The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

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Last edited by GameHED on 04 Feb 2017 09:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

Twiztid Elf wrote:The real problem is that we are so far removed from what's really going on in the world.

All the nonsense going on right now is exactly that. Nonsense. We have absolutely no knowledge of anything anymore. Nothing.
We're mushrooms. Kept in the dark and fed shit.
Don't be a fatalist. Keep hunting for light/truth and use this weapon against them when you get it. They like it when you are kept in the dark because they use your own ignorance as a way to manipulate your consciousness. It's like the cunning alien in the Predator movie which uses mimmicking sound recording to misdirect you to get you to turn your head in the wrong direction, optic camo to blend into the trees, and psychological warfare to intimidate you so you will cease pursuit. Don't fall for the childish tricks. Look for the puzzle pieces and go on the long journey for truth to get the light which will defeat dark. Then spread that bitch to create a forest fire to flush the sneaky shit out of hiding. When they run out of shadows to hide in, and you lit the room completely, where does a ghost have to go? They hate that light. Just like vamps hate the sun. What do all those old heroic legends of ancient past mean in the context of fighting evil today? (ie is the dark force in phantasy star games actually your own spiritual condition of falling into ignorance of what is true/false and correct/wrong? Who is spreading the dark force? It's people for believing the sweet lies the media spreads because it feels good to them and reassures them that nothing is wrong, they don't have to react to dangers, and they don't need to self reflect on the evil within themselves that enables the bad guys to get away with absorbing your power (which is your labour) to keep us in zombie/ignorance mode. Remember your own energy feeds the matrix. Your taxes are paying these guys to keep you asleep in the matrix so you can be a good german/battery for the matrix.
the signs are there if you look. I bet there are people working in the system trying to get stuff out but are being watched by the bad guys so they make 'mistakes' if you know what I mean to feed some clue to the serious researchers who they secretly hope can spread the findings before it gets completely wiped from memory. (ie it's like star wars in that there is bad in all people, but there is also good inside the evil organisation too, allowing the perceptive ones to find chinks in the armor)
You all have enormous power like swarm of fire ants that can kill black widow spider if you control your destiny by taking on the truth that you control the environment and not the other way around. You just don't want the responsibility to be that powerful being because you got used to being fed rather than hunting for food. (feels good to be served like a baby rather than hunt for food yourself. The idea that some other guy doesn't know absolutely everything and can never lie or make shit up to profit from lies scares the crap out of you because it means you have to investigate a claim they made which requires effort to piece the puzzle. Time you'd rather spend looking at porn, playing call of duty, or watching anime.It's tiring being the searcher. Most don't have energy to do it which is what the illuminati like so they can continue enslaving us to a false reality that lets them be gods over us.)
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

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Looks pretty violent now. The SJWs and anti-frespeech advocates are wrecking property, beating up innocent people and preventing people from speaking at schools.
If you don't take over the schools and identify your enemy ahead of time they will continue to use violence. Usually if they fail at winning an argument the left will break its own rules and resort to using fear and intimidation to attack you psychologically in hopes you will react emotionally rather than logically.

All this violence just to prevent a gay guy talking... This is what it feels like when you are about to win. They go apeshit since they have nothing left to fight with and let emotions take over their thinking. Similar to anakin skywalker in prequel star wars movies.
What they should do in future is replace the complacent cops with robots armed with taser weapons. Then use sonic weapons to supress them. There is all kind of non-lethal tech they can invent to keep the crowds from attacking innocent people and damaging property. Robots are natural recording devices too so you can identify who is assaulting who through the camera feed.
even stefan molyneux admits arguing with these guys is pointless. He has obviously come to the conclusion that the left knows it's wrong but it has to desperately fight for its existence by throwing anything they can find no matter whether it makes sense or not. The harsh truth being that the left are reliant on the conservatives to survive. (kind of like a parasite needing the host it feeds on. The goal to killing the parasite is let the parasite kill itself by leaving it in isolation and it will die from starvation like the Flood aliens in the halo games. Trump has to be smart enough to know this - left NEED a bad guy to fight and if you choose to let them demonstrate their ugly side to the public it has the efect of scaring people away from supporting them in future and pushing more people closer to the right.)
For the record I'm not a fan of censorship from either right or left. They both need to be re-educated that your right exists regardless of whether or not governments or political leaders let you exercise it or not. Stop making it about political parties or human leaders and instead make it about the rule of law. And then you get my respect.
It's all about education and taking over the schools. That's the stronghold of the left. They know that if they can brainwash the kids at an early age they will revolt against their parents by the time they get out of college and be obedient servants to whoever their professors taught them to follow.

Most kids today do not know how to think critically and as a result they just accept whatever information they were fed without questioning its validity. (everyone at some point is guilty of it but when you are young you are far more vulnerable due to lack of life experience) Hopefully Stefan continues his channel. Sounds like he is tired of making videos hoping to turn them against the big government guys. Big business (if it has a monopoly and wants cheap labour to save cost to run business) and big government (career politicians who are only there for the money not a passion serving people) work in shadow together to control the masses. Masses can work together with communities against the establishment. This keeps it all balanced. The solution is we got to remove the government's power by automating all the services it provides. And to remove big business we have to boycott the products of businesses that have SJW friendly views and compete against them in business to drive them out of the market.
eg if you are still using social media sites that are left leaning for instance which spies on your emails, censors your posts, and gives information about where you are living and your contacts so that your friends can be beaten up and stalked by the violent militant left, then you are half the problem and deserve no privacy imo lol They hate freedom for YOU. They are all for freedom for THEMSELF.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

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hour 2-3 of Hagmann and Hagmann show 5-1-2017) covers the topic of where the origins of the new world economic order originate from. (seek to the 2nd hour to skip the other guest) ... eport-1517" onclick=";return false;

guest is Patrick Wood who is author of Technocracy Rising.

