Dawn of War 3 - Halo Wars for grown-ups

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Dawn of War 3 - Halo Wars for grown-ups

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

It looks like the bad ending to Chaos Rising may be canon:

[Click to see hidden content]
It is ten years since the events of Chaos Rising and Sub-Sector Aurelia has been in a constant state of warfare with the Imperium struggling to retain control. The apparent betrayal of the chapter by Gabriel Angelos and his Space Marines has shaken the Blood Ravens and now the Imperial forces are beset on all sides by hostile aliens. Retribution allows the player to select the race of their choosing in a battle to determine the very survival or destruction of the entire sector.
Notice the use of "apparent betrayal" though? sneaky sneaky :)

It looks like we get to play as any race in the campaign, which will be cool, but I always play as the Space Marines anyway :D There will also be a new race introduced as per usual with DoW expansions. I'm hoping for the Imperial Guard.

And we have the first bit of news for DoW III too:
THQ Core Games Vice President Danny Bilson wrote:"It may be a more digital free-to-play experience with all the depth and quality of a Relic RTS. It all depends on how Company of Heroes Online does, and how it works and how people respond to it. If they do that would definitely drive us to… Now Dawn of War III, either way, is going to have a much larger strategic component to it, more of a global battle going on with little tactical things, sort of MMO-like… We haven't announced anything about it, and it's still in its early formative stage, but I'm just talking to you about the brainstorming going on around it."
Here's what I posted on another forum:
Ambrose Burnside wrote:I'd love a DoW game set during the Horus Heresy, where you control a whole Legion, can become corrupted and join Horus if you want, and you basically have a whole galaxy to move your Legion around in, choosing which campaigns to fight, how you want to split up your Legion for the different theatres of war etc. It would be like a combination of Homeworld, Total War and DoW :shock:

Yes, I'm reading the Horus Heresy books at the moment, and I love them. Just finished Fulgrim :P
Seriously excited :D
Last edited by Ambrose Burnside on 21 Feb 2017 11:11 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Dawn of War II: Retribution and Dawn of War III

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

[Click to see hidden content]
I hadn't finished Chaos Rising when I wrote the above, but I have now, and it looks like the good ending is canon, not the bad like I first assumed. YAY! :D
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Re: Dawn of War II: Retribution and Dawn of War III

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

Gamescom 2010 has games-come and games-gone, and much like the retreating flood-waters of the merciless ocean, left in its wake a variety of interesting tidbits. One of those was of course the announcement of the next Dawn of War II expansion, Retribution, and it promises to be a doozy.

The first, and definitely most important, part of Retribution is that there’s two new campaigns - and one of them is full of Orks. A single level of this campaign was shown at Gamescom this year, and it featured a band of four Orky brotherz stomping their way through a lava-wracked warzone, crushing copious amounts of puny Eldar skulls as they went. Your boyz, led by the peacefully-named Kaptin Bludflagg, consist of Mister Nailbrain (a Big Mek, with a big gun), Brikkfist (a Stormboy Nob with a jetpack and a massive hammer), and Spookums (a stealthy Kommando).

Much like the Blood Ravens in the first DoW II campaign, each of da boyz has a different set of skills and abilities they can use, with the most noteworthy being Spookum’s grappling hook ability. Using this the Kommando can climb up and around terrain, letting him work behind enemy lines or bypass fortified positions to strike from the vulnerable rear. But even with four terrific bad-asses you’re still going to be outnumbered and outgunned, so you’ll be pleased to know that that Retribution is cranking back the clock a little and mixing a bit of old-school RTS into this tasty green beefcake.

Capturing control points during the campaign’s scenarios allow the player to create units and amass an army, with different control points providing either population boosts or money (requisition) to your forces. In true Orky fashion your Orks get better the more of them there are around, with combat bonuses being stacked onto your heroes if they’re in the thick of a massive punch-up and surrounded by their mates. The units won’t just be limited to foot troops like the ubiquitous Slugga Boyz as well, with Relic assuring us that tanks and armour will also make an appearance. War banners can be captured during the scenarios as well, allowing you to upgrade your heroes with tasty new gear.

Speaking of upgrades, the upgrade system has been... well, upgraded; after each mission you are now offered a choice from three rewards, rather than the single reward given to you in the original Dawn of War II campaign. But Relic aren’t just satisfied with putting everybody’s favourite greenskins in, stating that there will be an entirely new race to get their own single-player campaign as well! The smart money is of course on the Imperial Guard, with the blue-skinned alien Tau a close second.

