Corruption in the game industry pt2

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Corruption in the game industry pt2

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Interview with Stephen Totilo:
The last few months have raised many questions about ethical practices within games media. This is a lengthy interview with Stephen Totilo the Editor in Chief of one of the largest gaming sites Kotaku, who will answer allegations of conflicts of interest and express his opinions on games media and its role in the industry.
fucking computer geeks desperate for love to get great reviews has probably always been around but this was a good interview by totalbiscuit.

The gamergate group s being portrayed as the cyberbullies and worse than ISIS terrorists lol. All they want is good old fashioned honesty for once. Thanks to youtube, these biased guys can't void public scrutiny anymore. Fess up and admit you are wrong. Apologise. A fuck for good scores is disgusting behavior. You're guilty. Stop acing like nothing is wrong and nothing needs to change.

Gamergate group needs to use private investigators to find out the truth imo This is the only way to find out which are the reliable staff and which are on the take. People who work hard to make awesome games shouldn't have to worry about other rivals being able to cheat by having sexual relationships with the review staff.

The reviewers need to realise that transparency is a must. People who make games need to earn points the old fashioned hard way ie high scores if the game merits it. Not because the maker is selling their body to the critics. hehe

muricans love to use the media as a propaganda tool to promote products but when journos put the spotight on scandals they expect them to be friends with critics and media and don't see a need to apologise to readers for fraudulent activities. lol

Fortunately in the future japan will finally develop sex robots* that look like chics so these corrupt geeks can concentrate on doing honest unbiased reviews again and not have to sell thier integrity for the touch/lick from a corrupt chic. By shaming the corrupt people in the industry it sends a strong warning to future female game developers that this kind of behavior is unacceptable.

*which could be hacked to spy on conversations to monitor the goings on behind closed doors. Sorta like laser beak was to help soundwave gather dirt on each decepticon to maintain order and prevent rebellions in Transformers.
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

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Ethics in reviewing... Whatever...
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

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Is this our Gamergate thread?

A little bit off topic, but related. Leigh Alexander from Gamasutra is an idiot and lost any credibility with her drunken rants on GiantBombs E3 telecast a few years back.
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

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yes the other one was about youtube. This one can be about corruption in general. Gamergate being one such issue along with bogus scores.

corporations have always tried to control media and media is the puppet of the one that pays them. This is why we need to be aware of reptilians who have always specialised in trying to control our thinking. The attack on gamers is imo one example of thought control. By attacking thier own consumer/reader they hope to bully us so that we don't question the system they have set up. "Gamers are dead. You are now irrelevent. We don't need you. Game companies feed us. You will go with the flow if we can just convince everyone else in our group to attack our critics and continue ignoring the flaws of our system to make us powerful thought influencers"

It's very sneaky. Now they are afraid to look weak by not wanting to apologise. We can forgive, but you have to bend your knee, beg for forgiveness and then you can receive as soon as you repent.

Humans are corrupt by our nature. We inherited the sin code from the great serpent in the garden which was possessed by satan.

Lucifer is the prince of the power of the air. The airwaves transmit the will of the reptoids. But you can question the serpent to force him into aditting he lies.
The media has for years taught your parents that you are all psychos wanting to go on school shooting for playing doom. We got to remove ther power to deceive by focing them to admit their mistakes so they can correct the evil behavior. We the consumers who pay for games demand morals so we can trust what is told to us. Without morals people become poorer - A great technique of robbing power from the people and putting power into the deceivers who just use media as slaves or pets. We the consumer are the ones buying, so that makes us the boss of these companies. Which is why attacking gamers instead of correcting yourself is stupid. Honesty is the best policy. Show everything, don't call us names, don't assume we are attacking you personally (everyone loves to play the victim) when it is valid constructive criticism. Money is at stake, people value quality. That's all it is.
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

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Syrian Girl exposes the truth behind gamergate:
a true female gamer's perspective.

I always thought that ben kuchara guy was dirty when he reviewed duke nukem negatively.
Sure it wasn't the best fps but the reason for poor rating had nothing to do with the core gameplay. No wonder bayonetta got a shit score from polygon - "they" are just interested in pushing left wing agendas. These guys are powerful influential reviewers that should not let offensive content determine score.

Hopefully these guys don't scare developers into self censoring games like hollywood self censors R rated gore in movies just to make more bucks at the expense of artists losing control and creative freedom.. You all got a boner hitting poison in final fight when you were 12 just so you could see her titties. Don't tell me you aren't perverted fucks. We know you aren't defending women's rights and are just using that as an excuse to get free blow jobs from female game devs trying to rise up in the world by cheating the system. :roll:

Fact is this: think tanks care what you the gamer think and want to shape your kids beliefs. Videogames can be used as propaganda, (most of these shooters for example are to desensitise us to violence so that as an adult you don't think twice about killing in real life and can pull a trigger without delays) and if you know it's being used to make your kid vote for one political party than the other or to act a certain way, you are better off than assuming crap scores on metacritic has anything to do with the quality or your fave devs being crap at their job.
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by GameHED »

interesting ABC hit piece on the gamers (men are demonised by mainstream media)
Games industry needs to fight back since feministsvare turning to schools and reptilian owned media to try to control and censor our games. The future gamers are going to be manginas if you don't re-educate the non-gaming public to the truth.

Notice how they don't ask the pro-gamergate people what they think? This is why ypu can never trust the news or the government since it benefits from lies.

It needs to be explained to kids going to universities in future that you can kill both men and women in violent games like gta v and the feminists have vested interest in using men to fight for their causes so they can not be trusted to tell the truth. Once exposed, they lose public support, the public will want to investigate them, and they get shamed by society for misleading children.

