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Post by Jasper »

Brand new Splatoon 2 Nintendo Direct presentation now over! VERY informative with lots of new details!!! :up:
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Post by Jasper »


For those unaware, Splatoon featured it's own J-Pop duo called the Squid Sisters. Some of the Squid Sisters hit singles that have taken Japan by storm, include "Ink Me Up", "Now or Never", and "Maritime Memory". My personal favourites are "Fuel The Melody" and "Calamari Inkantation"! :D

Just like Hatsune Miku (a synthetic J-Pop character) who performs as a hologram in concerts across Japan, Splatoon's very own Squid Sisters also perform as holograms across Japan (don't underestimate Splatoon, it's an absolute phenomenon in the mother land). 8)


Well...move aside Squid Sisters, because now they have some competition! :shock:

Splatoon 2 will introduce a competing J-Pop duo. Here is your first look as they perform their debut single..."Off The Hook"! :up:

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Post by t0mby »

So they ripped off Sonys Gorrilaz eh?
selfish wrote:Being a massive fanboy and trying to hide it is Lestat's worst bottleneck.
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Post by Twiztid Elf »

She deserves a new page.
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Post by flipswitch »

I think I just splatooned.
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Post by Twiztid Elf »

Dammit. I missed pretty much all the testfire sessions. Now I'm going to miss that public early splatfest next week. Oh well. Two weeks till retail.
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Post by GameHED »

Twiztid Elf wrote:I never liked Crash back in the days. Running out of the screen just seems like a bad gameplay idea to me. I know that's only a handful of levels, but the rest of the game doesn't seem all that compelling either. I hired it out a few times from the video store, and it just didn't appeal to me. Considering it came out around the same time as Mario64, it was easy to bypass back then.

This Zelda dlc doesn't seem very compelling either.
A lot of this had to do with nintendo's foresight of using analogue stick to move in 3D. Then sony copied it with Dual Shock controller later and then 3D platformers started to play in true 3D with the freedom for the player to turn the camera to an angle that could suit the situation.
Mario 64 really is the tentpole 3D platformer that would set the trend for many future 3D third person games we play today.

Yes the PC and Sony fanatics will bash nintendo because they identify with a brand f but for the rest of us who play on all platforms we can see the big picture and how this affects gameplay. Without freedom to see around objects and alter the angle you can view your character, things like sword fight in zelda are a litle bit harder because it is best to view things from the side most of the time when judging distances and other things. 3D cameras that can be controlled are necessary for good gameplay. It's why Resident Evil despite being a great game, suffered in the early day of shit controls. Thank God nintendo hasn't become a third party like Candy wants them to otherwise we would have to put up with bad controls in games due to nintendo not having control over the host machine that plays the software. Controls are EVERYTHING to real gamers. This is why he doesn't think Witcher 3 has any flaws despite it having bad combat. LoL If Dark Souls and Monster Hunter and Zelda can have decent movement and melee combat, then so should witcher 3. I love moving around in games like Mario 64 and Zelda 3D games. I dread moving in games like GTA5 and witcher 3.

He is angry for having differing opinions and that is why he ignores criticisms but the truth is the critics are going to help the developers to improve. Nintendo gets 10 partly because they have been making games longer than most other companies and know the pitfalls of having games control like crap. This earns them respect and even Skyward Sword which many think was not good because they have a grduge against waggle controls, still got 10 from edge magazine which is one of the strictest reviewers of games out there. Could they be paid a moneyhat to go easy on nintendo? Nope. Because if they were, people would be complaining about nintendo games having bad controls all over the internet. You can't get away with dishonesty anymore in the age of the internet where millions of people can test the game out themselves and do an EB return of the game within 7 days. Information about flaws is posted within minutes and people will post video showing the flaws. Your games will be scrutinised like never before and unless you polish them, you will lose points in critics reviews for making noob mistakes that could easily have been fixed before rleease date. Again: control is EVERYTHING. This is interactive entertainment so much like test driving a sportscar you by default expect high performance in how the thing handles. Games like Mario, Call of Duty, Splatoon all control smooth and is why people keep buying them over and over again when the next game comes out. While games like Killzone Shadow Fall, despite looking nice and being great tech demos of ps4 power still have a sluggish feeling to them and will probably be forgotten in time while games like Halo are still remembered decades after their debut. (controls like a dream) One of the reasons little big planet isn't a household name like mario is precisely because of the floaty jump physics. Candy will never understand...
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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Post by GameHED »

The rival pop duo kinda reminds me of that cartoon Jem and Holograms where they had a rival pop band "the misfits" to compete with.
nintendo is stealing ideas off everything. First inspecter Gadget cartoon for mario Kart DS, and now Jem and the Holograms.

theme music for mario circuit:
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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Post by Jasper »


The Champions Ballad Pack 2 DLC for BOTW sounds fucking incredible! :up:

Eiji Aonuma has confirmed the new story will take place AFTER defeating Ganon. Thus the new challenges, new dungeon, etc will all be in a post Ganon Hyrule. :shock:

Also, the iconic lobster shirt from Wind Waker is making a comeback in this new DLC pack! :D

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Post by Candy Arse »

Any chance they'll add meaningful side-quests? The main game had none.
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Post by flipswitch »

Just bought a 200gb micro sd memory card off eBay for $115.95. Harvey Norman on the other hand had it for $247. Really don't like the process of switching carts on switch so now going completely digital ( besides Zelda which I own on cart)
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Post by Yoshi Sonic »

I suggested on a Fakebook page that swapping carts on Switch was a nuisance, and got lambasted by pasty pinheads until I deleted the post.

Truth has always prevailed at the Ranch. I don't think i could be persuaded to go digital though.
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Post by Twiztid Elf »

Trick I've definitely learned with digital is to identify the titles that you're going to be on and off on through the lifecycle of the console. Usually multi player stuff.
I still go physical for the stuff that I'll focus on and play through. Then either keep, offload or maybe play through again in the future.

Digital-> Street Fighter, Overwatch, Mario Kart, Splatoon
Physical-> