Another kickstarter game worth backing

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Re: Another kickstarter game worth backing

Post by BOOMY »

GameHED wrote:
BOOMY wrote:
It's not hypocritical because I don't want to invest in them. Just buy them when they are out.

But you guys do.
Because you told us to dummy. Can you remember what you posted for longer than a week, a day, an hour? You said this:
Don't be a pussy and take a risk once in a while
Work out wtf your point is before you speak again.
Uhh no.

The point is you don't have to take my advice. Think for yourself. Nobody will twist your arm and force you into not supporting.

If you are not into that type of game for instance, why would you care if the project reaches its goal? If I say go jump off the cliff, you are not going to do it are you? So why would you care if a kickstarter project isn't funded unless you yourself actually see some worth out of it? You are full of shit. You want to fund it because you see value in the game being made. Don't blame me lol

Sooooo dumb. The reason I don't back everything is because I have different priorities. (got other projects to back which I can't tell you of otherwise you will get pissed that I back them if they turn out to be shit games and then blame me for them being shit for giving them money before waiting for Candy Arse to give unbiased reviews of before buying the game. The unbiased stamp means its worth pirating and removing the DRM)

You guys have a special trap for everything you say. But thankfully nobody takes the bait because they know not to trust you.

If you want to understand my logic you must understand that I come from the old school of thinking: you make the product. If the thing is good quality to buy then I reward it by buying it. If it's shit: I EB rent the thing to find out the truth (there are some shit games that I might like if they do something groundbreaking or interesting) and decide later if I want to own it forever.

Sometime a game is shit, but its cheap, so you play it because it might interest you for whatever reason. But the point is you make calculated risks: you let the poorer quality makers of games work harder to force them to perform better by not instantly trusting them(ie by being soft on them and handing out money without worrying they'll relax to much), and you go easy on the makers of games that have already proven themselves.

I tend to take a conservative approach to things by only buying the game when I know it doesn't suck. (which means if I know a game will reach its goal I will support it by buying rather than investing )
But others are more liberal. Who am I to tell them NOT to back something risky?

That's why I am ok with other people throwing away money because they may not care about it sucking by giving excessive funding due to being more trustworthy. If they want their name in the credits or the artbook or whatever perks (early access) then let them have it. But everyone is DIFFERENT. Some people like me want to keep the money in my hands until AFTER the thing is done, not before because it gives them an incentive not to rush shit.

You know why Totalbiscuit discourages people from preordering? Because it tells the developers you will still give the company money regardless of if the thing is finished or polished properly. Always give money AFTER they have done it. That way you can feel safe. :up:
There is no advantage of automatic trust. It only should apply to good developers who already have a reputation. Common sense man. The industry has loads of shovelware. That's because more and more people are buying garbage and are ok with it. By withholding money it can force the bad developers to disappear and good ones to rise to the top so it is a healthy thing to do.
So its not hypocritical because when you contradicted yourself we weren't supposed to be believe you?

No one does a better job of owning gameHED better than himself, usual conclusion to a gamehed discussion. :yawn:
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Re: Another kickstarter game worth backing

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I find it's generally easier not to engage him, let him post at himself for a few days and still get the same result. Profit
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Re: Another kickstarter game worth backing

Post by Rorschach »

He does actually promote decent games which makes his comments more retarded. Looking forward to this and System Shock
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Re: Another kickstarter game worth backing

Post by GameHED »

Rorschach wrote:You're a fruit loop :lol:

Look you just don't understand language. You have a weird definition of "support"

To me support is buying the game. But it can also include being a backer.

The investor becomes like the pimp that bosses the maker of the game (the prostitute offering the sex work) around and ensures the actual making of the game is going according to planned and as the pimp/investor you get to pimp smack the developer if they go off the rails too much as the risk taker when you use your money to help the project come to completion.

You can support the project by

1) being investor and abuse the makers by acting mean to them and telling them things you would like to see in the game. (boring to me. It's the job of the creator to come up with ideas themselves not ask you for suggestions) ....or...

2) support it by being the guy that buys their game when it finally gets released in retail and digital shop form to be consumed.

I prefer not being the pimp, but the buyer of the sex off the prostitute/game maker.

I think you expect everyone out there that is interested in the game to support it as a backer and your definitiion of support means "absorbtion of risk". No. You can be a supporter of the game, by actually giving them money when you buy the game. Most normies actually understand that support includes buyers of the game and backers of the project.

You're the fruit loop. :lol:
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Re: Another kickstarter game worth backing

Post by GameHED »

No one does a better job of owning gameHED better than himself, usual conclusion to a gamehed discussion. :yawn:

Nope. You think everyone is identical in taste. You have a choice not to take advice or to take advice.
If I say it's worth investing in, and you like those types of games, you can take the chance or NOT take the chance. But I am not responsible if the developers decide to cancel the project, or one of them decides to rip off the investors. And then I get blamed because you took my advice.