I listened to this and thought about all the way in which technology right now is being used against the free people to spy on them, stalk, and store all the information so that government can manipulate the population. 20 years ago people would have thought you were crazy. But with the emergence of smart phones, smart appliances in your own house, their connection to everything else, and the move towards a cashless society (did you know they are thinking of banning the $100 dollar bill in australia? this is to limit the commerce of off the grid community imo)'s all coming together as planned since the 1930s.
Also explains how the global warming scare came about and why they need us to be scared that we are running low on resources. Overall this has to do with lessening the population so it is much easier to control. (nothing to do with protecting the environment)

The more we understand the history of the plans of the elite the easier it is to prepare against it. (example knowing about the danger of GMO food of today is causing more people to seek organic food instead to prevent a food monopoly which prevents them from starving people by owning and controlling food supply. People wouldn't fight for labelling laws if they didn't know about that.

The technology being used against us isn't itself evil but the technology can be used FOR evil. It wouldn't matter if there was a NWO for instance if the NWO was an optional choice by the people. (it's mandatory unless you want to starve to death by not getting the mark of the beast) But the elites work in absolutes and if you are not easy to control then you are competition. "Competition is sin" is how the globalists think. They want total control over the minds of all people. That's why we should fear this plot to take over the planet. Not because of jealousy of other people's success or because we should fear science and advances in technology or anything like this. But we should analyse the INTENT behind why they want to bring this about. (it's all down to the religion they serve which is luciferianism ie using knowledge to make yourself a god through manipulation of other people's awareness and promising them more knowledge the higher in rank they can attain in order to get them to do what you want. Very similar to the biblical story of the serpent in the garden promising eternal life to Eve. Many of these cult members think they are going to be an "all-seeing eye" by making oaths to their leader. Actually it is a sin to make promises you can't keep. Man can't guarantee he will be able to always fullfill promises if he can't accurately tell the future or control what happens, so it is a potential lie to the one receiving the promise. It would imply that you are omnipresent and omniscient.)
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

This is a great vid of Joe Rogan. "How to put a bossy bitch in her place when she shames you and use manipulation tactics"
despite popular opinion women get hard tits at the thought of a strong assertive man putting a woman in her place because it means you have a spine and she can't completely control you. Biologically they want a strong baby and if you stand up for yourself that means you can protect her from danger. (they will never say this publicly, since it is not politically correct for women to be submissive in modern times thanks to communists trying to kill the nuclear family)

Many characters in movies, videogames, comics etc have taken away all the masculine things from heroes and made them into effeminate babies.
It seems that hollywod is obsessed with feminising men and putting masculinity into women. A study needs to be done on why they are doing this. You see it in every piece of modern entertainment that whenever a man is assertive it is a threat to a masculine acting female strong independent character. (as if you can't have two strong independent people in one story, you know what I mean?)

If we want less movies like ghostbusters where man is bashed or treated like absolute shit by the females, then we need to raise boys in how to deal with female manipulation tricks which are used by these feminist types. Putting feminists and disrespectful women in their place should be a course at school. Just because females can attain power for themselves doesn't mean men need to become submissive. This way they can't say we are misogynistic all the bloody time when male characters who are ALSO strong are thrown into stories. The feminists and SJWs need to learn about common decency. They don't have the moral high ground and this is something the older guys need to teach them so they don't riot in the streets just because their female leader didn't win the election. (these guys have been brainwashed by tv and movies over a very long period of time so they think acting feminine as a man is normal behavior.)

As a result females are miserable if they want to be strong and independent without being a feminist. If you are female, but not part of the "sisterhood" then you are targeted as an enemy. That's why they are ok with pepper spraying a woman in the face and beating her up if she isn't pro-radical feminist.

If we can train younger guys to fight the radicals and put them in their place, the radicals will be frightened of trying to shame assertive men and talk down to them. The schools of today are causing the kids to be manipulated by these sneaky and cunning feminists who are trained to hate men in general. (but secretly envy our penis because they don't have one) What they want to do is encourage men to be doormats like the male characters on tv.

The reason I suspect videogames are being infiltrated is these guys know they can't control our thinking. Videogames are about skill and not the gender. If you get a good result, that is all that matters. Your performance is the guage of the success. It's the reason that no matter whether Link is a girl of guy, in the Zelda games it doesn't matter because you the player get the blame if you die too many times or are not smart enough to solve the puzzle.

It's also easy to see who is fake gamer by their performance playing a game. You know who has spent hours on one by looking at how they are doing on the live streams. Feminist women can not penetrate this space as a result of that. So what they have done is try to make games where NO skill is needed. Very clever tactic to try to take control over the game industry.

