Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by GameHED »

A load are going to be console titles ported to pc.
Notice how all the big budget titles are using console as lead platform? Because pc is too open. They need to make money off the paying customers on the underpowered machines first to rake in the profit and then port upwards to pc. It used to be the other way around. Eg Dragon Age was a pc game and then console got a port of it. Then as time went on it became a console game series just like GTA series.

I noticed this because when a game uses mice as the default controls, it reflects in the interface. Now that consoles have ability to use mice and keyboard you could get all the pc games ported to console with options to resize ow big boxes and text and icons can be as a way to customise the screen based on the size of the tv and how far you are sitting. (eg in FF14)
The days when consoles couldn't get those pc experiences are over. The only thing left to coplain about is how jerky framerates are, but that can be adjusted as consoles become upgradeable or they do "pro" models. (those with old machines just view in lower screen resolution. It's not unique to pc because the N64 already had this stuff back in the n64 days but people forget about the ram upgrade thing, while always remember saturn's ram upgrade thing and the amiga 500 memory upgrade thing)

PC gamers need to look at the environment not just raw numbers. Would a poor kid buy a high end pc to play a mmo or some MOBA? Those kind of games could run on console if they were determined to make it work just by using keyboards and mice peripherals in the living room and coffeetable as the "desk". (ps4 allows this) It's not the 90s anymore dude. lol Yes PC has power and more upgrade options but the average joe wants everyone stuck on a certain spec for 5 years so his poor buddies don't get left behind and disadvantaged in competitive gaming. (we've had that argument millions of times)
"Call of Duty" isn't a pc franchise anymore. Big publishers are milking the peasants and you know it.

Games like Nioh also steal off popular blizzard titles like diablo with its loot system. Consoles are diverse now. Not just a system that feature platformers and kart racing titles. The kids have grown enough pubes on their bodies and can play adult games on console that used to be only for pc crowds. PC gamers do not like this as it makes them feel less unique now similar to Lobo who had to kill everyone on his home planet to stand out.
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by PhoneMonkey »

t0mby wrote:
PhoneMonkey wrote:with less bullshit on PC.
Yeah, like the EA Origin spyware debacle, Uplay and Sonys BMG copy protection rootkit scandal to name a few. :lol:
Don't use Origin or Uplay where possible, and we have a choice of several digital storefronts, including DRM free options.

Sony BMG root kit was with audio CDs, has nothing to do with PC gaming.
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by t0mby »

Bzzzz bzzzz hive defended.
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by PhoneMonkey »

:lol: Man I love platform wars, it's the lifeblood of gaming forums everywhere.
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by Rorschach »

I'd argue the constant DDOS attacks against Live and PSN and the leaks of millions of subscriber details as worse.
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by PhoneMonkey »

It's pretty bad when the clowns in possession of your personal info can't even OpSec, though in their defence I think Steam has had a few SNAFU's as well.
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by Candy Arse »

flipswitch wrote:Looks like developers hate PC after all.


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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by BOOMY »

It's too little too late. The consumers don't want to upgrade every other year. They bought a console so they can forget about upgrades for 5 years.
No chance of 5 years without an upgrade for console gamers this gen. Yet a good PC will last you 5 years of gaming.
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by PhoneMonkey »

My total outlay over the last 7 years is a pittance for what I've gotten from my PC.

The certainty you used to get with consoles (powerful on release, long term cycle) is gone. They couldn't even manage a consistent 1080p/60 this time round.

I picked up a second hand Xbone for Halo but I'm basically done with them. I'll pick them up at the cycles end for dirt cheap for any exclusives I might want to get into.
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by Madmya »

Since that graph has an option of "not involved in development", does that mean any old punter can participate?

I guess I was a "PC developer" at some stage too.
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by Madmya »

BOOMY wrote:
It's too little too late. The consumers don't want to upgrade every other year. They bought a console so they can forget about upgrades for 5 years.
No chance of 5 years without an upgrade for console gamers this gen. Yet a good PC will last you 5 years of gaming.
BUT, your PC will probably be the cost of two consoles over these shortened cycles.
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by Candy Arse »

And still more capable :lol:

Says more about the shambles of current console tech than anything else.

Remember the debacle of the DC launch? Despite the shit-show, it never felt less than cutting edge tech coming out of the box.

Now you're pulling a below-par PC out of the box, knowing that a GPU from 2013 still puts your PS4 Pro to shame.
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by unfnknblvbl »

Yeah, the DC was faster than my damn PC was at the time!
and the situation was pretty much the same with the 360. Even though it had less RAM than was ideal, that thing was a beast when it launched. And if anything, the extended cycle last gen helped PC gamers an awful lot; developers were eking out every last drop of performance from the consoles, and those techniques helped out the PC side of things. Before the 360, running the same basic PC rig for 3 years in a row was unheard of. Now, when even my old Phenom II, GTX670-based rig could go toe-to-toe with a 'bone or PS4, us PC gamers are laughing.
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by BOOMY »