It definitely seems like Relic are aiming to shake up the formula a little with Retribution, which should hit a lot of the right notes for the Dawn of War fans out there. Although Chaos Rising was undoubtedly well-received, it seemed like the free Last Stand game-mode quickly became the star of the show, rather than all the new content that the expansion delivered. Retribution seems on-track to really crank things up a notch and bring fans stampeding back to the series, though with the game not due out until March 2011, we’ll just have to wait and see.
Reader's Digest Edition: 2 new campaigns, one Ork, one for the new race, probably Imperial Guard or Tau, but nothing has been revealed.


Also, Relic have finally come to their senses, and are ditching GFWL:
Relic's Producer of all things Dawn of War II here at Relic has fielded some questions from PC Gamer on the announcement that DOW II: Retribution will be using Steamworks in place of GFWL:

"We asked Retribution’s producer Jeff Lydell for more detail on their decision.

PC Gamer: Why did you decide to switch to Steam?

Jeff Lydell: Mostly it was related to the end-user experience. Dawn of War II and Chaos Rising are hybrids of Steamworks and Games for Windows LIVE, and require the owners of those games to log in to both to play. We’ve always thought this was cumbersome, and only implemented it because back in Dawn of War II’s development, we needed digital distribution and matchmaking features from both platforms.

Since then both Microsoft and Valve have worked to catch up with each other, and on Dawn of War II – Retribution, we’ve decided to utilize the Steamworks SDK for networking and matchmaking."
On the down side:
To accomplish this transition, Dawn of War II - Retribution will be a completely stand alone title in the series and will provide multiple campaigns to play, as well as all six multiplayer races, with new units for each of the existing five races and one new unannounced one. In a change from our previous strategies with expansion packs, we will not be patching this content back into Dawn of War II and Chaos Rising.
Sounds like they're splitting the community :(

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Re: Dawn of War II: Retribution and Dawn of War III

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

Retribution is now available for preorder on Steam. Latest news:
Dawn Of War II: Retribution will offer a campaign for every race, including the new race: The Imperial Guard. You will be unable to import your old campaigns you finished in Dawn of War II and Chaos Rising.

Every Environment from the previous games will appear in the different Retribution campaigns. The dusty desert mountains and houses of Calderis, the swampy unknown reaches of Typhon Primaris, the massive city spires and cities of Meridian, the snowy wasteland of the twisted Aurelia, the long forgotten Space Hulk known as the Judgement Of Carrion and an unknown environment seen in the Eldar campaign trailer, rumored to be Cyrene, that was originally one of the original recruiting worlds of all of worlds seen in the Dawn Of War II and Chaos Rising campaign.

Dawn Of War II: Retribution takes place ten years after events of Chaos Rising. The sub-sector Aurelia is now suffering from conflict between Ork pirates led by Kaptin Bluddflagg, the arrival of the Eldar of the Craftworld Alaitoc led by Autarch Kayleth, a Tyranid Swarmlord restoring the remnants of the Hive Fleet Leviathan and to the link of the Hive Mind, the Blood Ravens defending the sub-sector led by Captain Apollo Diomodes,the return of Chaos Space Marines of the Black Legion led by Eliphas the Inheritor, and the newly arriving Imperial Guard led by Lord General Caster, performing an Exterminatus under Inquisitor Adrastia.
Multiplayer will also introduce base building :up:
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Re: Dawn of War II: Retribution and Dawn of War III

Post by Twiztid Elf »

What is DoW2 like?
How much I've enjoyed SC2, I've been thinking about trying another top level PC RTS, and the Warhammer universe appeals to me greatly.
But I've read the Single Player is not all that good/long and that the multi is where it's at. If I'm going to focus on multi, I'd stick with SC2.
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Re: Dawn of War II: Retribution and Dawn of War III

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I enjoyed Single Player (finished both vanilla DoW2 and Chaos Rising) but they are a bit repetitive (especially vanilla). Chaos Rising mixes it up with a cool corruption system where you have to be careful about what you equip your marines with. I don't know what StarCraft 2 is like, but single player DoW 2 is more of an RTS/RPG hybrid than a traditional RTS in that you control 4 or so squads with fully customisable (and upgradable) squad leaders. Multiplayer is more traditional and you can build big armies and have plenty of vehicles and stuff, but there's still no base building.

A lot of people preferred the traditional RTS with base building etc. that was in the original Dawn of War so I think that's where the criticism of DoW 2 comes from.
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Re: Dawn of War II: Retribution and Dawn of War III

Post by Shaneus »

I bought whatever was on Steam as a pack (DoW2 and Chaos?) over the Christmas sale and still haven't played it. Should I be ashamed of myself?

PS. STFU tomby, don't even bother posting in response to this, you prick.
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Re: Dawn of War II: Retribution and Dawn of War III

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

Well, it averages just over 85 on GameRankings.