Thank god these people are too dumb to see that we can detect their intentions a mile away.
In previous generations, if the dino-media was all people had, and there was no internet, maybe they could have succeeded. But it's too late for them. They can chuck in as many tough chicks as main characters in the games but it won't matter because the player is the one guiding the actions. If you want to be strong independent female gamer, you have to compete with male strong independent gamer and they hate that. This is the place where you get the "equality" feminists say they are fighting for. :wink: But it teaches feminists a lesson that if you want to be given truth you have to stop bullying people into accepting fantasy and myth which isn't backed by the evidence.

One day none of this shit will matter and people will become cyborg organisms with implants, and maybe will be able to upload our consciousness into a giant spaceship that lets us travel the galaxy easily looking for aliens to kill and bomb so we can steal their shit for the reptilians to buy bigger mansions and palaces,.. but for now it's fucking annoying having to deal with these SJW and feminists groups trying to shove their agenda down our throats with censorship, shadow bans, and violence. (ie stopping people from talking at unis to correct the mistakes of brainwashing agents funded by rich men hiding in shadows)

Rogan view on the male feminists
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

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should the funny symbols on the badge be looked into? One of the reasons victims don't automatically trust government workers is the idea that satan controls this world. That includes governments and leaders. Occult groups figured out how to be 'the resistence' to thier own evil so that they could appear to be doing something to the public ages ago. (but they secretly control the opposing side similar to the sith lord controlling both the trade federation as well as the clone army from the shadows, to create fear in people to form a dictatorship and give up freedoms in exchange for false peace and security) It's the reason prophets exist to warn people of the unseen due to the limitations of man. (your eyes can be fooled by tricks and illusions which is why hollywood serves as brainwashing tool for elites)
Twiztid Elf sounds like he is sick of knowing too much. I believe the victims become satanic super soldiers if they end up getting enough demons into them. Sort of like the character in that hentai Bible Black (black bible).
Normally they are nice people, then traumatic things turn them into demon posessed villains that want to see the world burn, and the hatred allows satan to use them as puppets to carry out missions to help bring more demons into people who can act as vehicles for his army on the earthly plane. Since these demons feed off negative emotions like we eat food, the illuminati create the trauma through torture to bring hatred from out of them to hold the demon into this dimension. A well-fed demon can then grant the soldier powers as long as they keep killing innocent people as blood sacrifice and the murdered person allows satan to manipulate events in some way by stopping the good guys affecting the future. Demons need hosts. Without the Armour of God these entities can break through. Think of it like a barrier of legal contracts that stops them entering into you. You have to agree to it by what you choose to do. The deed enables the entry, like unlocking a door for the thief to live in the house.

The sex magick rituals that Jack Parsons and other Satanist do may not have any seeming purpose to ordinary people but to those engaging in it, it acts like a doorway for the entities to come into the world by welcoming them. Everything comes at a cost. Usually sacrifice of valuable thing for favours.

There are things happening in the heavens the public can't see but they are there. (they are hidden)
Extra dimensional Entities" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

How these entities relate to angelic beings from bible(these can take form in human shape to disguise themself, but are non-human in that they don't need to be limited by the laws that govern our world (explaining why things like law of gravity etc don't affect them)
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

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Another Illuminati ritual analysis (half time show at superbowl) This is Itch's fave hobby.
The drone lights represent the "Thousand Points of Light" of the New World Order.

Lightning falling from the sky is Lucifer's fall out of Heavenly kingdom.
The butterfly symbols = monarch mind control.
Lady Gaga is 'the star' and the audience are star worshippers. People who bow down to talented actors, pop idols, sporting heroes, radio personalities that the illiminati own and control by forcing them to give up thier soul to satan for power and influence in the fallen world we live in.

Stars have power and angels and stars are sometimes used interchangably in the bible because the fallen angels can disguise themselves as angels of light to deceive people unless you test the spirits and have spiritual discernment. When you look up at the sky to observe what is happening these signs are able to foretell future events in the world of magick. "As above so below"
The lights are meant to guide people. But the angels are not God. This is the mistake of occultists. Truth is the light not fallen angels disguising themselves as benevolent beings.
Since ancient times UFOs and orbs have been sighted at night displaying intelligence. These could be considered false teachers sent by God to trick the unbelieving masses. God mentions he will send a strong delusion for those who don't have faith. This demonstrates that a wise man who thinks he knows everything is still no match for a deceiving fallen angel. (much of the knowledge that is given to man is through channeled writings and dreams by occultists who are just rediscovering lost knowledge from the ancient past that God forbid man to have, due to how easy to corrupt man is, who will inevitable misuse and abuse the technology to destroy and enslave others with)

This explains why the patch on military uniforms have occult symbols on them and the logos of nasa have reference to aliens. (the streak of light is ufo footage on film) The public is ignorant of the symbols meaning and thinks it just pretty decorations. These guys worship the God of Forces. (weaponised science)
Cern has a statue of Shiva the Hindu goddess of creation and destruction.

The portals the mad scientists are trying to open is to break open the seal containing Apollyon the destroyer from the Abyss.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

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This one is for the weeaboos who want to live in japan:
don't eat seafood or you'll become a mutant ninja turtle. Perhaps this is punishment for americans bombing them with nukes in WWII. These are weapons that should be used in space against giant space monsters, not on the planet where nature can be affected which is the very thing you need to live on to survive. Watch the original gundam cartoon to see what happens to earth when you let dangerous tech go free. Innocent people suffer.
No wonder the aliens are scared that we have weapons of mass destruction. They know that probably if we get off earth that we will use it on them next.. (UFO sightings increased after the war)
Seriously we need to figure a way off the planet before the third world war and mass extinction event comes. Get all the money off the banksters, use the funds to form scientific group to create space colonies, and ships to use for travel between those colonies, and create worker robots so the dangerous stuff can be done remotely without putting humans in danger.

