Street Fighter V - the best fighting game now even better!

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Re: Street Fighter V - the best fighting game now even bette

Post by BOOMY »

Re-releasing their old games at a premium price like nintendo is not the answer im sorry crackhed.
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Re: Street Fighter V - the best fighting game now even bette

Post by GameHED »

Here's an example Candy and Boomy of how story in game can make you want to play the game just for the cool characters themselves: (using overwatch cinematics as an example since it's the big thing right now)
all cinematics here:
If capcom can do stuff like this for their fighting games it wouldn't just be a niche genre for existing fans only but rake in loads of $ like monster hunter does due to going for wide audience of gamers who can't deovte all attention to one game 24/7 as if it's a career.

Have fun convincing yourself we are all wrong when capcom already apologises for their alienation of casual gamers who like fighting games.. :P

Tournament players; as much as they help to inspire people to want to play a game better and perform well in esports scene, are not going to give a shit about sales. They are just happy they have new games to play.

But if capcom is get back on the saddle after ruining resident evil, making Devil May Cry not as good as older games, and ignoring megaman fans, and trying to make it impossible to delete our save games in Resident Evil Mercenaries on 3DS, ... they need to listen to the fans mate. Stop trying to be EA!

Cater to everyone, not Candy Arse who is an elitist that just wants to pirate all the roms and drive companies out of business by not looking at the big picture. (ie future generations of gamers who want to learn more about the game but feel intimidated by the older veterens who don't want them playing offline in private amongst other noobs because of a belief that online gaming is superior to couch gaming despite thats closer to how people played in the arcade. lol )

I like to think of it like this:
The recent Batman Vs Superman movie seemed like it was a hardcore comic nerd movie that goes for the hardcore fan of the characters. It had all the boxes ticked, but the movie didn't actually care about the characters so it got shit reviews. Captain America Civil War beat the crap out of it, because it didn't just focus on hardcore comic fans but told a story that would interest people who don't read comics and as a team action film it can stand alone by itself even if you don't care about spiderman, captain america, iron man. The movie ticked the boxes but gave you decent fighting scenes and drama (two dudes bashing each other up over ideas) that you would be happy even if they didn't have super powers or were not marvel ads.

Capcom needs to be more like the latter: fuck the purists and go for everyone. Think big. Don't worry about the nerdy veteren guy who spends his entire life playing one game but aim for the gamer who plays everything out there and has broad exposure to many games. I've noticed they seem to focus on "hey look at me, we are giving you the option to ow play as ZLex from street fighter 3!! Aren't you excited?! huh?" No capcom. It's ot really about individual characters being included to keep us interested. It's more like: we want a good overall game that feels like a complete experience. Like Civil War where every characters is useful and interesting, and you are not wtching for the characters like Batman V Superman, but the characters add to the whole product and make it feel whole. Your philosophy is all wrong. Notice this trend a lot. Make a complete experience like Civil War with all the cool fight scenes, then show us why we should care by fleshing out those characters history so they are interesting enough to want to play the game and see their ending or whatever for those who still like story.

Anyway.. Will pick up SF5 when arcade mode is complete. Have fun pc gamers beta testing the game for me until then.
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Re: Street Fighter V - the best fighting game now even bette

Post by Candy Arse »

TL;DR - doesn't have SF5, scared to play against me. Cool story bro
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Re: Street Fighter V - the best fighting game now even bette

Post by GameHED »

It's explaining how to get SF V sales to pokken tournament level. Capcom is doomed if they don't adapt to changes in the industry. When SF 4 came out it revived the dead arcade fighting genre after being dormant for a long time. V needs to be the game that pushes the genre forward into the future like comic book movies which have advanced a lot from the days of x-men 1 where only 1 character is focused on.

If sfv wants to sell us on interesting characters they need to flesh out why they fight, why older characters appear, explain the world they live in etc so we can identify with them as people too. It's not an arcade game anymore, but a home game franchise with arcadey gameplay. Two different things. Hopefully you guys are learning so capcom doesn't get bought by disney.

