The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

Now that Trump has finally gotten into power what anti-nwo americans need to do is figuring out how to stop a muslim president ever gaining power again. The reason americans are targeted by the muslims is because of all the violence that has been going on in the middle east and this strengthens athiest's belief that all wars are caused by religions (even though arabs and jews can get along fine if they are not political zionists with agenda to use religion as a mind control tool to obtain power.

I looked at an old stefan molyneux vid on this topic:
what needs to happen is we need to teach younger people to never take one or the other side's story as fact and to critically analyse both sides. The mainstream media always ever shows the one side and over the years americans have always felt a need to be on one of them rather than be neutral. True peace can't be obtained by killing people that disagree with you. Supporting either one makes you a bully either way you look at it. (because of the weapons you have)

Political zionists need to be taught by torah believing jews that thier actions are not sanctioned by God and arabs need to be warned rapes are not tolerated in civilised nations. (you only strengthen the opposition's argument for kicking you out) Nobody needs to be pissed at each other. Nobody has to be killed over this stuff. Just work it out peacefully and stop leeaching off the people who don't have any business getting involved in this religious wars crap. If the yanks want to avoid another muslim leader bringing christian persecution to your land then you need to put both the radical jews (zionist) and radical muslims in line with equal measure and not take any side but instead police thier behavior. God punished the jews by scattering them. Why are we fighting his will by encouraging these guys to disobey thier own divine king's instructions?

We also need to identify christian zionists and put these guys in thier place too. The more violence you use against others the more will be thrown back at you. You lose the right to play victim when you throw the first punch. If athiest really want to stop wars due to religion, you guys need to get off your arses and do something now that religious guys like obama have gone and it's safe to criticise the actions of the radical ones in your communities. (no more having to deal with feminists and SJWs now that Trump can bring back constitutional freedoms to speak. The left ignores the suffering of real rape victims by the minorities showing they don't care about real justice, but only pointing out crimes that benefit thier political views. Younger generation needs to be trained to identify the differences between 'fake concern' of liberals vs real thing)

Careerist politicians are not like the normal joe on the street so this is why they (brainwashed joe public) can't understand why certain criminal activity is ignored but others pointed out and exposed by mainstream media to push a certain agenda. The younger kids today are brainwashed and this causes the NWO to be able to manipulate events so easily because they are never encouraged to question thier own leaders. Thinking critically is how you prevent ignorance. Americans must look in the mirror and refelct on past mistake and work to avoid repeating it again and again. (ie nwo is not just going to disappear, this is more like a minor setback to them so people need to keep up the fight to maintain freedoms by exercising the rights constantly if you want it to last. These rich guys want to control you like puppets. So long as materialistic people exist they can control the weak-moral types who donlt see anything wrong with working for them against innocent people - that is why the NWO wants to destroy existing religions so they can replace it with luciferianism to soften the public into giving up on traditional values. If you don't have any values you are much easier to manipulate because you won't question if what you are being told to do is right. "I was just following orders" is classic response of people that can't think for themself. And also what leads to dictators getting what they want)


rabbis against zionism
Trump's first 100 days:
Don't Move the Embassy Trump!:
If we don't stop either side using force to solve issues, then they will come to attack us all because of their crazy belief systems. If you side with the materialistic talmudic jews (very wealthy) they will radicalise the muslims (by provoking them) who get angry at the west for supplying them with money and weapons. And you end up with Obama. If you take the side of the muslims, they will try to convert the athiests and christian by force and behead anyone who disagrees with their views. They are both shit and need to be handled by a stronger group to prevent them attacking innocent people who want nothing to do with their fighting.

Neither side is completely safe. Athiests need to get involved and help christian stop zionism and radical muslims (the non-radical ones which don't cause trouble are fine) from trying to affect us. You can have whatever beliefs you want... until those beliefs involve violence against others who are peaceful and civilised.

This idea that Trump NEEDs to be friends to Zionist and like the bankers is part of the illuminati plan to divide the world up and use war to keep mankind down. To Zionists: If you want to fight islam, then use your OWN money and resources and keep the fight fair. Using american's tax money to kill brown people only results in brown guys wanting to take revenge on america.
Enough is enough. Tax payers need to take a firm stand and say "if you can't have peace then you both kill each other off if you wish but don't involve us!!" The secular left wing guys are too scared to do anything though because they want to use immigrants as a weapon to attack the white guys and gain more votes for their team. Even going so far as to let the muslim rape their own people. (Angela Merkel even going so far as to censor social media)

If Trump wants to prove he is independent of the NWO/Globalist and show that WE th people are being served, then he should take an interest in stopping all the conflict in the middle east by these religious groups who see us goyim as cattle. (yet the "chosen" people need our money and their own money isn't good enough to keep them safe from primitive guys with rags on thier heads? If you have such strong faith in your god then trust in him to protect you, not the dirty goyim cattle haha. But they/the talmud jews can't do that because it is Satan who is the one guiding them to kill people, not God. they are known as the Synagogue of Satan in the bible.)