The bible says there will be earthquakes in the end days so you can't trust that the floor you build your cities in will even be there during all these quakes what with all the crust splitting open, sinkholes, the magnetic pull of nemesis solar system which is causing the poles to shift and change in weather etc. (Ice is melting so expect rise in sea levels)

Assume nothing is going to be the same forever. We should be far more advanced than we are now but are being held back by these puppets of the NWO who are taking all of our resources through fraud. We have to take back control of the planet by defunding these guys and putting it in the hands of responsible people.

conspiracy involving fukushima disaster:
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

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Looks like the Illuminati are now trying to recruit new members using humour to cloak the real message which is to stop people believing that they are real and poking fun at those who took the jokes seriously.
It's a very clever campaign. It reminds me of when the mainstream media would deny ufo as real paranormal phenomenon while simultaneously helping to cover it up for the government. They would create fake ufo events on top of the real ones. Then ufo abductees would try to talk about real encounters and the masses would think the real victims of abduction with implants were crazy people for believing in ufo because they saw it on tv and debunked hoaxed ufo reports that the government actually created to cover the real stuff and discredit anyone who had real encounters. If you were a real victim that wanted to share your story with the public, then you would be associated with the FAKE event which the government created, and the skeptics debunked, and the message would be distorted by confusion over what you were referring to. ie they would think you were referring to the debunked story, and not the REAL event which the public never heard of because the mainstream media used a noise campaign to drown out talk of the real thing by only talking about the fake one. It's like trying to talk to your friend in a small room about a specific topic while someone else in the room is screaming his lungs out at both of you for talking about something that isn't even related to the topic he THINKS you are talking about. The noise alone prevents the message from being received. Like the screaming guy is acting as a jamming device. The masses of people that believe the mainstream media are the screaming guy created noise and signal jamming, and the two researchers are trying to get the truth about the real stuff which actually happened and not the fake government-created hoax designed to cover up the real event.

Today you can see UFO on cameras filmed by the public on smart phones and youtube has helped a lot to get this shit recorded. (once online it is out in the public forever even if they delete it off one place - it doesn't die with the person who recorded it like in the past before widespread instnat communications)

These tactics are desperation by the Luciferians to make us less conscious about the world around us. Paranormal stuff is real and that is WHY they do the rituals. But they don't want YOU competing with them for that power and that understanding of what happens in the spirit world. Hilary Clinton being a practicing witch doesn't bother me. But it's this narrative by the mainstream media that leaders with strange religions can't be real that bothers me. The average joe on the street doesn't know who their own leaders really are.

If they ARE reptilians/aliens/hosts clone bodies for demonic beings they wouldn't come out and reveal it would they? That would be political suicide. That's not to say we know they are the things the conspiracy theorist claims, but just to point out that it makes little logical sense to grant the masses knowledge about the secrets if it doesn't benefit them in any way. The point being that occult groups are just secret groups. Secret until the ex-members leave it to reveal the secrets. In the age of the internet and social media trying to keep secrets forever gets harder as more people come forward. That doesn't mean because secret societies that are now not-so-secret anymore can be thought of as having never existed (just because we reveal them) and therefore belief that they existed is stupid. It just means more people can obtain information about them today due to communication advances in modern times. (satellites, gps in your phones, emails, the centralisation of data into cloud, smart devices in the home which are computers that can record your behavior and phone home etc)

The jokes would work IF the public were still 'in the matrix' but they stop being funny for those whose family member were actually in them. eg william cooper, bill schnoebelen, Fritz Springmeyer etc because they can see what is going on and how the brainwashing works. Many occultists look for the symbols and hidden handshakes so if you belong to them you'd easily identify the secret members. Much like hackers who once worked at the company whose products had protection in them. The hacker isn't crazy for thinking there are encryption measures to keep the secret safe. They had worked there so they can confirm themself what the thing they are hacking contains)

What's ironic is that we are being bombarded with messages in the entertainment side of things that aliens are the saviors to solve the problems of humans. (kind of the reverse of the ronald reagan speech at the un that if we were ever attacked by aliens it would bring us all together to fight the threat and form united nation to deal with it).
I see a left wing version of the conspiracy in that aliens are good guys and that we should disarm all the nukes. The right wing version is that we develop more space weapons and go to war with them.
The conspiracy theorist version is the aliens are just beings we let into our dimension, made a deal with, and allow to abduct humans in exchange for the tech which these secret socieities use to enslave people so they can dominate the world denying others access to it. (if there are good aliens then they were probably stopped from being able to operate with the iluminati because it wouldn't grant them more control over the world.)

satanism being taught to kids now. We live in some scary times:
I'm all for religious freedom. But kids are vulnerable since mind control is a part of these cults. It's the difference between having a free will to leave a religion vs being brainwashed and told you can't leave the cult because you are owned by the leader of the cults. Anything that gives the cult the leverage to use secrets against you to harm you for trying to leave is abusive. (because you are targeted and there are negative consequences for escaping the cult) Being allowed to leave a christian church and not be stalked is freedom from religion. (it empowers you because you have the power to exercise that right and nobody twists your arm for changing your mind about what spiritual choices you made. You are in total control to leave, go back, choose to be athiest..whatever. And you can do so without affecting freedom. Cults do not allow this because they see the member as members for life and will go after people that attempt to leave if they disagree with the leader or just don't like the community or have difference in belief over time)
Last edited by GameHED on 10 Feb 2017 11:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

