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Re: The Anime Thread

Post by van »

Whaaaat... I knew there was a recent live-action Space Battleship Yamato film, but a remake of the anime series, too? HAPPY TIMES.
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Re: The Anime Thread

Post by GameHED »

yes and after that redo all of sdfmacross please. Animation in that needs major updates.

search youtube for macross pachinko game for a taste of what it could look like.

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Re: The Anime Thread

Post by van »

Oh so you like Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo?

Well sheeeeit.

Here's director Shinichiro Watanabe's new project, Kids on the Slope, or Sakamichi no Apollon.
Because of his father's job situation, freshman high school student Kaoru Nishimi moves by himself from Yokosuka to Kyushu to live with relatives. Until then, Kaoru was an honor roll student who tended to keep to himself, but meeting notorious bad boy Sentaro Kawabuchi starts to change him. Through his devil-may-care classmate, Kaoru learns the attractions of jazz and finds the first person he can call a "friend". He also discovers how much fun it is to play music with a pal.

Other characters include Sentaro's kind childhood chum, Ritsuko, who is the daughter of a record shop owner; the mysterious upperclassman, Yurika; and Brother Jun, the much-admired leader among their peers. Set against the backdrop of a seaside town with a scent of American culture, this series is a drama about young people coming into their own, crossing each other's paths, and finding friendship, love, and music!
The best part is that Watanabe's long-time collaborator Yoko Kanno has done the score, and as we all know, her work is part of what made his previous projects so damn good.

First episode, subtitled, is at all good torrent sites now.
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Re: The Anime Thread

Post by Rorschach »

Damn, will get. Love Watanabe/Kanno, been looking to get back into series anime.
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Re: The Anime Thread

Post by GameHED »

Only just started watching gundam unicorn. Very behind in my robot shows.

Whoa. Wasn't ready for this. I liked Gundam OO but this is more of what I like.

Great mecha design, quality animation (closer to movie grade) and another entry in the UC which is my fave universe. :up:
no wonder it gets high score: ... p?id=10806" onclick=";return false;

Only bought the first 2 dvds of it. Got to get the next 3. (not sure how many eps are out)

Another thing: rewatched bubble gum crisis 2033 AD again. (I have the boxset as part of the collection but surprisingly never opened it or watched it. playing videogames has eaten into anime-watching time) Brings back memories of the 1980s. This is what 2040 AD should have been more like. I think if this was made into a live action movie it would suit an american audience (change the location to US) because it rips off all the 1980s sci fi cyberpunk movies like bladerunner, terminator, and aliens - doberman look just like xenomorphs)

If only James cameron wasn't so obsessed with making crap like Avatar... :(

Get the guy from district 9 to adapt it for film. One thing I have noticed is how much more realistic the design of the suits of these are compared to what you normally see in american comics. (everything is bulky and fat like something from warhammer 40K) All the design is clean and streamlined like syd mead futuristic cars so that the wearer can move quickly and fly through the air without much problem. (bikes are the high speed vehicle of choice) It is a big departure from the usual busy designs of most japanese mecha shows where you have loads of crap sticking out but there is little regard for practical use in real world. (choose any gundam show in modern times)
With the popularity of Iron Man movies I think this anime would be good to recreate on the big screen. Unlike Patlabor you can see the practicality of a small powered suit vs bulky power-loader style mech which the AD police use in the OVA. It's the cool thing to put this kind of stuff in movies now (GI Joe movie for instance) but this anime was ahead of its time. And this was before Evangelion when it became fashionable to create skinny designs that could run around with super agility.

Another thing that sticks out is the shadows. It treats the world as dark and inhospitable whereas the newer series (2040 AD) seems to lose that feel. Proof that the 80s was superior.

cheesy 80s rock tunes FTW:
sounds a bit like this:
metal ripped from soundtrack (revenge road episode):
Max Headroom reference in bubblegum crash:
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Re: The Anime Thread

Post by Gamma »

So I watched Attack on Titan over the last couple of days. Started out with promise, all of the characters are likeable and the setting creates a lot of mystery. Basically the whole world is overrun by giant naked dudes/dudettes with no genitals whose only interest seems to be eating humans. It's known that they don't need to eat humans for food, making this pasttime even creepier. Most of humanity has goneburger, and the remaining humans are confined to a single region surrounded by three huge concentric walls, where they've lived peacefully for the last 100 years. You can accurately guess the outline of events that occur in the first episode.