If you have daughters who are becoming interested in male spaces, point them to all the games that are not aimed at the men but suitable for anyone. That's all ypu have to do. Otherwise future gta games will get banned from sale as feminists and other subversive groups try to censor our entertainment or pressure the big chains to pull the games from the shelves This is how you fight the proper way, not death threats. They want you to get angry because when angry you look like the agressor and the observer automatically assumes the angry people are the losing side of an argument. Stay calm and start conversations about it with non-gamers in casual conversations with them at social functions like parties etc and spread truth and we can all be happy buying violent games where running over hookers and shpoting women is ok as it has always been without government and business caving into the scare tactics of these evil groups trying to invade the male spaces.

It's time the rights of ALL people are respected not just women. I think mens righs movement and mgtow movement can unite with gamergate to work on solutions to the problem and raise funds to educate baby boomers on the reality of the topic. Most are not gamers so they see it as a negative thing due to it not being part of their lifestyle growing up.

When an industry becomes big business the feminists want to take what men built then invade that male space as it competes for attention with women so they want to infiltrate the industry and sabotage it from within. Since gaming has become more mainstream (bigger influence than film) there is a big push by the reptilian to use the entertainment medium as a tool for propaganda. Up until now we have been able to be left alone in the past as gaming was an unpopular subculture but now that its grown into multibillion dollar industry the subversives want to use this medium to brainwash people in sublte ways so the youth are more confused with each successive generation.

There is a good non-gamer perspective video response here on the abc hitpiece:
We need to make this less about 'gamers vs women gamers' (there will always be misogynistic people but why should you and I suffer by having our entertainment censored?) and more about telling the truth vs telling lies and teach people about how media is controlled by satanists, pedophiles, and occult groups who wish to make the public poorer, easy to manipulate, and unhealthy and unwise so the groups trying to obtain power through the pyramidal structure which they built can maintain control over society. (being conscious of deception and knowing you are being misled is empowering. Reptilians don't want that.) The more of us out there giving the truth, the harder it becomes for the evil to hide. Stick to facts which can be verified and documented and don't rely on emotions. That's the way of the sith. Hand out the pamphlets to others who haven't thought about these issues before and test their knowledge by asking them question to guage their knowledge.

Stick to the mission objective and do this as community service so your kids are smarter and have tools to use against them. Most kids just believe what adults tell them without actually questioning things. Teach them how to think critically and be as open minded as possible and ask them if they can tell if the stated objectives of groups is the real objectives of the groups. And how they know if the stated objectives of the groups matches actual objectives by their actions in history. Jesus taught his discipples that you will know people by their fruits/actions. Most adults have this ability to reason because we develop cynicism later in life but that is why these feminists want to go after children at schools because it is easier to corrupt the minds of people who haven't developed a strong opinion on things due to kack of life experiences and time devoted to bullshit detection. (after all, the parents of the kids themselves might have been brainwashed themselves by what they were taught and so on and so forth..Generational brainwashing could be taking place as people are naturally unassuming)

related: kids of the future fucked by feminisim
japan's herbivore men is the future for western nations infected by feminist ideology - ie mgtow is product of the pc bullying by radicals who are playing into the plans of the bankers who want divided world where people are constantly fighting and at war with each other competing for power, status, access to resource. We can behead that snake if people woke up. ie realise that having women in the workplace was designed to double the slaves you can tax and lower the cost of labour from the human 'resources'. It might have had positive effects for women who wish for career and independence, but its intention is make society weaker through division. Kids of today are manginas as a result of the lack of proper parenting. They are tbe ones now trying to dictate to us in the game community what stories are acceptable and if the views are not politically correct ones the feminist will pressure the businesses to pull the game from shelves.

the game industry is fine with both men and women in it creating games. The problem lies when games that are primarily targeted at men get censored by feminists. Feminist can have titles aimed for them, just don't try to stop men enjoying thier hobby and playing games with politically correct messages and everything will be fine. We built the male spaces as a form of escape from women. That's why they are appealing. Having them changed to accomodate feminist views would ruin them so that is where males take issue. We don't believe in female worship cults and that's what makes games different from say hollywood movies with pro-feminist ideals which do not appeal to males who see that as offensive material suggesting that women are stronger than men when that is just female power fantasy. Men have power fantasy and females have them but feminist want to exclude males from power fantasy. Videogames don't need politically correct stories. The player can be either male or female and whether the character they use is male or female is not relevent. What matters is whether the game is being censored by government or female cult which worship the cunt. If so it is brainwashing mechanism that will not be tolerated. The creators need to be free to say what they want regardless of how acceptable society thinks the message is, otherwise you are not living in an open and free society.
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by GameHED »

sandman explains the reason all of a sudden for why women are invading male spaces like gaming and using governments to force writers to add feminist politically correct content:
in other words what they did to script writers for movies, they are going to do for games. Making it hard for men to escape creating content by men for men-only.

Instead of feminists wanting females to make games for women and giving the public the free choice to decide what to buy for themselves, they instead want to censor or control the game inudstry by hijacking it so that games like duke nukem or gta get low review scores, if they do not have politically correct views that favour females.

This will destroy the creator's ability to freely express themselves through games as artform and turn it into government propaganda to suit whoever is in power at the time. By use fear intimidation and shaming tactics they can control society by using the entertainment medium to influence consciousness.

