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Re: The Official Nintendo NX Thread

Post by GameHED »

Controls are everything to me. If the controls suck again (like wind waker on wii) I will wait for the "fixes".

Wiimote plus is one example. I liked the version 2 of that.

Don't fall into the trap nintendo of trying to go for image vs good design. Although people made fun of Microsoft in the early days for making a oversized Xbox controller that was way too huge, they corrected that when 360 came out and people prefer that.

Don't make multiple versions of shit like you did with 3DS and Wii controllers. Just get it right on the first go. Wii U had the touchscreen but still used buttons. Meaning you could play game the old way. I know that not many cared for the tablet but I liked it. Just that it probably effected the wii u overall graphics because it was included. Had nintendo just made a traditional console with high specs maybe it would have done better ....but the tablet is still good idea and didn't need version 2 "fix" as it was designed well. Sure I may never have looked down on my tablet for Mario Kart 8, but there are loads of lego games that let one guy play on the tablet while the other played on tv. Hyrule Warriors is doable without split screen. And some games like Need for Speed actually look superior on the tablet vs playing on the big screen because it softens the image up and squeezes detail into tiny space vs spreading it out. lol
It's weird but some games look bad when they try to look 'sharp' and then your eyes notice the detail too easily. While on the small screen those things blend in together like old CRT tv and blur the image a bit so it looks more "realistic" because you eyes aren't drawn to the edges of things so much. Then at small size on a tablet screen it looks sharp again because details are squished together. So you get this compressed image (more fuzzy) but a tiny version. (detail is squished into small space to fit the tiny screen) And then your eyes are looking at it from distance which is far back enough that you would not pick apart each pixel so easily because you are focused on the overall picture not on a mere portion of the picture at once. Sure the actual image is not "cleaner" than the big screen version, but the fact that it's tiny screen and your eye is far back from the screen means it hides the fuzzy shit because your eyes are not good enough to notice it because its squished together into small area.

I don't think tablet was gimmick but a great idea of multi-gaming. The second screen would have worked with games that have loads of icons like in mmo. Or games like Minecraft. Funny how nintendo didn't try to clone the idea of minecraft and exploit the fact that MS port didn't use the tablet screen in an effective way by putting all the icons and menus there. I think switching between weapons in RPGs an stuff on the fly without having to fucking pause the game is the biggest advantage of a second screen. Without adding more buttos to the physical controls it means a traditional control works but it's got extra buttons for managing the stuff you would normally have to pause the game for. Less lag = more realistic gameplay because it lets dangerous enemies continue to do what they were going do and doesn't pause the action for everyone else in the multiplayer environment. It's not a gimmick. It's useful shit but unfortunately isn't used enough by third party game developerss because they are too lazy to tailor their games for controllers. This is why I think gaming is being held back: it's the drive to just profit from the highest userbase system/platform, but it comes at the expense of innovation and ease of play. All the features that would be one button press on a touchscreen becomes things they bury inside a menu, forcing you to dig into submenus to perform mundane actions; slowing the game down in single player, and causing you to be easy target in multiplayer environment that needs to be running in realtime, ALL the time.
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Re: The Official Nintendo NX Thread

Post by GreyWizzard »

Both control pads debunked.

Also this video
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Re: The Official Nintendo NX Thread

Post by unfnknblvbl »

thank crap for that.
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Re: The Official Nintendo NX Thread

Post by GameHED »

the no button future pisses me off. Clicking buttons on portables has always been way superior to touchscreen-only apple devices.
It just IS ok? Same reason real keyboards beat out the virtual ones on smartphone.
Nintendo is never going to make us play mario without pushing jump.

