Mad Max

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Re: Mad Max

Post by GreyWizzard »

I said something that sounded a bit better but then the forum crashed...

Madmya, I bet you the reason Max and super hit wasteland woman have sex is because Max saves her from that dude that is holding her.

Aren't you sick of the tropes that promotes. Women and sex as a reward. Do you expect a BJ for changing the light bulb?
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Re: Mad Max

Post by Cletus »

Ok well the game may differ from the movie storyline because there is absolutely no forced romantic atmosphere at any point between Max and anyone in the movie. There are a few human moments but at no stage is Max rewarded with a woman or a root or a grope or any suggestion of anything owed.. No spoilers, just thought that should be said. Maybe the studios have aimed the game at the thousands of boys and young blokes who will actually buy this game rather than cater to an audience that won't buy it. Maybe. I have no idea. Anyway, the source material is about women as possessions escaping bondage, oppression and their liberation. It's also about White Darth Vader and his Baldtroopers.
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Re: Mad Max

Post by Madmya »

GreyWizzard wrote:I said something that sounded a bit better but then the forum crashed...

Madmya, I bet you the reason Max and super hit wasteland woman have sex is because Max saves her from that dude that is holding her.

Aren't you sick of the tropes that promotes. Women and sex as a reward. Do you expect a BJ for changing the light bulb?

Haha a BJ for changing a light bulb, if only!

I see what you mean, the woman's role is unimaginative. But I don't see how it promotes anything. Is there a chance you're overanalysing?
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Re: Mad Max

Post by GreyWizzard »

More than likely. With the knowledge that Miller is consulting on the game it's probably not as terrible as I'm insinuating it is. I'm just going off the trailer where she looks like your standard reward for being a white male.
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Re: Mad Max

Post by Madmya »

Just quietly, if I were held hostage by some mean dudes and then some sexy chick comes in, kicks arse and rescues me... I'd be totally smitten. Take me, heroine!
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Re: Mad Max

Post by GameHED »

GreyWizzard wrote:I said something that sounded a bit better but then the forum crashed...

Madmya, I bet you the reason Max and super hit wasteland woman have sex is because Max saves her from that dude that is holding her.

Aren't you sick of the tropes that promotes. Women and sex as a reward. Do you expect a BJ for changing the light bulb?

That's ridiculous. It's up to the woman to decide if she wants the sex greywizard. Since when did woman have to ask feminists if its ok to have sex?!? They do it for money in this country to earn a living. LOL Men do not have to fight or kill people for it. The woman are doing the blow jobs for money you idiot. Because it empowers them financially rather than working for a living in a sewers or construction sites or in factories or other dangerous professions that are mostly men having to do.

The sex is not the reward. The woman is genuinely in love with strong men. It takes a tough guy to beat other tough men to save lives. The military do not recruit old sick or unfit men to go and fight and die in wars for a reason.
The games that promote toughness in men are there to remind us that you need balls to survive and if you are a pussy, you don't get the girl, don't get the medal, don't live up to the status of successful people and you should be constantly encouraged to set yourself goals to improve yourself to become better than what you currently are so you can be proud of your achievements.

The girls that want to be a trophy are empowered because they get security in exchange for sex ad they can brag about getting a better husband to all the other women and be proud of it. It's been that way for thousands of years. The judeo christian nations are the ones that win the wars you fool. It's because fathers are the leaders and there is a chain of command which allows authority to go smoothly from the top to the bottom. (if there is any kind of division it's a weak structure) Not anymore. The coming war is going to have to be a guerilla war because no one will fight the tyrants today and the military can't rely on today's man to join in a counter coup because of what the marxists have done to program them to be weaklings. Females of today hate the current feminists and there is going to be a revolt within feminism very soon as men go their own way and concentrate on staying single and not marrying. (just fucking, no children)

Already the SJW attacked your hero Joss Whedon (the guy behind the buffy the vampire tv series where a skinny chic beats up guys bigger than her as if it was easy and a omega male and nerdy witch are her support crew) and this is a sign that today's woman (who feel like they are being pandered too all the time like a disabled person) are ready to fight alongside masculine men to kill off the attacks of dads in the mainstream media. They do not like feminists being their representatives any more because they can see that's its a scam to break up the family so the family courts can make lots of money getting mom and dad to fight each other for custody and bleed the two parents dry of money so lawyers can get rich. These courts are satanic and do whatever the masons want.
great comment nails it:
TheAsfaloth 3 weeks ago
I would to say to Joss -

