The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by Candy Arse »

Would I be a tinfoil-hatter if I said that Metal Slug X is the best Metal Slug game?
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

I hate that alien boss with a passion. And everyone should wear a tin foil hat just in case they try to use microwave weapons on you.

I have been trying for ages to get Cletus to believe that gangstalking is a real phenomenon and that not everyone who is paranoid about being targeted is crazy. They might ACT crazy but the crazy behavior of the victim is triggered by the real harassment that security companies with corrupt people working inside them engage in whilst maintaining invisiblity through proxy bullies who may not know why they are scripted to go spy/harass/bully the the target they are ordered to follow around.

I think now that Trump defeated the left wing guys it is time an investigation be done on the tactics and technology being used to trigger the violent shooters that are claiming they were being zaped by energy weapons which the public isn't aware exist.
You want to beat the bad guys? You got to study their tactics to figure out how they got this far in the first place and can manipulate innocent people to do bad things while not getting caught. Just like in the war games you play: know your enemy and know yourself, then battles become easy to predict whether you win or lose and can avoid unecessary casualties.

We KNOW these guys are criminals. We KNOW they don't like freedoms. We just need critical mass to enact change. But before that people have to believe that abuse that is happening to them is real and not the ravings of lunatics with too much time on their hands. That's the biggest hurdle because everyone is a know-it-all and won't do thier own investigation to verify that the wild claim is really hoax. If you don'[t go on the journey no matter where it takes you, you won't get the truth. People want to believe that everything they are told must be true unless proven false. It's the other way around: everything should be put in the false basket until you yourself can verify and confirm it is in fact true.

Train the younger generations about gangstalking, so that when they become whistleblowers, they will be prepared for the gangstalking and harassment that will inevitably follow when they start to zap people with microwave weapons, heart attack guns, ELF waves from weaponised stallites. These younger generations will not know what FREEDOM actually IS because not being free is the new normal. The first target we need to stop from being able to control the narrative is the SJWs. Then we take over the colleges and look for all the professors with commie beliefs and get them out of positions of power.

There comes a time where you got to say "enough is enough". And then follow through with action. But everyone wants another person to do it while they watch tv or play videogames. If someone in power is doing illegal shit and nothing is done, why do you expect these globablist satanists pedophiles to stop what they are doing once they realise you are weak spineless shits that don't mind being enslaved? They are just doing what benefits them. And when you don't have checks and balances of course the world is going to be more fucked up. (ie WWIII on horizon, censorship, agenda 21 depopulation, demonising the alternative media just because the mainstream media can't compete and is caught lying etc)

If you don't fight these shits then we can't complain if thier power keeps growing rather than shrinking. We need to find out whether these energy weapon systems are really being used on civilisians by the military (the rogues that are criminally misusing the tech) if we want to stop shootings and violence. It is in the nature of man to kill people if they think they are being attacked first and the bad guys are able to get away with the crime unpunished. (research myron may and navy yard shootings)

Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom website on this issue" onclick=";return false;

Once people are aware that within your own community are pro-NWO operatives spying on you using your phones, home appliances and computers people will understand how to fight them. Think of it like there are soldiers that dres up in civilians uniforms and act normal in society but they are working on a local level to implement the plans of the satanist who are trying to push out the christian, conservative, patriot types and also gun owners who want to exercise thier right to bear arms and maintain the free speech we have taken for granted in previous generations.

It's no longer a mere info war like alex jones believes. It's gone physical but covert. (using the spy tech of modern time to bring about change through assassinations, arrests of innocent people by setting them up, and terrorism (the real kind not the staged stuff)

Since they operate in shadow you need light to expose them. Not many people are in search for truth and just dismiss this topic as the ranting of crazy people. But if they are crazy or have schizophrenia it would appear early in life. But most of the ones claiming they are followed and on surface act paranoid are found to be sane people who are just outspoken on issues that affect the NWO. But that's how they win. (ie it is known as gaslighting - making you think that freedom and truth is a crazy idea and that you are the crazy one for wanting it)

The goal is to make you appear crazy to the public while harassing the targets to drive them to do crazy things but in fact they (the target) are just doing whatever they think is their defenses against the harassment. Since the perps use a "safety in numbers" strategy, it is impossible to go after the perps because they rotate the perps and the head of the operation giving the perps the orders never gets their own hands dirty. (the target then thinks EVERYONE is out to harm them which isn't true. (but it has the effect of making them overly paranoid anyway which is part of the aim) It is just the embedded spy dressed up in civilian clothes and not the public, however the spy can involve members of the public who think the target is a criminal, pedo, terrorist which is what they are told by the perps who falsely accuse people they want to target).

