Up the Mighty Liberals! #inmalcolmwetrust

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Re: Up the Mighty Liberals! #inmalcolmwetrust

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

It's OK Froggy, you voted for the guy that invented the Internet, and he sorta kinda won, so everyone's connection issues will soon be sorted out :up:
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Re: Up the Mighty Liberals! #inmalcolmwetrust

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

Madmya wrote:And you continue that line. Yes, incredibly dense.
And yet you continue to ignore exactly what they legislated. Have you actually looked at what they passed? No... i dont think you have... because if you did.. you wouldnt be such a troll about them.

Actually go research it and then consider the origins of the legislation. Then consider how much of a stubborn piece of shit Abbott is and how vocal he was about how terrible the Gillard Govt was (his only real success) and then consider his subsequent lack of success as a PM and how amazeballs his budgets were...

But dont worry... lets just sit back and marvel how much more effective this govt will be. If Turnbull actually steps up and takes his balls back... we may see some decent cross party work being done... which is how good government actually works.
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Re: Up the Mighty Liberals! #inmalcolmwetrust

Post by Madmya »

You either think we're arguing something else or you simply don't understand - the quality of the legislation passed is not in question.
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Re: Up the Mighty Liberals! #inmalcolmwetrust

Post by Froggy »

Ambrose Burnside wrote:It's OK Froggy, you voted for the guy that invented the Internet, and he sorta kinda won, so everyone's connection issues will soon be sorted out :up:
Again what part of when I say I hate Turnbull confuses oeople
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Re: Up the Mighty Liberals! #inmalcolmwetrust

Post by Froggy »

GeneraL CyberFunK wrote:
Madmya wrote:And you continue that line. Yes, incredibly dense.
And yet you continue to ignore exactly what they legislated. Have you actually looked at what they passed? No... i dont think you have... because if you did.. you wouldnt be such a troll about them.

Actually go research it and then consider the origins of the legislation. Then consider how much of a stubborn piece of shit Abbott is and how vocal he was about how terrible the Gillard Govt was (his only real success) and then consider his subsequent lack of success as a PM and how amazeballs his budgets were...

But dont worry... lets just sit back and marvel how much more effective this govt will be. If Turnbull actually steps up and takes his balls back... we may see some decent cross party work being done... which is how good government actually works.
You really dont get it. They passed whatever they wanted ffs, they got record amounts through because they had the numbers, cutting debate and ramming through stuff at points but hey that is great minority government to you. Just because it can be passed it doesnt make it a good idea or even necessary.

Abbotr666s budgets never git completely through because unlike the gillard gov he didnt have a senate majority. Amazing how during the election for the 2nd time labor suddenly again had a bunch of cuts they blocked as part of their legislation.

The worst part about Labor and the greens behavior\childish sook after the huge loss to abbott is ignoring the mandate and not passing the new governments election policies. This goes against the existing convention and it means when they do win back gov the coalition and whoever else in the senate will block it all back which is shit for everyone.
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Re: Up the Mighty Liberals! #inmalcolmwetrust

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

Trying discuss this with either of you is useless. Neither of you have an understanding of what was actually passed legislation wise. What.. you think all legislation passed was all labor/greens in origin?

Again.. go and read up on the legislation passed during that time. Yes. Theres a lot of it but continually whinging about a labor/greens team up is like whinging about the Liberal/National coalition. And even with this said... Labor had a grand total of Adam Bandt in the House of Reps. For all that legislation to pass, there were negotiations and concessions and that is how a government should run.
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Re: Up the Mighty Liberals! #inmalcolmwetrust

Post by Froggy »

There was close to zero negotiations needed because they had a majority with the two independents green lighting everything. She did such a great job her own party fucked her off before an election such was the love for her legislative achievements. What in particular do you think they did well? You clearly think a majority of stuff they shoved through was good so what is it? Maybe also try hanging out with people who dont all sit around agreeing with each other as you have already stated you do and it might not be so hard to comprehend why other people have different opinions on things like most of Australia does about the gillard government.
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Re: Up the Mighty Liberals! #inmalcolmwetrust

