Mechs toys

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Re: Mechs toys

Post by t0mby »

Maybe his carer is replying under the GH account as well. It would certainly explain a few things.
selfish wrote:Being a massive fanboy and trying to hide it is Lestat's worst bottleneck.
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Re: Mechs toys

Post by Candy Arse »

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Re: Mechs toys

Post by GameHED »

Mag scans of the latest YF-30:
It seems the GERWALK mode can swivel like a tank turret which is something never seen before. It is a weird looking design.

Uh Candy I think you posted in the wrong thread.

Keep the pc and steam talk and revelations about new capcom characters in street fighter out of this. We are still playing consoles and still buying shit from physical shops even despite cloud and digital distribution systems. The paperless office still doesn't exist as people recieve physical hard copies of things and the internet still runs like shit for one to one fighters. Do you want me to humilaite the shit out of you again in the threads you start? Ok then.... I checked and EB games (a physical store) it is still around (still not gone the way of blockbuster) and PC titles are a tiny fraction of the shelf space. Even worse than Wii U and Wii.

I recently bought the inferior version of dark souls 2 on my old last gen 360. I think you would probably think that was crazy but there is no way I would play this on a pc or upgrade just for this. I would rather waste money on this toy stuff because it is hard to obtain.

Do you realise that over 80% of my console game time has been spent playing games with gamecube-levels of graphics on wii u like monster hunter and shit like EDF 2025 on 360? So no pc is not dominating. No. EB games still sells nintendo cartridges. And I still have not abandoned physical media you stupid forum hipster trying to buy all your old neo carts from thrift store to appear ahead of us all. :lol: People are fans of owning the property they pay money for and rejecting your apocalyptic future. The consoles like Xbox designed to kill singleplayer titles are still having to cater to the old school method of playing games by not being always online.

So please. Stop while you are ahead you dumb shit. I'm sick of telling you, that nobody gives a shit about pc ad how it lets you download illegal roms of nintendo stuff. I still play games with really shit graphics on machines with only moderate level of details like Wii U. And nobobdy could give two fucks about how well shit sells because at the end of the day quality is what draws me to games. I can play Donkey Kong Country Returns in 60 fps on wii while you bought it on 3DS which only offers 30fps. It was designed for the Wii so that's why it works. (just add patch to make sure you can use buttons)

I don't give a shit how much you like nintendo you made a shit decision. Just like choosing to be a pc gamer for console titles. Do you realise that by playing these games on pc, the console games makers have to worry about optimisation for a shit platform that varies between many different people? It is a waste of resources and causes delays in the release of newer games because now they have more platforms to have to support. All because you can't play a game for its gameplay and so worried about graphics even though companies like From software are not about the graphics and probably the least technologically focused. (games like Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 1 are for proper gamers not tech heads who want to mash the 'quicksave' buttons due to lack of skill and use hacks to let them win the game through cheat)

Don't make more of a fool of yourself than you already have. And holy shit cpacom are stupid for not releasing Street Fighter 4 Ultra on Wii U. No way would I play that on next gen when I can play it on last gen system which can easily handle those graphics. I like the game enough to play it, but it's stuck in the 90s and needs to be on as many platforms as possible like rayman. You guys got rayman legends, so similarly capcom needs to think about porting SF4 Ultra to other platforms if they want to survive as a company. Just like they did when they ported Resident Evil Revelations to other systems.

All the shit stuff like RE6 always appears on the 'next gen' console while the good ones appear on nintendo ones. This is proof that when you have a focused team who is concentrating on the hardcore original fans, you will make better games. Not trying hard to please the shooter game fans. I have nothing against the shooters but I think capcom should just create side games that have nothing to do with the numbered series. I'm sorry man but your enthusiasm for trying to be cool by wanting the best games on pc is silly because they were not designed from the ground up to look nice on pc. You have to ADD NEW DETAILS if you want it to look good or it will just look like a shit game with a bit of candy coating to sweeten it for the mor-powerful system. (just like playing monster hunter on wii u - yeah sure its 1080 p now and cleaner but it was not built to look nice on wii u to begin with - but.....nobody GIVES A FUCK since it was never about graphics. It's the sheer volume of content of the game that is why you buy it. It's not a tech demo)

Ah nevermind. Keep stalking people expecting us to download shit form steam. I will never do it. When I buy a disc I want to know that the internet is not forcing me to put steam on the system. It's ridiculous for single player rpg games. You are ruining the games by adding extra unecessary shit to them that ruins retail sales. I get it. Kill the retailers by making the disc versions HAVE to go online. Don't make it an option. Make it mandatory like getting flu shots so the pharmaceutical companies can rake in big profits. They are slowly but surely wrecking the game industry by thinking this way and I hope it all collapses one day which looks to be happening as more people see the benefit of owning the games and keeping them and then reselling them to buy new ones in an economy such as the one we have now where farmers are being killed off, food prices are higher and energy bills are going up as the illuminati destroys the wealth of each nation.

