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Re: Eve Online · Free 51 days possible · Ship spinning etc.

Post by blackhuey »

Yeah, so long as you're not swapping ships in combat it's all good.
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Eve Online · Free 51 days possible · Ship spinning etc. news

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

Deef have just been ticking the points over with no real focus. Eg: am about to tick Tactical Shield Manipulation to 5. Oh good. Only took 16 days.

I've been AB'ing around in a Rifter at around 1400m/sec thanks to that applicable skill being at 5. Been good to learn that process + using paste to repair.

Will refocus training now. Covert ops skills first I think, cloaking, etc.
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Re: Eve Online · Free 51 days possible · Ship spinning etc.

Post by Deef »

The Covert Ops skill is bit of an unsung hero of the T2 frigates I think. It's fun.

I can't use paste yet, but I can create a cap stable PvP Slicer now. :D :D I could totally kill Snip King if that fight were to happen again.
Edit - Oh, I can use paste. Herp.
Last edited by Deef on 21 Oct 2011 06:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Eve Online · Free 51 days possible · Ship spinning etc. news

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

Seek him out & exact your revenge.
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Re: Eve Online · Free 51 days possible · Ship spinning etc.

Post by Deef »

Been watching a few vids and toying around with combat probes. Just making a note of some tips I've learnt.

D-Scanner Only

Firstly, the on board directional scanner is a big deal. It can be much faster than probes, it doesn't destroy your fit with the Expanded Probe Launcher, and it doesn't alert your prey to what you're doing. It requires being good at reading the system layout quickly, choosing where to put yourself, and quickly going through angles to locate someone.

It does require some fiddling with numbers and camera angles, and therefore practise, however both methods of scanning take practise anyway. This is the less pretty way to do things admittedly. There is an angle-free way to pinpoint a celestial as well, using only range in a binary search, but it's not as useful as it sounds. It seems angles are much quicker to work with. But basically using the D-scanner is about knowing what's going on around you. The video below is an excellent example of this as he keeps scanning and focusing on belts while warping.

· The magic range is 14. Anything more than 14AU from you is too far so you have to warp somewhere else. If you arrive in system on a gate more than 14AU from everything you won't be able to see anything (or if you do, someone's probably hiding in a tactical and already knows what you're flying).
· It simply can not create something to warp to that you can't warp to already. So you can only use it to find things at celestial bodies or in anomalies you've also scanned.
· If your target is at a safe-spot of any kind the D-scanner is only intel; you can't get a warpable hit.
· If they are in a tactical safe just off-grid somewhere it's even worse; you won't know that you're chasing a red herring until you fall for it.
· And if they are actually present at the celestial you warp to, but flying far away on-grid, this is probably worse still as you have now tipped your hand. This is a common outcome; people use the D-scanner to locate your belt and they warp to zero, only to find they've landed too far from you (ie, me in my Slicer) for even a chance at getting a lock before the target escapes.
· The camera angle in system map view and camera angle in space are 2 different things, and your scanner will respond to whichever is active.

I didn't mean this post to be about D-scanning at all but since I've learnt more I can't not report on it. Here is quite a masterful video on it. He uses the D-scanner to find players in anomalies even. And he's flying a Tengu-tackling Malediction with hull damage! Pro.

Clear demonstration of effectively using the D-scanner only:

D-Scanner With Probes

Unlike the D-scanner, combat probes can create warpable hits to anywhere in space and they don't require all the fiddling with numbers and camera angles. The downside is basically that they easily give your game away, and a good D-scanning player will work with celestials faster.

· Using the directional scanner and combat probes together is quite easy. You use the D-scan to narrow your target down to cluster of celestials, typically several belts less than 0.5AU from each other. Then you can usually get a warpable hit to the prey itself in 1 run of your combat probes dropped right on top of the cluster. This means you could reveal your probes to your target's D-scanner for as little as 10 seconds.
· This will save you from tactical safe-spot misses, but honestly these appear to be quite uncommon. If you arrive and it looks like they really are in a tactical safe, you can still probe quickly. You can even prepare your probes for this while in warp.
· It will save you from wrong-celestial misses, the chances of which will change with the system you're in. Often it can be faster to just warp to the likely suspect and not even use the probes.
· This method isn't as covert as using the D-scanner only, nor as far-reaching as using probes only, but it is quite easy, intuitive and satisfying.
· Probes don't move in space until you press Scan. Then they warp to the new positions you set.
· Remember, 14AU is a D-scan's range so you can set up your probes' formation more than 14AU from anywhere else knowing that people won't be able to see them.

The D-scanner plus probes method:

Probes Only

If you're looking for targets that are at a safe, or you just want to make sure your search isn't just restricted to celestials (or you're hunting for other things like wormholes), then the D-scanner isn't enough.

· There's an 8 probe trick for using 2 formations at once, shown in the video "Combat Probing - Part 2 of 2" below. It lets you reposition all probes at once and quickly rescan, instead of messing around with new distances. This is for when you get possible points and need to get that hit as fast as possible. Blurb about this:
[Click to see hidden content]
There's actually no reason he can't do it with 7 just as effectively in that video because what he doesn't think to do is have the range of the second group already set to the minimum, so he's wasting time reducing ranges. This extra little advantage he misses is something that would be lost with 7 probes I believe, unless 3 close and 1 long range scan can still get a 100% hit. I'll test this out, but I already know that there are cases where this will not work. Due to the change of "more probes means more chance" and the new scale-all control of the Alt key, this dual formations trick is less helpful than I imagine it used to be, but is still a good tip.

· Despite not using the D-scanner, the probes-only method will still alert you to likely celestial bodies as the hiding place. This is because if the target is at a celestial, some part the probe results will fall on that celestial allowing for the educated guess. This is as effective as the D-scanner + probes method because you again just chuck your close-range probes on the suspect and will probably get a fast hit. If you don't though, well then you're probably a bit stuffed since you might have ruined your probes' positions. The Johnny Cash video below shows a Windows-As-Bookmarks tip that would help with this.
· When you use probes and get a spherical result, the target is located on the surface of the sphere, not inside its volume. This is how one is able to pick the likely celestials easily.

Combat Scanning in 2 parts, with the 8-probe dual formations tip in part 2:
Johnny Cash. Tips on wormhole scanning, and the windows-as-bookmarks tip:
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYKqWGk1 ... re=related[/youtube]

Guide to 7-probe scanning from scratch without resizing. I don't know what to think of this method when there are other 7-probe options, but the presentation is great and he's flying an Anathema. Good ninja-salvaging tips too:

Other Points

· 14AU, 14AU, 14AU. Yes that's fourteen. The D-scanner only reaches 14AU. This is more good than bad, as it affects who can and can't see your probes when they're out.
· Once launched, you can use and retrieve your probes without the probe launcher being online. You can even reload it.
· When putting any module online whilst flying in space, if you use the right-click menu it takes 10 seconds. If you use the fitting window it is instant. Probably a bug so don't tell CCP.
· You can hold Alt to scale your probes all at once. As in alter their distances apart while maintaining their formation. The video with the 8-probe dual formations tip was made before this control existed, so that benefit is not as great as it once was.
· Launch your probes, move them to some far-off part of the system so they're off everyone's D-scanner and then hit scan so they warp there. Then build the formation, then do what you want, be it D-scanning or moving your formation quickly into place.
· Even though overlap is good and necessary to get a solid hit, spreading the probes apart is also required at least sometimes. Having 4 probes right on top of each other, on the same grid as the target, is less likely to get a warpable hit (and indeed failed for me) than 4 probes spread a few million kilometres apart (still inside 0.5AU). Makes sense I guess.
· The more probes scanning an area, the more likely you'll get a 100% hit.
· With my skills, I can not scan down a shuttle with 4 probes. The smaller the ship, the harder to scan.
· You can salvage other people's wrecks without earning agro.
· 1 AU = about 150 million km.
· I've seen a lot of guides recommend the 7-probe formation of centre-north-south-east-west-up-down. In my personal and completely inexperienced opinion, I think that's a bit wank. I've also seen replies criticising those guides. For one, I just don't think you need that much coverage for many scans when there are fast ways to get 4 probes in place that will get a hit. Maybe 5. For two, 80% of Eve occurs on a horizontal plane in any system. The up and downs are much less important. I think people just like to make a pretty formation that is technically stronger but almost always an unnecessary waste of time.

I'm glad to see scanning is not as slow, or as big a giveaway, as I had first thought. Cloaking 4 almost done, and scan probe number 7 in the queue. Cap and rocket skills still on the backburner.

Unrelated, I'm irritated that the new cyno effects still aren't as impressive as the old ones. So many graphics nerfs, argh. And why is the Amarr hangar floor such a horribly dirty texture while the Caldari's is sharp? Here's the old cyno:
The current cyno is just like stargate jumping, no?
The new cyno effects look ok, but still not as now-we're-fooked impressive.
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Re: Eve Online · Free 51 days possible · Ship spinning etc.

Post by Deef »

Just a quick list of some of the changes coming in the winter update. I'm too lazy to hunt down links this time.

· New ships. Four new battlecruisers that can fit battleship guns.
· New fonts. Welcome to 2005 CCP.
· Hybrid buffs. All hybrid weapons buffed.
· Pod killmails will now show the implants the pilot was carrying.
· The rest of the Captains' Quarters.
· Player owned Customs Offices.
· Big fat nerfs to titans and supercapitals. Dreadnoughts get a very big buff to their Siege Module I at the same time though.
· Turret icons will be returning to their pre-Incarna images.
· Cynosaural field graphics update.
· System-wide Time Dilation to be applied when very large fleet battles occur.
· Many tweaks to many ships and many new modules and many corrected item names. Complete list below.

If there's more, I can't remember. Most of those changes can be found by picking out the dev blogs from the Information Portal page on the forums. No major change to the game but quite a broad package and a deliberate refocus on FiS after Incarna's bad reception. When you look at this list, you can see really how little content they had to produce for this set of changes. The new ships and fonts are something, the CQs were almost done already, and the rest is mostly text work. I won't be impressed if the new fonts are nothing more than new fonts and we still can't even resize in Evemails. Still, I'm happy with most of the changes. The update does what it meant to do imo. I am disappointed about the lack of engine trails though, really. Assault Frigates's 4th bonus were acknowledged as high on the to-do list but so far I haven't seen anything mentioned.

New ships
They have revealed the models of the Minmatar Tornado and the Gallente Talos. Both look pretty cool, coming from ship design contests I think. The Talos is already seeing some complaints for continuing some ongoing Gallente weaknesses. People were concerned that, as usual, it would look great but be the weakest. Once the model and stats were revealed, those concerns held. The stats of the 4 new ships can be found in the big amendments list below.

Customs Offices
Everywhere but highsec will change to using player owned Customs Offices, which basically means 2 things: you can attack them, and the owner can charge taxes to everyone who uses their CO. They can also tailor the tax rates to people depending on standings, which is nice. Highsec Customs Offices are going to double the taxes, in order to nudge players into lowsec. Related to this is a change to PI where planetary links' bandwidth has gone up by a factor of 5, which means uh, can't remember. You move more minerals at once... so you need less links... so you save power and can fit more installations, right?

The hybrid buffs are a positive step but players are concerned about the ammo having received no work and some think that the changes don't buff the factors that matter. In fact, glancing over the list, the changes are mostly fitting, not behaviour. Maybe that will make an interesting difference, I don't know. It looks like the smaller guns all got a 10% DPS increase. The general vibe seems to be that they're still a bit meh. Never flown Gallente (or any big ships for that matter) and the update isn't even out yet, so I'm just passing on opinions here. I don't know what really separates hybrids from projectiles apart from sucking; it sounds like they function the same just with worse maths (or, better maths in the wrong places). I'd prefer to see as great a distinction as there is between lasers and projectiles already.

Ship tweaks!
This deserves a bit of attention. Again, the stats are in the amendments list below but some highlights:
- Dramiel getting the nerf it deserved. A pity I never got to fly it in its heyday. I could buy one right now but I wouldn't know how to use it.
- Destroyers getting mondo buffs! I try to hate these ships but the Thrasher is like a loyal old dog, that just got a lot better. Seriously CCP noticed that they were useful for about 17 minutes in a character's career and added some beefcake. They all got more cap, more armour, more shield and less sig! So not only do they take less damage from bigger ships, they also have a bigger tank anyway. Sadly but understandably, only 2 of them got a speed & agility bonus and the Thrasher isn't one of them. But here's the kicker, the ROF penalty is gone, for all of them. More cap, harder to lock, less damage taken from big guns, plus a larger tank on top of that, PLUS 33% more DPS. Pretty significant buffs and they really deserved them.
- Apart from the supercaps, titans and Dramiel, the rest of the edited ships all got slight buffs. Mainly agility it looks like. Um, are these mainly Caldari/Gallente ships?
- The Taranis deserves some attention because among interceptors it is already the one to fear, and now it has received an agility buff as well as the hybrids buff. This ship and this ship alone is pulling me towards Gallente... which wouldn't be worth the cross training I know. =/

Time Dilation
To handle lag in huge battles they have implemented an idea where the game clock simply slows down. Down to as little as 10% of real time when it's at its worst. This affects the whole system the battle is in. It sounds like a positive for those involved with this side of Eve, because it's simply allowing the battles to continue fairly as opposed to module cycles and jumping simply lagging out. However parts of the UI also slow down "just as a representation of the TiDi effect". Yeah we'll see. Part of this being the camera motion; apparently slowing down deliberately just to add to the effect. Unsurprisingly this particular part received huge criticism and the devs at least acknowledged that.

System-wide TiDi might have the added benefit of discouraging people to enter that system, easing up the strain a little.

Ammo edits
These things I have simply noticed from looking at the list of amendments.
- Hail is losing its terrible falloff, so it will become quite viable I imagine. This is good.
- The long-gun, short-range varieties of all T2 turret ammo - that is Gleam, Quake and Javelin - are getting their tracking penalty changed to a bonus. This is good. (I can't believe Javelin used to drop your ship's speed by 14% per gun! Heh what a fail.)
- All T2 rockets and missiles are having ship speed and sig penalties removed.
- Er, so yeah, that's Minmatar, Caldari and a chunk of T2 Amarr ships improved by ammo. Hybrids buff what? lol

Interesting new mod
This one excites me so a special mention.
[+] Process-Interruptive Warp Disruptor
[+] capacitorNeed: 25.0
[+] cpu: 34.0
[+] power: 1.0
[+] duration: 5000.0
[+] falloff: 0
[+] maxRange: 22000.0
[+] metaLevel: 6.0
[+] overloadRangeBonus: 20.0
It fits on a frigate and can overheat and hold point at 42km. Nice. I don't understand the duration though... 83 minutes. Am I missing something?

List of amendments
[Click to see hidden content]
[+] - new item
[-] - removed item
[*] - changed item
(x => y) - group changes
[+] - effect or attribute has been added to item
[-] - effect or attribute has been removed from item
[y] - effect is implemented
[n] - effect is not implemented


[*] Atron
[*] agility: 2.92 => 3.066

[*] Daredevil
[*] agility: 3.39 => 3.5595

[*] Dramiel
[*] cpuOutput: 145.0 => 133.0
[*] mass: 740700.0 => 950000.0
[*] maxVelocity: 473.0 => 460.0
[*] powerOutput: 38.0 => 37.0
[*] scanResolution: 990.0 => 750.0

[*] Federation Navy Comet
[*] agility: 3.3 => 3.465
[*] maxVelocity: 370.0 => 375.0

[*] Incursus
[*] agility: 3.31 => 3.4755
[*] maxVelocity: 334.0 => 344.0

[*] Maulus
[*] agility: 4.08 => 4.284
[*] maxVelocity: 296.0 => 306.0

[*] Merlin
[*] agility: 3.49 => 3.6645

[*] Tristan
[*] agility: 3.85 => 4.0425
[*] maxVelocity: 296.0 => 306.0

[*] Celestis
[*] agility: 0.565 => 0.59325

[*] Exequror Navy Issue
[*] agility: 0.46 => 0.483

[*] Guardian-Vexor
[*] agility: 0.575 => 0.60375
[*] maxVelocity: 170.0 => 180.0

[*] Moa
[*] agility: 0.54 => 0.567

[*] Thorax
[*] agility: 0.585 => 0.61425
[*] maxVelocity: 170.0 => 180.0

[*] Vexor
[*] agility: 0.6 => 0.63
[*] maxVelocity: 159.0 => 169.0

[*] Vexor Navy Issue
[*] agility: 0.575 => 0.60375
[*] maxVelocity: 170.0 => 180.0

[*] Vigilant
[*] agility: 0.51 => 0.5355
[*] maxVelocity: 196.0 => 206.0

[*] Dominix
[*] agility: 0.132 => 0.1386
[*] maxVelocity: 99.0 => 109.0

[*] Dominix Navy Issue
[*] agility: 0.132 => 0.1386
[*] maxVelocity: 99.0 => 109.0

[*] Hyperion
[*] agility: 0.124 => 0.1302
[*] maxVelocity: 110.0 => 115.0

[*] Megathron
[*] agility: 0.128 => 0.1344
[*] maxVelocity: 105.0 => 115.0

[*] Megathron Federate Issue
[*] agility: 0.128 => 0.1344
[*] maxVelocity: 105.0 => 115.0

[*] Megathron Navy Issue
[*] agility: 0.1216 => 0.12768
[*] maxVelocity: 110.0 => 120.0

[*] Rokh
[*] agility: 0.136 => 0.1428

[*] Vindicator
[*] agility: 0.0924 => 0.09702
[*] maxVelocity: 121.0 => 126.0

[*] Avatar
[*] armorHP: 1400000.0 => 1120000.0
[*] droneBandwidth: 125.0 => 0
[*] droneCapacity: 325.0 => 0
[*] hp: 750000.0 => 600000.0
[*] shieldCapacity: 580000.0 => 464000.0
[*] shieldRechargeRate: 37000000.0 => 29600000.0
[+] isCapitalSize: 1.0

[*] Erebus
[*] armorHP: 1300000.0 => 1040000.0
[*] droneBandwidth: 125.0 => 0
[*] droneCapacity: 475.0 => 0
[*] hp: 800000.0 => 640000.0
[*] shieldCapacity: 680000.0 => 544000.0
[*] shieldRechargeRate: 40600000.0 => 32480000.0
[+] isCapitalSize: 1.0