Information war is part of the fight but it is inevitably going to get physical when these targets get pissed off enough to shoot up a mall and then further give the NWO more justification for why the public should be disarmed. (just like sith Lord using Anakin massacre of children and attack on Palpatine as justification to rid the galaxy of Jedi council - ie Anakin is like the modern shooter who was targeted by these gangstalkers and harassed for so long by covert satanic groups posing as normal people in society to go insane and lose their shit) If they can drive people to believe that freedom = you are crazy and violent, then they can disarm the population and bring about global enslavement. Putin and Trump should be aware of this tactic as it comes down to expanding their power while diminishing the power of the free people. It was never about political parties. But getting the resources off of the free people, stealing it, and then using it to develop weapons to use against the free people while convincing those free people that tyranny is good. They do this by starting wars between groups and the conflict between the groups gives them a way to make money off of the death (dead people give up land) and sale of weapons to cause the death. (Military Industrial Complex. As well as profit from the paranoia of the nations who get jealous when one nation is getting ahead in power over the other nation and which causes them to form dictatorships out of fear of lack of control. (ie fear of no control = anakin skywalker syndrome of people turning into Vader like characters of using brute force to bring false "peace". ie the belief that you can only have peace through killing the other person.)
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

Interesting stuff from begley:
How planet 7x was able to cause the Sun to stay up longer than normal due to pole shift in ancient times:
electric universe theory
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by itch »

This thread is a FUCKING TRIP." onclick=";return false;
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by t0mby »

That first video has been removed. I know little about Pizzagate except fake news was posted and some shooter went to the pizza restaurant. Is that correct? Can someone post some bullet points without any videos?
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by Cletus »

So that shooting is considered a false flag event. The bloke who "entered the pizza restaurant and fired a shot at the floor" is an actor who recently hit a child with his car and is yet to face court for it. It's believed a deal was made with him to enter Comet Ping Pong and fire a weapon. This was enough to get the MSM to ramp up the fake news angle, playing the "look what happens when people make accusations" card. The only outlets claiming Pizzagate is fake news is the MSM, who happen to be about the only ones not undertaking any kind of how they've concluded that Pizzagate is fake news is one of the biggest issues with the whole thing. It also seems to be similar to how the UK media handled Jimmy Saville...until he died and couldn't threaten to drag anyone else down with him.
But as you asked for bullet points, here we go.

John Podesta is involved in child trafficking and paedophilia.

So is his brother

So are many high level Democrats

Hilary is a diseased cunt

So is Bill.

People figured out they're all in it up to their necks

Mainstream Media runs to the defence of the Democrat donkeys and labels Pizzagate fake news, and everyone involved in seeking the truth as nutcases.

MSM blames those investigating Pizzagate for a shooting that claimed no lives, injured no people and isn't explicitly connected to anyone investigating.

Podesta goes silent since the story gained momentum but oddly tweets after an "unknown source from the CIA" claims Russia is behind the hacks. It's believed this tweet is simply to prepare the groundwork to accuse Russia of editing his emails with the intent of causing the pizzagate scandal in the first place.

Hercy denies Pizzagate is real.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by Hercy »

Arguing about Pizza gate is as futile as trying to convince a religious person that god isn't real.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by Cletus »

or convincing climate change believers that they've been similarly duped.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by itch »

The pizzagate shooters father, Harry Welch also runs a film production company called 'Forever Young Productions' and he also served as Executive Director for Protect-A-Child, a national, non-profit organization to prevent abuse and abduction of children. Appointed by Governor Jim Martin to the Governor's Commission on Child Victimization. And served two terms on the Boy Scouts of America Council for Central North Carolina. He and his wife have also served as a foster family to three different children. He and Terri, both are qualified as Boy Scout Counselors and merit badge instructors." onclick=";return false;

Concentrating on the pizza is kind of... distracting. The real accusation (allegations) are that the people involved are always inevitably involved in orphanages, charities, child protective services and they all seem to make donations to the clinton foundation or democratic party.

It's hard to know where to start when describing this, whether to start with the creepy social media posts of those who float around in this circle,

Or instead on people like Laura Silsby who was implicated in vast people trafficking of children in Haiti while running orphanages there. Laura Silsby ultimately was acquitted of charges, but her lawyer, Jorge Puello was later convicted of people trafficking himself sometime later and is still accused of doing so in four separate countries. One of the people who made statements in support of Laura Silsby, Izette Folger is a close friend of James Alefantis the comet ping pong owner. She is also the daughter of Michael Macobby whose son runs 760 orphanagess in Haiti.

