Corruption in the game industry pt2

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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by GameHED »

BOOMY wrote:So to summarize women are evil because they wont touch you. Fair 'nuff
What I am hoping to do with this thread is teach manginas (people like you and candy arse) that there are predatory women in society that want to see all men subjected to their control. (before there was the "gamers are dead" article, we had the "men are dead" articles) These particular women are great bossy bitches who can use their female manipulation techniques to slowly rise up to high status and then use the status they attain to make hundreds of people sympathetic to their cause. Their cause usually hides a hidden agenda which is evil. (for example the feminists don't know their movement serves the banksters)

The men of society are slowly waking up to these techniques and thanks to the internet are working out how women behave thanks in part to good females who already knew about this stuff all along and helping the MGTOW community.

I personally am not a part of the MGTOW community but I see it as a great ally to fighting hypergamy and to act as counterweight to feminism. The reason I think MGTOW is dangerous is because if not enough people breed we will end up like japan. Notice how a lot of men are preferring asian women instead of white women in feminist nations? Because the asian women is raised with the traditional values like having to do the cooking cleaning and fucking to make the man happy while the man works hard and buys her shit to give back something for her as a way to show his affection. They pop out a kid and the kid doesn't have to be raised in child care centre by pedophiles leading to that kid growing up normally instead of into dysfunctional person who has no access to the dad. (ie conservative women can have her career AFTER the kid is raised and taking old school responsbility. Liberals want to shift responsibility of raising kids to men while they go and earn money which traumatised the child because they don't have a loving mother early in their life.)

To illustrate what I mean please watch this video:
A lot of these techniques are not limited to psycho bitches out to gold dig off a guy, but they are present in women from the western world who see traditionalism as evil.

I've known about these techniques long before MGTOW or MRA community came around, but I think it's the job of the man to figure this out for themselves as the bible teach us about predatory nature of women in the story of Jezabel in the old testament. If you read your bible you can identify who in society are jezebels by how materialistic they are and identify their manipulation techniques by putting women through tests. (eg get a guy much hotter than yourself to ride up in a sportcar and ask her out, and observe her reactions and get it on tape and see if she will cheat on you)

A conservative christian woman will try to fight her natural urge to fuck another person other than her husband/BF because they were raised properly. But as morals of society are being eroded thanks to tv (controlled by lizards) which teaches girls to be materialitic, the ugly guys (think of francis on youtube - he is basically the typical Xbox and PC gamer) of society and manginas (the guys who work at eurogamer and polygon with average appearance but who have intelligence ie people who like anita sarkesian who is a con artist) think we awakened ones are nothing more than women haters. lol

It's an easy assumption for them to make except when a women is the one teaching you about female nature they have to shut the fuck up. Which is why it is so important to get girl gamers to put these fake girl gamers (anita sarkesians of the world) in their rightful place and brand and shame the bad women who are just trying to extract money from gaming. You see gaming has become mainstream now, (big $ which attracts non-gaming females to it who want to extract money from it) and isn't about the nerd culture as it once was. The "gamers are dead" articles all popping up on the internet out of the blue simultaneously, was a desperate attempt to kill hardcore gamers by saying we are irrelevent. (the moderator on the eurogamer comment section is always trying to cover up this conspiracy and probably being paid a lot of money to influence what we hardcore gamers think by policing non-pc comments. This guy is an infiltrator.)

I will assume most of the people on this forum are dysfunctional kids who were raised by liberal parents or people who are awkward around women. (I've been lurking in the freemason forum so I know what you guys are talking about and how you disrespect women in secret while putting on a clean image on public space here so your girlfriend or wife can't find out what you are really like)

What I am providing is a community service to all those nerdy guys who were victim to gold digging females who will use their charms and fuck their way to the top of the industry and then blame men for the lack of women in game industry jobs if their missions fail.

Sorry but in my world you got to be as good as the best to be relevent. To become known you have to rise above the current best and to be legend you have to do something that changes everything. That's how things in the real world work and if you don't like it then all you have left is manipulation techniques (blowing the reviewers at game sites for good scores) .

Imagine if games had stories where there were only women in them and no male role model for kids? That's what feminist wants because they are attracted to power. There are a lot of tv shows I notice now where the wife of a criminal husband is very supportive of their husband's evil activity if it means financial security for their children. This is why evil is allowed to exist because people let emotion get in the way of doing what is right. They want the best for their kids despite the money being blood money which comes at the expense of someone elses kids. And the shows try to justify it by making us feel guilty for hating the criminal in the stories because they can emote too. But you never see the victims of these predators.

The message of the lizards is that it's ok to be evil if the guy is providing for his kids. But it's bad to do what's right. The exact opposite of what most people think. If you are married to an anita sarkesian (lying to get money) I feel really sorry for you.

Like I said guys like me are here to help but all we get is abuse. That's ok. You are going through a phase of denial about the truth. The more you try to deny something the harder I will push to get the truth out there. It's part of the cycle. The bible warns people of Jezebels of society and it is foolish to think females themselves are not aware of what I am saying. They just can't give away the secrets because it would ruin their chances of obtaining wealth from rich guy who is handsome. There are some really hot chics out there who are worth the trouble to put up with the BS, and for those that are already awakened to their manipulation techniques and going in knowing what to expect, I have no issue with you guys. What I do have issue is manginas who automatically think all women are soft and kind and have no ulterior motives for hanging out with easily controlled men who are hardworking and never try to rape a women or mistreat a women.

Also some women like the idea of being raped in a fantasy setting because they already have power and see all men around them as weaklings and they can't get off fucking them since they want a powerful man to dominate them so they feel submissive. If a woman already has power show wants a man that is even more powerful than herself. Not a servent who worships her pussy.

Samson in the biblical stories was superhuman with God-gifted strength. I often wonder what sex would have been like for the girl. Maybe he would slap the bitch on the butt while fucking her and she would go flying around the room. It wouldn't be abuse if the girl likes being dominated and slapped and have her hair pulled and treated like shit. Women want a bad boy for the sex and a beta male as a provider so she can go shopping with his money. (this is what MGTOW is trying to teach other men so they don't wast money on the bad women. What they call NAWALT I call normal woman that hasn't been infected by reptilians mind control heh)

That's why it's important to communicate ahead of time if you get into rough play since women will use the courts to claim you raped her when she said she wanted the rough stuff. The cops don't listen to the men they tend to side with women since they are physically weaker and are better at crying and acting. Once enough men become awake they can teach their kids how to spot a Jezebel and we can limit the control of the reptilians on society at large. (lots of movies are made now where men are the evil guys. Eg Maleficent) Did you guy not see the girl from the harry potter movies do her fake cry? That was great example there of scripted acting used to get emotional response to their cause. If a powerful women doesn't get her way she can fall back on vulnerability and crying which is backup.

Kids who are well educated don't end up swearing or appearing in pro-feminist propaganda. I want to save those kids from the brainwashing. I don't want those kids growing up and working in the games industry and banning sequels to Duke Nukem. We need to help them so they can stop banning our games and start identifying real women and marrying them instead of being abused by btiches. Not all women are bitches but you need to know who the bitches are and shame them when you see one.

It's going to take a lot of work but you got to chip away slowly at the feminists piece by piece like taking out zombie. First get the legs to slow them down a bit. Then finish them off with a well places knife swipe to the torso to save bullets, and then finish them off with headstomp. It's a multistep battle. You can't expect to have GTA games in australia without some effort on your part to train females not to gold dig and manipulate boys.

