Forza Horizon 3 incoming...

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Re: Forza Horizon 3 incoming...

Post by Madmya »

60fps is always better, but I can live with 30fps on some games. Horizon 3 is one of them.
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Re: Forza Horizon 3 incoming...

Post by Kangawallaby »

flipswitch wrote:It's more than just that, you can bump up the quality of everything, including the basics such as AF/AA.

I've come to love PCSS ( nvidia soft shadows) and HBAO+.

AC:U looks like a painting, combined with MFAA, very high quality AF and the above. No more shitty-arsed pixelated shadows for me. ;). Oh and more no sub-30fps!.

Sorry if I sound like a raving PC lunatic, but once you the improvements it's like you're playing a different game.

Steam big picture mode is brilliant, I can even shutdown my PC from it. It's like I'm playing on console with the Xbone controller.
Big Picture is a massive reason why a non traditional PC gamer can easily make the transition.
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Re: Forza Horizon 3 incoming...

Post by pilonv1 »

Candy Arse wrote:1080p 30fps on XBONE

Pick your resolution/unlocked framerate on PC.

This game will be spectacular on PC.
Hope that doesn't cause problems for cross platform play
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Re: Forza Horizon 3 incoming...

Post by General Chaos »

Physics will run at x framerate so shouldn't matter?
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Re: Forza Horizon 3 incoming...

Post by Candy Arse »

pilonv1 wrote:
Candy Arse wrote:1080p 30fps on XBONE

Pick your resolution/unlocked framerate on PC.

This game will be spectacular on PC.
Hope that doesn't cause problems for cross platform play
I doubt it, but to be fair no one will want to be associated with XBONE "gamers" anyway.
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Re: Forza Horizon 3 incoming...

Post by GameHED »

The danger of PC gamers is they will make it ok for game companis to not bug check games.

It's ET all over again.

Back when the original Xbox came out people actually joked that Microsoft console will sell us buggy games that when they crash will result in the blue screen of death like windows on your pc.

Now it's normal for a game to be broken out of the box and require fixing on release where you are downloading the fixes as soon as you get home.

The next thing they will try to introduce to console land: lower quality and less polished experiences on console as pc and console merge.

Console gaming will absorb all the negative stuff associated with pc gaming, and pc gaming will just get ports of console shit where the developers had to divide their attention and resources between two games instead of just focuing on one platform and polishing the one game for the one platform.

So what will happen is games will start feeling less special on console due to having to cater to the two platforms.
One example of this is when Halo came to pc, the game was too easy on pc because of mouse aiming.
But on console it was just the right difficulty. The game was playtested with analogue stick controls and carefully balanced.

You won't get that as much now that the two platform are merging together which is why I am a nintendo fan still because they are the only one left that won't release a game early just to please a bunch of impatient retards.

Look at Zelda Breath of the Wind for example. The wii u is an underpowered machine but since nintendo put care into it and got the xenoblade guys to help with the world it looks the most interesting e3 game out there combinging elements of far cry, (sneaking and using environment around you) elder scrolls (the puzzles of old school dungeon crawlers like in the older elder scrolls games) and traditional zelda (ie the world is true open world in the sense of not having to do stuff in preset order and linear fashion but more of a "discover it for yourself" fashion. This is the preferred way to play adventure games for us old school hardcore gamers who like the older games in nintendo's library like Super Metroid over the newer more easy ones now.

Despite being ugly compared to pc it still look like they wanted to polish it not just release it as soon as possible and the delays help the game. PC tards will always pretend they have the best library of games but the reality is we console gamers define gaming now. Unless there are new games so awesome on pc that you can't get on console, PC gamers will always be seen as second class citizens by the developers of majory triple A games.
That's not a bash against pc gamers themselves, (I feel sorry for them) but more of a statement of fact to those who just don't understand how the industry actually works vs how they WANT it to work. Developers go for the highest userbase. Same reason R Rated action movies will sometimes get censored for theatrical release to rake in big $ before the eventual R Rated edition on Bluray/DVD.