Go to exhibit D in the highlighted comment in this post for sources and more connections:" onclick=";return false;

In fact, this sticky post in the Voat forum is a decent (but not great) run down" onclick=";return false;
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by itch »

One of the more remarkable things about this is that Andrew Breitbart, the guy who created that shitlord alt-right news source" onclick=";return false; tweeted about John Podesta's involvement in this in 2011.
How prog-guru John Podesta isn't household name as world class underage sex slave op cover-upperer defending unspeakable dregs escapes me.
7:21 AM - 5 Feb 2011
He hated John Podesta.
And seemed to think he 'had something in his closet'.

Look at this clip where he reacts to a reference to 'ping pong'
It's just uncanny, the topic of conversation (Anthony Weiner's sex pest behavior) they frame it as 'a porno version of The West Wing, that Breitbart had already insinuated in tweets about podesta's involvement...

Oh yeah, Breitbart died prematurely less than 12 months later at the age of 43. Not only that but the coroner who performed the Autopsy on him died 2 months after that from arsenic poisoning ... tbart-456/" onclick=";return false;
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by itch »

The thing I posted above (saying it was a fucking trip) revolves around the idea that John Podesta received and forwarded what appears to be a coded message ARRANGING THE HIT ON SUPREME COURT JUDGE SCALIA who died at Cibolo Creek Ranch.

If you follow that thread and try to understand you should have an 'ah ha' moment that will blow you away.

Also another thing that has come to light is that apparently the business owners and residents of the people on the 'Comet Ping Pong' street in washington DC are apparently mostly CIA agents, that's where they live and work, upwards of 80% of them anyway according to this thread" onclick=";return false;
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

Makes me sick thinking about this stuff. Keep in mind whatever these guys knew is only a portion of the victims in total the satanists have preyed upon. What about all the stuff we DON'T know about??

As for those who think the alternative media is fake, they have to say that because they themselves are involved in the cover up of criminal activity due to being the propaganda arm of the NWO. You don't get to be in the media unless they LET you get there and usually that means you have to be compromised in some way so that if you ever turn against them they can use whatever dirt they have on you to show the public and destroy your reputation so you can never work again.

We need to stop worrying about what the mainstream media or public thinks and calmy get people who have the skills and connection to find out the truth of this matter and gather the evidence first before coming forward on social media since even that is controlled by the people involved in these activities. How else was Angla Merkel able to stop information about rapes go onto social media? Politicians CAN NOT BE TRUSTED. Yet we give them all our power. And then expect them to act honorably if their reputations are at stake which lacks common sense.

This is why it is dangerous not to prepare for being persecuted when telling the truth and having backup if something happens to you so that the information you have doesn't die with you. You will get targeted/gangstalked if you are a whistleblower or honest person because they fear you and are not used to not having control over everything and everyone. Know that before you become a citizen journalist in future as we head for a censored world, and mindless SJW zombies brainwashed by the commie professors in colleges and armies of Soros-paid thugs go after you.

You want to beat a snake you got to become a snake and then outwit the snake by using it own traps against it much like the Freemen movement uses the unjust laws and legalese against the corrupt judges and embarasses them by exposing the system through exploiting it. (the old tactcis of baiting them to come to an interview and ambushing them doesn't work anymore - people will take camera footage of their own to film the entire interview so the mainstream media can't paint groups they don't like as the bad guys or crazy people anymore by clever editing)

The reason the public lost trust in these people is because they expected trump to lose and he won because the mainstream media kept saying he had no chance of winning and it is my belief that when they the public heard that lie everyday, they decided not to bother voting for clinton because most of them are lazy people who focus on hedonistic pursuits. While the underdogs who were most affected by the establishment were desperate to vote out the left so they couldn't wait to support trump despite anything the mainstream media says.

Let that be a lesson to these people. Don't piss off the masses. We are not going to give up freedoms. You can have a tolerance of people from different backgrounds but just don't try to merge all the power because it will destroy the unique identity of the people who still have pride in who they are, their history, and culture. We should convert the people that come to the nation towards OUR way of life, not be converted to theirs. And if they don't want that then they are free to leave at any time. The world is all about competition for resources and if you want more than you are willing to fight for, then you got to work or offer something in return that gives value.

We have too many feminists and SJWs that feel entitled to take stuff without actually thinking about where it all comes from. Some poor dickhead had to work for it and observe the rules. If they don't like the rules of how things are done then they should try to change it peacefully. The problem is that they are intolerant of the host that supports them. And that is why these nationalist guys are making a comeback. (I am libertarian and only observe laws of God and the natural laws; laws that have stood the test of time for thousands of years long before your governments were ever created... not the government law crap you change whenever it suits you to move the goalposts according to man's desires or whatever the crazy king of the day feels like doing.)