You will thank me later. Hate now all you want but I'm doing this for your own good. And your children's future. :up: The money they will save not being manipulated by a bitch who is using mind games is money they could use on their own children and their wife instead of paying for someone else's child and prevent those bad parents from breeding and burdening people's wallets. If you want to pay for a child that wasn't even yours and the courts order you around and boss you, that's fine. But most want to keep wealth not give it to lizards through fees. There were bitches in ancient times and bitches today. It's just that the mind control has evolved a lot since then and tv shows and movies have made kids ignorant of what's happening around them. They males are being feminised and having their balls castrated and when they question authority they are told not to think too hard and given distractions to keep them happy so the reptilians can continue manipulation in the shadows. But if you shed light these cockroaches will run away and hide into corners to avoid consequences for their actions.

A mature person will look at this objectively, see all the double standards and call society on its BS. In 50 shades of grey the woman is mistreated but it's ok to do that if the guy is rich. That's exactly what hollywood is saying to you boys: you can't abuse a women if you have no money. But if you are a rich guy it's ok to abuse the shit out of the girl and she will like it. Meanwhile in Saints Row you are not allowed to use the anal proble in australian edition. You are being played. It's ok for abuse to take place in women's literature just not men's games.

The message is that in the real world if you are alpha male, you earn a good amount of money, and the girl smells the money, it's biological nature to see the money as finiancial provision for her children and like you more if you are a bad boy who is agressive. After you get lots of money, she will let you do abusive stuff and she can feel good. This is how reptilians think. They don't have any sense of morals or idea of right or wrong. And it's in their nature to abuse. And the most popular movies and games are usually violent killing sims and feature slutty women in them because you have been raised to like it. But step away from the messages in the movies and games and books for a second and look at it from zoomed out view for a second and you will see why the society over time is sick in the mind for listeing to the messages. Normal people will look at this stuff ad recognise it for what it is. But most of the people today are influenced by it. That's why we need to teach kids to question the shit they see on tv, music, in games and let them think about why its being pushed so hard. Could it be the writers are told what to put in there by the iluuminati and if they don't go along with it they are killed? I'm just trying to help you guys.

You need to look at yourself in the mirror and self-criticise more. Because over time you are being shaped like clay to be in the image of the beast. (the writers that try to escape the system or expose the real world are killed ie tom clancy, breitbart, michael hastings etc and so fiction is used to send a message to your subconscious through movies books and games and it works. Those call of duty games your son is playing right now? training for the time when the military needs drone controllers to kill resisters to the NWO. You think google's interest in robots is to free us? Hell no. Already the robot cops are being rolled out not and you can control those robots with kinect. Not a joke. Look it up on youtube. I bet they will hire females to most of that too since it doesn't need muscles or heavy lifting which is where the value of men was back in the old days when you had to do everything yourself and risk having your nuts chopped off if you lose.

Most of the feminists have no interest in the physical hard labour jobs and encouraging women to do those since they are seen as "low status" work for servants who are not popular or respected. No they only want jobs where there is power to boss men around. There is a reason for this and it relates to the reptilians. In the book of Genesis when Eve was promised by the serpent that God was just holding the girl back from having God's powers and that it was perfectly ok to bite the forbidden fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, the girl Eve believed it because woman are naturally attracted to power. They want to be Godessess while men are ok doing jobs that are not seen as high status as we get pleasure just doing jobs we find fitting to us. Women even in biblical times liked the taste of being the boss so much that that would believe a lie told to them by an evil being over a loving God. Is it any wonder they are using the actress in the Harry Potter movies to fight for more powers for girls. And that the actress herself admits when she was a child she was accused of being bossy? She is obvsiously influenced by all the satanism in hollywood and mayber there are a few serpents (demons) inside her trying to go against God's order. These are the bitches you need to watch as they may try to kill for money and they may be materialistic and power mad. You don't want to be bossed around and nagged for the rest of your life do you? Well listen to my advice. Understand the tricks they use on you and the emotional games where they cry to be the victim even if they are caught red handed lying on tape.

Do men do evil shit too? Yeah but it's direct. You don't have to decode the behvavior. Women are better at using deception imo. The serpent being a deceiver himself saw this as a weakness and exploited it from the woman. He knew that women naturally love secrets and mystery and power to control others. Men have it too by I think the serpent knows men use logic and think of consequences for actions more than women. So the Garden of Eden story is great way to illustrate the hypergamy of females to mangina men who think they will get to fuck a girl by worshipping her pussy and saying yes to everything, when in fact the female looks down on those men as weaklings and repulsed by them and attracted to bad boys instead. That doesn't mean they won't use a manginas to provide them free gifts, free dinners and stuff, just that in the bedroom they want the alpha male, and in family life they want a beta male provider to pay the bills after they have lost their beauty when they hit the wall so the kids don't grow up without a good dad to show in front of their friends at parties and family get-togethers to appear respectable for society.

The manginas I see as victims. If we can free them they can work on our side and promote more male-power in gaming instead of what hollywierd is doing by putting gay effiminate pussies in movies and have girls kicking guys butts all the time to reinforce the "bossy bitch" nature of little girls who seek power and attracted to mystery. (ie the bad boy who is misunderstood and who they want to change using their female charm. This is the cause of those vampire movies like twilight where the bad guy is cool cause he is mysterious and dangerous. Sickening stuff. What happens to the guy who knew he was fighting for the good guys and doesn't take shit because he can save people's life by killing monsters? Can a monster love a woman? Yeah but that just breeds more monsters right? The kids will grow up mixed race (half monster and half human) and be rejected by both the vampire/reptilian and human. So the serpents are the ones behind hollywood. We know this. The counter to this is arming the mangina with knowledge that will save them from parasite women who are power hungry and want to suck their wallets. (since reptilians are materialistic and power mad. Money is their god. The bible say not to worship idols like gold, silver, stone wood etc since these will not last eternity)

You saw what they did to mel gibson because he didn't do what they said and obviously he was not pro-gay. You have to be pro-gay if you want to rise up because satan needs men to be pussies (and women to wear the pants and boots) to get boys to act subservient to the rise of feminist bitches who are bossy. You are being controlled through your tv and entertainment boxes. To undo this control you got to take the demon by the horns and snap them off and send it back to hell and remind it who is in charge. (BTW I have nothing against gay people, so stop bashing me for being straight. I'm just trying to show how hollywood is using gays to influence kids for future control by the NWO. If you are a gay, God loves you. Just accept that you are going against what God wants by being disobedient just like the rest of the non-gay sinners. Even if you don't love God back he still loves you unconditionally but that doesn't mean he can get out of his duty as a judge which is why you show love through obedience and sacrifice what you want for what God wants so that his job is easier and he doesn't have to send his own sons to jail through legal technicality when he'd rather have them avoid sentence) When hypergamous women are publicly shamed, society can return back to normal again and you won't have game companies having to make a single title accessible to everyone on the planet and instead games will stimiulate a person's intelligence and force them to better themselves by undergoing challenges.
Today's gamers have gotten weak and want checkpoint for doing nothing. It's this pussification that has caused good games to have to get shit scores because the people reviewing them didn't invest time to get to know the play mechanics. They were lazy and given free shit and hookers and they forgot what reviews were supposed to be.

