Feminist infiltration of the game industry (and male spaces)

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Feminist infiltration of the game industry (and male spaces)

Post by GameHED »

Over time when I have been playing games I have noticed one thing the videogame websites like to point about all these violent games we play: The lack of respect to the girls which they percieve as being weak simply because they don't kill stuff.

Videogames have been infiltrated by the feminists. They are absolutely everywhere telling people to not support games like Duke Nukem Forever because it is sexist and giving it low scores.

They are writing articles bashing The Last of Us
http://uk.gamespot.com/features/the-las ... e-6411051/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

and then making us all feel guilty that you don't play as a female rescuing the guy.

I was wondering if there are any female gamers on this board who agree with the views of feminists at these websites and if it affects whether you buy games?

Now I am neutral on this topic because I think really it is all just about money. The industry figures that majority of people who play the violent shooters and horror games are going to be the males in the 25-30 and this is who they target.

But it got me thinking: why don't games just have 2 characters (both male and a female just like in Mass Effect) instead of the one person?

I think if there are any feminists out there actually playing games, why haven't you emailed the companies to have option to change the sex of your character instead of whining and complaining about this and rating down all the best triple A titles out there?

You don't see many complaints for games like Elder Scrolls or RPG where you can customise characters. So why not actually do something? Are you being ignored?

It seems the games that get the most picked on are all the high selling ones. Whenever there is a game that is not as well known (castlevania Order of Eclesia) the feminist never reward those companies for putting in a strong female lead (one that does everything herself and is covered up) but instead focus on hating us for buying the game where the man is the lead.

I think it is unfair that this trend keeps going on. Now that they work at gamespot and other websites this will affect scores of games and it worries me that they punish games that put men in the main character "hero" role but then ignore examples where females kick arse without anyone's help.

I don't really like it when political movement infiltrate art and force creators to make stuff according to what is popular. I want games to just be targeted towards one group. Then if the people of a feminist group don't like it, they only buy the stuff that targets them. (example" a game where a team of females are the main characters and the creators of the game are themselves feminists)

That's just me though. If in future all the websites have only feminist reviewers (not just female feiminsts but male ones too) then the people making these games are going to feel bullied by the websites that review their games and feel that if they don't put a strong female in the game their games will get low scores.

This is another reason I avoid all the mainstream videogames websites now. If a game is actually good it could just get low scores simply because a powerful group doesn't agree with the message in it. It is a type of censorship to me. We all know Ben Kuchara bashed Duke Nukem Forever mostly because he is a male feminist, not because of the fault of the game itself. (even though it was pretty average. If the creator's political view is different from the views of the reviewers, it means now the creator has to worry whether or not it pleases feminists if they want a high score at the website where feminists are planted. That's going to be a problem in future.

We might not see equality (like in RPG titles where you can select the sex of the character) but a dictatorship where one sex thinks it is more important than the other simply because it is a minority in buying games overall. Fact is men are the ones buying violent shooters so that's why companies make the main character a man, not because they want to send messages that only men can kick butt. In fact in FEAR 2 the main character is raped by a female ghost with supernatural powers who he can not overpower using conventional guns; which we all know are a phallic symbol in the shooter genre. You don't hear about this stuff because the feminists only complain about really popular titles. The geeks who play and make these games love tough females but we don't feel we should give up our existing games where men are the lead and we should not be made to feel guilty for it which is what feminists always want to do with any popular game they can pick on. Go and make games where females are the lead and rescuing males. Don't expect creators to have to edit things for you.

This is the way it will always be: people who are male that like to be a male will buy games where they relate to the character. People who are female who like to be a female will buy a game where they relate to the character. If there are more overall males buying these games, you will see more males on the covers as the hero kick butt with a female chucked in as eye candy or a support character. The solution is go and buy those games where females kick butt (eg Castlevania OOE) and let the company know you bought it for those reasons so that they will naturally want to tap into the feminist games market to rake in the $.

For example: If gears of war had transgendered main character I personally would not identify with that. So I may not buy it. The transgendered people need to look for transgendered game makers to make games for transgendered games so that they can be heroes too. Then the existing gamers can be happy. And the transgendered people can be happy. Similar thing can happen to feminists in the games industry. But you can't whine and moan about it when you are not helping to mention all the games that have females that are strong. You just want to boss the mostly male creators of these games around which I find disgusting behavior because it's all about "let's get our revenge on the men".
Last edited by GameHED on 27 Oct 2018 07:32 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by jahooley »

This is how you should deal with it - http://nyc.barstoolsports.com/random-th ... n-twitter/

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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by Hercy »

I think you've missed the point. People don't want female leads or female characters because they otherwise lack the ability to relate to the characters. It's because the portrayal of female characters in entertainment can inform how society views and treats women. So if women in video games (and of course other media, which are no less guilty of this) are always portrayed as secondary characters or merely as a foil for a male character, then that is the view that people will take out into the world.

