The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild playthrough thread

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The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild playthrough thread

Post by Scullibundo »

It's been a long time since I've been so into a game that I actually want to discuss it all the time. Given the Switch thread is full of trollbait bullshit and I couldn't care less about the Switch since I have a Wii U for the only game it's worth buying one for, I thought we might have a thread just for Zelda talk since this game has already produced some of the best 'Guess what happened tonight' stories since the golden days of HALO for me.

I've always enjoyed the Game Maker's toolkit videos from Mark Brown, and he just created a short one for Breath of the Wild which I thought raises some good points that I've been thinking about lately." onclick=";return false;

and then there's this other one about how this is the first Zelda in a long time that hasn't had completely useless and context-specific 'special' items.
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Re: The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild playthrough thr

Post by GameHED »

It's a very good game that deserves its 10 out of 10 because the sandbox gameplay which is what adventure games are really about.

The main flaws of this game are that it made dungeons smaller so that you cold fast travel easy on a map.

My preference is that they let the dungeons be these massive places to explore and get lost in, and you can emerge outside them in a different location on the map so it feels like you are stranded and isolated for long periods of time underground or away from civilisation to really make you vulnerable. Have you noticed they seem to reuse the graphics a lot and it looks very plain? They could probably make Daggerfall like mazes that stretch for large areas of the world map and double the game much like the upside down castle in castlevania SOTN) But unlike daggerfall have dungeon puzzles more akin to the game Chip's Challenge". (one of my fave old atari Lynx games)

I think a lot of the reason people want to bash the game (rating it down on metacritic to cancel out what they perceive as corrupt reviewers paid off by the evil corporation to act like ads for the nintendo games lol) is because they want to be the anti-hype and say they were the first to hate it before others and then appear as if they are more unbiased than others for pointing out flaws. But that is like saying Halo 1 is only an 8 out of 10 because of the repetition in the library level. 10 does not mean perfect. And gamers need to understand that massive changes in a series can affect how you feel playing it. (eg when they started using GPS markers in the Elder Scrolls games to remove the fun exploring areas, or when they caused Dragon Age to be more console friendly after the first game, or when diablo 3 had an auction house thing and stopped caring about being a ARPG and tried to become like MMO grinding fest)

Here is a review whose points I agree with (they explain why it isn't good for THEM) but whose score I think is too harsh.
Good gameplay is more important than good story in an action adventure title. An RPG usually has shitty realtime combat (eg the Witcher 3) compared to an ACTION ADVENTURE, so whatever flaws this game has (small dungeons and lack of caring about NPCs due to story being not the focus) are outweighed by the fun of the actual gameplay of roaming around and discovering things.

In RPG like Skyrim you have combat with a dragon that isn't as fun as the combat in Zelda games, but to many that game deserves a 10 out of 10 for the world building that bethesda is known for.
In many action RPG games (dragon's Dogma for example) the action is the fun of the game not the story.

But for RPG, (where you slowly build your dude up with stats, you care about what choices you make within the world and who you want to care about and have that affect what ending you get as a result of your hard work moving in that path you chose) you must as a good reviewer emphasisse why the story is good more because that portion of the game is a strong reason for why people would buy a RPG. But for action adventure games, it is the sense of danger, mystery, and the fun of solving a puzzle that should be the focus and story has less weight in the final verdict due to adventure games being about involving the players own use of his brains to find solutions or reaction skills to avoid dying. (much as in a stealth action game it is all about how sneaky you play not how good you are shooting your way out of every situation when you could avoid detection instead)

Unfortunately many reviewers forget that just because Witcher 3, Horizon, Skyrim are open world games, they are RPG open world games. This is an action adventure open world game. Big difference because the emphasis on Zelda has always been fun action and puzzle solving over the story. A game like Dragon Age however? (linear RPG) The reviewers really needs to punish the game if the game had bad story and NPC interaction that was not deep. (because the "RPG" part is the main focus not things like how creative you can be in combat by using items in interesting ways which is part of the reason to buy it but not as big as interesting characters and epic story which drives you to want to see how it all ends)

Anyway that's my opinion on this game after the few days I have had playing this. After the hype dies down I would like to hear other people's opinions about this game and how it could be improved more because if the next game goes for a more RPG approach over adventure, then nintendo can start hiring writers and people to do good dialogue and transform zelda into something closer to ACTION RPG like Skyrim (rather than open world adventure) and maybe have us care about people dying or suffering under evil and puts some drama in the game series for once.