Because of this, you see interfaces tend to still have console style despite also being ported to pc. (they were too lazy to adapt it to the desktop kayboard and mouse crowd. eg skyrim on launch which required modders to fix the game)

The ideal that people should want is that PC gets awesome UNIQUE titles (eg like Dragon Age 1), while console gets ports of pc games which were originally targeting the pc as the main platform from the ground up. That way PC gaming is not stunted. But the industry is changing so that hype alone of triple A title is what sells a game and most just buy games based on trends like what ever is in the top ten. Not on things like how deep and unique that game is compared to every other game on the market. (which used to be the pc main strength before it became a port box of console content with a shiny wrapping and some graphical enhancements)
What's happening is companies like blizzard make games that seem to have a more cartoony aesthetic now and go for the wider audiences as this is how you rake in more people. What blizzard should be doing is stuff like what the makers of Dark Souls did where it appeals to a smaller group and then over time gain popularity through the word of mouth. Less success from hype and more quality. At e3 for instance there was cheering for Elder Scrolls card game. Nothing against card games ok? You like that stuff? More power to you. But it's getting ridiculous what people get hyped over. These are the guys that preorder Aliens Colonial marines and rewarded companies for making shit games because of the name of the game title.

The kind of cheering for Elder Scrolls Card game, should have been reserved for Zelda which is a big game that will be most expensive one nintendo makes. (it's zelda fanboys wet dream and great final title before Wii U death, sort of like what Persona 4 was for ps2) The duea Ex approach to dungeon exploring where you have multiple ways to achieve the same thing is a big deal because it means the game is more replayable now too. That's why we play games. Not just for pretty graphics although that is important as well. Japanese companies rarely do this and usually force you to go do a certain thing at a certain time and then restrict where you do it, so this is a big deal for Zelda as it finally evolves into true sandbox emergent gameplay adventure game rather than a game involving a linear set of tasks with a static environment that doesn't interact with objects in it in unusual unpredictable way. Imagine if Sega made a wonderboy Adventure game like this? They wouldn't be a third party anymore. Instead they took Candy's Advice and now make shit sonic games :(
Last edited by GameHED on 23 Jun 2016 11:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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Re: Forza Horizon 3 incoming...

Post by Candy Arse »

GameHED wrote:The danger of PC gamers is they will make it ok for game companis to not bug check games.

It's ET all over again.

Back when the original Xbox came out people actually joked that Microsoft console will sell us buggy games that when they crash will result in the blue screen of death like windows on your pc.

Now it's normal for a game to be broken out of the box and require fixing on release where you are downloading the fixes as soon as you get home.

The next thing they will try to introduce to console land: lower quality and less polished experiences on console as pc and console merge.

Console gaming will absorb all the negative stuff associated with pc gaming, and pc gaming will just get ports of console shit where the developers had to divide their attention and resources between two games instead of just focuing on one platform and polishing the one game for the one platform.

So what will happen is games will start feeling less special on console due to having to cater to the two platforms.
One example of this is when Halo came to pc, the game was too easy on pc because of mouse aiming.
But on console it was just the right difficulty. The game was playtested with analogue stick controls and carefully balanced.

You won't get that as much now that the two platform are merging together which is why I am a nintendo fan still because they are the only one left that won't release a game early just to please a bunch of impatient retards.

Look at Zelda Breath of the Wind for example. The wii u is an underpowered machine but since nintendo put care into it and got the xenoblade guys to help with the world it looks the most interesting e3 game out there combinging elements of far cry, (sneaking and using environment around you) elder scrolls (the puzzles of old school dungeon crawlers like in the older elder scrolls games) and traditional zelda (ie the world is true open world in the sense of not having to do stuff in preset order and linear fashion but more of a "discover it for yourself" fashion. This is the preferred way to play adventure games for us old school hardcore gamers who like the older games in nintendo's library like Super Metroid over the newer more easy ones now.

Despite being ugly compared to pc it still look like they wanted to polish it not just release it as soon as possible and the delays help the game. PC tards will always pretend they have the best library of games but the reality is we console gamers define gaming now. Unless there are new games so awesome on pc that you can't get on console, PC gamers will always be seen as second class citizens by the developers of majory triple A games.
That's not a bash against pc gamers themselves, (I feel sorry for them) but more of a statement of fact to those who just don't understand how the industry actually works vs how they WANT it to work. Developers go for the highest userbase. Same reason R Rated action movies will sometimes get censored for theatrical release to rake in big $ before the eventual R Rated edition on Bluray/DVD.

