The Official Thread of Shepard's in Space. ME4 Page 18

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Re: The Official Thread of Shepard's in Space. ME4 Page 18

Post by t0mby »

GeneraL CyberFunK wrote:
Ambrose Burnside wrote:Patch 1.5 notes (1.4 having been the day one patch):

Improvements to male romance options for Scott Ryder
"Would you like P2P or A2M?" :lol:
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Re: The Official Thread of Shepard's in Space. ME4 Page 18

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

Loaded up the game again this morning (one advantage to being sick, all-day gaming) and the Terraformer achievement popped up straight away :D

Got Eos and Havaral at 100% viability, playing through Voeld now. Loving Andromeda. My biggest issues with it are tracking the other assignments missions, not all of them tell you where to go next, dislike aimless wandering, I like at least a hint of where to go. And the unskippable animations when flying between planets, but that's being fixed in Thursdays patch :)
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Re: The Official Thread of Shepard's in Space. ME4 Page 18

Post by Vince »

Candy Arse wrote:The people shouting this game down are idiots. This game is AWESOME.

I'm having a MUCH MUCH MUCH better time with this than I did with Zelda.
So you're saying this game is worth a purchase?!?! :D

Seriously though, I have held off as I've read some terrible impressions and awful reviews. You guys are changing my mind!
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Re: The Official Thread of Shepard's in Space. ME4 Page 18

Post by flipswitch »

Origin has a sale, might pick it up, but not currently because I have too much to play.
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Re: The Official Thread of Shepard's in Space. ME4 Page 18

Post by Candy Arse »

Vince wrote:
Candy Arse wrote:The people shouting this game down are idiots. This game is AWESOME.

I'm having a MUCH MUCH MUCH better time with this than I did with Zelda.
So you're saying this game is worth a purchase?!?! :D

Seriously though, I have held off as I've read some terrible impressions and awful reviews. You guys are changing my mind!
If you like Mass Effect, you should really get this game.
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Re: The Official Thread of Shepard's in Space. ME4 Page 18

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

Candy Arse wrote:
Vince wrote:
Candy Arse wrote:The people shouting this game down are idiots. This game is AWESOME.

I'm having a MUCH MUCH MUCH better time with this than I did with Zelda.
So you're saying this game is worth a purchase?!?! :D

Seriously though, I have held off as I've read some terrible impressions and awful reviews. You guys are changing my mind!
If you like Mass Effect, you should really get this game.
Or Dragon Age: Inquisition. Seriously, the basic structure of Andromeda has been ripped straight from Inquisition. Each planet is a pseudo-open world environment, as you discover new areas, you set up outposts as you explore, which in turn opens up more areas. You can fast travel to these outposts just like Inquisition. You mine random resources to craft stuff (although thankfully Andromeda doesn't force you to go weeding to make healing spells). Your horse has been replaced by the Nomad and dragons have been replaced by Remnant Architects. Even the strike team missions have been copy and pasted from Inquisition, though Andromeda's version seems to have more depth gameplay-wise, but far less relevance to the story. The combat is one million times better than Inquisition though. Andromeda is what happens when Inquisition and the original Mass Effect have a baby.

I have 100% viability on three planets now, and have just returned the Angaran woman to her people after rescuing her on Voeld. Story seems to be ramping up again after I took a subquest detour :D
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Re: The Official Thread of Shepard's in Space. ME4 Page 18

Post by GameHED »

Candy Arse wrote:Is CrackHED literally talking to himself now? Who here HASN'T got him on ignore?
:lol: Nobody trusts you candy after you tried to peer pressure us all into giving this shit game an easy pass just because you like turds. lol

The SJWs are now attacking their own people who worked on the game:
Looks like I was right:

the more you pander to them the more they complain even more that you didn't pander enough at a satisfactory level.

EA are basically destroying their own properties like they do to everything they touch.

Until pc faggots like you wake the fuck up (and listen to the critics who work in gaming and produce quality stuff and can pick apart the faults) you will always expect EA to get 10 10 10 10 10 100 10 and then get mad at guys like me who called out the bullshit in the industry.