To fight back male gamers should teach the non-gaming females that videogames are not films where you have no control over what happens. You the player must prove worth through actions. So if the player character in a rpg dies it's because the player was not skilled enough to react apropriately and nothing to do with sending messages thst females are not powerful. There is no reliance on writers to determine what goes on apart from mission briefings and non-game related sections. eg the cg cinemas of final fantasy titles. We don't need non-gamers to have a hand in the creation of games thanks. It will only result in shit games that are not games. Games like the sims are casual friendly titles so nobody cares about that stuff. We are more thinking about games where you the player have to directly take actions or you die. Whether you are male or female player is not important. It's what skill you bring to avoid losing.

The point is gamers were the nerds that women laughed at back in the day when computers were shit and when it was not a mainstream activity, and the nerds have no interest in making games be about women if the core audience is for male gamers instead of the non-gamer. Games are becoming shallow enough as it is. We don't need politically correct nonsense shoved down our throats and censored crap. We will boycott films and censored games if we have to. Instead of creating games for women gamers that are good, you choose to invade male gaming space to ruin an existing thing. This is where we draw our line in the sand.
True: games CAN be for everyone,(and everyone can identify themselves as a gamer) just not those games made for men. Those games are fine and should not have to be changed to suit feminist ideology. If females like to play them nobody stops them. But the work should be left unbutchered. We the paying customer want the game as intended just as you would want news to be uncensored by government regardless of whether you find info offensive. You can turn off the tv and nobody forces you to view it.

louie marco explains how feminists are trying to ban peeing standing up, making unisex toys for kids and how women in third world countries are being westernised and changing into white chics who get to act like spoilt princess after they take advantage of the men they used.
This guy is not some nerdy fat guy who eats junkfood and swears and acts misogynistic. He takes good carev of his body and turned mgtow to escape control. We as male gamers need to train our sons not to fall for the government pressure and feminist shame tactics if we want to protect male spaces. (and avoid future generations of men becoming feminised manginas with no balls to stand up for what is right - pretty much all the game journos today dependent on popularity to keep them in a job)

If women do not like us taking power back, that is too bad as the awake males are choosing bros before hoes for survival now. (not because they don't like women but that women can't truly love men in the way men love women. ie to hate something you have to have loved it first which explains the emergence of tbis movement) Of course I'm not mgtow myself, as I see this as just plain sexual immorality in general since men are given authority to make decisions according to biblical traditions but I like that people are opening thier eyes to radical behavior that is destructive to society since feminism is merely the tool bankers created to double the number of workers (cheap drones as there are more competing in the pool) and people they can lend money to which creates more debt slaves to control. And the luciferian courts love divorce since they offer services to women that rake in money for them and the government at the expense of men. Feminists like the greens are just the pawns. They are as much victims in the manipulation as men are to feminist women that were not raised by responsible fathers.

You got to withdraw from systems that were rigged to benefit these organisations who are trying to rob us.

comedian bill burr educates people on gynocentrism:
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

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geek revenge advice from tom leykis for geeks who didn't get to bang the hot chic in thier high school years (bang her younger sister, don't settle for older used models)
tom leykis advice to women who have trouble competing for attention with videogames(bang other people don't try to change a gamer male)
games industry is big now partly because the game is the escape from the boring life of the married man who thinks the routine of everyday living is not worth his attention anymore. Much like comic books or sci fi movies this is where the men go for fun. Putting females in our games that act like men is not going to solve your problem of wanting his attention because we don't play games as a substitute for women, but to escape nagging, routine, and shit life/treatment by the world around us. At least that's what I think and why gaming is still geek culture and not mainstream friendly yet.
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by Deef »

Part 2? But I still haven't finished not reading part 1.
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

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this vid is for feminists (so you are educated about the real world and why nobody is getting married and why immigrants have to be imported to replace local workforce due to nobody breeding to replace the aging population)
this stuff is the reason games can't appeal to feminists and specifically why mgtow millenials are going to use social media to fight back against babyboomer attitude to how relationships are meant to be. Today with so much technology for even ugly chics to get attention from men, there is no security for men to commit. I'm not saying technology is evil, but that power that comes with it gets abused 10 times out of ten. This is why society is going to collapse due to sexual immorality. Japan is the warning sign since these guys play videogames all day, watch anime, and are high tech nation where people don't communicate to each other the old way. They are aging population and if nobody has kids or breeds who is going to take care of the generation previous when they are old? People are more selfish and I predict this is the reason for robots taking over eventually.

The game industry is mostly a male space, which exists to cater to the angry guy who needs to let off steam and do violent things in virtual environment to relax. Women are not going to change that because the bulk of the appeal of games is competing and outdoing others. Not stories, socialising, making friends, or playing with girls to meet a partner. This is why I facepalm at polygon's review of bayonetta 2 where the journos are mad that money is not being spent to cater to feminists (mostly non-gamers) who don't play games and just want to invade male spaces for political reasons and manipulate entertainment to corrupt the next gen of men and transform them into pussy manginas who say yes to women at the expense of thier own freedom.