The more materilistic you get, the harder it will be not to kill people for things because you will never be happy with what you have. Spiritually-bankrupt people claiming to fight for religious reasons give the non-materilistic religious people who are spiritual a bad name. If we can stop these guys harming each other then we can re-educate them about their own religions and prevent younger angrier generations from coming into the peaceful nations and bombing buildings all the time. You want to help rape victims and the beheaded christians who died just because they didn't convert to islam? Then get off your butt and start holding you own leaders accountable for the decisions. If they don't listen to you, then you know you are not responsible for what happens. But the consequences of their decisions can still AFFECT you even if you didn't vote them in, or care what they say or do. So you need to keep in mind that. (eg muslims moving into a secular community and recruiting your own son or daughter to their religion and then obtaining positions of power in your community and persecuting those who don't share their beliefs. You can't afford to "not care" what happens. Since you are who they want to target. The globalists gain power by introducing conflict into communities and using that conflict to gain power through wars between the different sides. This is why they push multiculturalism so hard. With multiculturialism they can use the Hegelian Dialectic to have people fighting each other over small differences and bring people to their knees so they have to come to the bankers for financial aid. war you see costs money. So putting you in debt involves having you do destructive and unproductive things (fighting wars, killing each other, blowing shit up etc) rather than creative and productive things. (helping the poor, preventing conflicts, making the community free and strong and independent of the need for government assistance all the time which ends up costing the tax payer money which could be better used to grow the nation's strength)
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

I thought this would be good to add to the truth thread:
Basically explains to trad-cons what MGTOW actually is versus what the anti-mgtow groups say it is. (which is usually that it's a feminism for men thing) I think TFM is the best mgtow content producer out there right now)

The reason MGTOW exist is because MRM can't succeed in changing the laws to favour neither the men or women but to just look at each case individually. The government knows it can save tons of money on giving women child support payment by taking the man's money so it automatically scares men away from marriage because half their stuff goes to a gold digger.

This then causes less and less men to have long term relationship that leads to stable marriages, and thus the population decreases requiring the use of importing immigrants to fill in all the jobs that would normally be filled by the local population.
This then causes the destruction of that nation as people have to learn 30 different languages instead of 1 and kids grow up with no fathers to guide them and coach them and they end up becoming sissies. (enter the Social Justice Warriors. Boys who didn't grow up with proper values and good parents. They spend all the time trying to act like they are saving the world by becoming male feminists and trying to fight against masculinity because their feminist professors and their own mothers taught them to hate men, because their mother slept with as many people as she could to get half of the stuff of each guy she slept with to earn her living. (while beta males willingly gave away half their stuff not realising the woman they are with didn't love them before it was too late)

To fix this problem of the SJW is we got to take over the schools and stop the SJW attacking masculinity and start encouraging boys to stand up for themselves against manipulative women (AKA Jezebels) to even the score. If you don't push back the feminists will encourage muslim rapes just to make a political statement and think that it's ok for criminals to get away with it because they are minorities in a community. We got to really punish these idiots for their enabling of harmful behaviors and hold them accountable for this kind of behavior if you want to preserve your nation's identity. The reason they can get away with it is because they had the government taking the side of the gangs. If men don't find some solution to this problem you will not have replacement levels of the population and more immigrants will be needed causing loss of the liberties you enjoyed from past generations. (you are seeing this loss of freedom now with having to be politically correct all the time to not offend the 5000 different people in your community from other lands who are only valued by the government to grow the government's size in exchange for welfare. Governments do not care where the labour comes from to back the money they can print from thin air. They just want to grow bigger and bigger like any corporation and they get that by offering services the population doesn't want or need)

Think of MGTOW as the symptom of the sickness not the sickness itself. The herbivore men in japan wouldn't exist if men were not always treated as loyal knights that must undertake a sacred duty to perform or else they are thrown away like useless bag of meat on the street for not serving their slave masters well enough. Nobody wants to be seen as a human battery like the characters in the Matrix. Not women or men. The solution to getting people to marry is to undo all the laws that make it favour the women and push them back to the middle where it belongs. (ie they are seen by society as both bad parents so they both get punished for wanting to argue at the expense of the children and this discourages them from having freedom to restart again and fuck new people for selfish gain and encourages them to stick together for as long as the kids are raised to adult level. By doing that more people will get married knowing the government isn't being used as weapon to rape their fortune when it is not their fault that they are having to divorce because the other partner "isn't happy". (as if happiness is guaranteed on the marriage day when they made their marriage vows lol The Walt Disney style marriage only exist in fantasy or in marriages where both are matched evenly in status. But gold diggers do not care about stuff like that. Marriage to high status man is just a fun event to fulfill their narcissistic urge to show off and the money they get fulfills the materialistic urge to have lots of things. No spiritual side to the relationship. It's just business/financial decision and the man is just cattle to be exploited like a farm animal that produces milk and meat hehe)
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More celebrity feminists attack gaming

Post by GameHED »

Arby from Final Fight 3 explains
We the gaming enthusiasts need to re-educate the feminists about false claims by the likes of Anita Sarkesian about gaming and start doubling down on the fake news by the mainstream media and start to encourage all the girl gamers to boycott any entertainment that has feminist celebrities in it.

We got to rob these people of their income and push back or they will try to use censorship in gaming.
It's very important that if you like freedom of speech and value your ability to see new GTA games without having to pirate them on pc to access the game, you fight these idiots.

Same fight we had with the censorship back in the mortal kombat days. If you work in the games industry then these feminists want to depower your life and take away independence. Without that independence you can't make gritty mature titles where violence of women is actually part of the story.
These guys that want more censorship are slowly trying to bring a more communistic society but they work in more subtle ways under the guise of helping people by removing freedoms.

When we call them out it causes younger people to see them for who they truly are.
Spreading truth is community service.
The whole "fake news" thing is another topic related to this. There was no evidence of Russians hacking anything. Just like there is no evidence the government official story is what happened on 911.

These people are EVIL. They need to be publicly shamed for lying and spreading darkness.
If there are any feminists out there that have actual examples you must provide proof of your claim. Do not just make sweeping generilisations about gaming as a whole.
It would be like saying all entertainment is full of sex and is offensive and then only using porn as your example and saying tv and entertainment evices need to be banned. These are the crazy people of society and need to be checked for mental health issues.
If they are not being paid by the UN to bring a global comunistic government then they are either brainwashed by the likes of Anita Sarkesian (who makes money lying) or they plain do not think for themselves out of a defect in their brains. (where its easy to check for facts in the age of the internet where information is free to anyone.

These are the same people that want to censor rapes by muslim gangs of women in europe. (REAL violence against women) We cannot tolerate these people anymore and some laws need to be introduced to go after these groups or at least fine them if they fail to provide the evidence to back any claims they make,.

Unlike serious topics like pizzagate these people are using media in such a way to weaponise groups of people to attack innocents. This is not acceptable anymore with the amount of money these rich guys make doing it and the damage to the economy. If you think about it they are effecting people ability to feed themselves. Think of the false claims being made as a type of economic terrorism. It doesn't do visible damage to buildings but it can ruin people's careers when they have to constantly defend against the fake allegation all the time nonstop and can't afford to waste time with them. Becuase so many feminists exist in western countries the non-feminist women are scared to defend innocent men out of fear that if they go against the grain or thier fave celebrity they will be unpopular or hated by their ring of friends. We need to make it safe for them to fight the feminists and stop them trying to enforce censorship on free societies.

The first thing to do is boycott the actresses work, second re-educate the youth on the feminist groups out there making the false claims with no evidence to back it up, third we shame all the ones that are on the side of the feminist and communistic groups by introducing network of spies to follow who these activists are and who is funding them and gathering intelligence on them. And then use smear campaigns to ruin their careers so they can't ever get jobs in entertainment again based on the bad reputation they have in the community. Basically isolate them from society and encourage other women to attack thier character. When you attack people with lies that have no basis in reality you can safely assume they are agents of foreign nation trying to divide and conquer the people, or crazy and they need mental health assistance.

If the government does not enforce this, people who are affected by the lies need to obtain measures to deal with these people (hire revenge for hire groups and raise money by getting victims together for meetings on how to destory that person over long period of time - basically use the same techniques of gangstalking the NWO try to use on the truth community.

The time for toleration of thse groups is over. They obviously are agents sent from other nations to corrupt the youths minds. We have to look at them as economic terrorist groups no different to muslims that want to kill and murder people just because they drew a picture of their god and insulted their beleif. You want that freedom you are going to have to fight for it and exercise the right daily. These guys don't want YOU to have freedom. (but they want freedom for themselves) It's time to resurrect Gamergate once more and slay the vampire that returns every 100 year like in the castlevania games., And spread truth. The more fake claims they spread the more the younger people (who haven't got the ability to think for themselves yet because their brinas haven't developed enough) will believe them and then the left wing groups will use them as a standing army against you.

