Far Cry 5 Rumours

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Far Cry 5 Rumours

Post by GameHED »

Speculation of FC 5 here with a possiblity of prequel to FC3:
I would prefer they make it a double pack:

Include Far Cry 3 in remastered form. With a expansion of the game that is the prequel to FC3 from the perspective of Vaas.

Then later do Far Cry 5. (set this in the future with zombies and the world is patrolled by robot ground drones to keep the island safe but they have been hacked by a mastermind who wants to use the island as a survivalist's testing ground for entertainment. (illuminati is able to watch the contestants try to escape the island like watching snuff porno and buy the tapes off the mastermind who makes the island the location for a reality tv series for the elites.)

You are the latest contestant and much like the Death Race remake you were given the option to be let out of jail to compete with other crazy people on the island or die. Only the toughest and most deadly serial killers are chosen to be a contestant on the island to see if they can recruit them as soldiers for the mercenary groups that want the best killers.

There is no Social Justice Warrior nonsense in this one. Most of the nerdy guys are the hackers who are forced to work on drones to film the entertainment from afar. Seeing you die or get eaten or kill the other contestants is the entertainment for the audience.

Unlike The Running Man you can be as bad as you want and be a cannibal like in fallout, avoid mission objectives and turn against your friends to increase your chance of living, or completely kill both factions on the island. These are brainwashed people living on the island believing there is no outside world much like the main character in the Truman Show. When you try to tell them it is all fake they will laugh at you and act as if you were the crazy guy and go about their business like a NPC in a japanese rpg with strict routine. This way you could have people who live in town with small amount of technology, or a community that is space age and has laser pistols but have weak bodies and no muscles due to how automation has made them weak and lazy as the town is fully automated and people sit down and just watch tv all day. They were isolated from each other and some are even living in stone age with clubs and dinosaurs. You are not seen as a hero but just a guy trying to escape by killing everything in your way and everyone in the island is a survivalist like yourself trying to obtain resources by doing what you do which is to kill everything they do not like. However you are much more professional than them and there is hint you may have been planted there by spy agency trying to find the truth about what is happening on the island and the purpose of the zombie and robots and isolated communities that were put there. Your brain has an implant that links up to a satellite which can beam down information about everything going on from a bird's eye view so you can sense danger in the environment - this lets you see things from above and react to enemy patrols better.

Each enemy type is weak against certain weapons more than others:
robots hate EMP and railguns and explosives
zombies do not like fire and flame throwers
humans are weak to bio/chem/nuke weapons as well as conventional stuff (they make up for it with better AI)
dinos hate traps

Exploring a new town is like being taken to a new themepark.
(think of the earthships people are building to escape having to pay The Man rent money):
The open world is a mixture of all the different threats that can make mankind extinct. (robots turning against masters, zombie apocalypse, gangs of crazy people who lost their mind after nuclear war wiped things out, jurassic park style cavemen and dinosaurs being created and escaping the island they were meant to be restricted to. All of it is real threat but fake in the sense of being synthetic like the andrdoids in blade runner. People are that bored in the future and seek pleasure in other people's pain and suffering which helps them feel good about themselves because they don't experience it.

The game should be a game for doomsday preppers who feel like the world could end soon due to war, famine, disaease, economic collapse, alien invasion, natural disasters due to extremem weather, threats from space, mad scientits who became evil genuises and want to rule over us, and evil people who make all the decisions with to much money and support thanks to generations of brainwashing cauasing them to obey anything they are told by their religion which was created to make them feel like they can be gods above others so cruelty is justified because everyone else is evil bastard except you.

