Fallout 4!!!!

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Re: Fallout 4!!!!

Post by GameHED »

New patch out for ps4 version came out to help framerates in certain areas of the game. See eurogamer video on it.
Killed a legendary radscorpion today. Took loads of damage to do it but it felt good to kick its arse. Had to run like crazy to make it hard for it to sting me. Shotgunned it in the face as it got caught on something in the environment using double barrel shotgun. Poor guy just had to take the free hits. They are fast mofos. Always have food that gives you extra action points for eating it or if you just shoot manually, take that drug that slows down time so you can fine aim easily to hamper its walk speed. I always go for legs first.

Dogmeat was useless against it. Wish you could feed him food to slowly boost his stats like the cha-cha character in monster hunter 3. I guess his main purpose for me is just to act as a decoy, not to actually kill anything.
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Re: Fallout 4!!!!

Post by Candy Arse »

Improving the framerate for the PS4 version makes it a worse game, wouldn't you say GameHED?
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Re: Fallout 4!!!!

Post by GameHED »

Nope. I just think having the 24fps thing makes it more film-like.

The smoother the things move around the less professional the performances of the npcs are because you can see the imperfections in their facial expressions and their movements.

Whether you like more film-like experience or a videogame experience is up to you. I certainly didn't complain about the smooth animation in transformers devastation just because the cartoons had choppy animation did I?
Because I am not biased like you. I just point out that one way of doing something may still be best for viewers that like to consumer the content a certain way while the other way may be more suitable for another group.

Let's take street fighter vs tekken as an example here:

In SF your characters have virtually no weight to their strikes. You can clearly see they have what we would call the comic book physics where they do moves that in real life would pretty much snap your spine.

In tekken the moves are closer to the real life weight of real people.

One is arcade physics for arcade fighting games and anime style presentation.

The other is going for a psuedo lifelike speed of movement where a person can't do gaillions of little combos and interupt themselves halfway through a heavy motion to do other heavy motions like in the cartoons. The moves look smooth, not jerky and weightless.

Is one better than another? Nope. It depends on what you are going for. They both do what they intended to do well.
They are consistent.

The FPS matter more for action games where you want to be able to see things and react to things to avoid dying. Fallout franchise is a RPG as badly as Bethesda want to reel in children playing COD games it is still based on RPG lore and RPG rules. (where a guy with a baseball bat may be be more deadly than a guy with a gun because he has high strength and can hit multiple things at once in a single move during a zerg rush of ghouls)

So in some ways yes the film-like motion is better when you want to scare the shit out of people. Because we are used to that in films. When we play videogames the audience acts differently because we are dealing with different medium where having quick reaction to onscreen threats is crucial to survival. But since fallout 4 is easy, less frames may make it closer to a film-like experience which is what the developers would go for if they thought people liked that.

When the mole rat lunges at me I don't have to see every little minute motion of its teeth. I can see it is coming my way and the lower framerate my mask some of the poorly done animation of its movements. Film buffs don't want the soap opera effect. Why? because the fakeness of the universe sticks out more.

Xenoblade has nice steady framerate and I think if they are going to go for steady framerate over one that jumps up and down then more power to them. If they want high framerates then I would prefer steady consistent framerate so that aiming is still possible in manual aiming mode.

Remember Candy that old fallouts were turn-based combat which gave you very precise control over when to attack, move, heal, defend etc. These bethesda games only DESIRE high framerate to please the graphics whores who are used to playing action games. I would still buy this if it had bad framerates just like old FROM software titles which moved really slow.

This is where the difference between RPG fans and action shooter fans is visible. The action game fans assume just because something is in FPV it must be a action shooter with smooth framerate. What they don't get is there is a lot of stats underneath that which is being calculated and npc behaviour that is being processed. You go into a village full of people and they all go crazy speaking at once and reacting to each other in unpredictable ways, and this adds stress. RPG need to have worlds not just level where memory is flushed the moment you close a door behind you and never come back to that part again.

What bethesda wants to do is make these rpg franchise as shallow as they can get away with to rake in the big money, but thier engine may not be good enough to really be used in the way they want it to be. (to compete with a COD game)

So we are seeing framerate dips and other shit when they try to put in too many effects and too many explosions and too many npcs and enemies onscreen at once. That wouldn't be a problem for an old school turn based Fallout game where you could press space to pause and think at each step and micromanage shit.

Can you see where the critics are angry now? The engine is old, the old features from new vegas are stripped and they are being ignored because if they make RPG too complex little kids will complain and return the game.

We are not the target anymore man.
For those who are new to Fallout and Elder Scrolls there has been a lot of controversy over the changes bethesda puts into the newer games and you can find heaps of these dicussions and analysis from youtube:
the criticism here also apply to fallout 4.

When I play RPG action isn't as important as the depth of the interaction with the world environment. If there is barely any interactions it's not as realistic or immersive.

The hope is that more people start playing games like Wasteland 2 to see if they can bring back depth to the rpg genre again. This way all those guys who like relaxing action game can play fallout while those who prefer tactical fighting can play wasteland. (maybe one day publisher sees it, makes a big budget 3d sequel with superior engine and competes with bethesda's franchise? much like witcher 3 competed with skyrim and succeeded in showing more interesting NPC interaction and consequences that affect the world around you?)

For us RPG fans sometime immersion is better than better graphics and smooth framerates. The more realistic npc acts and how it afffects your experiece (like the behaviour the next time you talk to them) can be more an achievement than having more of them or having smooth animation and explosions. You can have both, but I think the engine is the let down not the console. When you make games as a third party for all platforms you are not taking advantage of the systems they are on. That's why games don't look next gen or run at choppy framerates right now. It's the truth ok? Coders have to compromise. Plus I think the buggy engine is causing things to be broken. Less money spent marketing the game and more on creating newer technology is what is needed. You'll get a superior product.
All the pc gamers know its old tech with new things, not a whole new engine for a new fallout game. The latter is preferred over the former. The japanese guys when making new games redo an engine from scratch. That way you can have your cool effects, and smooth framerates and (if tailor made to run on low end console tech) details like AI and world that reacts to you convincingly. (I think the thing where they getting stuck to walls or people stuck inside other people is limits of this old tech. Not many triple A games have that problem today as these problems were solved long ago. Could it be creation engine?)

Jeff Gerstmann was criticised by younger reviewers/critics just for talking about the flaws on fallout 4:
Bethesda probably hired rooster teeth to attack him I reckon. lol The industry has stagnated. Xenoblade doesn't crash your wii u ok? The coders should listen to gerstmann maybe look for new talent that can create a better one. (Call it the Re-creation engine) Stop worrying about audience hype or what the masses think. Fix the problems, not the power to censor us. :roll: The content is fine. Just upgrade the tech to modern standard.
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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Re: Fallout 4!!!!

Post by GameHED »

A little off topic:

stardusk/ thinking ape made a video about the theories of why certain nerd activity becomes suddenly socially acceptable to women and other casuals who once avoid things like rpg, games, dnd, comics.. but who converted:
.. it all comes down to if the activity has status associated with it based on money it generates. It explains why something you got made fun of back in your high school days by females and white knights suddenly becomes acceptable or cool to females who like to jump onto trends.

What's that got to do with bethesda and dumbed down rpg systems? Everything! They probably know this and market games to casuals and dumb the systems down deliberately so as not to scare a large portion of gamers (women who like the social interaction and status of being involved in trends) from the games they make. This comes at the expense of male gamers who like rpgs for the mechanics and systems. By dumbing elder scrolls down it becomes more accessible to more people (namely casuals) thus earns more. The moral of the story? If you wish to preserve the nerd activity to stay a nerds-only activity, then don't ever let something become trendy.. It will ruin the systems to appease non-nerds. (who are merely there based on the perception that it is high status trendy thing to be involved with to stay ahead of those who are not as up to date as you).
Compare comic conventions (where there is big female attendence) to table top rpg gaming.(where there is less emphasis on drama between characters and social interaction, but more on the mechanics and rules and systems.)

RPG Games are slowly going away from nerd-only activity of low status nobodies pretending to be people they imagine to socially accepted activity where there is low barrier to entry to suceed. (the system never lets you fail to teach you lessons to be better at winning within rules)

To preserve good systems there needs to be bethesda alternative who can make fallouts that still contain the systems we all like from older and more nerd-only games from the past. The casual/females who shy away from the parts of rpg that don't interest them (like understanding rules in table top rpg games ), have basically hijacked the franchise now that it is associated with high status (ie big name voice actors, prsence at comic conventions which let's be honest got big boost from hollywood's obsession with super heroes etc)

The neckbeards need to learn to program and form crpg company, find some rich guy in college to back the game and fix all the shit bethesda took out of the rpg genre that originally attracted the nerds, ...COMBINED with options to go casual in the settings so that it can make enough money back to please the investors who want to attract wide audience to buy the product. This way you have both groups of people happy. (ie casuals/females as well as the neckbeards who miss the old games and have had to turn to low budget kickstarter projects for thier crpg fix)
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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Re: Fallout 4!!!!