Now they don't even give out scores! That means if a person doesn't have time to read the entire block of text in the review he can't look at a game at a glance to see what the reviewer thought of it. Obviously this was done make it harder to hold bad reviewer accountable for the text not matching the scores and so bribes could be more easily made to control what reviewers think. In the past a reviewer actually had to answer to the readership, and balance that with pleasing the advertisers. Now they can say: but I didn't eve rate it so what are you angry about? And the reviews can stay neutral. (neither saying the games are crap or good. Staying out of the way of having to say whether its good or bad and being a pussy and facing the readers head on and telling them they are full of shit when they bash them for giving games that are good shit scores or games that are bad good scores. If you are a critic you shouldn't care what they say on the internet about you. Pretend they aren't there and focus on reviews. This is one such example of pussification. If you lose your job, move on and continue being honest. But we don't have that. We have reviewers scared of advertising revenue and scared that readers will think they are on the take. You shouldn't be scared of anything. Money isn't as important as integrity. Bring back the fucking scores and don't let critics of your reviews get in the way. I don't want a game like Despression Quest to get ported to 3DS and see the avoidance of giving it a shit score. I want to know at a glance whether its good or shit from that reviewer. Whether its ACTUALLY good or shit is up to me to decide when I play a demo or EB rental. But now they are changing the system so they don't have to explain their scores not matching the review text because now they don't even give out scores!! hahah

Eurogamer is no longer the site it once was. Its going to attack a game just because if the developer is misogynistic then they can say the game is shit when in fact that game may be hella fun but it's offensive to a portion of their readership or advertisers in some way. Pussification! If Dragon's Crown 2 come out with a tentacle* rape scene of a girl, they will say to avoid it despite the gameplay being fun. Arseholes.

*it doesn't have to be tentacles. It could just be aliens raping humans or aliens raping aliens. Eg: in metroid when the last metroid sits on top of a creature it is sucking it dry of energy and raping that creature much like the face hugger in the Alien movies. Samus gets a power boost in Super Metroid after the end boss has been raped by the Metroid to give Samus a chance to live. (Samus absorbs the end bosses powers the metroid took from the end boss) Yes, in this old SNES game there was a positive outcome from rape. If the bad guy is raped it's ok because the metroid prevented an innocent person's death from it.
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by GameHED »

for boomy (to help explain the anger some of the omega males feel when feminist invade male spaces and take over thier hobbies)
the same thing that happened to comic books is also going to happen to games to make them accessible. As a certain hobby becomes more mainstream and makes tons of money and becomes big industry, and attracts women who are out to get jobs in that industry, feminists will inevitably try to demand that hobby/interest must change to suit the radical left wing policy and then eventually the feminists use the government to enforce controls upon it, which limits an author's creative expression. It's the reasons why gamers are being painted as misogynists in the mainstream media and males are using social media as the last place to gather together. There is definite agenda to change males (going after nerds is the last mission of feminists imo since these are the guys who can wield power through computer hacking, doxxing, and as programmers that work at these games companies. Nerds use to enjoy fantasy novels without interference and about the time when Dragon's Crown came out was when the feminist invasions into gaming was most felt.)

Barbarrossa was recently doxxed and had to make a vid showing his face because his enemies didn't like the mgtow philosophy. This is why you should never trust computers, feminists(they infiltrate through social engineering) and banks. (they control energy of human labour). When people attack using machines they feel safer which is why drones, robots and artificial intelligence is going to take over from man soon. Nobody wants responsibility. They want fun without consequences.

Whenever women create literature that is offensive to men (50 shades of grey which is popular amongst middle aged woman who have hit the wall and starting to lose their looks) nobody seems to care. In this movie a man is nothing more than a utility to extract resources from. There is never a negative response to this. In the romance story the man is abusive, the girl enjoys it because he is rich provider. (poor black men can't slap a ho in saints row or run over a hooker in gta v, but rich white man can - see the double standard? Sex mixed with violence is only ok in female-written stories) If the story was a japanese anime comic book written by a male nerdy guy and you exchanged a rich man in the story with a tentacled monster, there would be accusations that it's a story of rape. This is important because recently a man got his dick cut off and the panel on the view laughed about this on tv. It shows that women who enjpy that stuff naturally have a demonic nature within them if you remove consequences for their behavior.

Men's way of dealing with this is going the true forced loneliness (TFL) route (ie ugly dudes who just gave up finding a date and angry at what feminists have done to society) or MGTOW (men going their own way to save money to buy nice car, work on their hobby, or invest money to grow rich instead of spend it on woman who just consume by buying shoes jewelry, clothes etc) and go back to the caveman days when producing was more important than becoming worker drone for a queen bee that bosses the worker drones.

Japan has a problem now where the men don't see any value breeding and have become shut-ins and the japanese government are trying to figure out ways to solve this problem.
sandman did a good video on this:
This is the future of western nations as people become narcissistic and obsessed with themselves instead of helping others. (women taking selfies to show off where they have travelled, expecting attention from strangers in cyberspace who they never met and craving it, instead of working on thier personality. Fat ugly people easily able to get laid on dating saites which drives down the sexual market value of the average women because they can act like they are 10s and believe it and get laid causing them to not have to improve theier health by losing weight etc)

These male rights groups, mgtow men, (who have had the courts rape the wallets and bank accounts) and TFL groups would never have started if the feminists left the nerds, the loners, the blue pill men alone. But they took the feminist movement too far and it became abusive towards men, causing people to believe it is not worth the risk to get married and from now on they will just have sex but no marriage. Now feminism is blowing back in the face of the feminists.

Games industry imo js just the latest victim of political groups trying to control our thoughts, control what we can write, and using laws to prevent people making money expressing themself through the entertainment mediums if those messages are not exceptable to a priviliged group who thinks they deserve special treatment. (eg it's not ok to run over hookers but its ok to blow men away with weapons in games. Banning the game from sale just because violence is shown against women not because it can be done against everyone.) If the industry was small and undergroud I garuantee they wouldn't give a fuck. It's all about power and trying to take power from men's creations and stealing that power from men instead of the feminists producing things for themselves and empowering themselves without a need to steal or invade male spaces. But they've invaded and now we have to ghost (go underground again).

what women want (caveman alpha male agressive jerk which mistreats her, but serves her as a beta male utility and listens to her whining and nagging) ..but why its risky to give this in modern day(ie the false rape accusations which lets women rape your wallet if you actually give her the rape fantasy)

ugly romance options for male hetero gamers in bioware rpgs thanks to EA being pc bullied by feminism (EA panders to minority groups now compared to previous games, meaning the hetero neckbeard fan has suffered as females are boyish looking instead of fap-worthy just to make the male space more accessible to feminist and gay and lesbian butch infiltrators)

paul elam interviews stardusk on various industries feminists have targeted to control (comics, game industry, social media censorship - where is this energy coming from???)
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by BOOMY »

CrackHED wrote: :run: male dominated industry occasionally has non-male dominant themes due to expanded interest :run:

So to summarize women are evil because they wont touch you. Fair 'nuff
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by GameHED »

the women are not evil. The bitches are evil. They were raped by their dads uncles or raped by their criminal boyfriend so they become bitter and take that out on innocent people by becoming man haters. No different to if a guy is racist because of bad experiences when he was a kid living amoungst foreigners who bullied him/her and felt powerless as a child so they grew up fucked in the mind unable to deal with the trauma. Everytime they think of foreigers they remember how rude the ones were to them as kid and they automatically assume everyone from that culture/race is the same.

Today's SJW and the fake feminist are trying to gain positions of power and then through pressure applied to game companies, change what's inside our games. EA and bioware are perfect examples of this shit where they made characters so ugly in dragon age inquisition because they wanted to appease fat chics who get jealous of beautiful women due to thier own looks/health being horrible. This is a form of evil known as jealousy. Because beautiful women get the men, it is thought by ugly people that anything beautiful must be removed because the feminist is angry that they are not hot like the fantasy female characters in the games and then these ugly bitter people discriminate against the popular stereotype in fantasy games by assuming that hot people can't ALSO be smart, good business people, responsible etc while taking care of thier health/beauty/loooks and being active so they don't rely just on the looks but develop skill through dedication hard work and overcoming challenge instead of playing victim and blaming society for not being sucessful which is what feminists love to do. (an example of hard working but not ugly women would be females into mma sports: they have athletic body as part of the need to be strong to do physical activity, with toned body, but they need to understand tactics and have brains too since they can't rely on brute force but need techniques and apply it properly.

