Tyranny - new Obsidian RPG

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Tyranny - new Obsidian RPG

Post by GameHED »

Looks good. Sounds like the opening to a new Legacy of Kain game:
Obsidian Entertainment has announced a new RPG at the Paradox GDC press conference. It's called Tyranny.

Due "at some point in 2016, Tyranny won't be a successor to Pillars of Eternity, but it will run on the same engine.

This time out you create a character who played a principal role in the domination of this land. Dubbed the "Fatebinder", you'll customise not only their look but also their history as you select certain decisions they made in the recent upheaval. These will drastically effect the state of the world, and Obsidian promises many branching storylines.

Here's a brief teaser:
In Tyranny, the grand war between good and evil is over –and the forces of evil, led by Kyros, the Overlord, have won. The Overlord’s merciless armies dominate the face of the world, and its denizens must find their new roles within the war-torn realm. Players interact with the population of the populace to inspire loyalty, disgust, or fear as they roam the world as an officer in Kyros’ forces, empowered to act as both judge and executioner.

Paradox Interactive and Obsidian Entertainment are proud to unveil the next product of their partnership. For more info about the world of Tyranny, visit http://pdxint.at/1M4SdMl" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

My character's name will be Kain. And he will be a non-gay vampire (these are a minority) without a glittering penis which causes him to be exhiled from his land and roam the world as an outcast who survives by fucking sex-starved monsters (AKA as ugly people who can't find a date on saturday night) for money to pay for his swords and armor. Making false accusations about rape by monster is another way to get rich which causes him to be more hated than anita sarkesian so that is why the world is so angry and is trying to hunt him down so bad. The monsters are actually the good guys but since they are ugly nobody respects their word. The world is so fucked up that monsters are like gods to people and humans are overpowered dicks who have made themselves almost extinct from in-fighting.

In my character's history monsters have often been hired by educated humans who can't afford to get their hands dirty or their reputation is ruined, so they use the ugly monsters as a weapon to attack their rivals by proxy. It's a complex relationship. Sort of like Gungans in star wars who are rude and filthy but are needed to provide grunt work whenever there is danger of foreign invasions. The monsters can't fight for shit but you are one of the best at fighting by human standards so the monsters want to fuck you. And you are not ugly so you act like a bridge between the good looking people and the underworld.
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Re: Tyranny - new Obsidian RPG

Post by Candy Arse »

PC only?

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Re: Tyranny - new Obsidian RPG

Post by GameHED »

This ones coming to consoles though:
pc release was delayed so console version could release simultaneously lol
http://www.polygon.com/2016/3/4/1116088 ... ayed-on-pc" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
A spokesperson for the Prague-based studio told Polygon that, while the Windows PC version was due to be released this summer, it will now be delayed to coincide with the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions. He added that the game "is still planned" for a 2016 release on all platforms.
The game has no dragons BTW. The bible actually mentions them as being real creatures so I don't understand why they feel the need to assume that having no dragons = "realistic" rpg
Ancient explorers and historians, like Josephus, told of small flying reptiles in ancient Egypt and Arabia and described their predators, the ibis, stopping their invasion into Egypt. (Epstein, Perle S., Monsters: Their Histories, Homes, and Habits, 1973, p.43.) A third century historian Gaius Solinus, discussed the Arabian flying serpents, and stated that “the poison is so quick that death follows before pain can be felt.” (Cobbin, Ingram, Condensed Commentary and Family Exposition on the Whole Bible, 1837, p. 171.) The well-respected Greek researcher Herodotus wrote: “There is a place in Arabia, situated very near the city of Buto, to which I went, on hearing of some winged serpents; and when I arrived there, I saw bones and spines of serpents, in such quantities as it would be impossible to describe. The form of the serpent is like that of the water-snake; but he has wings without feathers, and as like as possible to the wings of a bat.” (Herodotus, Historiae, tr. Henry Clay, 1850, pp. 75-76.) This is a remarkable description of a pterosaur! In his third volume Herodotus goes on to tell how these animals could sometimes be found in the Arabian spice groves. He describes their size, coloration, and reproduction. It seems that venomous flying serpents were infamous for living in frankincense trees. When workers wanted to gather the tree’s incense, they would employ putrid smoke to drive the flying reptiles away. (Note the illustration below to the the left.) Herodotus has been called “the Father of History” because he was the first historian we know who collected his materials systematically and then tested them for accuracy. John Goertzen noted the Egyptian representation of tail vanes with flying reptiles and concluded that they must have observed pterosaurs or they would not have known to sketch this leaf-shaped tail. (Goertzen, J.C., “Shadows of Rhamphorhynchoid Pterosaurs in Ancient Egypt and Nubia,” Cryptozoology, Vol 13, 1998.)
On April 26, 1890 the Tombstone Epitaph (a local Arizona newspaper) reported that two cowboys had discovered and shot down a creature – described as a “winged dragon” – which resembled a pterodactyl, only MUCH larger. The cowboys said its wingspan was 160 feet, and that its body was more than four feet wide and 92 feet long. The cowboys supposedly cut off the end of the wing to prove the existence of the creature. The paper’s description of the animal fits the Quetzelcoatlus, whose fossils were found in Texas. (Gish, Dinosaurs by Design, 1992, p. 16.) Could this be thunderbird or Wakinyan, the jagged-winged, fierce-toothed flying creature of Sioux American Indian legend? This thunderbird supposedly lived in a cave on the top of the Olympic Mountains and feasted on seafood. Different from the eagle (Wanbli) or hawk (Cetan) the Wakinyan was said to be huge, carrying off children, and was named because of its association with thunder and lightning–supposedly being struck by lightning and seen to fall to the ground during a storm. (Geis, Darlene, Dinosaurs & Other Prehistoric Animals, 1959, p. 9.) It was further distinguished by its piercing cry and thunderous beating wings (Lame Deer’s 1969 interview).
http://www.genesispark.com/exhibits/evi ... l/dragons/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