Post by Candy Arse »

GameHED wrote:Nope. I just think having the 24fps thing makes it more film-like.

The smoother the things move around the less professional the performances of the npcs are because you can see the imperfections in their facial expressions and their movements.

Whether you like more film-like experience or a videogame experience is up to you. I certainly didn't complain about the smooth animation in transformers devastation just because the cartoons had choppy animation did I?
Because I am not biased like you. I just point out that one way of doing something may still be best for viewers that like to consumer the content a certain way while the other way may be more suitable for another group.

Let's take street fighter vs tekken as an example here:

In SF your characters have virtually no weight to their strikes. You can clearly see they have what we would call the comic book physics where they do moves that in real life would pretty much snap your spine.

In tekken the moves are closer to the real life weight of real people.

One is arcade physics for arcade fighting games and anime style presentation.

The other is going for a psuedo lifelike speed of movement where a person can't do gaillions of little combos and interupt themselves halfway through a heavy motion to do other heavy motions like in the cartoons. The moves look smooth, not jerky and weightless.

Is one better than another? Nope. It depends on what you are going for. They both do what they intended to do well.
They are consistent.

The FPS matter more for action games where you want to be able to see things and react to things to avoid dying. Fallout franchise is a RPG as badly as Bethesda want to reel in children playing COD games it is still based on RPG lore and RPG rules. (where a guy with a baseball bat may be be more deadly than a guy with a gun because he has high strength and can hit multiple things at once in a single move during a zerg rush of ghouls)

So in some ways yes the film-like motion is better when you want to scare the shit out of people. Because we are used to that in films. When we play videogames the audience acts differently because we are dealing with different medium where having quick reaction to onscreen threats is crucial to survival. But since fallout 4 is easy, less frames may make it closer to a film-like experience which is what the developers would go for if they thought people liked that.

When the mole rat lunges at me I don't have to see every little minute motion of its teeth. I can see it is coming my way and the lower framerate my mask some of the poorly done animation of its movements. Film buffs don't want the soap opera effect. Why? because the fakeness of the universe sticks out more.

Xenoblade has nice steady framerate and I think if they are going to go for steady framerate over one that jumps up and down then more power to them. If they want high framerates then I would prefer steady consistent framerate so that aiming is still possible in manual aiming mode.

Remember Candy that old fallouts were turn-based combat which gave you very precise control over when to attack, move, heal, defend etc. These bethesda games only DESIRE high framerate to please the graphics whores who are used to playing action games. I would still buy this if it had bad framerates just like old FROM software titles which moved really slow.

This is where the difference between RPG fans and action shooter fans is visible. The action game fans assume just because something is in FPV it must be a action shooter with smooth framerate. What they don't get is there is a lot of stats underneath that which is being calculated and npc behaviour that is being processed. You go into a village full of people and they all go crazy speaking at once and reacting to each other in unpredictable ways, and this adds stress. RPG need to have worlds not just level where memory is flushed the moment you close a door behind you and never come back to that part again.

What bethesda wants to do is make these rpg franchise as shallow as they can get away with to rake in the big money, but thier engine may not be good enough to really be used in the way they want it to be. (to compete with a COD game)

So we are seeing framerate dips and other shit when they try to put in too many effects and too many explosions and too many npcs and enemies onscreen at once. That wouldn't be a problem for an old school turn based Fallout game where you could press space to pause and think at each step and micromanage shit.

Can you see where the critics are angry now? The engine is old, the old features from new vegas are stripped and they are being ignored because if they make RPG too complex little kids will complain and return the game.

We are not the target anymore man.
For those who are new to Fallout and Elder Scrolls there has been a lot of controversy over the changes bethesda puts into the newer games and you can find heaps of these dicussions and analysis from youtube:
the criticism here also apply to fallout 4.

When I play RPG action isn't as important as the depth of the interaction with the world environment. If there is barely any interactions it's not as realistic or immersive.

The hope is that more people start playing games like Wasteland 2 to see if they can bring back depth to the rpg genre again. This way all those guys who like relaxing action game can play fallout while those who prefer tactical fighting can play wasteland. (maybe one day publisher sees it, makes a big budget 3d sequel with superior engine and competes with bethesda's franchise? much like witcher 3 competed with skyrim and succeeded in showing more interesting NPC interaction and consequences that affect the world around you?)

For us RPG fans sometime immersion is better than better graphics and smooth framerates. The more realistic npc acts and how it afffects your experiece (like the behaviour the next time you talk to them) can be more an achievement than having more of them or having smooth animation and explosions. You can have both, but I think the engine is the let down not the console. When you make games as a third party for all platforms you are not taking advantage of the systems they are on. That's why games don't look next gen or run at choppy framerates right now. It's the truth ok? Coders have to compromise. Plus I think the buggy engine is causing things to be broken. Less money spent marketing the game and more on creating newer technology is what is needed. You'll get a superior product.
All the pc gamers know its old tech with new things, not a whole new engine for a new fallout game. The latter is preferred over the former. The japanese guys when making new games redo an engine from scratch. That way you can have your cool effects, and smooth framerates and (if tailor made to run on low end console tech) details like AI and world that reacts to you convincingly. (I think the thing where they getting stuck to walls or people stuck inside other people is limits of this old tech. Not many triple A games have that problem today as these problems were solved long ago. Could it be creation engine?)

Jeff Gerstmann was criticised by younger reviewers/critics just for talking about the flaws on fallout 4:
Bethesda probably hired rooster teeth to attack him I reckon. lol The industry has stagnated. Xenoblade doesn't crash your wii u ok? The coders should listen to gerstmann maybe look for new talent that can create a better one. (Call it the Re-creation engine) Stop worrying about audience hype or what the masses think. Fix the problems, not the power to censor us. :roll: The content is fine. Just upgrade the tech to modern standard.
So what you're saying is that 24fps is best for gaming because it's the film atandard and they're the exact same.

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Re: Fallout 4!!!!

Post by t0mby »

Candy Arse wrote:
GameHED wrote:Nope. I just think having the 24fps thing makes it more film-like.

The smoother the things move around the less professional the performances of the npcs are because you can see the imperfections in their facial expressions and their movements.

Whether you like more film-like experience or a videogame experience is up to you. I certainly didn't complain about the smooth animation in transformers devastation just because the cartoons had choppy animation did I?
Because I am not biased like you. I just point out that one way of doing something may still be best for viewers that like to consumer the content a certain way while the other way may be more suitable for another group.

Let's take street fighter vs tekken as an example here:

In SF your characters have virtually no weight to their strikes. You can clearly see they have what we would call the comic book physics where they do moves that in real life would pretty much snap your spine.

In tekken the moves are closer to the real life weight of real people.

One is arcade physics for arcade fighting games and anime style presentation.

The other is going for a psuedo lifelike speed of movement where a person can't do gaillions of little combos and interupt themselves halfway through a heavy motion to do other heavy motions like in the cartoons. The moves look smooth, not jerky and weightless.

Is one better than another? Nope. It depends on what you are going for. They both do what they intended to do well.
They are consistent.

The FPS matter more for action games where you want to be able to see things and react to things to avoid dying. Fallout franchise is a RPG as badly as Bethesda want to reel in children playing COD games it is still based on RPG lore and RPG rules. (where a guy with a baseball bat may be be more deadly than a guy with a gun because he has high strength and can hit multiple things at once in a single move during a zerg rush of ghouls)

So in some ways yes the film-like motion is better when you want to scare the shit out of people. Because we are used to that in films. When we play videogames the audience acts differently because we are dealing with different medium where having quick reaction to onscreen threats is crucial to survival. But since fallout 4 is easy, less frames may make it closer to a film-like experience which is what the developers would go for if they thought people liked that.

When the mole rat lunges at me I don't have to see every little minute motion of its teeth. I can see it is coming my way and the lower framerate my mask some of the poorly done animation of its movements. Film buffs don't want the soap opera effect. Why? because the fakeness of the universe sticks out more.