Boomy are you going to tell me you would like to see more ugly women like the ones in dragon age inquisition when the real world has plenty of hot women in it? Just to please feminists? I don't want ugly women in my games any more than I want fat male characters as soldiers in fps games because being unfit would be non-heroic thing in my power fantasy. The only reason to put a fat guy as a soldier in a game would be to troll the male audiences who are fat nerdy guys who don't excercise because the maker of the game is sending a message to the people who like the genre that he thinks they are losers. It happens in anime too where the main character is pathetic person to send a message that anime watchers should be stigmatised in society and this character that I'm writing about is YOU. People don't always want that and prefer the fantasy idealised version of who they could be, not what they are in the real world. (eg in many comics the hero is never some ugly, old, fat, smelly, lazy, character who hates saving people and ends up failing his missions. That would not fit anyones ideal because that's whatt most people are in the real life. )

I hate what they did to Dragon Age and much prefer the way japan makes games and gives us what we men want not what the feminists want. I will be boycotting or pirating all future EA games if they try this shit ever again. It works for games like saints row because its satire. (seeing fat homies and being able to make ridiculous characters in the character creation tool forms part of the humour, but I don't want ugly people in the serious shit)

If your kids ever swore at me and spewed feminist nonsense at me I would have them beaten up by local bullies at school, to teach them a lesson and shame them for trying to verbally abuse others without thinkig about the cosequences of provoking others to anger. It's tough justice and sometimes you got to go to extremes to reflect back the abuse of extremists.
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by GameHED »

for boomy:
the 10x10x10 campaign is covert operation run by the UN with armies of feminists waiting to kill male hobbies. We can beat these people by exposing the lies they spread through social media.

Males must assert dominance of females as that is the natural order of things. We create things, then those things we create get take over by feminists who think they can control us like slaves. This is not going to happen in the game industry since most of us prefer to be left alone, much like the mgtow who do not want to give up energy serving feminist women who use the government to take all their money like a parasite. It's your job as females to create females spaces while leaving us men alone. We don't care about political correct shit in games. If you want that go watch mainstream tv or hollywood movies where men are regularly attacked.

The goal of the reptilians is to break up the traditional family structure by getting women to play victims and obtain reliance on the state and then use the state as a weapon to attack people. The way to avoid this problem (to save energy money time resources etc) is simply not to marry if you think all the women in society are bitches. (which I don't personally believe to be true, it's just that girls are taught by bad parents to take advantage of others to get what you want through manipulation. The ones raised with morals don't use mind games)

image of reptilian mind control on celebrities to corrupt the youth:


Note the 666 hand signal being made to show who they are loyal to. Money and power corrupts and this bitch is a toool of the brainwashers. There are many like that who are rich, have power, and use thier acting to pretend they care about suffering who the reptilians use to influence manginas and this must stop. You don't like sexy videogame characters with big titties? Too bad. We the customer who pays for that and want it are the ones that keep the industry afloat. PC bullies need to be taught that you can't dictate to us what is acceptable if you lack decency and not something to be admired. Male spaces belong to us. You create female ones. You don't need to invade ours.

You already see it in shit like Game Of Thrones where all the male kingdoms are the bad ones, but the female trying to free slaves and recruit manginas to her army is the only pure and good kingdom. These are all subtle signs of the illuminati brainwashing that "men are bad, feminist women are good" in fantasy shows and movies. We are sick of it. The UN and the NWO can fuck off. YOU are the evil ones not us.

Why Great Husbands Are Being Abandoned (MGTOW Video)
frustration about feminists trying to follow men everywhere they go for thought control

History of the world:

1. Men create something.
2. Women belittle or ignore those men, calling them nerds, losers, etc.
3. The thing men created finally starts to become popular and successful.
4. Women demand to be allowed in without having paid their dues or in any way contributed to the success of the project.
5. As soon as they are allowed in, women start changing all the rules until the thing men created becomes hopelessly uncool and annoying.
6. Men give up in disgust and start leaving.
7. Men create something else.
8. Repeat cycle ad nauseum.

Go build your own tree house, feminists. Stop pissing all over ours. Oh, wait. Nobody wants to hang out with feminists.
Last edited by GameHED on 03 Mar 2015 06:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by Cletus »

I was going to ask what you do with the bodies when you're done doing whatever it is you do. But then I realised how much I don't want to know.
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by GameHED »

I just get a sex change when the cops get warm and start finding the sites.

When you are a woman the cops won't think you were involved in any criminal activities.

On the view (the talk whatever the fuck its called) you can get away with laughing at a man getting his cock cut off. If a man joked about a woman having her vagina sliced up there would be public outrage.
This is what modern society condones. How is this any different when muslims cut off people's heads or cut off arms in the old testament for stealing? I guess its acceptable to be violent again as we devolve back to apes again. Feminism has to die if our hobby is to survive so we can have anal probes in saint row games and uncensored content. If you let these people control games and the stories feature manginas as heroes it will be no different to what you watch on tv or hollyweird movies. (where men are bad and woman are good)

As long as we can take out the head of the medusa the snakes attached to her head will die with it. Manginas imo are the victims. The feminists are the controllers/puppet masters. You've had them for 50 years ad nobody wants to take them on. The gamers have to make a stand or the world of men has ended (quote from lord of the rings as orcs take over as the dominant species). Do you want to see the end of Aragorn's race (numenor). Or do you want green skinned mutant beast men controlling everything?
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by BOOMY »

gameHED must be the specific point of the universe where misogyny and being a virgin intersect. :lol:
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by GreyWizzard »

I thought you were talking about corruption in video game journalism, what do women have to do with this thread?
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by Deef »

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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by GameHED »

GreyWizzard wrote:I thought you were talking about corruption in video game journalism, what do women have to do with this thread?

gamergate is about corruption.

the white knights think anyone who questions feminists on thier bullshit (including within the male space of gaming) are misogynistic.

What I'm pointing out is women who have no knowledge of thier own female nature (the destructive elements that are bad for for society) are slowly killing us men off through the courts and through feminism within gaming and bossing us the customers around and trying to hijack these spaces for social conditioning reasons and not because they care about games. You attack these feminist directly and they will have to back off.

black man explains why men in general are the new niggers:
join me in fighting these feminists and white knights who believe they are not brainwashed for generations.

If men don't draw the line in the sand and say enough is enough and become mgtow and force women to stop being parasites and bleeding men of thier resources there will be generations of pussified boys growing up believing they owe bitches thier entire earnings to them. You cannot stop the growing army of mgtoe greywizard. When feminists tried to attack gamers they made a big mistake. This is an industry built by men for men and feminists and pc thugs must be crushed once and for all to prevent them eating away at the last male space. As i said to you they can have hollyweird and mainstream tv (these are dead media nobody watches tv anymore) but videogames are ours.

The consumers who buy games do not want pro feminist worldviews because we men make up the majority of buyers. Phone games and non-games don't count since they are not serious games. Retards buy that stuff and corrupting reviewers by having women developers fuck thier way to get good scores can only go so far. True gamers know when a game is shit and will warn people not to buy garbage. This is not just about corruption but also gamergate and white knights. The solution to beating the corruption is encourage future generations of young men to ignore women and concentrate on saving thier money on themselves and to stop pussy worshipping. This way the women can't use men as atm machines and act like parasites which is what mgtows have been trying to warn blue pill men about all this time.