Since there are so many survival games, this would steal everything from the other games into one big game including base building, trading with others, and obtaining loot. If you don't want to shoot everything you can steal it (GTA style) or race on the island to earn money. There is a UFO buried on the island to help you escape if you want non-violent solution rather than using a helicopter to shoot your way out. Upon escaping you tell your story but nobody believes it. You are like Arnold Sqwarzenegger at the end of the Predator and if you told them what you saw nobody would believe it. "the trees came out to attack you? lol" "you were hunted by an alien in the forest?" Even if it was real they wouldn't be able to do anything about it because they are like the people on the island. (nobody questions the bullshit they are told)
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Re: Far Cry 5 Rumours

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Re: Far Cry 5 Rumours

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PhoneMonkey wrote:Image
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Re: Far Cry 5 Rumours

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Candy Arse wrote:
PhoneMonkey wrote:Image
selfish wrote:Being a massive fanboy and trying to hide it is Lestat's worst bottleneck.
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Re: Far Cry 5 Rumours

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t0mby wrote:
Candy Arse wrote:
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Re: Far Cry 5 Rumours

Post by GameHED »

More information on Far Cry 5 is coming out.
Eurogamer has a good article about the game.
http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2017- ... t-fanatics" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Basically it will be a look into the world of the doomsday prepping community and try to poke fun at far right fanatics. ( I guess it's going to be very anti-independence from big brother given the SJWs have control of the game industry now possibly due to being plants for George Soros)

The campaign will be completely playable in co-op! Very good and it needs to be standard thing. If Lego City Undercover can do it there is no reason this can't. Still won't beat Zelda BOTW as the best open world game ever made. Japan makes the best Far Cry games as seen with Metal Gear Solid V and Breath of the Wild. When Metroid comes out on Switch people will forget open world games had busy work missions because the worlds will be interesting enough to want to explore without need to be told to go there by the mission list and GPS markers as part of a fetch quest.

XenoBlade series has also shown how to make nice looking fantasy open world games. I wish Sega would make a phantasy star game that is single player and open world but they have no ambition anymore. (sonic this sonic that. Give the mascot a break FFS. Nintendo is where all the excitement and creativity is nowadays)

Overall the setting for this is new and fresh and I think people who use religions as tools to brainwash need to be exposed but what will be interesting is whether they pose the question of whether the today's modern scientists (example the climate change by human activity groups) have become the new "religious fanatics" of modern day? They create chemtrails and say it is healthy for us, and if you are ascientists that disagrees that MMR vaccine is good and healthy and safe, you are seen as the rebel in the medical establishment which is trying to ban natural remedies like basic vitamins in hopes to make a profit selling drugs to treat diseases instead of using nutrition and healthy lifestyle free of toxic chemicals and poison?

I hope the game takes a balanced look at what "religion is today in all forms not just the visually religious fanatics. As I see feminists today as a vagina worship cult. I see doctors on the payroll of the drug companies ("big pharma as we call them in the conspiracy forums) as the new high priests that preach to us without the science to back up claims. Goggle Bill Nye "the science guy" on youtube and look at what this idiot (who isn't a real scientist himself) is telling us what to think. Religious fanatism isn't just the typical christian cults that manipulate people to gain money and influence and power, they are amoung us in all the different forms, from the tv evangelists asking you to send money to get blessing, to the central bankers who worship money as God and controlling the currency through computers, to the fake science of the "global warming is caused by humans" believers. The things is the flat earther types don't have massive think tanks and don't make tons of money so they barely register on the radar, but these educated-but-corrupt people influencers DO and that is what makes them very very dangerous. Nobody gives a shit what a fanataic believes in as long as thier own beliefs don't affect them. But the left wing guys being collectivists WILL affect you because they want your money and resources and can get at it by using the corrupt governments to steal it from you. So if they attack the Far Right I hope they also attack the Far left in equal measures to maintain a balance ie that ALL fanatics are dangerous because they won't let you leave the cult if you join and change your mind about them.

If they don't do it, they will risk sales of the game imo. Much like how newer star wars movies will never be seen as timeless classics like the original trilogy due to just existing as a disney cash grab rather than a story about morality with wars as the backdrop to the drama between fathers to sons. (or the terminator movies after James Cameron stopped being involved. (no deep message in the later ones as it slowly became a generic popcorn action flick)
Last edited by GameHED on 27 May 2017 03:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Far Cry 5 Rumours

Post by Candy Arse »

Vince wrote:
t0mby wrote:
Candy Arse wrote:Image
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Re: Far Cry 5 Rumours

Post by GameHED »

Nobody gives a fuck candy arse. You are here 24/7. Always checking and refreshing the pages. You have no place to go. So you will lie about not seeing the posts and unignore them and then claim you can't see it to us.