Our job should be to undo the brainwashing before it affect the young people, then turn their hatred on the ones giving out the misinformation and lies. I can sense the athiest community is already having to deal with feminists because they know the movement is being hijacked and as skeptics of claims that lack proof these guys are waking up quickly to these tricks. Gamergate, athiest community, game industry need to merge as one to fight false claims. Let them have feminists beleifs but any time you see lies swat it down like fly you see buzzing around otherwise the young people believe the lies because they are fans of the celebrities. If you are a father of a daughter you should encourage her to think critically and analyse claims for lies to give her life skills so she isn't being ripped off in business deals or manipulated through emotions. Emotional manipulation is a very big trick the politicians like to use because it WORKS. And tv and advertising organisations known that for years.

For years the right wing conservative groups would always claim that school shooter were the result of too much Doom. Now the politicians and celebrities are back but this time accusing the game industry of causing people to want to mutilate women and be violent towards them. Same thing. They do this every time. And it costs carers and the industry money.
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Re: More celebrity feminists attack gaming

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Re: More celebrity feminists attack gaming

Post by GameHED »

When the illuminati went after Michael Jackson by spreading disinfo in the mainstream media and caused him to have to defend himself constantly it had the affect of ruining the ability to make money and destroy a person's career.
What we need to do now that independent media is killing the mainstream media is get revenge on these guys.

Use the same tactics they used on innocent people against them. But daily basis. Armies of gamergate warriors who will show no mercy.

If you don't flex your muscles they will not respect you. They interpret nice people as being weak people. They don't understand that the mainstream media is no longer relevent in the age of the smart devices and direct to download services and independent media now. They had the advantage for so long I am not surprised they want to censor the internet and attack anyone that isn't in line with their plan to form a collectivist globalist society where thought is taken away. It's only people living in cities where they are lazy that have too much free time that seem to gravitate towards the radical groups because they mistakenly believe they are fighting for a just cause. They are no different to the religious extremeist that wants to bomb a building. But the difference is they want to remove the male penis not the fallic symbol in the big city. lol

Correcting bullshit is how we reverse the lies. We can apologise for something that we don't do (most companies will do this because they have no spine) but that only goes so far because the radical left see that as a sign of weakness and are encouraged to get away with even MORE shit. You got to draw that line and say "if you pass this, then bad things happen to you" and enforce it. You can't do that if the majority of brainwashed people believe the lie. So removing the bullshit is necessary step before action.
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Re: More celebrity feminists attack gaming

Post by GameHED »

Candy Arse wrote::io:
So if your daughter moves to europe and gets raped by gangs of muslims and the feminists decide to censor the news you are not going to do anything? You are just going to let them stomp all over your rights? I'm wanring you if you don't exercise free speech these people will slowly over long time take away the internet. (already they are trying to go after the independent media by bringing out list of sites they don't like and accusing them of being agents that work for Vladmir Putin. lol

And this is all because they forgot that the people run the country by doing the real work.. Not cult leaders or people who give fancy speeches to appear like they are needed to keep things operating. Collectivists love being reliant on other to think for them and placing all trust in a figure. Majority of peple don't like this because they can be taken advantage of by these people and prefer thinking for themselves. It feels good to have freedom and use creativity to express yourself in entertainment and art. But these SJW and feminists groups are scared of that type of society. They need to be shipped off to china or something which would be paradise for them. (a reality tv show should be made where women are forced to live in a city that is completely censored and cut off all communication and see how they react. Only propaganda that is pro-government and approved messsaged are allowed to be spoken - then put them in a western civilisation where you are free to think for yourself and you can invent stuff, own your own thoughts and make profit from it, share ideas with others to collaborate on big projects and achieve things that have never been done before by others etc) )
Last edited by GameHED on 27 Jan 2017 09:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: More celebrity feminists attack gaming

Post by Candy Arse »

Mods can we please merge this shitty thread into the shitty conspiracy theories thread? This has nothing to do with playing games.

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Re: More celebrity feminists attack gaming

Post by GameHED »

Mods pay no attention to this idiot. He doesn't play games. Just talks about them. This is games industry related.

Money is being lost to radical left wing groups who think my rights are ok to be taken away and censored. He wouldn't be allowed on this forum if this forum itself was an uncensored forum. Playnow was abandoned because of censorship and control freak shit by the mods.

Stick to your western principles. Candy is a commie and sees the gamergate stuff as a "conspiracy theory".