If the switch fails, and nintendo have to adapt to western tastes more they should listen to these critics who have exposure to many open world titles and can guide them towards more mature/realistic fantasy worlds where players actually have to care about the cultures, the politics, the religions, and races in the environment and make decisions based on where they are, who they meet, and what kind of relationiship they want to have with the various factions in the game world. (something Zelda would need if they decide to strengthen the RPG elements of the series if they decide to go from lite rpg elements in the game to heavier rpg elements - which I'm going to assume is what fans of skyrim/witcher games would like to see and why they are angry that its getting 10s. ie they don't understand it's not a full blown RPG games where story is the driving reason to play. It's the sandbox play mechanics that got it that score not character depth lol)

From this point on I think all future RPGs game makers need to start hiring puzzle designers. :up:
And remember my opinions about games is usually based on how much fun I am having not on technical achievements that the game has displayed. One of the reasons I am a nintendo fan is they never fuck up the controls for their games.( accept for poorly implemented waggle controls for the Wii version of Zelda Twilight Princess hehe)
When I point out flaws like the movement in Witcher 3, that is not to bash CDPR (as I am a fan of them) but just to show that as a gamefan in general, I can't tolerate bad controls as much as bad story or shit graphics. I will gladly play a game with shit graphics but deep involving gameplay over a pretty game that isn't fun to kill stuff. (eg the movement in Witcher 3 or the floaty weapons in Skyrim) Dragon's Dogma and other action games where you feel powerful and can move without mistakes, are my ideal for RPG combat. (or for more simmy feeling Dark Souls/ Bloodborne or Monster Hunter - games where if you make a mistake you feel like it was your own fault not the game's fault) Controls are everything, so I am more strict on that part.
We can go on and on why Zelda BOTW "doesn't deserve a 10" but the same can also be leveled at witcher 3. (see below) So it's not perfect, that doesn't mean it's not a masterpiece. (dragon Age Origins had some average looking graphics, but it was awesome in the parts that matter. We got to stop being so fucking shallow and only caring about technical achievements only)

The reason people like to compare games is because they focus on numbers not the fun factor of the game experience. Loads of people out there probably hated the older games from the 80s where you had to figure things out yourself, and then decide where to go before embarking on the journey and preparing. But that doesn't mean those games which they don't like are bad games. They just have certain tastes. (eg if you liked Metroid Fusion more than Super Metroid, you are in this category of gamers where things must be story-driven and not player-driven experiences. It's just different, not necessarily better imo)

This brings up a question: should future games in the zelda series be player driven experiences like a Minecraft or Terraria survivalist game set in fantasy world? Or should they go for interesting stories where you are driven to complete quests to know how a story will develop and be invested into the characters you meet along the way like a novel? If you can do anything you want, then usually that means story suffers and NPCs are far less scripted to say certain things but react using AI more than scripted custscenes like Final Fantasy games. A truly open world game lets you kill anyone even the main quest characters. This is why although Witcher 3 beats Elder Scrolls in polish, the older Elder Scrolls were giving the player total control over the destiny of the character who isn't tied to a railroad. You could be a psycho in older ES games and by letting the player be that psycho they could ignore what the designers had intended for a normal playthrough. That's pure player-driven gameplay you don't often see anymore. If Zelda does that it means you won't see as much pressure to be the traditional hero who saves the day and maybe if nintendo is really ambitious in future they can let you turn evil and you get a bad ending. (ie akin to killing dracula without saving your buddies in Castlevania SOTN where it was just you getting revenge on your dad and killing his minions in cruel ways to regain power over them more than being a good guy and helping people to save humans from vamps. Or in Legacy of Kain where you become the bad guy after defeating the boss rather than restoring peace for humans. In open world titles perhaps we should not actually care about the quality of story nearly as much as linear titles like Dragon Age because we are supposed to determine how stories play out based on what we the player DO, rather than what the designer intended. The idea is that if you are BAD, perhaps that is what the god of that world desired as a punishment to the people in that world and you are being used by the god of that world to cause suffering for all the corruption. ie a stronger evil is being used to keep a weaker evil in line? You unknowingly are being used by the god to carry out the angry god's punishment to keep numbers low and the ending is not happy but its righteous judgement until better times when people start behaving good again and the god is happy)
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Re: The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild playthrough thr

Post by Jasper »

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Re: The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild playthrough thr

Post by Hercy »

I kind of like that there's no story and that the side quests are meaningless, so that I can pop in and out of the game. Have a half hour run around, maybe find a shrine. With Elder Scrolls or whatever I need to set aside a bigger block of time.