We simply don't believe you ignore the posts. You can try to post an image of what your screen shows but it still doesn't change the fact you will look in the post afterwards.

But it was a nice try. You also claimed you would ignore Jasper but you failed to do this often responding to his ad spam.

You are the biggest joke on the boards. You went apeshit when nobody trusted your review of Zelda by giving it a 7 without even playing it.

Keep pretending to ignore posts. We don't believe you. You also claimed the Switch was going to flop like Wii U, but it's doing amazing. Trust in Candy Arse has gone way down. This is what happens when you place yourself inside a tiny bubble and believe your own bullshit rather than actually checking if your perception of reality matches the actual reality. Safe spaces won't protect you against facts. Zelda 10. :up: Horizon Zero Dawn "Generic" from eurogamer. :lol:
I bet you also cried when Edge gave Zelda Skyward Sword 10 and Skyrim got 9 all those years ago.
You obviously don't play games but just talk about them to pretend you are into the games. I thought it was funny when you bashed SF4 on 3DS which had touchscreen shortcuts, but you failed to mention that you can filter out the players that use easy mode for special moves. Basically the entire forum has now figured you out.:

You use selective examples of things to try to strengthen an argument. But then you avoid any evidence that doesn't support your arguments. Instead of taking in the WHOLE truth, you only listen to bits and pieces of it and throw out the rest. (usually anything that doesn't support what you believe)
Normal free-thinking people will change their belief if they see enough evidence to show the belief is not based on truth. You on the other hand treat console wars like you would support for a footy team. Not understanding that the rest of us actually investigate the BS of all sides and keep the truthful bits to get the picture of the whole truth like pieces of the puzzle to see everything. Basically all the tactics you use are OLD. We have seen it before. And we don't care what you post. You can post as many gifs saying you are ignoring the posts, but we know better. You follow posters into the threads you contribute to. Which means you stalk those people into the threads which in reality is not TRUE ignoring. For instance this thread was created by me. A poster you claim to ignore, but you actually posted the above reply in response to a post I just made. That means you are stalking the poster and every post I make you will reply to it.

You basically demonstrate that you have no life outside these boards and need attention and someone to chat to. Why? Because you feel as moderator there is nothing you can do to stop people like me giving out information about gmaes you like which I MIGHT bash. And this annoys you to no end. It means if people stop believing you, then you can't maniulate them. Nobody believes you that Zelda Breath of the Wild is a 7 game. Get over it. I bought it twice already: once for nephew, and another for me. When I get a Switch I will buy it again and nintendo (not EA) will get my money.

Does that piss you off? I hope so. Because I will not give my money over to companies that make unfinished pieces of crap. I want quality motherfucker. And you friends at EA who are gays, fat hog beast lesibians, SJWs, feminists etc can shove a Link amiibo up their arses. We win. You lose. Nintendo does whatever the fuck they WANT to do and I am happy the SJWs didn't get to make Link into a Tranny like they hoped to do by pressuring nintendo to change their attitude. If you don't like their games then fuck off. We don't want your money. They want the money of people who play games, not chameleons who pretend to be part of the gaming community but don't buy the products. We the gaming community can spot you fake gamers a mile away. You will jump onto a trend or fad and basically repeat what other people think but have no original ideas or thoughts of your own. Sometimes you will defend a crap game by a company that is usually well-respected in the community, but you never give reasons why you like it. You just attack the critics who give VALID criticisms about the game from deep observations they have made comparing them to older titles in the series. When we see guys like you on boards we know: This dick is a fake gamer and a shill for these companies. He is just planted there to do damage control for bad games by companies that they are fanboys of"

Guys like you destroy game boards because you expect us to trust your opinions on things but you attack companies that make high quality titles. You can't win in an argument so you try to pollute threads with noise. It doesn't work. Because we actually play them ourself firsthand. (eb rental system is great way to try before you buy something you are unsure of)
You are an AD but you are trying to pass yourself off as someone who plays the games when we know you don't. For example how come you don't bash Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite for having easy modes like they did in the gamecube version of Capcom vs SNK2 or SF4 on 3DS? Because you want to hide evidence that doesn't suport your beliefs. And hardcore gamers like me enjoy seeing you squirm when we expose your faulty logic and reasoning. You once bashed nintendo for putting in casual gamer friendly options, now all of a sudden you are silent when you fave upcoming capcom fighting game has them. Could it be because it's on ps4/pc/bone and therefore that is why you won't comment on that? heheh But if it was on Switch, you'd make fun of the feature. lol

Remember I have been on the forums a long time so I notice these tiny things. Others who are new won't so that is why I am helping to expose it to them so they can see clearly. You are motivated by money. You used to make fun of lambchop for talking about sales by saying sales do not equal quality. But you go on and post about sales when it benefits you. You can't have your cake and eat it. And the older posters get tired o your routine of pretending to ignore people. It might work if you don't stalk them. But by folowing people into threads made by the people you said you would ignore, it shows you aren't ignoring them. It shows you are using up energy to seek them out and see what they say in private while believing that publicly we believe your claims. We don't believe your claims. You failed to ignore Jasper. It was an experiment/test to see how you would react. And you failed it.(because you feel threatened by his ads for some reasons. ie it eats into EA's profits who make generic shit. A company you worship as god)
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Re: Far Cry 5 Rumours

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Re: Far Cry 5 Rumours

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unfnknblvbl wrote:Image
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Re: Far Cry 5 Rumours

Post by t0mby »

Candy Arse wrote:
unfnknblvbl wrote:Image
selfish wrote:Being a massive fanboy and trying to hide it is Lestat's worst bottleneck.
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Re: Far Cry 5 Rumours

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t0mby wrote:
Candy Arse wrote:
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Re: Far Cry 5 Rumours

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t0mby wrote:
Candy Arse wrote:
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Re: Far Cry 5 Rumours

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Vzzzbx, you lose again!
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Re: Far Cry 5 Rumours

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Re: Far Cry 5 Rumours

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selfish wrote:Being a massive fanboy and trying to hide it is Lestat's worst bottleneck.
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Re: Far Cry 5 Rumours

Post by BOOMY »

Step right up folks. Welcome to the games ranch crackhed challenge.
Your task is to take the thread title and the last sentence of gameheds original post then fill in the blanks of how he might have got there.

Ranchers, your sentence for todays thread is...
You are like Arnold Sqwarzenegger at the end of the Predator and if you told them what you saw nobody would believe it. "the trees came out to attack you? lol" "you were hunted by an alien in the forest?" Even if it was real they wouldn't be able to do anything about it because they are like the people on the island. (nobody questions the bullshit they are told)
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Re: Far Cry 5 Rumours

Post by PhoneMonkey »

The Ubi towers are still in as they emit magnetic waves devised by the greys in oder to increase the volume of the enemy waves coming at you by wirelessly increasing the aggression of all those nearby. The main protagonist is immune due to being gene spliced with reptilians, so this allows him to scale the tower in order to absorb the data stores there through senses developed through said gene splicing. Once the data is absorbed, your mind is hacked to present a map in your vision in order to lead you to the probing hive to free the people.
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Re: Far Cry 5 Rumours

Post by Gamma »

PhoneMonkey wrote:The main protagonist is immune due to being gene spliced with reptilians, so this allows him to scale the tower
I've been monitoring this thread and see what you did there.
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Re: Far Cry 5 Rumours

Post by GameHED »

I really would like to see actual monsters in this game. Start off with it being about cults, then as you delve deeper into the mystery you unravel that simlar to the raelian cult there is some kind of cloning and genetic manipulation of humanity going on and you encounter the hidden underground cities where subterranean race of reptilian humanoids lives and they have been using mind control all that time to get people to war against each other.

If you've seen the Thing (john Carpenter sci fi horror classic) you'll get an idea of the direction I am thinking. The religion is the tool to brainwash, the fear is the technique to get them to obey, and the genetic modification by the subterraean race of beings are the mastermind behind why you are seeing monsters emerging from mountain areas with secret entrances on the side of the mountains with warning signs and fences erected near them and UFO sightings near the mountains where the base entrances are for them to land in the base.