Xenoblade has nice steady framerate and I think if they are going to go for steady framerate over one that jumps up and down then more power to them. If they want high framerates then I would prefer steady consistent framerate so that aiming is still possible in manual aiming mode.

Remember Candy that old fallouts were turn-based combat which gave you very precise control over when to attack, move, heal, defend etc. These bethesda games only DESIRE high framerate to please the graphics whores who are used to playing action games. I would still buy this if it had bad framerates just like old FROM software titles which moved really slow.

This is where the difference between RPG fans and action shooter fans is visible. The action game fans assume just because something is in FPV it must be a action shooter with smooth framerate. What they don't get is there is a lot of stats underneath that which is being calculated and npc behaviour that is being processed. You go into a village full of people and they all go crazy speaking at once and reacting to each other in unpredictable ways, and this adds stress. RPG need to have worlds not just level where memory is flushed the moment you close a door behind you and never come back to that part again.

What bethesda wants to do is make these rpg franchise as shallow as they can get away with to rake in the big money, but thier engine may not be good enough to really be used in the way they want it to be. (to compete with a COD game)

So we are seeing framerate dips and other shit when they try to put in too many effects and too many explosions and too many npcs and enemies onscreen at once. That wouldn't be a problem for an old school turn based Fallout game where you could press space to pause and think at each step and micromanage shit.

Can you see where the critics are angry now? The engine is old, the old features from new vegas are stripped and they are being ignored because if they make RPG too complex little kids will complain and return the game.

We are not the target anymore man.
For those who are new to Fallout and Elder Scrolls there has been a lot of controversy over the changes bethesda puts into the newer games and you can find heaps of these dicussions and analysis from youtube:
the criticism here also apply to fallout 4.

When I play RPG action isn't as important as the depth of the interaction with the world environment. If there is barely any interactions it's not as realistic or immersive.

The hope is that more people start playing games like Wasteland 2 to see if they can bring back depth to the rpg genre again. This way all those guys who like relaxing action game can play fallout while those who prefer tactical fighting can play wasteland. (maybe one day publisher sees it, makes a big budget 3d sequel with superior engine and competes with bethesda's franchise? much like witcher 3 competed with skyrim and succeeded in showing more interesting NPC interaction and consequences that affect the world around you?)

For us RPG fans sometime immersion is better than better graphics and smooth framerates. The more realistic npc acts and how it afffects your experiece (like the behaviour the next time you talk to them) can be more an achievement than having more of them or having smooth animation and explosions. You can have both, but I think the engine is the let down not the console. When you make games as a third party for all platforms you are not taking advantage of the systems they are on. That's why games don't look next gen or run at choppy framerates right now. It's the truth ok? Coders have to compromise. Plus I think the buggy engine is causing things to be broken. Less money spent marketing the game and more on creating newer technology is what is needed. You'll get a superior product.
All the pc gamers know its old tech with new things, not a whole new engine for a new fallout game. The latter is preferred over the former. The japanese guys when making new games redo an engine from scratch. That way you can have your cool effects, and smooth framerates and (if tailor made to run on low end console tech) details like AI and world that reacts to you convincingly. (I think the thing where they getting stuck to walls or people stuck inside other people is limits of this old tech. Not many triple A games have that problem today as these problems were solved long ago. Could it be creation engine?)

Jeff Gerstmann was criticised by younger reviewers/critics just for talking about the flaws on fallout 4:
Bethesda probably hired rooster teeth to attack him I reckon. lol The industry has stagnated. Xenoblade doesn't crash your wii u ok? The coders should listen to gerstmann maybe look for new talent that can create a better one. (Call it the Re-creation engine) Stop worrying about audience hype or what the masses think. Fix the problems, not the power to censor us. :roll: The content is fine. Just upgrade the tech to modern standard.
So what you're saying is that 24fps is best for gaming because it's the film atandard and they're the exact same.

Cool story bro
Actually Peter Jackson proved 48fps was superior.
selfish wrote:Being a massive fanboy and trying to hide it is Lestat's worst bottleneck.
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Re: Fallout 4!!!!

Post by Cletus »

t0mby wrote:
Candy Arse wrote:
GameHED wrote:Nope. I just think having the 24fps thing makes it more film-like.

The smoother the things move around the less professional the performances of the npcs are because you can see the imperfections in their facial expressions and their movements.

Whether you like more film-like experience or a videogame experience is up to you. I certainly didn't complain about the smooth animation in transformers devastation just because the cartoons had choppy animation did I?
Because I am not biased like you. I just point out that one way of doing something may still be best for viewers that like to consumer the content a certain way while the other way may be more suitable for another group.

Let's take street fighter vs tekken as an example here:

In SF your characters have virtually no weight to their strikes. You can clearly see they have what we would call the comic book physics where they do moves that in real life would pretty much snap your spine.

In tekken the moves are closer to the real life weight of real people.

One is arcade physics for arcade fighting games and anime style presentation.

The other is going for a psuedo lifelike speed of movement where a person can't do gaillions of little combos and interupt themselves halfway through a heavy motion to do other heavy motions like in the cartoons. The moves look smooth, not jerky and weightless.

Is one better than another? Nope. It depends on what you are going for. They both do what they intended to do well.
They are consistent.

The FPS matter more for action games where you want to be able to see things and react to things to avoid dying. Fallout franchise is a RPG as badly as Bethesda want to reel in children playing COD games it is still based on RPG lore and RPG rules. (where a guy with a baseball bat may be be more deadly than a guy with a gun because he has high strength and can hit multiple things at once in a single move during a zerg rush of ghouls)

So in some ways yes the film-like motion is better when you want to scare the shit out of people. Because we are used to that in films. When we play videogames the audience acts differently because we are dealing with different medium where having quick reaction to onscreen threats is crucial to survival. But since fallout 4 is easy, less frames may make it closer to a film-like experience which is what the developers would go for if they thought people liked that.

When the mole rat lunges at me I don't have to see every little minute motion of its teeth. I can see it is coming my way and the lower framerate my mask some of the poorly done animation of its movements. Film buffs don't want the soap opera effect. Why? because the fakeness of the universe sticks out more.

Xenoblade has nice steady framerate and I think if they are going to go for steady framerate over one that jumps up and down then more power to them. If they want high framerates then I would prefer steady consistent framerate so that aiming is still possible in manual aiming mode.

Remember Candy that old fallouts were turn-based combat which gave you very precise control over when to attack, move, heal, defend etc. These bethesda games only DESIRE high framerate to please the graphics whores who are used to playing action games. I would still buy this if it had bad framerates just like old FROM software titles which moved really slow.

This is where the difference between RPG fans and action shooter fans is visible. The action game fans assume just because something is in FPV it must be a action shooter with smooth framerate. What they don't get is there is a lot of stats underneath that which is being calculated and npc behaviour that is being processed. You go into a village full of people and they all go crazy speaking at once and reacting to each other in unpredictable ways, and this adds stress. RPG need to have worlds not just level where memory is flushed the moment you close a door behind you and never come back to that part again.

What bethesda wants to do is make these rpg franchise as shallow as they can get away with to rake in the big money, but thier engine may not be good enough to really be used in the way they want it to be. (to compete with a COD game)

So we are seeing framerate dips and other shit when they try to put in too many effects and too many explosions and too many npcs and enemies onscreen at once. That wouldn't be a problem for an old school turn based Fallout game where you could press space to pause and think at each step and micromanage shit.

Can you see where the critics are angry now? The engine is old, the old features from new vegas are stripped and they are being ignored because if they make RPG too complex little kids will complain and return the game.

We are not the target anymore man.
For those who are new to Fallout and Elder Scrolls there has been a lot of controversy over the changes bethesda puts into the newer games and you can find heaps of these dicussions and analysis from youtube:
the criticism here also apply to fallout 4.

When I play RPG action isn't as important as the depth of the interaction with the world environment. If there is barely any interactions it's not as realistic or immersive.

The hope is that more people start playing games like Wasteland 2 to see if they can bring back depth to the rpg genre again. This way all those guys who like relaxing action game can play fallout while those who prefer tactical fighting can play wasteland. (maybe one day publisher sees it, makes a big budget 3d sequel with superior engine and competes with bethesda's franchise? much like witcher 3 competed with skyrim and succeeded in showing more interesting NPC interaction and consequences that affect the world around you?)