MGTOW is the future because it is non violent leaderless movement/philosophy for victims of predatory females to use to obtain freedom. Governments will not take the side of the men since women have higher value as reproductive resources.

5 year old kids like boomy and candy NEED this info to protect them.

This video briefly explains the reason men get shafted in society:
before you can understand reality you need to educate yourself about your animalistic side. (AKA fallen nature i)

I am not MGTOW because i don't agree with stardusk that we are nothing more than smart apes. Man is a spirit having physical experience not monkey with the ability to use science to evolve. Its the other way around. In ancient times highly advanced civilisations took forbidden knowledge from other dimensions (just call it heaven, there are at least 3 levels of heaven as mentioned in the bible with lucifer ruling in the second heaven and God in the first above the others) and these rose from out of nowhere because tge fallen angels wanted a kingdom of thier own making.

Our tech like computers and stealth fighters and many other things comes from dealings man has had with these beings to make life more convenient which is why freemasons think lucifer is a good guy on man's side. This is all part of the trap and many are going to be deceived into worshipping this being who will promise everything but bring everything to ruin. Its already happening as we speak. Doorways/portals are opening up that let the spirits free and people cannot see these. Just as you cannot see air but you can feel it as you blow it in ballon and see the balloon expand. There is so much that is hidden. Soon people will have thier eyes opened up so to speak to be able to view these creatures. But it will drive some people crazy. Not seeing them is one way to protect people. It benefits the evil spirits as well as those who don't want to know because it would frighten them. When the bible tells us our war is not against the flesh its is referring to these experimental monsters designed to corrupt mankinds dna and stop certain bloodlines from influencing this world. When the dragon is kicked off his throne in the second heaven down to earth all hell is going to break loose.

You guys have to look at this from the zoomed out perspective first to uderstand the map.

Right now we have radicals that have hijacked the reviewing process and call games like Bayonetta shitty just because it doesn't agree with liberal views which has nothing to do with whether a game is good or bad.

To counter this we need to

A) teach younger generation about female nature and male nature (the red pill)
B) get as many people to stop funding predatory females who are trying to bang their way to the top to get good scores and gain money by conning us consumers
C) shame the ones that continue to invade male spaces and nag and boss men around.

On tv you see so many shows where there are pussy men in the show to make men look like idiots. It's not funny and it's not entertaining. If they bring that type of shit to gaming I am going to quit gaming and only buy nintendo games. I am serious. western civilisation must fall if it endangers spreading feminism worldwide and like a cancer infecting all the other countries. In australia we are known for doing nothing and the "she'll be right" attitude which is why asians laugh at us. We are stupid and just follow what goes on in america which is slowly going to be destroyed as the dolar collapses while china and russia rise up.

But you can win the war by refusing to let the Jezebels of the world boss and nag you around. You just need to grow the balls to do what is right. They posted many articles about "gamers are dead" and you are ok with that?

You won't defend yourself against these idiots? So you are ok with the next dragon age game having ugly women instead of hot women with big tits and healthy atheletic body where they are appealing to you and you want to bang them because in the back of your mind you know healthy women will give you strong offspring?

Dragon's Crown had sexy women in it and we all know the fat ugly feminists hate that because it reminds them of how inadquete they are. Just as skinny nerdy guys who can't get laid get angry seeing heroic muscular alpha males in comics and wish they could have that physique in real life. (oh yeah I forgot nerds don't actually complain that superman is unrealistic and just accept their place in society by making computer games and you know, actually being productive and creating things people want?)

Alex jones joins the fight against the feminist bitches:
Kill the PC thugs before they kill the gamers. We are far more valuable to society than a bunch of PC thugs working for the UN which wants to depopulate the world so rich people can have more of the resources to themselves after killing off the middleclass through wars, vaccines, chem trails and feminist bitches who are impoverishing men and then indirectly killing them (when the men commit suicide for not being alowed to see their children because the government takes the side of the women).

Christians don't have this problem because we don't trust the governments in general which try to add laws that are men made laws and not laws of God. This is done to make the courts money not to help families. Get rid of these family courts and society goes back to being happy and stable. (save money too, lawyers can get honest job instead of breaking up families and causing kids to be messed up psychologically which leads them to turning to gangs for their family because had no stability in their biological family)

Evil is what it is and I can see manipulation lies and deception going on. If you don't like japanese anime and tentacle porn which is a male fantasy to see girls raped by demons and monsters, that is fine. But don't try to defend feminist fantasy where rich men are able to engage in abusive sexual acts against women and the monster happens to have a human form. (ie 50 shades of grey where it sends a message that its ok for women to be treated as hoes if the guy has resources for the parasite to extract; which lets be honest is what women find sexy: the materialistic part of their fallen nature taken over from commen sense which is to not breed monsters into the world)
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by GameHED »

In response to boomy: what is wrong with people being virgins?

People who don't want to marry someone else and make babies with them or fuck someone other than the one they love (and if they don't find a match then so be it) is perfectly fine.

I think if you are virgin that is great not something to be ashamed of. I don't understand why not being a virgin these days is seen as some kind of achievement. As if paying a hooker to fuck you means you deserve to be respected as opposed to restraining yourself and creating bastard kids.

If there are virgins out there that see this as somehow a bad thing that you didn't just fuck the first girl you see, don't see it as bad. You are keeping the population healthy by not straining the system (women poking holes in the condoms so they can get your money and use the government to bully men into submission so their wallet bleeds to death as they have to pay for a child they didn't want)

south korea legalises adultery:
this will be interesting to see because men are going to want to bang as many different females they can, but end up having to pay for somone elses children as the women claim that the child is from them but when dna testing is done the man finds out he was tricked into supporting another guy's mess. You see these governments are setting up men in other parts of the world already because its a profit making business to deceive. More money extracted from men, the bigger the government can get, the bigger government gets, the more power it can wield and the more power the harder it is for people to free themself. If you are a virgin by grateful you don't have to deal with the predatory types of female out there that will ride the cock carousel in their 20s and then after hitting the wall and losing their looks, settle for the guy they rejected back when they were still hot.
You guys are lucky. Don't fall for boomy's tricks. (save your money and spend it on yourself, grow your own business etc)
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by GameHED »

The solution to fixing the whole problem of women nagging men to give them money, is to restrain your biological urges and only obey your rational thinking. Like the jedi knights in star wars you can't let the manipulators use emotion to trick you into thinking all women are angelic beings that can't do wrong. In the same way minorities would be seen in movies in negative ways the feminists are going to try to make men look bad. Men are bad, women are good seems to be the theme of many movies these days. These are all subtle attacks on male spaces so its our duty as gamers to identify this stuff in games and make videos calling the industry out on it. If they don't listen, we don't pay with our wallets. Stand firm and they will have no choice but to stop allowing the pc thugs from destroying freedom of speech. It's your money that gives energy to these radicals. If you identify anti-male (putting in pussies to represent men in general with women insulting them) in your games, then talk about it in your social circles and return those games and buy something else. Then warn others to not buy those games.

You want to win the war? Attack them at their source which is the money. (don't support games with anti-male messages and pussied male characters that don't stand up for themselves and put the bitches in their place) After you win then you can go back to attacking each other on tiny insignificant differences of opinion about technical shit like how many frames per second a game runs in and pixel counts.
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by BOOMY »

GameHED wrote:In response to boomy: what is wrong with people being virgins?

People who don't want to marry someone else and make babies with them or fuck someone other than the one they love (and if they don't find a match then so be it) is perfectly fine.

I think if you are virgin that is great not something to be ashamed of. I don't understand why not being a virgin these days is seen as some kind of achievement. As if paying a hooker to fuck you means you deserve to be respected as opposed to restraining yourself and creating bastard kids.