Unlike you, I actually don't like risks and prefer to buy the game when it is REALISED IN MY HANDS.

But not everyone is ME. Some people like to take risk so I advise them that it would be good FOR THEM, to take the risk since it might interest them enough to be worth the risk.
If they were ME (which they aren't) then I would wait for the game to be ready and not take the risk because there are factors that might cause a game not to be any good due to circumstances out of your own control. (eg one of the guys gets a sporting injury or dies or he has a life changing event that affects the work output. For instance they were speeding in their sportscar and a truck hit them and after brain damage their skils at thinking were gone so they only finished 30% of the game)
So many things can happen that might cause the final version to suck. Why take the risk when it reached its goal already? Well if you are me, there is no reason. But if you are NOT ME, then it might be fun to eat risk just for the thrill. (like buying a lotto ticket)

I personally don't gamble. I prefer leaving that to those that DO like gambling.
Before you speak, learn to comprehend what is being said so people will bother to care what you have to say in your posts. The reason I tolerate you is because you offer me entertainment. Nobody else here will do this for you. They will just skip past it.

If you have trouble understanding the concept of purchasing something after the game is finished and why it is HEALTHY FOR THE INDUSTRY (because it discplines developers to put in 110% to survive) then you'd understand the logic behind my thinking. The reason why guys like Peter Molyneux could get away with Godus was because fanboys didn't apply discipline and just gave money out freely without thinking about the past. (he's good businessman that hypes shit up but sometimes doesn't deliver on promises)
Some people learn from mistakes while others don't care maybe because they have a lot of money?
If you are of the latter you shouldn't mind investing since it won't affect you much. But for the rest of us, maybe buying after release is the superior option.

The thing is you prefer to guilt trip anyone who doesn't back the project and tried to paint them as "not supporting" the developers. That's nonsense. We are all "supporting" when we buy or back the thing. It's just that I take the conservative position myself. But that might not be to your liking because you are big fans of the people so you give them the benefit of the doubt.

The idea is entertainment is subjective. You are not me so your tastes are not mine. I can't make decisions for you because I am not you. But that doesn't mean it's pointless to suggest or advise right? You took it too personally when I called you a tightarse so maybe I should have put a smiley in there so you don't get offended so easily. But I am too busy to care. If you find stuff offensive, just ignore it please. :roll: why is that so hard?
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Re: Another kickstarter game worth backing

Post by BOOMY »

This isn't about being offended or different opinions. It's about a human logic fail with a keyboard attached posting at our forum. But thanks for playing. You may have your opinion. What you may not have is illogical contradicting opinions and be free of being told you are a fruit loop.
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Re: Another kickstarter game worth backing

Post by Cletus »

ffs it's Froot Loops.
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Re: Another kickstarter game worth backing

Post by GameHED »

BOOMY wrote: What you may not have is illogical contradicting opinions and be free of being told you are a fruit loop.
uhhh no.

You get angry at people for calling you a tightwad and expect me to care about your feelings about some random words on a forum about videogames and then make demands on the entire community about what people can and can not say?

Whose the real froot loop? You haven't bought Street Fighter 5 yet and you are lecturing everyone else on whether they are good zombie fanboys by giving away free money without thinking first.

Yes I do enjoy playing with you but you seem to take offense that when a post is done and you can't comprehend the words you demand to be taken seriously if the opinions disagree with yours.

You can't debate for shit.

If you don't invest in a kickstarter project that is not the same as "not supporting the developers" you dumb shit.
I support the developers when I buy their game if it turns out not to be crap since my philosophy is that you MUST DELIVER ON THE GOODS before you get your reward. Just like you don't get any gold medals at the olympics until you perform the best in the event.

That's the free market. You can make awesome promises and tell us lots of great things about your game and show us demos but that is not the same as the actual finished piece of work is it?
For those who invest in the kickstarter project you absorb some risk. But the perks are that you have a say in what kind stuff goes into the game as your money is helping to build the thing. We Normies prefer not to give input because we just want to buy it not tell developers what to do because that's their job to just know. ok?

Do you get it? I'm helping you out here by typing these awesome posts but your brain can't get the difference between your needs vs the needs of others. You seem to think we are ALL THE SAME. We are not. And that's fine. So if you want to invest: I recommend it to be worth it. But I don't take responsibility for your decision if you listen to my advice and the game actually ends up like a turd. It's still your choice. You have the power to not listen to me. That's what freedom is. If you like freedom, do what you want. If you don't, then just obey everything I say and call me your dad if you want. :lol: It makes no difference because that's your choice. What I want (to just BUY the game, which is not the same as INVESTING) and what others want (to invest which is different from buying) is different.