For us RPG fans sometime immersion is better than better graphics and smooth framerates. The more realistic npc acts and how it afffects your experiece (like the behaviour the next time you talk to them) can be more an achievement than having more of them or having smooth animation and explosions. You can have both, but I think the engine is the let down not the console. When you make games as a third party for all platforms you are not taking advantage of the systems they are on. That's why games don't look next gen or run at choppy framerates right now. It's the truth ok? Coders have to compromise. Plus I think the buggy engine is causing things to be broken. Less money spent marketing the game and more on creating newer technology is what is needed. You'll get a superior product.
All the pc gamers know its old tech with new things, not a whole new engine for a new fallout game. The latter is preferred over the former. The japanese guys when making new games redo an engine from scratch. That way you can have your cool effects, and smooth framerates and (if tailor made to run on low end console tech) details like AI and world that reacts to you convincingly. (I think the thing where they getting stuck to walls or people stuck inside other people is limits of this old tech. Not many triple A games have that problem today as these problems were solved long ago. Could it be creation engine?)

Jeff Gerstmann was criticised by younger reviewers/critics just for talking about the flaws on fallout 4:
Bethesda probably hired rooster teeth to attack him I reckon. lol The industry has stagnated. Xenoblade doesn't crash your wii u ok? The coders should listen to gerstmann maybe look for new talent that can create a better one. (Call it the Re-creation engine) Stop worrying about audience hype or what the masses think. Fix the problems, not the power to censor us. :roll: The content is fine. Just upgrade the tech to modern standard.
So what you're saying is that 24fps is best for gaming because it's the film atandard and they're the exact same.

Cool story bro
Actually Peter Jackson proved 48fps was superior.
Here are a bunch of words following the link to the video I posted above. The words may not make a lot of sense and will sometimes include demands made to game developers to include real world type interactions that I want to see in my video games. This is another sentence also containing words following each other to form what appears, at a glance to be something coherent. But when subjected to even the slightest scrutiny, it's obvious that this sentence, like the one before it and the video link have almost no connection to what I'm writing about.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stochastic_resonance" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

In this block of text I will accuse Candy of being an anti gamer with a massive agenda to push pc on any gullible members of the forum. I'll also talk about how women want to deprive gamers of the full experiences that could be included in video games and I will allude to Candy being part of their agenda, driving people toward pc and leaving consoles for women only. I will at no point offer any kind of evidence because lizard illuminati.

http://accidentalscientist.com/2014/12/ ... alley.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Cletus loves Gene Wilder. This is why he's against freedom. He wants games to be 60fps so he can lizard men. Don't mention to him that there's no such thing as a 60fps gene wilder film or he will start banning rocco. Tomby, you need to look at how many movies are being made in 48fps. then you need to compare those movies to a black and white film made before lizard people knew how to hide themselves from the camera. As technology advanced so did their ability to hide their true face. Peter Jackson is using 48fps in movies to test the new lizard cloaking technology. That's why this new frame rate in movies hurts your brain when you watch it. Lizard men.
Last edited by Cletus on 11 Dec 2015 07:18 pm, edited 22 times in total.
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Re: Fallout 4!!!!

Post by t0mby »

Cletus wrote:
t0mby wrote:
GameHED wrote:Nope. I just think having the 24fps thing makes it more film-like.

The smoother the things move around the less professional the performances of the npcs are because you can see the imperfections in their facial expressions and their movements.

Whether you like more film-like experience or a videogame experience is up to you. I certainly didn't complain about the smooth animation in transformers devastation just because the cartoons had choppy animation did I?
Because I am not biased like you. I just point out that one way of doing something may still be best for viewers that like to consumer the content a certain way while the other way may be more suitable for another group.

Let's take street fighter vs tekken as an example here:

In SF your characters have virtually no weight to their strikes. You can clearly see they have what we would call the comic book physics where they do moves that in real life would pretty much snap your spine.

In tekken the moves are closer to the real life weight of real people.

One is arcade physics for arcade fighting games and anime style presentation.

The other is going for a psuedo lifelike speed of movement where a person can't do gaillions of little combos and interupt themselves halfway through a heavy motion to do other heavy motions like in the cartoons. The moves look smooth, not jerky and weightless.

Is one better than another? Nope. It depends on what you are going for. They both do what they intended to do well.
They are consistent.

The FPS matter more for action games where you want to be able to see things and react to things to avoid dying. Fallout franchise is a RPG as badly as Bethesda want to reel in children playing COD games it is still based on RPG lore and RPG rules. (where a guy with a baseball bat may be be more deadly than a guy with a gun because he has high strength and can hit multiple things at once in a single move during a zerg rush of ghouls)

So in some ways yes the film-like motion is better when you want to scare the shit out of people. Because we are used to that in films. When we play videogames the audience acts differently because we are dealing with different medium where having quick reaction to onscreen threats is crucial to survival. But since fallout 4 is easy, less frames may make it closer to a film-like experience which is what the developers would go for if they thought people liked that.

When the mole rat lunges at me I don't have to see every little minute motion of its teeth. I can see it is coming my way and the lower framerate my mask some of the poorly done animation of its movements. Film buffs don't want the soap opera effect. Why? because the fakeness of the universe sticks out more.

Xenoblade has nice steady framerate and I think if they are going to go for steady framerate over one that jumps up and down then more power to them. If they want high framerates then I would prefer steady consistent framerate so that aiming is still possible in manual aiming mode.

Remember Candy that old fallouts were turn-based combat which gave you very precise control over when to attack, move, heal, defend etc. These bethesda games only DESIRE high framerate to please the graphics whores who are used to playing action games. I would still buy this if it had bad framerates just like old FROM software titles which moved really slow.

This is where the difference between RPG fans and action shooter fans is visible. The action game fans assume just because something is in FPV it must be a action shooter with smooth framerate. What they don't get is there is a lot of stats underneath that which is being calculated and npc behaviour that is being processed. You go into a village full of people and they all go crazy speaking at once and reacting to each other in unpredictable ways, and this adds stress. RPG need to have worlds not just level where memory is flushed the moment you close a door behind you and never come back to that part again.

What bethesda wants to do is make these rpg franchise as shallow as they can get away with to rake in the big money, but thier engine may not be good enough to really be used in the way they want it to be. (to compete with a COD game)

So we are seeing framerate dips and other shit when they try to put in too many effects and too many explosions and too many npcs and enemies onscreen at once. That wouldn't be a problem for an old school turn based Fallout game where you could press space to pause and think at each step and micromanage shit.

Can you see where the critics are angry now? The engine is old, the old features from new vegas are stripped and they are being ignored because if they make RPG too complex little kids will complain and return the game.

We are not the target anymore man.
For those who are new to Fallout and Elder Scrolls there has been a lot of controversy over the changes bethesda puts into the newer games and you can find heaps of these dicussions and analysis from youtube:
the criticism here also apply to fallout 4.

When I play RPG action isn't as important as the depth of the interaction with the world environment. If there is barely any interactions it's not as realistic or immersive.

The hope is that more people start playing games like Wasteland 2 to see if they can bring back depth to the rpg genre again. This way all those guys who like relaxing action game can play fallout while those who prefer tactical fighting can play wasteland. (maybe one day publisher sees it, makes a big budget 3d sequel with superior engine and competes with bethesda's franchise? much like witcher 3 competed with skyrim and succeeded in showing more interesting NPC interaction and consequences that affect the world around you?)

For us RPG fans sometime immersion is better than better graphics and smooth framerates. The more realistic npc acts and how it afffects your experiece (like the behaviour the next time you talk to them) can be more an achievement than having more of them or having smooth animation and explosions. You can have both, but I think the engine is the let down not the console. When you make games as a third party for all platforms you are not taking advantage of the systems they are on. That's why games don't look next gen or run at choppy framerates right now. It's the truth ok? Coders have to compromise. Plus I think the buggy engine is causing things to be broken. Less money spent marketing the game and more on creating newer technology is what is needed. You'll get a superior product.
All the pc gamers know its old tech with new things, not a whole new engine for a new fallout game. The latter is preferred over the former. The japanese guys when making new games redo an engine from scratch. That way you can have your cool effects, and smooth framerates and (if tailor made to run on low end console tech) details like AI and world that reacts to you convincingly. (I think the thing where they getting stuck to walls or people stuck inside other people is limits of this old tech. Not many triple A games have that problem today as these problems were solved long ago. Could it be creation engine?)

Jeff Gerstmann was criticised by younger reviewers/critics just for talking about the flaws on fallout 4:
Bethesda probably hired rooster teeth to attack him I reckon. lol The industry has stagnated. Xenoblade doesn't crash your wii u ok? The coders should listen to gerstmann maybe look for new talent that can create a better one. (Call it the Re-creation engine) Stop worrying about audience hype or what the masses think. Fix the problems, not the power to censor us. :roll: The content is fine. Just upgrade the tech to modern standard.
So what you're saying is that 24fps is best for gaming because it's the film atandard and they're the exact same.