But that kind of stuff is too depressing for you. Well too bad. I must point it out as more people are investing in items of intrinsic value like gold and silver and safe things to protect themselves against the reptilians plot to impoverish society and then get them into a dependent state so they can enslave and later kill them off through eugenics programs.

Look if you don't like to listen to this stuff then don't come into the threads of even try to converse with me. Just pretend I am conversing with myself. That is fine with me. But then don't complain that "he is going off topic and wrecking my thread" as if that is as important as warning you of the coming doom of the industry at large. One is of high importance while the other is of little importance. You want your games to be stuck inside a cloud when the internet is banned by china and they own all the ISP companies and censor eveything in the future? (ie like in the movie Equilibrium) Well then you'd better listen up because it is happening. The laws are getting more and more draconian and soon it will be illegal to own gold or own physical games and the things you purchase is all just digital and virtual items not real things that you possess in your hands. You will have to go low tech like the people in BattleStar Galactica. It's all done that way on purpose to prepare you to rely on their systems which they own and control so that your history can easily be erased and the value of things you have is easily deletable and they can manipulate things digitally. Physical records give you some extra security.

Many games have warned you of this stuff (go replay perfect dark they put shapeshifting aliens in their as the main bad guys) which is why you need to get armed in case the cops and society collapses and gangs try to loot your property through force. Movies have shown how your game systems can be used to hack into ATMS (John conner using an atari to withdraw money from a bank for instance) so don't expect me to help you when you are broke and everything you own was digitially held on third party computers which have had their records deleted and memory wiped.
The way I see it is it is a community service. It is for your own good that you don't cenor my posts and I am happy that you continue to read this shit. Not for my sake. But so you can be prepared for when your own game console turns against you and your pc is loaded with spyware to monitor how many games you bought and then they know which shit games you preorder in advance and when to rush it out to get their money off you quickly instead of polishing it up.

You see if you don't preorder online, you would not have games like Aliens Colonian Marines. It would not be shitty if you didn't hand over you money in advance or preorder to express interest in it before it was made. The old school way of doing things is you wait for the game to be reviewed. Try it out before you buy it. (EB Games) Then if it meets your standards of quality you can buy it or if you want to temporarily play it you can borrow it off a friend and share it and then give it back. And if you boght it but it sucked or wasn't for you, then you can return it. this is FAR FAR FAR superior to anything that STEAM can offer you douchebag.

If you buy something that sucks on STEAM you don't even own it. If you don't own it, there is nothing to return and they don't have to give your money back if the game is a buggy mess. If the company dies, you are stuck with something you can't sell on Ebay or at least make a profit off of when the game grows in value due to being rare.

SO DON"T FUCKING TRY TO CONVINCE ME YOU ARE HAPPY WITH PC GAMING. IT IS A DRM-RIDDLED MESS. We can not let them bring a pc-like way of doing things to the consoles. As angry as you were about 360 being a POS for the RROD problems it had in the early years, the consoles offer far better value for money just because you are not screwing around with always online DRM, and the threat of your items being wiped out from some hackers working at the company and wanting to hold them to ransom by destroying the history and records of all the people that bought digital software.

If I want to play Skyrim on pc without interruption, what benefit to me is there if I HAVE TO INSTALL STEAM first just to play it? It's a single player RPG you fucking idiot. LOL It hurts the total sales of the game since it means people without internet can't play the game. So glad that not all copies are like that. Do you see why your love of digital shit is so stupid? And then you get all butthurt just because I am not a capcom fanboy and be happy that the newest character in SF is a new version of cammy. Dude there were already 3 diffferet cammies in SFA3.

They are lazy. They gave you a shit boss who can mimmick any move from the other guys so that they didn't need to invent new moves. (just like you pirating roms the boss pirates his moves from other fighters) Then they trolled you for ages about a secret new character and it turns out to be just a re-skin of cammy wearing a bondage mask HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH And you think capcom has not fallen. So sad....