If you don't think that the portrayal of women in popular culture is skewed, then Google the Bechdel test. It evaluates whether a movie, etc, contains two named female characters who have a conversation which isn't about a man. The percentage of movies which pass this seemingly simple test is tiny. Keep in mind that almost 100% of all entertainment ever would pass the male version of that test.
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by Twiztid Elf »


Lollipop Chainsaw wins that test btw. Juliet, Cordelia and Rosalind Starling have all sorts of conversations not about men. Killing zombies, birthday cakes, etc.
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by selfish »

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/U ... echdelTest" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
...the Bechdel Test is not meant to give a scorecard of a work's overall level of feminism. It is entirely possible for a film to pass without having overt feminist themes – in fact, the original example of a movie that passes is Alien, which, while it has feminist subtexts, is mostly just a sci-fi/action/horror flick. A movie can easily pass the Bechdel Test and still be incredibly misogynistic. Conversely, it's also possible for a story to fail the test and still be strongly feminist in other ways, and there's nothing necessarily wrong with that. What's a problem is that it becomes a pattern – when so many movies fail the test, while very few show male characters whose lives seem to revolve around women, that says uncomfortable things about the way Hollywood handles gender. There are also lesser-known variations of the rule, such as the Race Bechdel Test, in which two characters of colour talk about anything other than the white leads and the Reverse Bechdel Test, with the roles of men and women swapped.
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by GameHED »

oh no. Now Eurogamer jumps on the bandwagon:
http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013- ... mens-guide" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

If the next popular game doesn't have a female character that isn't wearing pants and acting masculine it will probably get an 8 because this is perceived as big problem to them.

Creators who want freedom should just go indie from here on. This way they can have scantily clad females in the background and males that do not get raped (FEAR 2 ending) which makes men feel weak and powerless.
I like power. I'm not going to play as a naked character in bikini who isn't wearing armour. (unless it is a female) Women are attractive wearing that so that is why men want to see armour with barely any protection on the female characters.

The feminists could easily make their own female power fantasy games but they prefer to interfere with our existing male power fantasy titles (which is evil as it will affect sales of the games and men won't buy it if they feel weak) See comments by cormacmulhall in the eurogamer article.

You saw this problem with batman movies where they tried to put nipples on his leather suit and men were turned off by it. I don't want a character for females or gay men to perv at. These people are just control freaks plain and simple. PC thugs are plotting to make male power fantasy games less profitable by infiltrating websites and paying to have articles bashing these games where women are naked. I like naked females. It's not demeaning because the power of the female is the sexuality not so much in killing. (but it can be that or both) They are not being abused, they are just kicking arse while wearing less armor. And historically wearing armor slows you down. Given that only the elite warriors wore it and moved in it, it would not be realistic to weigh down an average person with that as it would exhaust them just to move around in it. (dwarf character in Dragon's Crown doesn't wear armor but why did the feminist no comment on this?)

This is a big problem in future as games get more popular. The PC thugs are going to put clothes on the women. I am against this as not all women are feminists, and not all want women to be clothed with armour or act masculine and be the blood thirsty killing machine type character. This is a a very feminist perspective on how women should be portrayed. What about women who want their character to be the most accurate with a bow, or the most popular hooker in a town and take pride in being sexier and hotter and most fashionable and also the best at performing sex acts? These are things the feminists never want to think about because they are being controlled by a political movements. I don't like political correctness that is why we turned to these other games to escape. It's why you got the tits in conan, or the battle nun in Dragon's Crown.

If you are turned off by it or embarassed by it that is fine, but game creators need to be free to make these games without the bullies telling them how to make it appealing to a wide audience. It's not meant for everyone, just the people who like it.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/ ... fight.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
^on why being protected may not be as tactically sound in the real world as nerdy videogame players think. The big burly dwarf and amazon in Dragon's Crown if covered up would have to sacrifice speed accuracy, and stamina which make them easier to hit, slower to respond, and run out of breath easier if they wore restrictive plates that ruin dexterity and affect awareness.
Last edited by GameHED on 13 Oct 2013 12:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by Cletus »

People like to tell everyone how respectful they are of women. Like it's something men should be acutely aware of. Like respecting people in general isn't enough. You need to specifically respect women. It's a lot of shit. More PC shit. I don't respect women. I respect people individually. If a women is an outright cunt of a person, I don't respect her. So clearly I don't just blanket my respect across the board.

There are countless women out there who deserve no more respect than men of similar calibre. I wonder how many men who disapprove of the portrayal of women in these games have porn. In a game where thugs are thugs, junkies are junkies, whores are whores and everything is exaggerated it's seem downright out of place for women to be in thick formless clothing being addressed as "my lady" by every other character.
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by Hercy »

Well I thought that the video was funny.
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by GameHED »

The thing that pisses me off is when sexism happens to men we are meant to not mention this. If feminsist writers for those websites want to get credibility you got to mention examples of when men are abused too. Even if you think it is rare that doesn't make it ok. Otherwise wife-beating men who beat up their wives and abuse kids would get an easy pass for being good at silencing their women and it not being seen in hollywood movies or in popular tv shows or whatever they think is so influential on the publics mind, due to it being covered up or hidden away easily.

I just think the best solution is leave the creators alone.