Actually Peter Jackson proved 48fps was superior.
Here are a bunch of words following the link to the video I posted above. The words may not make a lot of sense and will sometimes include demands made to game developers to include real world type interactions that I want to see in my video games. This is another sentence also containing words following each other to form what appears, at a glance to be something coherent. But when subjected to even the slightest scrutiny, it's obvious that this sentence, like the one before it and the video link have almost no connection to what I'm writing about.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stochastic_resonance" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

In this block of text I will accuse Candy of being an anti gamer with a massive agenda to push pc on any gullible members of the forum. I'll also talk about how women want to deprive gamers of the full experiences that could be included in video games and I will allude to Candy being part of their agenda, driving people toward pc and leaving consoles for women only. I will at no point offer any kind of evidence because lizard illuminati.

http://accidentalscientist.com/2014/12/ ... alley.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Cletus loves Gene Wilder. This is why he's against freedom. He wants games to be 60fps so he can lizard men. Don't mention to him that there's no such thing as a 60fps gene wilder film or he will start banning rocco. Tomby, you need to look at how many movies are being made in 48fps. then you need to compare those movies to a black and white film made before lizard people knew how to hide themselves from the camera. As technology advanced so did their ability to hide their true face. Peter Jackson is using 48fps in movies to test the new lizard cloaking technology. That's why this new frame rate in movies hurts your brain when you watch it. Lizard men.
Is 48fps movie actually 24fps when in 3D or was it 96fps?
selfish wrote:Being a massive fanboy and trying to hide it is Lestat's worst bottleneck.
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Re: Fallout 4!!!!

Post by GameHED »

Candy Arse wrote:
GameHED wrote:Nope. I just think having the 24fps thing makes it more film-like.

The smoother the things move around the less professional the performances of the npcs are because you can see the imperfections in their facial expressions and their movements.

Whether you like more film-like experience or a videogame experience is up to you. I certainly didn't complain about the smooth animation in transformers devastation just because the cartoons had choppy animation did I?
Because I am not biased like you. I just point out that one way of doing something may still be best for viewers that like to consumer the content a certain way while the other way may be more suitable for another group.

Let's take street fighter vs tekken as an example here:

In SF your characters have virtually no weight to their strikes. You can clearly see they have what we would call the comic book physics where they do moves that in real life would pretty much snap your spine.

In tekken the moves are closer to the real life weight of real people.

One is arcade physics for arcade fighting games and anime style presentation.

The other is going for a psuedo lifelike speed of movement where a person can't do gaillions of little combos and interupt themselves halfway through a heavy motion to do other heavy motions like in the cartoons. The moves look smooth, not jerky and weightless.

Is one better than another? Nope. It depends on what you are going for. They both do what they intended to do well.
They are consistent.

The FPS matter more for action games where you want to be able to see things and react to things to avoid dying. Fallout franchise is a RPG as badly as Bethesda want to reel in children playing COD games it is still based on RPG lore and RPG rules. (where a guy with a baseball bat may be be more deadly than a guy with a gun because he has high strength and can hit multiple things at once in a single move during a zerg rush of ghouls)

So in some ways yes the film-like motion is better when you want to scare the shit out of people. Because we are used to that in films. When we play videogames the audience acts differently because we are dealing with different medium where having quick reaction to onscreen threats is crucial to survival. But since fallout 4 is easy, less frames may make it closer to a film-like experience which is what the developers would go for if they thought people liked that.

When the mole rat lunges at me I don't have to see every little minute motion of its teeth. I can see it is coming my way and the lower framerate my mask some of the poorly done animation of its movements. Film buffs don't want the soap opera effect. Why? because the fakeness of the universe sticks out more.

Xenoblade has nice steady framerate and I think if they are going to go for steady framerate over one that jumps up and down then more power to them. If they want high framerates then I would prefer steady consistent framerate so that aiming is still possible in manual aiming mode.

Remember Candy that old fallouts were turn-based combat which gave you very precise control over when to attack, move, heal, defend etc. These bethesda games only DESIRE high framerate to please the graphics whores who are used to playing action games. I would still buy this if it had bad framerates just like old FROM software titles which moved really slow.

This is where the difference between RPG fans and action shooter fans is visible. The action game fans assume just because something is in FPV it must be a action shooter with smooth framerate. What they don't get is there is a lot of stats underneath that which is being calculated and npc behaviour that is being processed. You go into a village full of people and they all go crazy speaking at once and reacting to each other in unpredictable ways, and this adds stress. RPG need to have worlds not just level where memory is flushed the moment you close a door behind you and never come back to that part again.

What bethesda wants to do is make these rpg franchise as shallow as they can get away with to rake in the big money, but thier engine may not be good enough to really be used in the way they want it to be. (to compete with a COD game)

So we are seeing framerate dips and other shit when they try to put in too many effects and too many explosions and too many npcs and enemies onscreen at once. That wouldn't be a problem for an old school turn based Fallout game where you could press space to pause and think at each step and micromanage shit.

Can you see where the critics are angry now? The engine is old, the old features from new vegas are stripped and they are being ignored because if they make RPG too complex little kids will complain and return the game.

We are not the target anymore man.
For those who are new to Fallout and Elder Scrolls there has been a lot of controversy over the changes bethesda puts into the newer games and you can find heaps of these dicussions and analysis from youtube:
the criticism here also apply to fallout 4.

When I play RPG action isn't as important as the depth of the interaction with the world environment. If there is barely any interactions it's not as realistic or immersive.

The hope is that more people start playing games like Wasteland 2 to see if they can bring back depth to the rpg genre again. This way all those guys who like relaxing action game can play fallout while those who prefer tactical fighting can play wasteland. (maybe one day publisher sees it, makes a big budget 3d sequel with superior engine and competes with bethesda's franchise? much like witcher 3 competed with skyrim and succeeded in showing more interesting NPC interaction and consequences that affect the world around you?)

For us RPG fans sometime immersion is better than better graphics and smooth framerates. The more realistic npc acts and how it afffects your experiece (like the behaviour the next time you talk to them) can be more an achievement than having more of them or having smooth animation and explosions. You can have both, but I think the engine is the let down not the console. When you make games as a third party for all platforms you are not taking advantage of the systems they are on. That's why games don't look next gen or run at choppy framerates right now. It's the truth ok? Coders have to compromise. Plus I think the buggy engine is causing things to be broken. Less money spent marketing the game and more on creating newer technology is what is needed. You'll get a superior product.
All the pc gamers know its old tech with new things, not a whole new engine for a new fallout game. The latter is preferred over the former. The japanese guys when making new games redo an engine from scratch. That way you can have your cool effects, and smooth framerates and (if tailor made to run on low end console tech) details like AI and world that reacts to you convincingly. (I think the thing where they getting stuck to walls or people stuck inside other people is limits of this old tech. Not many triple A games have that problem today as these problems were solved long ago. Could it be creation engine?)

Jeff Gerstmann was criticised by younger reviewers/critics just for talking about the flaws on fallout 4:
Bethesda probably hired rooster teeth to attack him I reckon. lol The industry has stagnated. Xenoblade doesn't crash your wii u ok? The coders should listen to gerstmann maybe look for new talent that can create a better one. (Call it the Re-creation engine) Stop worrying about audience hype or what the masses think. Fix the problems, not the power to censor us. :roll: The content is fine. Just upgrade the tech to modern standard.
So what you're saying is that 24fps is best for gaming because it's the film atandard and they're the exact same.

Cool story bro
Yes the soap opera effect sickens people. It makes the experience look low budget like they are watching tv series instead of a movie. Actors who move around don't want you to see every tiny detail of their movements as it makes things look fake. You get to see the imperfections of their movements more. Videogames generaly get away with it because you are moving the camera around like crazy. In a game like Fallout, you don't need to think of the game as an action game but a interactive movie experience which is the direction RPG are heading now.

In the days of ultima VII you couldn't give a shit that your character moves jerky from one space to another space because you are thinking about the quests. It's only because you are used to playig shooters and action games that you demand that RPG must have 60fps. (30 fps was fine for last gen. This is an open world game. The engine is shit. That's the reason it runs like crap. Not because of the platform. Xenoblade runs steady framerate you dick, and it's on WII U!! The japanese have better work ethic where they polish the crap out of game then release it when ready. Not while it run crap. This is called the nintendo seal of quality. Why is it that we demand japanese games use new engine for each new game but americans can get away with recycling for SO LONG? You don't think that's racist?