[*] Leviathan
[*] armorHP: 680000.0 => 544000.0
[*] droneBandwidth: 125.0 => 0
[*] droneCapacity: 250.0 => 0
[*] hp: 700000.0 => 560000.0
[*] shieldCapacity: 1300000.0 => 1040000.0
[*] shieldRechargeRate: 48000000.0 => 38400000.0
[+] isCapitalSize: 1.0

[*] Ragnarok
[*] armorHP: 700000.0 => 560000.0
[*] droneBandwidth: 125.0 => 0
[*] droneCapacity: 375.0 => 0
[*] hp: 650000.0 => 520000.0
[*] shieldCapacity: 1280000.0 => 1024000.0
[*] shieldRechargeRate: 44000000.0 => 35200000.0
[+] isCapitalSize: 1.0

[*] Enyo
[*] agility: 4.128 => 4.3344
[*] maxVelocity: 278.0 => 288.0

[*] Harpy
[*] agility: 3.824 => 4.0152

[*] Ishkur
[*] agility: 4.072 => 4.2756

[*] Utu
[*] agility: 3.65 => 3.8325
[*] maxVelocity: 310.0 => 320.0

[*] Adrestia
[*] agility: 0.481 => 0.50505

[*] Deimos
[*] agility: 0.558 => 0.5859
[*] maxVelocity: 198.0 => 208.0

[*] Eagle
[*] agility: 0.576 => 0.6048

[*] Ishtar
[*] agility: 0.5895 => 0.618975
[*] maxVelocity: 181.0 => 191.0

[*] Brutix
[*] agility: 0.704 => 0.7392
[*] maxVelocity: 145.0 => 155.0

[*] Ferox
[*] agility: 0.628 => 0.6594

[*] Catalyst
[-|n] destroyerPenalityTurretROF
[-] destroyerROFpenality: 1.25
[*] agility: 2.9495 => 3.096975
[*] armorHP: 730.0 => 803.0
[*] capacitorCapacity: 468.75 => 586.0
[*] maxVelocity: 256.0 => 266.0
[*] shieldCapacity: 677.0 => 745.0
[*] signatureRadius: 86.0 => 65.0

[*] Coercer
[-|n] destroyerPenalityTurretROF
[-] destroyerROFpenality: 1.25
[*] armorHP: 782.0 => 860.0
[*] capacitorCapacity: 562.5 => 703.0
[*] shieldCapacity: 625.0 => 688.0
[*] signatureRadius: 83.0 => 62.0

[*] Cormorant
[-|n] destroyerPenalityTurretROF
[-] destroyerROFpenality: 1.25
[*] agility: 2.3885 => 2.507925
[*] armorHP: 625.0 => 688.0
[*] capacitorCapacity: 500.0 => 625.0
[*] maxVelocity: 244.0 => 249.0
[*] shieldCapacity: 782.0 => 860.0
[*] signatureRadius: 90.0 => 68.0

[*] Thrasher
[-|n] destroyerPenalityTurretROF
[-] destroyerROFpenality: 1.25
[*] armorHP: 677.0 => 745.0
[*] capacitorCapacity: 437.5 => 547.0
[*] shieldCapacity: 730.0 => 803.0
[*] signatureRadius: 75.0 => 56.0

[*] Moros
[-|n] dreadnoughShipBonusDroneArmorHPG2
[-|n] dreadnoughShipBonusDroneShieldCapG2
[-|n] dreadnoughShipBonusDroneStructureHPG2
[-|n] dreadnoughtShipBonusDroneDamageMultiplierG2
[+|n] dreadnoughtShipBonusHybridRoFG2
[*] dreadnoughtShipBonusG2: 20.0 => -5.0
[*] droneBandwidth: 125.0 => 0
[*] droneCapacity: 500.0 => 0
[+] isCapitalSize: 1.0

[*] Naglfar
[*] droneBandwidth: 125.0 => 0
[*] droneCapacity: 225.0 => 0
[+] isCapitalSize: 1.0

[*] Phoenix
[*] droneBandwidth: 125.0 => 0
[*] droneCapacity: 150.0 => 0
[+] isCapitalSize: 1.0

[*] Revelation
[*] droneBandwidth: 125.0 => 0
[*] droneCapacity: 250.0 => 0
[+] isCapitalSize: 1.0

[*] Charon
[+] isCapitalSize: 1.0

[*] Fenrir
[+] isCapitalSize: 1.0

[*] Obelisk
[+] isCapitalSize: 1.0

[*] Providence
[+] isCapitalSize: 1.0

[*] Astarte
[*] agility: 0.704 => 0.7392
[*] maxVelocity: 145.0 => 155.0

[*] Eos
[*] agility: 0.704 => 0.7392
[*] maxVelocity: 145.0 => 155.0

[*] Vulture
[*] agility: 0.628 => 0.6594

[*] Eris
[*] agility: 3.553 => 3.73065

[*] Archon
[+] isCapitalSize: 1.0

[*] Chimera
[+] isCapitalSize: 1.0

[*] Nidhoggur
[+] isCapitalSize: 1.0

[*] Thanatos
[+] isCapitalSize: 1.0

[*] Aeon
[*] armorHP: 1100000.0 => 880000.0
[*] droneCapacity: 200000.0 => 125000.0
[*] hp: 575000.0 => 460000.0
[*] shieldCapacity: 490000.0 => 392000.0
[*] shieldRechargeRate: 34000000.43 => 27200000.34
[+] allowedDroneGroup1: 549.0
[+] allowedDroneGroup2: 1023.0
[+] isCapitalSize: 1.0

[*] Hel
[*] armorHP: 600000.0 => 480000.0
[*] droneCapacity: 225000.0 => 150000.0
[*] hp: 525000.0 => 420000.0
[*] shieldCapacity: 990000.0 => 792000.0
[*] shieldRechargeRate: 38000000.48 => 30400000.38
[+] allowedDroneGroup1: 549.0
[+] allowedDroneGroup2: 1023.0
[+] isCapitalSize: 1.0

[*] Nyx
[*] armorHP: 1050000.0 => 840000.0
[*] droneCapacity: 250000.0 => 150000.0
[*] hp: 600000.0 => 480000.0
[*] shieldCapacity: 540000.0 => 432000.0
[*] shieldRechargeRate: 36000000.45 => 28800000.36
[+] allowedDroneGroup1: 549.0
[+] allowedDroneGroup2: 1023.0
[+] isCapitalSize: 1.0

[*] Revenant
[*] armorHP: 590000.0 => 472000.0
[*] droneCapacity: 200000.0 => 125000.0
[*] hp: 560000.0 => 448000.0
[*] shieldCapacity: 1000000.0 => 800000.0
[*] shieldRechargeRate: 39200000.43 => 31360000.34
[+] allowedDroneGroup1: 549.0
[+] allowedDroneGroup2: 1023.0
[+] isCapitalSize: 1.0

[*] Wyvern
[*] armorHP: 590000.0 => 472000.0
[*] droneCapacity: 200000.0 => 125000.0
[*] hp: 550000.0 => 440000.0
[*] shieldCapacity: 1000000.0 => 800000.0
[*] shieldRechargeRate: 40000000.5 => 32000000.4
[+] allowedDroneGroup1: 549.0
[+] allowedDroneGroup2: 1023.0
[+] isCapitalSize: 1.0

[*] Helios
[*] agility: 4.36 => 4.578
[*] maxVelocity: 320.0 => 330.0

[*] Ares
[*] agility: 3.1 => 3.255

[*] Raptor
[*] agility: 3.1 => 3.255

[*] Taranis
[*] agility: 3.1 => 3.255

[*] Basilisk
[*] warpSpeedMultiplier: 1.0 => 1.25

[*] Guardian
[*] warpSpeedMultiplier: 1.0 => 1.25

[*] Oneiros
[*] lowSlots: 4.0 => 5.0
[*] maxVelocity: 214.0 => 230.0
[*] medSlots: 5.0 => 4.0
[*] powerOutput: 850.0 => 1050.0
[*] signatureRadius: 80.0 => 70.0
[*] warpSpeedMultiplier: 1.0 => 1.25

[*] Scimitar
[*] warpSpeedMultiplier: 1.0 => 1.25

[*] Arazu
[*] agility: 0.695 => 0.72975
[*] maxVelocity: 170.0 => 180.0

[*] Falcon
[*] agility: 0.57 => 0.5985
[*] gfxBoosterID: 397.0 => 395.0
[*] maxVelocity: 159.0 => 169.0

[*] Rorqual
[+] isCapitalSize: 1.0

[*] Onyx
[*] gfxBoosterID: 397.0 => 395.0

[*] Phobos
[*] agility: 0.5805 => 0.609525

[*] Sin
[*] agility: 0.072 => 0.0756
[*] maxVelocity: 112.0 => 117.0

[*] Kronos
[*] agility: 0.124 => 0.1302
[*] maxVelocity: 115.0 => 120.0

[*] Anshar
[+] isCapitalSize: 1.0

[*] Ark
[+] isCapitalSize: 1.0

[*] Nomad
[+] isCapitalSize: 1.0

[*] Rhea
[+] isCapitalSize: 1.0

[*] Lachesis
[*] agility: 0.6365 => 0.668325
[*] maxVelocity: 181.0 => 191.0

[*] Rook
[*] gfxBoosterID: 397.0 => 395.0

[*] Large Energy Transfer Array II
[*] mass: 10000.0 => 1000.0

[*] Ammatar Navy Small Energy Neutralizer
[*] requiredSkill1Level: 3.0 => 1.0

[*] Dark Blood Small Energy Neutralizer
[*] requiredSkill1Level: 3.0 => 1.0

[*] Imperial Navy Small Energy Neutralizer
[*] requiredSkill1Level: 3.0 => 1.0

[*] True Sansha Small Energy Neutralizer
[*] requiredSkill1Level: 3.0 => 1.0

[*] 125mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon
[*] capacitorNeed: 1.93 => 1.351
[*] cpu: 13.0 => 12.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 2.2 => 2.42

[*] 125mm Carbide Railgun I
[*] capacitorNeed: 2.04 => 1.428
[*] cpu: 12.0 => 11.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 2.1 => 2.31

[*] 125mm Compressed Coil Gun I
[*] capacitorNeed: 1.83 => 1.281
[*] cpu: 14.0 => 13.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 2.3 => 2.53

[*] 125mm Prototype I Gauss Gun
[*] capacitorNeed: 1.72 => 1.204
[*] cpu: 12.0 => 11.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 2.4 => 2.64

[*] 125mm Railgun I
[*] capacitorNeed: 2.15 => 1.505
[*] cpu: 15.0 => 14.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 2.0 => 2.2

[*] 125mm Railgun II
[*] capacitorNeed: 2.15 => 1.505
[*] cpu: 17.0 => 16.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 2.4 => 2.64

[*] 150mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon
[*] capacitorNeed: 3.0 => 2.1
[*] cpu: 22.0 => 21.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 3.025 => 3.3275
[*] power: 10.0 => 9.0

[*] 150mm Carbide Railgun I
[*] capacitorNeed: 3.17 => 2.219
[*] cpu: 20.0 => 19.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 2.8875 => 3.17625
[*] power: 10.0 => 9.0

[*] 150mm Compressed Coil Gun I
[*] capacitorNeed: 2.84 => 1.988
[*] cpu: 23.0 => 22.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 3.1625 => 3.47875
[*] power: 10.0 => 9.0

[*] 150mm Prototype I Gauss Gun
[*] capacitorNeed: 2.67 => 1.869
[*] cpu: 21.0 => 20.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 3.3 => 3.63
[*] power: 10.0 => 9.0

[*] 150mm Railgun I
[*] capacitorNeed: 3.34 => 2.338
[*] cpu: 25.0 => 24.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 2.75 => 3.025
[*] power: 10.0 => 9.0

[*] 150mm Railgun II
[*] capacitorNeed: 3.34 => 2.338
[*] cpu: 28.0 => 27.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 3.3 => 3.63
[*] power: 11.0 => 10.0

[*] 200mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon
[*] capacitorNeed: 5.81 => 4.067
[*] cpu: 31.0 => 29.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 2.2 => 2.42
[*] power: 180.0 => 158.0

[*] 200mm Carbide Railgun I
[*] capacitorNeed: 6.13 => 4.291
[*] cpu: 28.0 => 26.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 2.1 => 2.31
[*] power: 180.0 => 158.0

[*] 200mm Compressed Coil Gun I
[*] capacitorNeed: 5.48 => 3.836
[*] cpu: 33.0 => 31.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 2.3 => 2.53
[*] power: 180.0 => 158.0

[*] 200mm Prototype I Gauss Gun
[*] capacitorNeed: 5.16 => 3.612
[*] cpu: 30.0 => 28.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 2.4 => 2.64
[*] power: 180.0 => 158.0

[*] 200mm Railgun I
[*] capacitorNeed: 6.45 => 4.515
[*] cpu: 35.0 => 33.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 2.0 => 2.2
[*] power: 180.0 => 158.0

[*] 200mm Railgun II
[*] capacitorNeed: 6.45 => 4.515
[*] cpu: 39.0 => 37.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 2.4 => 2.64
[*] power: 189.0 => 166.0

[*] 250mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon
[*] capacitorNeed: 9.0 => 6.3
[*] cpu: 36.0 => 34.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 3.025 => 3.3275
[*] power: 225.0 => 198.0

[*] 250mm Carbide Railgun I
[*] capacitorNeed: 9.5 => 6.65
[*] cpu: 32.0 => 30.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 2.8875 => 3.17625
[*] power: 225.0 => 198.0

[*] 250mm Compressed Coil Gun I
[*] capacitorNeed: 8.5 => 5.95
[*] cpu: 38.0 => 36.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 3.1625 => 3.47875
[*] power: 225.0 => 198.0

[*] 250mm Prototype I Gauss Gun
[*] capacitorNeed: 8.0 => 5.6
[*] cpu: 34.0 => 32.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 3.3 => 3.63
[*] power: 225.0 => 198.0

[*] 250mm Railgun I
[*] capacitorNeed: 10.0 => 7.0
[*] cpu: 40.0 => 38.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 2.75 => 3.025
[*] power: 225.0 => 198.0

[*] 250mm Railgun II
[*] capacitorNeed: 10.0 => 7.0
[*] cpu: 44.0 => 42.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 3.3 => 3.63
[*] power: 236.0 => 208.0

[*] 350mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon
[*] capacitorNeed: 19.8 => 13.86
[*] cpu: 54.0 => 51.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 2.2 => 2.42
[*] power: 1875.0 => 1650.0

[*] 350mm Carbide Railgun I
[*] capacitorNeed: 20.9 => 14.63
[*] cpu: 48.0 => 45.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 2.1 => 2.31
[*] power: 1875.0 => 1650.0

[*] 350mm Compressed Coil Gun I
[*] capacitorNeed: 18.7 => 13.09
[*] cpu: 57.0 => 54.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 2.3 => 2.53
[*] power: 1875.0 => 1650.0

[*] 350mm Prototype I Gauss Gun
[*] capacitorNeed: 17.6 => 12.32
[*] cpu: 51.0 => 48.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 2.4 => 2.64
[*] power: 1875.0 => 1650.0

[*] 350mm Railgun I
[*] capacitorNeed: 22.0 => 15.4
[*] cpu: 60.0 => 57.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 2.0 => 2.2
[*] power: 1875.0 => 1650.0

[*] 350mm Railgun II
[*] capacitorNeed: 22.0 => 15.4
[*] cpu: 66.0 => 63.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 2.4 => 2.64
[*] power: 1969.0 => 1733.0

[*] 425mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon
[*] capacitorNeed: 27.0 => 18.9
[*] cpu: 63.0 => 60.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 3.025 => 3.3275
[*] power: 2500.0 => 2200.0

[*] 425mm Carbide Railgun I
[*] capacitorNeed: 28.5 => 19.95
[*] cpu: 56.0 => 53.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 2.8875 => 3.17625
[*] power: 2500.0 => 2200.0

[*] 425mm Compressed Coil Gun I
[*] capacitorNeed: 25.5 => 17.85
[*] cpu: 66.0 => 63.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 3.1625 => 3.47875
[*] power: 2500.0 => 2200.0

[*] 425mm Prototype I Gauss Gun
[*] capacitorNeed: 24.0 => 16.8
[*] cpu: 59.0 => 56.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 3.3 => 3.63
[*] power: 2500.0 => 2200.0

[*] 425mm Railgun I
[*] capacitorNeed: 30.0 => 21.0
[*] cpu: 70.0 => 67.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 2.75 => 3.025
[*] power: 2500.0 => 2200.0

[*] 425mm Railgun II
[*] capacitorNeed: 30.0 => 21.0
[*] cpu: 77.0 => 74.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 3.3 => 3.63
[*] power: 2625.0 => 2310.0

[*] 75mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon
[*] capacitorNeed: 1.5 => 1.05
[*] damageMultiplier: 1.65 => 1.815

[*] 75mm Carbide Railgun I
[*] capacitorNeed: 1.59 => 1.113
[*] damageMultiplier: 1.575 => 1.7325

[*] 75mm Compressed Coil Gun I
[*] capacitorNeed: 1.42 => 0.994
[*] damageMultiplier: 1.725 => 1.8975

[*] 75mm Gatling Rail I
[*] capacitorNeed: 1.67 => 1.169
[*] damageMultiplier: 1.5 => 1.65

[*] 75mm Gatling Rail II
[*] capacitorNeed: 1.67 => 1.169
[*] damageMultiplier: 1.8 => 1.98

[*] 75mm Prototype I Gauss Gun
[*] capacitorNeed: 1.34 => 0.938
[*] damageMultiplier: 1.8 => 1.98

[*] Anode Electron Particle Cannon I
[*] capacitorNeed: 2.38 => 1.666
[*] cpu: 24.0 => 22.0
[*] power: 100.0 => 88.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.12 => 0.144

[*] Anode Ion Particle Cannon I
[*] capacitorNeed: 3.969 => 2.7783
[*] cpu: 28.0 => 26.0
[*] power: 150.0 => 132.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.11 => 0.132

