Rate the last game you finished

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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by GreyWizzard »

Broken Sword 2 Remastered

A bunch of illogical puzzles. Sure I always hated re the help if a cat when I am making fishing lures. It felt like random clicking until I got the solution.

Story is dull and the bad guy makes no sense. Just feels like a cash in on a great first game. Broken Sword 2 Electric Boogaloo.

It also includes a gigantic boring over complicated back and forth puzzle in the last minute. Easy to solve, but so much bullshit means it takes almost 10 mins to perform...

What a shame.

5 rocks of coal carried across the world out of 10.
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

Doom 3.

I've been in a real id software nostalgic mood lately, so after playing through both the original Doom and Quake, I thought I'd play through Doom 3. I think the last time I played through it was when it first came out. Back then I felt it suffered big time against Half-Life 2, which was released 3 months later, but I enjoyed it a lot this time around.

7 jump scares out of 10.

PS: I'll be replaying Half-Life 2 in VR when my Rift arrives.
Currently playing: Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition (PC), Far Cry 4 (PC), FIFA 23 (Series X)
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by Candy Arse »

Ambrose Burnside wrote: PS: I'll be replaying Half-Life 2 in VR when my Rift arrives.
YES! Fuck I can't wait for mine to arrive

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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by t0mby »

No suicide for me. VR is the last thing I want when I have a 5yo and a 6month old to look after. Not very good parenting otherwise.

Metal Gear Solid V: TPP PS4

This was the one game I wanted since the PS4 launched. As far as stealth goes this is one of the most enjoyable stealth games I've played. As a MGS game though I think it falls well short of any of the others in the franchise. I managed to finish around 130 side ops missions before I finished the main game (only have 3x Extreme stage and 1x Substinence stage left out of the 50). I never cared for any of the characters, the story is pretty arse, the boss battles are shite and it suffers from the same three level designs, kill, retrieve and destroy. It was only the fact I tried to do each level with complete stealth and no kills (done around 25) that I got my enjoyment out of it. Also, the player suffers from being too over powered with too many items at your disposal. Maybe that was my own fault from playing too many side ops first.

That said, it's still a great game and extremely polished, I think I just wanted another Snake Eater.

As a stealth game; 9 captured children out of 10

As a MGS game; 7 cardboard boxes out of 10
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

Alan Wake American Nightmare.

Was not impressed with this when the talking started. The dialogue between characters is unassailably shithouse. I persevered and it started to come around thanks to the Alan Wake character and his actor's performance in narration, Mr Scratch (evil Wake doppelganger) TV clips and manuscript page readings. On the latter I hadn't really sought them out bar the ones that are in front of your face. As the game grew on me I decided to start again and seek out all manuscript pages because i) they're pretty interesting and ii) it spreads the game out and places the terrible character dialogue less front and centre. This made the game enjoyable for me. Further to the exploration path is I actually enjoy the Alan Wake combat gameplay, more so with the over the top military arsenal available here. The combat shotgun rules.


Alan Wake DLC The Writer

I paused on this back when I played last. Too long because when I came back to it my arse was being handed to me. Given I was sufficiently re-skilled upon finishing American Nightmare I decided to drop back and finish it off. Firstly, it was still bloody hard. Secondly, the quality is notches above American Nightmare. The Writer is a big dream sequence and some of the set pieces are extremely cool. A rotating house, an interesting exchange with Wake's psychiatrist and an awesome run up a hill toward a lighthouse whose light acts as a spectacular weapon against the swarms of Taken breathing down your neck. A quality end boss fight caps it off. It's not a spoiler to say the story however remains less concluded than it did at the end of the main game. Sequel please. If you've played Alan Wake and not gone through the DLC I recommend you do.

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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by Madmya »

I haven't gone through it and I will soon, thanks to backwards compatibility! Looking forward to it, I actually want to go through the whole game again. Can't believe how late I was on it - such a great game.
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by Twiztid Elf »

Seems I've really taken my foot off the gas lately.

Really, really disappointing. Way, WAY too hard. Although the story is ok, it's not as coherent or focused as Enemy Unknown. Just seems really haphazard. While playing you don't really have any idea which direction you should be going in.