I am not going to stand in your way if you want to invest despite the game already reaching its goal.
I am not going to tell you it's unwise to give them even more money (despite the game already reaching its goal) because YOUR needs are different from MINE. (for example you might LIKE having input into what is put into the game, whereas I don't. But I am not going to shove my opinion down your throat because I believe in freedom for each individual to think for themselves, not just copy what everyone else does. Do what suits YOU, not ME)

When you fill out a form online and it says "you must enter your password to log in" do you get pissed that the form just bullied you into doing something you might not want to do (logging in)? lol How is that different to me saying "you should back this KS project tightwad"? You are complaining about nothing. And the community doesn't care about you arguing on this. You either want to or not. Your decision. You can ignore it.

If you see a form and it says "you must SIGN HERE". Uhhh no you don't. You can choose to ignore the form. You have the power to decide yourself. But you act like you have to listen to my recommendation. You don't. Everyone is free to choose. If I say "you shouldn't ride the bicycle without a helmet" and I ride a Bicycle without wearing a helmet, you going to get angry that I offered advice about safety, which you could ignore if you want to?
If the answer is yes then you can't think for youself and you assume I have some authority over you. (which clearly I don't) And then when I say "that advice about wearing a helmet... you don't actually have to agree with my advice you know", you are going to say "OH YES I DO. I HAVE NO CHOICE. YOU SAID IT SO IT MEANS I HAVE TO".
That's not true. You can choose to not to wear the helmet. But it's a safety recommendation if you fall over.
I am not going to twist your arm if you choose to not take the advice I gave. But it benefits you if you fall doesn't it?
Listening to the advice if up to you. Whether I take MY OWN ADVICE is besides the point. I am not YOU. So I can choose to not wear the helmet because I don't care about safety for myself and be ok with telling others to care about safety even if I don't care about safety FOR ME. Do you get it now?

Now in the case of investing, you ae taking risks. Some people are ok with absorbing risk because they have lots of money lying around not doing anything and want to put it to good use.
While others might have less money so if it fails it's a big loss to them personally. Everyone is different. So when I say: This one is worth risking" that's just me saying my advice and you can choose not to follow the advice if you want to. Just like not putting on the helmet because you are ok with getting injured if you fall over and accidentally hit your head because you like a bit of risk. Some people get a thrill taking risks. Some people don't. It's your choice not mine. In my case I like to take conservative approach because I believe that giving less money forces them to stick to the main goal and not add extra crap that isn't interesting to me. But you are not me. You might want to invest and tell the creators to do stuff that wasn't originally part of the vision. Who am I to say you can't? I'm just interested in purchasing the game not in risking money having input/feedback with the developer. But that might not be true for YOU. Whether you want to take the risk is still your choice. Whether you listen to advice, I don't care. Your deicsion, not mine. But don't get angry at me if I choose not to invest. (even though I think it's worth investing if that's what you want to do)
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Re: Another kickstarter game worth backing

Post by Burnzoire »

I'll have to get this game when candy torrents it for me
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Re: Another kickstarter game worth backing

Post by Candy Arse »

Uploading at the moment.
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Re: Another kickstarter game worth backing

Post by BOOMY »

Say stupid things, expect to be called up on them. Welcome to games ranch.
I'm lecturing no one and angry about nothing, you are delusional. No amount of verbal diarrhea backpedal will take back how silly you look. I'd honestly put more effort into owning you and replying to more of what you've said if you weren't so good at owning yourself.

This just in; crackhed is not a self contradicting hypocrite and makes total sense...we are just supposed to conveniently pick and choose what he says so that it makes sense...Oh well, keep digging up, cracky, keep digging up.
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Re: Another kickstarter game worth backing

Post by GameHED »

BOOMY wrote:Say stupid things, expect to be called up on them. Welcome to games ranch.
I'm lecturing no one and angry about nothing, you are delusional. No amount of verbal diarrhea backpedal will take back how silly you look. I'd honestly put more effort into owning you and replying to more of what you've said if you weren't so good at owning yourself.

This just in; crackhed is not a self contradicting hypocrite and makes total sense...we are just supposed to conveniently pick and choose what he says so that it makes sense...Oh well, keep digging up, cracky, keep digging up.
Just because you say you are not angry doesn't mean we should automatically believe you.

You are a synth.

When you see a don't walk sign, you interpret that as the streets bossing you around and ordering you to never walk. So you will run and jog until you see a don't run sign.

No the sign is a suggestion to keep you safe from getting hurt by the cars that are going to hit you, not a demand which you can't opt out of. If you want to kill yourself or if you want to take the risky chance knowing there might not be any traffic, to cross the road then you are free to do so. But you take responsibility if you die, not other people. You don't get to tell others that DO WALK while it says "don't walk" that they are to blame for you getting run over. Those guys that DID WALK, while the sign said "don't walk" actually took a calculated risk and that is thier business. They are not hypocrites for telling you and suggesting to you that it's not safe to walk or that it is safe to walk, and then not take their OWN advice.