[*] Anode Light Electron Particle Cannon I
[*] capacitorNeed: 0.798 => 0.5586
[*] cpu: 8.0 => 7.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.365 => 0.438

[*] Anode Light Ion Particle Cannon I
[*] capacitorNeed: 1.323 => 0.9261
[*] cpu: 12.0 => 11.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.336 => 0.4032

[*] Anode Light Neutron Particle Cannon I
[*] capacitorNeed: 1.715 => 1.2005
[*] cpu: 16.0 => 15.0
[*] power: 9.0 => 8.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.3165 => 0.3798

[*] Anode Mega Electron Particle Cannon I
[*] capacitorNeed: 7.14 => 4.998
[*] cpu: 40.0 => 37.0
[*] power: 1250.0 => 1100.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.05 => 0.06

[*] Anode Mega Ion Particle Cannon I
[*] capacitorNeed: 11.9 => 8.33
[*] cpu: 48.0 => 45.0
[*] power: 1750.0 => 1540.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.046 => 0.0552

[*] Anode Mega Neutron Particle Cannon I
[*] capacitorNeed: 15.47 => 10.829
[*] cpu: 52.0 => 49.0
[*] power: 2250.0 => 1980.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.0433 => 0.05196

[*] Anode Neutron Particle Cannon I
[*] capacitorNeed: 5.159 => 3.6113
[*] cpu: 30.0 => 28.0
[*] power: 203.0 => 179.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.1 => 0.12

[*] Dual 1000mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon
[*] capacitorNeed: 244.8 => 171.36
[*] cpu: 108.0 => 103.0
[*] power: 125000.0 => 110000.0

[*] Dual 1000mm Railgun I
[*] capacitorNeed: 272.0 => 190.4
[*] cpu: 120.0 => 115.0
[*] power: 125000.0 => 110000.0

[*] Dual 150mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon
[*] capacitorNeed: 4.5 => 3.15
[*] cpu: 28.0 => 26.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 1.65 => 1.815
[*] power: 80.0 => 70.0

[*] Dual 150mm Carbide Railgun I
[*] capacitorNeed: 4.75 => 3.325
[*] cpu: 25.0 => 23.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 1.575 => 1.7325
[*] power: 80.0 => 70.0

[*] Dual 150mm Compressed Coil Gun I
[*] capacitorNeed: 4.25 => 2.975
[*] cpu: 30.0 => 28.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 1.725 => 1.8975
[*] power: 80.0 => 70.0

[*] Dual 150mm Prototype I Gauss Gun
[*] capacitorNeed: 4.0 => 2.8
[*] cpu: 27.0 => 25.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 1.8 => 1.98
[*] power: 80.0 => 70.0

[*] Dual 150mm Railgun I
[*] capacitorNeed: 5.0 => 3.5
[*] cpu: 32.0 => 30.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 1.5 => 1.65
[*] power: 80.0 => 70.0

[*] Dual 150mm Railgun II
[*] capacitorNeed: 5.0 => 3.5
[*] cpu: 35.0 => 33.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 1.8 => 1.98
[*] power: 84.0 => 74.0

[*] Dual 250mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon
[*] capacitorNeed: 13.5 => 9.45
[*] cpu: 49.0 => 46.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 1.65 => 1.815
[*] power: 1250.0 => 1100.0

[*] Dual 250mm Carbide Railgun I
[*] capacitorNeed: 14.25 => 9.975
[*] cpu: 44.0 => 41.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 1.575 => 1.7325
[*] power: 1250.0 => 1100.0

[*] Dual 250mm Compressed Coil Gun I
[*] capacitorNeed: 12.75 => 8.925
[*] cpu: 52.0 => 49.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 1.725 => 1.8975
[*] power: 1250.0 => 1100.0

[*] Dual 250mm Prototype I Gauss Gun
[*] capacitorNeed: 12.0 => 8.4
[*] cpu: 46.0 => 43.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 1.8 => 1.98
[*] power: 1250.0 => 1100.0

[*] Dual 250mm Railgun I
[*] capacitorNeed: 15.0 => 10.5
[*] cpu: 55.0 => 52.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 1.5 => 1.65
[*] power: 1250.0 => 1100.0

[*] Dual 250mm Railgun II
[*] capacitorNeed: 15.0 => 10.5
[*] cpu: 61.0 => 58.0
[*] damageMultiplier: 1.8 => 1.98
[*] power: 1313.0 => 1155.0

[*] Electron Blaster Cannon I
[*] capacitorNeed: 8.4 => 5.88
[*] cpu: 43.0 => 40.0
[*] power: 1250.0 => 1100.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.05 => 0.06

[*] Electron Blaster Cannon II
[*] capacitorNeed: 8.4 => 5.88
[*] cpu: 47.0 => 44.0
[*] power: 1313.0 => 1155.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.05 => 0.06

[*] Heavy Electron Blaster I
[*] capacitorNeed: 2.8 => 1.96
[*] cpu: 26.0 => 24.0
[*] power: 100.0 => 88.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.12 => 0.144

[*] Heavy Electron Blaster II
[*] capacitorNeed: 2.8 => 1.96
[*] cpu: 28.0 => 26.0
[*] power: 105.0 => 92.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.12 => 0.144

[*] Heavy Ion Blaster I
[*] capacitorNeed: 4.669 => 3.2683
[*] cpu: 30.0 => 28.0
[*] power: 150.0 => 132.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.11 => 0.132

[*] Heavy Ion Blaster II
[*] capacitorNeed: 4.669 => 3.2683
[*] cpu: 33.0 => 31.0
[*] power: 158.0 => 139.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.11 => 0.132

[*] Heavy Neutron Blaster I
[*] capacitorNeed: 6.069 => 4.2483
[*] cpu: 31.0 => 29.0
[*] power: 203.0 => 179.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.1 => 0.12

[*] Heavy Neutron Blaster II
[*] capacitorNeed: 6.069 => 4.2483
[*] cpu: 35.0 => 33.0
[*] power: 212.0 => 187.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.1 => 0.12

[*] Ion Blaster Cannon I
[*] capacitorNeed: 14.0 => 9.8
[*] cpu: 47.0 => 44.0
[*] power: 1750.0 => 1540.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.046 => 0.0552

[*] Ion Blaster Cannon II
[*] capacitorNeed: 14.0 => 9.8
[*] cpu: 56.0 => 53.0
[*] power: 1838.0 => 1617.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.046 => 0.0552

[*] Ion Siege Blaster Cannon I
[*] capacitorNeed: 240.0 => 168.0
[*] cpu: 110.0 => 105.0
[*] power: 112500.0 => 99000.0

[*] Light Electron Blaster I
[*] capacitorNeed: 0.938 => 0.6566
[*] cpu: 9.0 => 8.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.365 => 0.438

[*] Light Electron Blaster II
[*] capacitorNeed: 0.938 => 0.6566
[*] cpu: 9.0 => 8.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.365 => 0.438

[*] Light Ion Blaster I
[*] capacitorNeed: 1.561 => 1.0927
[*] cpu: 13.0 => 12.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.336 => 0.4032

[*] Light Ion Blaster II
[*] capacitorNeed: 1.33 => 0.931
[*] cpu: 13.0 => 12.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.336 => 0.4032

[*] Light Neutron Blaster I
[*] capacitorNeed: 2.023 => 1.4161
[*] cpu: 17.0 => 16.0
[*] power: 9.0 => 8.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.3165 => 0.3798

[*] Light Neutron Blaster II
[*] capacitorNeed: 2.023 => 1.4161
[*] cpu: 19.0 => 18.0
[*] power: 10.0 => 9.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.3165 => 0.3798

[*] Limited Electron Blaster Cannon I
[*] capacitorNeed: 7.56 => 5.292
[*] cpu: 38.0 => 35.0
[*] power: 1250.0 => 1100.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.05 => 0.06

[*] Limited Electron Blaster I
[*] capacitorNeed: 2.52 => 1.764
[*] cpu: 23.0 => 21.0
[*] power: 100.0 => 88.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.12 => 0.144

[*] Limited Ion Blaster I
[*] capacitorNeed: 4.2 => 2.94
[*] cpu: 26.0 => 24.0
[*] power: 150.0 => 132.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.11 => 0.132

[*] Limited Light Electron Blaster I
[*] capacitorNeed: 0.84 => 0.588
[*] cpu: 8.0 => 7.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.365 => 0.438

[*] Limited Light Ion Blaster I
[*] capacitorNeed: 1.4 => 0.98
[*] cpu: 11.0 => 10.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.336 => 0.4032

[*] Limited Light Neutron Blaster I
[*] capacitorNeed: 1.82 => 1.274
[*] cpu: 15.0 => 14.0
[*] power: 9.0 => 8.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.3165 => 0.3798

[*] Limited Mega Ion Blaster I
[*] capacitorNeed: 12.6 => 8.82
[*] cpu: 46.0 => 43.0
[*] power: 1750.0 => 1540.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.046 => 0.0552

[*] Limited Mega Ion Siege Blaster I
[*] capacitorNeed: 216.0 => 151.2
[*] cpu: 108.0 => 103.0
[*] power: 112500.0 => 99000.0

[*] Limited Mega Neutron Blaster I
[*] capacitorNeed: 16.38 => 11.466
[*] cpu: 49.0 => 46.0
[*] power: 2250.0 => 1980.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.0433 => 0.05196

[*] Limited Neutron Blaster I
[*] capacitorNeed: 5.46 => 3.822
[*] cpu: 28.0 => 26.0
[*] power: 203.0 => 179.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.1 => 0.12

[*] Modal Electron Particle Accelerator I
[*] capacitorNeed: 2.24 => 1.568
[*] cpu: 21.0 => 19.0
[*] power: 100.0 => 88.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.12 => 0.144

[*] Modal Ion Particle Accelerator I
[*] capacitorNeed: 3.738 => 2.6166
[*] cpu: 25.0 => 23.0
[*] power: 150.0 => 132.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.11 => 0.132

[*] Modal Light Electron Particle Accelerator I
[*] capacitorNeed: 0.749 => 0.5243
[*] cpu: 7.0 => 6.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.365 => 0.438

[*] Modal Light Ion Particle Accelerator I
[*] capacitorNeed: 1.246 => 0.8722
[*] cpu: 10.0 => 9.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.336 => 0.4032

[*] Modal Light Neutron Particle Accelerator I
[*] capacitorNeed: 1.617 => 1.1319
[*] cpu: 14.0 => 13.0
[*] power: 9.0 => 8.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.3165 => 0.3798

[*] Modal Mega Electron Particle Accelerator I
[*] capacitorNeed: 6.72 => 4.704
[*] cpu: 36.0 => 33.0
[*] power: 1250.0 => 1100.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.05 => 0.06

[*] Modal Mega Ion Particle Accelerator I
[*] capacitorNeed: 11.2 => 7.84
[*] cpu: 43.0 => 40.0
[*] power: 1750.0 => 1540.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.046 => 0.0552

[*] Modal Mega Neutron Particle Accelerator I
[*] capacitorNeed: 14.56 => 10.192
[*] cpu: 47.0 => 44.0
[*] power: 2250.0 => 1980.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.0433 => 0.05196

[*] Modal Neutron Particle Accelerator I
[*] capacitorNeed: 4.851 => 3.3957
[*] cpu: 26.0 => 24.0
[*] power: 203.0 => 179.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.1 => 0.12

[*] Neutron Blaster Cannon I
[*] capacitorNeed: 18.2 => 12.74
[*] cpu: 55.0 => 52.0
[*] power: 2250.0 => 1980.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.0433 => 0.05196

[*] Neutron Blaster Cannon II
[*] capacitorNeed: 18.2 => 12.74
[*] cpu: 61.0 => 58.0
[*] power: 2363.0 => 2079.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.0433 => 0.05196

[*] Regulated Electron Phase Cannon I
[*] capacitorNeed: 2.66 => 1.862
[*] cpu: 20.0 => 18.0
[*] power: 100.0 => 88.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.12 => 0.144

[*] Regulated Ion Phase Cannon I
[*] capacitorNeed: 4.438 => 3.1066
[*] cpu: 24.0 => 22.0
[*] power: 150.0 => 132.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.11 => 0.132

[*] Regulated Light Electron Phase Cannon I
[*] capacitorNeed: 0.889 => 0.6223
[*] cpu: 7.0 => 6.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.365 => 0.438

[*] Regulated Light Ion Phase Cannon I
[*] capacitorNeed: 1.477 => 1.0339
[*] cpu: 10.0 => 9.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.336 => 0.4032

[*] Regulated Light Neutron Phase Cannon I
[*] capacitorNeed: 1.918 => 1.3426
[*] cpu: 14.0 => 13.0
[*] power: 9.0 => 8.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.3165 => 0.3798

[*] Regulated Mega Electron Phase Cannon I
[*] capacitorNeed: 7.98 => 5.586
[*] cpu: 34.0 => 31.0
[*] power: 1250.0 => 1100.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.05 => 0.06

[*] Regulated Mega Ion Phase Cannon I
[*] capacitorNeed: 13.3 => 9.31
[*] cpu: 41.0 => 38.0
[*] power: 1750.0 => 1540.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.046 => 0.0552

[*] Regulated Mega Neutron Phase Cannon I
[*] capacitorNeed: 17.29 => 12.103
[*] cpu: 44.0 => 41.0
[*] power: 2250.0 => 1980.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.0433 => 0.05196

[*] Regulated Neutron Phase Cannon I
[*] capacitorNeed: 5.761 => 4.0327
[*] cpu: 25.0 => 23.0
[*] power: 203.0 => 179.0
[*] trackingSpeed: 0.1 => 0.12

[*] TEST Damage Mod
[+|n] energyWeaponDamageMultiply
[+|n] energyWeaponSpeedMultiply
[+|n] hybridWeaponDamageMultiply
[+|n] hybridWeaponSpeedMultiply
[+|n] loPower
[+|n] missileDMGBonus
[+|n] missileLauncherSpeedMultiplier
[+|n] online
[+|n] projectileWeaponDamageMultiply
[+|n] projectileWeaponSpeedMultiply
[+|n] shipScanResolutionBonusOnline
[+] damageMultiplier: 100.0
[+] hp: 40.0
[+] metaLevel: 0
[+] missileDamageMultiplierBonus: 100.0
[+] scanResolutionBonus: 1000.0
[+] speedMultiplier: 0.5
[+] techLevel: 1.0

[*] Information Warfare Link - Recon Operation
[-|n] gangInformationWarfareRangeBonus
[+|n] gangInformationWarfareRangeBonusWithEcmBurst

[*] Navy Micro Auxiliary Power Core
[*] cpu: 19.0 => 20.0
[*] powerIncrease: 12.0 => 13.0

[*] 'Hypnos' Signal Distortion Amplifier I
[-|n] scanGravimetricStrengthBonus
[-|n] scanLadarStrengthBonusPercentageScanStrengthBonus
[-|n] scanMagnetometricStrengthBonusPercentageScanStrengthBonus
[-|n] scanRadarStrengthBonusPercentageScanStrengthBonus
[+|n] ecmGravimetricStrengthBonusPercent
[+|n] ecmLadarStrengthBonusPercent
[+|n] ecmMagnetometricStrengthBonusPercent
[+|n] ecmRadarStrengthBonusPercent
[-] scanStrengthBonus: 10.0
[+] ecmStrengthBonusPercent: 10.0

[*] Compulsive Signal Distortion Amplifier I
[-|n] scanGravimetricStrengthBonus
[-|n] scanLadarStrengthBonusPercentageScanStrengthBonus
[-|n] scanMagnetometricStrengthBonusPercentageScanStrengthBonus
[-|n] scanRadarStrengthBonusPercentageScanStrengthBonus
[+|n] ecmGravimetricStrengthBonusPercent
[+|n] ecmLadarStrengthBonusPercent
[+|n] ecmMagnetometricStrengthBonusPercent
[+|n] ecmRadarStrengthBonusPercent
[-] scanStrengthBonus: 9.0
[+] ecmStrengthBonusPercent: 9.0

[*] Induced Signal Distortion Amplifier I
[-|n] scanGravimetricStrengthBonus
[-|n] scanLadarStrengthBonusPercentageScanStrengthBonus
[-|n] scanMagnetometricStrengthBonusPercentageScanStrengthBonus
[-|n] scanRadarStrengthBonusPercentageScanStrengthBonus
[+|n] ecmGravimetricStrengthBonusPercent
[+|n] ecmLadarStrengthBonusPercent
[+|n] ecmMagnetometricStrengthBonusPercent
[+|n] ecmRadarStrengthBonusPercent
[-] scanStrengthBonus: 8.0
[+] ecmStrengthBonusPercent: 8.0

[*] Initiated Signal Distortion Amplifier I
[-|n] scanGravimetricStrengthBonus
[-|n] scanLadarStrengthBonusPercentageScanStrengthBonus
[-|n] scanMagnetometricStrengthBonusPercentageScanStrengthBonus
[-|n] scanRadarStrengthBonusPercentageScanStrengthBonus
[+|n] ecmGravimetricStrengthBonusPercent
[+|n] ecmLadarStrengthBonusPercent
[+|n] ecmMagnetometricStrengthBonusPercent
[+|n] ecmRadarStrengthBonusPercent
[-] scanStrengthBonus: 7.0
[+] ecmStrengthBonusPercent: 7.0

[*] Signal Distortion Amplifier I
[-|n] scanGravimetricStrengthBonus
[-|n] scanLadarStrengthBonusPercentageScanStrengthBonus
[-|n] scanMagnetometricStrengthBonusPercentageScanStrengthBonus
[-|n] scanRadarStrengthBonusPercentageScanStrengthBonus
[+|n] ecmGravimetricStrengthBonusPercent
[+|n] ecmLadarStrengthBonusPercent
[+|n] ecmMagnetometricStrengthBonusPercent
[+|n] ecmRadarStrengthBonusPercent
[-] scanStrengthBonus: 5.0
[+] ecmStrengthBonusPercent: 5.0