If there are virgins out there that see this as somehow a bad thing that you didn't just fuck the first girl you see, don't see it as bad. You are keeping the population healthy by not straining the system (women poking holes in the condoms so they can get your money and use the government to bully men into submission so their wallet bleeds to death as they have to pay for a child they didn't want)

south korea legalises adultery:
this will be interesting to see because men are going to want to bang as many different females they can, but end up having to pay for somone elses children as the women claim that the child is from them but when dna testing is done the man finds out he was tricked into supporting another guy's mess. You see these governments are setting up men in other parts of the world already because its a profit making business to deceive. More money extracted from men, the bigger the government can get, the bigger government gets, the more power it can wield and the more power the harder it is for people to free themself. If you are a virgin by grateful you don't have to deal with the predatory types of female out there that will ride the cock carousel in their 20s and then after hitting the wall and losing their looks, settle for the guy they rejected back when they were still hot.
You guys are lucky. Don't fall for boomy's tricks. (save your money and spend it on yourself, grow your own business etc)
When did I ever say there was anything wrong with you? :lol:
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by GreyWizzard »

I'm still not sure what women have to do with corruption in games journalism. Who was the female when Jeff Gurstman was fired for giving a low score? Was he the woman or the video game company. I think that was the most obvious display of corruption in the industry. But I guess no one gives a shit unless a vagina is involved.

A large section of gamergate have nothing to do with game industry corruption, it's just women hating morons using this as an excuse to vocalise their stupidity.

Feminism is a good thing, it's not about women in charge it is about equality for both sexes. If you can't see that you're an idiot.

Women aren't ruining or destroying anything. If you're on twitter check out Gail Simone. She is a fantastic comic writer and is currently doing some awesome work with female pulp heroes. You might learn something about women and equality...
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by Twit »

I’m a strong advocate of a new -ism which I just invented called Femomism (fucking-everything-must-offend-me). I’m now offended by everything in this thread, every other thread, grass, insects, general concepts, shapes, and all words.

I figure that once we’re all offended all the time at all things, then perhaps we can finally get back to not giving a shit about anyone being offended.
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by GameHED »

Fat chics that don't exercise want to create laws where women can get jobs in the game industry through affirmative action.

Then as they (feminists) get into positions of power within gaming industry (emma watson speec is using UN to rally an army of hidden cells within business government schools etc to attack people that are not feminists and don't believe men are all rapists), they will put ugly looking chics in our games and say that this is what "normal women" look like not the hot witch character in Dragon's Crown with big boobs. (even though there are women with naturally big bobs like that in porno - feminists hate these women) Stop pretending that women have nothing to do with gamergate, corruption in the game industry and the recent articles that "gamers are dead" and attacking gamers by calling us all misogynistic just because we have swallowed the red pill and undersand female nature. (something females have wanted to keep secret from men for ages until some of the females wrote books warning their sons of the evil side of women who use their manipulative techniques and minds games to rape our wallets and take our free time away from games, cars, porn etc to spend that time on giving women attention.

Men without the need to constantly listen to nagging from women are free.
Men that call us alpha males who have no interest in sharing our time with women as slaves 24/7 "gay" "virgins" "loser" is part of female manipulation tactics to shame us for wanting to leave the plantation. We get the free time, the money, and we get to bang good looking and fit women whenever we want. We don't need beta males to shame us just for wanting to be left alone. Instead we who focus on ourselves first and women second want to re-educate the blue pill men so they don't pussify society.
That's what going your own way means. You are not gay, you value your free time, your money, your maleness and see women as they actually are not as what hollywood movies want us to think they are.

If you still don't get how women fit into corruption in the game industry you are dumber than I thought. They wrote a series of articles attacking us all at the same time trying to portray us all as evil people, just as they try to portray gun owners as criminals and dangerous psychos (or anime watchers as pedophiles) whenever there is a school shooting by a drugged up kid who took antidepressents that causd him to go on shooting spree.

Grey, stop pretending you don't see what is happening. Gaming = a male space. Feminists want to invade that male space and control and hijack it to control what we men can see, think, and do in the games. (instead of making their own female space where they create happiness for themselves instead of ruining existing male-created hobbies)
The corruption in the game industry and feminists trying to use gaming entertainment as a tool to control us are linked together very closely.
That does not mean you can't post other topics also related to corruption in gaming. But currently this (females banging nerds to get good scores) is the biggest topic. The gamergate thing is important because it hit mainstream media and it sends a message to older people that gamers are rapists and killers and the reason is because its run by men. (just like guns - the liberals hate people having power outside of the government control)

When I see sites giving shit scores to games just because they don't like that the makers are not feminists males, I will continue to call them on the bullshit. (a good game is a good game. Your political views need to be kept OUT OUT OUT. Get out of the game review biz. We don't want to see you affect metacritic as if you had any interest in gaming because we know you have a political agenda to push to corrupt the youth and brainwash them)

This shit all started I believe when Dues Ex put a black chic in the game that spoke negro. The lefty thinks this is an example of gaming industry making fun of black people and ignored that there were black educated women in the game too. Since that time they havbe attacked games like Dragon's Crown just because there is busty femelas in it, attacked duke nukem and given Bayonetta a 7 just because they don't like sexy witch character designs. But these people never look at examples in the industry where women have clothes on (the main character in Castlevania Order of Eclesia) and kick butt. (pretty much any japanese fighting game)

We know the agenda is to make gamers scapegoats again in the media like they always do whenever there are school shootings, so they can ban and censor the content they personally don't like. I don't want these control freaks anywhere near my hobby because I am anticensorship and always have been. Australia is a socialist nation that sees government as daddy/mommy so I can understand why the average joe here doesn't see these issues as important.
(obviously pc gaming is bigger here and you can mod games easily) But it's the principle of it. I don't like it when they complain and whine about shit like GTA 5 and then try to ban it from sale and lessen the profits of game companies that they think are anti-feminist. This is a way to slowly over time ruin the game industry and try to control and manipulate our entertainment for political reasons. And I hate politicians interfering because it means they get to treat us like 5 year old kids instead of adults who can make the decisions ourself. (I am a libertarian which thinks we could save money if we hadd smaller government)

If you like to see ugly chics in dragon age inquisition that is fine by me. But I want those sexy looking characters and no complaints from the left wing liberal pussies who see gamers as disgusting nerdy people that shouldn't be allowed to make money. Sorry fatties, if you can't get a man don't get angry at successful people who worked hard to build something. Just go to the gym and stop blaming us for your low self esteem.
If you go to any city where men actually bring home the bacon and the jobs are all hard labour jobs where you need to work your physical body, you won't find these parasite feminsts because they only want to get jobs that let them sit on their fat arses and boss others around while men do all the dirty gritty jobs which requires muscle. The feminists don't give a fuck about equality in janitor, bricklayer, toilet cleaning or mining. They just want those high paying jobs to attain power to manipulate men. But they can't compete with men, so they use the government to enforce unfair laws that automatically give them the job without the merit to back it up. It's the truth. Stop denying this.

Women love to say they don't need a man, but in any natural disaster where there is no power, creature comforts, and people have to physically survive without the technology, women are fucked. Western women sicken men so much that white guys have given up and gone to asia to find submissive girls. But if we let feminists spread their cancer to other coutries we will have to fight them globally later. So instead of letting them use the UN to attack us for being male, we need to take the fight to them and attack them everywhere: on the street, in game tournaments, in social media, in bars, in family and teach boys not to take anymore shit from the spoilt bitches of modern times.