Hercy: whether you believe in pizzagate is beside the point of the scandal. An invesitagation should be done based on the emails to get to the truth. Skeptics of the claims can then take satisfaction that if they are proven right, then they can say we are all just crackpots right? So you have nothing to lose. This is one of those things that if WE are wrong, nothing bad happens and people can say that time was wasted and people go back to living their lives and can laugh at the independent media. But if YOU are wrong, the consequences of that error mean kids are being killed on a regular basis and raped and having their body parts sold on the blackmarket to satanic cults. And to not investigate is to endanger future victims' lives.

Most of us HOPE the skeptics are right but it would be against our conscioence not to investigate something like this. Not because we give a shit about which political party gets into power, but because the innocent people life is in danger to these people who do not live the same life the average person on the street does and believes they are some kind of god over all of us. The cold hard reality is that they SERVE US. And if you don't like this then that's too bad because they can't do anything without our consent. All we have to do is stop working in their system and revolt. We created the fucking machine to begin with so we can take it down just as easily. It only got this bad because we allowed it to get this bad by being asleep. Modern technology has the drawback that it distracts us from important things. And they like that we are asleep so they can continue to control our lives through subtle brainwashing over long period of time that spans generations of giving out misinformation so that we are unable to tell truth from lie. If people actually questioned their reality and beliefs MORE than we would not have this problem. But people are easy to tempt and corrupt. It's because we listen to sweet lies that they can continue to use the jedi mind tricks on us all. If you deny that evil people exist out there then you are setting yourself up for a fall when they affect you personally. (as we saw with 911 where nations were dragged into a war they didn't believe in. In fact they can use the fear of terrorism to target innocent people and make the older generations believe they are just protecting them from bad guys when in fact it is being used to target anyone that is anti-NWO. To stop this abuse of power we have to teach the dumb guys to think for themselves and investigate the truth of any matter using their bullshit-detection skills and not brainwash them into just blindly agreeing with anything we say.)
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

As much as I'd like to talk about UFOs, reptilians, Nibiru, I thought I'd post about the coming cashless society.

Who here thinks it would be a good thing? (I watch a lot of science fiction movies and I have to admit the idea does sound appealing because you can get things done so much faster)

I have been wondering about it for a while and it got my attention that if people do not find a way out of the system they will be stuck giving up all their energy over to these globalists. (we all know the theory of having cashless society isn't in itself a bad thing necessarily but that it will be inevitably abused to enslave us since they are evil people, just as google went evil)

Already there are articles appearing about this topic and it made me think back to the old documentary "Freedom to Fascism" where Aaron Russo talks about how the globalist want to bring about a cashless society and RFID chip in all humans so that they can easily erase your information from the system if you go against them, so that you can no longer engage in commerce because they own the infrastructure that allows people to purchase things. (leaving you homeless, jobless, and unable to feed yourself and your family)

We have pretty much gotten to that right now and it is no longer a conspiracy theory anymore.

There are MGTOW guys talking about this and prepping to exit the matrix.
Does anyone here think about buying gold or bitcoins just in case? What happened to the concept of using bottlecaps as currency like in the fallout games? It seems everyone is relying on computers to solve everything but what if WW3 happens and all the electronics fails or something post-apocalyptic?
It seems like a lot of the doomsday preppers overlook that scenario.. An EMP bomb here and there could wreck all the electronic devices you use and rely on daily. The Amish will be the only ones to survive imo. Not the geeky guys who can't get laid and work in the IT department playing videogames all day and buying shit online with bitcoins and fucking sex robots.


"Freedom to Fascism" documentary warning about the plan to chip us all like animals and live in cashless society (now talked about in mainstream media today and not conspiracy theory anymore)
The Dark Side of a Cashless Society:
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by itch »

Keep it pizza related my man
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by itch »

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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by itch »

Miley Cyrus had a pizza obsession going on for a while

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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by Cletus »

That was established a little earlier in this thread. I think it should have been the one piece of information that completely flipped the naysayers. Apparently not though.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by guttermouth »

You would think this will protect any Hilary shrill who gets busted with kiddy was the russians... ... ailymailus" onclick=";return false;
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

By demonising Putin all they are doing is moving us toward WWIII.

Nobody (who likes not becoming a irradiated mutant out of a fallout game) wants this.

Although having said that it ties in well with the Illuminati's plan to create a One World Government through a three world war scenario." onclick=";return false;

Itch the younger generations are waking up to the schemes of these bad guys.

But my question is this:

What needs to be DONE to protect them after they blow the whistle on the people engaged in these activities? Because the thing is they will get followed around and stalked and put on lists and have accounts banned from social media so they can't defend themselves.
Should we send counter surveilance groups to protect them (similar to Dr. Steven Greers havens for free energy inventors?) in case they get killed or murdered for revealing this stuff?