dragons are as much a myth as panda bears would be myth if they became extinct

Bible mentions Leviathan (giant sea monster which was too tough for man to overcome):
https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Job+41" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

The existence of giants and ancient monsters has always been covered up by the Reptilians/Synagogue of Satan/Talmud branch of jews.
There are loads of weird creatures that are still roaming out there like rare pokemon that people probably thought never existed but were spotted and just got away.

eg Magic rabbit:
http://www.boredpanda.com/rare-endanger ... ika-china/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Most people live in comfortable cities and simply never explore so everything that isn't easy to find = mythical beasts
I think if they treat monsters as something that might be extremely rare findings in RPG they can be presented as realistic if the makers of games know how to make them plausible like in the monster hunter games where they don't seem magical or too fantastic but just have regular abilities of big animals.
Reptilians with dinosaur like motions and mannerisms simply become the dragons of legend. And the mystery surrounding them is merely the lack of information about them not that they are special or unique. (just rare enough to be considered scary to superstitious cultures which make up a lot of shit about them to control people and scare kids who grow up to worship them as gods and make sacrifices to them which makes the priests rich from all the gifts offered)
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Re: Tyranny - new Obsidian RPG

Post by GreyWizzard »

Looking at the cut scenes for Tyranny I thought it was a mobile phone game.
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Re: Tyranny - new Obsidian RPG

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ITT: GH in denial that he's a Twilight Fan.
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Re: Tyranny - new Obsidian RPG

Post by pilonv1 »

Paradox are gods, super interested in this
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Re: Tyranny - new Obsidian RPG

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PC and Mac only :lol:

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Re: Tyranny - new Obsidian RPG

Post by GameHED »

GreyWizzard wrote:Looking at the cut scenes for Tyranny I thought it was a mobile phone game.
blame bethesda. They didn't get the bonus from Fallout NV which got too low a metacritic scores (the reason eurogamer now doesn't use numbers in reviews anymore) and now they have lowered themselves to making tiny low budget stuff that looks like it was made 15 years ago.

But just because it looks old doesn't mean the game is crap. It just means it's low budget.

There are lots of great low budget stuff on 3DS right now.

Eg Cube 3D creator: (minecraft clone with 3D graphics)
every sale of that game helps kill off pc gaming as the clones make enough money to pad out the console and handheld gaming library and help sell more dedicated game devices.

Sadame (a diablo clone without the always online bullshit that blizzard forces upon you):
note the old school SNES graphics to appeal to retro crowd. Low budget looking game but deep gameplay.

PC gamers must face facts: there isn't anything in the indie scene that couldn't easily be done on consoles and if the developers don't port their games then cloners WILL and make loads of money capitalising on the developers stupidity.
Smart companies make clones of things that are sucessful.

Look at this latest Monster Hunter Clone:
I bet capcom is pissed at that. MH doesn't have final fantasy's monsters in it which are iconic to fans of FF. It's easy for noobs too unlike MH which means it is more accessible.

One of the advantages of console and handheld gaming is the cross between genre you can get. For example Steamworld Heist combines the turn based battle of crpg games with skill based aiming of console games. It works and you feel involved in the fight unlike pc where the targeting of enemies is automatic and the player just watches things. These are the games that keep people coming back to dedicated game devices. Ever since Diablo 3 came out to consoles, and was more enjoyable then the original pc version, it destroyed the arguments sometime developers use to avoid wanting to port traditional pc game to the console systems. You just need to work out how to make data visible on a tv by doing things like making text large enough for the guy who sits back on the couch rather than hunched close to a monitor. That stuff was solved in final fantasy 14 where text and boxes could be enlarged and adjusted to how the player wanted to suit different lounge room settings and tv sizes and the distance the player sits between the controller and tv.
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Re: Tyranny - new Obsidian RPG

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Is your PC Tyranny-ready CrackHED?
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Re: Tyranny - new Obsidian RPG

Post by GameHED »

I might not buy it because it might suck. I usually wait for reviews. PC is doomed and as you know, most of the best games get ported to console anyway so it might be safest to wait until a publisher gives them some money and ports the games to console once the pc gamers have found all the game-breaking bugs first.

PC gamers are used to machines crashing but the rest of us want polished games. Look how long it took to get Minecraft on Wii U? Just as it's about to be replaced they finally make a port. And others games that came before it (like Battleminer on the 3DS) had a chance to use the touchscreen the way people wanted it to be used.

If obsidian shun the console gamers then yeah ok I might get it. But seriously, Kingdom Come is going to consoles so if they can port that how hard could it be to port a 90's era pc rpg to console? Wasteland 2 and Divinity Original Sin turned out fine. They need money. It's the pc elitists that don't want this to come to console, not the company. If they announce a console port it may scare those pc elitists from buying the game as they will interpret that as meaning the game will be "tailored to console audience" as opposed to it being merely ported there. Remember these guys are backers so they can boss the developers around.

When you tailor a game to console that is akin to dumbing down a game. These elitists hate not being the centre of attention and I don't blame them because gaming has gotten more mainstream and dumber over the years. But at the end of the day money is money. Once the game is fully funded, bug checked, and all the elitists that didn't want it to go to console are happy with the final game, (ie not dumbed down for lowest common denominator) then the next logical step is to milk the console audience. (or work on another project but it's so easy to just port that shit and rake in the easy money)
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Re: Tyranny - new Obsidian RPG

Post by Candy Arse »

So you've started a thread about a PC game that you initially said looks good but won't buy it because it might suck.

Cool story bro. Thanks for bringing attention to this PC game :lol:

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Re: Tyranny - new Obsidian RPG

Post by flipswitch »

Could've been the tranny part that got him interested.
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Re: Tyranny - new Obsidian RPG

Post by GameHED »

Oh I like pc just not more than console. Most pc games are just console games up-resed after all..

A game that looks like it was made 15 years ago could easily be ported to the low end console machines.

The 3DS has some of the best pc games on it like Shovel Knight and Terraria. By being able to play pc games on a bus I am happy enough to not want to play them on pc. So yeah Candy arse you failed yet again.

Hurry up and bug test xcom 2 for us so that we console gamers can have the polished edition.

Oh and sign the petition to take more exclusive pc games from the pc elitists and bring thier games to our platforms:
http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/xcom24ps4" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

This will help the developers earn more money. More people able to play their games means more devoted fans overall.
PC gaming will benefit as sequels are able to be made despite the pirates as more money from console scene flows in to fund further projects.
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Re: Tyranny - new Obsidian RPG

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Game is out. Reviews say its good.
http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/tyranny" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Now hopefully console edition comes soon.

How come you are not playing it Candy? This is why pc developers have to port to console because you don't even care about PC RPGs enough to follow them.