It's depressing that games get banned from stores but movies and books seem to get easy passes. The more men that we teach about the infiltration of game media the better things will get for future games that question the systems we have in place in society. In much the same way dystopian sci fi movies show us the dangers of certain things in the future as warnings of what could happen if we let technology rule over us and the effect it has on living in that world. (if content is censored for games it is no different to banning of books which are critical of the people living during the time the works were made)

Videogames make great propaganda tools so thst is the only reason I can see for the sudden interest feminist have to invade this area. Much like ads showing men as dumb childlike people, they will pressure game companies to put dumb male characters in the game worlds and ruin interactive entertainment that gets popular. Its really just because it is seen as manipulation tool, not because women give a fuck about games in general. In fact it competes with women for attention, especially those pc mmorpg games tgat require your attention 24/7 in order to play properly. When titles get censored, journos give shit scores to good games if they are not pro-feminist, and companies give into pressure, that is when you can be sure of eventual prohibition of games in future, similar to the way they are trying to control smokers of cigarettes by not letting them smoke anywhere, or the banning of guns under the belief its safer to disarm the public. No respect for individuals rights. We should be proud to have freedoms so people can express through the interactive art. But you can't do this if videogames are hashly treated while other media isn't. (butchering content for non-gaming minority)
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

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Anita sarkesian pisses off more people with abc backing:
Thought I might share a list of games starring female lead characters in some capacity since Anita claims that they are only pawns to be saved or abused etc. This list is just from games I could think up and there's fuck tons more. If you wanna add more to the list please by all means :D

Parasite Eve 1-2, Koudelka, Metroid Series, Zombies Ate my Neighbors, Castlevania Portrait of Ruin, Alice Madness Returns, Bayonetta 1-2, Infamous First Light, Okami, Eternal Darkness, Final Fantasy 13 Series, The Misadventures of Tron Bonne, Tomb Raider Series, Heavenly Sword, Dino Crisis Series, Wet, Perfect Dark, Tales of Xillia, Resident Evil 3 Nemesis, D2, The Last of Us, Lollipop Chainsaw, Resident Evil Code Veronica, Persona 2, Xenosaga 1-2-3, Fatal Frame 1-2-3, Super Mario Bros 2, Remember Me, Gravity Rush, Super Princess Peach, Odin Sphere, Jet Set Radio 1-2, Silent Hill 3, Beyond Good and Evil, Mass Effect 3, Rule of Rose, Folklore, Darkstone, Dead Island 1-Riptide, Enemy Zero, Nightshade, Clock Tower Series, Haunting Ground, Ms. Pac Man Series, Ghoul Patrol, Animal Crossing Series, Popful Mail, Hard Corpse Uprising, Lost Kingdoms 1-2, P.N.03, Little Red Riding Hood's Zombie BBQ, Metal Gear Acid 1-2, Touch Detective 1-2, XBlades, Hyrule Warriors, Twisted Metal Series, La Pucelle Tactics, Stretch Panic, F-Zero Series, Gekido, Secret of Mana, Saga Frontier 1-2, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Bullet Witch, House of the Dead 3, Resident Evil Zero, Zombie Revenge, Final Fantasy X-2, Um Jammer Lammy, Contra Shattered Soldier, Fear Effect 1-2, Oni, Deception Series, Sakura Wars, Pocky & Rocky 1-2, Rhapsody a Musical Adventure, Wild Arms 3, Metal Slug, Contrast, Velvet Assassin, Devil May Cry 2, Bloodrayne 1-2, Streets of Rage Series, Cotton Series, Arcana Heart Series, Drakenguard 3, Atelier Series, Fighting Force, Confidential Mission, Child of Light, Final Fight 2-3, Golden Axe Series, Deathtrap Dungeon, Elevator Action Returns, Heavy Rain, Project X Zone, Maken X, Kuon, Guardian Hero's, Left 4 Dead 1-2, The Legend of Dragoon, Summoner 2, Night Slashers, Guilty Gear Judegment, Onimusha Dawn of Dreams, Pandemonium 1-2, Muramasa the Demon Blade, Ninety Nine Knights, Diablo Series, Legend of Heroes Trails in the Sky, Fire Emblem Series, Shantae Series, Drilldozer, Dragon's Crown, Jet Force Gemini, Portal 1-2, Gladius, Star Fox Adventures, No One Lives Forever 1-2, Phantom Brave, The Witch and the Hundred Knight, The Walking Dead Season 2, Cannon Spike, Nier, Final Fantasy 6, Red Ninja, Resident Evil Revelations, Road Rash Series, Beyond Two Souls, Trine 1-2, Headhunter Redemption, Eternal Sonata, Killer 7, Dead Nation, Hydrophobia, Mischief Makers, Corpse Party, Disgaea D2, Trapt, Borderlands Series, Alone in the Dark The New Nightmare, Gauntlet Series, Rogue Ops, Maniac Mansion, Sweet Home, A Hat in Time, Legend of Mana, Paperboy 2, Nights, Ninja Assault, Time Gal, Kameo, Torchlight 1-2, Tenchu Series, GrimGrimoire, Nine Hours Nine Persons Nine Doors, Threads of Fate, Donkey Kong Series, Lifeline, Valkyrie Profile 1-2, Syphon Filter Series, Tales of Destiny 2, Primal, Dragon Force, Rondo of Swords, Ice Climber, D, Viewtiful Joe 2, Turok 3, Alien Syndrome, Super Star Soldier, Gate of Thunder, Star Ocean the 2nd Story, Mystic Warriors, Dynasty Warriors Series, Spyborgs, Unbound Saga, Legend of Kage 2, Death by Degrees, Soul of the Samurai, Phantasy Star Series, Enclave, Space Channel 5, Illbleed, Beat Down Fists of Vengeance, Steal Princess, Wild Arms XF, Lady Sia, Castle Shikigami 2-3, Malice, Knights Contract, Run Saber, Magna Carta 1-2, Still Life 1-2. Resident Evil 2, Lufia and the Fortress of Doom, Shadow Blasters, Persona 3, Nostalgia, Dissidia Final Fantasy 1-2, Sonic Rush 1-2, Rolling Thunder 2
There are loads of strong women in gaming. It's not much different to comic books and fighting games in particular give a good balance of female fighters with diverse personalities. Some examples in street fighter:

eg bitchy rich chic:
Karin from street fighter alpha 3

big boobed wrestler with big arse:

clumsy unco fangirl:

career focused kung fu fighter(became a cop instead of living as a normal school girl ever since super turbo):
chun li

long legged african woman with down to earth personality:

sex starved ninja:

british assassin:

this is just at the top of my head. There is even tranny in the latest game who kicks men in the balls as an ultra move.

the cherry picking of examples is tiring. Baby boomers are going to believe the propaganda and blame games for violence again i bet with swat teams to raid houses for games with woman-beating content.