No, gamespot, GTA V does not need a powerful female if the creator didn't want to do it. Sure it might broaden the appeal of the game to feminists but I doubt non-feminist women really give a fuck and probably won't affect whether they buy it. Maybe a lot of females in the game are seen as strippers, hookers, etc and you can run over a hooker to get money back but that is possible if they had put male hookers. They just chose not to put male hooker in it because from a business point of view they figured that a lot of men are buying these violent games and want to see sex. If the creators wants to make a game targeted to everyone, (both male and female) they could copy Saints Row where you just choose your sex and that's it, but they shouldn't HAVE to. That's the difference. You shouldn't be able to rate games down just because they are not politically correct. That tells the people making the games that "if you don't put in clothed women wearing pants just like the males, you are going to get low scores".

Whether a female is hyper sexualised or not in design should not be an excuse to rate it down. If I were a male gamer who likes to see that, it appeals to me and then I would go and buy it because I like perving. It is as simple as that. And it works in business. Is it embarassing to play these games in front of politically correct idiots who might be your gamer buddies? Maybe, but many of these feminsts fail to understand that characters like lara croft in tomb raider were chosen specifically because it gave the male gamer something to perv at from behind and the sex is what sold it. Not necessarily because female gamers demanded to see strong female who could kick butt. That only came later when the series became hyped up and after there was a tomb raider hollywood movie with angelina jollie in it. But before that she was a nerdy character that played gameboy games and just happened to be a female adventurer. Not a feminsts icon. This is the cold hard truth.

The feminists kind of hijacked the game industry demanding that if other game companies don't put in tough chics they should be ashamed of themselves.
But this is like male gamers rating down games like Order of Eclesia just because you are not a strong male character in it compared to the previous castlevania games, and ignoring the quality of the gameplay in the game. It is ignoring the more important issue of honesty in reviews.

What we demand is this:

-reviews need to focus on the quality of a game, and not be based on politics (so a male gamer can't complain that CastleVania OoE is crap just because you play only as a woman with no male option, ...and female/male feminists can't complain about samus aran acting too feminine in metroid (being able to see her almost nude) or no strong female lead in Call Of Duty/gears of war etc just because they don't like male protaganists or feminity in existing female characters)

-feminist reviewers MUST show neutrality and make negative comments in games where males are sexualised too (mention how the dwarf in Dragon's Crown is hyper sexualised and how it sends a message that skinny men are not as good as muscled men at melee) ...IF you choose to point out sexism against females. In games like Dragon's Crown you have both tough powerful female with masculine qualities (amazon) and feminine females, (the sexy witch) and stuff in between (the elf). Mentioning only the females that offend you (but not mentioning the females which appeal to feminists) because of your political views is not acceptable. You can't cherry pick. They did that with Dues Ex when they had a black chic who is poor, but then forgot that there were also educated black chics with money/power etc. By not pointing out example that counter their argument they are being dishonest.

-when writers want to put in strong males, but also strong females too, you can't punish them for not making the female more strong than the male. If you want equality you have to accept that the male rescues the chic as many times as female rescuing the men. There are female supremecists within feminism who pretend to be feminists but what they are all about is "getting revenge" by proving females are superior. These are the ones we hate the most. You should not support their views anymore than say racists.

These three things would go a long way to avoiding angering the game community who play games mostly for the fun and not interested in how politically correct the message is in the story. We want reviewers who put their personal views in the editorial area where they can look at the subject more breadly rather than in the review where all the information about how good a game is or isn't should be kept. It (the appeal of a game to males and females who are feminists) has no bearing on whether a game is GOOD. You could play a game where you are say a cyborg with a female body but a male brain implanted into it and it would have no effect on the quality of gameplay. These people are forcing their beliefs down our throats and it will open the door to more dishonesty in the review of games. For instance there may be a game where you play as a black magician and sacrifice people to make your powers stronger, and some religious guy decides it is crap because it forces you to use black magic and goes against his personal beliefs and morals. But what about non-religious gamers? Will it appeal to them? We want to know if a game is FUN, not how suitable it is to a particular group of people and have scores centred around that one thing.

A game that has a big budget, gets very popular, but appeals "mostly to men" is not the fault of game companies who just want to make money. It's the feminist's fault for not forming their own company to make the kinds of games that appeal to feminists. If you pay money for a particular thing (say male power fantasy) you should get it. Not all big budget triple A titles should be politically correct since the appeal of some games is actually how anti-pc they are. Without that, they actually lose value because the views in the game are what creators had intended, and this may be what makes them profitable as people want more of this. Let us take an example here: the only reason hideo kijima wants to make Quite sexy in MGS 5 is because fans want a sexy female, not a non-sexy one. Does it matter to the quality of gameplay whether the design is appealing to one group over another? Of course not. The game should be judged on the qaulity. It has little impact on the game being good or crap. But let us say Konami release a feminist edition where they don't make the female character sexy. Does that deserve higher rating? The game is still the same. Think about it. Feminists need to stop telling non-feminists what they want and just go out and get feminists to make the games they'd buy. Not tell male power fantasy gamers who are paying money to buy these games, that we should be ashamed for not being feminists.
Last edited by GameHED on 13 Oct 2013 01:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by GreyWizzard »

It's not about a strong woman, it's about a woman who acts like a woman would. This is why people have praised Tomb Raider, young Lara acts like a young man would. You could swap the gender and it would pretty much be the same game.