Conspiracy Theory are theories about unproven conspiracy.
The false accusation by anita sarkesian that games are being made with the purpose of maiming and killing women are not theories. She is actually conspiring with Macintosh to spread propaganda. It's a real conspiracy. And she has been proven to not be a real gamer because she has said things to contradict herself and must be exposed. (thanks to guys like Sargon of Akkad)

Big difference. You can tell a theory from real conspiracy by seeing which ones offer proof and those which are yet to be proven. If the evidence is real then it's conspiracy. 911 official story? conspiracy theory. 911 being inside job? real conspiracy as the proof is the foreknowledge of the event, the mainstream media reporter talking about the building collapsed before it happened, and buildings 7 standing. Engineers explain it must have been a controlled collapse not a result of damage from a plane exlposion.

The skeptic community generally takes the position that if you make a claim you need the proof to back that stuff up for it to be taken seriously. Many engineers take the stance that the official story is bullshit and we have to investigate if the government lies to us as if this type of thing happens again we are vulnerable to a repeat event by our own government which does not care if innocent people die. (I'm not a skeptic of everything that is a wild claim but I tend to trust when I myself have gathered evidence that is proof to ME. This is primary knowledge. You basically assume secondary stuff might be planted false evidence. So far example if I encounter a UFO ride in one, and can never prove it to others I can say I know it exists, but don't trust what anyone says that provide evidence to say that it isn't real. If I experienced it first hand then it's real even if I can't prove it to a skeptic)

Maybe when Jesse Ventura gets into power one day we can find out what really happened. But it is best never to give government the benefit of the doubt. Because if it is run by a shadow organisation that serves itself, the people working under that group will have no knowledge about why they are ordered to do things that go against the constitution and against their own people. They will just follow the order and forget that shadow groups who are not loyal to the people exist and who just use the government to gain from its military. (this is what is happening today where wars are started that don't need to be fought yet people are made to feel it's to defend themselves against outside and inside threats when those same people have no proof the threat is real)
Think about why there is no peace in the world? It's because evil people are hiding out there causing the world to suffer. It's not just bad luck. Muslims are not educated enough to pull off 911 and could never fly a plane like that with such skill. Who is supplying these guys? Who is funding them? These are questions you must ask if you want to unveil the bad guy.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

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With all the talk in mainstream media of russian spies and hackers rigging elections etc I thought it would be god time to share this:
Deep State Counter Intelligence: The Company (Part 1)
highlights many problems with secret agencies and the use of proxies to do the dirty work so the government can't get the blame and is able to use plausible deniability when questioned. Technically they can say they are not involved nad be telling the truth since most of the agency is compartmentalised through a need to know basis. If you know the whole plan of the operation you are too dangerous to the people who sent you to do their work for them so they have to limit your awareness or consciousness in some way to allow the work to be done but not allow the worker to know what the purpose of the work is for. This means rich elites can basically get away with anything becaue the public believes it is in the best interests of the people, not the rich guys who control the agencies and use the military muscle to grow their power.

Very interesting and should be shown to all young people who will probably end up going to war one day when americans decide to fight russia and the elites emerge from their underground cities to a post apoc wasteland with mutant servents to enslave.
Google "confessions of an economic hitman"
This is why so many countries hate the elites.

bill burr vid on effected countries:
With all the money spent on kiling and stealing resources from others tht money could be used for good instea of blowing things up. Imagine if we colonised other planets and actually had the free energy that nikola tesla was promising he could bring to the whole world? These are the guys that keep you poor and sick and dying through perpetual wars and have no intention of serving people. The good news is they are being resisted as more people wake up but with all the wealth in the hands of the bad guys it's going to be lot of work to keep them held back. (will trump actually do anything about the pizzagate thing and investigate this? I can see a future where people are sold for their souls which can be offered up to satan on altar in public as the world religion if these guys can get away with this shit.
I'm starting to think that this wall that is going to be built is actualy a wall to keep americans trapped inside the totalitarian regime to come, and not to keep mexicans out. Something to think about when you are in the crapper...(maybe alex jones had it all wrong)
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Re: More celebrity feminists attack gaming

Post by BOOMY »

Vote with your dollars and shut the fuck up. The only difference you are making to the gaming sphere is shitting up this forum.
I'm not alone in thinking you are the least enjoyable ranch member to read, and that includes rocco.
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Re: More celebrity feminists attack gaming

Post by GameHED »

I doubt that.

Otherwise you would just ignore them. You like this shit. hehe

The illuminati want to keep you blind so they pit guys like you against guys like me but I am just trying to help you see the truth.

The satanists want to believe they are mini gods that is why they put the all seeing eye on the US dollar bill.

We the truthers are keeping this planet together. When we are gone like the elves, the orcs take over and win. Because you guys can't unite to form a army strong enough to defeat them. You are too busy arguing amoungst yourself to do anything. Ok?
The ranch is the vehicle to boosting consciousness. For example how do we know these protesters are not Soro's hired mobs instead of being REAL feminists? Radical feminists are the ones we need to watch for acts of terror. They are uniting with muslim groups to upset people with opposing political views instead of doing things peacefully.