Gerstmann explains that in modern time bethesda shouldn't be given an easy pass anymore and automatic 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 on metacritic. Now that witcher 3 is out the bar is raised. They need to prgress with each sequel. Not think of sequel as giant expansion pack. That's what makes gaming exciting from one decade to another.

Batman looks awesome, is open world, isn't buggy, has decent framerate, run ok on console. It looks polished. So why can't we see new engine? You're a fanboy. I like the ES games and FO games but the things gerstmannn talks about is to do mostly with the engine being old. And that is why it feels like a slight upgrade to skyrim rather than a polished new game. He is not bashing the game but fans need to understand that although it looks like a big jump up from FO3, compared to other rival games it looks rough and the game doesn't need to be choppy with today's engines that are out there now. Look at the jumps between GTA games.

In the old days when morrowind oblivion and skyrim were out bethesda got easy pass because they were the only game in town. They were the only guys who did open world stuff. Others couldn't make it as good. But 2015 and onwards they are not the only one doing that. So to stay ahead of the rival they should think about major changes to engine so that people notice it as a next gen title. Competition is good. It makes the companies push harder for better and better things. Look at the rivalry between Infinity Ward and Treyarch. Both really great developers (one makes great content and campaign ie Black Ops, the other made smoother engine) If they can look at what the competition is doing with their engines and outdo them then they will get back to earning the 9s and 10s again instead of mere 8s.

As I said the content is good. Just advance the tech a bit like the japanese companies and spend less money on marketing and more on the quality assurance. (the more polished the game is the more points)
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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Re: Fallout 4!!!!

Post by GameHED »

Go to the pc user reviews sections of metacritic and look at the negative comments.

Almost everyone agrees the faces look like the people are made out of clay.

In 2015 post GTA 5 on last gen consoles, why does a 2015 next gen fallout game look uglier than a last gen GTA game?

Things advance. We are too soft on them. Hire better coders. Make them work on better engines in the backgrond while they make existing sequels, and then when they release the current sequel, the new engine is ready for the sequel after the current game. This way you have two things going on at once instead of one thing.
Think several steps ahead in 10 year cycles. Not just what we have now.

Not hard to do.

If ubisoft get criticised for watchdogs looking worse than GTA5 than bethesda should be scrutinised for not polishing their games to look as good as witcher 3. Less hype and less marketing and more money towards coders to push further. Remember those are all third party titles not first party titles which tend to be the most polished games of all.
So if they keep ignoring fan criticisms, they are only going to fall further and further behind and lose money if they don't invest in this stuff. We can have steady framerate with console, it's just the engine is old. Same reason all the call of duty games look the same. No real big advances in tech. Yes the masses will keep buying it, but they are not critics. They just buy what is safe and what others buy. This results in stagnation and other companies look at that and just aim for the lowest common denominator. It's already happening when you look at stuff like how puzzles are so easy that they are almost pointless. At least give us something on the level of zelda games which rewards you for thinking.

Don't underestimate the intelligence of kds. They are smarter than you think. And if they are dumb the internet provides a wealth of support and guides so they'd never get stuck. Don't aim for the lowest common denominator. Go for the critics who know the developer is capable of more because of the previous stuff and the rivals that have come to show what is possible now.

bethesda make great games overall, but the upgrades from game to game are not as big as critics expect.
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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Candy Arse
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Re: Fallout 4!!!!

Post by Candy Arse »

Cletus wrote:
Candy Arse wrote:
GameHED wrote:Nope. I just think having the 24fps thing makes it more film-like.

The smoother the things move around the less professional the performances of the npcs are because you can see the imperfections in their facial expressions and their movements.

Whether you like more film-like experience or a videogame experience is up to you. I certainly didn't complain about the smooth animation in transformers devastation just because the cartoons had choppy animation did I?
Because I am not biased like you. I just point out that one way of doing something may still be best for viewers that like to consumer the content a certain way while the other way may be more suitable for another group.

Let's take street fighter vs tekken as an example here:

In SF your characters have virtually no weight to their strikes. You can clearly see they have what we would call the comic book physics where they do moves that in real life would pretty much snap your spine.

In tekken the moves are closer to the real life weight of real people.

One is arcade physics for arcade fighting games and anime style presentation.

The other is going for a psuedo lifelike speed of movement where a person can't do gaillions of little combos and interupt themselves halfway through a heavy motion to do other heavy motions like in the cartoons. The moves look smooth, not jerky and weightless.

Is one better than another? Nope. It depends on what you are going for. They both do what they intended to do well.
They are consistent.

The FPS matter more for action games where you want to be able to see things and react to things to avoid dying. Fallout franchise is a RPG as badly as Bethesda want to reel in children playing COD games it is still based on RPG lore and RPG rules. (where a guy with a baseball bat may be be more deadly than a guy with a gun because he has high strength and can hit multiple things at once in a single move during a zerg rush of ghouls)

So in some ways yes the film-like motion is better when you want to scare the shit out of people. Because we are used to that in films. When we play videogames the audience acts differently because we are dealing with different medium where having quick reaction to onscreen threats is crucial to survival. But since fallout 4 is easy, less frames may make it closer to a film-like experience which is what the developers would go for if they thought people liked that.

When the mole rat lunges at me I don't have to see every little minute motion of its teeth. I can see it is coming my way and the lower framerate my mask some of the poorly done animation of its movements. Film buffs don't want the soap opera effect. Why? because the fakeness of the universe sticks out more.

Xenoblade has nice steady framerate and I think if they are going to go for steady framerate over one that jumps up and down then more power to them. If they want high framerates then I would prefer steady consistent framerate so that aiming is still possible in manual aiming mode.

Remember Candy that old fallouts were turn-based combat which gave you very precise control over when to attack, move, heal, defend etc. These bethesda games only DESIRE high framerate to please the graphics whores who are used to playing action games. I would still buy this if it had bad framerates just like old FROM software titles which moved really slow.

This is where the difference between RPG fans and action shooter fans is visible. The action game fans assume just because something is in FPV it must be a action shooter with smooth framerate. What they don't get is there is a lot of stats underneath that which is being calculated and npc behaviour that is being processed. You go into a village full of people and they all go crazy speaking at once and reacting to each other in unpredictable ways, and this adds stress. RPG need to have worlds not just level where memory is flushed the moment you close a door behind you and never come back to that part again.

What bethesda wants to do is make these rpg franchise as shallow as they can get away with to rake in the big money, but thier engine may not be good enough to really be used in the way they want it to be. (to compete with a COD game)

So we are seeing framerate dips and other shit when they try to put in too many effects and too many explosions and too many npcs and enemies onscreen at once. That wouldn't be a problem for an old school turn based Fallout game where you could press space to pause and think at each step and micromanage shit.

Can you see where the critics are angry now? The engine is old, the old features from new vegas are stripped and they are being ignored because if they make RPG too complex little kids will complain and return the game.

We are not the target anymore man.
For those who are new to Fallout and Elder Scrolls there has been a lot of controversy over the changes bethesda puts into the newer games and you can find heaps of these dicussions and analysis from youtube:
the criticism here also apply to fallout 4.

When I play RPG action isn't as important as the depth of the interaction with the world environment. If there is barely any interactions it's not as realistic or immersive.

The hope is that more people start playing games like Wasteland 2 to see if they can bring back depth to the rpg genre again. This way all those guys who like relaxing action game can play fallout while those who prefer tactical fighting can play wasteland. (maybe one day publisher sees it, makes a big budget 3d sequel with superior engine and competes with bethesda's franchise? much like witcher 3 competed with skyrim and succeeded in showing more interesting NPC interaction and consequences that affect the world around you?)

For us RPG fans sometime immersion is better than better graphics and smooth framerates. The more realistic npc acts and how it afffects your experiece (like the behaviour the next time you talk to them) can be more an achievement than having more of them or having smooth animation and explosions. You can have both, but I think the engine is the let down not the console. When you make games as a third party for all platforms you are not taking advantage of the systems they are on. That's why games don't look next gen or run at choppy framerates right now. It's the truth ok? Coders have to compromise. Plus I think the buggy engine is causing things to be broken. Less money spent marketing the game and more on creating newer technology is what is needed. You'll get a superior product.
All the pc gamers know its old tech with new things, not a whole new engine for a new fallout game. The latter is preferred over the former. The japanese guys when making new games redo an engine from scratch. That way you can have your cool effects, and smooth framerates and (if tailor made to run on low end console tech) details like AI and world that reacts to you convincingly. (I think the thing where they getting stuck to walls or people stuck inside other people is limits of this old tech. Not many triple A games have that problem today as these problems were solved long ago. Could it be creation engine?)