I like it, but you'll probably hate it if you go into it expecting a traditional RTS.
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Re: Dawn of War II: Retribution and Dawn of War III

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

Well, with THQ going arse up and Relic being bought out by Sega, Dawn of War III was a bit up in the air, but now we have this:
There is a "strong possibility" that Relic Entertainment will work with Games Workshop on a new Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War game.

That's according to game director Quinn Duffy, who suggested to Eurogamer that Relic may go back to the drawing board for the third game in the series having stopped and started on a number of ideas.

Earlier this year Sega bought Relic after previous owner THQ went bankrupt. As part of the $26.6 million deal, the Japanese company acquired the studio and the rights to RTS series Company of Heroes. The second game, Company of Heroes 2, launches in June.

What is unclear, however, is whether the Warhammer 40k license was part of the deal. Sega won't say, and Games Workshop, which owns the Warhammer 40k IP, has been busy licensing its properties out to multiple developers. There's a turn-based Space Hulk game in the works, for example, and Slitherine is making a mystery Warhammer 40k strategy game.

But what of Dawn of War?

"I'm still a bit fuzzy on that," Duffy said. "There were certain properties that were attached to the sale of Relic initially, which was Company of Heroes, but not all of Relic's initial IP was part of that initial sale package.

"Dawn of War, because it's a license and it's owned by Games Workshop, they have the opportunity to work that license with whoever they want. I would hope it would be us again. We had a great working relationship with Games Workshop. Sega is establishing one now with the fantasy license for Creative Assembly.

"There's a strong possibility we'll all be working together again on Dawn of War."

Prior to his exit from the company, THQ core games boss Danny Bilson spoke openly with Eurogamer about Dawn of War 3. At one stage it had an August 2012 to February 2013 release window - but THQ's high-profile financial troubles put paid to that.

Bilson had said the game "is going to have a much larger strategic component to it, more of a global battle going on with little tactical things, sort of MMO-like".

While Duffy was unable to talk about the specifics on the work done on Dawn of War 3, he did suggest Relic will want to improve its technology before building it.

"When we look at things like that, especially when you get into very early development on future titles, some of it is beneficial from a learning experience, and some of it from a technology experience just isn't," he said.

"We've stopped and started on a number of things over the past that have given us lessons. But sometimes it's easier just to start again on something new. With Company of Heroes, when we started, we wanted to bring our level of tech up substantially. Going into the future, Relic's got to do that again. We've got to get our next generation engine ready for years down the road. Whatever's happening has to take that into account."

But is Relic working on Dawn of War 3?

"I won't say..." Duffy said with a smile.

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Re: The Dawn of War Thread

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

The original retail versions of Dawn of War and its three expansions can now be activated on Steam, and GFWL has been patched out of Dawn of War 2 and Chaos Rising (GFWL was never present in Retribution to begin with, but Retribution was also patched last week).

Is this the prelude to a Dawn of War III announcement??? :D
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Re: The Dawn of War Thread

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

And a new official website has launched: http://www.dawnofwar.com/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

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Re: The Dawn of War Thread

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The original 11 year old Dawn of War was updated today to support Steam Trading Cards etc.

I then noticed this: Sega Registers Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War 3 Domain :run:
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Re: The Dawn of War Thread

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

They continue to tease the faithful, they've released a brand new official map for the the original 11 year old DoW, and have released all the preorder DLC for DoW2 for free.

FFS just announced DoW3 already!!!
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Re: The Dawn of War Thread

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Ambrose Burnside - The Thread.
selfish wrote:Being a massive fanboy and trying to hide it is Lestat's worst bottleneck.
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Re: The Dawn of War Thread

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The New GameHED™
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Re: The Dawn of War Thread

Post by F for Fake »

I always mean to post when you bump this thread.
My friends made me play Dawn of War 1 coz they were into the tabletop. I really got in Dark Crusade and loved the lore, especially wondering how it got to that state, which was convenient as they just started releasing the Horus Heresy novels :D So yeh I get all them when they release.
Played all of DoW 2 but didn't like it as much as #1. Played alot of Last Stand with aforementioned friends, which was cool.
Have you tried Regicide, Burnside? ;) I'm up to Act 2. Damn the SM models look nice but I think the animations are pretty boring and they wasted good opportunites for some cool shit. Plus the PC is a cheating **** without the hotfix.
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Re: The Dawn of War Thread

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

Oh yeah I love the Horus Heresy series. I'm a few books behind now but that's because I like buying a few at a time. I'm still hoping DoW3 is more epic scale and set during the Horus Heresy era. Create your Legion (one of the two 'lost' legions. According to canon they're already lost by the time the Horus Heresy breaks out, but who cares), you can decide to join Horus or stay loyal, and go for it :D Other races will still feature in single player missions and in multiplayer, but I think for the campaign you're limited to your own created Legion.

