DESTINY |OT| Haters create their own reality.

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Re: DESTINY |OT| Haters create their own reality.

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743. Need Crux of Crota and Boots of Eao to complete exotic collection. Send help.
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Re: DESTINY |OT| Haters create their own reality.

Post by unfnknblvbl »

six hours. Yeah, bitches!
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Re: DESTINY |OT| Haters create their own reality.

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OMG, you probably like don't even have one exotic yet.
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Re: DESTINY |OT| Haters create their own reality.

Post by Gamma »

New stuff announced. New max level will be 40, levelling will be XP based, light level system being removed/overhauled. Ghost to be voiced by Nathan Drake, all existing Dinklebot lines will be replaced. No upgrade path for existing legendary gear, exotics TBC. Shaders/Emblems will have their own kiosk in the social areas and no longer occupy inventory or vault space. Crucible and Vanguard Marks are being unified into Legendary Marks. The new raid and strikes are incorporated into the storyline, and story missions continue in the end-game.

That's just what springs to mind, there are a heap of changes announced so far.
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Re: DESTINY |OT| Haters create their own reality.

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Am I the only one who will miss Dinklage's voice?
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Re: DESTINY |OT| Haters create their own reality.

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I think the change will be quite jarring at first. A lot of his lines are ridiculous, but it's the dialogue that sucks, and that's not changing. At least it'll flow a bit better now, you can tell the current recordings have been cut all over the place. RIP Dinklebot. I'll always have the "Little Light" ship as a momento.

I kind of wonder why they didn't just go with voice synthesis for the Ghost. Never have to worry about the voice actor asking too much for the next expansion, and it's supposed to sound robotic anyway.
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Re: DESTINY |OT| Haters create their own reality.

Post by ObSoLeTe »

should just release a voice over pack like they did in one of the last cods. r lee ermey was fun to listen to. shut up and take my money if you could have schwarzenegger as the voice of the ghost. Cmon do it, do it now!!!

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Re: DESTINY |OT| Haters create their own reality.

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Re: DESTINY |OT| Haters create their own reality.

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Re: DESTINY |OT| Haters create their own reality.

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I would happily pay for that.
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Re: DESTINY |OT| Haters create their own reality.

Post by Madmya »

haha excellent. I reckon Bungie are caving to the peasants too much. It's also silly that Gjally and the like will become redundant with this update. All of these guns should be relevant to the end of Destiny 1 and to become redundant in Destiny 2.
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Re: DESTINY |OT| Haters create their own reality.

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

So... this game came out with some pretty luke warm reviews..

It's been out for a while now.. Given the amount of DLC they've added to it (and I assume you all have paid for it).. it sounds like it has a decentish amount of content now..

If they released Destiny today (or at the release of the next big DLC) what do you think would be the reception for it now? Still luke warm or would it be a smashing good game?
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Re: DESTINY |OT| Haters create their own reality.

Post by Madmya »

Destiny and the reaction it creates from the public is an odd one so to tell the truth I have no idea. I thought the reviews were rubbish to begin with. It probably would review better with all the content together, the lack of it was a gripe of many. But no matter what Destiny does there will be negative feedback. It's just a game that garners hostility; hostility from people that have put in 500 hours and hostility from people that have put in 0 hours.

I do believe there is a free demo so I'd recommend trying before buying.
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Re: DESTINY |OT| Haters create their own reality.

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Yeah I have the demo.. haven't done much with it.. Peter D is indeed pretty fucking boring.
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Re: DESTINY |OT| Haters create their own reality.

Post by GreyWizzard »

DinkBot is getting replaced by the winner of The Northy, an award to celebrate being the best Nolan North, Nolan North.

They've rerecorded all of DinkBot's dialogue so an update will be out soon to remove it and replace it.
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Re: DESTINY |OT| Haters create their own reality.

Post by jizzlobber »

I give this game a lot of shit so don't base your decisions on this (plus I only have the base game as DLC was anti Xbox and expensive).

There's a few games I've played which I consider a waste of my life, Destiny takes the cake.

When it comes to entertainment in general you pay to be entertained... Sounds obvious.
Destiny was entertaining while I was first experiencing the game, but then it got to the point where I was playing to level up.
That's all good but in destiny it's incredibly tedious, running around looking for minerals or doing patrols that bungie never changed up.

I knew I was wasting my time, when i managed to pull myself away I was relieved! And I regretted wasting so much time for NOTHING... It wasn't enjoyable, there was no end of reward.

I don't regret the first 15 hours, I consider the other 150 hours a major waste of my life
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Re: DESTINY |OT| Haters create their own reality.

Post by cloud »

Beta was enough for me..
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Re: DESTINY |OT| Haters create their own reality.

Post by lestat »

Game was fun the first 20 levels with friends(jizz/chaos) but after that I could see how non existent the story and end game was, especially considering the small zones/areas you were limited too.

I learned my lesson years ago with WoW, any game that requires so much time investment stops being a game and starts becoming a job, the worst part about destiny was the time investment required was totally random and ambiguous, which is why I see they're moving to a more traditional leveling system.

It will be great if bungie go back to doing a normal game one day and stop trying to emulate WoW on consoles poorly.
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Re: DESTINY |OT| Haters create their own reality.