Because of this, you see interfaces tend to still have console style despite also being ported to pc. (they were too lazy to adapt it to the desktop kayboard and mouse crowd. eg skyrim on launch which required modders to fix the game)

The ideal that people should want is that PC gets awesome UNIQUE titles (eg like Dragon Age 1), while console gets ports of pc games which were originally targeting the pc as the main platform from the ground up. That way PC gaming is not stunted. But the industry is changing so that hype alone of triple A title is what sells a game and most just buy games based on trends like what ever is in the top ten. Not on things like how deep and unique that game is compared to every other game on the market. (which used to be the pc main strength before it became a port box of console content with a shiny wrapping and some graphical enhancements)
What's happening is companies like blizzard make games that seem to have a more cartoony aesthetic now and go for the wider audiences as this is how you rake in more people. What blizzard should be doing is stuff like what the makers of Dark Souls did where it appeals to a smaller group and then over time gain popularity through the word of mouth. Less success from hype and more quality. At e3 for instance there was cheering for Elder Scrolls card game. Nothing against card games ok? You like that stuff? More power to you. But it's getting ridiculous what people get hyped over. These are the guys that preorder Aliens Colonial marines and rewarded companies for making shit games because of the name of the game title.

The kind of cheering for Elder Scrolls Card game, should have been reserved for Zelda which is a big game that will be most expensive one nintendo makes. (it's zelda fanboys wet dream and great final title before Wii U death, sort of like what Persona 4 was for ps2)
This shit makes no sense. Cool story bro.
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Re: Forza Horizon 3 incoming...

Post by GameHED »

Uh I wasn't finished. You quoted before the final edit. It explains why pc gaming is still doomed despite having the power, (quality of game design will dip as the coders must go multiplatform and compromise on the vision) and why console gaming still lives on and rules. (for triple A content, not shitty phone game crap) Same logic behind the R Rated movie selling less tickets than pg13 ones.

To kill us you have to kill the spirit of what console gaming is. And nintendo is still profiting while pc gamers beg for ports of console titles. Console gaming is king. PC gaming not king. It could be king again but the changes in industry mean people have forgotten about gaming in terms of the innovative things games can be and just follow trends or upgrades in graphics. (that is why indie titles can actually get more excitement than the usual sequels to big franchises despite being low budget)

You WANT pc gaming to be the only way to play games, but it simply is not. I am not saying PC needs to change, (survival is priority no.1) just stating that trends have changed. PC used to be this place that had content you couldn't find on console. Now the pc is just "the upgraded console" with open freedom to mod games. (and even that is slowly happening in console land to a limited degree) Lot of mmo stuff is coming to console which means PC is just about the graphics now. If you want to play World of Tanks or Elder Scroll Online you could just do that on console if you wanted. But the danger is games on console now have a less-polished feel to them now that they come equipped with HDD. That's the "consoles now absorbing the negative things about pc" point I was mentioning in the previous post that is threatening to ruin gaming in general. ie no respect for the work as a piece of art. And more of a "I'll put in the least amount of effort necessary just to get the job done" attitude to making games. What this results in are titles that break themselves just from using the game too long. (eg skyrim port on ps3)
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Re: Forza Horizon 3 incoming...

Post by Cletus »

Jesus, Candy, let him do his dozen edits before you go off quoting him.
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Re: Forza Horizon 3 incoming...

Post by Candy Arse »

GameHED wrote:Uh I wasn't finished. You quoted before the final edit. It explains why pc gaming is still doomed despite having the power, (quality of game design will dip as the coders must go multiplatform and compromise on the vision) and why console gaming still lives on and rules. (for triple A content, not shitty phone game crap) Same logic behind the R Rated movie selling less tickets than pg13 ones.

To kill us you have to kill the spirit of what console gaming is. And nintendo is still profiting while pc gamers beg for ports of console titles. Console gaming is king. PC gaming not king. It could be king again but the changes in industry mean people have forgotten about gaming in terms of the innovative things games can be and just follow trends or upgrades in graphics. (that is why indie titles can actually get more excitement than the usual sequels to big franchises despite being low budget)

You WANT pc gaming to be the only way to play games, but it simply is not. I am not saying PC needs to change, (survival is priority no.1) just stating that trends have changed. PC used to be this place that had content you couldn't find on console. Now the pc is just "the upgraded console" with open freedom to mod games. (and even that is slowly happening in console land to a limited degree) Lot of mmo stuff is coming to console which means PC is just about the graphics now. If you want to play World of Tanks or Elder Scroll Online you could just do that on console if you wanted. But the danger is games on console now have a less-polished feel to them now that they come equipped with HDD. That's the "consoles now absorbing the negative things about pc" point I was mentioning in the previous post that is threatening to ruin gaming in general. ie no respect for the work as a piece of art. And more of a "I'll put in the least amount of effort necessary just to get the job done" attitude to making games. What this results in are titles that break themselves just from using the game too long. (eg skyrim port on ps3)
Still makes no sense.
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Re: Forza Horizon 3 incoming...