Remakes of the older games would be step 1 in reintroducing new generation of SF fan.
Step 2 is making sure the characters exist in the world for reason not just to be there because they are popular. The game itself should make them popular for casuals to want to care about them to bother with story mode or arcade mode.
Step 3 rake in money by fleshing out characters stories in sequels so people feel invested in them. If you kill off a character maybe that gives an excuse to create new characters with that guy's fight style as a fill-in for them rather than just sticking in old characters that don't fit in just because of stupid polls demanding they be there. Why not have for instance Ryu become Evil Ryu and introduce a guy that fights like old Ryu and goes the other direction and becomes a opposite of that who can both kill effectively but heal wounds to undo damage inflicted, which makes him superior to Evil Ryu and Akuma because he can kill more than once and revive to keep himself strong by ensuring he has something powerful to compete with even after having many 'death matches' with the best fighters in the world? He keeps learning new techniques forever as the opponents try to get stronger after each death match.

The problem with SF is they are stuck in time and making the universe follow timeline stops it getting stale.

They remade resident evil on gamecube, and I think remaking SF is a good idea because it's come back from number 4 but new generation of fans is too young to know the characters so there is a generation gap.
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Re: Street Fighter V - the best fighting game now even bette

Post by GameHED »

Fans are complaining about the value of the DLC: ... -down-well" onclick=";return false;

I think capcom need to rethink it's method of releasing content. Make it so all content that is not free now becomes time-unlocked later so that people who are late to the party can access all the characters they want and not have to slowly earn them.
The hardcore players will have more new people using the new characters and more variety instead of just facing the people using the old characters. This accelerates the balancing of the new characters faster and encourages people to start using the less well-tested characters more.
All the data they gather from players using the new characters goes into balancing them and making the overall game more polished. If only a small portion have those characters it takes longer to obtain the info.

When the game is finally finished with adding new characters, they then release the GOTY edition of SFV which is the final complete games with all things included. Most casuals would prefer to buy that then buy a little bit here and a little bit there one at a time. Vanilla version = beta edition. Final Edition is the equivalent of buying Monster Hunter game in 'Ultimate' form. Hardcore gamers get early access and can pay real money or fight dollars to unlock the new characters immediately (in order to be the best at the new characters to get in edge in a tournament with early training) while the casuals get value for dollar by being patient and waiting. Everyone gets what they want, and retailers can make an extra buck selling complete edition after copies of vanilla version (which is really beta) is phased out. The early access guys are balance testers to keep the game from being an unbalanced mess of a game competitively. While casuals supply the lion's share of $. (they outnumber the hardcore which is why it's so important to have easy modes and guides and tutorials to teach new generations of fighting game fans which will keep the fighting game franchise alive well into the future rather than just a retro gaming fad that dies off like the 2d shmups genre) Don't alienate either group. Long after SF stops being a sony exclusive you will want to keep fans of SF happy for the long road. (SF4 almost didn't get made! Don't blow it or capcom will kill SF like they did to megaman. Remember there is a REASON you don't see darkstalkers sequel, because it isn't as mainstream or popular enough for them to take the risk. SF needs to stay relevent to casuals as much as hardcore gamers to survive as they are not the only fighting series out there anymore and money is what keeps series alive not mere love by a vocal minority of hardcore fans. Business is business. You don't want SF to end up like Virtua Fighter or F-zero and disappear. Be like Mario Kart)
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Re: Street Fighter V - the best fighting game now even bette

Post by Twiztid Elf »

Thought the thread got bumped because of Evo.

Evo was a great ad for the game.
Infiltration (the champ) was amazing - check out the crazy defensive play below (at 19mins) that pretty much won him the championship, and it was exciting to watch all the hype around the US top8 player Long Island Joe.
Kindof got me tempted. That Nash character though, ugh, what a boring character. I was cheering hard for the Mika and Chun-Li's.