Jeff Gerstmann was criticised by younger reviewers/critics just for talking about the flaws on fallout 4:
Bethesda probably hired rooster teeth to attack him I reckon. lol The industry has stagnated. Xenoblade doesn't crash your wii u ok? The coders should listen to gerstmann maybe look for new talent that can create a better one. (Call it the Re-creation engine) Stop worrying about audience hype or what the masses think. Fix the problems, not the power to censor us. :roll: The content is fine. Just upgrade the tech to modern standard.
So what you're saying is that 24fps is best for gaming because it's the film atandard and they're the exact same.

Cool story bro
Here are a bunch of words following the link to the video I posted above. The words may not make a lot of sense and will sometimes include demands made to game developers to include real world type interactions that I want to see in my video games. This is another sentence also containing words following each other to form what appears, at a glance to be something coherent. But when subjected to even the slightest scrutiny, it's obvious that this sentence, like the one before it and the video link have almost no connection to what I'm writing about.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stochastic_resonance" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

In this block of text I will accuse Candy of being an anti gamer with a massive agenda to push pc on any gullible members of the forum. I'll also talk about how women want to deprive gamers of the full experiences that could be included in video games and I will allude to Candy being part of their agenda, driving people toward pc and leaving consoles for women only. I will at no point offer any kind of evidence because lizard illuminati.

http://accidentalscientist.com/2014/12/ ... alley.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Cletus loves Gene Wilder. This is why he's against freedom. He wants games to be 60fps so he can lizard men. Don't mention to him that there's no such thing as a 60fps gene wilder film or he will start banning rocco. Tomby, you need to look at how many movies are being made in 48fps. then you need to compare those movies to a black and white film made before lizard people knew how to hide themselves from the camera. As technology advanced so did their ability to hide their true face. Peter Jackson is using 48fps in movies to test the new lizard cloaking technology. That's why this new frame rate in movies hurts your brain when you watch it. Lizard men.

This is gold

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Re: Fallout 4!!!!

Post by t0mby »

And his 22 edits!!!! :rollin:
selfish wrote:Being a massive fanboy and trying to hide it is Lestat's worst bottleneck.
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Re: Fallout 4!!!!

Post by ObSoLeTe »


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Re: Fallout 4!!!!

Post by GameHED »

XBox one version still has problems with the new patch:

http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digit ... d-the-ugly" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Wait until the game is fixed before buying this game. So far the ps4 version is stable but I did get a crash during a sandstorm while trading with an NPC.

This is why companies need to follow nintendo's lead of delaying something until absolutely sure there is no bugs or glitches or crashes for games. Yes we aren't living in the days of the cartridges anymore so today people don't give a shit. But it's a good work ethic and customers like it as it develops trust. It shows you care about them rather than use them to get money.

There is a difference between working on games to make money and making money while making games.
There are two companies:

1. the EA style big corporations that like money but will screw over the customer and censor critics. (eg rooster teeth being hired by Bethesda to bully Jeff Gerstmann by proxy) Microsoft (rejected the idea of waggle back when it wasn't proven and the inventor went to nintendo who accepted them) and EA (censor the critics on their own boards).

2. the little guys (or just humble developers) who need to prove themselves and make awesome games while getting money making awesome games but not making money the only reason to be there. Nintendo, CD Projekt , Sony (managed to save thier reputation this gen by not allowing "always online DRM" which luckily they made the right choice to respect customers) etc are examples.

You want to be type 2 not type 1. The short term it's good to act like you care (hoping the fanboys outnumber the critics who point out flaws) but over time people know you are there to take money not provide them happiness. As an example the Horse Armor DLC isn't as popular as full blown quality expansion. Good companies changed to please customers once people attitudes to online purchases changed. Anyone who wastes money gives them an excuse to keep doing it. So hold on to the money until you get what you want. This way they will act more like nintendo and delay until the game is truly polished up and you don't end up wasting your time.
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Re: Fallout 4!!!!

Post by Yoshi Sonic »

This thread has a lot of smooth scrolling.
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Re: Fallout 4!!!!

Post by Madmya »

Can a game be too big?

Better to be too big than too small I guess, there's just so much to do in this world. I hate how much time I spend juggling items. That really annoys me.
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Re: Fallout 4!!!!

Post by GameHED »

Played more the past two days and still only level 19. I always do a miscellaneous quest and it turns out bigger than i expected.


always travel light. Drop all your shit inside containers and write notes on some scrap paper about where you left your stashes of garbage to sell. It really frees up the delay between actually playing and inventory management. Since I get so little money for everything I sell (low charisma) I just chuck it all in a box in sanctuary and go on a trading run every three quests. (while on a trading run you only fast travel from major town to major town in a circle equipped with primary and secondary gear only)

Makes my life so much less stessful.

this is my cycle:
-kill everything in a dungeon without picking anything up so I can concentrate on story and gameplay.

-after taking down the boss, saving the npc etc I revisit the area collecting all the loot by scavenging all the dead things and looking for tiny stuff on the floor like bobbleheads (although I sometimes cheat and peek at the guidebook after clearing an area to see if there is anything I missed)

-if I can't carry it all back, I stuff shit into fixed containers which I remember that has the loot (fixed containers hold loot longer than dead bodies I think)

-fast travel to town and stash all loot in a 'things for sale' box. (putting all my battle gear inside another box so I can use the "take all" button when I am not in loot mode anymore but want to go back to fight mode. I call it the "things I wear to battle" box)

-fast travel back to dungeon to get the rest (wearing only my undies and basic weapons and armour - remember all my good combat gear and armour is in a box back at home, giving me more carrying capacity for each loot run to the dungeon)

-grab it all (and using partner to hold the rest). Usually this consists of going from fixed container to fixed container until pockets are fuil

-fast travel back home again and stuff all in the 'for sale box'. Then repeat the last two above steps (and this step if there is still more) until nothing left to loot in the dungeon/building whatever.

-go on trading run (wearing my clean business suit and charisma-boosting hat to boost charisma plus take drugs to boost charisma even more to get the best possible prices) The trading run includes every town you visited already that has shops/multiple shops. It is typically a giant circle you make fast travelling clockwise or anti clockwise that starts at sanctuary and goes from each town you have visited at least once, ...that finally loops back to your home at sanctuary. You only carry basic armor and weapons since you are fast traveling.

-after obtaining caps from looting dungeons and finishing your trading run, you can go back to the box with all your fave gear at home in sanctuary and use the "take all" button to get all the combat gear you had when you were in fight mode killing people in the dungeon.

That's basically how I play the whole game now. Occasionally I will just go and explore a grid space on the world map that I have not gone to yet to fill in the local map data. (the game remembers where you been)

Usually it take about three visits to a dungeon to get absolutetly everything that isn't nailed down. But since my guy gets so little money for selling things I am ok with slow pace. It means I look everywhere and never ever have to go back. I feel satisfied that I didn't miss anything but it means I am doing it painfully slow. (which means I received more quests than I complete and end up with giant list of quests on my to do list.

To truly get everything my character will need to visit all those old dungeons that had locks I could not open. So even if I have seen everything I still got to go on one final "collector run" to clear the areas I visited but which I couldn't clear.

Hopefully by the time I have done this bethesda listens to fans ad give us hardcore mode from NV:

http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2016- ... dcore-mode" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

The features that were good in NV should be brought back as official features in all future FO games from now on imo.
Also think about a feature where you can switch characters and see their stats and stuff like that.
Imagine for instance your partner is much higher charisma than your main character, and you get to select him and use him to do all the bartering? Much more realistic. Each partner can be more like a equal status character rather than a "follower" and instead of being tied to going where you go, can think for himself/herself and when you control them you can take advantage of their stats to do tasks that you are crap at. (eg if a quest requires hacking and you have no hacking ability) If you order them around that does the same thing but its a bit more clunky. What would be better is an option to switch to control them directly.

Imagine being dogmeat and going into stealth mode and sniffing for items in the wasteland? Or controlling which body part to bite and rip off? You could sprint much faster (he is lighter so exploring a dangerous area might be safer with him) sneak better, and hear and smell from longer distance (much higher perception) than your main character so you could hunt as him rather than merely use him. When you meet other dogs you could sniff their butts, mate and have puppies and there is a main quest for that character.
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Re: Fallout 4!!!!