[*] Signal Distortion Amplifier II
[-|n] scanGravimetricStrengthBonus
[-|n] scanLadarStrengthBonusPercentageScanStrengthBonus
[-|n] scanMagnetometricStrengthBonusPercentageScanStrengthBonus
[-|n] scanRadarStrengthBonusPercentageScanStrengthBonus
[+|n] ecmGravimetricStrengthBonusPercent
[+|n] ecmLadarStrengthBonusPercent
[+|n] ecmMagnetometricStrengthBonusPercent
[+|n] ecmRadarStrengthBonusPercent
[-] scanStrengthBonus: 10.0
[+] ecmStrengthBonusPercent: 10.0

[*] Siege Module I
[-|n] siegeModeEffect4
[+|n] siegeModeEffect5
[*] consumptionQuantity: 500.0 => 250.0
[*] damageMultiplierBonus: 625.0 => 700.0
[*] duration: 600000.0 => 300000.0

[*] Triage Module I
[-|n] triageModeEffect2
[+|n] triageModeEffect3

[*] Drone Navigation Computer I
[+|n] miningDroneMwdBoostOnline

[*] Federation Navy Omnidirectional Tracking Link
[*] cpu: 39.0 => 36.0

[*] Brynn's Modified Reactor Control Unit
[*] powerOutputMultiplier: 1.13125 => 1.16275

[*] Setele's Modified Reactor Control Unit
[*] powerOutputMultiplier: 1.14375 => 1.17825

[*] Tuvan's Modified Reactor Control Unit
[*] powerOutputMultiplier: 1.1375 => 1.1705

[*] Bomb Launcher I
[+] disallowInEmpireSpace: 1.0

[*] Hail L
[*] fallofMultiplier: 0.5 => 1.0

[*] Hail M
[*] fallofMultiplier: 0.5 => 1.0

[*] Hail S
[*] fallofMultiplier: 0.5 => 1.0

[*] Javelin L
[*] capNeedBonus: 25.0 => 0
[*] trackingSpeedMultiplier: 0.75 => 1.25

[*] Javelin M
[*] capNeedBonus: 25.0 => 0
[*] trackingSpeedMultiplier: 0.75 => 1.25

[*] Javelin S
[*] capNeedBonus: 25.0 => 0
[*] trackingSpeedMultiplier: 0.75 => 1.25

[*] Gleam L
[*] trackingSpeedMultiplier: 0.75 => 1.25

[*] Gleam M
[*] trackingSpeedMultiplier: 0.75 => 1.25

[*] Gleam S
[*] trackingSpeedMultiplier: 0.75 => 1.25

[*] Quake L
[*] trackingSpeedMultiplier: 0.75 => 1.25

[*] Quake M
[*] trackingSpeedMultiplier: 0.75 => 1.25

[*] Quake S
[*] trackingSpeedMultiplier: 0.75 => 1.25

[*] Warp Disrupt Probe
[-|n] torpedoLaunching
[+|n] torpedoLaunchingIsOffensive

[*] Foxfire Javelin Rocket
[-|n] ammoInfluenceShipVelocity
[-] maxVelocityBonus: 0.925

[*] Foxfire Rage Rocket
[-|n] increaseSignatureRadiusPassive
[-] signatureRadiusBonus: 7.0

[*] Gremlin Javelin Rocket
[-|n] ammoInfluenceShipVelocity
[-] maxVelocityBonus: 0.925

[*] Gremlin Rage Rocket
[-|n] increaseSignatureRadiusPassive
[-] signatureRadiusBonus: 7.0

[*] Phalanx Javelin Rocket
[-|n] ammoInfluenceShipVelocity
[-] maxVelocityBonus: 0.925

[*] Phalanx Rage Rocket
[-|n] increaseSignatureRadiusPassive
[-] signatureRadiusBonus: 7.0

[*] Thorn Javelin Rocket
[-|n] ammoInfluenceShipVelocity
[-] maxVelocityBonus: 0.925

[*] Thorn Rage Rocket
[-|n] increaseSignatureRadiusPassive
[-] signatureRadiusBonus: 7.0

[*] Bloodclaw Fury Light Missile
[-|n] increaseSignatureRadiusPassive
[-] signatureRadiusBonus: 7.0

[*] Bloodclaw Precision Light Missile
[-|n] ammoInfluenceShipVelocity
[-] maxVelocityBonus: 0.925

[*] Flameburst Fury Light Missile
[-|n] increaseSignatureRadiusPassive
[-] signatureRadiusBonus: 7.0

[*] Flameburst Precision Light Missile
[-|n] ammoInfluenceShipVelocity
[-] maxVelocityBonus: 0.925

[*] Piranha Fury Light Missile
[-|n] increaseSignatureRadiusPassive
[-] signatureRadiusBonus: 7.0

[*] Piranha Precision Light Missile
[-|n] ammoInfluenceShipVelocity
[-] maxVelocityBonus: 0.925

[*] Sabretooth Fury Light Missile
[-|n] increaseSignatureRadiusPassive
[-] signatureRadiusBonus: 7.0

[*] Sabretooth Precision Light Missile
[-|n] ammoInfluenceShipVelocity
[-] maxVelocityBonus: 0.925

[*] Fulmination Javelin Assault Missile
[-|n] ammoInfluenceShipVelocity
[-] maxVelocityBonus: 0.95

[*] Fulmination Rage Assault Missile
[-|n] increaseSignatureRadiusPassive
[-] signatureRadiusBonus: 5.4

[*] Hellfire Javelin Assault Missile
[-|n] ammoInfluenceShipVelocity
[-] maxVelocityBonus: 0.95

[*] Hellfire Rage Assault Missile
[-|n] increaseSignatureRadiusPassive
[-] signatureRadiusBonus: 5.4

[*] Terror Javelin Assault Missile
[-|n] ammoInfluenceShipVelocity
[-] maxVelocityBonus: 0.95

[*] Terror Rage Assault Missile
[-|n] increaseSignatureRadiusPassive
[-] signatureRadiusBonus: 5.4

[*] Torrent Javelin Assault Missile
[-|n] ammoInfluenceShipVelocity
[-] maxVelocityBonus: 0.95

[*] Torrent Rage Assault Missile
[-|n] increaseSignatureRadiusPassive
[-] signatureRadiusBonus: 5.4

[*] Havoc Fury Heavy Missile
[-|n] increaseSignatureRadiusPassive
[-] signatureRadiusBonus: 5.4

[*] Havoc Precision Heavy Missile
[-|n] ammoInfluenceShipVelocity
[-] maxVelocityBonus: 0.95

[*] Scourge Fury Heavy Missile
[-|n] increaseSignatureRadiusPassive
[-] signatureRadiusBonus: 5.4

[*] Scourge Precision Heavy Missile
[-|n] ammoInfluenceShipVelocity
[-] maxVelocityBonus: 0.95

[*] Thunderbolt Fury Heavy Missile
[-|n] increaseSignatureRadiusPassive
[-] signatureRadiusBonus: 5.4

[*] Thunderbolt Precision Heavy Missile
[-|n] ammoInfluenceShipVelocity
[-] maxVelocityBonus: 0.95

[*] Widowmaker Fury Heavy Missile
[-|n] increaseSignatureRadiusPassive
[-] signatureRadiusBonus: 5.4

[*] Widowmaker Precision Heavy Missile
[-|n] ammoInfluenceShipVelocity
[-] maxVelocityBonus: 0.95

[*] Cataclysm Fury Cruise Missile
[-|n] increaseSignatureRadiusPassive
[-] signatureRadiusBonus: 4.5

[*] Cataclysm Precision Cruise Missile
[-|n] ammoInfluenceShipVelocity
[-] maxVelocityBonus: 0.96

[*] Devastator Fury Cruise Missile
[-|n] increaseSignatureRadiusPassive
[-] signatureRadiusBonus: 4.5

[*] Devastator Precision Cruise Missile
[-|n] ammoInfluenceShipVelocity
[-] maxVelocityBonus: 0.96

[*] Paradise Fury Cruise Missile
[-|n] increaseSignatureRadiusPassive
[-] signatureRadiusBonus: 4.5

[*] Paradise Precision Cruise Missile
[-|n] ammoInfluenceShipVelocity
[-] maxVelocityBonus: 0.96

[*] Wrath Fury Cruise Missile
[-|n] increaseSignatureRadiusPassive
[-] signatureRadiusBonus: 4.5

[*] Wrath Precision Cruise Missile
[-|n] ammoInfluenceShipVelocity
[-] maxVelocityBonus: 0.96

[*] Bane Javelin Torpedo
[-|n] ammoInfluenceShipVelocity
[-] maxVelocityBonus: 0.96

[*] Bane Rage Torpedo
[-|n] increaseSignatureRadiusPassive
[-] signatureRadiusBonus: 4.5

[*] Inferno Javelin Torpedo
[-|n] ammoInfluenceShipVelocity
[-] maxVelocityBonus: 0.96

[*] Inferno Rage Torpedo
[-|n] increaseSignatureRadiusPassive
[-] signatureRadiusBonus: 4.5

[*] Juggernaut Javelin Torpedo
[-|n] ammoInfluenceShipVelocity
[-] maxVelocityBonus: 0.96

[*] Juggernaut Rage Torpedo
[-|n] increaseSignatureRadiusPassive
[-] signatureRadiusBonus: 4.5

[*] Mjolnir Javelin Torpedo
[-|n] ammoInfluenceShipVelocity
[-] maxVelocityBonus: 0.96

[*] Mjolnir Rage Torpedo
[-|n] increaseSignatureRadiusPassive
[-] signatureRadiusBonus: 4.5

[*] Tactical Weapon Reconfiguration
[*] consumptionQuantityBonus: 50.0 => 25.0

[*] Battlecruisers
[+|n] battlecruiserSkillLevelPreMulShipBonusBC3Ship
[+|n] battlecruiserSkillLevelPreMulShipBonusBC4Ship

[*] Production Efficiency
[+] manufactureCostBonusShowInfo: -5.0

[*] Battleship Construction
[-] requiredSkill2: 3395.0
[-] requiredSkill2Level: 4.0

[*] Jump Portal Generation
[-|n] jumpPortalConsumptionBonusSkill
[-|n] skillCynosural&SiegeConsumQuantityBonusSkillLevel
[+|n] jumpPortalConsumptionBonusPercentSkill
[+|n] skillConsumptionQuantityBonusPercentageSkillLevel
[-] consumptionQuantityBonus: -10.0
[+] consumptionQuantityBonusPercent: -10.0

[*] Frequency Modulation
[+|n] ewSkillEcmBurstFalloffBonus

[*] Social
[-|n] socialSocialMutatorPostPercentSocialBonusChar
[-] socialBonus: 10.0

[+] Deimos Old
[+|n] eliteBonusHeavyGunshipHybridDmg2
[+|n] eliteBonusHeavyGunshipHybridFallOff1
[+|n] massFactor
[+|n] shipBonusMWDCapNeedGC2
[+|n] shipHTDmgBonusfixedGC
[+] agility: 0.65
[+] armorEmDamageResonance: 0.5
[+] armorExplosiveDamageResonance: 0.9
[+] armorHP: 2040.0
[+] armorKineticDamageResonance: 0.1625
[+] armorThermalDamageResonance: 0.325
[+] armorUniformity: 0.75
[+] baseWarpSpeed: 1.0
[+] capacitorCapacity: 1375.0
[+] capacity: 315.0
[+] cpuLoad: 0
[+] cpuOutput: 350.0
[+] damage: 0
[+] droneBandwidth: 50.0
[+] droneCapacity: 50.0
[+] eliteBonusHeavyGunship1: 10.0
[+] eliteBonusHeavyGunship2: 5.0
[+] emDamageResonance: 1.0
[+] explosiveDamageResonance: 1.0
[+] gfxBoosterID: 396.0
[+] heatAttenuationHi: 0.76
[+] heatAttenuationLow: 0.76
[+] heatAttenuationMed: 0.5
[+] heatCapacityHi: 100.0
[+] heatCapacityLow: 100.0
[+] heatCapacityMed: 100.0
[+] heatDissipationRateHi: 0.01
[+] heatDissipationRateLow: 0.01
[+] heatDissipationRateMed: 0.01
[+] heatGenerationMultiplier: 0.75
[+] hiSlots: 6.0
[+] hp: 2531.0
[+] kineticDamageResonance: 1.0
[+] launcherSlotsLeft: 0
[+] lowSlots: 6.0
[+] mainColor: 16777215.0
[+] mass: 11000000.0
[+] maxLockedTargets: 6.0
[+] maxPassengers: 580.0
[+] maxTargetRange: 65000.0
[+] maxVelocity: 205.0
[+] medSlots: 3.0
[+] metaLevel: 5.0
[+] powerLoad: 0
[+] powerOutput: 990.0
[+] powerToSpeed: 1.0
[+] propulsionGraphicID: 396.0
[+] rechargeRate: 335000.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 3332.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 5.0
[+] requiredSkill2: 16591.0
[+] requiredSkill2Level: 1.0
[+] rigSize: 2.0
[+] rigSlots: 2.0
[+] scanGravimetricStrength: 0
[+] scanLadarStrength: 0
[+] scanMagnetometricStrength: 15.0
[+] scanRadarStrength: 0
[+] scanResolution: 225.0
[+] scanSpeed: 4500.0
[+] shieldCapacity: 1160.0
[+] shieldEmDamageResonance: 1.0
[+] shieldExplosiveDamageResonance: 0.5
[+] shieldKineticDamageResonance: 0.15
[+] shieldRechargeRate: 1250000.0
[+] shieldThermalDamageResonance: 0.4
[+] shieldUniformity: 0.75
[+] shipBonusGC: 5.0
[+] shipBonusGC2: 0.05
[+] signatureRadius: 160.0
[+] structureUniformity: 0.75
[+] techLevel: 2.0
[+] thermalDamageResonance: 1.0
[+] turretSlotsLeft: 5.0
[+] uniformity: 1.0
[+] upgradeCapacity: 400.0
[+] upgradeSlotsLeft: 2.0
[+] volume: 112000.0
[+] warpCapacitorNeed: 8.13e-07
[+] warpFactor: 0
[+] warpSpeedMultiplier: 1.25

[+] Naga
[+|n] bcLargeHybridTurretCPUNeedBonus
[+|n] bcLargeHybridTurretCapacitorNeedBonus
[+|n] bcLargeHybridTurretPowerNeedBonus
[+|n] bcSiegeMissileCPUNeedBonus
[+|n] bcSiegeMissilePowerNeedBonus
[+|n] massFactor
[+|n] shipHybridRangeBonusBC1
[+|n] shipHybridTrackingBonusBC2
[+|n] shipTorpedosExplosionVelocityBonusBC4
[+|n] shipTorpedosVelocityBonusBC3
[+] agility: 0.58
[+] armorEmDamageResonance: 0.5
[+] armorExplosiveDamageResonance: 0.9
[+] armorHP: 1841.0
[+] armorKineticDamageResonance: 0.75
[+] armorThermalDamageResonance: 0.55
[+] armorUniformity: 0.75
[+] baseWarpSpeed: 1.0
[+] bcLargeTurretCPU: 0.5
[+] bcLargeTurretCap: 0.5
[+] bcLargeTurretPower: 0.05
[+] bcSiegeMissileCPU: 0.42
[+] bcSiegeMissilePower: 0.06
[+] capacitorCapacity: 2900.0
[+] capacity: 575.0
[+] cpuLoad: 0
[+] cpuOutput: 470.0
[+] damage: 0
[+] droneBandwidth: 0
[+] droneCapacity: 0
[+] emDamageResonance: 1.0
[+] explosiveDamageResonance: 1.0
[+] fwLpKill: 200.0
[+] gfxBoosterID: 395.0
[+] heatAttenuationHi: 0.82
[+] heatAttenuationLow: 0.63
[+] heatAttenuationMed: 0.76
[+] heatCapacityHi: 100.0
[+] heatCapacityLow: 100.0
[+] heatCapacityMed: 100.0
[+] heatDissipationRateHi: 0.01
[+] heatDissipationRateLow: 0.01
[+] heatDissipationRateMed: 0.01
[+] heatGenerationMultiplier: 0.65
[+] hiSlots: 8.0
[+] hp: 2111.0
[+] kineticDamageResonance: 1.0
[+] launcherSlotsLeft: 8.0
[+] lowSlots: 4.0
[+] mainColor: 16777215.0
[+] mass: 12500000.0
[+] maxDirectionalVelocity: 2000.0
[+] maxLockedTargets: 8.0
[+] maxPassengers: 450.0
[+] maxTargetRange: 75000.0
[+] maxVelocity: 195.0
[+] medSlots: 6.0
[+] minTargetVelDmgMultiplier: 0.25
[+] powerLoad: 0
[+] powerOutput: 895.0
[+] powerToSpeed: 1.0
[+] propulsionGraphicID: 395.0
[+] rechargeRate: 725000.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 3334.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 3.0
[+] requiredSkill2: 12099.0
[+] requiredSkill2Level: 2.0
[+] rigSize: 2.0
[+] rigSlots: 3.0
[+] scanGravimetricStrength: 21.0
[+] scanLadarStrength: 0
[+] scanMagnetometricStrength: 0
[+] scanRadarStrength: 0
[+] scanResolution: 220.0
[+] scanSpeed: 6000.0
[+] shieldCapacity: 2597.0
[+] shieldEmDamageResonance: 1.0
[+] shieldExplosiveDamageResonance: 0.5
[+] shieldKineticDamageResonance: 0.6
[+] shieldRechargeRate: 1400000.0
[+] shieldThermalDamageResonance: 0.8
[+] shieldUniformity: 0.75
[+] shipBonusBC1: 10.0
[+] shipBonusBC2: 7.5
[+] shipBonusBC3: 10.0
[+] shipBonusBC4: 5.0
[+] signatureRadius: 190.0
[+] structureUniformity: 0.75
[+] techLevel: 1.0
[+] thermalDamageResonance: 1.0
[+] turretSlotsLeft: 8.0
[+] typeColorScheme: 11324.0
[+] uniformity: 1.0
[+] upgradeCapacity: 400.0
[+] upgradeSlotsLeft: 3.0
[+] volume: 252000.0
[+] warpCapacitorNeed: 8.13e-07
[+] warpFactor: 0