If Trump can't trust the CIA, then what can the average joe trying to expose the high crimes of their own leaders do? What if say your community is populated by people who are friends with the elites? (or that the SJWs dox you and move into your neighborhood to spy on you 24/7 to stalk for the united nations who has operatives working in the local level right now to push for FORCED compliance with their agendas) It's not like they can trust their own neighbours. Someone has to follow the stalkers around and get to them before they can get to the victim being harassed.

We have seen Joan Rivers murdered just for something she said. We have laws that are going to be brought about to target the alternative media (research media matters which is a anti-right wing group trying to tell us what we can believe. Think of it like the "ministry of Truth" lol ). How do we stop a joan rivers-style hit on these young people that wish to use their research skill to influence the public opinion by exposing the leader's real character? The mainstream media obviously think we are stupid and believe that anything done in front of a camera = who they are really. Most critical thinking people know that just because you look nice in front of a camera doesn't mean you are that way in private. And that's where the alternative media comes into it by giving us balance. Independent researchers can look at the claims the mainstream media make to see if they are giving factual information or just acting like advertisements for their politicians.

The white guys who are shown to be bad fathers on tv programs while the women are the sensible ones is one example here where actors and creative people are forced to do roles they don't like and even they are turning against the system now. (same thing with rappers - Kanye West looks to have given the illuminati the middle finger)

We can show pics of pizza all day. But what do the public DO? (I'm not asking what should we ask the GOVERNMENT to do - they can never truly represent the people since they have to work inside a system that is easily corrupted to work against the free people which they have to leech off of through the taxes so they don't want to shrink the power of the government as this means they lose their job when there is less funding)

The police can't do shit since they do not want to look like racists by the SJWs (who use social media to make the good cops look bad) and so will turn a blind eye if the government says they must go light on minorities who want to attack people. Corrupt Governments are not interested in justice, just control of populations and to manipulate the people to grant them more power.

What I'm saying is: CAN anything be done to police the government when it gets out of control and protects the pedophile networks? Or do we just let them rape and kill children while alex jones gets rich talking about it on his show but not stopping it?

I'm not interested in the politics. I want to know what we as people (not the government) are to do if government doesn't do anything about this? When governments accuse fathers of not being good fathers, they can legally kidnap the child under the guise of protecting children from abusive family, and then sell these children to these satanic cults to be used as sacrifices.

The whole reason the freeman movement and sovereign citizens movement was formed I believe is because they don't want property stolen from them by governments controlled by these satanists who operate in secret and reach high up into these illuminati bloodlines. The reason these evil people do it is to gain favour with their evil gods when they perform certain death rituals on the public. (in past old testament biblical days these things were done publicly but today it's hidden because christians would panic and go apeshit if they knew they were surrounded by these types of people. I notice only fringe christians who have personally encountered the occult practices or been involved in them in the past before they were converted cover the dark topics, perhaps out of fear?)

Now I know the secular humanist types don't like me saying this, but the cold hard fact is the UN believes in merging all religions into one big super religion where you are not given a choice in whether you can be athiest or not. If you don't believe in this maitreya god they want to push on you, then you will be cut from the ability to engage in commerce. (this is important because the UN wants to confiscate your property, take the guns, and use the SJWs like the actress from Harry Potter movies to control your life at every level by using white knights to enforce their will)

For me after WWIII starts we can expect a "solution" to nuclear war in the form of a World Government, But that the "peaceful people" will be militant in bringing about their peace through force and taking away your rights, Individual thinking and sovereignty will be demonised as the cause for war. (similar to how many uneducated people say religion is the cause for war but don't understand that wars are about control over territory and resources but religion is just used as an excuse to kill others that are not the same as you by cunning politicians. There are many people who different beliefs that can get along together fine and still remain seperate and not have to merge. The NWO doesn't like that so they start war between different groups to instill this idea that we must kill the other guy to solve a problem or merge everything into one to remove individuality and freedom from the public to stop them thinking outside the box and to brainwash the children into accepting whatever they say blindly.)

We know they do bad stuff. But what are you going to do when it affects you in your local community level? (ie they send their agents to live next door to you and start following you around and spying on you 24/7 and then using the modern technology (cellphone gps) to track you all the time and gangstalk? The technology is only going to get worse as they put smart devices into the appliances you use at home to enhance their power over you and spy on conversations to meet you at the places you go to? (kind of like mail interception in the old days where they would intercept the communication and read the message then interfere with what is being said in it)

]The girl that stumbled upon this pizzagate stuff could be your daughter (in future scenario where your kids are bullied by the SJWs who work in social media and paid to censor videos and dob people in for not agreeing with the politicians of the day) and if you don't have some plan to protect your own family, you will putting thier life in danger. (ie arrange car accident like Princess Diana, raped by muslim gangs, or kidnapped by your own government similar to what happened to people in the Freeman movement.
It's not enough to talk about this anymore. The public needs to have solutions to fight the loss of freedoms and escape the control.