Post by Madmya »

Fucking lolz.
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Re: Up the Mighty Liberals! #inmalcolmwetrust

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

Froggy wrote:There was close to zero negotiations needed because they had a majority with the two independents green lighting everything. She did such a great job her own party fucked her off before an election such was the love for her legislative achievements. What in particular do you think they did well? You clearly think a majority of stuff they shoved through was good so what is it? Maybe also try hanging out with people who dont all sit around agreeing with each other as you have already stated you do and it might not be so hard to comprehend why other people have different opinions on things like most of Australia does about the gillard government.
So hold on.. I've been asking for you to explain the legislation you didnt like.. and you and Madmya have given NOTHING.. and yet you are turning around and asking me what they did well? Fucking LOL indeed. Way to continue to avoid a question.. I imagine you are looking a bit like this..


Her own party fucked her off because the public didn't like her.. partially due to her overthrowing Rudd, partially due to her not being a likable PM and not doing enough to drop the image that had plagued her, partially due to the LNP smearing the shit of her for a variety of things. They fucked her off because they had a better chance of winning with Rudd.. and even then.. it was too late. It had nothing to do with her achievements - it had everything to do with her being able to win Government. Don't be so narrowminded.

As for the things I think they did well?

Off the top of my head?

The Household assistance package
National Disability Insurance Scheme
Pension increases
The carbon tax - I had no problems with paying a little more if it was a starting point to better management of our carbon output. Alas it never really got off the ground and then got repealed.. but meh.
Paid parental leave amendments
The set about implementing much needed Education reforms.. which the LNP have since dismantled.

I could go on...

I'm not saying they were perfect.. there were under achievements and failures.. just like any government. One of the problems was that they did a crap job at communicating successes to the people, they had poor political judgement on certain strategic fronts and the leadership tensions contributed to poor results and the polls. These things undermined them and led to the coup that ditched her.

Saying there was close to zero negotiations on the legislation passed is bullshit and if you actually went and researched it.. you'd know that too. Oh but you won't.. because you're busy doing this..

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Re: Up the Mighty Liberals! #inmalcolmwetrust

Post by Froggy »

You could go on because that is one shit list of achievements especially when one is to offset another. If these are her best which I assume you think they are do you still think passing ao much legislation was worth it? Most were either rejected by the electorate and gone or they were unfunded promises which either have been shit canned as completely unaffordable or paused.

I cannot think of one positive change that government achieved even though it was clearly awesome because it could ram through tons of new laws and amendments. You forgot helping battlers by legislating another 3% of their take home into super, who needs enemies with friends that good.
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Re: Up the Mighty Liberals! #inmalcolmwetrust

Post by unfnknblvbl »

So, I assume you have working internet now, and are free to answer my question that you've studiously avoided...
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Re: Up the Mighty Liberals! #inmalcolmwetrust

Post by Froggy »

Well his gov got tossed out so he obviously didnt go so well. Ramming through workchoices didnt end well and had the double whammy of allowing labor to rewrite industrial laws way back the other way. Now the precedent has been set to ignore mandates Im not sure fixing things the public rejected like a workchoices will be easy with a crazy senate and hostile major opposition as we witnessed with the carbon tax repel and how much of a mess that was to get done.
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Re: Up the Mighty Liberals! #inmalcolmwetrust

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

Froggy wrote:You could go on because that is one shit list of achievements especially when one is to offset another. If these are her best which I assume you think they are do you still think passing ao much legislation was worth it? Most were either rejected by the electorate and gone or they were unfunded promises which either have been shit canned as completely unaffordable or paused.

I cannot think of one positive change that government achieved even though it was clearly awesome because it could ram through tons of new laws and amendments. You forgot helping battlers by legislating another 3% of their take home into super, who needs enemies with friends that good.
That was off the top of my head. There were numerous lesser legislation being passed that were good things. Discrimination against gays, lesbians, transgender and intersex Australian was outlawed by the Sex and Age Discrimination Legislation Amendment Act 2011. The Fair Work Amendment Act 2013 gave workers the right to request more flexible working hours, required employers to consult with employees about changes to roster arrangements.