Ever think about that?
We the gaming community cannot allow the harry potter girl to beat us by using white knights to bully the gamgergate supporters. Journalists need to accept that corruption in the game industry and censorship in games to serve a political agenda will not be tolerated. It's a free country and creators need total freedom over their own works otherwise it's not their work it's the work of the CIA. If you don't like these movements to protect constitutional freedoms then STFU. Just because you SJW are losing doesn't mean you can do violent shit like riot in the streets and ruin property. You only give the NWO an excuse to bring martial law. (mercenary groups make money killing these activists and governements hire corporate security companies to do the assassinations to avoid punishment when they are found out. )

Until we explore space, find out where the alien bases are and force them off our planet these guys will continue to harass humans and get us into perpetual wars. They are known as the serpent seed in the bible. (all they know how to do is murder steal and destroy things. It's like a drug addiction because it is in the DNA. eg when a miliary organisation has nothing to kill, it needs to create a threat to justify the funding so it keeps them fed. Those who kill by the sword must die by the sword and so they have to keep starting wars to keep these guys happy. To solve this problem we need to give these guys something to do other than invading weak nations who are innocent and don't want to be enslaved. Can you solve the problem? )

The plan of the left wing portion of the eagle is to create enough chaos to spark angry white guys to attack them and being a civil war that weakens the defenses of the nation so foreign armis can invade more easily as the nation is divided.
Many lives are in danger unless we calm these groups down so they don't take the bait.
The problem is while that is happening we got to educate the future generations about why they (reptilians) are demonising freedom. Not everyone knows what the NWO is or about the shadow gro9ups giving the polticians the orders to work againt the free people. Much like Star Wars prequel trilogy there is a sith lord behind all this shit but they have mind controlled the leaders into accepting evil plans as good for the people without knowing it. (ie global trade deals are not about trade but about looting the wealth of the nation)

It's all about property. The aliens want to say they own our earth. But nobody believes they landed here because they don't have the truth shades like in "they Live".
Once in a while you will see them shapeshift to tease people however.
Last edited by GameHED on 28 Jan 2017 11:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: More celebrity feminists attack gaming

Post by Candy Arse »

This is the conspiracy theory thread now shitting up the gaming forum.

Cletus can we please have this crap moved?
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Re: More celebrity feminists attack gaming

Post by GameHED »

Do not listen to this idiot. He thinks gamergate and artistic expression in videogames is a tiny insignificant issue.

We need to keep gaming and politics seperate. And these covert feminists and SJW groups are the ones behind the deicsions made in many of the games we play today. The government is using propaganda inside the games. We the people want the original creators to have full control over the messages in the games.

For example in a game where a character is very sexually liberal, you don't want feminist or conservative groups to censor the words they say or how they look. We want to have the unbuthcered editions of gams from overseas.

This is a games issue just like corruption in journalism. For instance something as simple as giving a game a bad score (say a duke nukem title) just because it isn't pro-feminst game can affect the income of the people who made it simply because the metacritic score was low due to many people working at gaming review sites being paid government shills to attacks games that do not promote the political movement of puttting in token girl power characters in the games.

I don't want token "girl power" characters in games just because they were shoe-horned in by governments. I want naturally powerful girls in the games because the creators chose to put them in themselves and the evidence from that is in the book or comics or shows the game is based around.

For instance why do people get angry at marvel because it is so politically correct now compared to when they were not poltically correct? Because the fans of the characters know they are being subtly manipulated to accept an agenda, and not because the creators of the characters chose to make the PC content. It's a freedom of expression issue ok?
There is actually a brainwashing reason you are not seeing a strong white male heterosexual character in the new star wars movies. It has to do with promoting multiculturalism. You just have to read the intentions of the illuminati to see it. If you are looking for the pattern you will detect this agenda in all the things you watch today where the man is incompetent (if he is white) and if he is black he is inferior to the woman character. (eg in force awakens when the black guy holds the girls hand she tells him to fuck off for being nice and saving her life which sends message that blacks can't help white women which is racist and sexist. She wouldn't say that if it was a woman saving her and holding her hand) Disney is illuminati you dickheads.

I don't like comunist like Candy Arse telling ME what I can view with my money. You go read those communist comics if you like to. But don't you tell ME I can't watch non-politically correct ocntent and unbutchered versions of artistic works.