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A whole page of GameHED talking to himself :lol:
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

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Trump gives the thumbs up. Abe though, think he's a moron.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

Video of the twin suns:
You decide whether it's real or some psy-op (project bluebeam?) or what david icke has always suggested: that the universe is just a hologram and our brains receive certain information types (the types they don't want us to see are merely filtered out like a firewalll) that can be hacked into by the reptilians who can control our optic nerves so that we are just made to believe that the images being sent to our brains are real but in fact they are edited before we process them and record it into memory. This is gnostic belief system that the archons can alter and tamper with consciousness so that they can control us through sophisticated form of mind control and manipulation of lights and energy wave.

It might explain UFO phenomenon in that the abductee is allowed to have the filter removed for a short time and the signals his brain is able to decode are enhanced in order to allow for communication between the alien and the abductee in order to keep the person calm. (what I think is a demonic encounter enabled when certain protection is removed from people who may have had pact with demons from past ancestors that create a generational curse that passes from father to son) If you had people within your family who were freemasons and they gave over control to lucifer, then you get adbucted because you invited them to take control over your soul and serve as their human agents on earth to bring about the Great Work. (which is building the antichrists control grid for the short time he is in power before Jesus makes his return)
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

Massive crack opens up in pakistan: ... n-Pakistan" onclick=";return false;

Pretty scary stuff. This is stuff you only see in cartoon like the transformers. I think of the character Rumble using piledrivers to make cracks in the floor or to break open locked doors or ceilings to make openings in buildings so the decepticons can break through the walls. Didn't expect to see real cracks. Why are you guys not freaking out about this stuff? The new agers used to warn that this shit was coming in 2012. Now it's here. Why are you not getting grappling hook attached to your arms like the guy in Just Cause just in case cracks open up beneath you like some thing out of a platform game? The pull of this Nemesis system is going to open up caves from the past. Maybe release demons onto the earth who have been trapped for ages. People should explore these cracks to see where they lead imo. Send in drones to give us camera footage of how deep they run down.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

Really important for australians to watch because we have mandatory vaccinations for kids here:
Published on Feb 16, 2017
Robert De Niro and Robert F Kennedy Jr held a press conference in Washington DC to offer $100k to anyone who can prove that mercury in vaccines is safe to administer to children.
I believe it causes autism. The illuminati want to cripple the society so it poisons the food, water and puts harmful ingredients in medicine deliberately to fuck our organs up to make us sick. Then sells you even more drugs to fix the original problems the first drugs caused. It's a business just like any other. That's why they call it the sickness industry.
Instead of making cures for illnesses and diseases they create them, and only treat the diseases instead of cure.

Curing something means you can't keep making money putting people on drugs forever and raking in the big bucks. This is the dark side to capitalism. Greed is a sin and its a spiritual sickness of humans that we inherited from the serpent in the garden of eden. (the OG reptilian. ie serpent = humanoid reptilian creature not a snake. It became a snake after punishment from God which caused serpents to lose thier limbs and crawl on its belly and eat dirt to move. See the book of genesis)

I think this issue is worth taking down your own government over if they attempt to forcibly kidnap your kids to poison them. I'm not joking. Your own body is God's property. The problem with collectivist/communist people is the belief that the needs of the group outweigh the needs of the individual. This is why these guys hate things like the freeman movement and soveriegn citizens groups where individuals have decided to take back authority over the property. You either agree with christian western principles of liberty or you side with authoritarians. You will be targeted based on what you believe in future. Individuals do not have to go with any program unless they consent to it. Once yu cross that line you are engaging in an act of slavery. You would be no different to KKK or nazis which attempted to kill off the jews in WW2. If you don't believe we are sovereign in the sense of man being equal in authority under God, you have no business on the land of a free society. Your ideas are not compatible with the rest of western civilisation and the military needs to get involved and serve its role to protect the nation from threats within and without. This is not a game. People have killed others for much less.

You want to continue doing business selling your potions? Make damn sure your products are safe first before you put them on shelves. And to you big government: you will be held responsible for damages done to the kids that took these chemicals. If you want to live in a just society, then you will agree that punishment for wrong doing is good for you. Most men won't because they want everyone else not to lie to them while they can get away with lies by buying off the media and government officials. This is a spiritual sickness that ain't going away. We just have to put up with these types of people until Jesus makes his return.