rappers have come forward to expose this stuff:
but these entertainers have support network in the form of fans that know them.
What does the average joe do?
1. can't trust government (the politicians just create laws that benefit them and their mates in power)
2. can't trust community (older generations are brainwashed into believing everything the mainstream media tells them)
3. can't trust UN (obviously that only exists as part of the overall plan to make nations agree that having soveriengty is wrong and that individualism is inferior to collectivism where people should not be allowed to think for themselves)

If you were Joan River's ghost, what solution would you give to young people to avoid being killed while you research into these dangerous criminals? Should we form safe haven groups that specialises in counter intelligence to target gangstalkers which are there to spy on individuals whose opinions disagree with SJWs, to send a message that we won't put up with brown shirts that are on the payroll of George Soros? Or just fight physically similar to sovereign citizens that just shoot whoever infringes on their rights?

The reason tyrants get away with shit is because nobody likes to fight back. Yet you guys grow up watching all these action movies where the hero actually kills the bad guys and puts them away in prison like spiderman and the punisher and stuff like that. But I don't see any criminals getting put in prisons and shit. I doubt anyone is going to jail if it is found the leaders in high places are proven guilty in investigation. They obviously just paid off anyone with hush money.

This is an age old problem and the reason the world is so fucked up imo. Once people's morals go, the society stops trusting their own fellow man and become mercenaries and we devolve into mad max world where anarchists win. IE no reason to trust in things like honor and duty to something outside of yourself like the heroes in comic books anymore and people start wearing arseless chaps because the females won't fuck them so they turned into gay biker gang for love. lol Then the NWO comes in as the "hero" and says it can bring order but it comes at a price: give up your soul to satan and you can have global peace. (if you are an entertainer that means they control what you put in your lyrics. If you are a soldier they get to tell you who you point the gun at. If you are reporter, the script is written for you and questions are controlled so you ask easy ones on pro-nwo guests, and hard ones on anti-nwo guests. If you are cop, this means turning a blind eye to corruption in high places if you want to keep your job etc )

Some people in athiest community (LOT of them are moral relativists so there are no absolute right and wrong) are looking for answers on what to do if they can't replace religion after they leave the traditionalist liefstyle. Science can't protect you against a group of gang leaders who come to your town to take your stuff using force and believe in evil behavior as the solution to getting what you want in life. Would an athiest be able to convert a satanist who worships an evil god to stop looting his village of valuables in a world where there are no communities of people with moral authority to turn to?
These are serious questions. Scientists can be turned to do evil things and force to work on tech to enslave people. So science can't give you answer to that problem.
I proposed the idea that athiest need to form a community that is like a church (without a god but maybe worship sex robot which only uses logic and reason) and this is a place to meet up for social interactions and support once the one world religion is forced upon people. You can't fight alone. All those doomsday preppers that think lone wolf can survive by themselvs have watched too many cartoons as kids. You need support network. The dwarves got their asses handed to them in Lord of The rings and the technology couldn't beat magic. Hiding in caves like roaches can only go so far. It's highly likely that these transhumanist types will build machines to help themselves, but that the technology can be hacked and exploited by the clever people to control them like the electronic voting machines or hacked drones. The cellphones are an example of technology which can be turned against the buyers of the devices. It gives you freedom to talk to people on it, but doubles as a spy device for the illuminati to track you.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by Cletus »

guttermouth wrote:You would think this will protect any Hilary shrill who gets busted with kiddy was the russians... ... ailymailus" onclick=";return false;
Yep, that was what I was pointing to in the post just before yours. As this gains traction among the masses, it'll be blamed on the Russians. It's disgusting. You can see them making pre-emptive posts, tweets and comments already. And even though there's no evidence that Russia was directly involved in the hacks, they'll continue with the same mantra simply to shift blame away from themselves. I have no doubt that this will turn out to have many elements of truth and it won't be reported until the major players have died. If we take the Jimmy Saville affair as reference, there's no doubt that much higher ups were involved in one way or another but as Saville had died before being exposed, he couldn't make any deals or drag any other players down with him. The MSM will play this scandal in exactly the same way. Podesta will be dead before his role in this is reported on. For a plethora of reasons, many other players won't even be mentioned when it finally is reported as a real story.