Post by Madmya »

It seems obvious but you need to make sure you play the game for fun. I think you can have fun on your own but it doesn't last long and the end game is almost certainly tedious without the company of others. I guess that's the difference between myself, Gamma and Oby compared to the rest - we've had regular fireteams. The satisfaction of completing a raid with a bunch of mates after many attempts is quite unlike anything else I've experienced in gaming.
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Re: DESTINY |OT| Haters create their own reality.

Post by ObSoLeTe »

Xur has Gjallarhorn :up:

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Re: DESTINY |OT| Haters create their own reality.

Post by Madmya »

Say goodbye to the notoriety of having gjallahorn. Say hello to gjallahorn!
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Re: DESTINY |OT| Haters create their own reality.

Post by Gamma »

Enjoy! I picked up a third so I don't have to bother moving them between characters.
Madmya wrote:It seems obvious but you need to make sure you play the game for fun. I think you can have fun on your own but it doesn't last long and the end game is almost certainly tedious without the company of others. I guess that's the difference between myself, Gamma and Oby compared to the rest - we've had regular fireteams. The satisfaction of completing a raid with a bunch of mates after many attempts is quite unlike anything else I've experienced in gaming.
Yeah, some people play games like this with a bizarre attitude. If an item has, say, a 1% chance of dropping from a raid boss, I acknowledge that I'm extremely unlikely to get it from any given raid. I play the raid because it's fun and challenging, and hey, I might get something really cool as a bonus. Others decide they must have said item, grind the raid literally hundreds of times, then complain that they're sick of playing the same thing over and over, that the game is unfair, etc etc.

I still enjoy firing up Destiny and just mucking around, even if nobody else is on (which admittedly isn't often for me). I don't really stand to gain much in terms of rewards these days, it's the gameplay and social aspects that keep me coming back. I approach this game as an activity I enjoy doing. I'm not trying to complete all of the areas so I can call it finished, nor am I chasing a highscore- I sometimes set goals for myself, but I guess it's ultimately structured like a sports game. If you played Fifa for 20 hours then decided you were sick of it because you're restricted to the same old soccer fields and there was no compelling narrative to explain why people were kicking a ball around, Fifa probably isn't the game for you. The same applies here. Destiny is not Mass Effect, or Skyrim in space. If you don't plan on playing content more than once and don't get into PvP, Destiny is still bigger than the majority of shooters on the market. It's like some people expected Halo on the scale of Elite or something. I'd love to play that too, but it was never going to happen.

GeneraL CyberFunK wrote:So... this game came out with some pretty luke warm reviews..

It's been out for a while now.. Given the amount of DLC they've added to it (and I assume you all have paid for it).. it sounds like it has a decentish amount of content now..

If they released Destiny today (or at the release of the next big DLC) what do you think would be the reception for it now? Still luke warm or would it be a smashing good game?
In terms of The Taken King vs the original release, TTK is essentially Destiny GOTY Edition, plus whatever TTK itself brings. If Destiny had been what it is today right out of the gate, by all rights it should have reviewed better. It is objectively better- there's more stuff to do, more options in how you progress, and everything's more refined. Many of the complaints (that you'll still read today from players who hung up their boots months ago) have been addressed in updates along the way. The community asked for more bounty space, more vault space, a means of upgrading old gear, weapon stat re-rolling, currency exchange, fairer loot rolls, a way to view faction progress easily... the list goes on, a heap of stuff has since been included and changes made, all for the better. But of course, that all should have been there from the start, Bungie are massive cunts, I hate this game that I'm effectively paying 0.20c per hour to play, etc. There's no pleasing some people.

Even if it was just the base game and the two DLCs I'd say it was well worth it, but if Bungie are to be believed there's as much new content in TTK as there was in vanilla. Honestly, if anyone is considering Destiny, wait until TTK. You'd be mad not to at this point, it's less than a month away.
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Re: DESTINY |OT| Haters create their own reality.

Post by Gamma »

Thoughts on the new Ghost voice: :suicide:
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Re: DESTINY |OT| Haters create their own reality.

Post by Rorschach »

Just getting back into destiny. I have a fireteam but because I work away a lot without internet they were always pulling ahead of me. The new update makes it easier to stay in the game between breaks. Not sure I like the new price of the standalone dlc, $40 would have been more palatable but see how it reviews.
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Re: DESTINY |OT| Haters create their own reality.

Post by Gamma »

Do you have the original game on disc? If so, provided you can sell your existing copy for $10 or more it's actually cheaper to buy the whole damn thing again at retail in the form of The Taken King Legendary Edition*. $79 at JB (minus what you sell vanilla for) versus $69.95 for just TTK digitally (which will still require your current disc).

I had a peek at a copy the other day and the disc is exactly the same as the original one, there's just a single code included that gives you The Dark Below, House of Wolves and The Taken King. So you can't even sell the DLC I & II codes separately. :|

* Don't let the name fool you, this is like the gold cartridge OoT all over again.

And just in case anyone missed it, the Red Bull code generator in Freemasons is good to go. The timed exclusive quest will be active tomorrow after reset.
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