This game would have been a lot better if you hired white guys and then just paid the indians to go away while the white guy works on the game in secret but gives credit to the minority.

This way everyone wins:

-the SJWs get paid and get credit for the white guy doing the work
-the white guys save the franchise and earn EA money; letting fans buy future games
-the jews get to profit from a series instead of it failing (the jews love money but they also want to promote communism to the young kids who buy the games, movies, tv shows etc as a war against christian and conservative values)

The white guys should probably make a deal where they just get royalties for toy sales or something like George Lucas did for Star Wars.

You have the nerve to attack Zelda but you give this crap game praise when it has little to no characterisation for us to actually feel any attachment to the people in the game? Thank god you don't work in gaming and just post troll content on game boards and nobody listens to you. Even when your fave review sites like Giant Bomb tell you something sucks you still defend it because "it's EA it can't possibly be shit!" LOL you basically destroyed your own credibility.

If you like the game and think it's more than a 7 then that is fine. But to say "people are just shitting on it for no reason" and can't respond to their well-reasoned youtube posts highlighting why the game is crap compared to past games, then why the fuck should people care what you think? Debates are won by showing evidence of the drops in the quality so new people to the franchise can hope the new games are fixed up. It's not about YOU, it's about the fans KNOWING there was a drop and getting angry that the cause of it was due to hiring quotas of non-white staff who were poorly managed and didn't have the experience of the older guys who originally started the series.

It's a form of anti-white discrimination. And if you don't care about the rights of the white guy then that is fine but don't expect those white guys to like the game just because it's an EA game. Freedom loving americans love the idea of a meritocracy where you get respect based on the results and performance. Now that they have shown they don't care about the customers I am loving that the sales are shit because it means the jews will have to take a paycut and admit that they screwed up and actually go back to fixing all the problems of the game.

It's a good game but a bad game for mass effect which is known as 9-10 scoring series.

Ask yourself why is GameHED always right on this shit? Because I see the patterns and its the reason talented people are now going indie because they can't stand poor treatment anymore and like the artists in the comic industry they now want total creative control over things they make. It's beautiful. It means they can make games we ordinarily wouldn't see. The fans just need to cough up the money and if the game is good they wil continue to fund the titles and not have to worry about the big publisher caving into pressure from the SJW and causing a game to have genric quality in the hope it doesn't offend people. And instead the game can focus on being good not on political correct nonsense.
The reason you enjoy the freedoms you have is because people had to die for freedoms in the past. As these marxists try to invade male spaces the games will get noticably worse and worse the more popular a series gets because the old staff are kicked out and like a terrorist hijacking a plane, the series wil eventually get run into the ground as the big publisher notices it isn't selling enough copies to justify continuing. So you are celebrating the downfall of the game industry by buying the shit games and not caring about them matching the level of older ones.

Even comedians are being told what they can't say and this is a sad time for making entertaining content because it means you can't criticise the stupidity of the stupid people so that they correct themselves and reflect on what they do. Instead you have the stupid people telling the smart ones what is ok rather than the other way around. You'll understand when the civil war starts.
There are prophets having dreams that before america is invaded there will be revealing of secrets of a lot of their leaders to the public so that when He punishes the nation we can understand the justification for it. This is why doomsday preppers are warning of a civil war followed by invading UN troops and possibly russian and chinese taking over. (they would be justified in a sense because america is no longer respectable role model for the other nations to follow anymore after its own people no longer represent the values/principles it claims to protect.

You can prevent the violence by actually fighting the marxists and debating these shits to show young people they have no arguments and this way you recruit the young guys on your side without firing a shot. But noooo all you care about is whether the game is an EA game and if it's an EA title we should all be forced to buy it because you said so and nobody should be allowed to think for themselves as to whether its overall a good game. Yes there are good parts in the game such as improved combat, but overall the game is still lower than what people expect in 2017.