I also watched the Pokken stuff. Braixen as the winning character? GTFO with that shit.
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Re: Street Fighter V - the best fighting game now even bette

Post by GameHED »

That Nash character though, ugh, what a boring character.
Boring but a lot more appealing to me than Remy in SF3. :P

Got my hands on Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator recently (no pc version out yet):
A bit disappointed they got rid of eng voices.

this game is proof that sometimes less frames per second is better than more. (ie this was hand animated like old stop motion movies for 15 fps to look like old anime tv shows before the age of videogame style cg look took over ie tekken and vf etc)

Candy Arse doesn't understand art. Yes, having the screen/game run at 60fps is good, but making characters still move more jerky is just more natural to many people. Our eyes still see at 24 and that is why people complain about the soap opera effect when the hobbit movies came out. For the next SF game I hope they return to the SF alpha and SF 3 art style because I hate the look of SF when it tries to combine realism with fantasy. (same reason I can't stand mighty number 9's 2.5D style over the handrawn look in demo)

Capcom need to hire ArcSys to reboot Darkstalkers using these techniques imo. I heard it cost more money to hand animate all the moves of each 3D character than if they had to drawn them as sprites lol
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Re: Street Fighter V - the best fighting game now even bette

Post by BOOMY »

the eye doesn't see at 24fps dumbarse. shut up.
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Re: Street Fighter V - the best fighting game now even bette

Post by flipswitch »

24fps? Source?
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Re: Street Fighter V - the best fighting game now even bette

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Fantasy land I suspect. Only people who see in 24fps are stoner sloths.

24fps is Cunty!
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Re: Street Fighter V - the best fighting game now even bette

Post by BOOMY »

Those pesky stoners again? They are always causing trouble with their static refresh rate 24fps vision!
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Re: Street Fighter V - the best fighting game now even bette

Post by GameHED »

BOOMY wrote:the eye doesn't see at 24fps dumbarse. shut up.
Film is still at 24fps so eveytime a fighting scene is done it looks like how we would see it since adding extra frames makes it look unnatural.

Although it helps you perform better in games, artistically people would prefer motion blur.

So why do videogams need to run at smooth frames?

Because they don't simulate our actual eyes. The jerky motions stand out so much more, so to compensate they either add the artificial blur as a visual effect, or more frames. But a high framerate could be considered cheating.
You could see spinning objects and make out details you wouldn't be able to with the human eye in real life which would just blur the two images (the object and afterimage) together and not show detail.

But the point is: SF art style looks too semi-real CG for my liking which is why I prefer they go with the anime style again which is more expressive. We don't want them to go all-real, but you see realistic effects in there instead of anime colouring. I would prefer anime colouring and slightly less smooth animations but the animations be hand crafted like stop motion. It just looks better. Then have the background go back to the old style of hand drawn look.
The semi real stuff makes it look bad. It only existed as a technical reason to cut corners not because it makes your game look clean and consistent. (ie you don't see realistic stuff in the background that stands out from the foreground which makes the game feel like its trying to compromise between real/cg and cartoon.

It disappoints me how the new KOF game is going for the CG look again which is a huge turn off for me. (will still buy it to show support for the series though) Not that the gameplay looks bad but it's a step backwards visually. Sequels should look better than the previous games not worse.. I'm not alone in this view. The only reason for it is it costs more money and time and effort to hand craft each frame manually.
SNK can do better. So can Capcom.
Even nintendo can do better. Why for instance don't their 2d Marios and Yoshi games just use Wario Shake Dimension graphics? cuz they are cheap arses. Go back to the original cartoon look!

The only people who like the CG look are the perverted pc mod-makers who can manipulate the 3D models easily:
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Re: Street Fighter V - the best fighting game now even bette

Post by BOOMY »

No. How many frames per second do I have to have to make motions look fluid is different from how many frames does the eye see in. they are not ''extra'' frames. street figther and optics are simply not topics you have any idea about. shut up.
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Re: Street Fighter V - the best fighting game now even bette

Post by GameHED »

No you shut up. Your eyes don't see in 60 fps. It's just a standard. The hobbit looks like shit in 48fps. That's why movies are in 24 fps because we don't want soap operas in action scenes. We are not computers. Shut up. Videogames benefit because we can react better so that's the reason we like it but in movies or for artistic reasons it looks unnatural. Our eyes do not perceive the motion with that many updates. Our brain blurs images together for fast motions which results in a blur. Not two highly detailed and in-focus pictures. It's unnatural and looks like cg videogame animation, which is what fans want to get away from and prefer more of a hand animated look to be consistent with backgrounds so it doesn't look like two different things cut and pasted together.