We can attack them in entertainment through comedy (bill burr has done a lot here) in music, through health and fitness guru (lui marco has helped by giving young kids a role model to follow) and in games by toughening up kids so they don't whine so much. (these are fatherless kids who are in danger of leting women control and manipulate them)
Last edited by GameHED on 02 Apr 2015 01:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by GreyWizzard »

Yeah I still don't see how game sites getting free trips and gear for good scores = women are evil.

You're putting your own fucked up agenda (I hate women) over an actual issue in the games media industry. This something, bribes for scores, is something many sites are now looking at ways to resolve.
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by GameHED »

GreyWizzard wrote:Yeah I still don't see how game sites getting free trips and gear for good scores = women are evil.

You're putting your own fucked up agenda (I hate women) over an actual issue in the games media industry. This something, bribes for scores, is something many sites are now looking at ways to resolve.
Educating lonely desperate nerdy geeks with money and influnce about predatory females is helping to end corruption. Because it warns them not to trust good looks and to get them to see reality. Females think if they can attain status by fucking a powerful person her sons will have high status and that mother can boast how much better her sons and daughters are in status to other women who are poor and hard working and who got to where they were through merit alone. Women want to compete in this way the same way a rich guy with a fancy car wants to show off his status by having the faster car the better computer the most excessive lifestyle. It is an ego thing you see in america all the time.
Women do it through buying the most expensive shoes, having the biggest house(best looking nest) and luxurious lifestyle.
men are as much victims to female nature to get us to give them our attention/money/status as females are victims to get creepy old guys with power to give thier young bodies to them. It is not necesarily evil, but just part of our human nature which allowed us all to survive. Men want hot girl to impregnate that is healthy because the brain tricked us into thinking our heir will grow up strong and tough, women seek resources to ensure there is enough security in the nest to support her offspring and a strong alpha male badboy caveman to be able to beat up the beta males from harming her and her children if they seek to steal the power/wealth/throne.
have fun thinking about this stuff in depth. These feminists and sjw want to deny men and women the freedom to live thier lives by bullying us and shoving thier ideals down our throats. This is why the apostle Paul advised against marriage for men who valued thier time which could be used on productive activity, but was pro-marriage if men couldn't beat the urges to fuck. It is not about hate. mgtow is just leaving the plantation to save time money resources while feminism of today at least is all about destroying men and wanting us to dead. Women can openly laugh on national tv about man getting his dick cut off. Little boys watching that are probably hirrified at what society has in store for them growing up. These guys are going to end up raping and being serial killers unless we correct this and cut the bitch at the source which is money. Deny them status. Make them work hard so they know what it is like to be a man instead of a spoilt brat. The cartoon above is good example of manipulating men by making it about what the bitch wants not caring about what the guy wants. He gets friend-zoned and the two bitches are pissed just because he has desires that are not about marriage and being nagged. Female nature buddy. Tell nerds to go mgtow will save them time resources and money so they don't get corrupted into being pussy whipped and givibg shit games high scores. Unlike everyone else I want the problem fixed with solutions that are non-violent. Educating kids about female nature helps them growing up to watch out for girls who will use them as stepping stones. That way they can enjoy their wealth and hard work not have to pay it to women who will pump them, divorce them and take half of their money and laugh at how easy government lets them escape responsibility. If you are not libertarian I don't expect you to get it. The society you live in is sick. Games offer a way to let off steam. We don't want government/evil women/prohibitionists to ruin our fun. To do that you need to make decisions that affect the future. For instance don't buy games that are trying to shame men into being brainwashed zombies who can't think for themselves. Don't support people who are sjw working in game development. Reward games that are good based on merit not because reviewers or critics say they are good.(most of them are dependent on ad revenue to survive because people are too cheap to pay a few dollars for the review)

Bottom line is feminist want us dead. They were raped by a bad person, attribute this to men in general and seek revenge on us all like a villain from a james bond movie who has plotted and planned how they will control the world through brainwashing and using armies of manginas to achieve this with UN approval. While I am like sonic the hedghog telling you these people are evil and if you want to kill the machine behind it you got to run towards the danger and take it head on by killing the systems that support the behavior and mind control. Deep down women are good, but they have had their minds poisoned by tv, think tanks, bankers, and literature which teaches them that they can beat up guys 3 times their size if they want to and not face any consequences. Or get an easy pass if they bang the right people in power or blame innocent men for their personal problems like low self esteem. (which can be corrected by exercise, diet, setting goals for yourself etc)

what feminist want is men to die.

what men want is females to win by merit no whining to government for unfair laws to be made that lowers standards. This creates low self esteem for females because that tells them they need to handicap others. Just like getting a black guy to be too reliant on free money from government and saying "without white man handing you free stuff you would never have made it to the top." If a black guy takes the poison from the white guy the government can take credit for 'helping' that ensures the leader gets re-elected. It's a game to make you feel that you need validation from government to be respected. First you got to respect yourself and do things outside that system. Then make the governemt reliant on you. Not the other way around. You take responsibility, then the government can't turn other groups against you later and say you are a drain on society by taking their free money. This is what the reptilians do all the time. The ferguson riots is one recent example to get us all to kill each other.
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by itch »

This whole feminism thing is definitely going to be bad for games.

Just watch 'Sargon of Akkad' and Thunderfoot etc, they break it down pretty well.
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by BOOMY »

Men Going Their Own Way; A bunch of whiny douchebags who can't get girlfriends because of their blatant hatred of women, but claim it's because they're protesting against the unnamed evils that women routinely commit (see cognitive dissonance). Instead of actually going their own way, MGTOW spend excessive amounts of time complaining on the internet about how women have driven society to ruin, while they masturbate in their moms' basements and do nothing to contribute to society. Some claim that they don't hate all women, just those uppity "western women." They'd be perfectly fine with dating one of those exotic, submissive "eastern women" who would do anything they asked (see stereotype).

It's the equivalent of a five-year-old trying hold their breath until they get what they want, only they're being incredibly unclear about what it is that they want and no one cares if they pass out from oxygen deprivation.
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by itch »

MGTOW is feminism for men.

All that whiny, irrational bullshit we've been witnessing from feminism for years now?

MGTOW is the male version of that.
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by GameHED »

Good debate about the war on men:
The reason I don't want feminists to be given the power to censor what I see in games is because I view gaming as mostly male hobby just like hunting or gun collecting or interest in cars. We are not against women being interested in male hobbis but just want feminists to stop trying to police our thoughts. We men don't get angry at characters in romance novels and shit like that so all we want is to be left alone like the Troll in Shrek. Your problems of low self esteem for being too fat to get a guy, is your problem not ours. So when we play duke nukem and see young healthy barely legal and sexy women in the games its us having fun just like running over hooker. We don't HATE WOMEN. It's that women have fallen for the trap of feminism being good for society when it's not. The courts make lots of money encouraging women to divorce their husbands and the government lets feminists have their way because the women are a source of easy income for them which is why they take the woman's side. (its women who are the ones to initiate the divorces)

Look all I offer you is the truth. All polies are just lawyers. They create laws to enrich corporations (government is a corporation) the businesses that get favours then offer the pollies jobs when they end their political career and they then use their political onnections to help the corporation choose which is the next guy to bring in new laws to help them increase profits. So women in general see the government as their protector instead of the men in a community. This is basically feminists using the government as an enforcer to take men's money.