Also, GTA V is horrible for treatment of women. All women in the game are written as complete bitches or whores. In multiplayer if you create a female character the first interaction with an NPC (Lamar) is sexual harassment.
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by Megaman »

Hercy wrote:Well I thought that the video was funny.
Maybe if a man had explained Rainbow Islands to her she would have known the main characters' names.
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by GameHED »

GreyWizzard wrote:It's not about a strong woman, it's about a woman who acts like a woman would. This is why people have praised Tomb Raider, young Lara acts like a young man would. You could swap the gender and it would pretty much be the same game.

Also, GTA V is horrible for treatment of women. All women in the game are written as complete bitches or whores. In multiplayer if you create a female character the first interaction with an NPC (Lamar) is sexual harassment.
Ok but see that is more reason feminists need to make games for feminists. Because non-feminist creators are not going to make material that is appealing to them. In fighting games for example you have a range of different types of females to choose from: the sexy busty ones, (mai from King of Fighters - there is a lot of unnoficial porno comics with her in it) the intelligent ones (the chic with the suit in Street Fighter 4 that looks like angelina jolie), the young ones who are clumsy but cute and usually have panty shots for japanese men to wish they could sniff etc

You can't say women fit into a specific type. There are arseholes who happen to be females, and it has nothing to do with them being FEMALE. The main point is that reviews should not be based on how appealing the character is to feminists. Any more than a game should be rated based on how highly it makes a minority look good (loads of movies get away with portraying minorities as nothing more than gangs but are thought of as great movies) ...or if it treats animals in games nicely or any number of political groups.

It's got nothing to do with if the game is fun. I can run over animals and dogs in GTA V and treat them horribly. People who are animal lovers probably wish there was a way endangered species like pandas could be major characters that kick human arse. Maybe they will be idiots and review it based on that alone and give a game a crap score or in the comments talk about how it sends a bad message. I don't want that forced down a creator's throat - it's not their responsibility to know what a particular political moevment wants - they just want money. They may not see it as realistic to them in their universe. Anymore than fat chics think the big tittied witch in Dragon's Crown is realistic even though there are REAL women with naturally big tits in the real world. (it's not common but it exists)

Just focus on the game and then put your personal opinions about the characters in the editorial part where it belongs Don't mix it in with the score. As I said, if the creators of the games told you that every character was a robot, and made up some bullshit, it wouldn't change the score of a game. If the artists created a politically-correct edition of every game where everything is a non-human entity, it would not be considered superior to the non-PC version where the gameplay is identical but everyone is human. This is how most gamers think. We wish politics was seperate from the review.
I don't want my amazon clothed and covered up or my big titted chics to have their boobs tucked away if the designer wanted to copy Boris Vallejo or Frank Frazetta paintings or was inspired by japanese animes. And you shouldn't either. It's censorship.
Last edited by GameHED on 13 Oct 2013 02:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by Madmya »

I've noticed this trend lately too. Sometimes it feels like people are more interested in seeing how a game portrays women rather than the game itself. I wouldn't say it bothers me but, I just don't care on both ends of the scale.
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by itch »

I think Skyrim could be the most feminist friendly game out there.

Chicks love it, the warhammers and the fucken viking helmets and shit.
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by GameHED »

It got me thinking the other day if every single game out there just let us all customise characters right from the start we would all be better off. And instead of creating a story for your character you the player make up the story. In a lot of fighting games, it always annoyed me that many of the characters are just rip off from various comic books.

Companies like capcom could easily make a 3D fighting game construction kit that allowed you the player to craft the type of character you want and develop some kind of RPG like stats that control various things to limit their ability so tha the game was fair.

For those of you who never played Street Fighter Alpha 3 on psp there was an indication they were headed into that direction and in the other modes you could manipulate certain stats of your fighter and assign perks (for instance being allowed to interrupt a normal hit with another normal hit) that affect their fighting behavior and various passive things like speed. This mean that although your character looked the same (back then it was still all sprites based) you had a custom made version of that character.

With today's 3D tech and facial customisation tools which you see in these open world games like elder scrolls and saints row, they can give us more control over how the character looks at least. Namco already does it for the SC titles.

But the problem as I see it is this: capcom wants to milk your wallet for DLC add-ons.

They want to sell you the customised stuff instead of just giving us a fighter where these things are already there. If you wanted to make clothing or modify the characters face, or add effects like have a sweaty looking body or introduce scars or other things like custom made tattoos or piercings, this would mean less $ for them.

All they would need to do is introduce a fighting game (not street fighter but a spin-off) where instead of rip offs from various japanese fighting anime and manga that they stole from, we the player create the story and have the whole game set up like a sport, and have career mode where you start off with crap stats (like having the crap default car in grat turismo) and over time these build up as you gain victory. The gameplay would change and evolve as new moves are added into the series so that instead of only having a handful of attacks and special moves like in SF, your character can learn better techniques over time and damage is modified based on a system where the more you abuse the move the less deadly that attack comes.