To me the game is like a very good indie game in that it has some good mechanics, some poor UI decisions, and a lot of repeating content (e.g. the way you find Korok seeds, the skull caves, the wooden platform monster hangouts). It doesn't feel like a blockbuster game made by a billion dollar company, I guess due to the sparse voice acting and the shitful dialogue full of "...".

As I said in the other thread, it's a good game, I'll play it some more, but to me it's not the best game ever. To be honest I think that the new Tomb Raiders do this type of game just as well (the single puzzle tombs, the how-do-I-get-over-there traversal of the landscape, the collectathon of items) but I enjoy both.
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Re: The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild playthrough thr

Post by t0mby »

Jasper wrote:Empathy Bump.
Well we certainly wouldn't expect you to post any impressions since you don't play games, just pimp them.
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Re: The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild playthrough thr

Post by GameHED »

I am sure they stole stuff from minecraft (the weapons degrading all the time reminds me of pickaxe exploding on you when you forget to craft extra ones and have to go back to crafting or fetching new one) Terraria (not knowing shit until you discover shit) and the difficulty of the overall game reminds me of rogue-lites like Spelunky, Rogue Legacy, Don't Starveetc (basically all the survivalist bits)

If you have played any of the games I mentioned you can probably feel that in Breath of the Wild where the gameplay is rules based and as long as you are aware of the rules and how to react to a given situation taking them into account then you should be able to play effectively. Scripted story stuff becomes less important and that is why it feels like an update to old 80s game for modern times.

It's the reverse of what happened to Tomb Raider. TR started out being about puzzles and gameplay revolving around using your brains ...into a shooter with polished graphics and scripted shit. In Zelda they stopped scripting events and let you be a puzzle solving guy which grants you more freedom and more slots and more stamina and more weapons that last longer and spots to fast travel. Very similar to survival games like Terraria or minecraft where you can explore, but the reason to do it is to find shit, gather the shit, use the shit to make you powerful than use the powerful shit to kill fast which lets you survive longer and explore further. I get that feeling in BOTW but the difference is the bits which are main quest related feel triple A but that triple A stuff is surrounded by lots of sidestuff to make you survive better like metroid (more missiles, higher health max, boots to let you jump high etc.. but in this case its suits of armor to make you survive cold, heat, that kind of thing.)

I had a peek at the guidebook to see all the gear in the game and it definitely feels like a triple A title but that content is surrounded by indie survival content. However not to the extent of a Elder Scrolls game where you only explore for the sake of exploring. You actually have purpose for going everywhere other than "must complete quest objective" which is the criticism people have about open world titles these days which is they don't want to only go places to do quest objectives. It should be very organic and not something you MUST do to feel you are progressing. Think of the old Megaman titles where you could try a level, get your butt beaten, then choose another level kill that boss and come back to the level you were beaten in, and try again to see how much easier it is to beat after you have given yourself a little boost. In the old Megaman games losing is part of the learning. And you couldn't lose in zelda titles where they tell you absolutely everything.

Ever since the "inconsequential death" of GTA games (where you fail to carjack a car or fail to complete a mission on time doesn't result in a gameover screen but you respawn outside a hospital to try again) people have expected that losing is part of getting better. And the game is fun because knowing you will lose sometimes means you can try out and experiment more by trial and error and learning the AI of opponents a bit each time to better understand them. Same thing is in the monster hunter games where you really don't feel bad not completing a quest because it is like you are training each time and you know you will get better next time.. This old school element of gaming has been lost over the years as games have been made purposely easy in order to rake in more profits from kiddies. The adult gamers feel alienated because they remember a time when games punished you and the punishment was good because it corrected foolish behavior and you got tougher and better as a result of knowing how to avoid death by practicing rather than expecting the game to let you win all the time.