Remember how much crap they got for using waggle in Donkey Kong Country remake? ... d/66341362" onclick=";return false;

You'll get that same complaint with touchscreen-only controls if they went with that fake design.
Total Biscuit already covered why mobile games can never be as good as games on dedicated systems due to the limits of the screen and things like the worse controls on tablets and smart phones which lack dedicated game controls:
The non-gamers probably don't give a fuck but one day they will start to when they demand responsiveness in their games as they get more hardcore over time.
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Re: The Official Nintendo NX Thread

Post by Candy Arse »

Lifted from NeoGAF
Ok, this is my first time posting any kind of rumor, leak, or insider information, whatever you want to call it. While I believe the info to be true, things can always change at the last minute and then I look like an asshole who lied. I have more than one source and this post will basically contain things I've heard, conversations I've had with people in the know (other insiders, devs, writers, etc). To make this easier, I think I'll do a tiered rumor ranking, where a T1 (Tier 1) means one source told me this, T2 means two, T3 means three, and T4 means at least four sources or more told me or others the same thing. So T4 rumors have multiple sources and are likely more credible than a T1, but that doesn’t necessarily mean a T1 is false. The bolded parts will be the rumor, the text after it will be additional info mixed with some of my opinion, and the sources thoughts.

Also, while I was writing this short essay I asked my new sources about the May 9th NX reveal date, they said they'd look into it.

Remember, I'm no journalist or english major :p

T4 Rumors
The NX will be more powerful than the PS4. "By a noticeable amount". From the CPU, to GPU, to RAM. Sources don't know the clock speeds, or memory type or amount of memory. But if the CPU is 15-30% stronger than PS4 as alluded to by LCGeek, than the GPU would need to match that bump in order to not bottleneck (Nintendo hates their bottlenecks).

The Wii U Remasters. 100% confirmed Smash Bros 4 will come to NX, no word on if you can play with Wii U players.

Zelda is 100% confirmed and not really big news :P

Now here is where things get interesting. One source said 100% for sure Mario Maker was coming to NX. Another source said 50%. Why 50%? Well, they can confirm it's in development, Nintendo is struggling to transfer over player data and doesn't want all courses to be lost. Hell, courses are being mysteriously deleted on Wii U already lol.

The fourth remaster is Splatoon. This one was given 50% chance from two sources and 99% from one source lol. The reasons again are, Nintendo is struggling to transfer all player data and make it cross-compatible with Wii U players as well. It is in development though. They should have all he DLC included.

So, Zelda and Smash for sure, Mario Maker and Splatoon maybe. If Nintendo can't get it working they may scrap it.

Smash is rumored for launch along with Zelda (day or window wasn’t specified). Not sure on Mario Maker or Splatoon.

What's interesting about this is Splatoon and Mario Maker heavily use touch controls and motion controls. While I certainly expect the NX controller to use gyroscope and accelerometers (since even the DS4, Wii U gamepad, Wii remotes and 3DS use it) this may indicate that there will be a screen in the NX controller. None of my sources indicated troubled development of splatoon and mario maker were controls related, so either it has a screen controller or the second screen support hinted at by the reddit leaker in the OP was right and there will be some kind of optional screen controller or smartglass like features.

T2 Rumors
NDA's are tight as hell. This one is obvious. But I just wanted to add to it. While fellow posters like Rosti have indicated how heavy they are, my own sources and people I don't even know have warned me privately to watch what I post here (this was all within the last couple of hours lol). One source said they know more Nintendo hardware people than software people, yet the only leaks they've been able to get is on the software side. Not a peep from the hardware guys.

I even had people asking what the contents of my post were going to be, if names, job positions, marketing budgets (lol) were going to be posted. A lot of people got very worried, including my sources, the fear of Nintendo is real. They are cracking down. The fake leaks aren't helping either.

As someone who just started snooping for NX info and asking questions out of general curiosity for being a fan, I wasn't expecting this much info over the last two weeks or so. But, now that I am, I want to gain my sources respect and so I didn't want divulge their identity or even reveal their gender. I hope this post has gained their trust, and know that their ID's are safe and sound with me.

T1 Rumors
NX SDK's are out there right now and my sources can confirm dev's have them, so don't worry too much about when you hear stuff like nobody has a dev kit yet.
The NX is easy to port too. This is big because Nintendo consoles have usually been hard to develop or and only mastered by Nintendo's internal teams. Apparently, some dev's are having no trouble porting current gen games over. It's a quick process and dev's seem to be happy about it.