It would solve the problem of games having bad balance in the fighting game genre, since cheap moves can not be exploited. It's funny how capcom already had this in Dragon's Dogma (the pawn system) but they won't put this stuff in fighting games.

This series could be a series that tops street fighter in terms of it's depth and they could reinvent how fighting games are done by making them less repetitive. (the problem with SF is it is primarily an arcade fighting game series, but what I am suggesting is something that is suited for homes where your character is like your PC in RPG games) Back in the old days when they still only had hand drawn sprites they were limited in what a characters look like and do. With the series going 3D they have more flexibility. If they really insisted on having story, they could go about it like the armored core games and you change your character based on the tournaments you entered. So if you were in a fighting tournament where speed is necessary you might choose lighter character, or if it was a test of endurance (survival mode competition) you might go for a beefy character with lots of health and high defensive tactics to conserve your health and limit risk (only doing the most boring and effective attacks to win).

If a tournament was team based you can have one character for speed and the tank as the go to guy for big high damage moves that sap a lot of health on the opponent after you dizzy him with the smaller guy who is good with combos and can move around quickly to confuse the other team.

When you only have limited number of moves, it starts to get predictable. They would need to think up a system where 'intelligence' stat lets you access higher-skilled techniques. (it controls your learning speed) If you have lots of techniques, your become a lot less predictable but you sacrifice power and must avoid mistakes. There could be a CPU-randomly generated character (with stats to match you) in single player mode and some of the custom-made designs of other players you met online are pooled into this mode. You already see this shit in stuff like MUGEN where people have created sprites of their own based on popular marvel and dc heroes. I think some official series would be good for this though.
Feminists would make female characters who are closer to what they think would be 'real'. They could adjust tit size on the females, or make the men characters look like the shirtless guy on the cover of those trashy romance novel if they wanted to. eg

The fact is you can't do this with the 2D since the hand-drawn art is tied to whatever the creator of the characters wanted for themselves (dragon's crown artists obviously wanted fantasy novel covers but exagerated a bit - this is no different to the cartoonish style used today in kids animated shows).

With the next gen, there is no need to stick with the cartoony look of the old street fighter games.
They could make something more closer to realistic people and give us the control over how much muscle mass they have (factor this into how much strength training you do) or what clothes they wear (important if you want to stand out online) and other stuff like the characters attitude. (how they taunt, the emotions ie are they roid rage types who want to go on a rampage or calm and collected with witty one-liner? etc)

Physical attributes should play a role too: If you have a character who is skinny this should effect things like how easy you are to knock over, (and get up) the speed to retract your punches after each strike and dodging speed and many other things. (fat guys might absorb more hits but the damage they do after throwing you to the ground and pinning you to the floor is determined by how much he weighs. (if you are a skinny guy underneath a fat guy and got crushed, you will take lot more damage then a guy with muscles) A guy with high agility stat could do throw escapes much easier take advantage of the environment better. (eg dodge while in the air and cancel attacks with dodges to approach at a time when the opponent is open after baiting him - maybe have unique rolls to make it harder to hit him from the air so that you can hit the jumping-forward opponent in the arse from behind him as he lands)

When you get to win all the cups (or should I say trophies or belts) similar to mario kart, a new mode opens up and the game get harder with much better opponents with higher stats and unique moves which you can access after training to beat them before the match. As you train against them they train against you too and slowly learn what moves you often use and learn to avoid it. (cloud technology can analyse the player's movements to make sure the CPU is aware of your fave combos)

Things like making a character who has high ground speed but slow movemet in the air could be created too if you have special powers like levitation. (these things can be part of that characters innate abilities rather than skills that need to be upgraded)
I think games in general need tp move away from the usual archetypes and give us more flexibility overall. There are some races in fighting games that aren't as well represented. For instance in the Final Fight games you don't see any black guys helping haggar and guy to beat up gangs in metro city - only as bad guys. SOR at least had that. With customisation you don't have to worry about this problem. Code of princess lets you choose your skin tone, which is interesting.
Until greedy companies stop trying to sell costumes/horse armour as paid dlc though, we won't see that. They know you will pay to look unique so why give it for free?
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by BOOMY »

1. Please post on topic
2. Your idea castrates an essential part of street fighter - matchup knowledge
3. Stop posting about street fighter, I can't recall a single time you have shown you understand the game
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by itch »

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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by GameHED »

BOOMY wrote:1. Please post on topic
2. Your idea castrates an essential part of street fighter - matchup knowledge
3. Stop posting about street fighter, I can't recall a single time you have shown you understand the game
1. it is on topic. shut up little 5 year old kid.

2. That's not how you win at street fighter. If someone challenges you in arcade while you were playing, you can't choose your character if they just joined in. (you are playing defense) You have to know ALL the characters and play wholistically and when you have a weak character against your opponent's strong character(who is tough against the one you are already using), then you have to be good at enduring his assault and overcoming your character's shortcomings with your own skill as a player by being better than your opponent's skill as a player. This comes with practice playing against him over and over again, not strategy guides you fucking "new street fighter fan who can't think for himself" pussy. :roll: People who blame their loss on the character they use are not pros at fighting games. You are limited as a player and assume skills can't compensate for having a shit character. Highly skilled people making the right choices can beat equally skilled people using good characters who are acting carelessly.