The game running at 60 is fine, but the cg model being animated manually with lower frames makes it feel like a cartoon. Not too jerky but not too smooth. If your hand moves faster than your eye can see, you won't have in-between animation but a blur instead. This gives the more honest appearance of what a move would look like if you filmed a martial artist striking at high speed. (your eye would not keep up with the move to see it clearly but only as an out of focus afterimage.) One of the reasons they slow down thier punches and kicks for movies is so audiences can see them. But in reality by the time you see anything the attack has finished. And in the world of anime people are even faster than normal. The jerkier motions are truer representation than smooth animations shwing all the in-between motion. An abreviated appearance gives the look more impact. Future SF games would look way better without semi-real/cg clay model crap. It looks ugly to me ok? Don't get angry just because people disagree with your opinion. Just accept that you are wrong and as fanboy you'll do anything to defend bad artistic dcisions.

You don't see KOF fanboys being pissed by critics for laughing at the ps2 level cg graphics of the latest KOF title. Not everyone likes that 'everything is fucking shiny' look of toy story movies lol Some people prefer the old SF3 look. (anime coloured, flat shaded, cel paintings. no realistic effects like metal objects appearing outside a limited colour palette of what you'd get in an anime cartoon universe to suggest it's a game)
You don't understand good art. Current SF exist somewhere between comic book style, and realism, and we need full comic to make it not look cheap. I know it's more work but it will boost the visual appeal of the game because we have moved on from old tekken and vf games which can already do what SF does. (kinda like when strider made his 2d appearance in MvC 1 and that spawned a whole new sequel in the arcades for his own game. The game had a very consistent comic book feel to it even though it uses 3d cg backgrounds, by deliberately going for anime colouring palette so the videogamey stuff didn't stick out too much. Or when Okami introduced the ink effect thing which made it look distinct from zelda)
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Re: Street Fighter V - the best fighting game now even bette

Post by BOOMY »

I never said we see in 60fps, dumbarse. You said we see in 24fps and I told you to stay out of topics you are completely ignorant of.

Work out what your point actually is before you speak again. :fight
you dont understand good art
my bachelor in visual arts says otherwise.

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Re: Street Fighter V - the best fighting game now even bette

Post by Candy Arse »


CrackHED destroyed
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Re: Street Fighter V - the best fighting game now even bette

Post by Rorschach »

Hot Damn, brutal ownage is brutal
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Re: Street Fighter V - the best fighting game now even bette

Post by t0mby »

BOOMY wrote:My bachelor in visual arts says otherwise.
How long have you been dating him? ;)
selfish wrote:Being a massive fanboy and trying to hide it is Lestat's worst bottleneck.
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Re: Street Fighter V - the best fighting game now even bette

Post by GameHED »

BOOMY wrote:I never said we see in 60fps, dumbarse. You said we see in 24fps and I told you to stay out of topics you are completely ignorant of.

Work out what your point actually is before you speak again. :fight
you dont understand good art
my bachelor in visual arts says otherwise.

Yeah but I don't care what YOU say. I care what I say. Because capcom is doomed if they don't hand animate their characters like in the old days when it looked like a dirty japanese porno where the girl's titties actually bounced around and shit.
They tried the shiny and realistic lighting shit with MVC3 and I think people want that anime look again similar to what Guilty Gear and Zelda Wind Waker and Zelda Breath of the Wild are going for.