Hopefully this gets pirated enough on the PC platform that it forces them to have to bring it to console. PC gamers are too busy playing ports of console games on their pcs to even care about games MADE for the pc. lol
Look what happened to X-com. It's a console franchise now...
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Re: Tyranny - new Obsidian RPG

Post by Rorschach »

Bought this a few weeks ago, given the nature of the game only played the intro - game is huge, wanting to finish Witcher 3 first before I touch another game. This will never appear on a console in it's current form, simply too complex and it's a PC game through and through - you need a mouse and keyboard to play it. Same reason Pillars of Eternity will never come to the consoles. Not only that, given the complexity of the world, more than likely it will be gimped badly like Wasteland 2 was. Love supporting companies like this, what not show some support and purchase a copy off GOG GameHED?
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Re: Tyranny - new Obsidian RPG

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You can use mouse and keyboard on console these days.. (FFXIV does this) Just saying...

Dragon Age started as PC title and now EA made it to be more console friendly. Obsidian could easily adapt it if they were desperate to get more sales. These guys need to make a Fallout clone to take on Bethesda. Not make games for PC gamers who already have so many WRPG to choose from already..

Anyway bought Trails of Cold Steel II recently so I can wait. Only a matter of time before a port..

eurogamer review:
http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2016- ... nny-review" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Tyranny - new Obsidian RPG

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Why would you bother with a mouse and keyboard on a PS4? Doesn't that make it an underpowered PC? PS4 could barely handle Wasteland 2, no way it could handle Tyranny.
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Re: Tyranny - new Obsidian RPG

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Obsidian are only making these old school titles because of lack of funds. PC gamers could be getting truly triple A titles from Obsidian if PC wasn't hard to profit from. These low budget games do nevertheless need your support. Doesn't surprise me that nobody is suporting them. Too busy buying sequels to CoD to notice.

They need console in the same way pc gamers need console to get all the fighting games ported to it. (PC is too heavy to bring on the bus)

remmeber that titles like diablo 3 sucked when they were made for PC. but they started to not suck when brought to console. We have a higher standard to live by since console gamers are more fussy/pay more for games. You got to look at it from that perspective.
You are right consoles should not become like underpowered pc, BUT....if specific games made for pc get ported to console, then it can be forgiven to give the players the options to use more pc like control schemes just like pc gamers can buy arcade sticks for pc to play fighters or retro arcade games.

Since you guys are handicapped by not having as much skill as console gamers, you guys need all the extra controls to compensate. Eg in games like halo you guys need a mouse to beat the game but console gamers could survive with crap analogue sticks which added a sense of danger when enemies attack. The reverse is true for pc games on console platforms. Since console gmaers have shit graphics they need the pc controls so they can react to things faster without having to learn new controls. (especially if they are used to playing them the way they were originally intended on the PC platform.
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Tyranny - new Obsidian RPG

Post by Rorschach »

GameHED wrote:Obsidian are only making these old school titles because of lack of funds. PC gamers could be getting truly triple A titles from Obsidian if PC wasn't hard to profit from. These low budget games do nevertheless need your support. Doesn't surprise me that nobody is suporting them. Too busy buying sequels to CoD to notice.
You're not going to buy a copy, are you? If you are so keen to support the devs, go buy a copy online and mail the developers looking for a console port.
remmeber that titles like diablo 3 sucked when they were made for PC. but they started to not suck when brought to console. We have a higher standard to live by since console gamers are more fussy/pay more for games. You got to look at it from that perspective.
Absolute horseshit. Been with Diablo 3 since the beginning. The changes made in that game were a direct response to the community's expectations and demands. This ultimately produced Reaper of Souls which was then ported to the consoles. And the changes are still ongoing, looking forward to the massive content boost coming in the new year, most of which the consoles will, again, never get.
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Re: Tyranny - new Obsidian RPG

Post by t0mby »

I think you misread that last quote Rorschach. ;)
selfish wrote:Being a massive fanboy and trying to hide it is Lestat's worst bottleneck.
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Re: Tyranny - new Obsidian RPG

Post by Rorschach »

Looks like, amended.
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Re: Tyranny - new Obsidian RPG

Post by GameHED »