This is what we stand against in gaming, these threats and calls for censorship of creators. Yet you said we are KKK and misogynists, you blocked us and lied about our goals. You cuddled up to these people who attacked you, where was Anita Sarkeesian whilst all her fellow radicals sent you threats, called for your death and more. The same things people are saying about you, sexist, misogynist etc, are the same things Anita says about ALL her critics, it's what her supporters say. It's what the games media has been saying whilst they promote her endlessly without even questioning her claims. And now we see her partner Jonathan McIntosh doing the same rediciulous radical fem/SJW treatment to you and your latest movie. Where is her public support for you, Joss ? it seems she only talks when money is involved, she can cherry pick a new anonymous Twitter threat, self promote or she can attack white male gamers (whilst ignoring female and minority gamers every time).

Now you know what it is like to be a gamer who doesn't want gender politics in gaming, don't want agendas and unethical behavior, people censoring developers, whipping up radical mobs that label people who have done nothing wrong with the most vile of descriptions.

You support this radical behavior when it happens to gamers and developers, yet you run away when it happens to movies and you. The difference between you and the gamers, the gamers will still fight for your right to create whatever you want without being censored and your free speech. The gaming community is one of the most welcoming and diverse, even after getting attacked again and again, they still support those in and out of gaming.
both halves of the illuminati (the illiuminati control entertainment industry which blacks have been warning about - "hollywood" the material merlin used for his wand is occultic) must be destroyed in order for us to return to a moral society where men are leaders and do not need women but just have women if they wish to as an option. (and woman who are career minded can go about doing that if they wish without needing to use the government as a weapon against men and steal men's money to get the career, but instead have the career by working their way up using skill and hard work rather than affirmative action and changes in law that weaken men's rights. This is what a fair society is where you don't tread on other people's freedom's to get your freedom. You have rights, and so long as you don't deny others of the same rights you can live free without government changing laws to suit one particular group over another. EVEN LITTLE KIDS GET IT.

Currently many men are pussy-beggers who have no respect for themselves and think they need a woman to be fullfilled in life, grey. This is disgusting! And the commies ( both chinese and russians and UN troops are getting ready to invade very soon. Jade Helm is probably related to this because all the walmarts are closing down to prepare for the coming SHTF chaos which they know is inevitable because of the deliberate collapse of the dollar by the fucking reptiles)

I will repeat this again: WOMEN DO NOT LIKE WEAK MALES. They like something stronger than themselves. Pussy beggers = weak. Feminists know this and look at you as little puppy dogs that can be of use to their cause. People who are confident = strong males. They want to fuck something that is stronger than them which explains why they will monkeybranch from one male to another male if the other male is more rich or high status because it offers them security and the lack of having to work hard for their status. (just marry, divorce, get half of the man's dough and move to the next guy while calling yourself 'empowered' and 'independent' and then after having that man, divorce him get half of his money and obtain even more money)

Studies have been done on this! It is facts that can not be refuted. You can do the experiment yourself. Drive around town and pick up chics in a shit car, then clean yourself up and hire a ferrari and try to pick up women while showing off wealth. Observe the change in behavior. Did they look at you when you had low status? Did they get in the car when they saw you had money? It's not brain science. It's the reason women want to fuck footy heroes or fuck a famous rock star or actor. (mostly we have sporting heroes in australia but in the US it's movie stars with fake plastic faces and tits and performance-enhancing drugs to buff them up onscreen for a role or to beat the chinese in the olympics)

When you watch any action movie today made in big budget all you see is the stereotypical skinny chic beating up men and that is supposed to be considered original and cool. Even though comics have had that FOREVER. So please do not lecture us gamers and comic book readers about tropes you fucktards! We are WAY AHEAD OF YOU. We have been around longer than you have and it's our job to warn you what's going on so you don't grow up with less money and wealth. We know hollywood is bullshit fantasy and also used as propaganda tool because we look at history and who is behind the entertainment industry and the corruption. (eg notice how there are no anti-communist chinese content in movies of late? That's because they own your country now. Marxists have won the culture war)

I hope the next GTA game targets these social justice sheltered idiots that have been raised without dads and makes fun of them. Make a mission where you have to run them over and feminists are chasing you in cars because emma watson's army is slowly being killed off and the UN is trying to shoot you down in attack choppers. Then you get to kill Emma Watson. (it's not really her its just a robot which tries to rape you after you are overpowered and you then learn to not run over so many hookers the next time you are running from cops. Some of them are sex robots from japan that were ex-military and used as assassins but sold on the black market and their old self-preservation programming kicked in to kill men and collect ballsacks as trophy)