Humans get owned at every turn, so there's almost a Game of Thrones level of reluctance to pick a favourite character. The pacing got a bit slow after a while, but I didn't mind initially as I had all episodes on hand and could pump through them as quickly as I liked... but when I looked back after the last episode, I realised just how little closure there'd been on, well, anything. I won't venture into spoiler-town, but there are some pretty big questions brought up in the show that went unresolved, and more frustratingly, some obvious questions that arise from the show that aren't ever considered by the characters. I understand it's based off a manga and the anime hasn't covered everything (yet?), but at times it felt like one of those serialised shows that I can't be fucked watching because they're 500 episodes long, in the way some events were drawn out to provide mini cliffhangers.

Overall I'd say it's still worth a watch, although I have no idea what else is out there these days in comparison. I just hope there are more episodes to come.

:btw: While I'm bumpin' in here, what's the verdict on the newer NGE stuff? I'm a bit scared to go there.
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Re: The Anime Thread

Post by GreyWizzard »

Anything cool to watch these days? I haven't watched anime in forever and wouldn't mind getting back into it.

I hear people talking about titan a lot.
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Re: The Anime Thread

Post by GameHED »

I haven't watched anime in ages. That Titan thing sounds like macross without robots. lol

The way to beat giants is lead them to quicksand like the dinobots in transformers. They are fucked. You can't fight against nature. If you are heavy you will sink more. Or create robots. I know you are scared of bigger people but they make bigger targets. That's how David killed Goliath with a headshot in the old testament - ie bigger head = easier headshot.

Ancient myths about the giants are of course based in reality. You guys have to understand the conspiracies to cover up this information and look up steve quayle on the internet and read his books. Much of what you see in hollywood can not be trusted. Much of what you learn in schools (AKA indoctrination camps) is lies.

Recently hollywood released a movie about Noah (the nephilim physical bodies were killed in the great biblical flood of his time, and then later as they re-emerged we had to hunt them) and tried to portray humans as bad. (the greens have hijacked entertainment to promote a depopulation agenda as the british royals are pissed off at middle class and come up with a solution to kill us all off slowly using environmentalism as the cover excuse for why they should starve, poison, sterilise, bring to war etc the human race)
Luciferians control the entertainment industry. This is why stories about the defeat of the nephilim are covered up.
Satan controls all the money. The pop idols are controlled by the music industry. The music industry is designed to shape or mold the youth to accept satanic behavior as cool and normal and not weird by taking things that are beutiful and placing them with things that are ugly. This is an attack on mankind by real high level beings instructed by fallen angels on how to corrupt our minds so that we get into deep trouble.
Think of it like the kid in school who was always dobbing you in to the teacher whenever you did something wrong so that you could look bad and he looked good. This is the reason for the fascination with fallen angels and giants. Basically it is theorised that the nephilim will return " in the days of Noah" and people will start seeing them as heroes like you guys do for Superman or Thor or Hercules and other mighty beings that are popular throughout history.
But we the puny man, beat them. We did not need the science, the occult knowledge stolen from heaven or special technology to overcome it. We just took advantage of their weaknesses which is the pride they have of themselves causing them to be their worst enemy. (you can not rule without the common sense morals needed to sustain your existence - it is why spiritual warfare is important because they still think like animalistic beings and predictable even though they died and can not learn from mistake - the nephilim are not human but half animal and half fallen angels)

There will come a time when God gets angry enough to kill them again but this time go for spiritual death not the physical. There are too many people on earth worshipping the false gods who were just put here by satanists to bully the small people and control people through fear. The giants were an unnatural creation born from sinful union.
Today you can think of giants as the tyrants that bully the weak people for pleasure ad to gain control over everything. But the resources of earth are not enough to sustain them so they take on a vampiric quality where they need to feed off the produce (meat) off others and treat us as resources or cattle. We are their source of food. You are feeding them. This all links up to the antichrist who will try to obtain control of all resources on the planet by implanting chips into everything to track us all. google the "internet of things". This will make it hard to steal anything when people starve on the street desperate to feed thier families. They will then offer to preserve those people that bow down to the image of the beast. (again: they want to get you into a contract. Get you into trouble and convert you to satan's side. When you do this your DNA will change and you undergo a transformation that marks you as a beast) We men are the top of the food chain and the demons serve us and we commmand them using the authority of God through Jesus' blood. This is the ink that signed the deal which defeated their control over humanity and they wish us to sign a pact with satan instead with a new contract where you are a servant of them instead of the other way around.