Rorschach wrote:
GameHED wrote:Obsidian are only making these old school titles because of lack of funds. PC gamers could be getting truly triple A titles from Obsidian if PC wasn't hard to profit from. These low budget games do nevertheless need your support. Doesn't surprise me that nobody is suporting them. Too busy buying sequels to CoD to notice.
You're not going to buy a copy, are you? If you are so keen to support the devs, go buy a copy online and mail the developers looking for a console port.
remmeber that titles like diablo 3 sucked when they were made for PC. but they started to not suck when brought to console. We have a higher standard to live by since console gamers are more fussy/pay more for games. You got to look at it from that perspective.
Absolute horseshit. Been with Diablo 3 since the beginning. The changes made in that game were a direct response to the community's expectations and demands. This ultimately produced Reaper of Souls which was then ported to the consoles. And the changes are still ongoing, looking forward to the massive content boost coming in the new year, most of which the consoles will, again, never get.
Nah, I'd rather PC gamers buy it instead of me so that when the switch version comes out I can buy it without all the bugs.

Everyone knows that Diablo 3 got shit reviews on pc, then when it came to consoles with proper gameplay it was received well because console gamers do not put up with the same shit that pc gamers do. (ie PC gamers y are happy for low quality unfinished games, rather than polished masterpieces)

Obsidian need to look at the industry realistically and cater to the bigger market. Make these niche games but while doing that think of the big picture of porting these to other machines so that people know about your games and don't ignore them. Even capcom knows this and ported Dragon's Dogma to PC which I never thought would happen but thankfully they are becoming smarter and expanding the awareness of the games.
To survive you gotta be on console or nobody knows your games are relevent.

If PC wasn't doomed then why haven't consoles died off yet? They are far more powerful right? Games like Doom would be PC exclusive. But the big companies know if they do that it would result in less profit. Just let Obsidian know that if they don't port their games to console they are missing out on easy money. Stop making shit excuses like "you need a mouse and keyboard to play it". That doesn't hold water anymore because console have support for that lol
Obsidian will have to learn the hard way I guess..

PC gamers need to understand that consoles existence helps PC gamers because the developers can make bigger titles due to the larger paying userbase. CD Projeckt Red already admitted that when they said if the game were targeting only pc elitists the game wouldn't be an open world game. It's because PC gamers are dying off and there isn't enough of them left. That means it is doomed. They'd rather play nintendo games like Zelda Twilight Princess in HD on pc than buy new made-for-pc games.
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Re: Tyranny - new Obsidian RPG

Post by GameHED »

It's been out for a while now and the opinions of many say it's not as good as pillars but worth buying.

Most agree with the criticisms of RPG codex's review of the game:
RPG Codex Review: Tyranny - Kyros Demands Better
Review - posted by Infinitron on Wed 30 November 2016, 16:46:21
Tags: Obsidian Entertainment; Tyranny

It's been twenty days since the release of Obsidian Entertainment's latest RPG, Tyranny. The rough consensus that has emerged on our forums during that time seems to be that Tyranny is an often interesting game with a commendable focus on choice & consequence, but let down by lackluster combat design and cut corners. A return to form for Obsidian, some might say! Our review, courtesy of Prime Junta, reflects this public opinion fairly closely - which makes the drama surrounding its publication over the past two days seem a bit silly, if you ask me. But now you can make up your own minds about it. It's got the good:

These choices matter. Play the game three times making different choices along the way, and the experience will be dramatically different each time. Story-gated locations and quests will open up or be closed off. You will find yourself shoulder to shoulder with characters you condemned to death by torture or slew by your own hand in a previous game. You will learn more of the world of Terratus and its inhabitants every time. You will also fail to achieve your goals, for want of sufficient cunning, force, reputation, or your previous choices, many of them all the way from the starting sequence.

If you play Tyranny like you’re used to playing cRPGs, or if you’re expecting the type of freedom you get in an exploration-based, sandbox game in the vein of a Fallout or Arcanum, you might miss out on a lot of this branching. Simply running errands for your chosen faction leader will get you to the endgame, and the smaller choices you have made along the way will affect it. If you only play through the game once, the experience won’t feel much different from a typical, linear game, however.