Come on who are you fanboys kidding? They killed RE, killed megaman. Made DMC into a game for dumb gamers. They are the new EA. They can not survive long if they become too american imo. Bring back the guy doing Evil Within to fix resident evil. Release Strider onto handhelds where it belongs. And make a 2D megaman on the Wii U with graphics as good as Rayman. And put Haggar in SF while adding a tag mode so you can play haggar and zangief on the same team just like the tag mode on SFA3. And finallly port all the arcadey style games like SF4 Ultra to portables so we can play them on the BUS. Look at what nitnendo is doing: new kirby games, new super smash bros, new pokemons for portables. This is the example you should be following. Not EA. lol You've lost so much respect.
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Re: Mechs toys

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Re: Mechs toys

Post by t0mby »

What the actual fuck?
selfish wrote:Being a massive fanboy and trying to hide it is Lestat's worst bottleneck.
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Re: Mechs toys

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Re: Mechs toys

Post by ObSoLeTe »

my Conan Atlantean sword arrived today, goes nicely with Conan's Fathers sword

i like the finish on the Atlantean sword it has a nice shine
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Re: Mechs toys

Post by ObSoLeTe »

T800 1.1 skull arrived today :up:
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Re: Mechs toys

Post by Cletus »

looks great!
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Re: Mechs toys

Post by BruceCamblzChin »

Oh shit that thing looks beast! Nice one leet
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Re: Mechs toys

Post by ObSoLeTe »

cheers guys,my first 1.1 scale bust and its awesome :up: :nana:

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Re: Mechs toys

Post by t0mby »

Looks siiiiiiiick! How much?
selfish wrote:Being a massive fanboy and trying to hide it is Lestat's worst bottleneck.
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Re: Mechs toys

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$619 thats including shipping as well, shipping was $40, it took about a week to get here

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Re: Mechs toys

Post by BruceCamblzChin »

Nice price for him mate.
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Re: Mechs toys

Post by ObSoLeTe »

cheers bruce, i had it on flex pay for 6 months and i have watched your unboxing videos for your batman and superman busts and just wanting for my bust to arrive.

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Re: Mechs toys

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Re: Mechs toys

Post by BruceCamblzChin »

Saw that. I wonder what they've got planned eh? Should be at SDCC.
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Re: Mechs toys

Post by ObSoLeTe »

What ever it is I hope he's 1/4 scale . Going off the picture he might be from Freddie vs Jason also Iam surprised no uber Jason has been done yet

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Re: Mechs toys

Post by BruceCamblzChin »

Yeah looks FvJ from that pic I thought they did that years ago.
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Re: Mechs toys

Post by ObSoLeTe »

Yeah i thought they did it years ago too, I am hoping for a part 7 Jason, one of his best looks imo

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Re: Mechs toys

Post by KillKen »

Pre-order for the Atlas Titan from will be up on Monday and I am all over this fella.

Massive and extremely detailed Titanfall Atlas pre-order opens on June 16th, 9:00AM Hong Kong time at" onclick=";return false;
Each Atlas features fully openable hatch, comes with 6" tall and articulated pilot; and light up feature for top part and cockpit with interchangeable blue and red lights. Please see the specs for the full info.

In addition to XO-16 Chaingun, Titanfall Atlas purchased at will be coming with ARC Cannon, which is exclusive to threezerostore and will not be available anywhere else!

Titanfall Atlas price at 430USD / 3350HKD

Below you can find the detailed specs of 20.5" (52.1cm) tall Atlas and 6" (15.2cm) tall pilot.

Titanfal Atlas specs & features:
* model stand with ~20inches tall.
* incredibly detailed and over 100 articulation parts.
* 5 real pistons control the movement of the waist.
* comes with XO-16 Chaingun. (detachable ammo drum)
* fully openable hatch with cockpit.
* movable armor plates on both torso & legs.
* light up feature for top part and cockpit with interchangeable red & blue color.
* rotatable front vision ball.
* 2 side gun magazine case with fabric material.
* articulating fingers & toes.
* fully posable 6 inches IMC Battle Rifle Pilot figure, which can be position inside the cockpit.
* pilot figure comes with detailed armor parts, with R-101C Carbine and fabric clothing.
* 3A X 2 batteries (batteries not included)
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Re: Mechs toys

Post by BruceCamblzChin »

That's pretty beasting.

Oh I am going to SDCC! Waaaaaaaaaahh!!!
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Re: Mechs toys

Post by ObSoLeTe »

awesome bruce, lucky bastard :up:

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Re: Mechs toys

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Good stuff Bruce you'll love it mate, sooooo much fun :)
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Re: Mechs toys

Post by BruceCamblzChin »

I'm freaking out I have The Hype.
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