Don't sign it. Use your powers to keep them where they belong. Learn from macross the giant aliens refer to themselves as Satan's Doll's (puppets) and then turn against warlike activities to prevent themselves going extinct like the dinosaurs/dragons. They realised that the brainwashing raped them of a soul and once they got thier ancient memory back they became happy and fulfilled. If you don't learn from ancient legends of the past, you will repeat the mistakes and doom yourself.
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Re: The Anime Thread

Post by GameHED »

Here is something that will interest people into forbidden archeology:

on russian tv it was shown that half-animal. half human hybrid creatures were dug up from burial mound.
Very mysterious. In ancient greek myth there were monsters that were half human and half animal and this may be a reason why pagans sacrifice people to these beings because to them they are considered godlike.

Here is an example of what I mean people: In the City Of London (not London - CoL is where the illuminati have a total different set of laws for them to rule from along with Vatican City and Washington DC) are erected two statues of Giants Gog and Magog." onclick=";return false;
Gog and Magog, protectors of London
A brief guide for informed and accurate intercession

You may be surprised to know that two mythical giants, Gog and Magog, have been declared "protectors of the City of London". First an explanation and then suggestions for a Godly response.

Background: Toward the head of the Lord Mayor's annual procession you will see two enormous but benevolent giants. They are Gog and Magog, the traditional guardians of the City of London who have been carried in the Lord Mayor's Show since the reign of Henry V. They are descended from the pagan giants of early English pageantry and their history is buried in the mysterious world of myth and legend.

At one time human sacrifice was common, but as times grew more civilised images of men were burned instead of the men themselves. Finally the figures received the name of the divinity in whose honour the feast was held, and in time these became saints' images. The custom of carrying effigies at various festivals became widespread, not only in England but on the continent. These giants of pageantry are the last vestiges of the pagan effigies. Our giants have no trace of the supernatural about them; they originated in folk custom, deriving their names from historical or pseudo-historical characters like Gogmagog, from Biblical history like Samson or from classical mythology like Hercules. They are a part of a tradition in English pageantry which pre-dates Christianity.

One version of the story has it that these two giants were the last two survivors of the sons of the 33 infamous daughters of Diocletian, who were captured and kept chained to the gates of a palace on the site of Guildhall, to act as guardians. Whichever way they got there we know that by the reign of Henry V there were giants residing in Guildhall. And when in 1554 they appeared in the Lord Mayor's Show, the names Gogmagog and Corineus were attached to the London giants for the first time. The giant of folk custom made an admirable champion and it was natural to develop a champion into a local hero.

In 1605 the Pageant master of the day alluded to the giants who appeared in the Procession on Lord Mayor's Day as Corineus and Gogmagog. Later in 1672 the Pageant master, Thomas Jordan referred to them as "two exceeding rarities" and stated that "at the conclusion of the Show they are to be set up in Guildhall, where they may be daily seen all year and I hope never to be demolished by such dismal violence as happened to their predecessors. He was referring to the destruction of much of the City by the Great Fire in 1666. His giants however only lasted a few years, being made of wickerwork and pasteboard, in common with their sacrificial forebears, and were eventually destroyed by mice and rats.

They were replaced in 1708 by a magnificent pair of wooden statues carved by Captain Richard Saunders. These giants on whom the versions you will see today are based, lasted for over 200 years before destruction in the Blitz. They in turn were replaced by the pair which can now be seen in Guildhall and which were carved by David Evans in 1953 as a gift to the City by Alderman Sir George Wilkinson, who had been Lord Mayor in 1940 at the time of the destruction of the previous versions.

Gog and Magog symbolise one of many links between the modern business institutions of the City and its ancient history. This is but the most recent of their various re-births, which have long been symbolised by the phoenix on Magog's shield, representing return after fire. Today, the words of Thomas Boreman in his "Gigantick History" of 1741 are as appropriate as ever. He declared that

"Corineus and Gogmagog were two brave giants who richly valued their honour and exerted their whole strength and force in the defence of their liberty and country; so the City of London, by placing these, their representatives in their Guildhall, emblematically declare that they will, like mighty giants, defend the honour of their country and liberties of this their City which excels all others, as much as those huge giants exceed in stature the common bulk of mankind."
these idiots think that the giants were good guys. This is not some joke article for kids. The reality is men are draw to the warlike nephilim.