All MGTOW is saying is you can DATE, and have RELATIONSHIP with girls, just don't let them control you and give your money to them and instead challenge them to grow their own skills and be independent of needing to whine to the government for laws that rape men of rights. When you date: you tell them to pay for their own food and you pay for your own food and everything is equal. This way you prevent abusive relationships where the women get to nag men and take money off them in a divorce after getting them to marry them while the dad is prevented from seeing his son and commits suicide. MGTOW is not dudes who can't get any. It's that they think it's not worth 'getting any' if it means giving up the money. You can focus on yourself, grow your business, and then if you don't care for spoiling a woman when you become wealthy you choose a girl younger than yourself and be the sugar daddy instead of tied to a fat entitle woman who doesn't cook, clean, raise the kids and instead wants to boss you around. (goes against the bible where the man/father is the head of the household because he brings home the bacon)

We don't need the nagging we just want the sex. :lol: We are not 5 year old boys who don't know how to act responsible. A childlike female whining is like a baby telling an adult how to act responsively.

We are the leaders not the women because we created the infrastructure FOR women in the first place. So why would we want to let women boss us around when we are the ones that are told in the bible that we should be the head of the household? We are logical have better spatial awareness and women are superior at doing multitasking.

MGTOW is bad for society too because if every man became one it means no future generation to take care of the elderly - robots don't feel emotions so that is not the answer. In the old days men did all the work, women did the nurturing. There was a balance but ever since feminism the men have had to put up with females competing for work (woman can access affirmative action regardless of their merit they can get the job) and then being told to take care of kids. That's not balance. That's creating a glut of labour in the workforce where half of the people are unemployed because there are twice as many people competing for work. (the bankers love this because it makes society run inefficiently and slow rather than quickly so that we can pay the national debt. If we as a society pay off the debt slowly the central bank can charge big interest on the loan and enslave us all. Feminism is one weapon for these banking families to get richer faster) While the kids grow up being raised by childcare workers (another industry to make money) who we all know are pedophiles working for satanists who are scouting for sex slaves for rich men.

Woman leave the gamers alone. We pride ourselves on being men. Don't try to feminise us. We'll just build worker robots for you that act like men but like to be nagged and ordered around and told how to behave while we fuck sex robots (no STDs or danger of it cheating on you in order to monkey branch to a higer status guy while taking half of your money and preventing you from seeing your kids) and use artificial wombs to ensure the species survival (an aging population needs young people to take care of them else the government euthanises the elderly to save money which is happening right now!)

That's the future whether you femminists like it or not. We got you phones, cars, household appliances so you can save time to do other things, the least you can do is reward us for his by obeying your master. To all non-feminist women: you should teach the feminists that they should stop thinking of us as men, but just people. If you want respect it has to be earned through merit not complaining for changes based on what gender you are. You BE the change as an individual instead of whining that you are helpless without the government creating laws to bring more inequality. If we got rid of the family courts then you wouldn't have to put up with male suicides and shit.

And gamers would be able to play GTA 5 without guilt that killing a hooker is worse than killing a man who is actually doing productive things for society rather than spreading diseases and creating strife for married men who should be fucking their wives instead and being a dad to their kids.

Not all MGTOW are actually going their own way so they DO whine on the internet (they say they are teaching young people and warning them about female nature) but I am talking about the ones that walk the walk. Not the ones that are married and claim they are MGTOW. (if you are married you can't actually be mgtow imo You are still attached to a ticking timebomb who can steal your money or trample on your freedoms)
Last edited by GameHED on 19 Apr 2015 11:34 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by GreyWizzard »

There is no war on men and if you think there is then you are the problem. I'm sure if this was the time of slavery you'd be posting articles about the war on white people. Stop being an ignorant dick hole.
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Re: Corruption in the game industry pt2

Post by GameHED »

That's an opinion I disagree with. You see a push to feminise men everywhere. It's war on masculinity. Turn on the tv fucker. They want men to be slaves to bitches. There is no such thing as equality. (you can be idealistic and strive for equal rights but we are all different) Men who are pussy-whipped need to escape the abuse and videogames offer them that escape (they can be themselves in these virtual worlds) which is why I hate these idiots who are trying to police what we get to see in games.

Go back to watching your daytime soaps or reading trashy romance novels. Leave us alone. You are just trying to extract money from the game industry. We know your schemes and MGTOW wouldn't have existed if the abuse by radical feminism didn't exist. Solution: Get rid of the radical feminists (keep the proper ones) and you kill off MGTOW and men can go back to being respected instead of disrespected. The dads can see their children, and the courts won't make money splitting up families and causing suicides by men.

But until then, MGTOW is the only way to combat feminists in a non-violent way. The spoilt females who want us to worship their pussy ahead of common sense needs to go. The violent way to solve it being we just use our strength to club them and drag them to the rape dungeon or cave while they are unconscious to create babies to take over when we can no longer work. The old method worked in ancient times when it was a matter of life and death (this probably explains incest in the bible) but we have machines and shit now to do menial tasks so people can push buttons.

The reason we have to import immigrants to do the shit jobs that the white guys won't (the small pay is not enough to sustain high standard of living that females demand) is because the western world is infested with feminists (they want bigger houses and buy cheap goods at low prices) who are taking away the wealth of the men who want to save money and bring stability so future generations have an inheritence! Women need to stop fucking multiple partners and then look at themselves in the mirror and check their morals. It's really as simple as that. Stop acting like you are special. You'll get your power if you act responsible. The goverment can't give you power since it is IRRESPONSIBLE and acts that way on PURPOSE to keep society enslaved to the banks. (who wish to keep us working hard forever instead of escaping debt and getting wealthy. Feminists just want to hurt the game industry and prevent masculinity from thriving. It's a hatred of male nature.)

You don't see the extreme side of feminism. I do. I am not against women, but by teaching men about female nature it helps them understand the parasitic side to women who use manipulation techniques to get what they want. (this is stuff written by women authors not men) I already know women are manipulative but choose to avoid them based on tests I do since I am naturally skeptical of people and it is better to check their reactions to things than to assume nothing bad can go wrong. Like writting a program and always checking for bugs in the code and never assuming it's error free on first draft)

Ever since the 1960s when young people were encouraged to rebel against their mums and dads morals have declined because there are occult groups working in mind control research testing the drugs on youth and finding new ways to control society through the brainwashing done in ancient times. They had this stuff long time ago and bringing it back and wrapping it up as new. But it's young people who are most vulnerable to brainwashing since they tend to trust adults without question. That explain the mgtow youtube channels with angry Red pillers who are going through stage 1 after learning of the evil half of women. (it is fact that boys are taught woman are angelic innocent people and not Jezebels trying to kill us off and use us, so that we won't be prepared to fight the manipulation in adult age. It allows people to breed and produce more human resources and raise tax for the government. )

It all began in the baby boomer generation's time when young people were encouraged to be reckless and take chances and not use their rational side of the brain. Taking drugs was cool because it "removed inhibitions". The truth is it was meant to brainwash people so that they would become increasingly dependent on government which would never have the people's interests put first but who needed the people more than the people needed them. And today you have feminised boys who don't know how to be a man because they were raised by women. So this explains why Emma watson is using these weak guys to attack masculine males and trying to get weak guys to shame us for acting normal. It's a continuation of the mind control from the 60s buddy." onclick=";return false;

Instead of being muscular and athletic and independent, men want to grow their hair long, put on flowery shirts, take drugs so they can't think properly, (you need to think to do a job) and get addicted to drugs (dependent on productive members of society who have to pay for that lifestyle) which allows the occultists to make profits on drugs to create stealth technology and other black projects which the public is not allowed to know about. If people didn't act weak, infiltrators and spies wouldn't have as much power to corrupt the youth to turn against their dads and mums and make people dependent on governments so much and overall everyone would feel happy and more nationalistic rather than constantly criticising religion, their elders, and disrespecting old traditions.

Have fun calling me a womon hater. I am just telling you the truth.
Last edited by GameHED on 19 Apr 2015 12:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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