Oddly the other day Colbert did a joke about Pizzagate. On the surface and without giving context or mapping out the huge coincidences, Pizzagate is ludicrous. I guess that makes a potentially huge childsex scandal fair game in the comedy realm. Far be it from me to decide what should and shouldn't be parodied. But his conclusion to the sketch is what rings alarm bells for me. He actually tells Wikileaks, Infowars and Reddit to grow up. Now I get why he'd say that to Alan Jones (Infowars) and Reddit...but to put Wikileaks in the same basket as the alt right alternative media alludes to an agenda, to me anyway. Colbert is generally much smarter than that. It just doesn't make any sense. It's as if Liberal America is angry with Wikileaks for doing what they've always done. What the Liberals were happy for Wikileaks to do when it's anyone else. But because their diseased sacred cow was so severely exposed, they're so angry with Wikileaks, they put them in a category they were never put in before. Is it to steer people away from reading the material? Is it to destroy Wikileak's credibility? Is it damage control? I think yes.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

MGTOW news:
hogbeasts doomed
China protects the men from gold digging hos who only marry men for thier stuff rather than love:
governments are starting to get scared men are going on strike. The MRA groups should be happy about this. Maybe they should move to china and find a chun li look a like? (complete with handcuffs if it's the cop version rather than normal schoolgirl version in the streetfighter super turbo ending)
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

Cletus wrote:
guttermouth wrote:You would think this will protect any Hilary shrill who gets busted with kiddy was the russians... ... ailymailus" onclick=";return false;
Yep, that was what I was pointing to in the post just before yours. As this gains traction among the masses, it'll be blamed on the Russians. It's disgusting. You can see them making pre-emptive posts, tweets and comments already. And even though there's no evidence that Russia was directly involved in the hacks, they'll continue with the same mantra simply to shift blame away from themselves. I have no doubt that this will turn out to have many elements of truth and it won't be reported until the major players have died. If we take the Jimmy Saville affair as reference, there's no doubt that much higher ups were involved in one way or another but as Saville had died before being exposed, he couldn't make any deals or drag any other players down with him. The MSM will play this scandal in exactly the same way. Podesta will be dead before his role in this is reported on. For a plethora of reasons, many other players won't even be mentioned when it finally is reported as a real story.

Oddly the other day Colbert did a joke about Pizzagate. On the surface and without giving context or mapping out the huge coincidences, Pizzagate is ludicrous. I guess that makes a potentially huge childsex scandal fair game in the comedy realm. Far be it from me to decide what should and shouldn't be parodied. But his conclusion to the sketch is what rings alarm bells for me. He actually tells Wikileaks, Infowars and Reddit to grow up. Now I get why he'd say that to Alan Jones (Infowars) and Reddit...but to put Wikileaks in the same basket as the alt right alternative media alludes to an agenda, to me anyway. Colbert is generally much smarter than that. It just doesn't make any sense. It's as if Liberal America is angry with Wikileaks for doing what they've always done. What the Liberals were happy for Wikileaks to do when it's anyone else. But because their diseased sacred cow was so severely exposed, they're so angry with Wikileaks, they put them in a category they were never put in before. Is it to steer people away from reading the material? Is it to destroy Wikileak's credibility? Is it damage control? I think yes.
Don't get so worried what the MSM AKA 'the real fake news' think. For them to attack so viciously is actually a good sign that we are doing damage. You know you are over the target when you are getting shot at a lot. Just focus on training kids to think critically. Accept nothing as true from liars until you yourself can prove it independently through constant testing and checking them for facts. Thier attacks are known as ad hominem attacks on people. If they are losing they attack your character because they have no ammunition. It's a sign of desperation. They KNOW they are full of shit, but do not care so they continue going after your character not debating with you on what the truth of a matter is.

It's the same reason I think antifeminist youtube channels need to stop debating with feminist using logic. They simply do not care about truth but need to keep the agenda going. It's waste of energy. Concentrate on the things you CAN change first. Then figure out what to do about the SJWs later. (obviously they are puppets paid money by rich guys hiding in shadows or sex with hookers to continue attacking)
Don't focus on defending yourself from attacks that have nothing to back them up. That's what they want you to waste your time and energy into. Focus on pushing your change.

You see, by making you react to all the false accusations it acts as a distraction from the real issue which is the criminal behaviour and paedophile network. So they bombard you with information that is fake to nudge your attention away from them with the logic being that if you have to defend all the time, you are not attacking.