Pokken Tournament.
It is what it is. A really fun 1on1 fighter. Seriously lacking in any single player content, but once you're playing in multi (online or local), the game really shines. Simplicity and depth. The hallmark of any good 1on1 fighter.
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

Murdered: Soul Suspect

Barely any gameplay in this interactive movie collectathon carried well enough by a nice murder mystery story and very decent audio and visuals. It's not spoiling anything to say you are murdered at the start of the game. You spend the rest of the game as a ghost investigating your own murder. Each area requires you to walk around inspecting various clues then piecing the most relevant ones together in determining the solution. Each area has a tonne of collectibles, the most interesting of which are objects that once revealed/collected count toward a short story being read to you. These stories are well voiced and sufficiently macabre, enough so that I sought out collection items from other areas to hear more stories. The only real gameplay centres around demons that can consume your soul if they discover you. If you're discovered you can escape by hiding in various ghostly hiding spots. The demons will continue to hunt you so you need to alternate hiding spots for the allotted hunting period. These demons are well-realised. When they discover you they emit a demonic howl that *will* make you jump. If you can get close enough to them without being spotted you can cast them from whence they came with a simple two-key combo that changes with each encounter.

As a ghost you can do ghostly things. Possess people, read minds, walk through walls, interfere with electronic devices, teleport across short distances. It's done well.

I enjoyed it. I won't play it again.

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Re: Rate the last game you finished

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How good is that intro though?
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

Great intro. The cinematics were good throughout. I like what they did with the bad guy. Nothing over the top. Just silent, calm malevolence.
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by Twiztid Elf »

Ratchet & Clank (PS4)
Holy shit, this game is amazing. So much fun and beautiful to look at. Closest I've come to giving a 10 to a game since Bayonetta. Insomniac have created an absolute work of art here.
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by Twiztid Elf »

Disappointing. Both GH and RB have botched the transition to this gen.
So I bought just the guitar pack, expecting to import my RB songs and then probably buy the converter for my other guitar.
The import hasn't worked. I don't know why, and I don't know if I can be bothered to chase it up. Therefore, I'm not buying the converter.
As a stand alone product, it's pretty ordinary. The track list is straight up horrible. A shame, as there were times when I felt the old magic, but it was far too infrequent.
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by Rorschach »

The Division. Played enough of this now to pass judgement. Great game, solid Mmo shooter that is let down, a lot, by lag. There have been occasions when I've tried shooting an enemy only to see the animations glitch out and the gun not fire. Ubisoft badly needs to fix the net code. As it is, great fun with a group of 4. Solid 7 out of 10, will become an 8 if they sort the issues out.
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by GreyWizzard »

Is the story good or is the MP good enough to look past it?
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

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I rarely complete games these days, as I dont play that often, but i bought Life is Strange a fortnight ago on the PS4 during a PSN sale. $14.95 for the whole 5 episodes. IMO that was a bargain. It reminded me of so many good things. For starters the gameplay reminded me a lot of Shenmue, as I would spend ages examining letters and items I would come across, along with an excellent storyline that reminded me of Buffy, very Joss Whedon, with the young girl becoming powerful, but obviously the dialogue doesn't measure up to those standards but wow, I havent been drawn into a story like this in a long time, not just in a game, but in movies or TV. It had my eyes getting all watery too in parts, and I was genuinely surprised by the twists in the game, and hated when the game made me live through events without the power to stop certain things from happening.

The art direction and cinematography is also top notch and stunningly beautiful in its own last gen kind of way. I hope DONTNOD's next game can live up to Life is Strange. It isnt a game for everyone, but if you love a great story and characters, and love seeing them evolve, and like something a little bit sedate and enjoy a teenage coming of age story with some sci fi time travel elements, you should love this game as I did.

I rate it 9 out of 10 .
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by Twiztid Elf »

Uncharted 4

It's not the best game ever. But it is a damn fine video game that'll more than likely and deservedly pick up many GOTY awards come the end of the year.
There were so many sections and sequences where I was literally laughing out loud at the ridiculous things that were happening on screen.
I enjoyed it a lot, but there were certainly sections were it dragged on.

But Chapters 10 and 11 impressed me the most:
The whole sequence where you start in Madagascar in the 4WD, with some great shooting sequences, and the winch and bridge section. :)
The village and market, the clock/bell tower section, the puzzle below, followed by the whole shooting/driving section from the E3 demo, then saving Sam on the motorbikes.
^ Man, that whole section.....AMAZING.