What starts out as a simple fight against cult members becomes a cowboy vs aliens story. The native american shaman character explains what the fuck is going on by telling you the story of mysterious disappearances of children and you find these portals to get inside the mountain base instantly to kill certain reptilian leaders - these are the equivalent of the mytholgy missions in Far Cry 4). Once you kill the reptilian sub bosses you wake up near where the portal was. Mysterious shaman leaves a note on the floor giving you the instruction where to find him next time. (you don't really know if you fought in spirit form or physically went to the locations where these reptilians were but it was as real an experience as being physically there and not a dream sequence or vision)

The whole game is freeing brainwashed cult member by non-violent means to gain followers to kill reptilians. Not just mindless shooting. Of course you can still choose physical weapons to kill the reptilians but as long as evil exists and portals to their dimension exist due to invitation by evil and wicked men who wish to see them in our world, the reptilians can always come back in spirit form to possess the new human who can be used as a vessel to create the clone body for the demon to inhabit and start all over again. (this will explain why monsters keep respawning Far Cry 2 style in the game by putting some lore around why people you kill don't permaneetly disppear and gives you a new game plus option to grind for experience for harder modes. )

In Skyrim you had the Fus Do Ra thing to stop dragons, but in this to kill reptilians the shaman gives you spell words to bind them and cast them into a pit. Killing the monsters requires a certain technique to keep them in their own world and close the doors to the other dimension that is letting them in. (the magic system is necessary to cleansing the land of the monster but killing monsters grants the abilities they have over time as you bind them to a object which allows you to do supernatural actions. (like castlevania). This is so if you like fighting rather than exploration you can use the monster to your advantage by enslaving it to you once you capture the spirit. But sending it back to its world means you can speed run the game better because there is less fighting between travelling from area to area to complete the game.
Last edited by GameHED on 03 Jun 2017 03:04 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Far Cry 5 Rumours

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Re: Far Cry 5 Rumours

Post by GameHED »

LOL PC fags bored with nothing to play coming into game discussion threads about games they won't even play due to being too poor and having to wait for $2 sales on steam. We don't give a shit if you CAN see. We love that you have to tolerate consoles domination in gaming scene and that you get sloppy seconds treatment such as late releases of GTA V and Bayonetta. Serves you idiots right for not buying the games on console when the developers really needed your money.

I think the site admin should consider putting PC talk in a seperate forum. Nobody goes into the threads and it is causing them to try to interrupt the console ones. It would clean the place up.
There used to be a clear line seperating games discussion and "PC and Hardware" discussion. The game discussion is where people would talk about games. The hardware place is where tech talk is the main focus.
If guys like Candy would ignore me, then why come into threads I started? He isn't ignoring. He is pretending he is ignoring. We know it. He knows it. And it threatens him that most people are not talking to him in the pc thread.

If we seperate the forums into PC and console threads we know what would happen. Nobody would go into the PC one. Because most of us play the fucking games and talk about them. He just shills for EA titles and pretends he is a fan of games like Mass Effect when clearly he isn't.

It must piss him off that the best games Persona 5 and Zelda BOTW have perfect scores but are on last gen spec machines and not PC titles using the latest hardware. It ilustrates the differences between us and the hardware guys. Horizon Zero Dawn - beautiful looking game working on underpowered PS4 platform. Exclusive to the consoles. Really hurts them to know that people are busy playing games not talking to them in PC land where all they can do is talk about how emulators can run nintendo roms. LOL It shows you are starved of triple A titles and too poor to pay developers. When you bitch about games being expensive? Bullshit! Games have stayed the same price since the 80s and the games have gotten bigger, longer, with more sophistication. It's not you guys that buy games it is those playing them and talking about them. This is why you merged the PC hardware forum to console. It because the other one pretty much would die off. Admit it: the peasants are winning candy. You can't ignore us because we are what's keeping this forum together lol
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Re: Far Cry 5 Rumours

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Candy Arse wrote:Image
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Re: Far Cry 5 Rumours

Post by Jasper »


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Re: Far Cry 5 Rumours

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