And the solution is to encourage people not to support companies that cave into the SJW and feminist radicals demands in order to save the comic book industry game industry, and movies.
If you support political correctness by all means go out and buy the comics and games that you like. We won't twist YOUR arm to avoid it by trying to get it banned. But we just don't want you banning US from reading/watching/consuming non-politically correct entertainment ok?
Last edited by GameHED on 28 Jan 2017 11:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: More celebrity feminists attack gaming

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Shit thread is shit.
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Re: More celebrity feminists attack gaming

Post by GameHED »

Then avoid coming into the thread by ignoring it.

I ignore your stuff.

The quality of our entertainment is dipping and it's because we let the SJWs take over and invade our male spaces.
It's destroying the faith people had in the franchises. The illuminati need to fuck off and stop shoving their ideas down our throats. They killed comics and they are going to kill gaming. I bet the reason there isn't a sequel to Dragon's Crown is because of these feminists. Trump might be able to do something here to remove this propaganda which is killing the quality.
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Re: More celebrity feminists attack gaming

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Nope, you abused me out of turn once, hadn't even provoked it - just because my platform of choice was a PC. So, from now on I will constantly point out how shit your shit threads are :)
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Re: More celebrity feminists attack gaming

Post by Candy Arse »

They're all shit.

Cletus messaged me - once he's home this shit thread is being merged with the shit conspiracy theory thread :up:
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Re: More celebrity feminists attack gaming

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He's not going to do it. The place is uncensored gaming discussion. If he alters threads he breaks the rules. :lol: He's not your bitch.

The worlds changing. People are fed up with all these radical feminists telling us men what we can and can't do.

Sex robots and MGTOW is the future:
And anita sarkesian and feminist celebrities hate it. Soros can only keep up the fight so long. At some point when companies lose money when people boycott the products for caving in to the SJWs they will be forced to listen to the actual fans of the games/comics/movie franchise if they want to stay in busines. The comic industry is the canary in the coalmine. Study what happened to sales of the comics when they pandered to these SJW crowd. (people who don't even READ comics and buy any of the products) Then LMK in response.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by theboss »

You're both right. Not censored, definitely merged. Congratulations to both of you knowing me so well.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by Cletus »

Is anyone else here in absolute awe of The Boss like I am? He's the fucking most awesome member I've ever seen. Love his work.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by Twiztid Elf »

The real problem is that we are so far removed from what's really going on in the world.

All the nonsense going on right now is exactly that. Nonsense. We have absolutely no knowledge of anything anymore. Nothing.
We're mushrooms. Kept in the dark and fed shit.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by Twiztid Elf »

Good summary.
No mention of the false flag gun event with the crisis actor that helped push along the 'fake news' smoke screen agenda though.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

Joe Rogan has Alex Jones on his show to talk about Pizzagate:
I like that he can stop alex and slow him down a bit so he doesn't rush through the information like a horse racing commentator.
Many times alex will have a guest on his show and never allow them to finish a sentence before he chimes in to give big commentary. There is a lot of pressure on the alternative media and independent media to delete their videos accusing people of pedophilia which is why we need to look for the alternatives to facebook, twitter, youtube for the time when the tech giants cave into the illumanit to suppress this stuff.
They succeeded already with the rapes in europe.

Doesn't matter which political party is involved the public has to know what is going on and these kids need to be protected. If it is global operation, each nation needs to investigate the people involved.
Also it's a national security issue because spies from other nations can use blackmail on the leaders you think are your representatives and then control them by threat of destroying their reputation which will cause them to work against the people of that nation.
If they are pedophiles that is one thing, but the other thing is the power it gives the foreign spies who can manipulate them into doing what they want by using the information to weaken that nation so it serves the one with the information.
If the pedos control whole governments it can explain why these leader never deliver on what they say because the foreign spies can threaten them into doing what they want.

It's not just about cults who kill the kids, but the media (it's a propaganda arm of the governments and corporations) and the people who work in law enforcement who are unable to do anything about this because it is spans more than one nation. (instant communication means they can co-ordinate their crimes internationally) Nobody believes the kids because the leaders have the ability to wipe out records, use the spy network to hide/silence/censor people involved in the crimes, and bribe people to go along to keep hush about this. Money is the root of all evil. And if your career is at stake you will turn a blind eye to it. People are naturally apathetic to other people's suffering because it is not happening to them. It's only when it directly affects them do you see people complain about injustices.