3. Stop posting about street fighter in this thread. I am talking about capcom moving fighting game ahead for the home console market not sticking to arcade game conventions. In arcades you are chained to whatever conventions there are with being there. In the home you can add modes like namco bandai do with soul calibur that allow customisations. It's not the 90s you fucking douchebag.

The money I spend on game is more important than the money you spend. You support whatever shit capcom make without looking at it critically. The SF series needs to evolve. Or at least give us a fighting series not called street fighter that is up to date with the technology of today.

As time moves on things should get better not stay the same. If you like SF they can easily give that to you. You won't see a new sequel for a very long time. In the meantime while you are playing SF games for years and years, they can think of ways to evolve the genre beyond arcadey combat systems.

I play many different fighting games. I don't just play SF. I play Blazblue and guilty gear, and KOF series and capcom is not the leader in mechanics like they think. It is time for them to progress. not stay stagnant. Notice how all capcom seems to do now is do remakes of old shit like DMC, Strider, SF (contain old characters we have seen many times) but they haven't expanded much in recent years? (apart from dragon's dogma) It's time to push forward, not stay in the past you cocksmoking capcom-fantard. This is how games become deep - by giving us better mechanics than what we already had seen from the last time. (technology allows for this to happen because of the higher amount of resources and memory of new systems as well as money to throw around. It's how SF3 seems to have aged so well because the tech behind its sprites was ahead of its time)

Don't you want to customise your version of chun li and have her style go according to how your version would play? This is stuff they were already doing on the psp version SFA3 but we haven't seen much progress since then. (fiddling with the base stats, and the perk-like ability you could add to your custom

It's ironic that one of the 'new' features of the next SF4 edition is the ability to choose to use any ultra you wish. Wow like you couldn't do that in Alpha series before. (alpha fighting style already let you use all your supers) See, instead of progressing in these baby steps they could have given us something much bigger, and much more ambitious. Unfortunately they make money squeezing your wallet with dlc costume packs which are things you could just have included for free or made as part of the core of the series. And worst of all these don't affect your playstyle or the way your fight in any way. What I am proposing is a series where choices in what you train in affect what you can do. (and the attributes like strength, intelligence, endurance, stamina etc affect your base starting values and determine the limits of the character. (home consoles are not limited by the time limits of being at an arcade so people can think about how they want to craft the character in career mode)

eg. if you have shit stamina you will be easy to submit due to weak lungs and it takes longer to get up after knockdown. If you have trained to increase the strength, your grappling and throwing of heavier opponents becomes much easier etc that kind of thing. By using realistic graphics, they can add stuff like sweat, blood, bruises, cuts etc that appear in realtime as the fight happens. We expect this stuff today. All they need to do is think up some interesting fantasy tournaments and give us the ability to have more than one character to train for each of them instead of pregenerated ones we are used to seeing in exsiting games which are just copies of shit from japanese comic books.

You don't have word tour mode or any interesting modes in 4. What I wish is they create a whole game around the idea of many different tournaments arond the world happening and you choose to enter them all to see if you can win the trophies. You train the fighters you want and work your way up a ladder like in gran turismo and as you get more money you can invest in better things like a rpg for the single play portion of the game. Then you take that high level character to fight against other similarly ranked characters. It adds a layer of experimentation so that you are not sure right at the start how your character will evolve and where you should spend the limited time and energy in before the date of the fights. (give us an actual world within the game to tour with many different rule systems depending on the tournament - this is where they should be spending money on - not on lost planet 3 which is a dead franchise)

Alpha 3 on psp was the most evolved SF in terms of features. But they should take that stuff and make full fighting game around the idea for home console gamers under a new name. Nobody goes to arcades anymore. You can have all kinds of cool extras that would be unnecessary for an arcade audience. Fans of the alpha series remember this stuff fondly and it was great progress from the vanilla arcade edition.
This was when capcom was at their peak. They took what existed and worked on interesting extras for those who liked career and leveling up system in fighting. They even had a free "tag" mode option in that game so you could use two characters at a time and switch between them in single player arcade mode to spice up the experience.
Last edited by GameHED on 30 Oct 2013 04:37 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by BOOMY »

1. Really, point out where you talk about the feminist infiltration of the game industry

2. FYI, Matchup knowledge doesn;t mean counter picking. It means playing your character according the matchup and having the knowledge to do so.People don't blame their characters, they use knowledge of their own and opponents characters to play accordingly. What you described before with all the customization would ruin one of the core principles of the genre.

3. FYI, This thread is about the feminist infiltration of the game industry. I am just responding to what you brought up, street fighter

As Ive been saying the last few years every time you post this nonsense, get a clue or don't mention street fighter in your posts.
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by BOOMY »

I was going to post this but then decided against it.
Last edited by GameHED on Wed Oct 30, 2013 3:25 pm, edited 5 times in total.