You can watch women shitting and pissing in other woman's mouths and forcing them to eat the shit while wearing police uniforms on the internet." onclick=";return false;

but games are so much worse because virtual women can be run over.. :roll: On youtube you have super flaggers some of these are government officials who can censor what is seen and remove anything they want. When these groups team up with feminists that = ruined and butchered videogames.
Much like the attack by muslims on cartoons depicting Mohamed these feminists will try to stop people excercising their constitutional rights. We can't allow them to get jobs at these companies. It is my belief "that which you create you control"
Having government teamed up with media trying to police thought is not tolerable in today's society. If you get offended just don't buy the games or watch the movies or read the comic. You can watch mad max 2 and see a woman getting raped but not have alien probe in saints row 4. The world is fucked up mentally.

We got to start labeling feminists as hate groups and potential terrorist threats like the muslim suicide bombers imo.
If you don't like freedom that's fine but don't try to prevent others from having theirs. ... opies.html" onclick=";return false;

Christians for instance always get made fun of in movies and you don't see them policing these or videogames with occult symbols in it but they just criticise the content so as to warn others not to view or buy that material if they find it ofensive. And that's the extent of it.
But you have feminists banning GTA and government banning of games that are perfectly ok in most other places (do we really need our own version of Saints Row or Fallout?)

As long as the government wastes money on limiting freedom instead of educating the parents about content in games there will always be inappropriate content reaching people and those people will try to change the content and not use the ability to ignore the offensive stuff. Porn is a fine example today where it is freely accessible to any adult but somehow games fall into special category where you have games getting banned and treated worse than R rated movie.

Artists can't put interesting characters in the games as long as these types of restrictions continue to exist. If a guy is a murderer and kills rapists for instance and there is a scene of a rape in the game by another man, it will get treated as if the game was promoting a brutal rape because of the combination of killing and sex by people like Anita Sarkesian.

The system isn't good enough. Feminists of today are very similar to muslims trying to infiltrate society and force thought control and monitoring upon free society that wants them to police themselves so the rest of us can live in peace. It's time to ask the question of whether it is safe to let feminsts be treated as a harmless group and wehther we should label these as hate groups and ban this stuff if it is caught misrepresenting other groups like gamers.
Of course the media has misrepresented gamers for years trying to make us out as violent criminals who are potential school shooters becuase doom was a game the columbine kids played a lot. But little does the public know that those shooters were looking to kill christians and asks the victims whether they believed in god or not and if they said yes they would shoot the kid.

There is a demonic power working behind the scenes of these radical groups and as gamers we must prevent them trying to use games as a scapegoat for all kinds of real crimes like mass murder and rape in the real world.

anita attacks honest youtubers speaking truth, will not debate:
The guys that have been playing games for decades have loads of experience on games and it makes sense to not have serious deiscussion. But they are not going away. They are having kids and growing the army to fight the next generation of feminists trying to invade male hobbies with the feminist agendas (ie make men weak, place females as leaders, pollute the entertainment industry with profeminist brainwashing tools to mold society in their image)
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by GameHED »

Interesting article related to gamergate: ... -in-gaming" onclick=";return false;
More male bashing by the baby boomer mainstream media that paints gamers as rapist. Can you see how the reptilians have slowly taken over gaming and trying to make it about pussifying gamers so that they can't yell threats at each other.

Today it's monitoring death threats. Tomorrow its banning literature and games that are controversial.

Australia has a lot of censorship already (eg the need to change Southpark game to fit in with our ratings) and these kinds of shows paint a picture that gamers are violent and dangerous. Since it is mostly male-dominated industry the elites are going to use tv shows like SVU to make us out as criminals unless we kowtow to the feminist movement and let them portray males in games as weak people who need to be rescued by women who in the real world we know are biologically less strong. (scientific fact) All tv today is designed to cater to women since they buy all the products in the ads and watch more tv than us gamers. But we can figh back with games where men are the ones who obtain freedom by avoiding the nagging of women and feminists who think that being controlled and monitored is necessary.

You see the government and feminists are the two reasons we can't have our male hobbies since women want men to spend more money on things that benefit them and government (which is where people go to whine about having something changed to suit their group which they identify with). That has to change and games need to be made where neither male nor females are strong but that both are roughly equal in abilities but unique in their way of getting through things.

We can't have feminists working in the game industry because if you do the stories will be changed and censored to make women out to be herioc and males are painted a evil. Big difference between equality and feminism. Feminism wants to take government funding and resources away from other groups because it naturally needs to compete with those groups for support. So if say there is a male rights group the feminists want to see government funding more campaigns for females who are victims, not males who are victims due to teir own group preference. This is not equality. Equality is you get equal funding.

The better we expose the governments corruption, industry corruption in the game scene, and teach children about predatory nature of women (just as there is predatory males who abuse power) the better society will be. (no bullshit need to censor saints row, or changing content for australia in south park rpgs, or having two different ratings for movies and games where you can see rape scene in movies like mad max 2, but not have a alien anal probe in a game)

The player of the game is like the actor who plays a role in a movie. In GTA when you run over hookers, that is what would happen in real life if you speed across a street while police are in pursuit of you. Whether you do it for fun or do it because it was a means to an end (getting away from capture) is irrelevent. The game showed you running over a hooker and in the movie you might see a hooker being killed by someone in murder mystery story by a psycho.