BUT, your PC will probably be the cost of two consoles over these shortened cycles.
As stated previously, I play fighting games and 4 player offline multi; these games were my primary intention when purchasing my machine this gen. A new console means $400 worth of controller hardware. My situation is not universal but it was actually cheaper to get a gaming pc than a ps4 due to my gaming habits.
and the situation was pretty much the same with the 360. Even though it had less RAM than was ideal, that thing was a beast when it launched. And if anything, the extended cycle last gen helped PC gamers an awful lot; developers were eking out every last drop of performance from the consoles, and those techniques helped out the PC side of things. Before the 360, running the same basic PC rig for 3 years in a row was unheard of. Now, when even my old Phenom II, GTX670-based rig could go toe-to-toe with a 'bone or PS4, us PC gamers are laughing.
This. The criticism thrown at PC gaming in this thread is at least a decade old.
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by Candy Arse »

Then you get the bargains to be found with PC gaming - RE7 for $48 vs $100 on console :lol:

Cant remember the last time I paid anywhere near RRP for a PC game. Maybe GTA5?
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

Yeah, the 360 was more powerful than my PC at the time. It's how I ended up with the Mass Effect trilogy on 360 rather than PC. No way will that happen this time around. Andromeda on PC fo shizzle. Console launches were always awesome leaps forward. Even earlier than the 360 era, I always assumed Battlefield 1942 came out first, but Halo had us engaged in large(ish) scale vehicle-based MP almost a year earlier. Not online, but still. I LAN'd it.

What was new in consoleland this time around? Kinect by default? :lol: :redface:
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by Candy Arse »

:lol: gaming ghetto :lol:
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by GameHED »

Candy Arse wrote:
flipswitch wrote:Looks like developers hate PC after all.


GameHED and t0mby destroyed
You are missing the whole appeal of console:
The console has exclusives that are big budget titles of high quality and has fanbases that buy the console to play the games.

it's not about the console's specs. I don't buy handheld 3DS games because I think 3DS is superior to Vita in graphics.

It's the same thing why people bought PS2 vs Xbox or gamecube. They are fans of the titles that were on those platforms exclusively. Whenb EA abandoned the Dreamcast it had the effect of people going with ps2.

Now that console has been able to get many once-pc-exclusive frnachises on it, the console gamers only see the advantage of pc is in graphics upgrade. But is that enough? Well for many people who don't play genres where mice and keyboard is central part of interacting with the game.. no.

That's why a lot of good pc indie developers are getting high sales by porting pc games to console and other devices: ... 20m-copies" onclick=";return false;

The industry has changed. Pc used to have gneres that were pretty much exclusive to it. (FPS games for instance before titles like goldeneye and halo and COD became the thing. Now developers can port stuff like Killing Floor 2 to the console and expand their exposure to more and more people so that overall sales of their games is higher. So what this has done for the big publishers is to make the console the lead platform first, and then give the pc platform the sloppy seconds treatments by making the pc port later. (ie GTA5)

t used to be you NEEDED to buy a pc to play certain games but today console has let a lot of pc games come to console.

Example: the next planescape Torment game which is coming out soon.
PC gamers don't want to admit this but console is dominating in the same way PS2 was able to dominate against Xbox despite being a machine with less pretty graphics than MS Xbox (original) and this scares people like Candy. (people who wish nintendo would fail so he can play nintendo game on pc instead of in the living room where it belongs with the family and the really fat guy next door who takes up 2 seats and wouldn't fit in the home office in couch co-op games.

PC gamers are very immature and shallow imo. I don't want to play New Super Mario bros 10 with local multi inside a tiny room hunched over a desk looking at a tiny monitor at 4K when I can lay back on the couch and put my feet up on the footstool. People like Boomy are ignorant of the average joe, and think everyone must consume entertainment the same way he does. All I'm doing is telling you the reality but you have outdated ideas about what gaming is in 2017.

You still live in the 90s when you could only play FPS on a PC with mice and keyboard. Society has changed you old farts. That's why valve failed to kill consoles with the steambox. And why Bethesda is even releasing an elder Scrolls game on Switch which I never thought would ever happen. Imagine playing ES game on a cartridge? That's awesome. But it is possible because consoles have evolved and you guys think they are still the same as in the old days when consoles were only for 5 year olds and sonic still had short legs. Sonic's legs have gotten LONGER, You forgot that and this is why you fail. Mario can now walk around in liberty city and stomp on hookers to get coins which wasn't possible before. If they wanted to they could make Mario a realistic italian guy who goes on missions in a city to earn money to buy things and explore sewers to find hidden areas like daggerfall. With the right amount of money they can make open world titles as big as GTA5 but it might screw the mario formula. (I imagine what mario could be as a parkour game in a realistic city and you do stunts like jackie chan movie to get from place to place instead of in the mushroom kingdom) But switch is capable of the things you can do on pc just at a scaled down form.