[+] Oracle
[+|n] bcLargeEnergyTurretCPUNeedBonus
[+|n] bcLargeEnergyTurretCapacitorNeedBonus
[+|n] bcLargeEnergyTurretPowerNeedBonus
[+|n] massFactor
[+|n] shipLaserRangeBonusBC2
[+|n] shipLaserTrackingBonusBC1
[+] agility: 0.57
[+] armorEmDamageResonance: 0.5
[+] armorExplosiveDamageResonance: 0.8
[+] armorHP: 2597.0
[+] armorKineticDamageResonance: 0.75
[+] armorThermalDamageResonance: 0.65
[+] armorUniformity: 0.75
[+] baseWarpSpeed: 1.0
[+] bcLargeTurretCPU: 0.5
[+] bcLargeTurretCap: 0.5
[+] bcLargeTurretPower: 0.05
[+] capacitorCapacity: 3500.0
[+] capacity: 500.0
[+] cpuLoad: 0
[+] cpuOutput: 370.0
[+] damage: 170.0
[+] droneBandwidth: 0
[+] droneCapacity: 0
[+] emDamageResonance: 1.0
[+] explosiveDamageResonance: 1.0
[+] fwLpKill: 200.0
[+] gfxBoosterID: 394.0
[+] heatAttenuationHi: 0.82
[+] heatAttenuationLow: 0.76
[+] heatAttenuationMed: 0.63
[+] heatCapacityHi: 100.0
[+] heatCapacityLow: 100.0
[+] heatCapacityMed: 100.0
[+] heatDissipationRateHi: 0.01
[+] heatDissipationRateLow: 0.01
[+] heatDissipationRateMed: 0.01
[+] heatGenerationMultiplier: 0.65
[+] hiSlots: 8.0
[+] hp: 2381.0
[+] kineticDamageResonance: 1.0
[+] launcherSlotsLeft: 0
[+] lowSlots: 6.0
[+] mainColor: 16777215.0
[+] mass: 12300000.0
[+] maxDirectionalVelocity: 2000.0
[+] maxLockedTargets: 6.0
[+] maxPassengers: 450.0
[+] maxTargetRange: 65000.0
[+] maxVelocity: 200.0
[+] medSlots: 3.0
[+] minTargetVelDmgMultiplier: 0.25
[+] powerLoad: 0
[+] powerOutput: 1375.0
[+] powerToSpeed: 1.0
[+] propulsionGraphicID: 394.0
[+] rechargeRate: 875000.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 3335.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 3.0
[+] requiredSkill2: 12099.0
[+] requiredSkill2Level: 3.0
[+] rigSize: 2.0
[+] rigSlots: 3.0
[+] scanGravimetricStrength: 0
[+] scanLadarStrength: 0
[+] scanMagnetometricStrength: 0
[+] scanRadarStrength: 18.0
[+] scanResolution: 240.0
[+] scanSpeed: 5000.0
[+] shieldCapacity: 1841.0
[+] shieldEmDamageResonance: 1.0
[+] shieldExplosiveDamageResonance: 0.5
[+] shieldKineticDamageResonance: 0.6
[+] shieldRechargeRate: 1400000.0
[+] shieldThermalDamageResonance: 0.8
[+] shieldUniformity: 0.75
[+] shipBonusBC1: 7.5
[+] shipBonusBC2: 7.5
[+] signatureRadius: 180.0
[+] structureUniformity: 0.75
[+] techLevel: 1.0
[+] thermalDamageResonance: 1.0
[+] turretSlotsLeft: 8.0
[+] typeColorScheme: 11313.0
[+] uniformity: 1.0
[+] upgradeCapacity: 400.0
[+] upgradeSlotsLeft: 3.0
[+] volume: 234000.0
[+] warpCapacitorNeed: 8.13e-07
[+] warpFactor: 0

[+] Talos
[+|n] bcLargeHybridTurretCPUNeedBonus
[+|n] bcLargeHybridTurretCapacitorNeedBonus
[+|n] bcLargeHybridTurretPowerNeedBonus
[+|n] leadershipCpuBonus
[+|n] massFactor
[+|n] shipHybridDamageBonusBC2
[+|n] shipStasisWebSpeedFactorBonusBC1
[+] agility: 0.56
[+] armorEmDamageResonance: 0.5
[+] armorExplosiveDamageResonance: 0.9
[+] armorHP: 2272.0
[+] armorKineticDamageResonance: 0.65
[+] armorThermalDamageResonance: 0.65
[+] armorUniformity: 0.75
[+] baseWarpSpeed: 1.0
[+] bcLargeTurretCPU: 0.5
[+] bcLargeTurretCap: 0.5
[+] bcLargeTurretPower: 0.05
[+] capacitorCapacity: 3100.0
[+] capacity: 600.0
[+] cpuLoad: 0
[+] cpuOutput: 400.0
[+] damage: 0
[+] droneBandwidth: 25.0
[+] droneCapacity: 25.0
[+] emDamageResonance: 1.0
[+] explosiveDamageResonance: 1.0
[+] fwLpKill: 200.0
[+] gfxBoosterID: 394.0
[+] heatAttenuationHi: 0.76
[+] heatAttenuationLow: 0.76
[+] heatAttenuationMed: 0.71
[+] heatCapacityHi: 100.0
[+] heatCapacityLow: 100.0
[+] heatCapacityMed: 100.0
[+] heatDissipationRateHi: 0.01
[+] heatDissipationRateLow: 0.01
[+] heatDissipationRateMed: 0.01
[+] heatGenerationMultiplier: 0.65
[+] hiSlots: 8.0
[+] hp: 2597.0
[+] kineticDamageResonance: 1.0
[+] launcherSlotsLeft: 0
[+] lowSlots: 5.0
[+] mainColor: 16777215.0
[+] mass: 12000000.0
[+] maxDirectionalVelocity: 2000.0
[+] maxLockedTargets: 7.0
[+] maxPassengers: 450.0
[+] maxTargetRange: 70000.0
[+] maxVelocity: 210.0
[+] medSlots: 4.0
[+] minTargetVelDmgMultiplier: 0.25
[+] powerLoad: 0
[+] powerOutput: 1150.0
[+] powerToSpeed: 1.0
[+] propulsionGraphicID: 394.0
[+] rechargeRate: 775000.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 3332.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 3.0
[+] requiredSkill2: 12099.0
[+] requiredSkill2Level: 3.0
[+] rigSize: 2.0
[+] rigSlots: 3.0
[+] scanGravimetricStrength: 0
[+] scanLadarStrength: 0
[+] scanMagnetometricStrength: 20.0
[+] scanRadarStrength: 0
[+] scanResolution: 230.0
[+] scanSpeed: 5500.0
[+] shieldCapacity: 2111.0
[+] shieldEmDamageResonance: 1.0
[+] shieldExplosiveDamageResonance: 0.5
[+] shieldKineticDamageResonance: 0.6
[+] shieldRechargeRate: 1400000.0
[+] shieldThermalDamageResonance: 0.8
[+] shieldUniformity: 0.75
[+] shipBonusBC1: 10.0
[+] shipBonusBC2: 5.0
[+] signatureRadius: 200.0
[+] structureUniformity: 0.75
[+] techLevel: 1.0
[+] thermalDamageResonance: 1.0
[+] turretSlotsLeft: 8.0
[+] typeColorScheme: 11331.0
[+] uniformity: 1.0
[+] upgradeCapacity: 400.0
[+] upgradeSlotsLeft: 3.0
[+] volume: 270000.0
[+] warpCapacitorNeed: 8.13e-07
[+] warpFactor: 0

[+] Tornado
[+|n] bcLargeProjectileTurretCPUNeedBonus
[+|n] bcLargeProjectileTurretPowerNeedBonus
[+|n] massFactor
[+|n] shipProjectileFalloffBonusBC2
[+|n] shipProjectileRofBonusBC1
[+] agility: 0.54
[+] armorEmDamageResonance: 0.4
[+] armorExplosiveDamageResonance: 0.9
[+] armorHP: 2272.0
[+] armorKineticDamageResonance: 0.75
[+] armorThermalDamageResonance: 0.65
[+] armorUniformity: 0.75
[+] baseWarpSpeed: 1.0
[+] bcLargeTurretCPU: 0.5
[+] bcLargeTurretPower: 0.05
[+] capacitorCapacity: 2700.0
[+] capacity: 535.0
[+] cpuLoad: 0
[+] cpuOutput: 380.0
[+] damage: 0
[+] droneBandwidth: 0
[+] droneCapacity: 0
[+] emDamageResonance: 1.0
[+] explosiveDamageResonance: 1.0
[+] fwLpKill: 200.0
[+] gfxBoosterID: 397.0
[+] heatAttenuationHi: 0.82
[+] heatAttenuationLow: 0.76
[+] heatAttenuationMed: 0.63
[+] heatCapacityHi: 100.0
[+] heatCapacityLow: 100.0
[+] heatCapacityMed: 100.0
[+] heatDissipationRateHi: 0.01
[+] heatDissipationRateLow: 0.01
[+] heatDissipationRateMed: 0.01
[+] heatGenerationMultiplier: 0.65
[+] hiSlots: 8.0
[+] hp: 2165.0
[+] kineticDamageResonance: 1.0
[+] launcherSlotsLeft: 0
[+] lowSlots: 4.0
[+] mainColor: 16777215.0
[+] mass: 11750000.0
[+] maxDirectionalVelocity: 2000.0
[+] maxLockedTargets: 6.0
[+] maxPassengers: 450.0
[+] maxTargetRange: 60000.0
[+] maxVelocity: 225.0
[+] medSlots: 5.0
[+] minTargetVelDmgMultiplier: 0.25
[+] powerLoad: 0
[+] powerOutput: 1000.0
[+] powerToSpeed: 1.0
[+] propulsionGraphicID: 397.0
[+] rechargeRate: 675000.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 3333.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 3.0
[+] requiredSkill2: 12099.0
[+] requiredSkill2Level: 3.0
[+] rigSize: 2.0
[+] rigSlots: 3.0
[+] scanGravimetricStrength: 0
[+] scanLadarStrength: 17.0
[+] scanMagnetometricStrength: 0
[+] scanRadarStrength: 0
[+] scanResolution: 250.0
[+] scanSpeed: 4500.0
[+] shieldCapacity: 2165.0
[+] shieldEmDamageResonance: 1.0
[+] shieldExplosiveDamageResonance: 0.5
[+] shieldKineticDamageResonance: 0.6
[+] shieldRechargeRate: 1400000.0
[+] shieldThermalDamageResonance: 0.8
[+] shieldUniformity: 0.75
[+] shipBonusBC1: -5.0
[+] shipBonusBC2: 10.0
[+] signatureRadius: 170.0
[+] structureUniformity: 0.75
[+] techLevel: 1.0
[+] thermalDamageResonance: 1.0
[+] turretSlotsLeft: 8.0
[+] typeColorScheme: 11342.0
[+] uniformity: 1.0
[+] upgradeCapacity: 400.0
[+] upgradeSlotsLeft: 3.0
[+] volume: 216000.0
[+] warpCapacitorNeed: 8.13e-07
[+] warpFactor: 0
Last edited by Deef on 29 Oct 2011 10:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Collects Tomby Porn
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Re: Eve Online · Free 51 days possible · Ship spinning etc.

Post by Deef »

The rest of the amendments list.

New T2 modules and corrected nomenclature
[Click to see hidden content]
[+] Large Shield Transporter II - 5 players
[+|n] hiPower
[+|n] online
[+|n] overloadSelfDurationBonus
[+|n] shieldTransfer
[+] capacitorNeed: 280.0
[+] capacity: 0
[+] cpu: 154.0
[+] duration: 4500.0
[+] heatAbsorbtionRateModifier: 0.02
[+] heatDamage: 0.9
[+] hp: 40.0
[+] mass: 0
[+] metaLevel: 5.0
[+] overloadSelfDurationBonus: -15.0
[+] power: 192.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 3422.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 4.0
[+] requiredThermoDynamicsSkill: 1.0
[+] shieldBonus: 1920.0
[+] shieldTransferRange: 8400.0
[+] techLevel: 2.0
[+] volume: 25.0

[+] Process-Interruptive Warp Disruptor
[+|n] medPower
[+|n] online
[+|n] overloadSelfRangeBonus
[+|n] warpScramble
[+] capacitorNeed: 25.0
[+] capacity: 0
[+] cpu: 34.0
[+] duration: 5000.0
[+] falloff: 0
[+] heatAbsorbtionRateModifier: 0.01
[+] heatDamage: 5.0
[+] hp: 40.0
[+] mass: 0
[+] maxRange: 22000.0
[+] metaGroupID: 3.0
[+] metaLevel: 6.0
[+] overloadRangeBonus: 20.0
[+] power: 1.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 3435.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 1.0
[+] requiredThermoDynamicsSkill: 1.0
[+] techLevel: 1.0
[+] volume: 5.0
[+] warpScrambleStrength: 1.0

[+] TEST Damage Mod - 10 Players
[+|n] armorHPMultiply
[+|n] energyWeaponDamageMultiply
[+|n] hybridWeaponDamageMultiply
[+|n] loPower
[+|n] missileDMGBonus
[+|n] modifyShieldRechargeRate
[+|n] online
[+|n] projectileWeaponDamageMultiply
[+|n] shieldManagementShieldCapacityBonusPostPercentCapacityLocationShipGroupShield
[+|n] structuralAnalysisEffect
[+|n] structureHPMultiply
[+] armorHPMultiplier: 10.0
[+] capacity: 0
[+] damageMultiplier: 10.0
[+] hp: 40.0
[+] mass: 0
[+] metaLevel: 0
[+] missileDamageMultiplierBonus: 10.0
[+] repairBonus: 1000.0
[+] shieldBonusMultiplier: 1000.0
[+] shieldCapacityBonus: 1000.0
[+] shieldRechargeRateMultiplier: 10.0
[+] structureHPMultiplier: 10.0
[+] techLevel: 1.0
[+] volume: 25.0

[+] TEST Damage Mod - 20 Players
[+|n] armorHPMultiply
[+|n] energyWeaponDamageMultiply
[+|n] hybridWeaponDamageMultiply
[+|n] loPower
[+|n] missileDMGBonus
[+|n] modifyShieldRechargeRate
[+|n] online
[+|n] projectileWeaponDamageMultiply
[+|n] shieldManagementShieldCapacityBonusPostPercentCapacityLocationShipGroupShield
[+|n] structuralAnalysisEffect
[+|n] structureHPMultiply
[+] armorHPMultiplier: 20.0
[+] capacity: 0
[+] damageMultiplier: 20.0
[+] hp: 40.0
[+] mass: 0
[+] metaLevel: 0
[+] missileDamageMultiplierBonus: 20.0
[+] repairBonus: 2000.0
[+] shieldBonusMultiplier: 2000.0
[+] shieldCapacityBonus: 2000.0
[+] shieldRechargeRateMultiplier: 20.0
[+] structureHPMultiplier: 20.0
[+] techLevel: 1.0
[+] volume: 25.0

[+] TEST Damage Mod - 40 Players
[+|n] armorHPMultiply
[+|n] energyWeaponDamageMultiply
[+|n] hybridWeaponDamageMultiply
[+|n] loPower
[+|n] missileDMGBonus
[+|n] modifyShieldRechargeRate
[+|n] online
[+|n] projectileWeaponDamageMultiply
[+|n] shieldManagementShieldCapacityBonusPostPercentCapacityLocationShipGroupShield
[+|n] structuralAnalysisEffect
[+|n] structureHPMultiply
[+] armorHPMultiplier: 40.0
[+] capacity: 0
[+] damageMultiplier: 40.0
[+] hp: 40.0
[+] mass: 0
[+] metaLevel: 0
[+] missileDamageMultiplierBonus: 40.0
[+] repairBonus: 4000.0
[+] shieldBonusMultiplier: 4000.0
[+] shieldCapacityBonus: 4000.0
[+] shieldRechargeRateMultiplier: 40.0
[+] structureHPMultiplier: 40.0
[+] techLevel: 1.0
[+] volume: 25.0

[+] TEST Damage Mod - 5 Players
[+|n] armorHPMultiply
[+|n] energyWeaponDamageMultiply
[+|n] hybridWeaponDamageMultiply
[+|n] loPower
[+|n] missileDMGBonus
[+|n] modifyShieldRechargeRate
[+|n] online
[+|n] projectileWeaponDamageMultiply
[+|n] shieldManagementShieldCapacityBonusPostPercentCapacityLocationShipGroupShield
[+|n] structuralAnalysisEffect
[+|n] structureHPMultiply
[+] armorHPMultiplier: 5.0
[+] capacity: 0
[+] damageMultiplier: 5.0
[+] hp: 40.0
[+] mass: 0
[+] metaLevel: 0
[+] missileDamageMultiplierBonus: 5.0
[+] repairBonus: 500.0
[+] shieldBonusMultiplier: 500.0
[+] shieldCapacityBonus: 500.0
[+] shieldRechargeRateMultiplier: 5.0
[+] structureHPMultiplier: 5.0
[+] techLevel: 1.0
[+] volume: 25.0

[+] Armored Warfare Link - Damage Control II
[+|n] gangArmorRepairCapReducerSelfAndProjected
[+|n] hiPower
[+|n] online
[+] capacitorNeed: 25.0
[+] capacity: 0
[+] commandBonus: -2.5
[+] cpu: 5500.0
[+] duration: 10000.0
[+] hp: 40.0
[+] mass: 0
[+] maxGroupActive: 1.0
[+] metaLevel: 5.0
[+] power: 210.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 3348.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 5.0
[+] requiredSkill2: 11569.0
[+] requiredSkill2Level: 5.0
[+] techLevel: 2.0
[+] volume: 60.0

[+] Armored Warfare Link - Passive Defense II
[+|n] gangArmorHardening
[+|n] hiPower
[+|n] online
[+] capacitorNeed: 25.0
[+] capacity: 0
[+] commandBonus: -2.5
[+] cpu: 5500.0
[+] duration: 10000.0
[+] hp: 40.0
[+] mass: 0
[+] maxGroupActive: 1.0
[+] metaLevel: 5.0
[+] power: 210.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 3348.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 5.0
[+] requiredSkill2: 11569.0
[+] requiredSkill2Level: 5.0
[+] techLevel: 2.0
[+] volume: 60.0