Women know the UN is up to no good. They know they are being pandered to. They know it's wrong to act masculine and try to be a man when they are women and feminity is part of nature which God intended for them. God is going to punish america for allowing feminists to boss men around and confuse kids who are now grown up and have no idea how to act in society anymore. Hopefully more kids start playing GTA5 to piss off feminists who know their time is up.
Last edited by GameHED on 29 May 2015 05:16 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: Mad Max

Post by Froggy »

GreyWizzard wrote:More than likely. With the knowledge that Miller is consulting on the game it's probably not as terrible as I'm insinuating it is. I'm just going off the trailer where she looks like your standard reward for being a white male.
Black males in particular US gang members would never sexualise or treat with with disrespect only evil whitey.
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Re: Mad Max

Post by Froggy »

GreyWizzard wrote:More than likely. With the knowledge that Miller is consulting on the game it's probably not as terrible as I'm insinuating it is. I'm just going off the trailer where she looks like your standard reward for being a white male.
Also this is a very racist post.
Vzzzbx, you lose again!
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Re: Mad Max

Post by GreyWizzard »

It totally is. I'd never suggest being a white male is winning the genetics lottery.

But seriously back to other elements of that trailer, I wish it had more gameplay. I'm wondering if it will have more of a melee combat system.
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Re: Mad Max

Post by GameHED »

I hope these games teach people about real survival. Not zombie apocalypse stuff but things like human nature. Like after hurricane katrina, cops disarmed the people and like the looters, became bad guys; becoming looters themselves once it was easy to get away with bad behavior because nobody could do anything about it. And how you should never trust anyone during any kind of disaster or shortages. Human nature is human nature and no matter how good a person you think you are, you have a dark side when times are tough and temptation is too much. Even the cop has kids and wife to protect and he WILL put himself ahead of the needs of others in a SHTF scenario because he is human with a sin nature, and not God. Everyone is dirty. Once you understand that, you can become more like max rockatansky and less like those bald irradiated kids who are abused by the dictator who creates artificial water shortages just to piss people off to control the population.

These movies ad games are the artists warning you of what the planners want to do to you. (all the old john carpenter movies are similarly warnings of bad human nature, where grotesque monsters which you are used to seeing in classic monster movies are replaced with wicked humans who look normal on the outside)

Hunger games was not written by the author you can see. It's satan's plan to create food shortages as control mechanism. Sure it's harmless entertainment to kids but they'll grow up living in that sci fi future soon by adult age. It's preparing them for harsh world so they accept abusive treatment by authorities and think it's normal and good for them.

This is why I tell people you got to prepare. Bad men want to see us live the "mad max future" and not the "star trek future". WWIII was avoided thanks to nuke being detonated away from city and in the sea. You guys take freedom for granted and think I'm joking around.

Look for the signs of the SHTF ... s-of-shtf/" onclick=";return false;

and don't listen to liberal authoritarians who tell you that gun bans will make you safer. All throughout history whenever this happened people were massacred. Never again!

Kill the snake by doing the opposite of what it says. Then eat the snake to use for food. Snakes and crocs eat their own young. You don't give them respect no matter what. You bait them into traps and learn their tactics ad conquer them as the bible instructs us. This is a hint God put in nature and the reasons dragons/dinos are extinct: it was judgement day for creatures God didn't make. Ancient atlanteans were highly advanced civilisation with direct access to fallen angels and tampered with nature to make monsters imo which explains the pyramids all over the world and why snake cults had to emerge secretly after their ancestors were wiped out. Greek myth is full of half animal half human beings with supernatural powers - fallen angels and stargates are the key to that.

What survival games should train you is make the snakes your pets like the gyrocopter pilot in mad max 2. He used them both as a weapon (throw them on the bike gang in mad max 2) and for food.
Everyone can worry about peace once everyone else who plans to kill you off is dead first. The royal family and many of these corporate logo have dragons and snakes as symbols giving you hint of who they get their orders from. (that old serpent Satan. Knowledge from the underworld.) It ain't God.
They are pedos david icke warns of. Killing kids to gain immortality by sacrificing humans to show loyalty to satan, while christians have jesus as our sacrifice to God to outdo them and get immunity from demonic influence. One is a deal (you must give something material of value to gain some supernatural favour), the other is a free gift (all you need is belief in the truth). One is business, (you pay to get something) the other is free offering out of genuine love. The snakes do not love.