The NX architecture is under NDA but is highly speculated to be x86. I disagreed with them on this but they made some excellent points about how porting from ARM to x86 (handheld to console) and x86 to x86 (current PS4 and XB1 games to NX) is very easy, while it's a bit more tricky to go from x86 to ARM (console to handheld). It certainly matches what the reddit leaker posted.
Based off my high school programming skills and some research, it seems like x86 to ARM does require more work, x86 is 64-bit and ARM is 32-bit. But any decent compiler supports 64-bit math on ARM. The dev's mainly recompile the code into ARM, and then the integer values get changed, and fix any errors that come up, recompile again, see if it works, rinse and repeat. It's not as important or inefficient as people think, especially for larger devs. Besides, ARM is heavily supported and the more worked on architecture. So don't get too focused on if it's x86 or ARM. In the end, as long as it's not shitty PowerPC (Nintendo, please, no) it'll be fine. It won't be the reason Nintendo won't get third party ports, if anything, NX sales will.

One thing that contradicts x86, and this is an indirect source, but a coder who works specifically for Nintendo laughed off GAF's focus on x86 and how we know nothing. Please don’t go looking for them, DetectiveGAF, let them keep their job. So, that, combined with ARM likely being in the handheld, makes me believe the NX will use ARM. But like I said, at the end of the day it doesn't really matter.

Nobody knows anything about the handheld. At least, not any of my sources or their sources. Not even sure if NX refers to the handheld as well or if that has a different codename. It's speculated that it will still get some exclusive games, but won't get many console games downported (referring to the shared games library) while the console could theoretically play them all (maybe lending support to x86 and ARM inside the NX, having the handheld guts inside, but that sounds very expensive and I doubt it). The console seems to be the main focus of Nintendo right now and the New 3DS, along with the 2016 lineup of 3DS, has afforded them that luxury.

I hope you enjoy this post and it provides lots of healthy discussion. I told you it wasn't major news, but you got hyped anyways. It's my first time doing this and it was fun, and sorry if it took awhile but verification and clarity were important to me.

Remember, grain of salt.

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Re: The Official Nintendo NX Thread

Post by unfnknblvbl »

Of course the NX SDKs are out in the wild already, if they want to launch this year. The whole x86 vs ARM thing is interesting, except for the fact that ARM is 64bit these days. If Nintendo are using ARM in the NX, is like to know what it is, since there's no truly gaming-class SoC out there. Even the Tegra X1 (the most powerful one) isn't at PS4/bone levels of detail.
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Re: The Official Nintendo NX Thread

Post by flipswitch »

Need something different from PS4/PC and I think the NX might be it, or VR.
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Re: The Official Nintendo NX Thread

Post by GameHED »

I think it will be more powerful than ps4. It has to be because the ps4 and bone were underpowered. Now if they release something less than or equal to ps4 or Bone, then developers will have no incentive by the time the Xbox 720/PS4.5 are out.

They got to think long term. If they want to make this the SNES of this gen, they need to be more cutting edge than current stuff on the market. Ports of shit we alrady have is not enough of a pull to jusify buying one. It's got to be better.

Anyway I wil get one because I liked the ideas behnd Wii U. It just wasn't exploited enough. StarFox is coming out soon and the gyro aiming sounds cool to me. But since it is aging the sacrifice is you get a bit of framerate drops. My hope is that game gets a NX port but lets you use a Wii tablet controller in the same way you can use Wii controllers on Wii U.

If it's worse in power than PS4 then nintendo are doomed. They need to be like what the SNES was to megadrive to get attention. And developers who port shit from another sysstem to nintendo platform but are crap at coding need the extra power to compensate for their lack of skill.

And I do hope they have something in mind for VR if it takes off. (metroid in VR please) Don't want sony to have all the market in the console space. Xenoblade action mech fighting game with VR cockpit view would be awesome too. Just let it be FPV focused this time with third person view for times when you go on foot.