That doesn't give you the right to stop me from seeing it. You have ratings, you don't need to change or ban things. Just have ratings that act as a guide for those who want to avoid/be informed of offensive content before viewing it, and that's it.

If you don't like rape scene, simply don't watch that part or avoid playing or buying the game.
If you think I shouldn't see it, that's a violation of my right to see unbutchered material in my movies or games.

In a game if I play as a violent psychopath that kills people (say a vampiric monster that uses humans as cattle and engages in cannibalistic behavior) I have to do actions that a vampireic and evil monster would do. That doesn't mean I condone it but it's part of the game. And this is no different to when an actor must play as a bad guy in a movie. In breaking bad you see the main character murder people, and you see him fight other bad guys. It doesn't matter whether you sympathise with his character and use that emotion to justify criminal activity. It's people's right to see that. Just as it is in a game that involves playing people that are criminals, murderers, psychos, or just monsters. (eg in old arcade games like rampage you destroy property and eat humans and this doesn't make you feel bad doing it since this is what monsters would do)

As soon as the older generation die off the gamergate generation can counter these feminist invasions of male-dominated hobbies.
Female gamers who play games for fun should join the movement to end corruption in journalism if they want to see honest opinions. If you enjoy games like Bayonetta or dragon's Crown and don't care whether the content is offensive to feminist then you need to speak up since if only males are seen talking about it, the reptilians can paint the speakers as misogynists much like politicians who are corrupt try to paint thier opposition as conspiracy theorists if they question their corrupt activity.

We live in a time now where people want to identify themselve as the things they do more than what they are. Eg: pc gamers think of thmeselves as "Master Race", the hardcore gamers consider themselves "elite" because they have better skill than pc gamers in action games which require reflexes not brains, (pc gamers have more options for cheating online) and retro gamers like to think they are more intelligent than younger gamers who never played old games. (these are the hipsters who think 8-bit visuals are better than using 3d models)

It's time to stop labeling yourself and just fight the attacks on freedom. That's it. Once you let them label you, they can use the labels as negative terms to scare others. "oh your a filthy gamergate supporter" and this lets them scare others into thinking that being anti-corruption is somehow a bad thing. Hijacking language is one of the keys of the reptilians and its so obvious they are in fear of the game industry since it is competing for attention against old media like TV where writers are bossed around by illuminati to program the audience into accepting the plans of the NWO.

As more people wake up, the old media will eventually die off much like print media. And the future is individuals using their own tools to provide entertainment. A guy doesn't need to sign a publishing deal and sell his soul to the devil. He can use all the creative powers he has to survive. Youtube is a good example of this where many diverse opinions and world views can be shared without government able to do anything. But if you let the feminists invade gaming, soon you won't be able to kill hookers in games. Something you have always enjoyed in the past. It would be like not being allowed to hit chun li or cammy in street fighter. Can you imagine a game like Street Fighter being controlled by a feminist where all the sexy females were removed just because it was offensive to feminist fans of fighting games to see skin or have camera angles set low near the butts of the sexy characters?

They already attempted to give duke nukem forever low score and took points off bayonetta 2 just because it caters to men. Do you want more of these people getting jobs in the game companies that make these games or do you want freedom where creators can make games for niche audiences and escape mainstream entertainment formulas which are safe for everyone.
In the future you should be allowed to find a game where you play as male and if a female rapes you, you as a male can rape them back because as a weak male the strong female overpowered you when your stats were really low. This would be common theme in games where females are the bad guys just as males are bad guys in all the feminist friendly mainstream movies we see today.

Now in the world of fantasy it doesn't matter how unrealistic it is because it's entertainment. It's fantasy. Nobody gives a shit. The whole message of the games is that people shouldn't give a fuck who got offended.

The feminists are getting little kids to swear:
they make me sick. I want to reach into the screen and slap the fuck out of those children which is why I think it's wrong not to have kids in elder scrolls games as killing them would make sense if they are annoying to people and cause grief. But then I'd be attacked for abuse. If you dress like a hooker and then hate men for staring at your breast or butt you deserve to one day get raped because you are telling men who can't control their urges that you want to be valued only for your looks.
Also notice how the cosmetic companies are slowly getting us used to the idea that kids should wear makeup and act grown up and mature earlier so they can sell products to them? This is a major problem for society as they are forced to lose their innocence early in life and miss out on childhood. All to get money. In the old days people actually slapped kids for annoying behavior. Today the kids can verbally abuse adults and take their money and laugh. Society is fucked up. Meanwhile game companies don't put annoying kids in games so we can slap them which I think is unrealistic. If there was a kid in GTA that attacked me I would run it over in self defence. I'm sorry that might seem offensive but killing things is what games are all about.
And men in the real world don't give a fuck about brains in females. The females who have brains should give a fuck about that not men. You don't seek validation from society. You work on yourself for yourself. That's not what is happening: you want to change male nature and control men by telling them what they should think, not caring what you yourself think about yourself. This is why politicians have been able to ruin our fun by banning our games.

If you want to get attention and dress like trashy whore, you will get it but then don't complain that society doesn't value you for intellligence. lol The government and tax payers can't do shit. The problem lies in yourself: you seek validation from others which has led you to try to change what we get to see in games. The mind control ends here.
The plan to extract money from the game industry by appealing to women will fail, since gamers are more intelligent than tv watchers and can think for themselves. Tv for years was used as a dumbing down tool to spread bad information to make the cattle docile. Games require skill and this is what seperates gamers from casual and non-gaming infiltrators who want to use games as a tool to brainwash society.