I've said this before and I'll say it again: the war is not between left vs right but the authoritarians vs libertarians. People from both sides need to challenge the pharmaceutical giants and thier governments if they wish future generations to be free. Remind them every day you won't put up with corruption in high places. Teach kids to spy on thier school teachers and analyse thier thinking. Is it authoritarian in nature or does it sound like it respects an individual's God-given rights? If the answer is it stomps on your liberty call that teacher out on it and pull your kids out of that place. This is war. These fucks are actually getting rich harming and crippling children! What are you going to DO about it? It costs the public money to undo the damage they are doing polluting the environment and your kids organs with crap. Someone has to pay for this. There needs to be fines on people who are pro-vaccine that do not have science to prove what they are saying is true. You don't get to promote something as healthy when people are getting sick from your advice. Children are still developing immune systems and the reason natural defense works is because the body is able to id the threat. Giving vaccine so early will not let them id the thing they are being vaccinated against. The reason chemical companies want to vaccinate is for depopulation purposes which is why harmful ingredients are added into the drugs. Same reason nazis put fluoride in water. There are evil scientists in this world along with good ones. Just because a guy is inteligent does not mean you can automatically trust them. Thier ideas must be analysed for mental illness and theories tested to see if they hold merit. To many people just believe something without recreating the experiment in the lab themselves to check independenly that what is being claimed is actually true or not. This is why it is so important to teach kids critical thinking skills so they are protected against convincing scams pulled off by rich men whose values are not the same as your own! (remember the germans in world war 2 thought they were doing good by murdering so many people in order to maintain strong future generation by killing what was perceived as defective breeds of people after being driven to extremes by zionist jews. Don't think those same people's offspring aren't also likely torepeat past generation's mistakes like a curse. In fact I would bet this time it's worse: they want to profit from killing, so it doesn't need to be motivated by hatred, just the motivation to make easy money. At least people who are doing something out of hatred have some reason to believe it is justified by harm done against them by the percieved threat. AA callous and cold person just killing for materialistic reasons is being rewarded for evil against random people in public. "The love of money is the root of all evil." as Jesus said..)

Australia vaccination becomes mandatory: ... exemptions" onclick=";return false;

Vaccine skeptics group fighting for rights not to vaccinate: ... ur-rights/" onclick=";return false;

Ritchie Allen interview with Andrew Wakefield about Vaxxed (documentary on unsafe vaccines):
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

Interesting talk here by Stan Deyo. He believes he has found the legendary sunken city of Atlantis which it is believed was destroyed by God as punishment. (they were the tyrants of the day) In the talk he backs up the belief with the scienctific evidence he has found for its location on the world map.
in previous talks he covers the location of the Garden of Eden which he believes he also found the location of.
Wouldn't surprise me that all the knowledge survived through the secret societies which worship the fallen ones to this day in secret to continue the slavery of mankind through more covert means today. (I always think of the boss in Street Fighter 3 as nephilim brought back to life through science like a Dr Frankenstein experiment when I think of Atlantean giants. Does capcom know something we don't and trying to tell us something? Are these guys the super soldiers the nazis wanting to create in WWII through genetic manipulation and selective breeding to bring about "The Great Work"?)

There have been recent video footage of giant super soldier seen being used. (perhaps these are the underground experiments the US have been working on in secret knowing that many of the Nazi scientists were secretly brought over to america after WWII through project Paperclip and ended up working on secret projects for them; one of these being hybrid nephilim-human super soldiers with bigger size and strength than regular soldiers. With the pure stock of nephilim giant being much bigger and highly intelligent than the genetically modified hybrids having supernatural capabilities to go along with size and strength and creating the myths of ancient greeks who saw them as heroes. ie the original super heroes before Marvel and DC comics popularised super-powered men)

...Or perhaps that guy just got really lucky with the genetic lottery and will suffer complications later in life like the famous Wrestler "Andre the Giant". (assuming this footage is even real and not some cg effect by hollywood. Iit is hard to tell these days what is fake as the mainstream media has been caught using blue screen in the past to pretend they were at a location when they were in a studio)
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

NASA needs your help to find Planet 9:
:lol: ... 17b47.html" onclick=";return false;

If they need your help to look for the bloody planet, why the fuck are tax payers even giving them money to exist!?
Citizens are already searching for these things because you are hiding and lying and censoring the information. And your logo is derived from the streak of a UFO footage on film. So already you are suspect to those who follow UFO subject. (the military knows about aliens and you are there to hide evidence of the intelligent life) We are being held back by the greys on purpose so they can maintain control over the human population on earth and stunt our progress.

Did we get any warning from them about the recent asteroid that hit in queensland? No. That could have hit in a major city and killed a lot of people. Lesson: take anything NASA says with a grain of salt. If an asteroid falls on your head you can blame them for not warning you in time.

NASA CALLS PRESS CONFERENCE FOR EXO PLANET DISCOVERY: ... 9606518257" onclick=";return false;
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by guttermouth »

Supposedly massive Leaks out against CNN tomorrow...

Hope its some huge shit....

" onclick=";return false;

Who can forget when CNN told Americans it was illegal to read Wikileaks during the election.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

Mainstream media in general is doomed.

The generations of kids to grow up will slowly wake up from the lies and form their own competing media to the mainstream media to slay the giants. When you try to censor people it's only going to backfire. The last attempt to bring in censorship is using radical feminists, social justice warriors (read any of today's marvel comics for evidence of this) and muslims (no drawing of allah and jokes about him) and outbreeding the locals through mass immigration which will eventually convert the nation into muslim dominated one. The dependent people will then vote for more government power, (who can outsource the work to mercenary organisations if needed) and bigger and bigger government, and the government employees will like this and reward them by handing them free shit if they vote for their guy.