[+] Armored Warfare Link - Rapid Repair II
[+|n] gangArmorRepairSpeedAmplifierSelfAndProjected
[+|n] hiPower
[+|n] online
[+] capacitorNeed: 25.0
[+] capacity: 0
[+] commandBonus: -2.5
[+] cpu: 5500.0
[+] duration: 10000.0
[+] hp: 40.0
[+] mass: 0
[+] maxGroupActive: 1.0
[+] metaLevel: 5.0
[+] power: 210.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 3348.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 5.0
[+] requiredSkill2: 11569.0
[+] requiredSkill2Level: 5.0
[+] techLevel: 2.0
[+] volume: 60.0

[+] Information Warfare Link - Electronic Superiority II
[+|n] commandBonusECMMultiplyWithCommandBonusHidden
[+|n] commandBonusRSDMultiplyWithCommandBonusHidden
[+|n] commandBonusTDMultiplyWithCommandBonusHidden
[+|n] commandBonusTPMultiplyWithCommandBonusHidden
[+|n] gangInformationWarfareSuperiority
[+|n] hiPower
[+|n] online
[+] capacitorNeed: 25.0
[+] capacity: 0
[+] commandBonusECM: 2.5
[+] commandBonusHidden: 1.0
[+] commandBonusRSD: 1.25
[+] commandBonusTD: 1.25
[+] commandBonusTP: 2.5
[+] cpu: 5500.0
[+] duration: 10000.0
[+] hp: 40.0
[+] mass: 0
[+] maxGroupActive: 1.0
[+] metaLevel: 5.0
[+] power: 210.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 3348.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 5.0
[+] requiredSkill2: 3352.0
[+] requiredSkill2Level: 5.0
[+] techLevel: 2.0
[+] volume: 60.0

[+] Information Warfare Link - Recon Operation II
[+|n] gangInformationWarfareRangeBonusWithEcmBurst
[+|n] hiPower
[+|n] online
[+] capacitorNeed: 25.0
[+] capacity: 0
[+] commandBonus: 2.5
[+] cpu: 5500.0
[+] duration: 10000.0
[+] hp: 40.0
[+] mass: 0
[+] maxGroupActive: 1.0
[+] metaLevel: 5.0
[+] power: 210.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 3348.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 5.0
[+] requiredSkill2: 3352.0
[+] requiredSkill2Level: 5.0
[+] techLevel: 2.0
[+] volume: 60.0

[+] Information Warfare Link - Sensor Integrity II
[+|n] gangECCMfixed
[+|n] hiPower
[+|n] online
[+] capacitorNeed: 25.0
[+] capacity: 0
[+] commandBonus: 3.5
[+] cpu: 5500.0
[+] duration: 10000.0
[+] hp: 40.0
[+] mass: 0
[+] maxGroupActive: 1.0
[+] metaLevel: 5.0
[+] power: 210.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 3348.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 5.0
[+] requiredSkill2: 3352.0
[+] requiredSkill2Level: 5.0
[+] techLevel: 2.0
[+] volume: 60.0

[+] Mining Foreman Link - Harvester Capacitor Efficiency II
[+|n] gangGasHarvesterAndIceHarvesterAndMiningLaserCapNeedBonus
[+|n] hiPower
[+|n] online
[+] capacitorNeed: 25.0
[+] capacity: 0
[+] commandBonus: -2.5
[+] cpu: 5500.0
[+] duration: 10000.0
[+] hp: 40.0
[+] mass: 0
[+] maxGroupActive: 1.0
[+] metaLevel: 5.0
[+] power: 210.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 3348.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 5.0
[+] requiredSkill2: 22552.0
[+] requiredSkill2Level: 5.0
[+] techLevel: 2.0
[+] volume: 60.0

[+] Mining Foreman Link - Laser Optimization II
[+|n] gangGasHarvesterAndIceHarvesterAndMiningLaserDurationBonus
[+|n] hiPower
[+|n] online
[+] capacitorNeed: 25.0
[+] capacity: 0
[+] commandBonus: -2.5
[+] cpu: 5500.0
[+] duration: 10000.0
[+] hp: 40.0
[+] mass: 0
[+] maxGroupActive: 1.0
[+] metaLevel: 5.0
[+] power: 210.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 3348.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 5.0
[+] requiredSkill2: 22552.0
[+] requiredSkill2Level: 5.0
[+] techLevel: 2.0
[+] volume: 60.0

[+] Mining Foreman Link - Mining Laser Field Enhancement II
[+|n] gangMiningLaserAndIceHarvesterAndGasCloudHarvesterMaxRangeBonus
[+|n] hiPower
[+|n] online
[+] capacitorNeed: 25.0
[+] capacity: 0
[+] commandBonus: 5.0
[+] cpu: 5500.0
[+] duration: 10000.0
[+] hp: 40.0
[+] mass: 0
[+] maxGroupActive: 1.0
[+] metaLevel: 5.0
[+] power: 210.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 3348.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 5.0
[+] requiredSkill2: 22552.0
[+] requiredSkill2Level: 5.0
[+] techLevel: 2.0
[+] volume: 60.0

[+] Siege Warfare Link - Active Shielding II
[+|n] gangShieldBoosterAndTransporterSpeed
[+|n] hiPower
[+|n] online
[+] capacitorNeed: 25.0
[+] capacity: 0
[+] commandBonus: -2.5
[+] cpu: 5500.0
[+] duration: 10000.0
[+] hp: 40.0
[+] mass: 0
[+] maxGroupActive: 1.0
[+] metaLevel: 5.0
[+] power: 210.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 3348.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 5.0
[+] requiredSkill2: 3351.0
[+] requiredSkill2Level: 5.0
[+] techLevel: 2.0
[+] volume: 60.0

[+] Siege Warfare Link - Shield Efficiency II
[+|n] gangShieldBoosteAndTransporterCapacitorNeed
[+|n] hiPower
[+|n] online
[+] capacitorNeed: 25.0
[+] capacity: 0
[+] commandBonus: -2.5
[+] cpu: 5500.0
[+] duration: 10000.0
[+] hp: 40.0
[+] mass: 0
[+] maxGroupActive: 1.0
[+] metaLevel: 5.0
[+] power: 210.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 3348.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 5.0
[+] requiredSkill2: 3351.0
[+] requiredSkill2Level: 5.0
[+] techLevel: 2.0
[+] volume: 60.0

[+] Siege Warfare Link - Shield Harmonizing II
[+|n] gangShieldHardening
[+|n] hiPower
[+|n] online
[+] capacitorNeed: 25.0
[+] capacity: 0
[+] commandBonus: -2.5
[+] cpu: 5500.0
[+] duration: 10000.0
[+] hp: 40.0
[+] mass: 0
[+] maxGroupActive: 1.0
[+] metaLevel: 5.0
[+] power: 210.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 3348.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 5.0
[+] requiredSkill2: 3351.0
[+] requiredSkill2Level: 5.0
[+] techLevel: 2.0
[+] volume: 60.0

[+] Skirmish Warfare Link - Evasive Maneuvers II
[+|n] gangBonusSignature
[+|n] hiPower
[+|n] online
[+] capacitorNeed: 25.0
[+] capacity: 0
[+] commandBonus: -2.5
[+] cpu: 5500.0
[+] duration: 10000.0
[+] hp: 40.0
[+] mass: 0
[+] maxGroupActive: 1.0
[+] metaLevel: 5.0
[+] power: 210.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 3348.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 5.0
[+] requiredSkill2: 11572.0
[+] requiredSkill2Level: 5.0
[+] techLevel: 2.0
[+] volume: 60.0

[+] Skirmish Warfare Link - Interdiction Maneuvers II
[+|n] gangPropulsionJammingBoost
[+|n] hiPower
[+|n] online
[+] capacitorNeed: 25.0
[+] capacity: 0
[+] commandBonus: 3.5
[+] cpu: 5500.0
[+] duration: 10000.0
[+] hp: 40.0
[+] mass: 0
[+] maxGroupActive: 1.0
[+] metaLevel: 5.0
[+] power: 210.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 3348.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 5.0
[+] requiredSkill2: 11572.0
[+] requiredSkill2Level: 5.0
[+] techLevel: 2.0
[+] volume: 60.0

[+] Skirmish Warfare Link - Rapid Deployment II
[+|n] gangAbMwdFactorBoost
[+|n] hiPower
[+|n] online
[+] capacitorNeed: 25.0
[+] capacity: 0
[+] commandBonus: 2.5
[+] cpu: 5500.0
[+] duration: 10000.0
[+] hp: 40.0
[+] mass: 0
[+] maxGroupActive: 1.0
[+] metaLevel: 5.0
[+] power: 210.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 3348.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 5.0
[+] requiredSkill2: 11572.0
[+] requiredSkill2Level: 5.0
[+] techLevel: 2.0
[+] volume: 60.0

[+] Large Remote Armor Repair System II - 5 players
[+|n] hiPower
[+|n] online
[+|n] overloadSelfDurationBonus
[+|n] targetArmorRepair
[+] armorDamageAmount: 1920.0
[+] capacitorNeed: 252.0
[+] capacity: 0
[+] cpu: 48.0
[+] duration: 4500.0
[+] heatAbsorbtionRateModifier: 0.01
[+] heatDamage: 1.5
[+] hp: 40.0
[+] mass: 20.0
[+] maxRange: 8400.0
[+] metaLevel: 5.0
[+] overloadSelfDurationBonus: -15.0
[+] power: 660.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 16069.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 4.0
[+] requiredThermoDynamicsSkill: 1.0
[+] techLevel: 2.0
[+] volume: 25.0

[+] Micro Auxiliary Power Core II
[+|n] loPower
[+|n] online
[+|n] powerIncrease
[+] capacity: 0
[+] cpu: 18.0
[+] hp: 40.0
[+] mass: 0
[+] metaLevel: 5.0
[+] power: 0
[+] powerIncrease: 12.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 3418.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 5.0
[+] techLevel: 2.0
[+] volume: 20.0

[+] Core Probe Launcher II
[+|n] baseSensorStrengthModifierRequiringAstrometrics
[+|n] hiPower
[+|n] online
[+|n] useMissiles
[+] capacity: 0.8
[+] chargeGroup1: 479.0
[+] chargeRate: 1.0
[+] cpu: 20.0
[+] disallowRepeatingActivation: 1.0
[+] duration: 10000.0
[+] hp: 40.0
[+] mass: 0
[+] maxGroupActive: 1.0
[+] maxGroupFitted: 1.0
[+] metaLevel: 5.0
[+] power: 1.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 3412.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 5.0
[+] scanStrengthBonus: 5.0
[+] slots: 1.0
[+] speed: 1500.0
[+] techLevel: 2.0
[+] volume: 5.0

[+] Expanded Probe Launcher II
[+|n] baseSensorStrengthModifierRequiringAstrometrics
[+|n] hiPower
[+|n] online
[+|n] useMissiles
[+] capacity: 10.0
[+] chargeGroup1: 479.0
[+] chargeGroup2: 492.0
[+] chargeRate: 1.0
[+] cpu: 242.0
[+] disallowRepeatingActivation: 1.0
[+] duration: 10000.0
[+] hp: 40.0
[+] mass: 0
[+] maxGroupActive: 1.0
[+] maxGroupFitted: 1.0
[+] metaLevel: 5.0
[+] power: 1.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 3412.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 5.0
[+] scanStrengthBonus: 5.0
[+] slots: 1.0
[+] speed: 2000.0
[+] techLevel: 2.0
[+] volume: 5.0

[+] Siege Module II
[+|n] hiPower
[+|n] online
[+|n] siegeModeEffect5
[+] activationTargetLoss: 1.0
[+] aoeVelocityBonus: -60.0
[+] armorDamageAmountBonus: 100.0
[+] armorDamageDurationBonus: -50.0
[+] canFitShipGroup1: 485.0
[+] capacity: 0
[+] consumptionQuantity: 250.0
[+] consumptionType: 16275.0
[+] cpu: 110.0
[+] damageMultiplierBonus: 840.0
[+] disallowActivateOnWarp: 1.0
[+] disallowAssistance: 1.0
[+] disallowEarlyDeactivation: 1.0
[+] disallowOffensiveModifiers: 1.0
[+] duration: 300000.0
[+] hp: 99999.0
[+] mass: 1.0
[+] massMultiplier: 10.0
[+] maxGroupActive: 1.0
[+] maxGroupFitted: 1.0
[+] maxLockedTargets: 3.0
[+] metaLevel: 5.0
[+] power: 105000.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 22043.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 5.0
[+] scanResolutionMultiplier: 0.3
[+] shieldBonusDurationBonus: -50.0
[+] shieldBoostMultiplier: 100.0
[+] siegeModeGallenteDreadnoughtBonus2: 24.0
[+] siegeModeWarpStatus: 100.0
[+] speedBonus: 0
[+] speedFactor: -100.0
[+] techLevel: 2.0
[+] trackingSpeedBonus: -50.0
[+] volume: 4000.0

[+] Triage Module II
[+|n] hiPower
[+|n] online
[+|n] triageModeEffect3
[+] armorDamageAmountBonus: 100.0
[+] armorDamageDurationBonus: -50.0
[+] canFitShipGroup1: 547.0
[+] capacitorNeed: 0
[+] capacity: 0
[+] consumptionQuantity: 200.0
[+] consumptionType: 16275.0
[+] cpu: 110.0
[+] disallowActivateOnWarp: 1.0
[+] disallowAssistance: 1.0
[+] disallowEarlyDeactivation: 1.0
[+] disallowOffensiveModifiers: 1.0
[+] duration: 300000.0
[+] ewCapacitorNeedBonus: 9999900.0
[+] hp: 99999.0
[+] mass: 1.0
[+] massMultiplier: 10.0
[+] maxDronePercentageBonus: -100.0
[+] maxGroupActive: 1.0
[+] maxGroupFitted: 1.0
[+] maxLockedTargetsBonus: 5.0
[+] maxTargetRangeMultiplier: 1.2
[+] metaLevel: 5.0
[+] power: 105000.0
[+] powerTransferAmountBonus: 100.0
[+] powerTransferDurationBonus: -50.0
[+] remoteArmorDamageAmountBonus: 100.0
[+] remoteArmorDamageDurationBonus: -50.0
[+] remoteHullDamageAmountBonus: 100.0
[+] remoteHullDamageDurationBonus: -50.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 27906.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 5.0
[+] scanResolutionMultiplier: 10.0
[+] shieldBonusDurationBonus: -50.0
[+] shieldBoostMultiplier: 100.0
[+] shieldTransportAmountBonus: 100.0
[+] shieldTransportDurationBonus: -50.0
[+] siegeModeWarpStatus: 100.0
[+] speedBonus: 0
[+] speedFactor: -100.0
[+] techLevel: 2.0
[+] volume: 4000.0

[+] Data Subverter I
[+|n] hackOrbital
[+|n] medPower
[+|n] online
[+] accessDifficultyBonus: 15.0
[+] capacitorNeed: 20.0
[+] capacity: 0
[+] cpu: 20.0
[+] duration: 10000.0
[+] hp: 40.0
[+] mass: 0
[+] maxRange: 5000.0
[+] metaLevel: 0
[+] power: 1.0
[+] requiredSkill2: 21718.0
[+] requiredSkill2Level: 1.0
[+] techLevel: 1.0
[+] volume: 5.0

[+] Large Remote Hull Repair System II
[+|n] hiPower
[+|n] online
[+|n] remoteHullRepair
[+] capacitorNeed: 488.0
[+] capacity: 0
[+] cpu: 99.0
[+] duration: 6000.0
[+] hp: 40.0
[+] mass: 20.0
[+] maxRange: 9000.0
[+] metaLevel: 5.0
[+] power: 399.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 27902.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 5.0
[+] structureDamageAmount: 230.0
[+] techLevel: 2.0
[+] volume: 50.0

[+] Medium Remote Hull Repair System II
[+|n] hiPower
[+|n] online
[+|n] remoteHullRepair
[+] capacitorNeed: 244.0
[+] capacity: 0
[+] cpu: 75.0
[+] duration: 6000.0
[+] hp: 40.0
[+] mass: 20.0
[+] maxRange: 6000.0
[+] metaLevel: 5.0
[+] power: 121.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 27902.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 5.0
[+] structureDamageAmount: 115.0
[+] techLevel: 2.0
[+] volume: 10.0

[+] Small Remote Hull Repair System II
[+|n] hiPower
[+|n] online
[+|n] remoteHullRepair
[+] capacitorNeed: 122.0
[+] capacity: 0
[+] cpu: 50.0
[+] duration: 6000.0
[+] hp: 40.0
[+] mass: 20.0
[+] maxRange: 4800.0
[+] metaLevel: 5.0
[+] power: 6.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 27902.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 5.0
[+] structureDamageAmount: 58.0
[+] techLevel: 2.0
[+] volume: 5.0

[+] Drone Navigation Computer II
[+|n] droneMWDBoostOnline
[+|n] medPower
[+|n] miningDroneMwdBoostOnline
[+|n] online
[+] capacity: 0
[+] cpu: 35.0
[+] hp: 40.0
[+] mass: 200.0
[+] metaLevel: 5.0
[+] power: 1.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 12305.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 5.0
[+] speedBoostFactor: 30.0
[+] techLevel: 2.0
[+] volume: 5.0

[+] Omnidirectional Tracking Link II
[+|n] droneTrackingComputerMultiply
[+|n] medPower
[+|n] online
[+] capacity: 0
[+] cpu: 39.0
[+] hp: 40.0
[+] mass: 200.0
[+] maxRangeMultiplier: 1.25
[+] metaLevel: 5.0
[+] power: 1.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 23606.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 1.0
[+] techLevel: 2.0
[+] trackingSpeedMultiplier: 1.25
[+] volume: 5.0

[+] Drone Link Augmentor II
[+|n] droneRangeBonusAdd
[+|n] hiPower
[+|n] online
[+] capacity: 0
[+] cpu: 55.0
[+] droneRangeBonus: 24000.0
[+] hp: 40.0
[+] mass: 200.0
[+] metaLevel: 5.0
[+] power: 1.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 3437.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 5.0
[+] techLevel: 2.0
[+] volume: 5.0