On "Hagman and Hagman report" a coast to coast style radio show that covers these topics steve talks about how in the future the genetic modification of human mixed with animal dna (these are know as chimeras) will be common as people desire to evolve beyond man into a type of super human or beast. But to christians we are made in the image of God so that means we lose protection if we modify ourselves as we no longer become God's people.

Mad scientists have always been at odds with religious people and care nothing about the rights and freedom of people. Is it possible that the antichrist will mandate that everyone get the beast chip and through nanotechnology the chips modify our structure so that we no longer count as pure man like Noah in his time?

Time will only tell. The athiests will probably get the chip I reckon because it promises money and everything will be a cashless society tied to sci-fi style "credits" but it means the illuminati can erase all your money. With cash you can still buy and sell easily because you don't need computer system to have to bother with.
You can listen to the radio show free here:
time is running out the nephilim will make their return. People who do not get the seal of God that protects them from whatever changes to human dna occur using the EM technology through the cellphone towers that the luciferiaans are planning to use on us all will be considered non-man (not the original creation of God). You will lose the power you have over the demons. (demons are the disembodied spirits of the nephilim which were killed in the Great Flood of Noah's time because they were wicked ad had no conscience. They were worse than the fallen angels)

When you watch these animes I want you to remember this stuff because it is trendy these days to make villians into good guys to soften the image of the creatures we used to live amongst in ancient days and make good guys seem evil for slaying the bad guys. You guys are only getting one side of the story.
Last edited by GameHED on 12 Apr 2014 09:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Anime Thread

Post by Rorschach »

Fuck! Stop ruining threads! Go make a thread with all this crap in there. No one here gives a shit, seriously.

On topic - haven't watched anime for a while, I want to pick up The Wind Rises and the bluray re-release of Cowboy Bebop but other that that, not much else.
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Re: The Anime Thread

Post by GameHED »

You WILL give a shit because you won't be given the option to not have computers inside your body after a global crisis.. You will be crying like a baby for its mommy as people go crazy ad kill you for your shoes and food and clean undies and then loot your dead body for any other stuff like jewelry just like in the fallout videogames. Look up fukushima ya dickhead. lol The japanese government is lying about how bad the problem is, and they raise the acceptable limits of exposure to radiation for humans to keep the illusion that nothing bad is happening. This means mutants. These are extinction level events.

I would recommend macross frontier movies on dvd/bluray (these are region 2):" onclick=";return false;
there are english subs for this release and ay moey spent on this may encourage bandai to release future macross movies dvds etc with eng subs.

It's a LOT of money thanks to harmony gold legal problems. We have to import. I guess if you are poor you can make rips for your buddies and share it. Do a group thing where each person chips in to cover the cost for the group.

I guess other ways you can support local eng subs for the shows is buying the mecha toys but these are hard to get thanks to japan not giving a shit about us poor western fans.
It is such a shame that great sci fi space westerns like Cowboy bebop can come over so easily but not things like space operas like macross. One of my fave genres.
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Re: The Anime Thread

Post by GameHED »

van wrote:Whaaaat... I knew there was a recent live-action Space Battleship Yamato film, but a remake of the anime series, too? HAPPY TIMES.

We all hope that the new macross tv show which was recently announced is exactly what that redone Space Yamato animation is but for macross. :drool:

If you look back at the original tv series it could use with a retelling and reanimation. Some of the animation has aged badly. Imagine if the dogfights in the old series were redone to be as good as macross zero? Fuck yes.