If you try to dumb down games by making them easy and appealing to tv watchers and desperate housewives who waste time watching boring soap operas, the gamers will notice this and not buy the games. Phone gamers are dead.
Husbands should divorce their wives if they support the corruption in the game industry. Take custody of te children, teach them to respect men, hard work and that they should only expect praise based on merit not gender, and we fix the problem of women banging their way to the top and expecting us to praise people who commit fraud. It's as bad as people who cheat at the olympics. Teach the kids that crime doesn't pay. If you have daughters: teach them that they need to recognise evil wherever it is. Not taking sides based on whether one side will personally benefit them in some way. Over a few generations we can destroy the feminism in gaming websites and use shaming language techniques which they have perfected over decades and insult females publicly for verbally abusing each other and their male partners who are treated like shit and hopefully the manginas will eventually cease to exist since they have had to move to another country or go back to acting like normal men after being beaten up at school by sensible people who are popular enough to be able to influence the peers to cause these guys to need to go underground if they ever resist it publicly. The local cop down the street will not automatically side with the woman whenever there is a domestic dispute, they instead will have to establish who is lying and if they are both bad they both get punished for the individual things they did to each other. Not just take the side of the better actor.
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by Deef »

Blah blah blah blah blah rather fun video blah blah blah.

Watch the video.
Dunno what the rest says.
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by GameHED »

The game industry is the one entertainment portion that the illuminati haven't completly controlled yet. You see indie games developers able to make a name for themselves and go outside the system. A game like retro city rampage where you can kill people with impunity wouldn't be acceptable to the types of people that watch mainstream television where men are shamed for being tough guy who takes no shit from anyone.

You can't say this about the music industry where blacks have had their souls ripped out of them and forced to take part in gay rituals for success and fame signing their name in blood and murdered if they don't do what the lizards say.
when you turn on tv have you noticed that all you see on there is pussified men? When you play games you are a ordinary person. They don't like that. They want you to accept effeminate characters and add emotional scenes in games to make you guilty for killing targets in games. But the things you do in a virtual environment are actually why games are fun and entertaining. Take away the fun, and the lizards wins. Trevor is probably the most honest character in a GTA game because it is a representation of the average game player who is aware it's not real and won't take the characters in the virtual environment seriouesly.

But I take this thread seriously. They will try to claim they need to protect us from freedom but in fact they want to monopolise control over what we see in games. For instance make the male characters which are macho do gay things to appease the gay gamers, or make females beat up men (but not females) to appease feminists.

All these groups are just tools by the lizards to modify society so it can't free itself from the consumerist lifestyle of working your butt off as a corporate drone slave, having your personality ripped from you by pc thugs in social situations, and monitored and censored by governments to change your content to appease minorities which mostly couldn't give a fuck about what you do in your free time playing politically incorrect games like southpark, saints row, gta etc

We need game industry to grow up and evolve beyond what you see in movies and books and comics and other non-interacting forms of storytelling. The old media can't control people, but they can control writers and tell them what to put in their stories. Videogames don't let them do this and that is the power of the game industry where you do stuff because it your choice. There is no writer telling you what is acceptable or not acceptable. You can make money being a bad guy or a good guy and feel ok knowing that there is representation of that in the real world. (there is no moral to the story, because you are the one co-writing the story yourself through actions.)

The problem is many of the liberal types that work in game web sites think we need to be MORE like movies instead of evolving beyond them. They look up to movies as if it's a bigger more mature brother that games need to model themselves after. I say that's going backwards in progress. To truly progress games need to shed the control that you see in mianstream entertainment and go outside the system. More and more people are playing games and not watching tv. Because tv is all aimed at women not men. So now you see feminists invading the males spaces to try to control men and make us act more gay and effeminate. (ie the rise of fake female gamers who are pretending to care about gaming but are just infiltrating males spaces for the lizards)

big pharma has come up with techniques to scare mothers to vaccinate their children and planting agents i society.

the same thing is happening in gaming spaces with fake girl gamers. (no offense to real ones)

If they can get fake mothers to cry about their dying sons don't think they won't do this for gaming industry where girls cry they are being abused for being female and gamers need to die or be imprisoned for not accepting thier idea of perfect society where we are all controlled by hive collective. It's happening with movies already where the stories have hidden messages to program us.

Guys like tom clancy got too close to revealing the illuminati's plan with the latest game (the division) and I think this is why he was killed similar to stanely kubrick when doing Eyes Wide Shut. We need counter agents to identify these people that are plants and investigate who they really are. Otherwise they will destroy freedom of expression in gaming too. (most women hate games so it is strange when figures like anita sarkesian appear in games like far cry 4 even if they are fake gamers)

You've been saved from wars because the people who are anti-war have helped counter these lizards. Behind the scenes there are people trying to warn us of the lizards through our entertainment. (you can't tell it as news or you'll get killed so the entertainment lets us see what is really going on without interference)

News is entertainment, and the entertainment is the news. Gaming is the media where money is made that attracts lizards since its powerful medium now. So it makes sense now why there is so much corruption in the industry to ban games based on whether they are acceptable to society by our politicians. Same reason why gays and women want to be priests in the churches and then make politically correct bibles.
Last edited by GameHED on 19 Feb 2015 02:47 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by Madmya »

That video was messed up. Why would you get your kids to swear like a mofo to push your message?
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by BOOMY »

There is a lot of out of touch anti feminist rubbish through out your ramblings. Are women the new lizard men?
Just out of curiosity gameHED, when was the last time you actually spoke to a woman?
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by Candy Arse »

Last night when he was feeding one of the captives in his rape dungeon.
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by GameHED »

No the feminists of today are tools of the lizards. (but they don't realise it since the lizards work in the shadows ) Not the other way around. Dipshit. You need to stop reading guidebooks to fighting games and read my posts properly. lol

Think of the lizards as the core reason for all the ancient snake cults. (they were worshipping the beings that were symbolised by the sun and the snake not the symbols themselves - these are living being that have powers) Look up timothy alberino on youtube and search for his vids on serpent cults and the history of america. The true history of america.