This has resulted in older gamers getting pissed at console gaming as it exists today as the dumbed down games not only insult intelligence of the player but they have the effect of making a game seem pointless to play. For example if there were no time limit in say Monster Hunter to kill a monster, what would stop a guy with a really weak weapon killing tough monsters by just wearing them down a little bit at a time? There is no challenge and you would not see an incentive to upgrade weapons and armor which you will eventually need to do if you want to farm that creature of resources. Time limits force you to think "how can I kill this efficiently so it takes less time than before and farming them for materials is quick and less time-consuming?" Restrictions and toughness creates a better player.
Today's games don't care about this anymore like they did in the 80s and early to mid 90s. Because businessmen took control over the decision making. An example is how most games today NEED to have multiplayer just so microsoft can encourage subs. to XB Live. And also to avoid second hand sales and to encourage people to play the game longer to sell them virtual item shit.
Zelda doesn't do this: it lets you feel like it's the 80s again where money isn't the sole reason for features in a game to exist. (unlike diablo 3 with its auction house crap) Modern games are designed in such a way as to appeal to a wider audience, and to not be too difficult (or they will return it to eb games) and to be online games so companies can prevent second hand sales.
But old games were designed based on what is fun for you the player. And challenge to make you think and improve your way of playing so you don't suck the next time you replay it again. (like training sim)

This guy is old enough to remember a time when good AI was still an important thing in shooters for instance:
Do we see this anymore in the age of Call of Duty and online gaming where the human can just take over from CPU? No. The design of games has changed from immersive single player games with good AI, to online multiplayer games you don't really fear being shot anymore. he automatic healing shit from Halo is in most FPS games causing people to be fearless badarses more than cautious players who consider the most effective tactic in each situation. Why? Older games punished you more severely than new ones. The new ones are meant for wide appeal (kids) and then that affects your enjoyment of the game. (you no longer need to explore the land for goodies to replenish health or ammo or monster pieces or whatever the resources are that become scarce after use in the game. This is why BOTW makes stuff break: it's basically giving you an excuse to explore constantly so you have REASON to keep searching even if you get good weapon. Very similar to survival games like minecraft)

People may disagrese about whether having to constantly find new shit is repetitive, but you could say that about Max Mad (lack of fuel or food or water) or any title where ammo is scarce. (resident evil 1, Dead Island etc) In many zombie games, guns are considered too overpowered if you have infinite ammo like a arcade shooting game. You can apply this same logic to Zelda because if your bad arse weapon never got damaged ever, then what purpose is there to look for scraps lying around in the land? It's like playing mad max with infinite fuel, infinite health/water and defeats the purpose to scavenge the wasteland since nothing can replace the bad arse items you already have. You don't have to like it, but you can understand why it is there. In the same way I can understand why regenerating health is in COD (ie to keep the pace of the game fast) but think it can ruin immersion. Old games forced you to just take risks when necessary, not kill anything that moves like arcade games.. But businessmen know if they change a formula too much it might risk losing profit so they stick to what works as long as it rakes in the dough.

Zelda feels like return to times when players were respected. The days when in shooting games you feared getting hit by bullets (respecting your opponent's capability to kill you and avoiding them if needed rather than fighting them) and looked all over the place in Golden Eye to get the body armour to see if you could finally exit the stage in one piece rather than just hide in corner and automatically heal up and act recklessly again lol)
Last edited by GameHED on 22 Mar 2017 08:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild playthrough thr

Post by GameHED »

t0mby wrote:
Jasper wrote:Empathy Bump.
Well we certainly wouldn't expect you to post any impressions since you don't play games, just pimp them.
Strangely this is one of those games that people are too busy playing to want to post on forums to talk about. The reason I think is you could consider anything about the game a spoiler.

If you press the home button on the wii u and try to read the manual, you won't find anything in there. lol

They really want you to just play it and not read about it. It feels like the days before the internet when you as a kid just had your own notes to go off of. It feels refreshing not having any bloody map markers like new elder scrolls games do. AAAaah if only current day bethesda ported morrowind to Switch. That would remind newer fans of elder scrolls what exploration in mysterious world feels like before the days of holding your blood hand all the time.

If you go back to old posts about games like Oblivion and skyrim wone of the immersion breaking things is the GPS marker that tells you where to go exactly. It kills that sense of discovery of having to find people and places and things yourself. And some will say this is necessary because of the Radiant AI NPC which roam around the place with a daily routine. But that is ok. Just wait at the place for a day so that you can see if they turn up. Weaklings lol.

For those who want to know everything about the game go on to youtube and watch all of gamespot's " X number of things I wish I knew about Zelda BOTW before playing it" series. They try to cover as much as they can for those who want to hear all the crazy things you can do in the game. It's not a spoiler in the sense of spoiling a story but more in the sense that you want others to figure it out themselves. Eg I still remember the first time I discovered chickens could fight back in Zelda ALTTP and was excited about that and couldn't wait to tell a friend. Then I realised the game is better when you let them find it themselves. I still feel proud of myself for knowing how to complete water temple without any guides. It might have taken longer doing it without help but you feel a lot better for showing to yourself that you didn't require anyone to tell you.It's that "aha! moment in puzzle games that gives you a good feeling. Today's kids if they get stuck in Super Metroid would just give up and play another game. They have become soft and this means future games in a franchise will be dumbed down out of fear of games being returned to EB for being too hard. That's why BOTW is loved by older guys and fans of indie rogue-lite titles which want you to fail. If the next Metroid title is open world that is going to be fucking awesome. Or maybe they make a Federation Force spin off game that is open world. (nintendo's answer to borderlands)
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Re: The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild playthrough thr

Post by Candy Arse »

The last two posts are no doubt psychobabble from GameHED and I can't see them. Beautiful.
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Re: The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild playthrough thr

Post by GameHED »

Just ignore candy arse posts. Ever since I shitted on Witcher 3 by telling him the combat sucks it pissed him off enough that he now tries to avoid anything that is positive about Zelda because he believes only his taste is the taste you should have and you are not allowed to deviate from his thinking.
Sorry Candy Arse but even if nintendo paid off the reviewers to give zelda perfect scores (it doesn't make sense to me since those same guys gave switch negative review) it doesn't change the fact that the game is amazing and is enough to make people buy a switch just to play it.

I'm actually kind of surprised you are still in Troll mode rather than reviewing this game.

Although I disagree with your opinions on stuff (for instance I prefer games that have been quality checked - I will not tolerate shit controls in my games as I have been spoilt ) I still take the valid points you make into consideration.

The problem with you is you go into troll mode at random so we can't figure out whether you are being serious or not. I have figured out that basically you are afraid to like nintendo games that deserve high merit because maybe it means you won't be taken seriously among the crowd you hang around.

I asked you what things if you worked at nintendo would you improve about Zelda that would fix the flaws? You can't respond. Like with fighting games you just copy what others do and can't think for yourself. (pretending to be a fan of Street Fighter all of a sudden when you barely contribute anything to the thread talking about strategy and what needs to be done to rebalance it. If you actually played games you would be constantly posting in the threads discussing them wouldn't you?)

You are so busy having platform war fights and I would ask that you stop making systems the discussion. Talk about systems in the system threads. If someone makes a thread with the topic being the game title, then talk about the fucking game. You have 100s of threads to talk about systems, witcher 3, the pc emulators, and switch. This is about the game.

If you don't like Zelda then tell us why it sucks and be done with it. But don't go following me into threads if you don't contribute to the discussion. This game got 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 and obviously it has affected you in some negative way. You expected a lower score and given the age of the Wii U you can't figure out why a game with older hardware deserves such high praise. It is because you still haven't got that it isn't about the hardware that runs a game. It's about the gameplay. Same deal with series like Monster Hunter or the Souls games or old schoool PC RPG (original dragon age with its dated graphics when it released)

A game with ugly graphics can be saved with good game design. It's why I still play morrowind once in a while to remind me of games from the past before the days of big budget voice actors and marketing and slick cg custscenes ripped out the immersion from a game. A time when exploring was scary and mysterious and sometimes you risked your life just travelling to the place because you weren't aware of what path to take to get safely from point to point. The world is not just pretty graphics or "realism hiking sim 2017". No the design of that world is created to give it a unique identity and make you want to find out about it through curiosity. Unfortunately people only care about cut and paste realistic landscapes and tha'ts not enough. You got to put interesting things IN THE WORLD TO DO. And sandbox gameplay is not something all companies do well. (eg the feeling of saminess when you venture from one location to another and lack of variety. BOTW feels like hand crafted world that although large didn't skimp on quality of those places. If you played the game long enough you would know this because you would have sampled enough of the map to know the density of content in the game - its just empty enough to give a sense of scope, but populated enough to make traversing feel dangerous so you will have to fight enough on the journey to get to places. Only gameplay relevent things matter in it, so it lacks the fat of other open world games where you just do busy work. ie fetch quests with big open spaces to do it in)

There are two types of open world:

the story ones.
The action ones

Action one would be Just Cause 3. Big and open. But you feel like it's big to give you a lot of content.
Story ones would be Skyrim. The world itself has story attached to it. Because it's a RPG the emphasis is on telling us about the world through npc interactions and characters you meet.