You can't the same about Zelda. And that's why nobody trusts your taste. You were the guy that said Crackdown is a piece of shit. Everyone else loves it because it is fun. I think you need to stop telling us what is good and bad and actually ask yourself why you are even on Gamesranch in the first place if you don't even play games in depth? Are you just here to promote EA games and not compare things to each other and look at it honestly?
I have always suspected you just run damage control for big publishers and then pretend to like the smaller companies as a bandwagon to disguise yourself as a cool guy. (but reality is you just follow what others say without liking it yourself through judging the game. You can tell these guys by how they are influenced by hype or hate built up by other peoples reactions rather than their own personal experiences playing a game)

You like this shit I don't. I will buy it maybe when EA takes the ME games seriously and addresses issues. I want shit to makes sense and if something breaks the immersion then it ruins the experience. Example when actions don't have consequences in RPG games and you feel like there is no poin to replay the game with a different character build or choosing different choices in the story. The reason we hardcore gamers know a game is shit is because we remmeber the older days when it wasn't just about graphics but the way the game/world responds to how you the player walk your path and whether this alters the destiny of the character in the long term. That's why it's up to the smaller developers (maybe Ken Levine has the answer?) to take on this task and figure out a way to keep the immersion strong without having to pander to wide audiences so much (in fear of offending the communistic marxist jews who accuse everyone of being nazis because they have white skin, blonde hairs, blues eyes, and make more money than them just because they are funny on youtube - ie pewdiepie lol)
If you love the commies so much go move to china candy. I'm happy playing nintendo games over crappy EA crap. If bioware was never bought by EA we might have seen them evolve into something like CD Project Red and win all the GOTY awards. But after you get owned by big publishers like EA the only reason for it is so the big publishers can run the company into the ground and destroy it to eliminate competition. They don't care about the passion behind why people make games. It's just products - if they sell? keep milking the name. If they are good but don't make enough profit? Hire indians and cheap guys to make it and sacrifice quality to appeal to a wide-enough audience whilst never taking any risks or maintaining the original identity of the series that made us like the games to begin with.

It's good that you DO ignore the posts because at the end of the day if you are a fan of EA and you don't listen to the criticisms of the games they publish it results in your fave company losing profits from paying customers. So go ahead and ignore the critics. We are your friends and you see us as enemies. If you don't like to look at the problems that cause the loss in sales, then you deserve to fail. Nobody is against gays lesbians and minorities in games. What we ARE against is FORCED diversity in the games where they put a gun to the head of the artists and creative people and for political reasons tell THEM what they can create instead of letting them do it if they WANT to.
It's about respecting their right to do what they think will make the game interesting and meet whatever vision they have in their head for how the series should lok/feel/ and the direction it needs to go in. If you try to dictate your own personal views on others they wil naturally want to reject what you have to say because you ripped their rights to disagre with your opinion away from them and see that as offensive to them.

And this is why EA need to listen to US, not as enemies but as friends who just want the sci-fi universe to succeed and be something you would WANT to live in. Who gives a shit about characters if they are boring, they have no qualities people value, and act like 5 year old kids with dialogue that is cringey? The radical left is doing anything it can to destroy creative people's rights to naturally place these gays, lesbians, transexual alien into stories where people are free to just disagree with the views of the characters if they wish and give players freedom to shape the story. Instead they see games as an educational or brainwashing tool to promote collectivist ideas where you are not allowed to think for yourself but the game TELLS you WHAT to think.
I called this shit out 5 years ago. Nobody believes me. They are basically using games as brainwashing tools. It sounded like conspiracy back then but luckily more and more people are catching on. (how else do communist countries like china get to censor games and movies and shit? because they paid off your leaders to place message that are pro-authoritarian in the entertainment in hopes you wouldn't notice enough to boycott paying for the brainwashing tools)

There are ways you can put gays and lesbians and queers without it being shoved down the player's throat, but the people working on these games are not creative enough to pull it off. This causes us to naturally revolt against what the characters have to say because they are dictating that we must accept their opinions without considering whether it's good bad right wrong and just because the politicians and globalists who are out to reduce the world's population say so.
When companies learn to stop preaching down to us and trying to cash in on the feminists and SJWs browd they can succeed. The majority of the population are white hetero men and if you go out of your way to piss them off you deserve to be punished through boycotts and ridiculed for hiring racist indian guy to police thoughts. We don't want to listen to indians. They are not interested in making quality games since they serving an american company so naturally they will just sabotage the project to weaken the greedy white businessman and jew who is exploiting them for political gain so they can say they are doing something for the poor/minority/low IQ lazy guy who doesn't even want to be there because they have no passion to work on the game since it isn't even their own creation, but someone else's.

Until you listen to my wisdom you will experience the same problem time and time again because you just hired the minority to cut costs and save money (you are greedy) not because you care about them. And once these minorities rise up and realise you are exploiting them they will turn against you. Trust me on this. Once people realised they were brainwashed into something they will naturally hate the person manipulating them for selfish gain and side with the good guy who just told them the truth in the beginning even if the truth isn't pleasant to hear. There were already SJW things in the early bioware games but it wasn't pandering to one group of people. And this is might be a reason people are more critical than in the past as they have gotten sick of being told what to think, and because they are smarter than the people telling them what to think and and angry that the dumber guy expects them to lecture a smarter guy. If EA can figure out a way to shut out authoritarians from these groups taking control of projects then you wouldn't get such a tough response rejecting the game. And sadly they won't listen but will probably just kill off ME once the games sales die off instead of using it as a lesson in how to make quality material. My idea of giving white guys payment in some other form and letting the indian get paid to go away can give the best of both world where you give the minority pay but the skilled workers still make the games in secret, and the credit goes to the indian to satisfy the SJWs who are too dumb to know any difference in the quality. (they only play for romance and not about how much sense the story makes - it's why they can't understand why older bioware games are higher in quality to new ones post ME2)

Trump Prophecy coming true (radical left/SJWs making it come true by causing non-left to want to strengthen nationalism causing him to win election - SJWs are being punished by God using Trump to do it)
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Re: The Official Thread of Shepard's in Space. ME4 Page 18

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

Patching things up after Liam does something stupid normally annoys me, but his loyalty mission is my favourite mission in the game so far. Mixed up gravity, Star Wars references, a lighter tone. Was great :up:
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Re: The Official Thread of Shepard's in Space. ME4 Page 18

Post by GameHED »

Whoa, looks like Bioware is finally listening to the people complaining about the crazy eyeballs.
But the derpy facial expressions are still in the game.

By the time its finished being patched up it will be good enough for the quality conscious Switch owners who have ignored EA games for a whole game generation. My dick is tired to be excited by ME. Would rather play Persona 5.

Congrats for caring what the fans are saying. Fans should keep the pressure up. It seems to be working. :up: And remmeber what TotalBiscuit said:"Don't pre-order your games". Wait until they are sure they've finished the product then pay them when it is done. Or else they will always skimp on the quality for lack of fear that lessening the quality will cost them money.

This is the only way to get what you want. Big businesses always look for ways to cheap out by hiring cheaper and cheaper workers and cutting corners even if it means lessening the quality of the product. If they can get away with it, they will keep doing it. If people notice, they will care what you have to say. Just saying you are angry doesn't do shit. Actually withholding money shows you MEAN what you are saying. And pre-ordering is telling them not to fear you enough to care if the work is crap. By pre-ordering, you already told them you want the thing before it is even out so why the fuck should they spend time making it good?

Because people withheld the money enough for them to take notice, in future they know not to rush the game out so much and will have checkboxes for these things from now on because they know you will be actively looking for these flaws out of paranoia it might be crap. If the fanbase wasn't huge maybe they could have gotten away with it.
My wallet is tired from buying shit EA games.
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Re: The Official Thread of Shepard's in Space. ME4 Page 18

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

Still loving this game.

The fighting is just so much fun.. I actively go seeking fights with the Kett.

I'm on Kadara now though.. the outpost gives me a MAJOR Firefly/Serenity vibe :)
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Re: The Official Thread of Shepard's in Space. ME4 Page 18

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

I'm over 50 hours into it now. On Kadara but I've gone back to do loyalty missions. Did Vetra's this morning.