Post by jizzlobber »

1 month to go!

This is the game I'm really excited for coming into the silly season, it looks fucking amazing... Like heaps better than FH2 which was a brilliant game.

Here's a great vid showing the off road stuff, this guy basically goes off the track in the demo version to explore as much as possible" onclick=";return false;

I really like the way the water ripples and splashes when driving through creeks and shit, looks convincing.
Nice droplets on the screen too.

Hoping for 1080p/60fps on PC.
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Re: Forza Horizon 3 incoming...

Post by Kangawallaby »

I'm hoping we get hdr support too on the PC.
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Re: Forza Horizon 3 incoming...

Post by Burnzoire »

Cletus wrote:Jesus, Candy, let him do his dozen edits before you go off quoting him.
What a beautiful mind he has :lol:
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Re: Forza Horizon 3 incoming...

Post by BOOMY »

I tried the forza 6 apex beta and i'm getting 27-30fps in the bad parts, which to me is just not forza. I have a gtx 960 2GB. Is it just being its badly optimized as its a beta? is it direct x12 being too much for my card? or do I just need more guts anyway?
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Re: Forza Horizon 3 incoming...

Post by Rorschach »

Don't read too much into it, Windows Store is shit.

Edit - Just to put it in perspective. I downloaded the Windows Anniversary update and it broke Forza for me. I'm running a 980Ti and it said my graphics card couldn't meet the demands of the game according to a dialog box which popped up at the beginning (which is nonsense having previously played it at Ultra settings). It ended up booting the game into the iGPU, looked shit. Definitely something up with Windows Store, your GPU should easily pump 60fps at mid to high settings.
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Re: Forza Horizon 3 incoming...

Post by jizzlobber »

FH3 recommended specs


So I have 2 x 4GB RAM, will I need to buy another stick?
Is that even ideal or would I need 2 x 8GB sticks?
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Re: Forza Horizon 3 incoming...

Post by flipswitch »

Windows Anniversary Edition, looks like I'm out.
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Re: Forza Horizon 3 incoming...

Post by jizzlobber »

yeah this is the case for gears of war 4, why is this update required anyway? I don't get it?
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Re: Forza Horizon 3 incoming...

Post by Burnzoire »

flipswitch wrote:Windows Anniversary Edition, looks like I'm out.
Care to elaborate?
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Re: Forza Horizon 3 incoming...

Post by Madmya »

He can't install it, keeps hanging at certain points.

*nods at flip*
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Re: Forza Horizon 3 incoming...

Post by BOOMY »

So no fix for this shit then?
I found there were fuck all settings to tweak, I tried turning them all down to whatever their shittest options were and I still only got 30-32fps.
This is rather shite, forza being on pc was one reassurance I had I wouldn't be getting a bone.
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Re: Forza Horizon 3 incoming...

Post by flipswitch »

Madmya wrote:He can't install it, keeps hanging at certain points.

*nods at flip*
Yup. Looks like I'm not alone. At 23% my PC freezes. I'm still worried about other issues if I do end up updating, like broken Xbone controller support.
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Re: Forza Horizon 3 incoming...

Post by Burnzoire »

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Re: Forza Horizon 3 incoming...

Post by General Chaos »

Jizz another 8GB of ddr3 (pair of 4's) will run you around $50-$60 at MSY. Prob worth the upgrade now before they become limited and go up in price.
Just try and match or better the current spec.

*Assumptions made.

Forza Apex is pretty broken so not convinced we will get an optimal FH3 day one.
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Re: Forza Horizon 3 incoming...

Post by Candy Arse »

Seems Microsoft are as good at PC gaming as they are console gaming, which is to say they are not.

I want FH3 but shall hold off until impressions/reviews of the PC version roll through.
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