Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by PhoneMonkey »

The Dreamcast failed due to limited 3rd party support along with the PS2 release and the Vita failed because of stupid memory card pricing and minimal library.

More and more people are discovering for themselves that you can get the same titles in greater fidelity, higher frame rates and at lower prices with less bullshit on PC.
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by Candy Arse »

GameHED wrote:
Candy Arse wrote:I've noticed that whenever someone is really struggling as to why they believe gaming on a PC is NOT the premiere gaming experience, they resort to the "average Joe" argument.

Who the fuck cares about the average joe? And what does that have to do with anything related to the facts?

You want the best gaming experience, you get it on PC.

Is there quality only on console? Sure is because so far Yakuza 0 is my GOTY. That doesn't change the facts - you want the best experience possible, you get it on PC.
The average joe determines where developers and third parties go to.

That's why Dreamcast failed. It's why Vita failed. Great hardware for their time and some excellent software but without $ you don't get to finish the race. Shenmue 3 would have been made if it wasn't for the average joe not liking the shenmue games.

I'm one of those guys that has come to accept the facts not deny them. I don't like it anymore than you do that sales of good games like titanfall failed to sell. But to survive you got to figure out how to get these guys to pay money or you will end up going indie and having to beg for money like obsidian are doing. Not as good as when obsidian could make bigger budget titles. Now they have to listen to what fans wants rather than just making games they want to make. And fans can put stupid stuff in games. Why do you think Resident Evil series went down the shitter after the poor sales of RE Remake? Because the sales for survival horror were poor. Forcing capcom to make RE into a COD with zombies franchise. (they are turning away from that now)
Still has nothing to do with the fact that PC offers the best gaming experience available at the moment, and for the last 6-7 years at least.
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by GameHED »

This is also my point, you are clinging to dated memories rather than adapting to what the industry actually is. No wonder you have plenty to complain about; you do nothing but identify problems and do nothing to seek the solutions. Back kickstarters, back games you believe in, back something other than the platform that champions mediocre mainstream shit that is the core of what is wrong with the industry.
I do back games I am interested in by buying them. But I won't back a project if it reached the goal. You support them by buying the product when it is ready to be released in finished form. that is a way to give the makers an incentive to finish it. They get the money when it's done. Just like any business.
Since obsidian made money/profits from the last Pillars game, it is kinda greedy of them to ask for money on the sequel imo.
The profits of the first game can be reinvested to build the second game. It's retro old school title.
PC gamers are the outdated ones. They assume big budget games can survive on machines that are open platforms where hacking is easy and cheating is the norm. Street Fighter is better on console for tournaments because everyone is on an equal playing field. They all use the same hardware. Esports is a big thing.