Zelda is a cross between a skyim and just cause 3. When you compare it to the witcher 3 I knew you were full of shit because the only reason you did that was because it was your fave 10 10 10 10 10 10 10. And you are historically anti-nintendo troll. If you like good games but you don't like Zelda (enough to think it's a masterpiece adventure game with a flaw here and there) we can reasonably assume it's because you have shit taste like diablo 3 fans who probably didn't know earlier games in the series existed and have nothing to compare with.

You like Witcher 3 because......others liked it. You don't comment on the flaws about the game the way I talk about the flaws of games I like. It shows you don't think for yourself. You get pissed if I talk shit about it, but don't understand that's a valid criticism from me playing it first hand and having played other games that did it better. Will you get butthurt if I say Witcher 3 was overrated? And if so why?
Boomy your buddy said witcher was overrated. Are we all just printing psychobabble when we disagree?

Zelda is better than Witcher 3. There I said it. And it's because it's better for ME. But that doesn't mean Witcher 3 doesn't deserve its praise. We have to look at games less as pieces of technology (the combat system, the lighting system, the physics systems, the day night cycle, the AI etc) and more about how it all fits together as fun gameplay. And that's what I do when I play a game. I couldn't care less about what hardware /platform the game is on. But YOU DO. Long before RPG had next gen graphics they had to make do with ugly visuals. It was never about the tech. It's the way complex systems interact with one another and if they do it in a bad way, you get unfun games. (this is universal to all platforms whether its pc or console. Big Money is not going to solve the problem of shit design)
Last edited by GameHED on 22 Mar 2017 09:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild playthrough thr

Post by Rorschach »

Candy Arse wrote:The last two posts are no doubt psychobabble from GameHED and I can't see them. Beautiful.
Beautiful, isn't it? Not having to wade through his posts and troll bait the forum is a pleasant experience again.
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Re: The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild playthrough thr

Post by Hercy »

He's actually been very on topic in this thread.
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Re: The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild playthrough thr

Post by GameHED »

What's even more beautiful is how Zelda BOTW = GOTY2017 contender.

And candy is butthurt that Mass Effect Andromeda (EA game which is a company he is a big nut hugger of) is getting shit scores. Must feel painful.

This is why I won't ignore him because I hope one day he grows a thick enough skin to see the truth of me being right that bioeware/EA of modern times isn't the same bioware of past years. Everytime he shits on a ninendo game I know it's a good game. That is why I can't ignore his posts.

The reason he hates the game so hard is because he wishes he could play it on pc and not on the official nintendo hardware. He is a tech whore. So any success of nintendo means he can't hope to see them as a third party like with sega. The forum has caught on to this. It's a love/hate relationship. It's ok candy arse to ignore my posts but it won't stop the truth being the truth.

Let us say for the sake of argument that nintendo is corrupt and bought all the reviewers and this resulted in 10 10 10 10 10

The question I want to ask is this: Why didn't EA also do this to get good Mass Effect scores?
So your theory is shit. It's ok to like games that run on old Wii U hardware that peasants own. You don't have to pretend to hate games to appear cool to elitist pc gamers who have nothing to play on their buggy system.
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Re: The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild playthrough thr

Post by GameHED »

Hercy wrote:He's actually been very on topic in this thread.
What I'd like to see Candy Arse do is go back to being serious review of this game. Not talk about me or how he is ignoring me. The more he says he is ignoring me the more it shows I am constantly there in his face and he notices that I'm in the threads.

The fact is this guy has boxed himself into a little corner. He secretly loves Zelda BOTW (probably playing this shit non-stop) but publicly he can't say this because to do so it means he likes peasants. A pc gamers that likes peasants is considered an enemy of the master race. So publicly every ten or so posts he probably has to say how much Zelda is worth only a 7. This is to stay in the cool crowd he desperately seeks validation from.

I am not a psychologist. I am a guy who just observed him over long time.

When Boomy says Witcher is overrated it doesn't trigger him. But when I say it, he puts me on ignore. This is bad.

It means he can't accept other people opinions about his fave game. I on the other hand CAN. If you say BOTW sucks I will just sy "ok"

But then disagree with it.