When NX comes out I hope nintendo get the SF6 exclusive and fund the game. And when they do a DLC, it will be a high value thing like what we got with mario kart 8 DLC. None of this "$300 for an extra stage and extra colours" stuff that they've done with SFV. So many youtube videos keep criticising capcom about that and it shows they are failing to give the customers what they want like they did when they destroyed Resident Evil. I think they forgot about the business side of things and just want to make vocal minorities happy who is just tiny fraction of the entire gaming scene. Monster Hunter has now caught up with SF in terms of sales. SF needs to destroy MH if it doesn't want to get cancelled like sega did with VF. Capcom killed Megaman, and I think SF is next.. They almost didn't want to do the 4th game.
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Re: Street Fighter V - the best fighting game now even bette

Post by Rorschach »

Haha, like anyone cares what you say CrackHED, you noisy seagull
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Re: Street Fighter V - the best fighting game now even bette

Post by BOOMY »

capcom is doomed if they don't hand animate their characters like in the old days when it looked like a dirty japanese porno where the girl's titties actually bounced around and shit.
oh dear, this is what he wrote after stopping and thinking what his point actually was.

crackhed :fight: himself
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Re: Street Fighter V - the best fighting game now even bette

Post by GameHED »

Boomy you are a small picture guy who just wants the same thing over and over again.
But for capcom to survive the modern times they need to take gambles.

Eg There was going to be a Megaman FPS made by the people behind the Metroid Prime games and it got cancelled. ... ick-hunter" onclick=";return false;

Imagine if these guys were allowed to make a whole new series of games with a next gen look and feel similar to what has happened with other games like Ninja Gaiden, Metroid (going 3D) and Zelda? (big open world as we are seeing now with Breath of the Wild)
Capcom won't even do a sequel to Dragon's Dogma despite this new franchise doing good. They have become chickenshit and you can tell ever since they deliberately censored the tittie jiggle from SFV and pandered to SJWs they lost touch with the fans.

I promise if SF goes back to a anime style with hand-animated chaactes instead of motion capture again it will be able to take advantage of the gap that KOF has left open when they decided to go the CG look which Tekken uses.

It's the same thing with Sega bringing back old Sonic by making it about skill in how you read the character's movement physics and adjust your trajectory by making fine adjustments to his speed and angle and jump timing in the Retro Sonic game they are finally creating (and deliberately using shitty megadrive graphics instead of CG like what we see with the New Super Mario Bros games that makes it have less personality.) That's what capcom needs to do with their games. ie make RE about the fear of dying. Give new talent a chance to handle old IP like Megaman. Nurture new franchises like Dragon's Dogma instead of leaving fans with nothing to play. (make that capcom's equivalanet to nintendo Zelda which is worked on for 5 years) But they are ot doing that. They are trying to turn SF into some Free to play game where you purchase shit from an in-game shop. Horrible idea. I like the direction they are going by making each character have unique system though.

If capcom stop listening to candy arse then they might be able to make some money for once instead of pissing off fans. SF 6 needs to be worked on now for NX. And hire Arc System Works to reboot DarkStalkers for arcades.
Last edited by GameHED on 02 Aug 2016 12:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Street Fighter V - the best fighting game now even bette

Post by Candy Arse »

Why is CrackHED in this thread about SF5? He doesn't own it and refuses to play me at any SF game. Nothing to do with this thread.

Could we please remove his posts from here, merge them into their own thread and then lock it? Thanks.
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Re: Street Fighter V - the best fighting game now even bette

Post by GameHED »

Now that story mode is out I might be getting it.

I have other games I play not just one. You have to understand that many people were genuinely pissed that the bare bones release had no arcade mode when games like Guilty Gear and other fighters do. So there is a legit reason not to buy it yet so as to let the makers know we want that. If capcom keeps doing this shit they will have no one to sell to and that might mean the death of SF. So you got to pay attention if you want these franchises to live.

It also doesn't help that PS4/PC has the exclusive to it. It kinda hurts the games exposure much like how Monster Hunter games are not on other systems except nintendo ones. SF4 did it right by being on multiple platforms that matter. The money received from multiple fans on different systems helps to balance the game out more quickly as there is a greater pool of uses out there to analyse the data and deal with balance issues which speeds up the re-balancing progress.
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Re: Street Fighter V - the best fighting game now even bette

Post by Candy Arse »

So if you buy it what will your excuse be this time for not playing me? The netcode is really good so make sure not to use "lag" as your excuse for running.
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