I hate how information is held tightly so that magazines can have the illusion of being the first to get information when in actuallity they just paid to not allow info to be given out first unless it is from them. That is annoying.
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Re: The Anime Thread

Post by GreyWizzard »

You should all check out AnimeLab from Madman. It's an anime streaming service that is currently free. Real easy sign up too. No CC needed." onclick=";return false;
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Re: The Anime Thread

Post by GameHED »

For those who remember old sci fi classics there are some uploads of older anime on youtube:

currently watching:
80s was great for the realistic robot genre. The amount of detail in the animation shows they really wanted it to be good for animation fans, not just good enough.
Shinji Aramaki = one of my fave mech designers. Same guy who did the ride armor in genesis climber mospeada. (cyclones for the robotech crowd)

It's only a matter of time before the real soldiers start using them in war like in the comic books. If this guy was allowed to be the designer of all the robots in the Michael Bay Transformers live action movies, they would be ten times better.
They would be blocky just like the 80s style robots but the toys would look way cooler.
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Re: The Anime Thread

Post by GameHED »

recently picked up the bluray for Fate Zero (prequel series to Fate Stay Night)

I liked the series enough to buy it. I think the animation for a tv series was aweseome. It is like pokemon/darkstalkers with mages and swordsman and the mages have to cheat to win by killing the other mages to get the power for themselves by eliminating the competition. Since they are all mostly evil bastards you don't really care too much how they win or lose but you do get interesting plot twists because they all have unique motivations and gaining powers. I am interested to see how the remake of Fate Stay Night is going to go. The servants all seems like 1 dimensional characters (they don't really go on journey or change opinions or evolve) while the Masters are the 3 dimensional because they may alter their personality over the course of the show.
Also ordered Macross Frontier Movies boxset

amiami has discount price going on (way too expensive at normal price they are asking despite all the books you get) ... ME-0010432" onclick=";return false;

44% off. ENG subs and region free. Hopefully they release tv series with subs too for those who want to own the legit thing complete with official subtitles with proper ship names, lack of errors in terms etc that usually happen with fansubs.

All of this streaming stuff is good but owning discs is still superior. I doubt I can keep up with the anime nerds in watching this stuff while it is new. But I can buy the boxsets and watch them in a marathon which is how I like to digest this stuff.
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Re: The Anime Thread

Post by GameHED »

Phew! finally finished watching all 7 eps of Gundam Unicorn after getting vol 7 (last ep) recently at jb.

That is probably the best OVA I have seen yet with epic robot fights and beam fights (the animation is superb especially when beam hit stuff annd you ca see the armor melting) and a lot of heart put into the characters. You feel sorry for the villains and you see the wars from different perspectives so that when the sides battle in the end there is always a sense of loss as they destroy a lot of stuff and you care about the deaths.

There is enough mystery too for those who wonder about how char (the major super ace pilot working for the spacenoids) can be alive. To find out you will have to see this to the very end so the last ep has a lot of impact as it takes you back to earlier tv series for long time fans to reflect on all the events from previous UC series.

One of the reason for me to watch anime is for these kinds of shows where lot of the motivations for characters are not obvious and there is ever one right or wrong guy who can be consider the 'hero'. (since even the good guy has blood on his hands and must reflect on his actions and correct himself and mature - you never see this stuff in american toons due to obvious reasons - ie aimed at young age where the character is perfect all the time with all the answers)

I have not read the novel it is based on but the anime was worth seeing. If you don't know much about the previous shows you can easily watch this without having seen those. Certain technologies like 'psycho frame' (robot parts with paranormal abilities to read the human pilots intent to make it react as if it were alive and sometimes take over control of the pilot by amplifying emotions that help it fight better and feeding it back to them to make them act out of control which is then fed into the frame to increase the machines potential further) would be familiar to fans of the previous shows and a newbie might get confused but beyond that it is not a waste of 7 hours. (guess it is like an adult taking their kid to see the transformers animated movie without knowing who optimus prime is and complaining that the movie didn't introduce important guys first. In Unicorn if you don't know who Char was you'd scratch your head wondering who is Full Frontal and others referring to when they call him "the second coming of char")

As real robot shows go this is up there with char counter attack, msg 8th msteam, etc with mature themes. It helps a bit if you are familiar with the technology from previous show however. (eg the funnels weapon system and how these are designed for psychics to bait and trap the enemy targets, the psycho frame tech which was used in char's counteratttack to project plots will into the machine to react faster, the ability to block newtypes communication with the unicorn and using the robot as a newtype hunting machine, the general ability of a newtype to sense when another newtype is close etc and all this geeky stuff which carried over from the old shows to this ova series. (eg cybernewtypes which are mind controlled pilots who have enhancement to emulate some of the ability of a newtype)

My only problem is I think some of the new robot models that appear look almost like they are just updated versions of things we already seen from other UC shows. But that's part of the appeal of it to fans too since this is a bit fan servicey. An example of this is how in one ep a lot of the older models of zeon robot are trying to launch an attack on a base and they fight new models of federation robots. lol They look pretty goofy next to the new designs.
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Re: The Anime Thread

Post by GameHED »

Next macross series is named Macross Delta: ... ons/.80094" onclick=";return false;

Chuck Norris from all the delta force movies is going to be the main character. He sings rap music to the aliens who uncontrollably dance to the beat and then kills them while they are distracted by hardcore pornos uploaded into their brains which offends them enough to cause them to lose passion for killing and concentrate on masturbating so they can't control their robots as well with one hand.