Then I saw this...
Last edited by GameHED on Wed Oct 30, 2013 3:37 pm, edited 6 times in total.


FYI I replied to you at 3:15 pm
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by GameHED »

This is a good discussion here about why non-gamers are so horrified at violence against female characters in the games and interpret that as meaning "all gamers like to chop up women and maim them and therefore gaming as a hobby is misogynistic."
If all gamers are misogynistic, then we must censor the games.
As more and more celebrities try to attack game culture these discussions need to be had with the non-gamers to identify what it is that makes them so offended. Fro ma gamer's perspective anything that attacks you unprovoked is fair game. It's caled self defence. If that enemy is a 4 foot tall midget, then you can chainsaw that midget in half and be comfortable.
If you play the agressor, the game makes sure you are not the good guy. (see GTA games - you are a criminal and killing is part of the busines)
Somewhere there exists grey area. Modern warfare 2 "no russian" level where you kill innocent people but you are on a mission to infiltrate the bad guys - you do so unwillingly. But if you don't do it, your cover is blown.

The non-gamers need to be constantly re-educated in case they spread misinformation about games. It is because of these fake gamers and non-gamers that games often get banned or even censored. The male spaces are slowly being taken over by SJWs, feminists, and people who don't buy games but want to complain about something to feel powerful. (they crave the narcisstic supply of attention)

What we need to counter the non-gamers criticising the games, is a celebrity who is a gamer who steps in to defend gaming and educating the public about the misconceptions the outsider has about the hobby. (it's not about cutting up women to pieces for fun. The females are one of many targets that you can attack along with every other people type.)

When control freaks keep attacking and attacking, you got to keep up with those attacks and defend defend defend and hope they will learn one day. If a bunch of christians ban movies like Fifty Shades of Grey because of the violence (by a rich guy) against women are the feminists going to be onboard? No. Because it's a female space. Not a male space. When they enter males spaces we need other female gamers who are real gamers to challenge the feminists critical of games.
That's the solution imo.

Similar to getting female gun owners (who feel safer knowing they can be armed to fend off a rapist or a mugger) to debate and counter left wing anti-gun females who see the collection of gun (a male hobby) as a danger to society. The commies and collectivists are becoming more and more bold as they have run out of things to whine about.
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by BOOMY »

If you are going to play on a platform dominated by non-gamers, your games will be marketed to non-gamers, my friend.
The market is a democracy, dollars are your vote.
The majority of gamers here have moved beyond consoles due these very kinds of restrictive issues.
As I said to you else where, no wonder you have so much to complain about; There are solutions to the things that are upsetting you but you persist with the scenario that is causing you so much grief.
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by GameHED »

The majority of gamers here have moved beyond consoles due these very kinds of restrictive issues.
wrong friend. They are still playing the exclusives on the consoles. The best games are usually games like Blood borne, Bayonetta, Horizon zero dawn, and Zelda BOTW that are GOTY level content because they have to pour their heart and soul into them due to high expectations. As I mentioned a long time ago friend, the content drives sales. It's the reason GTA5 sold so well. Because money talks and bulshit walks. The industry is held up by the hardcore gamers. It's why wii eventually had to die out once the fad got old. It's why people on this board only represent a tiny fraction of total gamers out there and why games that this board hypes like No Man's Sky and Aliens Colonial Marines ended up sucking. They were too eager to play games that were not really games and had not been polished up and finished.

To know if a game will suck you must be honest about the quality not give money to them upfront. They will get lazy and not put in as much effort if you just make it easy for them. You want to push them to push themselves so they can break the old limits and make something truly stand out. Even popular franchises like final fantasy and Assassin's creed and Call of Duty are starting to lose shine because they are getting stale due to lack of innovations. In the old days every single game was a unique thing. Today it's all about milking the cash cow. You know it, I know it and most people who play games on all platforms know this.

It's the same thing that is happening to star wars where they will eventually milk the IP to death to extract as much from the name and shit on the original movies and put gays, feminists and anti-white-male racist and sexist messages in all the future movies.
Mad Max = story about white men starting the wars and females are the heroes
Ghostbusters = sexist against men
Star Wars = both the movies involve unskilled females saving the day and not special unique people that had to become heroes by walking a difficult path. They just instantly do things well without any explanation because it was probably written by women behind the scenes but a male name was put in the credits.

the next thing we got to look out for is the death of RPG games where they deliberately avoid putting sexy females in the game and make the characters look ugly and gruff to destroy the idea that women should be feminine and men should be masculine. Because you guys accept crap content, the game quality will go down because they think you like that stuff. And that is why you get average games on pc and then they are encouraged bring bad stuff to the consoles. eg the idea of having to buy virtual items all the time to get the full game. That is a pc gamer thing. You are bringing the quality down and hoping to normalise bad stuff so that when you are abused you think it is normal.