This is assuming we don't get into some nuclear war that causes extinction level events. (mad max future)
Steve Quayle warns the radiation levels across the planet are rising...(nobody seems to be talking about fukushima anymore as if the japanese government has paid everyone off to be silent about this just like Merkel did with Facebook on the issue of german women being gang raped)
The book he is referring to can be downloaded for free here as a PDF file: ... f_file.pdf" onclick=";return false;

or if you want the physical book:" onclick=";return false;

When they don't get what they want, they start wars and impoverish the sides that fight in them, then through the ashes of the conflict they offer their deal to the nations in debt who are tired to continue the fight and then enslave them through debt. (they offer them a "solution" which involved handing over power to them in exchange for rebuilding.) This pattern continues until there is nothing left to put into slavery and then you get merging of all nations into world government system. The logic being is that if there are no "sides" then you can have an end to war and finally "peace". Assuming you like to live in a communistic collectivist world dictatorship where independent thought is outlawed. (already it's being done through these SJW groups who will dox anyone that doesn't agree with their opinions. In china you just get mass internet censorship. They can't pull that off yet because it would cause panic so they are going with a gradual stealth taking down of the news sources that they don't control one by one; forcing people to go underground to get real news and information.

This is where stalking and tracking people comes into play where they gangstalk you on the streets and on the road using satellite and drone information as well as GPS on your smartphones. The government will have information about everyone and everything in central computer and hire groups of people to harass or follow the person into places they like to go to. eg bars, nightclub, shopping centres etc and then try to approach that person as if they were friends or try to converse with them to dig up information about them. They will try to use covert and overt types of harassment to psychologically attack the person to scare them.

If you are an outspkoen person you are on a list and they do not want you talking at all. But they can't publicly shame you if you are popular otherwise if the government is seen attacking you, then you become a martyr which only increases your social standing. So they must use stealth harassment where the public isn't aware you are being harassed. It's a very well thought out plot to stop people from speaking. As long as people are aware they are being brainwashed, the effect of continuing to use the brainwashing fades. So that is why they are desperate to use violence as last resort by starting civil war because the other options ran out. By having the two extremes fight each other, it creates enough conflict to then cause violence, then through chaos they can bring order by offering their solution which is less freedoms. (the purpose of creating and using the radicals is that they are meant to get you to fear having public debates by getting violent people to react to talking about issues using violence to stop the talk. When peple are scared to talk about issues then the censorship is sucessful. You want to have the debates while putting out the fire simultaneously so the noise they make doesn't drown out the intelligent people from speaking. That involves infiltrating their groups and sabotaging them from within so you have advanced warning)

My prediction is WWIII is going to be space war where there is anti-isatellite weapons and ships in space patrolling the areas to guard the satellite weapons up there. (wasn't there a british hacker who got imprisoned a while ago for discovering a secret space command - like a space navy? And he saw pics of the space ships. He at the time couldn't download the images fast enough before logging out)
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by Cletus »

GameHED wrote:Mainstream media in general is doomed.

Snopes says it's bullshit so there's a good chance CNN actually did use three different shots of the same girl to represent 3 different situations. Snopes loves the mainstream media..
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

It doesn't matter what mainstream media says about alternative media. The world is basically becoming an episode of married with children where, SJWs, feminists and fat acceptance becoming the judge of white, male, and heterosexual people to cause divide between the groups.
There are laws being created now where a man can't even go to a park without persecution. (similar to man-spreading law on trains) ... -92189148/" onclick=";return false;

The gays, the lesbians, the blacks the muslims (who the illuminati bombed to shit and used depleted uranium on causing deformities in thier babies) need to understand that the satanists have been using them to create the division and the purpose is constant conflicts everytime instead of peace.

Each group needs to observe why are you being used to attack free nations? (and why men? could it be to kill the family by going for the head of the household to weaken the nation?) It's to convert the free ones into war zones and then they can bring about dictatorship. Once these groups stop identifying as a label and instead think of themselves as individuals then it gets harder to create chaos. The purpose of riots is making right wing guys angry. The right wing guys then have the justification to then bring in martial law and the backup government takes over if you kill the leader which is what they probably want you to do so they can have the military take over. see COG (continuity of government)

Could that be why they let Trump get to power so the elites can have him be killed by these radical left wing guys who want to use force to control people instead of debating intelligently and battling with words?
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by t0mby »

Cletus wrote:
GameHED wrote:Mainstream media in general is doomed.

Snopes says it's bullshit so there's a good chance CNN actually did use three different shots of the same girl to represent 3 different situations. Snopes loves the mainstream media..
She's wearing the same clothes so either she's poor, she has multiple of the same outfits or it's the same crisis with various pics taken on the day.
selfish wrote:Being a massive fanboy and trying to hide it is Lestat's worst bottleneck.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

Wikileaks Vault 7
Your living room is spying on you through all your smart devices.
Cletus: now do you believe people who say they are being gangstalked? (when they say on youtube they are being watched 24/7 and people following them everywhere they go and seem to know where they will be before they reach the destination?)

The government has always had an interest in things like thought manipulation, brainwashing its masses, experimenting on people as guinea pigs for application in war, and many other things like hacking the consumer products to dig up secrets about people to use in blackmail, intimidation, and character asassinations. Not to mention psychic remote viewing to find out what is going on in space and other planets. (like the "newtypes" in the Gundam anime series)

This is why the transhumanists need to be warned that if you decided to become a cyborg your whole body and soul could be owned by these elites and your destiny controlled by the reptilians very much like the main character in the movie "Gamer" (2009)

When they own your soul you are doomed. Never trust robots, machines, and nerds who want to get revenge on you from the days in highschool when you bullied them. They will come back to ruin your life. All they have to do is hack your computer and all your trade secrets go to china and they get rich off the work. It's the same thing that wiped out the Dwarves in Elder Scrolls as they became too reliant on technology instead of being seperate from the temptation to make themselves gods through technological means instead of studying spirituality.