Not my favourite Naughty Dog game (The Last of Us), and not my favourite 2016 game (Ratchet and Clank), but wow, what an experience.
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by Vince »

Doom. Super addictive game. So many more secrets to discover but loved every single second. No areas that drag. This is just pure 1st person shooter distilled to its basics- run, grab keys to open doors and shoot an absolute fuck tonne of demonic creatures! Loved it from the moment it started. Probably my fav 1st person shooter single player campaign since modern warfare! Cannot recommend it enough. Playing on PC with my 980 on ultra- silky smooth 60fps all the way. Gorgeous looking. Amazing sounding. Brilliant game. Totally different from uncharted 4 but I'd say it's probably a better "video game"!
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by Madmya »

I wish I had time to play video games :(

Had a quick race of Forza 6 and remembered how good it is. In the lead on lap 3 of 4 and just took a corner too carelessly, smashed the car, couldn't complete the race. That's it for gaming for a few days.
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by GreyWizzard »

Madmya wrote:I wish I had time to play video games :(

Had a quick race of Forza 6 and remembered how good it is. In the lead on lap 3 of 4 and just took a corner too carelessly, smashed the car, couldn't complete the race. That's it for gaming for a few days.
It's an awesome feeling isn't it...

I'm setting up a new room for all the videogames that I can't play. It'll be beautiful.
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by Madmya »

I did think of you as I wrote that. Some days I just look at my games library, might install something, so it feels like I'm doing something with them.

Haha gees that's sad.
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by Vince »

I actually have 2 weeks off work to just relax and play games/watch films. I have really enjoyed myself. Finished 3 amazing games (Doom, Uncharted 4 and Ratchet and Clank). Really need more of this time off to do sweet fuck all!
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

Shadow of The Beast - PS4

When i first heard that this was being remade for the PS4... I rolled my eyes. The original is such a weird game in that it was graphically amazing for its time and the soundtrack was so distinct and memorable. The box art was so unusual too and the game just stuck in your mind as having some sort of aura of amazingness... which was so weird since the game itself was punishingly hard and pretty piss poor when you consider the controls and gameplay. I never played the original Commodore Amiga version.. the Mega Drive version got a fair bit of play from me but I could never endure the difficulty of the game.

The remake however does an amazing job of honouring the style of the original. Graphically it impresses and the art direction is on point when you consider the original. Lots of nods to the original while also showing off some pretty stylishly lavish areas.

The sounds also does a great job of capturing the essence of the original while also taking it in new and still very atmospheric directions. It never sounded odd or out of place. Plus.. you can unlock the original Commodore Amiga soundtrack.

There are a few reviews out there now where people have been pretty harsh about the game overall.. but I must say the game plays extremely well and there is serious incentive to not just simply button mash your way through. Yes. You are a total killing machine and you can spam through many encounters BUT you won't get the points and the difficulty level will eventually tell you to start playing properly or fuck off. Counters, rolls, frenzy attacks and a quick time rage mode make the battles strategic for success and also for more points and unlockables.

I finished this game in about maybe 10hrs. For 20 bucks.. I reckon it was well worth it because I actually want to go back and unlock everything and learn the history of the game. The lore of Shadow of the Beast from a story perspective and also as a game is all in there and it is put to you in such an involving way that I can't help but be impressed with it.

The game has replay value in unlocking things, learning more of the history/backstory and also to understand more of the story. The gameplay mechanics are pretty standard and the fighting system is as good as you want to be while using it. Master it and you will be unstoppable but try and spam through and you will get frustrated which is why I think so many reviewers were quite harsh about this game.

I give this game 8 demon babies out of 10.
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by t0mby »

GeneraL CyberFunK wrote:Shadow of The Beast - PS4

When i first heard that this was being remade for the PS4... I rolled my eyes. The original is such a weird game in that it was graphically amazing for its time and the soundtrack was so distinct and memorable. The box art was so unusual too and the game just stuck in your mind as having some sort of aura of amazingness... which was so weird since the game itself was punishingly hard and pretty piss poor when you consider the controls and gameplay. I never played the original Commodore Amiga version.
Most of Psygnosis' early games suffered from this. Great boxart, ground breaking gfx, great soundtrack, shitty controls. I remember Barbarian being an awesome game marred by horrendous controls where they only favoured mouse pointer style buttons for walking, attacking, defence etc, like those Lucasarts SCUMM games, certainly not suitable for an action game. It ended up you were fighting the controls more than anything, even with a joypad you still had to guide a pointer around the screen.
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by Twiztid Elf »

TMNT: Mutants in Manhattan.

Yeah, this game is not very good. TMNT and Platinum Games, should be the bomb right? Ugh. :(
It's not as bad as GAF would have you believe. I enjoyed it, and the fan service is pretty good, but it's very short and cheaply made.
Do not even consider this unless you are a big TMNT fan, and even then it's a stretch.
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Re: Rate the last game you finished

Post by Ben »

Pity, it feels like the last few licensed outings have been only for the fans. Korra, Transformers Devastation and now Mutants in Manhattan. I really enjoyed Devastation but I can appreciate its shortcomings, I don't think I've got enough nostalgia for TMNT to give it the same benefit of the doubt.
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