Things get more interesting if you inject a bit of role-play into the role-playing game, set yourself an agenda, and attempt to push against what the waiter presses on you. If you want to be a secret rebel sympathiser and stick to that from the start, you can do that and see the consequences play out. If you’re a true believer in Kyros’ mission but consider the warring factions’ loyalties suspect, you can ally with one of them out of expediency, undermine the alliance every opportunity you get, and ultimately bring the perfidious Archon to face his just deserts before the impassive face of Tunon the Archon of Law. And if you just want to carve yourself a realm to rule on your own, you can do that too. Some of these paths aren’t exactly easy, and many will be blocked off entirely due to choices you made very early in the game. Have the rebel leaders executed, and you won’t be able to join the rebellion later on even if you’re having second thoughts about your current loyalties.​

It's got the bad:

What’s more, each of the three spellcaster companions has a talent tree with spells which eclipse the sigil-based magic, especially during the first two-thirds of the game. Lantry’s “Preservation” tree, for example, has by far the best healing spells in the game. The player character does not have access to similarly powerful specialised magic: although one of your talent trees is called “Magic,” it is actually mostly about enhancing weapon attacks with a magic staff, which a caster PC won’t be doing much anyway since he’ll be chain-casting those cooldown-based spells. The non-Magic trees have some spell-like talents which put the actual spells to shame too: your most impressive fireball isn’t actually a spell or in the magic tree at all, it’s a talent in the Ranged tree that makes your javelin go kaboom. Overall, the system feels incoherent, shallow, and restrictive. The classless system fails to deliver the flexibility you would expect in one, and leaves you just as locked into your chosen role – damager, tank, archer, caster – as you would be in a class-based system.

The skill system is based on learn-by-doing which you can complement by buying training from trainers. Level advancement is also contingent on exercising your skills. Support skills like Subterfuge (lockpicking and sneaking) and Athletics will quickly become trivial as they will overshoot all the thresholds in the game: past Act 1, I didn’t encounter a single skill-thresholded check I couldn’t pass. The only skill to which I did pay attention was Lore, and that only when intentionally focusing on the spell system. The best that can be said of it is that it does function as a leveling-up mechanism, and there aren’t that many obvious ways to abuse it. It does not do much to promote creative character-building, reward specialisation, or encourage looking for alternative solutions to challenges.

Tyranny’s gameplay problems are something of an own goal for Obsidian. Pillars of Eternity has an excellent character mechanics system. They could easily have leveraged its classes, abilities, talents, and skills in addition to the basic engine features, with a light re-skinning to fit the Bronze Age setting, and given some of its massive bestiary the same treatment. If D&D can do anything from Oriental Adventures to Dark Sun and the Infinity Engine could accommodate both Icewind Dale and Planescape: Torment, the Eternity Engine could surely have accommodated Tyranny. The systems the team built to replace Pillars’ are shallow, incoherent, and unenjoyable. They make the gameplay as formulaic, rote, and uninspired as the world-building and campaign are exciting, confident, and original.​

And here's the final verdict:

Tyranny has the makings of a cult classic. The depth and originality of the setting, the integration of the most unique features of the setting into the gameplay, the presentation, and the dizzying variety of adventures to choose give it replayability and lasting appeal that few games can manage. The game ends on a cliffhanger, so it is clear that Obsidian wants to produce a sequel. If and when they do, I hope they will give serious thought to making the game as fun to play as it is engrossing to explore.

While cooldown-based gameplay is inherently problematic – it is really hard not to have it devolve into rote pushing of awesome-buttons as timers wind down – it doesn’t have to be a total chore: Dragon Age: Origins demonstrated that much. More imaginative dungeons and encounters, a bigger and more varied bestiary, a better and more clearly-differentiated magic and ability system, and overall balance tilted to favour attack over defence would help bring its combat up to DA:O standards at least, if ditching the cooldowns altogether is not on the cards.

I would dearly love to see more games give the kind of attention to world-building, story branching, choice, and consequence that has gone into Tyranny. Other than Age of Decadence, coincidentally also set in a grim pre-Medieval world, this hasn’t been done in this scale in recent years. Tyranny feels like a great tabletop campaign by a gamemaster who digs worldbuilding and intrigue but isn’t into dungeon crawling or the fighty bits in general. That is a shame, as games are made to be played rather than read or watched. As it stands, Tyranny is worth a spin despite the gameplay rather than because of it. Kyros demands better.​
full review:
http://www.rpgcodex.net/content.php?id=10477" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

With more money it could have been better. Probably rushed out in time for holidays.
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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Candy Arse
Elite Ginger
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Joined: 04 Jul 2006 08:41 am

Re: Tyranny - new Obsidian RPG

Post by Candy Arse »

It's a great game. How are you enjoying the console version, CrackHED?

:suicide: CrackHED :suicide:
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