Loving it!
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Re: The Official Thread of Shepard's in Space. ME4 Page 18

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

It feels like every time I complete a mission at least three others pop up!
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Re: The Official Thread of Shepard's in Space. ME4 Page 18

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »


The struggle is real... Currently it's all happening on Kadara... Though I have the option of hunting the Archon or looking for the Asari Ark.. haven't even touched on the Salarians yet!

I'm noticing that the promise of more dialogue isn't quite living up to expectations.. That and the impending disappointment that I know the romance I'm gunning for won't be anywhere near as good as the Scott Ryder / Cora romance.
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Re: The Official Thread of Shepard's in Space. ME4 Page 18

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

Yeah I've barely scratched the surface of the Arks missions, apart from stumbling across leads as I play through. No idea how much they will add to the game :lol:

I do miss the paragon/renegade thing cos the different Sheps were so different. Now you can't really make a bad arse Ryder. I can sorta see why Bioware went this way, cos Bioware Wankers were annoyed (to put it mildly) all their choices didn't matter with the 3 option ending to ME3 (but I'm of the opinion the journey was so amazing it didn't matter you entitled pricks), but on the flip side it feels like them ditching the Mako after ME1 instead of fixing it.

Although they have finally fixed the Mako in Andromeda with the Nomad :D
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Re: The Official Thread of Shepard's in Space. ME4 Page 18

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

The Hunt the Archon mission is a glitchy mess and if it fucks up on you (like it did for me) the only solution seems to be restarting the mission from the beginning.

I rage quit instead.
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Re: The Official Thread of Shepard's in Space. ME4 Page 18

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

The secret to prevent the game from glitching so badly during 'Hunt the Archon' that you literally cannot continue is to not shoot any of the Kett scientists. They appear as red dots on your radar and can be killed BUT DON'T SHOOT AT THEM.

They don't appear to contribute anything story-wise (in this mission anyway, dunno about others) so there doesn't appear to be a reason why you can't shoot Kett that appear as enemies to you, but don't do it.

I reloaded the autosave from the very start of the mission, and was able to finish it by basically only shooting Kett that shot at me first. Still a glitchy mission though, plenty of audio glitches (multiple people talking at once so you miss things, conversations that start when you're on the opposite side of the room etc) and so forth. By far my worst experience with bugs in the game.

Was a good mission though, made so frustrating by bugs (widely reported too) that really shouldn't still be there.

77 hours down and counting :up: I clocked up 139 hours in Dragon Age: Inquisition (that includes all the DLC) so I do like the formula :lol:
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Re: The Official Thread of Shepard's in Space. ME4 Page 18

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

I've clocked 102 hours so far. Just about to take down the architect on Elaaden and also reset the vault.. I don't really have anything major other than Pee Bee's loyalty missions to do.. I figure I will wrap all of the above up tonight and then do the Hunt for The Archon tomorrow. I must be very lucky.. only a very few minor glitches so far.. nothing rage quit worthy though..
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Re: The Official Thread of Shepard's in Space. ME4 Page 18

Post by Rorschach »

So, picked this game up in a sale through Greenman not long ago and only just starting to play it. I'm playing the latest patched version of this game and say that it is pretty awesome. It is a next generation Mass Effect and some the graphical effects are awesome. Granted, only played 5 hours so far but can see myself playing all the way through. Only complaints so far is the lag-fest that is MP. The animation isn't the best but it certainly isn't as bad as the press made out. I wish I had a 4K monitor to see this game in action but running it at 1440p and max settings, truly looks beautiful. Whoever did the environments had some skill. Overall, first impressions are really positive, shame this will be last in the series for a while.
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Re: The Official Thread of Shepard's in Space. ME4 Page 18

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

Yeah it is..
I played MP on the Xbone last weekend with 3 friends and we all had a great time.. even if it was a bit buggy.. It's a shame the game isn't going to be pursued ala DLC.
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Re: The Official Thread of Shepard's in Space. ME4 Page 18

Post by Rorschach »

Two things really get me about this game is the setting - very Total Recall vibe coming from the game and the ability to vault, jump and dash. I even like the AI assistant voice some of the reviewers were bagging.
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Re: The Official Thread of Shepard's in Space. ME4 Page 18