So console gaming has absorbed all the bad parts but none of the good parts yet PC retains its good parts. Again, cancelling your own argument. If that is what you believe then why don't you just play on PC? Again, if you have identified a problem that has a solution then apply the solution or shut the fuck up. No wonder you have plenty to whinge about.
I do play on pc. I am saying console can improve itself by taking things from the pc platform that work (like modding of games to readjust balance) and improve the console space. But prior to this, console only seemed to get worse by taking all the bad thing about pc and bringing it to console while not giving console the good things. For example having to patch patch patch and wiat for the patches to install before playing a game. Not very fun experience. Previous generations of console games didn't have that and companies were expected to polish their games up before bringing them to shelves. Nowadays we are just guinea pigs.
Way to prove your ignorance and cancel your own argument in one. The cpu AI in SF2 cheats. If balance is your issue, then surely you should be seeking human opponents not playing a game where the AI does things the player cant (charge both sonic boom and flash kick at the same time for eg.)
I'm not talking about CPU cheating. PC platforms are too open and this can mean both good and bad things. Good because you an apply nude mods, remove censorship etc. Bad because hackers can fuck up the game. Console platforms being strict and protected, offer more safety.
You and and candy being crap at fighters just want to cheat. This is not permitted in tournaments so that is why you guys avoid competing with the good players who use consoles as the tournament machines. lol
Yea if only capcom acknowledged and accepted things like the GGPO community...oh wait they do. Not to mention re-releases of SF2 and UMVC3 this very year. BZZZ wrong again gamehed.
Which is why I see no reason for them to NOT port some of the older fighters like SF3 to portables. I can play blazblue, tekken, UMVC3 on portable. Now gimme SF3. And do it every genration to keep building up the fanbase so there are more people playing these titles. Arcade games are perfect for portables because they have short battery life. Hopefully Capcom does a port of SF4 to the Switch.
That is why SFV has embraced a yearly season update model ala FIFA. Get a clue.
It's a different way of releasing content. I personally prefer they go back to the old way of doing it where they release a whole game, balance it, and then do a sequel. Selling background for expensive amount of money is stupid. When I talk about the older games I don't mean they should sell us expansions to the old games. But keep leaving them up online for download when new console comes out. I don't want tring out old consoles to play the old games.
Play whatever you want on the bus but its single player by your own admission. How can you possibly have a clue about what is balanced if you have never experienced a gaming setting that requires balance.
I play multi I just look down on people who think online multi actually means something when it has lag. No game should be acceptable with any amount of lag in a fighting game. I would rather play local multi with random guy on street then go on the internet. I tried to play online once on tatsunoko vs capcom and it was very laggy and I said"no thank you" and never went back. When you play fighting games seriously like me you need immediatey response times. You can't play these games properly online period. I think you are confusing the argument I have about the single player modes in games. The recent SFV took out arcade mode which is a silly thing for them to do. Many people want that basic mode in there because they are used to seeing it in all fighitng games. If Arc System Works and Bandai Namco does it, why shouldn't capcom? They are slipping Boomy..
No one in the community cares about the storyline in games. It is common opinion within the guilty gear community that the movies are borderline unwatchable garbage and we play for the awesome presentation. Get a clue, if you are watching guilty gears story and finding it as engaging as the gameplay something is wrong with how you play Guilty Gear.
Speak for yourself. I want both the gameplay and story. I want the whole package. Even shooters like overwatch have some backstroy for their characters. It matters but people are scared to admit it because they want to be nice to capcom. I on the other hand must tell capcom the truth. They are sucking because they are listening to the wrong people and that is why sales of SFV are horrible.
When have you ever played in an arcade against another human ever in your life?
I don't go to arcades anymore because they are annoying due to having to wait for the other guys to get off. That's why I think capcom need to port all their old fighters to the nintendo switch. Because people are going to play that stuff on their breaks. Not travel to the local arcade to play SF when they can easily do it on portable. This is the future. The only bad thing is there is no DPAD on the Switch so you'll need to bring the controller.

The bottom line is pc is open system and being open doesn't necessarily mean good. The hardware manufacturers have their place in the game scene. Valve doesn't like that which is why he bashes them due to wishing the steambox idea would take hold. Since steambox just doubles up on the same thing a pc already does, it was a waste of time. But consoles offer EXCLUSIVES from first party software developers. And that is the appeal of console. Not because the hardeware itself is so grand. But because they are fans of the games made by those developers. And since you can't get them on pc (unless you emulate) it is natural for the average joe to just buy the machine to play the games. Want to play GTA5 early? You buy the console to play the game.
The reason big budget games are released to console platforms is to receive the profit from the high userbase on console platforms. Then that can help pc when they port to the master race. But without console, pc would pretty much die imo. It's not the case the other way around. Console would survive without pc since most pc games people are playing are those "free to play/pay to win" stuff that isn't necessarily requiring high spec to enjoy. (the makers of the games do not want to alienate low specs pc guys from playing the game because it means less profit)
Until console die off (which they won't) pc gamers are just going to have to accept console's dominance.
And guys like Candy Arse will have to accept that SFV isn't as good as SF4.