[+] Capital Tractor Beam II
[+|n] hiPower
[+|n] online
[+|n] tractorBeamCan
[+] accuracyBonus: 0
[+] canFitShipGroup1: 883.0
[+] capacitorNeed: 200.0
[+] capacity: 0.8
[+] cpu: 110.0
[+] duration: 20000.0
[+] hp: 40.0
[+] mainColor: 8627698.0
[+] mass: 50.0
[+] maxRange: 240000.0
[+] maxTractorVelocity: 3600.0
[+] metaLevel: 5.0
[+] power: 75000.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 11446.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 5.0
[+] slots: 1.0
[+] targetModule: 0
[+] techLevel: 2.0
[+] typeColorScheme: 11346.0
[+] volume: 4000.0

[+] Small Tractor Beam II
[+|n] hiPower
[+|n] online
[+|n] tractorBeamCan
[+] accuracyBonus: 0
[+] capacitorNeed: 5.0
[+] capacity: 0.8
[+] cpu: 25.0
[+] duration: 5000.0
[+] hp: 40.0
[+] mainColor: 8627698.0
[+] mass: 50.0
[+] maxRange: 24000.0
[+] maxTractorVelocity: 600.0
[+] metaLevel: 5.0
[+] power: 7.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 3402.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 5.0
[+] slots: 1.0
[+] targetModule: 0
[+] techLevel: 2.0
[+] typeColorScheme: 11346.0
[+] volume: 50.0

[+] Bomb Launcher II
[+|n] hiPower
[+|n] online
[+|n] useMissiles
[+] canFitShipGroup1: 834.0
[+] capacity: 150.0
[+] chargeGroup1: 90.0
[+] chargeGroup2: 863.0
[+] chargeGroup3: 864.0
[+] chargeRate: 1.0
[+] cpu: 55.0
[+] deadspaceUnsafe: 2.0
[+] disallowInEmpireSpace: 1.0
[+] disallowRepeatingActivation: 1.0
[+] hp: 40.0
[+] mass: 0
[+] maxGroupActive: 1.0
[+] maxGroupFitted: 1.0
[+] metaLevel: 5.0
[+] moduleReactivationDelay: 135000.0
[+] power: 10.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 28073.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 5.0
[+] slots: 1.0
[+] speed: 2000.0
[+] techLevel: 2.0
[+] volume: 50.0

[+] Warp Disruption Field Generator II
[+|n] hiPower
[+|n] online
[+|n] scriptWarpDisruptionFieldGeneratorSetScriptCapacitorNeedHidden
[+|n] warpDisruptSphere
[+] canFitShipGroup1: 894.0
[+] capacitorNeed: 150.0
[+] capacity: 1.0
[+] chargeGroup1: 908.0
[+] cpu: 55.0
[+] disallowAssistance: 1.0
[+] disallowInEmpireSpace: 1.0
[+] duration: 30000.0
[+] hp: 40.0
[+] implantBonusVelocity: 0
[+] mass: 0
[+] massBonusPercentage: -80.0
[+] metaLevel: 5.0
[+] power: 84.0
[+] requiredSkill1: 11446.0
[+] requiredSkill1Level: 5.0
[+] requiredSkill2: 3435.0
[+] requiredSkill2Level: 5.0
[+] signatureRadiusBonus: 50.0
[+] speedBoostFactorBonus: -80.0
[+] speedFactorBonus: -90.0
[+] techLevel: 2.0
[+] volume: 50.0
[+] warpScrambleRange: 19200.0
[+] warpScrambleStrengthHidden: 100.0

Renamed groups:


"Planetary Customs Offices"
"Orbital Infrastructure"

Renamed items:

"Micro Organisms"

"Ice Micro Organisms Extractor"
"Ice Microorganisms Extractor"

"Barren Micro Organisms Extractor"
"Barren Microorganisms Extractor"

"Temperate Micro Organisms Extractor"
"Temperate Microorganisms Extractor"

"Oceanic Micro Organisms Extractor"
"Oceanic Microorganisms Extractor"


"Quad 3500mm Gallium I Cannon"
"Quad 3500mm Gallium Cannon"

"6x2500mm Heavy Gallium I Repeating Cannon"
"6x2500mm Heavy Gallium Repeating Cannon"

"Women's 'Greave' Boots (matte black)"
"Women's 'Greave' Boots (matte brown)"

"AGM I Capacitor Charge Array"
"AGM Capacitor Charge Array"

"Eutectic I Capacitor Charge Array"
"Eutectic Capacitor Charge Array"

"Micro F-4a Ld-Sulfate I Capacitor Charge Unit"
"Micro F-4a Ld-Sulfate Capacitor Charge Unit"

"Micro Peroxide I Capacitor Power Cell"
"Micro Peroxide Capacitor Power Cell"

"Small F-4a Ld-Sulfate I Capacitor Charge Unit"
"Small F-4a Ld-Sulfate Capacitor Charge Unit"

"Small Peroxide I Capacitor Power Cell"
"Small Peroxide Capacitor Power Cell"

"Large F-4a Ld-Sulfate I Capacitor Charge Unit"
"Large F-4a Ld-Sulfate Capacitor Charge Unit"

"Large Peroxide I Capacitor Power Cell"
"Large Peroxide Capacitor Power Cell"

"X-Large F-4a Ld-Sulfate I Capacitor Charge Unit"
"X-Large F-4a Ld-Sulfate Capacitor Charge Unit"

"X-Large Peroxide I Capacitor Power Cell"
"X-Large Peroxide Capacitor Power Cell"

"EP-S Gaussian I Excavation Pulse"
"EP-S Gaussian Excavation Pulse"

"Quad LiF Fueled I Booster Rockets"
"Quad LiF Fueled Booster Rockets"

"LiF Fueled I Booster Rockets"
"LiF Fueled Booster Rockets"

"Catalyzed Cold-Gas I Arcjet Thrusters"
"Catalyzed Cold-Gas Arcjet Thrusters"

"Monopropellant I Hydrazine Boosters"
"Monopropellant Hydrazine Boosters"

"Cold-Gas I Arcjet Thrusters"
"Cold-Gas Arcjet Thrusters"

"Y-S8 Hydrocarbon I Afterburners"
"Y-S8 Hydrocarbon Afterburners"

"Medium Peroxide I Capacitor Power Cell"
"Medium Peroxide Capacitor Power Cell"

"Medium F-4a Ld-Sulfate I Capacitor Charge Unit"
"Medium F-4a Ld-Sulfate Capacitor Charge Unit"

"Prototype I Freight Sensors"
"Prototype Freight Sensors"

"Small Converse I Deflection Catalyzer"
"Small Converse Deflection Catalyzer"

"'Benefactor' I Ward Reconstructor"
"'Benefactor' Ward Reconstructor"

"Small 'Atonement' I Ward Projector"
"Small 'Atonement' Ward Projector"

"Medium 'Atonement' I Ward Projector"
"Medium 'Atonement' Ward Projector"

"Micro 'Atonement' I Ward Projector"
"Micro 'Atonement' Ward Projector"

"Large 'Atonement' I Ward Projector"
"Large 'Atonement' Ward Projector"

"X-Large 'Atonement' I Ward Projector"
"X-Large 'Atonement' Ward Projector"

"125mm Light Gallium I Machine Gun"
"125mm Light Gallium Machine Gun"

"125mm Light Prototype I Automatic Cannon"
"125mm Light Prototype Automatic Cannon"

"150mm Light Gallium I Machine Gun"
"150mm Light Gallium Machine Gun"

"150mm Light Prototype I Automatic Cannon"
"150mm Light Prototype Automatic Cannon"

"200mm Light Gallium I Machine Gun"
"200mm Light Gallium Machine Gun"

"200mm Light Prototype I Automatic Cannon"
"200mm Light Prototype Automatic Cannon"

"250mm Light Gallium I Cannon"
"250mm Light Gallium Cannon"

"250mm Light Prototype I Siege Cannon"
"250mm Light Prototype Siege Cannon"

"Dual 180mm Gallium I Machine Gun"
"Dual 180mm Gallium Machine Gun"

"Dual 180mm Prototype I Automatic Cannon"
"Dual 180mm Prototype Automatic Cannon"

"220mm Medium Gallium I Machine Gun"
"220mm Medium Gallium Machine Gun"

"220mm Medium Prototype I Automatic Cannon"
"220mm Medium Prototype Automatic Cannon"

"425mm Medium Gallium I Machine Gun"
"425mm Medium Gallium Machine Gun"

"425mm Medium Prototype I Automatic Cannon"
"425mm Medium Prototype Automatic Cannon"

"650mm Medium Gallium I Cannon"
"650mm Medium Gallium Cannon"

"650mm Medium Prototype I Siege Cannon"
"650mm Medium Prototype Siege Cannon"

"Dual 425mm Gallium I Machine Gun"
"Dual 425mm Gallium Machine Gun"

"Dual 425mm Prototype I Automatic Cannon"
"Dual 425mm Prototype Automatic Cannon"

"Dual 650mm Gallium I Repeating Cannon"
"Dual 650mm Gallium Repeating Cannon"

"Dual 650mm Prototype I Repeating Siege Cannon"
"Dual 650mm Prototype Repeating Siege Cannon"

"800mm Heavy Gallium I Repeating Cannon"
"800mm Heavy Gallium Repeating Cannon"

"800mm Heavy Prototype I Repeating Siege Cannon"
"800mm Heavy Prototype Repeating Siege Cannon"

"1200mm Heavy Gallium I Cannon"
"1200mm Heavy Gallium Cannon"

"1200mm Heavy Prototype I Artillery"
"1200mm Heavy Prototype Artillery"

"1200mm Heavy Prototype I Siege Cannon"
"1200mm Heavy Prototype Siege Cannon"

"280mm Gallium I Cannon"
"280mm Gallium Cannon"

"280mm Prototype I Siege Cannon"
"280mm Prototype Siege Cannon"

"720mm Gallium I Cannon"
"720mm Gallium Cannon"

"720mm Prototype I Siege Cannon"
"720mm Prototype Siege Cannon"

"1400mm Gallium I Cannon"
"1400mm Gallium Cannon"

"1400mm Prototype I Siege Cannon"
"1400mm Prototype Siege Cannon"

"Medium Converse I Deflection Catalyzer"
"Medium Converse Deflection Catalyzer"

"Large Converse I Deflection Catalyzer"
"Large Converse Deflection Catalyzer"

"X-Large Converse I Deflection Catalyzer"
"X-Large Converse Deflection Catalyzer"

"Drone Tracking Computer II"
"Omnidirectional Tracking Link II"

"Civillian Salvager Blueprint"
"Civilian Salvager Blueprint"

"Angel Overseer - Level 6"
"Hashi Keptzh"

"Serpentis Overseer - Level 6"
"Uehiro Katsen"
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Peppermint Lounge
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Location: Melbourne

Re: Eve Online · New perks for newbies · Winter Expansion in

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

Eve seems content to put players through the most boring, tedious, stale-mate scenarios imaginable for the sake of... well I can't discern any point actually.

A L3 security mission I unfortunately accepted comprises one circling, webbing frigate that poses no damage threat. Despite that I must destroy it to proceed to the next group of enemy ships. I can't hit it in my artillery Hurricane because it's too close and fast. Ok, so I go back for my AC Rupture. I still can't hit it. It isn't damaging me. I wait to see if I can whittle it down. It replenishes its armour at the right time everytime. I'm watching this utter tedium play out over the course of 10-15 or so minutes before I concede it is indeed a stalemate. The most interesting thing occurring on screen is watching my ammunition counters decline. I have no need to touch the keyboard or mouse during this time.

So therefore I must jump back to base, retool another ship or fit accessories to my existing ship which may or may not work, travel to the encounter and try again. Or I can exit the game which required as much dexterity as the previous 20 minutes of game time. I chose the latter.

You could not craft something more tedious if tedium was the yardstick on which you were being measured.
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Re: Eve Online · New perks for newbies · Winter Expansion in

Post by Deef »

I think missioning alone is something to be avoided. There's only 1 point to missions and that is to reach level 4 missions, and to be able to do them quickly. Until then they are pointless. The only thing you should be thinking is the standings grind in order to get to those levels, and with that in mind entering any mission that's going to take longer than a reasonable blitz is just a boring waste of time imo.

Find a corpie, join them in level 4 missions, whore the standings rewards. Unless that's happening I don't even bother with them. Grinding missions solo is as bad as mining on my to-avoid list.

My latest hair-brained money-making scheme is to learn how to track nullsec roaming fleets, and salvage the tech 2 aftermath.
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Re: Eve Online · New perks for newbies · Winter Expansion in

Post by blackhuey »

Deef wrote:My latest hair-brained money-making scheme is to learn how to track nullsec roaming fleets, and salvage the tech 2 aftermath.
I have a Hound fitted with 3 salvagers that I do exactly that in. Warp core stabs in the lows for those pesky interceptors. Your only real worry are bubble gate camps.

When I can fly T3s I'll do it in a cloaky Loki and stop worrying about bubbles too. It's good money and quite nerve wracking in enemy space.
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Re: Eve Online · New perks for newbies · Winter Expansion in

Post by Deef »

Few more bits and pieces about the update.

New nebulae are the topic of the week, up on SiSi already. Some looking a bit much like they're out of the bible at times if you ask me, but at other times many looking just awesome. Quite liking this one, looking literally like it's come straight out of a storybook:


More screens here: " onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

The rundown is that instead of the 30 backgrounds of nebulae we currently see, that are randomly spread through the map per constellation, now we get 68 different nebulae that are not random and are region based. That means less change as you travel, but more identity of where you are. As you change regions, you'll see the nebulae from other regions move further away. The nebulae of the home regions of each race match the colour palette of each race's ships too.

Apparently more black space, and more darkness and less saturation as you go deeper into low or nullsec also.

What else.

The final new battlecruiser was announced; the Caldari Naga. Everyone gets something from that name. Me, I think of the mag in PSO. Apparently meaning snake in one language, and "to gnaw" in Icelandic, that seems to fit perfectly with PSO's little gnawy snakey buddy.


The least interesting of the new designs imo; the Amarr Oracle certainly looking the best if you ask me. But many like the Naga design and I'm not complaining. It's Caldari; their ships are allowed to be straight and functional. Someone did make a good point of how Caldari ship influences seem to be more from rectangles instead of origami these days. Origami.. I like that.

Some other update mentioned about shadows. Their quality being improved, which from what I've read, really means the quality that was once nerfed is being un-nerfed by another means. I say that because it sounds like many other things: cynos, engine trails, warp tunnels, ship spinning.

On that note, a dev mentioned that warp tunnels are getting some minor work done as well, apparently already up on SiSi also. That's great news in my book, simply because I'm sick of the half-working warp tunnels. Whatever changes they make, just as long as they are more visible and work all the time, I'm happy. I hope they don't go the way of cynos, engine trails, nos effects, etc, and become less prominent.

Here's a time dilation demo. Players are testing it online with one of the devs, who is showing off his new ability to pause at will one of the biggest games in the world.
Still unsure about the dampened camera but it doesn't look bad. The explosions and new cynos look cool; effectively in bullet time.
In my opinion, TiDi is a feature that brings quite a polished feel to the game. When the players are just throwing too much at it, instead of crapping out it now takes the worst case scenario and does what it needs to to deal with it. What other games do that? None? They either simply fall over and die when things get too much (as Eve used to) or simply don't allow the players to push beyond certain feeble limits (as Eve has always been opposed to). Sure it is ultimately a slower fight in the end, but now it's a game that can say "You want to fight more than 1000 ships at once? Sure, go for it, we'll handle it."
Though this is probably a change us guys here won't see much if at all.
Last edited by Deef on 05 Nov 2011 10:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Collects Tomby Porn
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Re: Eve Online · New perks for newbies · Winter Expansion in

Post by Deef »

I went for my first cyno-hosting, in nullsec.

Squeezed 12.5k EHP into a Coercer, a ship I'm not fond of but is good for the job. The idea is that I'll usher a Thanatos through and he'll armour rep me for 10 minutes and hopefully I'll live. This way we'll save the 1.5 million ISK module that I just spent 5 million ISK fitting a ship to protect. There wasn't really a concern about the health of the Thanatos.. it's gargantuan and tanks something in the thousands per second.

Not actually a Coercer or Thanatos. Nothing to do with anything, in fact.

First jump into null, sensor boosting cane and drake already waiting on the gate. Nice start. I'm lucky I saw the boosting in space actually because I was herping up my nullsec run from the start with the wrong overview on already, no ships visible! Fail. Anyway I had a MWD fitted for this so I'm already thinking that I'll make a run for the gate. My mate thinks I should go for the warp. I don't know, no experience here. What's aligned? Nothing. There's never something aligned when you need it. I pick a belt and warp to 100 and it works.

Next jump, wrecks and corpses. Next jump, drones and corpses. Next jump, nothing. Empty system but apparently not one we can use. Final jump, a few in local.

Dock in station, a Griffin and an Omen Navy Issue on the undock. Looking at the station info it appears to be a kickout also. Straight down. This won't be a good place for the cyno and my mate picks a system 2 jumps away. I switch off the armour for the mass reduction (which doesn't make sense) and undock for lack of any better plan. If he catches me trying to warp maybe I'll make it back to dock, maybe I won't.


An interdiction bubble goes up straight away. Is that right? Am I getting one of these ships wrong? I suppose I must be. Well, whatever. I wait out the session timer and prepare for the docking run. Floating in nullsec in my Amarr destroyer inside an interdiction bubble, most of my shield suddenly disappears and that would be the session timer done. Fortunately, docking apears to be instant.

So I am well and truly camped in. Even a Slicer with an insta-undock wouldn't be going anywhere this time. Nothing else for it, we surrender to the meta-game and log for 25 minutes.

Half an hour later, local looks the same but one of the campers is docked. Waste no time, push the ship out the door and warp.


Next jump, empty. No-one in local, no stations either. Doh well. Fortunately the Taranis that had seen me jump through didn't jump after me. I think I would've been f***ed. While heading to the final jump someone does appear in local but no big deal.

