Your metadata is now being stored for two years.

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Your metadata is now being stored for two years.

Post by flipswitch » ... a-vpn-day/" onclick=";return false;
Today is the day, people. From now on, the Federal Government's Metadata Retention Scheme is unavoidable for telcos and internet service providers. They will be keeping your metadata - including text messages, location information, and internet connection details - for a full two years, ready to be passed on to Government agencies when requested, without a warrant. Compliance is mandatory.
Read more at ... EOlihOR.99" onclick=";return false;
Just a heads up.

How will this change your internet usage? Perhaps consider a VPN if you haven't already.
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Re: Your metadata is now being stored for two years.

Post by t0mby »

Text messages are for work related stuff only, everything else is encrypted through apps like Viber and WhatsApp.
selfish wrote:Being a massive fanboy and trying to hide it is Lestat's worst bottleneck.
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Re: Your metadata is now being stored for two years.

Post by Cletus »

Um...Viber and Whatsapp have known backdoors that can be accessed by the CIA. Whatsapp can actually be manipulated to record you even when your phone is turned off...or something like that. Nothing is actually safe.
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Re: Your metadata is now being stored for two years.

Post by Twiztid Elf »

I don't do anything illegal on the internet any more. And all I ever did was copyright infringement.
I am a dissenting voice though, and I watch porn.
Nothing to hide, nothing to fear right? lol.

Rip internet. The golden years 1996-2016. Twenty good years. Something we'll be telling our grandkids about.
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Re: Your metadata is now being stored for two years.

Post by Cletus »

Yeah man - we had our own wild west for a time, trolling across the ranges, heading people off at the pass. Good times.
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Re: Your metadata is now being stored for two years.

Post by Megaman »

I was explaining to a coworker the other day what the internet was like in the 90s. Made me feel old.
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Re: Your metadata is now being stored for two years.

Post by GameHED »

You guys need to google Vault 7 wikileaks revelations. (your smart tv is confirmed to be spying on you with fake off mode. Samsung users be warned! )

If you have already done that, well good for you for keeping up to date on the spy capabilities of consumer products you bought.

And I hate to tell you I told you so (prophets from the prophecy club were warning us all about this shit decades ago before everything went digital and computerised) but I told you so.

When Alex Jones said it, we could all chuckle about the government using the appliances as spy ware devices. But now that it's here, the only way to keep privacy is simply go off the grid and boycott the newer computers and phones that don't let you remove the battery from the back of the phone to go dark when you want to talk about your secret new invention which will change the world and make it peaceful and more happy but which nobody should be allowed to know about because they will get killed building it to undermine the monopoly the elites have on energy, force and comunication.

Also now that you guys are aware the government sees you all as enemies of the state just by default of not kissing the New World Order's butt, you should prepare for cashless society. They are trialing that in india already and the bible says the beast system will involve some kind of mark on your hands to indicate you are a member of the club to accept lucifer as your god. Masons worship Lucifer the light beaerer and if you want to continue to run business and do trade it will probably involve your brains and your chip connecting to a centralised network and a check will be done to see if you got the mark much like how right now australian government refuses to give child suport welfare services to parents that do not vaccinate the kid.

Until you guys prep, you can not be sure you will survive the dictatorship like the Rebels in Star Wars. You got to look to alternative means of making money, and form communities that serve only people of the like mind so that you hel people of your own kind so that the currency you use passes through your community multiple times before it goes outside the community to help people in foreign lands with different belief systems to you.

In other words to survive you got to start discriminating against people based on belief because if your money helps people that hate your guts you want to deny them any kind of services because if you help them they will get powerful and kill you.
It's a jungle out there. To kill the beast you must learn the beast's ways and starve the fucker of your resources. (which would be things like your labor, services, products you make, and energy)
In the matrix when the captives left the system they were draining the machines of batteries and making it weaker each time. Apply this same logic to the NWO and you can get through it. But you need to be tribalistic again like in the caveman days when people helped each other based on shared beliefs, tribe, and community. If you attempt to trade with the enemy you are one of the machines in the matrix feeding it and helping it to live. You need to leave the plantation not become subservient to it which is what the Transhumanists are aiming for by encouraging everyone to merge with machines so that the elites can use the tech to control us from within our own bodies.

Remember that anything you do with permission, you are responsible for this. So alot of youtubers right now are whining about how youtube is defunding their channel. You have no right to get angry at this because you are in partnership to them still. To seperate yourself from them, only accept money from p[eople who are your friends (patreon is alternative method to making money) and stop leeching off the bad guys. Partner with people who believe in freedom of speech and uphold the principles. Not with SJWs who own the platform you use. That just counts as trading with the enemy. And they have every right to alter the deal because you agreed to it. It's voluntary.

So when you think like this, you won't be left angry and alone. You need to prepare with people that are like yourself. Otherwise you will end up censored and tracked, and spied on for using platforms owned by people that actually think it's ok to let politicians censor important issues on the channels you run.
Much like people migrating away from microsoft back when they had a monopoly on word processors, I see a future where the underground migrates from the popular platforms and goes alone again. (there is already a migration of people from youtube to for instance)

As long as you have backup plan of what to do when the NWO tries to control your mind you will always have enough room to outmanuever these guys. They only exist because like a parasite, they need a host to feed on and that host is you,. Have a disconnection strategy everytime they try to follow you and you can escape the plantation.