And it works because it creates noise. While you are defending yourself from attwcks, they can control where your energy is focused so that you are not attacking them with real weapons that strengthen your position. Sort of like if you are a boxer and they keep head faking and it forces you into raising your guard up all the time, instead of actually punching them to damage them for real. You don't win a fight just standing there being a good blocker. You know a head fake is to keep you in turtle mode and not a real punch. (ie the accusation having no basis in fact) So start attacking. Don't let them them use mind game to manipulate your behavior. Do the exact opposite of how they WANT you to react. The public obviously believes in whatever personally benefits them, so if they lie long enough, the public loses faith in thier claims when they destroy thier own credibility by creating fake news to confuse everyone.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

We already had meteor hit queensland last year
now cracks are appearing in the floor in other parts of the world:
stan deyo was right. The crust is expanding and plates shifting. We need floating anti gravity islands NOW.
Annunaki arrival must be imminent. We are the giant robots to fight them?
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

I knew it was going to lead to this:
At some point the sick and insane people of society would eventually run the insane asylum (society) because after a point when the 'leaders' become compromised enough, the logical conclusion is those people that were compromised would try to just legalise the crime to avoid feeling guilt for it. Having excess amounts of wealth lets them get away with it, since they can buy the judge, kill the people in the community who are against their agenda, and brainwash children into accepting this as normal by taking over the schools (ie the army of social justice warriors coming out of the shadow to launch attacks on social media for the rich guys paying them).

As western civilisation collapses the empire will collapse along with it because this kind of system isn't sustainable. (when nothing is considered immoral the evil guys start to feed off of each other like cannibals and this leads to death as they both destroy each other to live instead of working together to bring life they would rather loot and kill. When there is nothing left to take they die after they eat away their host which they relied on to live. (which is the lifeblood of the people that kept the thing together)
When I predicted in a previous post that they would try to legalise pedophilia I was not kidding (no pun intended). They are at the point where they no longer care anymore what you think about them and want to come out of the shadows and be accepted in monster form so they can act the way they normally do in secret, but in public now as they are sick of hiding. You either conform with their lifestyle choice or become target. (it got this bad because people didn't teach their kids to question everything they are taught by their teachers and to think for themselves for signs of mental illness in the adults who get jobs working at schools, child care facilities and colleges where the spy agencies place their change agents. If you can't think for yourself critically analysing their beliefs you will be in danger of converting to their causes/agendas etc and that involves stealing tax payers money for things nobody would fund unless government forcibly took it off them and removed the choice.

When you have weak foundations, then the building placed on top of that foundation is also weak. Upside down pyramid is the solution to the NWO which isn't sustainable. (ie people take power themselves in bottom up approach to create their future, not rely on centrlaised system of control that applies globally.)
Let's say in a few years everyone in your community is a pedophile preying on your son and daughter, do you think the future generation is going to like that you enslaved them and exploited them for selfish gain at their expense? No they will just prey on the generation that comes after them. (snake eating itself) Eventually they revolt and kill their fathers/leaders/teachers and you end up with chaos. (exactly what happens when people lose faith in their own people to survive. (you could reverse this "order through chaos" NWO thing and say it's "chaos through order" (ie when the enslaved see the evil for what it is and say fuck it, I have been ripped off by their lies and hypocrites", and go rogue against the con artists they serve under.) This becomes the cycle and over time legend like the legend of atlantis when technologically advanced civilisation collapses when the powerful guys stop using logic and reason and go insane causing a big reboot, and the survivors retry again by hiding lost knowledge in secret societies in hopes "we might just get it right the next time" and rebuild it again, but then repeat the exact same mistake again in future. (forgetting why the previous attempt failed last time)

All the old problems were there in the bible. These satanic groups are just bringing back the same old rituals of the past without knowing it. ie sacrificing kids to give them power, instant gratification, a temporary hope that "it will go different the next time we do it" and bringing chaos to a weakened nation. ie outisde enemies take advantage of the empire's weaknesses and invade once they see how divided it is and fractured in power. To the left wing" The Russians don't NEED spies to weaken any security because the immoral behavior of the leader already did that by turning against their own people. Even if an outside threat were to breach security, the people who are no better off serving under their own nation, are not going to have any incentive to defend the nation anyway, (because the leaders no longer represent the interests of the people) so why would Russians "hacking election"* be of any threat to the enslaved population exactly? These people are insane and need to think of it as punishment for their own stupidity.

*mainstream media belief only


the religious symbolism of the occultists hidden in buildings, money, murals etc (occultists warning for years but nobody listening)
spy vs spy war. Could Clinton faction be planning Trump assassination?
It's time they just used holographic projection of Trump in public imo (sort of like the communication device in star wars where he can appear as a image instead of having to be in person. Too many haters out there trying to have him killed) Lets say he dies for real because he reverses the plan of the NWO. The family can use the image of trump to keep him alive forever similar to the illuminati using holograms of their dead pop artists. The messages/ideas etc are the important thing. When robot technology becomes more advanced you could 3D print the face of the president on the face of the robots and have the leader speak to his followers through the robot so that even if an assassin kills the robot the leader is still safe. I think that is the future. I've noticed that all of the hair of the leaders goes grey after they get into power possibly from the stress of worrying about being killed by the groups opposing them.
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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