It all makes sense. Think back to reality tv shows like Big Brother and movies like Gamer. What were they trying to say to you through this type of program? They were saying "we want to be a fly on the wall, and also in your body". This to me is the mark of the beast. When you can control a human like cattle and take the temple (invasive computers entering inside of you and reprogramming you from the inside) and live inside it and then become god.
Once you get the mark you are no longer in the image of god anymore and therefore not fit to go into heaven due to modifications done to you by these companies which say they wish to improve us by trying to recode our dna and tamper with God's work.

Something to make a videogame about...

A lot of kids will want to be like the character in Ghost in the Shell (the cloests thing to becoming a superhero by killing giant robots) But there is a dark side to all this information and the loss of your natural ability when replaced with artificial ones.. You are a hackable smart device now with the elite in total control over your mind and body.
Last edited by GameHED on 09 Mar 2017 01:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

To cletus:

Your answer to why the IMDB forums were removed LOL:
the feminists are bloody everywhere. I bet this is so when a new ghostbuster movie comes out with all females in it, it will allow the feminists can give it automatic 10 out of 10 because it is pro-feminist and politically correct content. Meanwhile, anyone who isn't into movies that are pro-feminist (eg most religious people who prefer a patriarchy over matriarchy and find feminism offensive) are unable to tell people if their fave franchise is dead because feminists have shit all over their childhoods.

I remember when Ghostbuster came out and the hype about it being all-female characters. Non-feminists have no problem with a strong female lead, just not if the females are feminist and bash men.

The movies you show your daughter will shape how they grow up to treat males. We got to push back with alternatives to anything the globalist (who tend to prefer authoritarian over libertarian system) come up with.
Otherwise what I predict is going to happen is more women will end up acting like spoilt princesses that need to be bowed down to and worshipped (disney is guilty of this in their movies) and females will act more narcissistic as they forego having kids and neglect rasiing them properly if they do (because they want to have both career and children).

As the SJWs/feminists invade males spaces (comics, videogames, action flicks) men have less and less male-only places to go where it is only men. But women get to have seperate places that are only women. To regain balance we need to constantly move from one place to another which will cause them to not be able to follow us into the places we go to. The purpose of these marxists is to brainwash young people to revolt against christianity and slowly kill off the population by preventing people from breeding. That's why they are funding lesbians/ women marches, and attacking dads. Women tend to also buy more shit so corporations love that and you can see tv is cetering more to women while the men go into videogames more. The schools also prevent comedians from exercising free speech so now a lot of them don't go to colleges anymore. This censorship (killing comment sections on news sites, invading male spaces, and trying to character assassinate the outspoken anti-feminists can only succeed if we let it) is slowly destroying western civilisation.

Hopefully Trump reverses this imbalance and removes anti-male laws like manspreading and brings back masculinity to these SJWs by infiltrating these groups that are trying to overthrow the free western nations so we can tell jokes without breaking so-called hate-speech laws". By using lawfare against the people, they think they can make people fear freedom. To show them we don't fear freedom all we have to do is boycott the sites that do not allow criticism of bad ideas and attack them in the pocket. (much like marvel comic fans boycotting current wave of pro-SJW content)

What the SJWs are doing is slowly trying to stop anything that doesn't agree with thier views from being promoted. So if a white christian hetero man who doesn't act like a cuck gets to go to the big screen, it means they will censor or ban that thing they don't wish to see.
in the 80s you had religious groups trying to stop dungeons and dragons and ban harry potter (more recent) you have feminists trying to stop masculine super heroes (only masculinity in females is allowed while feminity is promoted in men) from getting to the fans of those heroes.

We got to say to china "get the fuck out of our entertainment. This is america-world police/australia-land-of-rugged men/british empire "where ninja turtles become heroes and not assassins"..... not commie red china" If someone can make a movie which triggers the SJWs it will do great sales in theatres. (silent majority will go to see it)
Anti-white male racism is everywhere and it is killing stories. Hitler lost. The war is over. The nazis are hiding and going underground. What more do these guys want? lol Their hero george soros who is funding the violent rioting collaborated with germans to kill his own people. (look it up)
Thanks to these guys Star Wars is all about female empowerment stories and not about religious people killing each other in space. boring...
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

Great guest on Hagmann show here. He is ex-marine and explains what needs to be done to fix the corruption in the government and the 7 different CIA's in power currently.
(seek to hour2 ) ... d=download" onclick=";return false;
In hour two, starting promptly at 8:00pm EST, join us in welcoming debut Hagmann Report guest, Mr Robert D Steele. Robert Steele is a former United States Marine. After serving our country in The Corps, Mr Steele signed on with The Central Intelligence Agency as an overseas Case Worker, tasked with standing up multiple missions in the global war on terror.
Governments never serve the interests of the people. Statists will always want centralisation of power in the hands of the few. But if you can solve the problem of corruption you might slow down the NWO a bit as people prepare for the doom and buy enough time. The government as it is today is just a tool by the elites to gain more power. (including the intelligence agencies, military, schools) Politicians are just lawyers that create new systems to empower the state which then serves the elites who see everyone that is not them as cattle to be used as beasts to serve them. (think of the orcs in Lord of the Rings taking orders from Saruman who is serving the great eyeball in hopes of gaining power for himself)
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