It's called the 'battered wife syndrome' Boomy. You don't notice the change because you grew up being abused and exploited and think there isn't anything wrong with it. Meanwhile I am trying to hold the position and force the evil back like a fortress trying to give creators the right to be anti-politically correct so they can maintain honesty within the message in their work. (think back to when nerds raged when OT star wars was censored to make it so greedo shoots first, or when they took guns out of ET. Or when companies like nintendo changed the female characters for male punks in Final Fight. This is what I mean. Now that the feminists are doing it and not conservatives, all of a sudden people are too chickenshit to fight. If you want quality you got to exercise the right to free speech not talk about it. And all of the current games today seem to want to shove feminist shit down our throat. And also to promote multiplayer modes in games that don't need it. (dues EX is the latest example. That is money they should have used to finish single player campaign)
True gamers do not back down. We tell the people making the games when they are slipping in performance. We don't just suck their nuts like Candy Arse does. (so he can make his fave characters in street fighter powerful while nerfing the ones he doesn't use to gain an advantage)

My dream is to get you to fight the feminists so we can see boob jiggle and scantily clad females in games again. We need to just to send a message that we don't care about these PC bullies who want to use social marxism in our games. We were here first so we all need to collectively tell them to fuck off. They are not getting my money. You can give them your money if you want to. But saying you should just vote with your wallet by not caring about the quality of the work is ridiculous. Even great and talented people make stupid decisions and can create crap. You always got to have your honest opinion and tell them so they don't continue to produce crappy products or they will think you don't care. (see M.Night Shalaman as an example - his latest movie "Split" had low budget and was superior to his other recent work prior to this one. This is because he probably was surrounded by too many "yes" men and it made his head big and then he lowered the quality of the work thinking he could do no wrong. That's what happens when you let fanboys be the vocal majority and the creator listens to their sweet lies, instead of those creative people reflecting on themselves and surrounding themselves with honest people and preferring to hear the truth from the random stranger who has nothing to gain or lose by telling you if you suck or not. It is the number 1 REASON you need to have uncensored forums and why they don't ban me here. They would break their own rules an even the reptilians have to accept this. )

If these feminists cared so much about equality why don't they get angry that Lara Croft isn't male in the new Tomb Raider games and only get angry that Link isn't Female in Legend of Zelda? Because they don't WANT equality! Fourth wave feminism is female supremcism. ie more rights given to women over men. You are seeing this now where females teachers that get caught fucking their students get light sentence while males are given full punishment.

In the future when mothers physically abuse sons, nobody will believe the boys and they will react violently to this abuse at some point due to people being too weak to fight for justice. If you don't want to put the politicians in their place, that is fine by me. But I will say whatever the fuck I wish about them. Reptilians control these guys like puppets and that is why satanists are able to get away with human traffiking and satanic ritual abuse because they knew a long time ago how easy it is to corrupt people's minds with promises of power if they play along. Not everyone is going to play along and there is a secret war going on that you won't see because they are good at distracting people. If we kill off feminists and rob the elites of control over women, people can finally breed again and feel up a chics butt and not go to jail just for flirsting.

We need to go back to the days when there were incentives for being loyal and honoring the contract. Too many flaky people in society that has caused the sissies of society to become bold and tell alpha males what to do when these guys are just going on autopilot unaware they were even brainwashed by their own mothers to hate independence since single mothers love statist power due to the free shit they can obtain from it. But once the money runs out we go into the SHTF territory where you have women begging people for food on the street in exchange for sucking their dicks. Not a joke. There are millenial generation females living in their cars and will NEVER own their own homes thanks to the immorality of the baby boomers from the 60s of not saving money up to give the future generations any inheritance and causing them to go into debt which they will never be able to pay back. Maybe we can reverse this by making people independent so they don't need to be bossed around like 5 year olds by others. Brexit = sign of people waking up. Once people stop relying on others to make decisions for them then they will notice they are gaining more wealth more quickly as all the red tape is removed. The elites hate that because it means they can't micromanage your life as if you were a baby that needs to be told what to do. Already in countries like India they are moving to a cashless society. This step means they can control the energy of the everyday joe with all kjinds of spy tools to limit your activity and strangle you with the system using restrictions on certain things to totally control what you can do with your hard earned money. This is bad news for all as it means people will become more dependent on the centralised system to trade. Unless you barter for things which most people will have problems doing.
Last edited by GameHED on 01 Mar 2017 06:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by BOOMY »

My dream is to get you to fight the feminists so we can see boob jiggle and scantily clad females in games again
We still have that. STFU.
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by GameHED »

They are working to take it away by putting more and more clothes on the female leads. I think it is ridiculous that feminists care so much about how realistic a certain costume is when games are about escapism. Dragon Quest VIII had a lot of censorship boomy.

They would not have censored so hard if it wasn't for the likes of Anita Sarkesian. So no I don't believe you. That's like saying we don't have buggy PC games anymore. When I can get non-butchered games like Dragon Quest 8 on 3DS then I will shut up.

It's the same reason you guys get angry when they don't make R rated horror movie sequels anymore because they are trying to increase sales. The days when we needed censorship are over. People can download porn off the net so fucking easily. They are just trying to invade male spaces to push for more and more thought control. The fight isn't over. They are just hiding inside these companies like a chest burster in Aliens.
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