Not everyone agrees with you boomy. Some people think old gmaes are still better than the new ones.
A good fighting game is
-one that is balanced
-offers freedom in playstyles
-easy for lower skilled people to get into but hard to master (this ensure replayability long after sales)
-higher skilled players have a sense of winning through their own skill more than the character they chose (knowning who is weak against who is only a minor part of winning) so that mistake they make are punishable by another high skilled player. It's not a guessing game of rock paper scissors, you need the skill to react quickly to a bad choice the opponent made to ensure it's not a game about doing random shit to each other. ie there is some intelligence to what you are seeing happening in the fight and it ia not always easy to punish someone to get automatic advanatage, you still need fast reflexes to execute the action. Casuals should not be able to just punish a mistake without first becoming good at basics. The reason you win should be more about you the player being good, not because the characters you chose is overpowered or designed especially well against your opponent's choice of character. (relates to the first point) Older fighting games could get away with that because people were not as hardcore as they are now.

Super Turbo should be a template for future fighters in making the characters feel balanced. Old games like that felt polished in gameplay because it was the height of the fighting game genre's popularity. (today there is constant nerfs and buffing and rebalancing showing they didn't test these things before releasing the game to the public and expect us to play "competitively". That's like injecting random olympic athletes with performance-enhancing drugs and expecting us to know which won through skill and which cheated by having unfair advantage lol
Last edited by GameHED on 15 Feb 2017 07:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by Candy Arse »

:lol: @ CrackHED

Won't play people at arcades
Looks down upon online multiplayer, in his own words
Was too scared to play me face-to-face when I was in Brisbane

I'd offer to play him at a first-to-10 "loser is banned from Games-Ranch" in either Ultra SF4 or SF5 (his choice) via my PS4 online but I know he'll duck it.
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by unfnknblvbl »

I think he should be banned for ducking it...
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by PhoneMonkey »

Reading through GameHED's wall of text the only thing that stood out to me is "PC Gamers are the outdated ones". PC gaming is experiencing something of a new age, console gaming is looking as old as the dated PC hardware that powers them.

Secondly, how does one type that much dribble in that length of time?
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by Rorschach »

GameHED in a nutshell:

- Carries on like he knows the competitive fighting scene and what's "good" for it but refuses to play real people and ignores challenges because he knows he'll have his arse handed to him.
- Pimps PC Kickstarter games that he has no intention of supporting, abuses those that do support the game and when it's pointed out to him that there will likely never be a console release gets even more abusive.
- States he owns a PC but refuses to note his Steam/Battlenet/Origin whatever username to confirm this.
- Crackpot conspiracist that decries the lizardmen/Illuminati running the world but then wilfully takes it up the arse from the console makers - the epitome of walled garden authoritarianism and DRM control. The PC is the only truly "free" platform left, the last frontier of genuine creativity :loco:
- Delluded in thinking people agree with him when in point of fact the only person that has seem remotely seen eye to eye with him was Rocco.
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

Rorschach wrote:Crackpot conspiracist that decries the lizardmen/Illuminati running the world but then wilfully takes it up the arse from the console makers - the epitome of walled garden authoritarianism and DRM control. The PC is the only truly "free" platform left, the last frontier of genuine creativity :loco:
My favourite part really.
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by GameHED »

Rorschach wrote:GameHED in a nutshell:

- Carries on like he knows the competitive fighting scene and what's "good" for it but refuses to play real people and ignores challenges because he knows he'll have his arse handed to him.
- Pimps PC Kickstarter games that he has no intention of supporting, abuses those that do support the game and when it's pointed out to him that there will likely never be a console release gets even more abusive.
- States he owns a PC but refuses to note his Steam/Battlenet/Origin whatever username to confirm this.
- Crackpot conspiracist that decries the lizardmen/Illuminati running the world but then wilfully takes it up the arse from the console makers - the epitome of walled garden authoritarianism and DRM control. The PC is the only truly "free" platform left, the last frontier of genuine creativity :loco:
- Delluded in thinking people agree with him when in point of fact the only person that has seem remotely seen eye to eye with him was Rocco.

All I offer here is the truth which is why they don't ban me.

The lizards are everywhere not just console. So whether you choose to be a console peasant or master race you will get screwed somehow.