Post by GameHED »

Rorschach wrote:So, picked this game up in a sale through Greenman not long ago and only just starting to play it. I'm playing the latest patched version of this game and say that it is pretty awesome. It is a next generation Mass Effect and some the graphical effects are awesome. Granted, only played 5 hours so far but can see myself playing all the way through. Only complaints so far is the lag-fest that is MP. The animation isn't the best but it certainly isn't as bad as the press made out. I wish I had a 4K monitor to see this game in action but running it at 1440p and max settings, truly looks beautiful. Whoever did the environments had some skill. Overall, first impressions are really positive, shame this will be last in the series for a while.
It's not the press that thinks the animation is shit. It's actually shit because the people didn't know what they were doing. Just like The Hobbit movies were shit.

Go to youtube to see evidence of this.

Please think for yourself by playing things. Now having said that they have made an efort to patch the game since release so some of it has been fixed a little bit.

It is 2017 so standards have been raised. It's the same reason older Elder Scrolls fans bitch about newer Elder Scrolls games feeling dated in the visual department due to using old engine. But in this case. ME went backwards inquality and the older games actually have better quality.

When people are criticising this game, they are not coming fro ma place of hatred. But from a place of love for the series as a whole because they genuinely know Bioware are capable of doing much better.

What happened was they hired SJWs to be involved in this game the good staff left (if you don't tow the line and do what a feminist tells you, then you're gone) and now you have this piece of crap game instead of 2017 GOTY contender.

Look I get why you take Candy Arse's side on a lot of stuff because you like PC platform. But from a hardcore gamer's POV who plays everything you must learn to seperate VALID criticisms from troll posts. People who are fans of these games demand high quality. But EA makes so much money they probably didn't care if this failed. Much like Titanfall 2 (where they made the idiotic decision to release it next to COD and Battlefield) because they don't want Respawn's own IP to compete with their own Battlefield series, so they deliberately made a bad decision to support the one they can control. When you become a big company you no longer need to care about the fans who like the series anymore because you can AFFORD to be lazy as you rake in so much money that you no longer have the fear of failure. I have talked about this in other posts where sometime a team with lower budget does a LOT better because they have the constant fear that they might fail and so they put more effort into the game than if they are safe and under the wing of a big publisher. The lesser-known underdog guy still has to prove themself so they put in way more effort than they would if they were safe. Kindd of like Rocky Balboa in the first Rocky movie where he isn't really expected to win against a pro boxer who is champ, but he has to go the distance to make the most of what he has. (time being limited in resources. If you can at least look good losing, then you have done a good job proving you can put up a good fight going down at least. EA don't have the "eye of the Tiger" and so they used B Team to handle this game instead of the core talent that had been in volved in the originals.

What you get is a pretty shooter with characters nobody gives a fuck about. Fallout 4 had that problem by trying to make us care about the main character and not giving us total control over how the character looks and behaves and this isn't what open world RPG is about. Without letting us create the character from the bottom up and without NPCs that are interesting and cool, why play? Mass Effect not being a truly open world rpg means it should have even better characters than open world rpgs because you are on a rail. But they are just as bland as characters in open world bethesda games. If your game is linear you should hire good writers and people to handle dialogue that is entertaining. You can't get away with shit characters anymore if you go triple A. This game had the budget of triple A but feels last gen. This is why I still havent bought it. Will probably get Persona 5 instead. (already have Zelda which lives up to the hype)

My prediction is that if enough of us boycott bioware games and force them to get rid of the SJWs and male feminists we can repair the whole series so that WHEN they try to reboot it properly (like they are doing with Resident Evil using the latest RE game that has gone back to its survival horror roots again) it will feel like the bioware of old days instead of this mess of a game. I still remember the criticisms of Dragona Age 2. Many were right to bash it as this was EA's lazy cash grab using the name of Dragon Age to milk the cash cow. Then after they had listened to the criticisms, they did Dragon Age inquisition which wasn't as good as DA 1 but it wasn't as shit as 2.