You can't survive if you don't prep. When the jews of the old testament demanded to have a human king instead of getting orders directly from God, they were warned what would happen. ie massive competition to get crown for the power to boss people around and people assassinating each other for the title and today dissidents are targeted as enemies by governments for trusting in God and now taxing everything. This is what happens when you trust in man.
Survival is about not trusting in man. Nobody is your boss. Since nobody wants to obey law. Without obedience you have duty to kill to rebalance things. It is like crushing grapes to make the wine, blood is the wine and payment for damage done to God's property. Who's blood? All those extinct Rephaim/Nephilim beings that no longer have physical bodies but now exist in the spirit realm trying to get people to ope the portals/doorways to let them into our world. This is the spiritual warfare that many christians today are ignorant of. They think its poetry or some shit not realising these are the real beings satanists worship.

Noah survived the flood because he obeyed laws and kept clean. The end of days is going to be similar to Noah's time. The illuminati want us to worship their god again like people in Noah's time as the giants return. David did not kill Goliath. It was the holy spirit. His faith was the only weapon needed and then God did the rest. Military people and rednecks trying to act tough and think it's only about skills and training will never get it. You get instant skills once the Ghost enters you. Just as new agey types think spirit guides are helping them write books through automatic writing, and rock stars think demons are entering them to create lyrics for thier songs, God is granting supernatural power to good guys which wins wars and kills evil dictators and upsetting plans of conspirators. There is NO substitute. You can't compete against that. Skills are just the natural gifts you were given of using your mind and talent. These are not supernatural powers from heavenly realm/dimension. Noah was the original doomsday prepper. God sending the biblical flood was the original Katrina.

Be Noah! Not the ones partying and making fun of the preppers while animals are being genetically modified and monsters made in violation of nature. (fallen angels were the original dr frakestein. No respect for the rights of others)
The beings that appear will try to enslave us. The mummies? Preparation for the time when they would be resurrected through DNA and cloning. Their spirit could use the clone body as vessel to dwell inside. But unlike last time when Goliath was hit in the head and beheaded to show he was not immmortal, the antichrist will survive head wound and people will worship the leader. This is because satan is planning bigger. Gaining the ownership of souls for eternity.

The occultists want you to believe you can be immortal with high technology from atlantean times. The price is giving up your soul/freedom since they (corporations) want to own that as they can't create. (they only kill steal destroy as the original looter) They can't own what's labeled as God's property. And this is where the mark of the beast comes in.
Humans are cattle to fallen angels. But God's kids are judges of the angels. Judging means we have the power to order them with authority from King of the land. All satan needs is your signature to give up your authority over the evil that Jesus gave us by offering us things. This is what blocks the supernatural power to be used on us by the occultists who gain supernatural power to win in war. (people rebelling is warning sign of SHTF - cops looting is one sign) Reversing that means trusting in God not man. You need to believe in supernatural powers first. That's why they don't like christians since the prayers and commands to order thier gods to go back works. They are weak and must obey the authority of the king. When a nation is blessed, fallen angels are screwed. Angels will fight them for that territory. We can't see the battles but they influence destiny of that physical spot on earth. (which explains why some nations do not prosper since tyrants carry out the orders of occultists who use demons to advise them. Anywhere where plants can't grow are where God isn't. These are places demons hang out to be away from God. Use this as survival tip in future. Life is the evidence of God around you, so the opposite of that is true for satan. Where there is absence of life there is the presence of evil bcause the people can't ward off death due to lacking authority to drive it away. Nothing survives without the supernatural assistance. )
Last edited by GameHED on 29 May 2015 09:32 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Mad Max

Post by Candy Arse »

I take it your carer has the night off CrackHED? I thought you're usually sedated by this time each day.
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Re: Mad Max

Post by t0mby »

GreyWizzard wrote:It totally is. I'd never suggest being a white male is winning the genetics lottery.

