reflected the real life locations. Seeing American taxis, American highway signs and long nose trucks in UK settings sort of kills the immersion. I'm sure some people in other locations feel the same way when fighting in countries they're familiar with too.
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Re: Xcom Enemy Unknown 2K12. GOTY OUT NOW! Dishonored what?

Post by cloud »

Bah i want to play this! But got some many games on the run atm!
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