Unlike Sony version the VR for nintendo should be a helmet that you wear and a visor that flips down and up so you can look at the screen and go into VR mode interchangeably. Think of it like bicycle helmet but you can use button on the helmet to look at tv screen on your VR goggle to flip between FPV and other views. (ie map views and third person view) I think the idea of wearing a helmet is way better because you can attach proper chin straps and put the extra sensors and cameras on the helmet. Unless you have a afro you shouldn't have a problem having the whole head covered imo. (the only disaadvantage being lying down in bed would be more annoying with a helmet over goggles)

Nintendo will win the VR war imo. That's why all the secrecy so they can stop these crappy americans who don't know shit about what good controls are from controlling the console industry and ruining the VR market forever by scaring everyone off. Oculus doesn't even have any waggle controller out of the box. Worst idea ever. How are casuals going to play those gimmicky titles that just let you use your arms as the controls?

John Carmack should quit oculus and work for nintendo on Doom clone with RPG elements in it like borderlands. Nintendo needs another replacement for Rare. When MS bought Rare they lost company that can do stuff in the FPS genre which is what the western market can't get enough of. (games like COD and military shooters in general are like the dynasty warriors of the west. ie no matter how repetitive it gets people won't stop playing)
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Re: The Official Nintendo NX Thread

Post by flipswitch »

No NX this year and at e3, launches in March 2017 globally, plus no Zelda this year." onclick=";return false;
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Re: The Official Nintendo NX Thread

Post by Candy Arse »

No NX at what the fuck do they have to talk about?

Fuck Nintendo.
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Re: The Official Nintendo NX Thread

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Re: The Official Nintendo NX Thread

Post by t0mby »

At least there's one Wii U game confirmed for 2017, shame it's a 66% drop in software. :D
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Re: The Official Nintendo NX Thread

Post by Candy Arse »

They must think Zelda is pretty fucking amazing if it's the only thing they're talking about at E3.

I'll watch :lol:
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Re: The Official Nintendo NX Thread

Post by Ben »

They went and Twilight Princess'd us.
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Re: The Official Nintendo NX Thread

Post by guttermouth »

How many times has this game been delayed now. Wasn't it a Wii U launch window game?? I guess where still in the launch window.

I can't wait any longer for this game
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Re: The Official Nintendo NX Thread

Post by Candy Arse »

Ben wrote:They went and Twilight Princess'd us.
Well to be fair we all saw it coming.
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Re: The Official Nintendo NX Thread

Post by GameHED »

They need a big games for launch at nx release to give people something to play.

I think they should also port the first Xenoblade in HD too. Just for those who loved it on wii enough but wish to see a definitive release with better graphics.
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Re: The Official Nintendo NX Thread

Post by Cletus »

You might get your wish. Nintendo love releasing games they've already released years earlier.
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Re: The Official Nintendo NX Thread

Post by GameHED »

Well that would be the one game I would like to see get the "Wind Waker" treatment.

Fuck new games. Do we really need new ones when the old ones can run at higher framerates when replayed again on new machines?
Do you remember The Last of Us? It was considered one of the best ps3 titles and what happened? It was better on ps4. No point making new stuff when old stuff can be remade to run smooth and just rake in all the easy money from the masses of rich people who fall for it.
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Re: The Official Nintendo NX Thread

Post by flipswitch »

I was reading an article in a popular men's Japanese magazine about how Nintendo plan to bring Splatoon to the stage.

They even had some early stage shots, but the image was pixelated in some areas. From my eye it looked like a young woman was on her knees holding out a dish or something surrounded by a group of men depositing the white ink.

Maybe someone can confirm this, my japananes is quite bad.

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Re: The Official Nintendo NX Thread

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Re: The Official Nintendo Switch Thread

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In an introductory video released today (" onclick=";return false;), Nintendo provided the first glimpse of its new home gaming system and revealed that it is called Nintendo Switch. In addition to providing single and multiplayer thrills at home, the Nintendo Switch system also enables gamers to play the same title wherever, whenever and with whomever they choose. The mobility of a handheld is now added to the power of a home gaming system to enable unprecedented new video game play styles.