The only people buying high end pc are the guys that update things every year. (a small portion of the total pc userbase)

Sales of pc that are at the peasant level of performance are dropping meaning the average joe is turning to consoles. This is why you see underpowered walled garden machines machines selling well and developers making games on them. EA still makes games on the consoles. If EA abandoned the consoles I would be very surprised because they are all about making generic games for the average joe, and not polished experiences. (usually only going for safe movie licenses and sports games)

Why does the peasant buyer matter? Because these are the guys that keep the gaming industry from collapsing as games have gotten too expensive to make now that people demand ever-better graphics to keep up with technology. When a series starts to fall in sales usually that series is never revisited. (the shenmue effect of being too expensive to finish the series)

Take Darkstalkers for example. Because it didn't sell well when they did remaster release, the suits at capcom didn't make a sequel even though they did one for Street Fighter after so long. Instead we are seeing Marvel VS Cacpom instead. The peasants know marvel and the capcom characters better. Darkstalkers could be thought of as a niche.

Now guys like boomy would try to convince you that because the average joe doesn't like Darkstalkers as much as Street Fighter then those people are somehow dumb and stupid people because "it's like people who watch network tv". Do you see the narcissism in these guys? They think that because the masses don't like what THEY like, automatically they are shallow or not as sophisticated or something. (they only think of themselves and don't look at the wider environment around them)

This attitude is what killed the comic book industry when the comic companies decided to focus only on the high end collector's market. Then what happened the regular comic readers couldn't afford to buy all the comics and decided to quit reading and went to some other hobby. This then caused comics to collapse. The same thing is happening with gaming industry. ie people are demanding that every fucking thing must have 4K to keep up with the tv technology and most people are hapy with 1080P at 60FPS still. (Mario Kart 8 on Wii U was only 720P 59FPS and look fine to me)

We are becoming too demanding and if your fave company Respawn doesn't get the expected sales numbers it is likely you won't ever see a sequel to Titanfall 2. Because EA deliberately made it hard for them to succeed by releasing the game at the same time as COD and Battlefield. The reason is because EA is evil, and they don't control the IP so they want it to fail so they can buy it off them at dirt cheap prices.

This is what happens when you don't watch out for evil companies. The lizards are real. You just don't want to see them.
They are probably the same guys that encouraged microsoft to focus on making a TV box instead of an Xbox which has cost them to lose the race this gen while sony is laughing their asses off at how easy it is to win by doing nothing special or unique.

The key is to make games that appeal to all skill levels. That's how you don't fuck up. Super Turbo Sttreet Fighter is an example:
-balanced gameplay,
-no worry that later they will nerf or buff a character to upset the balance just because the suits want to introduce newer characters which changes how you have to play. The product is "finished and out the door with only minor changes for future"
-easy to get into while requiring skill to be good at
-not pay to win (pay to win is a master race trend where a person who has lots of money can access more of the game than others so they can keep the company afloat. It's usualy a sign that company is dying and is desperate to gain profits which they couldn't do normally. If capcom had lot of money to spend they would have given us a sequel to Dragon's Dogma by now, not Resident Evil. RE7 sold crap last I checked)

You pc guys need to adapt to change. While you may like to play ultima 7 on your 486 pc. We are playing Witcher 3, Skyrim, Xenoblade, Dragon Age, Mass Effect etc These are all console games. Not pc games. Yes you can play them on pc master race, but they are still console games that were ported to pc. All the big budget franchises go to the peasant class gaming platforms. Why? Because it's less risky (high userbase with higher profit to be made on them) and if we go away, you don't get those games.

You are like the Gungans in Star Wars Episode 1. You form a symbiote circle with the upper class race. (us console gamers who don't like stealing and pirating) If the gungans don't co-operate with the rest of Naboo, then the droids (mobile phone gamers) will kill all of you because you lack strategy and leadership ability to fend off organised attacks. You don't have a choice in the matter. You may want to play the "tough guy" narrative but in truth you are co-dependent on us console platform fans who like closed gardens to keep out intruders. This is why Valve is trying to make pc gaming more user friendly because Gabe senses that maybe consoles are a threat to pc gaming as a whole. The days when you had to be a nerdy guy to even use a computer by typing in commands to get it to do something are over. Most people who use computers want a user interface that is dumb and easy to use for the average joe so they can concentrate on getting work done. It's just the trend. It's not the only future. But the vast majority of people do not like to learn new things. So that is why consoles are appealing. I'm not saying it's better. I'm just telling you that is the direction of entertainment where it just works and when there is a bug they don't have to write down the error code, ring up the company and complain. The game is tested and bugs are done quickly because the hardware is familiar and the testers only have one version to bug test for.