It's likely that none of the legislation had any benefit or meaning to you.. it didn't really affect me but I can see the requirement for it.

Secondly, do you honestly think that all legislation passed and being shit is the govt in powers fault? Not all legislation offered up was from Labor. There was plenty of legislation offered up and even passed that originated from the LNP. Hell there was even the failure of 4 Labor MPs, including a government whip to attend a vote allowed an Opposition amendment to superannuation legislation to pass.
There were times where the Greens voted against Labor for certain things too. Labor wanted to implement a tax cut for big business from 30% to 29% but the greens refused to back it.. and the opposition also refused.. which is funny since that is what the LNP have proposed recently.

It's like the swings, turns and roundabouts that occur within our Government are of little interest to you. Bitching that the Gillard Govt was the worst is now no longer appropriate or factual. We have Abbott to take the crown for being the worst PM we've seen in recent memory. As for how Tunrbull goes? I honestly hope he starts being who he truly is and stops being controlled by idiots like Bernadi and other right wing nut jobs.
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Re: Up the Mighty Liberals! #inmalcolmwetrust

Post by Froggy »

The abbott gov was nowhere near as bad as gillard, get the blinkers off. Hos government was not great for sure and until Turnbull goes I dont think we have a chance of a good one from the liberal side without change at the top. Labor has a pretty crappy group of people to choose from as well, Albonese seems the best from their lot but cant get the numbers.
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Re: Up the Mighty Liberals! #inmalcolmwetrust

Post by Froggy »

Also the fair work framework is worse for flexibility then what we had before workchoices. I wouldn't expect you to be across it too well though not many people actually care
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Re: Up the Mighty Liberals! #inmalcolmwetrust

Post by unfnknblvbl »

Froggy wrote:Well his gov got tossed out so he obviously didnt go so well.
That wasn't my question though.
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Re: Up the Mighty Liberals! #inmalcolmwetrust

Post by Madmya »

GeneraL CyberFunK wrote: So hold on.. I've been asking for you to explain the legislation you didnt like.. and you and Madmya have given NOTHING.. and yet you are turning around and asking me what they did well? Fucking LOL indeed. Way to continue to avoid a question..
Why am I supposed to give you examples of legislation that I didn't like? I've never called its content into question. I've said this. Who could possibly have an opinion on ways ATM transactions are done unless you're directly involved? It's impossible to love or hate shit like that.
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Re: Up the Mighty Liberals! #inmalcolmwetrust

Post by Hercy »

Looks like the Liberal honeymoon is over: " onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

That was quick.
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Re: Up the Mighty Liberals! #inmalcolmwetrust

Post by Froggy »

Dont think you get a honeymoon when you literally fall back into government by a hair. Cant see the inventor of the internet lasting
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Re: Up the Mighty Liberals! #inmalcolmwetrust

Post by Cletus »

Congratulations to the LGBTQRSTUV community. Honest Bill needed an election platform so you'll have to wait a few more years for marriage reform.
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Re: Up the Mighty Liberals! #inmalcolmwetrust

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

Even if the pleb happened and the country voted in favour.. there was no guarantee they would go ahead with it and given the behaviour of the LNP.. you could be pretty sure they wouldn't go ahead with it.
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Re: Up the Mighty Liberals! #inmalcolmwetrust

Post by Cletus »

We will never know, thanks to Bill.
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Re: Up the Mighty Liberals! #inmalcolmwetrust

Post by guttermouth »

Looks like our tax dollars continue to be spent well with those leftards at the ABC...

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Re: Up the Mighty Liberals! #inmalcolmwetrust

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

Cletus wrote:We will never know, thanks to Bill.
It was the better decision.
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Re: Up the Mighty Liberals! #inmalcolmwetrust

Post by Madmya »

That cracked me up too guttermouth. Democracy is fine until the majority want something you don't.
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