Post by Hercy »

GameHED wrote: Pro-tip:

always travel light. Drop all your shit inside containers and write notes on some scrap paper about where you left your stashes of garbage to sell. It really frees up the delay between actually playing and inventory management. Since I get so little money for everything I sell (low charisma) I just chuck it all in a box in sanctuary and go on a trading run every three quests. (while on a trading run you only fast travel from major town to major town in a circle equipped with primary and secondary gear only)

Makes my life so much less stessful.

this is my cycle:
-kill everything in a dungeon without picking anything up so I can concentrate on story and gameplay.

-after taking down the boss, saving the npc etc I revisit the area collecting all the loot by scavenging all the dead things and looking for tiny stuff on the floor like bobbleheads (although I sometimes cheat and peek at the guidebook after clearing an area to see if there is anything I missed)

-if I can't carry it all back, I stuff shit into fixed containers which I remember that has the loot (fixed containers hold loot longer than dead bodies I think)

-fast travel to town and stash all loot in a 'things for sale' box. (putting all my battle gear inside another box so I can use the "take all" button when I am not in loot mode anymore but want to go back to fight mode. I call it the "things I wear to battle" box)

-fast travel back to dungeon to get the rest (wearing only my undies and basic weapons and armour - remember all my good combat gear and armour is in a box back at home, giving me more carrying capacity for each loot run to the dungeon)

-grab it all (and using partner to hold the rest). Usually this consists of going from fixed container to fixed container until pockets are fuil

-fast travel back home again and stuff all in the 'for sale box'. Then repeat the last two above steps (and this step if there is still more) until nothing left to loot in the dungeon/building whatever.

-go on trading run (wearing my clean business suit and charisma-boosting hat to boost charisma plus take drugs to boost charisma even more to get the best possible prices) The trading run includes every town you visited already that has shops/multiple shops. It is typically a giant circle you make fast travelling clockwise or anti clockwise that starts at sanctuary and goes from each town you have visited at least once, ...that finally loops back to your home at sanctuary. You only carry basic armor and weapons since you are fast traveling.

-after obtaining caps from looting dungeons and finishing your trading run, you can go back to the box with all your fave gear at home in sanctuary and use the "take all" button to get all the combat gear you had when you were in fight mode killing people in the dungeon.
This sounds like a lot of fun. No wonder the game is so popular.
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Re: Fallout 4!!!!

Post by GameHED »

Well if you are low on money you are going to look absolutely everywhere just like looking for secrets in mario games.

Sometimes I come across a dead body and there is a note giving hints about stash of goodies in a certain location in the world I haven't heard of yet, and the map is updated with a new location to investigate. You feel like dropping everything you are doing and finding the loot the note talks about.

That's a story. That's how you get people to play games. Mystery. You'll of course eventually find it by exploring everything on the map to see everything, but doing it by randomly gazing at the ground and looking for dead things is more organic form of discovery of the world.

Face it all RPG is about hunting for things getting things, and killing things with those things you stole. Story is just the icing on the cake.

All games were like this. They were simply walking simulators in a giant dungeon called the world map. The world told you its story and history the more you travelled. People get lost in the world and notice how much time in the real world is lost just looking around.

Only thing is the black humour needs to come back. Obsidian needs to take control of the series again. Bethesda is better with ES games. The combat is much improved over new vegas but NV is still the deeper game with more interesting people in it.
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Re: Fallout 4!!!!

Post by klee123 »

Whilst I enjoyed the game, I'm not a big fan of the quest design especially when the Minuteman is concerned.

Overall I feel New Vegas and even F3 had better quests overall.
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Re: Fallout 4!!!!

Post by GameHED »

I'm having way more fun in this with combat. But I feel like it's now 70% action shooter game, and 30% rpg.

the rpg element of these games is being slowly watered down as time goes on and more people play games in general. The mainstream gamers want instant gratification.

This is why I think a rival to Fallout with big budget should be done that retains all the things that were good from older games.
Obsidian need another chance.
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Re: Fallout 4!!!!

Post by GameHED »

A few things I did since last post:

-cleared out Hallucigen
-wiped out auto wreckers occupants
-investigated museum of witchcraft and almost got killed by level 60 deathclaw (I've killed deathclaws before but this guy can kill me in 2 hits since I am only a level 22 guy. Had to hide in a tiny room where it couldn't fit and then pop out and shoot it in the face with missile launcher about 10 times lol Ended up returning the egg back to nest)
-boosted defenses of farms I own by placing my turrets on the roof and assigning guards to beds closer to the checkpoint to save them walking time
-Investigated the mystery of the townspeople in covenant (don't want to spoil)
-upgraded melee weapons now that I can craft level 2 mods (super sledge can now burn people as well as do base damage)

Currently trying out a quest at the Finch Farm.

Now although I don't have time to manage these settlements, I think the feature is a nice thing to have if only to give the game a sense of "taking control" of territory by doing good things. Not merely walking across it. I see where they were going with this.
It kind of reminds me of the system in saints row where the more areas you control the more of your homies will happen to walk by you if you are being attacked and then they help you out and fight the dangerous threats for you so you can continue on with your business while they do the small jobs. You are having an effect on the world around you by history of interactions with people who an help you to help them which in turn makes the roads safer to travel. Compare this to say far cry games where all you do is fetch things. The world is static. By giving you some say in how a town should look it makes you think about the types of defenses or the food you wish to grow. Money and resources go to people, people work, their work produces something of value, that value benefits you in indirect ways. (eg surplus food can be sold to merchants to help you afford to buy more expensive items in shops. Having those items lets you kill tougher monsters and loot them of even better stuff which then allows you to clear more of the map...etc until you have seen and done everything the world lets you.)

Now although this might seem repetitive there is a sim element to it in that people are attracted to safety and will join you if you make them happy. The payoff is less overall danger exploring the map. (use the flare gun to call your homies and summon them like police using bat signal to call batman lol)

I personally don't invest much into it, but I appreciate that they were thinking about these things because it is what I would do if I were really living in fallout univers with raiders spawning in random places trying to steal from traders and getting mobbed all the time. I know i wouldn't single-handedly kill stuff and solve the problem that way. (way too many things to handle by yourself - you got to divide up the work) I would most likely hire dudes to build fortresses and try to do good things that have long lasting effects. (this then attracts traders and merchants who need places to sell shit to where people want to live. You could probably bribe the gangs to only attack your business rivals if you were a mean person)

The weakness (which many reviewers rightly point out) is how they took out all these things that worked that didn't need to be changed. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Instead IMPROVE on it, don't just replace it with something worse. lol
Why waste all that stuff if people say its superior to the other way of handling things?
Last edited by GameHED on 20 Jan 2016 02:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Fallout 4!!!!

Post by Candy Arse »

GameHED wrote:A few things I did since last post:

-cleared out Hallucigen
-wiped out auto wreckers occupants
-investigated museum of witchcraft and almost got killed by level 60 deathclaw (I've killed deathclaws before but this guy can kill me in 2 hits since I am only a level 22 guy. Had to hide in a tiny room where it couldn't fit and then pop out and shoot it in the face with missile launcher about 10 times lol Ended up returning the egg back to nest)
-boosted defenses of farms I own by placing my turrets on the roof and assigning guards to beds closer to the checkpoint to save them walking time
-Investigated the mystery of the townspeople in covenant (don't want to spoil)
-upgraded melee weapons now that I can craft level 2 mods (super sledge can now burn people as well as do base damage)

Currently trying out a quest at the Finch Farm.

Now although I don't have time to manage these settlements, I think the feature is a nice thing to have if only to give the game a sense of "taking control" of territory by doing good things. Not merely walking across it. I see where they were going with this.
It kind of reminds me of the system in saints row where the more areas you control the more of your homies will happen to walk by you if you are being attacked and then they help you out and fight the dangerous threats for you so you can continue on with your business while they do the small jobs. You are having an effect on the world around you by history of interactions with people who an help you to help them whih in turn makes the roads safer to travel.

The weakness is how they took out all these things that worked that didn't need to be changed. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Instead improve on it, don't just replace it with something worse. lol
Just so we're clear - are you still talking about Fallout 4 here or is this what you've done in real life?
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Re: Fallout 4!!!!

Post by GameHED »

If level 60 deathclaws actually existed and could rip you in half with a few finger slaps, I wouldn't try punching it to death, or let myself try to blow off its face with rocket launcher indoors like a retard. I would just blow up the entire building from space with a giant laser and be as far away from earth I could get.

That's why we need real suits in real life.

Have you seen those power loader suits they use in asia?
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Re: Fallout 4!!!!

Post by GameHED »

Last edited by GameHED on 20 Jan 2016 02:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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