Are the nerds more cool for being able to do more things with computers? Oh yeah they are, but is that what the average joe cares about? No they are just thinking about the game not technical stuff like how much resources the virus protector is using up or how many other programs they have running in the background together with the game. They shouldn't have to think about that stuff. But nerds LIKE thinking about it. Not everyone is interested in the same shit as you. Maybe a lot of console gamers like mods but never have time to create them. So they want the creativity to be on console but not have to put up with the pain of games crashing all the time. Closed platform can offer this.

Gabe needs to learn that not everyone is creative. Some people are analytical and see the fun in consuming the content and rating how good it is on numbered scale and giving feedback whether its good or shit. You don't need a open platform for that. You can consume the content, share your view about it on social media, and hope the next game in the series is less shit than the current one. (that is modding on a longer term sense because the developers will modify the content in future games to make the customers more happy while the user sits back and wait for them to do it rather than changing it themselves using tools on open platform. Long before minecraft and the basebuilding stuff in rpg games of today you had games like animal crossing where you could do things like make t-shirts or move your furniture around to customise the look of the house you live in. Just because it's closed platform doesn't mean you can't create or be creative)
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by BOOMY »

GameHED in a nutshell:

- Carries on like he knows the competitive fighting scene and what's "good" for it but refuses to play real people and ignores challenges because he knows he'll have his arse handed to him.
- Pimps PC Kickstarter games that he has no intention of supporting, abuses those that do support the game and when it's pointed out to him that there will likely never be a console release gets even more abusive.
- States he owns a PC but refuses to note his Steam/Battlenet/Origin whatever username to confirm this.
- Crackpot conspiracist that decries the lizardmen/Illuminati running the world but then wilfully takes it up the arse from the console makers - the epitome of walled garden authoritarianism and DRM control. The PC is the only truly "free" platform left, the last frontier of genuine creativity :loco:
- Delluded in thinking people agree with him when in point of fact the only person that has seem remotely seen eye to eye with him was Rocco.
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by t0mby »

PhoneMonkey wrote:with less bullshit on PC.
Yeah, like the EA Origin spyware debacle, Uplay and Sonys BMG copy protection rootkit scandal to name a few. :lol:
selfish wrote:Being a massive fanboy and trying to hide it is Lestat's worst bottleneck.
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by Candy Arse »

He didn't say no bullshit, he said less bullshit.

Which is true.
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by Candy Arse »

GameHED wrote: You pc guys need to adapt to change. While you may like to play ultima 7 on your 486 pc. We are playing Witcher 3, Skyrim, Xenoblade, Dragon Age, Mass Effect etc
Witcher 3 on PC is fantastic at a higher resolution and 2-3x the framerate :lol:
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by Madmya »

Less bullshit? Mmmm dunno about that.
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by Candy Arse »

From someone who only plays games on XBONE :lol:
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by Madmya »

I guess it's your definition of bullshit. I'm no enemy of PC, but there's definitely a lot of bullshit with drivers, best graphical settings, etc.
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

I'm lazy so I just click optimise all in GeForce Experience :up:
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by Candy Arse »

Madmya wrote:I guess it's your definition of bullshit. I'm no enemy of PC, but there's definitely a lot of bullshit with drivers, best graphical settings, etc.
Is there?

I updated the latest nVidia drivers today - click to download, click to express install.

Best graphical settings - start with max and work your way back until you have an acceptable framerate. Starting with specific shit like Hairworks or high-end AA usually is where you'd start.

5 minutes of fucking around for the rest of the game's life of a fantastic experience better than what you can get elsewhere.

Gaming on a PC is so far ahead, and so much easier and user-friendly, than it used to be.
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by BOOMY »

Ambrose Burnside wrote:I'm lazy so I just click optimise all in GeForce Experience :up:
This. Geforce experience keeps things updated and optimized without you having to do shit. Most of the criticisms of PC gaming are out of touch and were relevant when the xbox 360 launched.
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by Candy Arse »

Pretty much.