Because the advice they gave to YOU is for you. Not for THEM. Each person is different. I could be a fast walker and be ok with taking the risk because I am skinny and an world championt Frogger player. But you might be an old man, slow, and a bit overweight and if you attempt to walk across the road then you won't make it in time before you get hit by traffic. (because I calculated your speed was not sufficient to avoid death)

That is the same with investing. Everything is risky to a degree.

I prefer not taking risks because I believe less money = people must work that bit harder to get the job done.
Others might have a different belief and think that MORE money means a better game. 9because they want all the extra things in the stretch goals)

It's not hypocritical to offer advice to you, and then not take that advice for ME. I'm not YOU. So I don't have to take the advice that I give to you, since it was directed at YOU and not ME.
You can identify a synth because of an error in their programming. In the old days we used to hunt the machines down but we think your programing can be overcome by teaching you instead of hunting you. Some of you guys are still under the belief that if something isn't explicitly pointed out and obvious, you must continue to do something regardless of whether it makes sense to continue to do it. As a robot the Neural networking learning chip was shut off when terrorist thought you were too dangerous because they just wanted to use you as cyborg assassins not shopping mall greeters that learn to smile at people.

Example is you are having sex with a woman, and she is saying no stop slapping my butt and choking me. You as a human being know that is bullshit because deep down on a spiritual level the woman wants to be dominated and is into rough sex so you ignore the suggestion. But to an immature person, the command/suggestion contradicts the reaction. So you just obey a command (you are confused because you only understand words not non-verbal fom of communication) without understanding it's part of the sexual role play of woman that is into acting submissive during sex. You grew up listening to lesbian feminists tell you that sex = rape all your life, not understanding that lesbians are jealous that heterosexual men are getting the action which the lesbians are jealous of and secretly angry that they can't convert heterosexual females into lesbians and increase the pool of sexy women they (lesbians) can have sex with. You are unaware of complex motiviations for people's seemingly irrational actions.

Since as a synth you don't understand human psychology you just folllow orders without understanding that you are not obligated to follow them or automatically believe people on the face of it. You just absorb information without testing and analysing it. When a politician promised you he'd do something, you actually get angry when they don't do the thing they promised as if it were really possible to please everyone they made promises to.

That is dangerous. If someone says "I'd rather die than play another Call of Duty sequel", you might actually go to the guys house and put him in a concentration camp because of the words he spoke not understanding he doesn't mean he wants to be killed to protect him from endless repetition. When people say: "I didn't mean it that way" you'll then take them to court for misleading you and accuse them of being the crazy one and they are stuck in mental institution because of your belief that they are crazy instead of you not understanding the meaning of the words.

I think you got a demon of self doubt inside you that tells you things that nobody actually said (due to low self esteem because you don't trust in yourself and want others to tell you what to do). You can torture demons by taking the suggestion or thought that the demon sent to you and slicing it up in half or tearing the demon with spiritual weapons of warfare.
demons suggest things to you that are not actually true. You thought I was ordering you to kickstart the game and that you had no option to disagree with me or opt out. That is a sign of a slave. You can freely choose not to kickstart and just buy the game if it is ready. Nobody is going to twist your arm and beat you up for not taking suggestions. Just because you are a tightarse with money doesn't mean that's a bad thing. It is helping to create danger for the developers who are too cocky and expect to make money just doing half arsed work. What results when they get too cocky is they end up wasting resources, because nobody polices them due to having too much freedom.
It's about balance. Keep them scared by only povidig money after the product is made. Then all the risk goes to them if they fail to perform. Common sense. If they are so confident in themselves, then they shouldn't have a problem not getting money until the game is released, right? That's what normal people think. Investors take the risk in exchange for special treatment. Nobody loses. You get to see your dream realised, while the buyers avoid risk of it sucking and the chance to avoid paying anything if the game turns out to be shit.
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Re: Another kickstarter game worth backing

Post by Candy Arse »

It's right about now where I would post about GameHED shitting up yet another thread with his psychobabble....but it's his own thread which means it's shit by default, and then you add the fact that the thread was started about a Kickstarter game worth backing but he won't back it himself.

These natives of Beta Autistic IX work in strange ways.
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Re: Another kickstarter game worth backing

Post by BOOMY »

Just because you say you are not angry doesn't mean we should automatically believe you.
This seems to address the same logic that led to your hypocritical episode above. We are having the conversation on the page, not the one in your imagination.
We are discussing the things that were said, not the things we are assuming others didn't mean but did say or the reverse, did mean but didn't say.
Anytime you wish to join the actual (not imagined) discussion, which you started i'll add, you may. Otherwise you may gladly shut the fuck up.
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