Youtube is becoming more and more censored now that the left wing people realised that right wing guys have been dominating youtube while they thought only about twitter as the main social media platform. If the left didn't know this I bet the site wouldn't be anti-freedom. The internet overall is only going to become like TV again and be boring, scaring off the cool people and what you will see is a mass exodus from the established platforms to less mainstream ones just like the exodus from mainstream television to internet. You want to make money? Support those services which value the principles of having freedom. Eventually all men sell out (George Lucas did it with his baby Star Wars) so that is why you need backup plans all the time you migrate for the inevitable time the platform grows too popular and mainstream for the feminists and SJWs and communists who see the internet as a propaganda tool to enslave and brainwash people rather than a place for free thinking individuals to get together and create something. Which is a very masculine thing of trying to become independent of the rules of the world to better yourself and empower the individual over the collective group.

Just remember that communists are collectivists. They hate people at the individual level being independent of the system because they want to leech off you like the Matrix leeches off human babies as batteries to power the machines. Connecting to the systems they control means you are trading with the enemy by offering your labour, talent, and energy to the system they own. You want to disconnect as backup for when the system tries to eat you. You are master and it is your slave. Not the other way around. When it starts to turn against you, starve the shit out of it and let the late-comers have it as it sinks and becomes boring when the feminists and thought police start to follow the independent thinking men (the guys who always want to explore new places unchartered by others) in hopes of controlling us like little puppy dogs for their communist beliefs which they were brainwashed to believe in college and from shit parents who discourage thinking for yourself and to go with the herd. Dumb people don't challenge the established power you see. That is why they hate too much freedom and want dictator telling them what to think. It takes effort for them to actually build something themselves. So they destroy things and invade other people's spaces in hopes of making those free people dependent on the system they created. Forced vaccinations, mandatory government spying, banning of guns so that you can no longer protect yourself, censorship of all entertainment and treating adults like little kids. It empowers the communists. The good news is the masses are waking up to the corruption and the sleeping giant is awakening so I predict resistence to the NWO by future younger generations who are being oppressed by these collectivists who just want to enslave everyone.
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Re: Your metadata is now being stored for two years.

Post by GameHED »

^note that turning off the spy features still won't protect you from government secretly turning the feature on without your consent. We live in a reptilian world. You've been warned...

If you are a victim of gangstalking you should check the house for appliances that are smart feature enabled. In the future the NWO is going to use the internet of things to track every object in the real world using chips. With the use of smart dust they can track what you ate by sprinkinling it in food. (there are places in japan I think which allow you to pay the bill by making you go past a scanner which lets the machine know what you ate by activating the tiny dust that was inside the food.

Times are getting crazy. The nerds are getting their revenge on the bullies that beat them up in school by obtaining blackmail information on everyone. :P Stop using their products and warn others not to trust pro-NWO tech companies.
No wonder the Muslims think of America as the Great Satan.

This survielance as I have been pointing out in recent times is all related to gangstalking where the tech is used to track people the NWO doesn't like. We are becoming more voyeuristic as communication becomes more advanced and the fallen angel technology is given to the wrong people to enslave society with information.
The future of surveillance is the topic of the news. Intelligence gathering is in demand and with that comes the push to supply. How far do we go, or should I ask have we gone? Nanotechnology has the rep. of being futuristic and complicated. It is also in simple form. Like a.m. crystal radios, 2 crystals and a strand of copper wire. No battery, no charging, able to hear and send radio waves. Mix crystal and copper and an agent that combines with the nerves system. Put that powder in some ones food or drink etc. and they unknowingly become a human walky-talky. I lived it, and came closer than anyone to proving it is being done. “nanobugged” is bad for ISIS. But when all is said and done will/has BIG BROTHER cross the line, and where exactly would you draw the line? The NSA should have there work cut out for them. It just so happens that Iran is at the forefront of nanotechnology. According to Google insights Iran per capita is the top investigator of nanotechnology.
This is going to sound sci=fi but it is here and there are upgrades be developed. Neurons fire in patterns (Phonics) to complete words. The distribution of the molecule sized crystal radio transceivers put out signature fingerprints for each sound. After mapping this by a computer listening to sounds in the environment around the the humanbug and matching it to the patterns of the brain locates the phonics etc. each brain has a unique encryption that has to be mapped. In a chapter of my book "nanobugged", and this took place 12 years ago, I was taught a lesson in underestimating my opponent. My cousin a six year old girl had trapped a butterfly in a jar. As she boasted of her catch I couldn't help noticing the fight for freedom the butterfly was struggling for. My plan seemed fool proof and smart to me. I would have the butterfly released and at the same time release some greed from the young girls heart. I said to her, "Ya' know if ya' let that butterfly go you get to make a wish". She was interested, "Like a birthday wish"? "Sure thing" I reassured her. She set it free, closing her eyes she made her silent wish. I had to ask what she wished for. Her response set me back a few. "I wished all the butterflies in the world was mine". I had under estimated my opponent. It was not her, it was greed. Powerful and able to disguise itself as a religion, humanitarian quest, or a child at play..
" onclick=";return false;

We are all slowly becoming like the reptilians and wanting to control others. That's why things must die from the sin of seeking out the forbidden knowledge. Butterflies only live a short time. Even they a (beautiful thing of nature) are fucked. When Transhumanists finally get their merger with machines they will probably get a limited lifespan by the elites in power, similar to the Replicant in Blade Runner because they will be seen as too dangerous to the reptilian's plans to control us all I bet... (in the same way nobody is allowed to go travel to the south pole and explore because of the hidden giant spaceship which the military wants to use to fight the giants)
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Re: Your metadata is now being stored for two years.

Post by Hercy »

Well that was quick: ... vutjx.html" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Your metadata is now being stored for two years.

Post by pilonv1 »

Nothing wrong was done though, no one is being punished
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