People who are in positions of power can get away with pretty much anything and the only way to get them is if the independent media gets organised to stop them trying to create laws to censor news. People are tired of being lied to. There needs to be counter-propaganda system (to correct the lies of the government's "ministry of Truth") run by the people to undo all the mainstream media cover up of these crimes so the public is informed about high crimes committed by the political elites who wield too much power over everyone. If we can unite to take on the mainstream media then people will have less reason to drop their guard and accept what is being said in papers, tv, radio and start to become investigators themselves. But people are too busy thinking about money money money careers labels short term needs etc to do it.
I remember when 911 happened it caused anger and people united. But when pizzagate happens people are not interested. reason is because it didn't directly affect them. I think what will happen is this: if you are a big target afraid to get sued, the temptation will come to delete your videos and you got to make the choice: does the money matter more than the suffering of the kids who are being killed by these satanists? This is a testing time, to see who is willingly to take the hit of being a target and who is scared enough to self censor. The elites are probably watching the reactions to find out where the weakest link in the chain is and then they will go after that group that will censor their channel from fear and ridicule by the mainstream media. (it's a sign of character flaw if you choose not to talk about pizzagate when it isn't safe to. This is criminal activity in high places - if you are thinking about your own skin you fail the test)
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

Synagogue of Satan (documentary on Rothschilds)
whopping 5 hour documentary on how they controlled the planet
Anytime there is war, it's probably because materialistic people are not happy with the current power they already posess. What is going to happen when there is nothing left to take?
That's why I am interested in the nibiru stuff. To me this is the big reset. As they hide in their underground cities, there is no garuantee that this can protect them. (cosmic rays go through planet and effect the core of the earth)
As much as we don't like the stuff they have done we must pray for them and warn that you can't escape judgement from God. Best to get on your knees and ask for forgiveness because when Jesus comes back he isn't coming as a humble servent of poor and sick people. He will be back as conquering King. (Lion of Judah) Either convert or be destroyed by your need to worship money and physical things as your real god.


After posting part 1 of Counterintelligence I thought I would post the other parts too. (it comes as a series for those who are interested)
A film by Scott Noble of Metanoia Films (2013)" onclick=";return false;.

Counter-Intelligence is a 5 part series that explores in-depth, the vast, sprawling and secret National Security State that operates throughout the United States--and indeed the world. The series examines the foundations of the Military-Industrial-Intelligence Complex, charting through to the myriad consequences in today's world where secret intelligence organisations continue to hijack governments, manipulate elections and commit heinous crimes against humanity--all under the cloak of "National Security". In the wake of the continued revelations of the NSA PRISM program, this series is now more important than ever to provide a solid historical context to the workings of the rapacious and ever-expanding National Security State...

part 2 of Counterintelligence series "Deep State"
Published on Dec 3, 2013

Part 2 (of 5) -- The Deep State

The Iran-Contra affair provides the public with their first glimpse of the secret National Security State, leading on from the Watergate scandal in the 1970s. This episode examines the history of organised crime networks--Mafia's and gangs--to show the close relationship between them and secret intelligence agencies, as well as the creation of paramilitaries tied to executive arms of the United States government. With these criminal networks trafficking drugs and weapons, the programme goes on to investigate how the 'War on Drugs' was instigated to actually serve as further protection of the established criminal networks--the perfect cover for more intervention around all parts of the globe, though especially throughout South America. The subsequent attacks on whistleblowers are also documented...
part 3 - The Strategy of Tension
Published on Dec 3, 2013

Part 3 (of 5) -- The Strategy of Tension

The Strategy of Tension examines the history of false flag operations used for war, propaganda and psychological operations--or 'psy-ops'. Operation Northwoods and Operation Gladio are examples used to illustrate the nature of clandestine operation planning and execution; as well as shedding light on the intent and extent to which the National Security apparatus manipulates events and manufactures outcomes to suit its goals. This programme also looks at the issues that spin off from the history of false flag operations--such as how conspiracy theories are used to discredit inquiry and investigative journalism; and also how the cultural preconditions around dismissing false flag operations serve to protect their continuation and 'plausible deniability'...
part 4 - Necrophilous
Published on Dec 3, 2013

Part 4 (of 5) -- Necrophilous

This episode investigates how torture and extensive demonstrative violence have been used as tools throughout clandestine operations, intelligence gathering and also outright war. Recent examples covered are the abuses by the United States military in Abu Ghraib and Guantánamo Bay, as well as the workings of covert operations involving torture and organised violence. Also discussed are attitudes towards civilian casualties in modern war, as well as recent framing conditions of propaganda such as Islamophobia--the driving force behind warmongering and mainstream media manipulation.
part 5 - Drone Nation
Published on Dec 3, 2013

Part 5 (of 5) -- Drone Nation

On New Years Eve 2011, Barack Obama signs into law (without much opposition) the NDEAA Act--a law that allows the government to detain its own citizens without charge indefinitely, and even murder its own citizens without due process. Case in point was the assassination of Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen in 2011. This new law then leads to further secret drone strikes throughout Yemen, Pakistan, Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq directed by Obama and institutions such as the CIA. What direction are we heading in from here?
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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