At home, Nintendo Switch rests in the Nintendo Switch Dock that connects the system to the TV and lets you play with family and friends in the comfort of your living room. By simply lifting Nintendo Switch from the dock, the system will instantly transition to portable mode, and the same great gaming experience that was being enjoyed at home now travels with you. The portability of Nintendo Switch is enhanced by its bright high-definition display. It brings the full home gaming system experience with you to the park, on an airplane, in a car, or to a friend’s apartment.

Gaming springs into action by removing detachable Joy-Con controllers from either side of Nintendo Switch. One player can use a Joy-Con controller in each hand; two players can each take one; or multiple Joy-Con can be employed by numerous people for a variety of gameplay options. They can easily click back into place or be slipped into a Joy-Con Grip accessory, mirroring a more traditional controller. Or, if preferred, the gamer can select an optional Nintendo Switch Pro Controller to use instead of the Joy-Con controllers. Furthermore, it is possible for numerous people to bring their Nintendo Switch systems together to enjoy local multiplayer face-to-face competition.

“Nintendo Switch allows gamers the freedom to play however they like,” said Reggie Fils-Aime, President and COO, Nintendo of America. “It gives game developers new abilities to bring their creative visions to life by opening up the concept of gaming without boundaries.”

Developers can design their games supporting a variety of play styles, which gives gamers the freedom to choose an experience that best suits them.

Today’s video incorporated short glimpses of representative gameplay to demonstrate the liberating nature of the Nintendo Switch home gaming system. Full game demonstrations, the list of launch window titles, as well as launch date, price, product configuration and related specifics, will be shown and announced prior to the March launch.
Awesome! Please discuss.
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Re: The Official Nintendo Switch Thread

Post by Candy Arse » ... x-is-named" onclick=";return false;
Nintendo's next console, previously code-named NX, is now titled Nintendo Switch.

As Eurogamer reported back in July, Nintendo Switch is a portable console with detachable controllers, runs on cartridges and connects to your TV.

The trailer shows how you can switch play from the TV to a handheld base unit which snaps out of the main dock. A pair of detachable controllers can then connect to either side of the screen.

Switch's controller has a stand to prop up the device, a slot for the game cartridge and a headphone jack (take that iPhone 7).

Lifting the Switch console from its TV dock will transition gameplay to the screen. You can then attach the two mini controllers, named Joy-Cons. Either two can be attached or one can be held separately in each hand, or one can be held each by two players for local multiplayer. Multiple Switch consoles can be brought together for multiplayer via two screens.

A Nintendo Switch Pro Controller will also be available for players who prefer a more traditional controller.

The trailer shows off Zelda: Breath of the Wild, the one game we knew was coming to Nintendo Switch as well as Wii U, but also showcases Skyrim, an enhanced version of Mario Kart 8 (King Boo character and the ability to hold two items instead of just one), Splatoon and NBA 2K17.

A new Mario game is also shown, which looks similar in design to Super Mario 3D World.

Nintendo has also released a list of major third-party developers signed up to support Nintendo Switch, including EA, Activision, Ubisoft, Bethesda, Capcom, From Software, Konami, Platinum Games, Square Enix, Warner Bros., Atlus and Codemasters.

Separately, Nvidia has announced it is behind the Nintendo Switch's innards via a custom Tegra processor, as Eurogamer's Digital Foundry also reported back in July. If you want a recap of everything we know, read our guide to Nintendo Switch games, specs and much more.
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Re: The Official Nintendo Switch Thread

Post by Twiztid Elf »

Well, I just got up and watched the video, and I'm happy with what I saw. I'm day 1 of course.
It's pretty much what I expected.
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Re: The Official Nintendo Switch Thread

Post by guttermouth »

Good to see a new 3D Mario there, but that console has left me very disapointed....
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