But seriously back to other elements of that trailer, I wish it had more gameplay. I'm wondering if it will have more of a melee combat system.
I read somewhere the combat was similar to Batman.
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Re: Mad Max

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JB has a game and Blu Ray bundle for $99. ... Max-Bundle" onclick=";return false;
selfish wrote:Being a massive fanboy and trying to hide it is Lestat's worst bottleneck.
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Re: Mad Max

Post by flipswitch »

Too bad it comes out a day after MGSV in AUS, so a no buy for me for now.
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Re: Mad Max

Post by t0mby »

I just preordered the Steelbook edition of MGSV for $82 so no Mad Max for me either.
selfish wrote:Being a massive fanboy and trying to hide it is Lestat's worst bottleneck.
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Re: Mad Max

Post by GreyWizzard »

That JB Mad Max deal is excellent. The standard edition is $79. $99 for the cool edition and Fury Road in 3D. It's awesome.
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Re: Mad Max

Post by itch »

It's women who train men to be their masters. They won't accept anything less.
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Re: Mad Max

Post by GameHED »

Women have taken over ghostbusters.
Told ya the feminists have hijacked powerful positions in media to show men are evil. Nobody believes and soon femals characters will have armor covering up thier bodies which will suck.

Whoopie Goldberg exposes evil within feminism:
original video showing violence against men:

Women are being rewarded for evil behavior by cops and judges when they take the side of the women all tbe time thanks to brainwashing by tv where men are always the bad guy and women are the good guys. I'm seeing it everywhere. Maleficent, Game of Thrones, Mad Max etc.
In game of thrones a boy is taken advantage of by an over age female raping his innocence.
And feminists are ok with this. What about equality?? If its a pedophile priest mainstream media always loves to attack that because it's men doing it. But in popular shows female pedo can get away with it.

See the injustice?

When they whine about japanese games with underage girls they won't shut up. But when you see women doing this stuff on popular shows they are very silent. Videogames are going to be in danger as SJW target our fave entertainment. Hopefully the mad max game isn't infected with too much femi ist propaganda. Violent females teach little girls it's ok to hit males for free.
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Re: Mad Max

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Re: Mad Max

Post by itch »

GameHED wrote:Women have taken over ghostbusters.
Good. It'll be funnier that way. It was Bill Murray's idea and it's a comedically rich idea.
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Re: Mad Max

Post by GameHED »

Why isn't there a male version of wonder woman in the coming batman vs superman movie?

Cuz the feminists will get angry. But we let them change Thor into a girl and nobody gives a fuck. No equality is what I am saying...Feminism is about female rights to empower them and bully men. Not equality.

When females invade male spaces it's ok with them. But we can't invade theirs. They can get away with pedophilia, full frontal nudity (the blue cock in watchmen movie), and treating men like shit in ads on tv and laugh at dads. But when you see a underage schoolgirl getting packed raped by Japanese tentacled demons/aliens somehow that's out of the question in duke nukem game. Like I said we got to fight back and harass them until the public can be cynical enough to see the hypocrisy and we get our freedom of speech back or boys will end up self-hating themselves and become doormats. TV is dying but gaming is strong so we have a LOT of power. They see our power as a threat since it's still primarily a male space. (ie money spent on male hobby = money not spent on women to buy expensive purses and shoes)

The game of thrones cast defends the content from feminists (explains that everyone both men and women were mistreated in the universe):
^this is how nintendo should act to SJW types trying to push their movement on the creators of content and shame them. Make fun of them, explain it's not PC friendly, and then explain that's ok. If it's not for you, please don't buy/watch/support the show/game/art. Self Censorship = freedom. Thought cops have to be shamed.

Mad Max videogame will probably be a sleeper hit (made by the team that worked on 2nd just cause game) but hopefully not attract negative attention from stupid feminists who complain max isn't a chic or how he isn't able to get married to a gay male biker and that it's unacceptable to not be inclusive.
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Re: Mad Max

Post by itch »

Wonder woman is a character. Ghost busters is a concept about a team of misfits.

One of the original ghost busters is dead for Christ sakes.

I'm opposed to say the idea of Idris Elba playing James Bond because it's against the grain of the character. Bond is a very Anglo Scottish Freemason and that's the character.

But it's not like they're getting a chick to play Venkman.
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Re: Mad Max

Post by lestat »

I noticed today that mad max is $38 for preorder on g2play, the gameplay video shown at gamescon looks great. Preordered! Can't wait to play it in a week. :) ... am-cd-key/" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Mad Max

Post by cloud »

Also have this preordered! $80 from eb with the Bluray of Fury Road.
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Re: Mad Max

Post by lestat »

Got my preorder key delivered today. :up:
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