But if you say Witcher 3 sucks, it is a personal attack on him. You can't not like witcher 3, and still be friends with Candy Arse. You have to HATE one to like the other. It's very complex situation. He boxed himself into this corner thiking everyone would agree that Zelda is overrated (and maybe it actually IS like Bioshock) but for him to say it's fucking amazing is repulsive to his "cool" crowd. It would be admission he was a nintendo fanboy to these elitists.

Come on. This game is amazing. And so is Witcher 3 and Horizon (which I haven't had time to play but will buy soon)
This game is as good for Zelda as Halo was for console FPS. It took ages for japan to accept open world gameplay again because they are run like an army. If you disobey orders you are bad and rebelious. Now is atime where zelda can finally eolve as a franchise and people still shit on nintendo when they take risks. You can't win with the haters.

When mario kart 7 came out, people gave it average score saying it is just more of the same. When Zelda BOTW changes the zelda formula, the haters then say "it's not revolutionary". Ok fine but that is at least one step from where they used to be right?

Is it that hard to accept nintendo is more awesome than you thought? And that maybe you are the one with the problem? It's time to reflect on why you hate the game so much Candy. How much of the map did you explore? It's important because in some open world games where you are determines the experience you have. In GTA5 for instance there are some places where you go into the country areas and there is nothing really to do there. So perhaps the reason you don't like it as much as Edge is because you limited your experience to just areas that had wildlife and no giant mid boss creatures to fight. (one area I visited early on had a massive rock monster to fight that ambushed me from out of nowhere. Pretty frightening on first encounter since I wasn't prepared)

The budget of Mass Effect was 40 million candy Arse. Imagine if nintendo had that money ? I bet they could make a better star wars rpg than current day bioware. (animation would be far better at least)
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Re: The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild playthrough thr

Post by GameHED »

One question I have for people here is this:

For those of you who don't like this open world freedom, what were your thoughts about the change of metroid games from 2d platform puzle action adventure titles, to first person adventure?

The reason I ask is because when Metroid toook risks and we got the Prime games Candy seemed to like that. But when zelda took risks with the change in formula (items are more disposable and now you can go anywhere without artificial barriers it was almost too much for some who like linear stuff. It became this boring empty space as the haters say.

I'm just trying to figure out where these guys are coming from. If we see nintendo take a big risk and it fails, then it could bring the entire zelda franchise down. Like when capcom decided to make Resident Evil a 3rd person shooter rather than survival horror title. (but in that instance the change HAD to happen because survival horror wasn't big enough genre anymore) The result was many felt like after the creator left it was never going to be the same. As games become more big budget the risk gets larger and the consequences for judging wrong could affect whether you see any future games in the series. (like how there hasn't been a F-zero game in ages)

With final fantasy 15 there was risk that it could be the last one if it didn't sell enough. Luckily Metroid Prime was good game. But what if it wasn't? Then you wouldn't see any new ones.

Let us say for the sake of argument they make a zelda first person view rpg. It looks just like skyrim and you use the waggle to hit things, and you use the motion sensing to aim bow and all that. And it was made by Bethesda. Would he take issue with this? This is the kind of thing I have thought about:

What if nintendo actually gets american company to do a FPV open world rpg with zelda name, (similar to how hyrule warriors uses the zelda ip) and it was great game like Metroid Prime was with its first person look. Is Candy going to say it's not a 10 10 10 10 game just because nintendo label is on the game? He likes skyrim so it would be an interesting experiment. Because it would test to see whether hating something just because it has nintendo characters on it is what triggers people to not like games vs just hating something because it's bad gameplay. A zelda game with realistic setting and adult themes and violent graphics sounds like it would be awesome at least in western part of the globe.
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Re: The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild playthrough thr

Post by Jasper »

Scullibundo wrote:I couldn't care less about the Switch since I have a Wii U for the only game it's worth buying one for
WTF is wrong with you? Zelda is the only game worth buying a Wii U for? :loco:

There's nothing I hate more than cunty arrogant gamers who play (and enjoy doing so) Nintendo games...and yet spit on Nintendo at the same exact time (e.g yourself, Vzzzbx, unfnknblvbl, Candy Arse, selfish). :down:

It's almost as if Nintendo are supposed to be the lucky ones to have you willing to play one of their games. :wanker:

I've actually in the past discussed this and even named this mental's called "Vzzzbx-esque Neurotic Nintendo Gamer". :P
A "Vzzzbx-esque Neurotic Nintendo Gamer" is a gamer with a love/hate relationship with Nintendo, who ultimately consumed with self-hate & anger decides to purchase a Nintendo gaming system & games with a cunty attitude whilst bitching & moaning about Nintendo, and thinking that somehow Nintendo now owes them for life for their decision to purchase a Nintendo product.