The moral of the story is that the sqeaky wheel gets the oil. If you guys as bashing the critics who know it sucks you are only killing the ME series because EA are the type to give you shit games so long as it sells well. The only way to reverse the mess is to listen to these critics who know good quality and pay attention to what they are saying. When you have shit facial animations for a game reknowned for having tv-like drama in it, you are messing with the franchise by taking away the core reasons for why people like the games to begin with. (it would be like giving mario games bad jumping physics - those jump mechanics are why people go back to the old games and replay them)
It's not a money issue it's a talent issue. They got rid of the people that had it, then put in SJWs who had no experience. This is the truth. It's not the frostbite engine, lack of funding, or PS4 platform technical limitations. It's the wrong people being in power and ruining a popular series. Like the feministic Star Wars movie with the Mary Sue character.

Nobody will look back on Mary Sue Star Wars as a timeless classic in the future. It's not realistic for one person to know and do everything better than everyone else all because they have a vagina. And when little kids grow up to be adults and look back at Star Wars with unrealistic characters, they will think of them as cartoons and not srious sci-fantasy flicks or timeless classics like the Lord of the Rings Trilogy where danger is very real and character's reactions to the danger is treated with maturity.
If we can just purge Male feminists from the gaming industry we can go back to the way things were when Dragon Age 1 and Knights of the Old Republic 1 were the shit. We have seen a decline in quality lately from the major companies and unless these guys meet the standard of Witcher 3 or Zelda (in terms of polish) people are going to keep boycotting these shit game until they learn. we are not going to let them get away with another crash of the game industry like Atari when ET came out and they rushed the game to get it out without caring about quality control.
We have alternatives now you see. If you make a shit game, we just wait and buy it on bargain bin prices or until you patch out the crap. And if it is still shit, we go to nintendo! :up: :D

I told you guys that feminists were coming for gamers ever since gamergate. The male feminists are being urged by Emma Watson to white knight for women and the effect this is having on game quality is that it is resulting in les pofit for these big game companies. My hope is MGTOW gamers can re-educate the white knights into female gynocentrism so that we can go back to the way things were in the 80s when characters could basically say "I don't need validation from women to have a happy ending. I can go my own way and do adventures on my own solo. And if you want to come along on the ride with ME (not me settling down with YOU as a bitchslave) , then you are welcome to join. But if you don't like it, you can leave and get the fuck out of the way so I can fulfill my destiny".

Ending to Big Trouble in Little China:
^that's what females actually want: the unattainable man who is able to reject them because it makes them feel that you have a soul of your own and path to live. Male Feminists are the opposite of that and want to pretend to be nice guys but in reality they are only nice to females they want to have sex with not nice to everyone. And females are smart enough today to know this trick so they are sick of them because they are only in it for sex. No ambition of their own. It's like marrying a dog or cat. (if they were into bestiality) The more these fat feminists try to attack masculinity the faster these male feminists will wake up to the game and go MGTOW. With Trump in power people will probably beat up the cucks and publicly shame them for acting like pussies. Life will be hard. As long as gamers boycott the games the SJWs are involved in, we can suceed in bringing quality back into our games again. This is important because thes SJWs are no different to religious fanataics who try to ban harry potter or censor the blood from violent games because they still believe games are for little kids. Both of these groups are the same imo.

women are turning against male feminists (they can't fight against their own female nature which is that their body wants to fuck a masculine man not a cuck) :
feminist shames the japanese otaku (shows how females only see men as resources and that men are not allowed to have love - ie we are just robots to serve them like the hebrew slaves in ancient egypt)
These are the kind of women that will have to be purged from the game biz if we want truly uncensored games. No more vagina worship cults working on games please. If you are male feminist go make new franchises instead of invading existing ones. The nerds are your enemy. We don't want you involved in stories, characters, or to do with anything that forces people to promote feminist values. The girls in dating sims are fictional beings not real people. Just like the Mary Sue character in star Wars is a fantasy character. Only difference is that our fantasy is OURS. Go make your OWN. :P (instead of using other cuck men who are slaves to pussy do your work for you because you lack any talent. Freedom is for everyone not special groups) When sex robots become the norm in future, (they will cook, clean, suck your dick without any complaining and probably raise kids better than real women out of a sense of duty) women are going to have to go back to acting nice again instead of being sluts like the women in Sex and the City and nerds will probably rule over the globe with skynet like AI police that will free men up to pursue more important things than look after fat hogbeasts. (such as going off into space and finding hostile aliens to kill and rape to bring peace to the galaxy and then taxing everyone for using our star gates which the aliens use for free for so long. God promised Abraham that he would have as many sons as grains of sand. This would be possible if the resources were virtually unlimited and space is the last free place the NWO has no control over and will have trouble trying to depopulate because man is spread apart. Anti-NWO men need to work to compete against the NWO to spread human seed into the galaxy before global cataclysmic extinction-level event hapens)
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Re: The Official Thread of Shepard's in Space. ME4 Page 18