The criticisms leveled at it on this forum are all easily put away - bugs, playing on the couch, drivers, graphical settings, more expensive.

No one who actually plays on a PC has these issues.
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Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by Rorschach »

Yeah, I have a second PC now with the 980Ti hooked up to the TV, play Gears 4 on the couch. Even my wife can manage turning on the system, entering a password and double clicking on the shortcut. Pretty much child's play now.
Last edited by Rorschach on 18 Feb 2017 10:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

Yeah, if you can set up a console you can set up a PC these days. They're very similar now that consoles have accounts and updates etc.
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by Candy Arse »

Bububu fucking around
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by GameHED »

Candy Arse wrote:Pretty much.

The criticisms leveled at it on this forum are all easily put away - bugs, playing on the couch, drivers, graphical settings, more expensive.

No one who actually plays on a PC has these issues.
It's too little too late. The consumers don't want to upgrade every other year. They bought a console so they can forget about upgrades for 5 years.

Many of the japanese games I notice look like shit.

Tales of Berseria is a ps3 title. It's using an old engine, and so do all the bethesda games. And COD.

Kids also play games too and I am willing to bet it's their dad buying their kid the console so they don't disturb the dad on his pc.
Anyway have fun bullshitting us about how steam is so awesome. When consoles finally die I will become a PC gamer again. I want developers who bug fix to only have to bug fix one version of the game now. I think this frees up the time looking for fixes for technical issues to use it on polishing the games.

As the pc and consoles converge, you can think of console as low end pc. And people are happy with this. Why do people who play COD need 4K? It's a kids game. There are more kids than balding 40 year old virgins like you who update your cards every month to be accepted in your tiny community. There are simply not enough of you to sustain the big budget titles anymore. Maybe when high end pc gaming grows big enough but for now console will dominate much like PS2 did over the xbox and gamecube. Steambox failed, the masses have chosen and if I were a developer I would go with consoles platform first. PC gamers can have sloppy seconds like what happened with GTA5. (punishment for being pirates)

the game industry is shrinking. The latest RE game didn't ship many copies.
Are PC gamers going to rescue this franchise? Shit no. So what that means is lower budget games. But that doesn't necesarily mean worse games. (much like the latest M.Night Shalaman movie it could mean better product)

Sales of games determine whether we see continuation of franchise. This is why PC is doomed. (ie it's too easy tp pirate everything being an open platform. Gabe needs to understand that closed platform are not the enemy. It's people's expectations are getting too high and causing companies to collapse because not enough people are buying games to sustain the high quality. (which is why CDPR had to target the peasant platform for witcher 3 - not because they like restraining graphics progression. They understand that the average joe's money is still money and they are not narcissistic. When you appeal to wide audience first, the money you make from that can go into port to higher end platforms. But without the money from joe average, you probably wouldn't get as big budget a game. Looking down on the poor guy is silly. The day may come when the game industry will crash and people will wonder why. (because you were too demanding on the poor developers but not paying them enough money for each game to be able to continue to make the sequels - which is happening now with Titanfall and Dues EX.)

Think of the Console as the underdog that with enough effort it can still beat the champion on a day he didn't train hard enough because he was lazy and didn't expect to come close to losing.
That scene in rocky 4 comes to mind where the russian boxing champ Drago is training with expensive equipment and rocky is forced to use more low tech stuff to train. (rocky is the peasant but he can still get decent result working with limits just being disciplined. ie the coders make sure not to be lazy and find work-arounds) Even though Drago has Aryan genes Rocky can overcome that with stronger spirit and working harder. (one of the mysteries lies in epigenetics where you can alter yourself by switching genes off or on by how you act or your environment. The athiest scientists will never understand the DNA is a tesla coil which can send and receive information to the unseen spirit realm through scalar waves to change the environment as it goes against their belief system that we are just animals)
Last edited by GameHED on 17 Feb 2017 07:31 pm, edited 3 times in total.
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by flipswitch »

Looks like developers hate PC after all.

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