Conservative christian women do not follow the feminist movement (dressing up as a man, aborting kids so they can fuck everyone in their town instead of staying home to raise the kids is against God's will) and believe females should seek protection through charity/community if the husband is abusive or bad instead of going to the government which is not responsible. The government is only out to make money from the family court system and most of the judges I am willing to bet are lizards/luciferian so they are not really interested in justice but in obtaining resources from the fees. If a man abuses his authority he is evil. You want to fight the evil not the men. Men are innocent until you show proof we are bad. As are women. You don't just make blanket accusations that all men are pigs or dogs because of one bad exeperience you had being date raped. (feminism imo is a hate group today and has nothing to do with equality - there is no evidence of this)

If a guy is able to control himself and his urges he is doing the right thing. But the media is constantly portraying men as the bad guys all the time.
This is due to feminist infiltration of mainstream media and the fact that men don't watch tv anymore so it is more easy to just put shows in there targeting women. But in games it's the opposite. We have mostly men playing them. And all of a sudden the feminists want to invade the male space. This is bad for you as it will mean more pussification of men inside the game space like in all the other places. (as I said its like infiltration of PC thugs into the churches where they removes words like "hell", "He", any references to scary stuff etc in order to make it accessible to everyone instead of serious christians)

Documentary showing the various NWO bibles out there:
if you want true freedom you need to fight for your individual right to NOT have Political correctness forced down your throats through the government which is easily corruptible. As a corporation they don't give a shit about the rights if it means they can obtain money off of you as a resource. Sometimes they will put the money ahead of morals. Loads of lizard work inside the government so this is why you got to watch out for confiscation of guns, the use of robots to replace human police, (robot cars for instance can be hacked to assassinate people and make it appear like an accident) and the abuse of technology to enslave people. (cameras and phone spying on personal conversations)

Already they are using your gaming devices to control robot cops on the streets:
xbox retards are helping the nwo to kill us all. You don't think these trigger happy FPS addicts won't go overboard with police abuse especially if they don't have to put their own skin in danger and can hide behind a computer screen? These are the people that run over people in GTA and laugh and most of the library of xbox are dark games and games where you can mutilate the human body. (most of the zombie slaying titles)

The question is this: do you want the game industry to be like the tv industry where actors and famous people are harassed by gold digging parasites? No? Then fight for freedoms by exposing the lies of these fake gamers who are trying to infiltrate gaming industry and ruin our fun games by giving the good games shit scores and bad games really good scores. This is what gamergate is about: trying to get the honesty back. Not slut-shaming although that might have been a portion of the movement.

what they want to do to gamers ("gamers are dead" article) they already did to tv watchers with brainwashing in movies by making us into mindless zombies. The actors that try to escape being told what to do because it goes against their morals, end up as sacrifices if they are wealthy. Since games have competed with tv for $, they see us gamers as fresh meat. (trying to make us out as bad people to non-gaming public who are influential and powerful in influencing society and then using the online community to try to shame us if we don't conform to radical left political movements)

The lizards want black men to wear dresses. They want white women to wear pants and behave like butch lesbians who are bossy and blame the straight man for not letting them feel good about themselves by saying its our problem that they are fucked up. They are fucked up because evil exists. That's what we are trying to fight. But shining light on dark spaces exposes evil people, so they want to live in the shadow as they feel safer there instead of owning up to the truth.

black people who refused satan's offer for creative control/freedom:" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by BOOMY »

So to summarize women are evil because they wont touch you. Fair 'nuff
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by Deef »

Madmya that was the point. You expressed more discomfort with kids swearing than with any of the issues of inequality the video reeled off. The video is pointing out which problem you preferred to fixate upon. I'm sure those kids are fine. Your complaint about parents having their kids support their own agenda is motivated either by legitimate opposition to parents doing that, or simply by discomfort that you registered naturally from kids swearing. The video is saying that for many, it's the latter. Saying if only we complained so reactively about inequality as we do about something so relatively meaningless.
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by Cletus »

I watched the video. All I was left with was to wonder which one of the five girls GameHED would potentially hate rape.
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by Madmya »

Deef wrote:Madmya that was the point. You expressed more discomfort with kids swearing than with any of the issues of inequality the video reeled off. The video is pointing out which problem you preferred to fixate upon. I'm sure those kids are fine. Your complaint about parents having their kids support their own agenda is motivated either by legitimate opposition to parents doing that, or simply by discomfort that you registered naturally from kids swearing. The video is saying that for many, it's the latter. Saying if only we complained so reactively about inequality as we do about something so relatively meaningless.
Yeah I get it, it just doesn't sit well with me. You're right, I am in far more discomfort by it than the message itself. That's easily explained because I am already aware of these issues (Twitter reminds me every day), but I've never seen children act that way before. I'm not going to lose sleep over it, but yeah, it was a shock. I suppose that was their intention.

I really don't like that video.
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