Post by Froggy »

Finally started this game the other night as I figure most glaring problems are patched by now and not sure what the whinging about, loved the start and first mission and I'm right into it. It smacks you in the face saying I'm Mass Effect from the get go. Can see myself playing this one and completing everything like the previous couple.
Vzzzbx, you lose again!
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Re: The Official Thread of Shepard's in Space. ME4 Page 18

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

Realised I didn't post my impressions since finishing it. I'll start with the negatives.

Origin says I've pumped 89 hours into it. Well over 90% complete, there's a few Additional Tasks I haven't done because there are no real indications in-game of where to go to complete them. I know some people don't like waypoints and stuff and like the exploration aspect, but the planets are so big and (now that I've finished everything else) empty that I have zero motivation to do them. Maybe one day I'll watch YouTube videos while playing and do them that way, but for me that's not fun, it's just doing them for the sake of hitting 100%.

And most of them weren't that fun to begin with, even the ones with waypoints. Go to planet a, pick up item x. Mission updated to tell you to go to planet b to pick up item y. Rinse and repeat across the habitable planets. What really annoys me is that they were criticised for this subquest structure after Inquisition (especially in light of Witcher 3) and promised to fix it. They didn't.

There are bugs. Animation bugs don't bother me (I think they're hilarious and if this was any other game everyone would agree. But it's a Bioware game which means all the nutjobs have crawled out of their holes) and the ridiculous shit around the game where it's been attacked by militant leftys and rightys does my head in. But the bugs that force reloads etc (especially in the Hunt the Archon mission) are really unforgivable. It's a real step back from Inquisition in that respect, and it wasn't until after I bought it I realised Bioware's B-Team developed it. I don't understand that reasoning.

The positives. For me, they well and truly outweigh the negatives.

Firstly, it's a Mass Effect game. If you liked the original trilogy (or Dragon Age: Inquisition), you'll like this. I liked the characters (apart from Liam), especially Drack and PeeBee and despite recent news about the series being put on ice, I cannot wait for DLC (QUARIANS!!!) and sequels to see them develop further. The loyalty missions were excellent (especially Liam's even though he was my least favourite character), the epilogue stuff was excellent, the combat was the best in the series (even though you couldn't take control of your other squad mates) and just all the main story missions were great. They dropped their bundle on the Additional Tasks stuff (although even some of them were OK) but you can ignore them and I doubt they'll affect the story too much.

It's like the original Mass Effect in a lot of ways. A really solid foundation with plenty of scope to really knock it out of the park in a sequel, a lot of unanswered questions and looming threats. Hopefully Bioware get their A-Team to develop it and I reckon we'll have something pretty special. Just like Mass Effect 2.

It's not Bioware's best game by any stretch of the imagination, but it's not their worst. I'd rate it as on par with the original Mass Effect. For some, that's a huge disappointment, but for me, I just want more!
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Re: The Official Thread of Shepard's in Space. ME4 Page 18

Post by Candy Arse » ... velopment/" onclick=";return false;

Must read.
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Re: The Official Thread of Shepard's in Space. ME4 Page 18

Post by Rorschach »

Good read, shame they were forced to use a game engine that wasn't suited to the concept. That and what looks to be extremely poor planning. Still, considering all that the game is still pretty good. Not a classic but definitely better than popular opinion
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