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Re: The Anime Thread

Post by GameHED »

Whoa never thought this would ever happen but Legend of the Galactic Heroes finally getting licensed!
This is the best space opera ever made and on many sci fi fans list as one of the greatest anime of all time. Unlike Duke Nukem Forever this one was worth waiting and hoping since it stands the test of time. But be prepared to have a good memory of all the characters as there is a LOT.

Will be seeking this one out when possible. Much like macross DYRL I consider it a masterpiece.


watch on youtube (for the poor people like candy arse using low res monitor in thier mom's basement while they pirate nintendo roms to kill the japanese economy and claim to be nintendo fan but wishes they'd go third party and die like sega) with fansub. ... ocon5ZzTlP" onclick=";return false;

anyone not excited about this needs to be banned from any anime threads imo...That should be a new rule here. Will be getting around to watching more anime in future. Bought black lagoon s1 and 2 and the movie on bluray recently...

BTW i would love to see an anime based on Galak-Z lol Have proper writers though. Put in some parody stuff making fun of gundam, space battleship yamato, and macross (or just old robot shows in general). I think it would be popular. It could be like what the Expendables movies are for 80s action movie fans but for anime watchers of retro robot shows of the past instead. Yes it would have serious action but there would be nods to the way animation looked from the past with very little use of cg.
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Re: The Anime Thread

Post by Candy Arse »

Another thread where CrackHED has been talking to himself for over a year. Here's a pity post for you dude.
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Re: The Anime Thread

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

Candy Arse wrote:LOL.. I'll just watch the superior PC version of this anime.
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Re: The Anime Thread

Post by GreyWizzard »

I've watched I think the first 8 eps of Attack on Titan and it's pretty awesome. I can see why people have gone nuts and has gotten a two part live action movie adaptation.
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Re: The Anime Thread

Post by GameHED »

More info about the new macross tv series has come out. Going to hate the wallet rape when all the collectible mechas are out. (more expensive than games hobby)" onclick=";return false;

I watched one whole ep of Attack on Titan but got distracted by other series. Will watch the rest soon. Saw the naruto movie that recently released. Meh...not worth all the hype by the fans. Pokemon with ninjas never appealed to me much.

Thanks for the posts candy. We all wish you would be more active in these threads. The pc gamers have no good games to play so we think you should at least post more often to keep the boards alive.

I wish there was an anime tv series about pc gamers. The pc gamers would be competing in esports with console gamers to see which are superior and the episodes would be like watching fighting anime where people yell out special moves to win. This would boost thier self esteem a bit so they don't become depressed that nintendo hasn't been sold off to ms or ea yet which they were desperately wishing to happen for decades. (tech whores love to pirate shit and nintendo consoles usually use unique controls that make playing on pc annoying for pirates hehe)
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Re: The Anime Thread

Post by GreyWizzard »

One Punch Man. Seriously it's insane. I urge people to watch it.
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Re: The Anime Thread

Post by GreyWizzard »

Finished One Punch Man. Holy Dooley it is amazing. I can see the comparisons to sections of DBZ and One Piece but it truly is it's own beast.

I love that even though the show is about Saitama every other character has more screen time. All the other players are the story. It's hard to explain but the concept works so well.

Seriously people need to watch the series.
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Re: The Anime Thread

Post by GameHED »

Impressions on first macross delta episode: ... screening/" onclick=";return false;

sounds like a mishmash of macross 7, zombie apocalypse movies, (zentradi infected with the rage virus from 28 days later lol) and macross frontier. Seems like this series spans larger area involving multiple worlds. The magical girl nonsense disappoints me. lol Should have made it a gritty story about survival using robots.. :(

It suits macross though which is all about girls beating the bad guys with singing and dancing and distractions with their boobs.
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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