The game will have the strategic map overlay like Dark Crusade but of the entire galaxy. So more like a Total War game I guess, which is certainly possible:
I can dream :)
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Re: The Dawn of War Thread

Post by F for Fake »

So they have announced a new playable character for The Last Stand game mode, which is weird as the game has been dead for years. Always felt like the mode was a wasted opportunity by Sega. Better late than never I guess?
I'm happy though as I've been reminiscing lately about the game.
And the New Character is?
No expense spared on the trailer...
Introducing the Necron Overlord, a brand new hero for the Last Stand mode of Warhammer® 40,000® Dawn of War® II: Retribution™ and Warhammer® 40,000® Dawn of War® II: The Last Stand Alone™.

The Overlords of the Necrons lead the legions into the carnage of war, commanding absolute authority over their subordinates. Armed with crackling warscythes and potent weaponry of ancient design, they dispatch their foes in flares of blinding energy.

Contemptuous of the lesser races, Overlords are utterly convinced of their own superiority, and act accordingly. Only those who prove themselves worthy, by showing courage and skill at arms, might earn a quick death. For all others, agony and humiliation await.

Bringing a fresh playstyle to the battlefield, the Necron Overlord can be played as long-raged fast firing “battlecruiser” or as area-of-effect melee expert. A full complement of wargear supports either style of play.

The signature ability of the Necron Overlord allows him to summon the god-like Nightbringer Shard to the battlefield, part of a ancient star deity that can rain destruction on all the Overlord’s enemies.
Releases March 11.
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Re: The Dawn of War Thread

Post by Ambrose Burnside »


Been a lot of action lately. DoW 2 won the Make War not Love promotion and we got free DLC from that, now this. For a 5 year old game.

There better be a Dawn Of War 3 announcement soon.
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Re: The Dawn of War Thread

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Oh shit! :run:
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Re: The Dawn of War Thread

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Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War 3 will combine "the epic scale" of the original Dawn of War, released in 2004, with the customization and elite heroes of Dawn of War 2, Sega said in a release. Players will be able to command massive units like the Space Marines' Imperial Knight, the Ork Gorkanaut and the Eldar Wraithknight, and deploy destructive abilities like Orbital Bombardment, Ork Rokks and Eldritch Storm.

"This is the Dawn of War that fans have been waiting for," said executive producer Stephen MacDonald in a statement. "Our biggest units ever? Check. Giant orbital lasers? Check. Base-building, epic heroes, huge battles, it's all in there. Get ready for the biggest Dawn of War yet. For the Emperor!"
Dawn of War 3 is real and we've seen it. For the full scoop check out the next issue of PC Gamer, which comes with a free Steam key for Dawn of War 2 and eight pages on the demo I saw at Relic headquarters recently.
You play as three races in the campaign
Big armies are back
Bases return
You collect and level up elite units
Super units are the series' biggest yet
You can fire a giant orbital laser cannon
A new cover system
A lot more info



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Re: Dawn of War 3 - Halo Wars for grown-ups

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

A bunch of new trailers with in-game footage showing a scale that dwarfs not only DoW2 (thank God) but also the original! This looks amazing:
EDIT: OP was 7 years ago. GameHED wishes he could talk to himself as long as I have been.
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Re: Dawn of War 3 - Halo Wars for grown-ups

Post by F for Fake »

Looking fucking schmick!
Maybe not the best word you want to describe a 40k game, but I'm still happy.
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Re: Dawn of War 3 - Halo Wars for grown-ups

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

The long wait is nearly over. April 27th. The day after my birthday! Thank you Relic :up:

Standard, Limited and Collector's Editions:
Beyond the Warhammer 40,000 game's Standard Edition, its Collector's Edition comes packing a premium disc book, a lenticular art card, the game's OST, a replica of the Godsplitter Daemon Hammer, three mounted cloth faction banners and the Master of War Skin Pack. DoW 3's Limited Edition comes with that same disc book, the art card and the soundtrack.

Should pre-ordering be your cup of tea, doing so will net you the aforementioned skin pack, three further cosmetic skins for the game's Super Walkers including the Dark Queen skin for imperial knight Lady Solaria, the Ghost Seer skin for wraithknight Farseer Taldeer, and the Big Kustom skin for Morkanaut Beauty.
I think I'll go with the Limited Edition. Love me a good steel book case.

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Re: Dawn of War 3 - Halo Wars for grown-ups

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

After talking to myself for seven years, I now own Dawn of War III :up:
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