PC used to be special. Now they've lost some of the uniqueness thanks to consoles evolving. MMO games are on it that can use keyboard and mouse for instance. R Rated titles with gore and titties appear regularly so you can't say consoles are for kids only anymore like you could in the past. Those old guys that play on pc probably just like being at a desk so they don't want to change. If they converted to console they would be happier than if they only played on pc exclusively. Because it means they would have a balanced view of gaming as a whole. But noooo.. they just want to win a console war debate because they support companies like footy teams. I've noticed more pc supporters invade games-ranch lately. They are recruiting more people to defend the hive which is frightening. (maybe they will eventually ban any console discussion in future since they all rising up to become mods.)
Last edited by GameHED on 19 Feb 2017 01:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by Candy Arse »

Much higher resolution and 2-3x the framerate isn't enough for CrackHED :lol:
PC gamers are very immature and shallow imo. I don't want to play New Super Mario bros 10 with local multi inside a tiny room hunched over a desk looking at a tiny monitor at 4K when I can lay back on the couch and put my feet up on the footstool.
Old argument that doesn't count. I play PC games that use an arcade stick or control pad from my couch :lol:

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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by GameHED »

Look you had your chance valve nut hugger. Consoles didn't die.

You and your mates all thought nintendo was going to die and join PC.

example of one of candy's mates:
It was a sensible prediction but it didn't come true. Your prophecies of doom are false.

I would be playing mario on steambox by now and downloading nintendo roms from steam not nintendo eshop. :roll:

Consoles are immortal :up:

The more it "dies" the more new ones seem to pop up to fill in the empty space left by the previous one's death. Which is why games like Overwatch and Torment are not pc-only. It's only a matter of time before Obsidian come to their senses and port Pilars of Eternity to the console platforms imo Console's domination will continue. The black guy in the video was on drugs.
Last edited by GameHED on 19 Feb 2017 02:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by Deef »

I'm very much in the PC camp. Haven't bought or wanted a console in maybe a decade. (Wii doesn't count eh!)

But old as this point may be, consoles are still the way to go for people who just don't want the hassle and don't desire all the icing and toppings. Yes consoles are getting more complicated and PCs are getting more friendly, but that gap will ultimately never be bridged. On that alone it's not hard to argue the positives of consoles. Gaming experience is what matters; high res FPS is just one of several optional ingredients.

Fewer options, even when it means fewer improvements, can mean a better experience. Standardised restrictions for all can be more fun than no restrictions. And on console, split-screen is still a (good) thing.

I doubt I'd get a console again because it doesn't tick too many boxes for me, but experience is still what matters and there are still areas in which consoles do that much better. It just depends on which areas matter more to a person. There are plenty of people out there who don't even want to think about this question, just let me play already.
Last edited by Deef on 19 Feb 2017 04:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by Madmya »

GameHED, just end your hate for the PC. You'll feel so much better.
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by GameHED »

Playing minecraft in split screen with others is fun. Now that Square Enix has cloned it with dragon quest builders I would like to see nintendo clone terraria with a zelda survival game. The money made from charging for online can fund the updates to the game which is ever expanding)

The PC now has a space version of Terraria already. Only a matter of time that this get ported to peasant platforms.

Do I hate PC? No I love it but I feel a need to give balanced view of where we are heading. If steambox is better than console and failed to kill console that means developers are just going to go with whatever userbase is highest. They don't give a fuck about specs. They want profits. The greedy cunts who work at the big publishers do not care how much you love the platform you pimp on game boards. Otherwise Vita wouldn't have died. They care about how many of the bloody things sold because they are chickenshits who hate to take a risk once in a while. That's precisely WHY platform exclusives of a particular gmae series can make or break the platform in terms of sucess commericially. If you can't play Monster Hunter or Pokemon on the Vita or mobile phone, the guy who likes it is just going to cave in and pay the price of the system to play the game because his friends like pokemon , he likes pokemon and he is going to be left out of conversations and parties when he announced that he plays the pc only and doesn't have a nintendo to play pokemon too.

The same bloody things happened with PS2. DC had all these great games on it, but the key franchises that people were already familiar with all were going to end up on the sony platform. They couldn't care less that they would miss out on shenmue or some VF games or capcom 2d fighters. They are worried the next EA roster update was only going to go on ps2. And as for Xbox, it was too little too late. And gamecube? small discs and you were considered a 5 year old if you told people you owned one thanks to the handle and the change of zelda from serious tone to a more cartoon tone. (which actually worked out better but peple didn't foresee that. Having blood, gore and titties and hookers was considered revolutionary ideas at the time so nintendo couldn't satisfy this thirst for more dark stuff despite having a great remake of resident evil 1 on it. )
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

Who the fuck is arguing in favour of consoles dying? No one in Team Master Race has said that, we're the ones who value competition over all :lol:

Only GameHED has come out and literally said he wants the industry to actually crash and burn :| :run:
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Re: Valve - "Console is terrible, PC is the only way to go"

Post by Candy Arse »

CrackHED can't survive without conspiracy theories to keep him ticking along so it's easier if people who recognise PC as the premiere gaming platform all want consoles to go away.

Which, obviously, is dumb. I personally want consoles to get BETTER, not go away. Hoping Scorpio raises the standard.
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