Final jump, only 2 in local and they're both on the gate. Nice. Another Hurricane and a Cynabal. Ok, the Thanatos can handle them should it come to that, which of course it probably will. I dock, check out the station, all looks good. In fact this is the perfect station for cynos, the one with 3 points around a huge empty space in the middle so I can undock into non-kickout, non-cyno-bumping safety. Tactical overlay confirms the perfect place to light it; it's all so smooth and well spaced.

That guy that I spotted last system just arrived too, so that's 3 in local and me.

Undock, position, annnd hitting the cyno now. HERP not in fleet. Fleet. Annnd hitting the cyno now. Oh ffs fleet session timer. 17 seconds to go come on.

Local +1. Four others. A little smack appears, not towards us but from the guy who just jumped in, towards the two on the gate. Sounds like he's being bullied. Could be just faking it.


On comms, I start up with the He-Man tune. Dundundun, dun dun, dundun dundun dun dun... you know it.

Thanatos pops through. Purple in my overview. We exchange oh hais and I begin my 10 minutes of who knows. Quite chuffed without how big his ship is, and after being stuck in station for over a week, he's taunting local over comms (so only I can hear his come at me bros macho act) and already armour repping my ship. I don't really feel that's necess- oh look I'm in armour. No dilly dallying with shields this time. The Hurrican and Cynabal have indeed come to gatecrash and I'm in armour first shot. Ok so I'm glad the reppers are already on.


Armour goes down, armour goes up. The bullied guy arrives. Arazu. I don't even know what that is but it releases the drones. So does the Thanatos. Now it sounds like some big epic fight is happening, I'm even getting bumped by the bad guys. What is that supposed to achieve? If I live 2 minutes I'll live 10 minutes, bump or not. I suppose they're trying to get me out of the Thano's range? But no, really it's just my Amarr destroyer being wailed on by 3 bigger ships and a really, really bigger ship repping me. Drones are buzzing about being drones. My ship is playing a live match of armour ping-pong. It's losing.

The three attackers plus the drones are too much; the Coercer is going down.


"Get ready to dock up," he advises.


Dock. Dock. Dock. Dodododododock. Aura where the sh** are you? Oh. More fleet session timing crap? What? I can't dock after a cyno, is that it? Am I learning this now? Why am I learning this now I'm in my pod and I have many implants going on here ffs I'm in my pod between a cane a cynabal and a whatever god dammit ARrrrhgHH!1 I spend like 10 seconds dealing with this, questioning this, moaning about this to my corp mate. Just get out. Of course, what am I doing. In fact, what am I doing even alive still? That's the real question here because I am really herping this one up the derp. There is no way someone would have failed to lock my pod by now, surely. Some belt, select 100, hit warp.

Warp scrambling message comes up. Internal cursing. Noun, verb, adjective. Such a versatile word. Hang on, it's RaveNight! It's the Arazu! The Arazu is being scrambled, not me! It wasn't an act after all and the bad guys have turned on each other while I'm retarding around in my pod literally begging to be killed! Warp kicks in, I'm safe.

Twenty ships jump into local. Twenty.

My corp mate in the Thanatos starts cursing. Not internally.
Last edited by Deef on 07 Nov 2011 09:21 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Eve Online · New perks for newbies · Winter Expansion in

Post by Deef »

There is no more to that story by the way. Anyway, my Slicer is some kind of god.

21:42:17 Combat Your group of Medium Pulse Laser II perfectly strikes Sansha's Plague Lord, wrecking for 1444.4 damage.

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Re: Eve Online · Winter Expansion info · Heaps of SiSi chang

Post by Deef »

I'm on SiSi now and oh boy, so many changes.

I gotta start by saying how sweet, yet bitter, it is to see such a finger-out-of-arse pulling in this expansion. It bugs me to see that when they feel like doing it, CCP can actually do what people have been asking for 4 years or more. In this expansion there are so many little changes that it just makes the past feel stupid and the future feel untrustable. But anyway, here are some more little things you don't hear about:

Stuff. Toggles.
- Oh my god, this is my opinion of the new expansion epitomised. At bloody last, all the hotkeys you use to open a window toggle the window. About god damn time.

You can now autopilot to a station.
- Still some UI kinks on SiSi.

You can now Warp+Jump in one command.
- Select a gate, select jump. Even just use the hotkey for jump and now the warp is done for you.

The system HUD is quite different.
- More compact, yet more pop. Less texty. It's much better.

The starmap scrolls smoothly now when zooming.
- If you compare TQ and SiSi you'll see. Much nicer.

Fittings window tweaks.
- It now shows DPS.
- And power/CPU remaining instead of used.
- And allows 100 saves instead of 50.

You can put your ship fittings into your market quickbar.
- So you can buy your whole fitting from the market window now. Good improvement.

Several other starmap changes:
- Stars fade by distance, so it looks fuller.
- Entering and exiting the map fades the ship in instead of pops it in. Looks better.
- The solar system maps loses the old background for a black and blue.. nothingness. Mixed opinion here.

Fading stuff all over the place.
- Icons on the fitting window fade in. The quick map panel segments fade in. The maps fade in and out.

The new Comet skin looks f***ing ugly.
- I'm probably more disappointed than you are Brep.
- The Hookbill and Firetail too I think? Hookbill looks ok I think, not the Firetail.

Ship spinning counter!
- For real. Spin it ten times and a counter appears, seemingly for your whole session.

The character selection background moves.
- A little.

Everything is too dark.
- Because of the new nebulae I mean. Sure it seems more realistic at first, until you realise that your ship is harder to see than it used to be.. all the time.

Hybrids getting a second round of buffs.
- A 5% increase to all blasters.
- All hybrid ammo taking half the cargo space.
- Reload time dropped to 5 seconds. Honestly I don't think this one means anything. Still too slow to be useful, still only 2 damage types.
- So the Taranis is even more lethal. Fitting bugg, damage buff, agility buff on what is already the strongest interceptor. Nice.

That's about all I can think of for now.
I don't bug report on SiSi, there are too many bugs to be honest. I did get 2 million free SP to play with though. :D
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Re: Eve Online · New perks for newbies · Winter Expansion in

Post by Deef »

You guys (both of you) won't believe the amount of changes in the new expansion. Possibly more things than you'll notice. Yes it is Incarna damage control with no shame. And by no shame, I mean they destroyed the Jita statue in-game, replacing it with ruins and a memorial to the Jita protests after Incarna's release. I kid you not.

The new expansion is out on the 29th and is called Crucible. There are one or two really nice things I won't spoil. I'll just ramble about some of the smaller changes here.

Some of them. There are so many little changes and you know what's really irritating? They took 4 guys from another project and gave them 3 weeks. In those 3 weeks they implemented more long-awaited small changes that people have been asking for than CCP had done in years. Now those 4 guys have gone back to their real project and we're back to waiting a year to see if we can get KM toggled to AU in the d-scanner. Etc.

Nevertheless, there are maybe one hundred small improvements that are just duh. Here are some:
· All icons anywhere can be dragged into chat now.
· Drag-select functionality.
· Jump bridges shown on the starmap.
· Session timer indicates time remaining.
· Loot All button.
· Drones try to return to bay upon d/c.
· The stars of neighbouring systems are visible in space. Stargates are re-oriented. Stargates visibly shoot you perfectly to your destination.
· Bomb explosion point and radius appear on the tactical overlay.
· You can look at anyone's avatar in its complete 3D model.
· Shots that miss, miss. They fly right past your ship. Get an interceptor, run it around a couple of laser NPC battleships and cruisers, and wait for the epilepsy to kick in.
· All Gallente and Caldari sub-caps got a reskin. Yep. Amarr and Matar are still on the way.
· Default orbiting distance is now saved per ship.
· You can resize the UI to a few presets.
· All icons of 3D models now activate a preview when clicked, you don't need to Show Info.
· Rearrange targetted items.
· Auto Set-As-Interest upon hovering on a target has been nuked.
· Cloaked ships can't hold anomalies open forever anymore.
· Warping has been.... fixed. A lot.
· You can still move the camera after the docking request has been accepted.
· The insides of jet engines burn a fuzzy blue. So far only Gallente and Caldari again.
· Long shiny things.

There have been some sad nerfs throughout this testing phase. The Naga (Caldari's new battlecruiser) lost its torpedo versatilty, nebulae are being screwed around with a little, and there's one great effect that's now too great for my machine. My laptop doesn't support High shaders anymore. :( The character select background briefly floated around, now it's static again.

And the ships are terribly dark still. :/
Last edited by Deef on 19 Nov 2011 11:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Eve Online · New perks for newbies · Winter Expansion in

Post by Burnzoire »

Deef wrote: · Drones try to return to bay upon d/c.
· The stars of neighbouring systems are visible in space. Stargates are re-oriented. Stargates visibly shoot you perfectly to your destination.
· Bomb explosion point and radius appear on the tactical overlay.
· Shots that miss, miss. They fly right past your ship. Get an interceptor, run it around a couple of laser NPC battleships and cruisers, and wait for the epilepsy to kick in.
· Default orbiting distance is now saved per ship.
Awesome! Man I've wanted the shot effect fixed since forever! Stargate fix should make things more immersive. And FINALLY i don't have to constantly change "default" orbit. \o/

Oooh and hybrids got buffed?? For reals??
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Re: Eve Online · New perks for newbies · Winter Expansion in

Post by Deef »

The consensus is that the buffs were not enough/didn't address any of the real issues. As it stands, Minmatar are just Winmatar further still with the Tornado (Matar) being the easy favourite of the new BCs and the Talos (Gall) and Naga (Cald) being considered not worth using. All this is 2nd hand knowledge, I don't know BCs at all, and I haven't heard a single thing about the Amarr Oracle. It of course looks the best.

The stargates thing is very cool, but you can see all the deliberate stars they added to the background. Mucks up the effect a bit imo, but it is perfectly intuitive and satisfying to see the gate shoot you exactly into the star.

There are so many changes that the list I posted about a week ago... I forgot about all of those changes once I jumped on to Sisi. The biggest change to the feel of the game though is definitely the visuals. Definite blessing and curse. The new skins look better, the new shaders on the old skins look better. The nebulae look pretty good too. The new stars in the background are a bit cluttery, the ships look a lot more like plastic, and everything now is just too dark for too much of the game. I am well borderline about which I'd rather play but honestly I'm leaning towards the old look.

It really did feel like the devs were reading complaints and suggestions, and fixing them. Like the stargates pointing the right way? Someone wrote about that on the forums, a lot of people agreed, and suddenly there it is. The ship not spinning in the hangar. Someone made a thread, it's changed. I'm kinda wishing I'd gotten some complaints in; I feel like I've missed the boat on being heard. Actually on that note, the dark ships are one thing that stand out. Many people have complained, but CCP have only met the complaints with silence.

You people with real graphics cards... I envy you now in Eve.
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Re: Eve Online · New perks for newbies · Winter Expansion in

Post by Deef »

The music was the best bit. An okay trailer but it's actually quite feeble in presenting the amount of stuff done. The nebulae especially are real money shots, but no mention of them... strange. New doomsday and cyno effects, player owned customs offices, pod killmails, and they could have zipped through a list of maybe 20 of the good tweaks - lasers missing, cloaked ships not uncloaking each other, mapping jump bridges, realigned stargates, the god damn ship spinning counter, etc - too fast to read but sending the message. They could have paused for a tongue-in-cheek observation of the fact that background ships in the Amarr hangar don't fly into walls now. Eh well, not bad, better than the Incarna trailer but not mindblowing.

And yes, that was the new warp effect. It is that awesome. (Sadly, on Sisi for a while warping turned the sun into a fiery hell ball of hellfire from hell which was nuts, but they nerfed that before release).

Engine trails make me happy, but in game they're a bit plain. I played Eve back when trails still existed but it was too long ago for me to remember well, however I feel like the new trails need more sparkle. Or just to feel more tangible or something.

Anyway, having said all that, I'm actually unhappy with this expansion. That's my overall impression despite the mountains of good changes made. Why? Because it's all too f***ing dark now and the ships that appeared to be made to look cool from birth (Malediction & Anathema) are just a pain in the arse to look at now. They aren't bright enough, they don't change colour a fraction as much (scroll up for prime examples). I also feel like the deliberately added stars (added for the stargate-shoots-you-to-your-destination feature) hurt the starfield and make it look messy and cluttered. Yeah, I think that. But mainly the ships. I simply notice that I enjoy it less because I am just sick of looking at my ships that used to be completely awesome, now being too dark. Too static in colour. Too scruffy from nebulae reflections. Too plastic. I loved my Anathema and now it's not impressive at all. Just a disappointment every time I use it.

If they just lifted the brightness on the ships, and did something to bring colour back to the lighting, I'd be happy. But bleh.

On that note the outlook for the new Amarr skins isn't pretty. Everything's getting darker. The Minmatar ships meanwhile, the new shaders make them uglier. Believe it. The Comet got sh** on. But it's more that everything I like is just too dark to comfortably view.

Nevertheless, if you jump back in to the game you'll be impressed I think. Oh btw, there's a new implant giveaway. Shameless marketing scheme on CCP's behalf; you need to log in by Dec 5th to redeem it. They're also doing a 60 day trial period now.

Oh - Acceleration Control 5 done. More than 10% of my character is Acceleration Control 5. And I have a velocity implant. :D
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Eve Online: Crucible · New trailer · Free implant by Dec 5th

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

My character is still training but I've not played in weeks. I'll look at the trailer but with about 16 days of sub to run I don't think I'll be renewing. It was fun when it was fun.
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Re: Eve Online: Crucible · New trailer · Free implant by Dec

Post by Deef »

Yeah, not unexpected. A shame we couldn't match time zones to join up and get into anything really intense.

Now um, can I have your stuff? :)

Oh, 2 nights ago my corp mate lost that Thanatos I spent a Coercer cynoing in. :lol: That's like 80€ of ship rofl. I was online at the time, racing to get a new cyno into position, but it wasn't going to happen. He ejected before it blew up, then it blew up.
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Re: Eve Online · 2nd implant by Dec 22nd · Free remap availa

Post by Deef »

Just 2 quick notes:

- The second half of the Core Augmentation set is up for redemption now. You have to log in AND redeem it by Dec 22nd.
- Logging in to Account Management lets you choose from a heap of gifts. Since everything is ISK anyway, it narrows it down to 3 options: 2000 AUR, a free neural remap, or about 40 million ISK in fuel blocks or laser crystals or whatevers. These gifts will appear in the redemption system on Dec 22nd.
So that buggers me up for my alts.

I now rat in -0.4 space. No dramas.
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Re: Eve Online · 2nd implant by Dec 22nd · Free remap availa

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

One of only three ships flying in the entire game of half a million plus subscribers, a Revenant Super Carrier, lured to its destruction by a traitor/spy. The ship is/was worth approx USD9k of actual money. Article includes links to videos and soundclouds of game comms from the ambush and aftermath.

http://www.forbes.com/sites/davidthier/ ... tely-9000/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

http://themittani.com/news/ten-pl-super ... enant-down" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

New exploration expansion looks good. I might hop back in for a look.
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Re: Eve Online · 2nd implant by Dec 22nd · Free remap availa

Post by Deef »

I tried the 5 free days (well, I only got to play 1 of them -_-) and have been teetering on the edge since. The same small and superficial changes that annoyed me still exist, but I've felt like playing the trading game instead of making really good frigates. Haven't decided.

From what I've read the exploration changes are very kind to new players, while veterans are feeling a bit ripped off. You don't need to skill up now to get more scan probes - everyone starts with 5 of them, so that's understandable for those who sat on skill level 5 for ages. Also, sites are revealed immediately to every player upon jumping into a new system, every system. Not revealed as in warpable, but revealed as in their existence and physical location in the sky shown. The number of people visiting exploration sites has apparently turned into an exponential curve. I imagine that's what CCP wanted to happen; all that exploration content being used by more than a small percentage of players.

Hacking (maybe others as well, not sure) now rewards by dumping a load of cans into space; deliberately too many and moving too fast for the player to deal with all of them, and that hasn't been receiving a lot of love.

Still a bit busy so not quite ready to jump back in. And if I did I think I would be playing differently.
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Re: Eve Online · 2nd implant by Dec 22nd · Free remap availa

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

So who is training at the moment? I won’t dob Brep in. Bette? Dan?

I’ve been back in for a while now and am enjoying it a lot. Just been setting Punchanella back up, getting the wallet ticking over, ensuring I log back in with more ISK than when I’d logged out, etc. She’s had a crack at a few margin trades and come out ok. Playing the market is a pretty satisfying pastime and having transactions play out out-of-game provides focus and relevance to stuff that might seem boring on their own.

Exploration is indeed far, far more accessible. Good and bad in this for obvious reasons. Even with sites looming upon entering systems you still have to invest time to find the good ones. The mini-hacking games are cool. CCP are so good at making a universe that is aesthetically excellent. Make sure you equip a cargo scanner to save time and counter the can click-fest. I’m currently exploring high sec in a t2 fitted Probe including 5 x Hobgoblin IIs. I've scored some loot that would've netted 7-8 mil not long ago. Since the expansion such items have suffered profound price dives.

Spent some AUR and am now wondering what to do with my 12m ISK shoes and 14m ISK leather blouse.

Thanks to fun times with the now defunct Into The Pink I have a base setup in lowsec (Reynire) which I will visit again soon, not to mention a small fleet of PvP Rifters in Stacmon. On my shortlist is joining Estel Arador Corp Services to get some jump clones distributed including one in lowsec. The joys of low/null sec is something I look forward to experiencing when I’m ready. I’m going o/s for a holiday soon. I’ll queue the 20 odd days to train cloaking to level 5 before I leave so I can warp around cloaked upon my return.
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Re: Eve Online · 2nd implant by Dec 22nd · Free remap availa

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

A very quick 2.7m to determine how quickly this item moves through Dodixie. Pretty quick as I thought it might. Onto the watch list. As with everything else in Eve the market and all you can do with it is very deep. Third party market websites allow you to monitor buy/sell prices across all systems.
Margin trading is easy money however it does require a bit of maintenance to keep your buy/sell orders at the top of the tree. Transact 100 of these, 30+ mil.

I have the highest buy order in at Dodixie for 10 Quafe Zero packs at 5+ mil each. Not sure if that will fly given there are sell orders at Jita for 7m+. If a strapped pilot after immediate cash sells to me that's 2m profit per unit.
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