There are some fucking amazing games on the Nintendo Wii U... :D

Super Mario Bros. U / New Super Luigi U

The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD

Super Mario 3D World

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

The Wonderful 101

Super Mario Maker

Yoshi's Woolly World


Mario Kart 8

Paper Mario: Color Splash

Hyrule Warriors

Bayonetta 2

Kirby and the Rainbow Curse

Pikmin 3

NES Remix / NEX Remix II

Super Smash Bros. U

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD

Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE

Pokken Tournament

Xenoblade Chronicles X
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Re: The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild playthrough thr

Post by Candy Arse »

Nintendo are indeed lucky if we play their games, because everyone else is buying a PS4.
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Re: The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild playthrough thr

Post by F for Fake »

ffs. Keep all that shit in the other TWO threads.
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Re: The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild playthrough thr

Post by Rorschach »

Yeah, going to say. Respect at least one thread. I'd rather read this one for impressions of the game by gamers. Jasper is toxic, more stuff he posts the less inclined I am to buy a Switch.
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Re: The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild playthrough thr

Post by Scullibundo »

Jasper wrote:
Scullibundo wrote:I couldn't care less about the Switch since I have a Wii U for the only game it's worth buying one for
WTF is wrong with you? Zelda is the only game worth buying a Wii U for? :loco:
I actually meant Zelda is the only game currently worth owning a Switch for - and it's available on Wi U.

Anyway, this game is actually one that reminds me of HALO 3 in how many great artistic-looking photos you can compile of your adventures. The GAF thread is one I've been ducking into a lot.

I do find it funny that the Lynels you find in the wild are harder and more interesting to fight than any of the dungeon bosses - including Ganon.
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Re: The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild playthrough thr

Post by Yoshi Sonic »

There are some really lolworthy camp moments.

[I deleted some (not really) spoilers]

Whereas Zelda and the Gerudos are straight up rootable.

The insta-boot capabilities of the superior Switch version make this game easily accessible and I'm more inclined to pick it up and play for 20 minutes on a whim than any other game since.. well forever really.

A pal has been a Zelda fan ever since I got him onto LTTP back in the day. He's been calling me every other day as he plays through on the WiiU. We goad each other on. It's a grouse game.
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Re: The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild playthrough thr

Post by Scullibundo »

Fucking hell this game is magic.

I managed to mount and ride
the Lord of the Mountain
which was a beautiful experience.

I also found these videos to make a very good point with regards to open world games in general, but more specifically, Horizon and Breath of the Wild. This isn't meant as a dig at all at Horizon, since I haven't played it and it's supposed to be phenomenal, but it really highlights the difference between a world that looks real, vs a world the feels real.
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Re: The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild playthrough thr

Post by flipswitch »

I played more than 20hrs of both and don't need to watch the video to know how much more 'alive' BOTW feels.
Horizon looks amazing, but there's very little in the world besides the machines I found.
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Re: The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild playthrough thr

Post by Rorschach »

Watched both videos, most of it is nitpicking. Both are great games, leave it at that.
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Re: The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild playthrough thr

Post by Candy Arse »

BoTW is the better world, Horizon is 100x the better story.
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Re: The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild playthrough thr

Post by Jasper »

Oh shut up Candy! The only reason you like Horizon is because the lead character is a freckle-faced ranga like yourself! :roll:

I have spent enough hours playing Zelda (and watched enough hours of my brother playing Horizon)...and you simply cannot compare the epic "open world-ness" of Zelda vs. Horizon where almost every step you take in the game - you come across some kind of a barrier that stops the game from feeling anywhere near as open word as Zelda.

Breath of the Wild is a fucking masterpiece, and rightfully now holds the record for THE MOST PERFECT 10/10 SCORES OF ANY VIDEO GAME IN HISTORY!!! ( ... s-history/" onclick=";return false;). :)

Nintendo even released a brand new television commercial to mark this ground-breaking incredible achievement... :up:
HORIZON....BE GONE!!! :down:

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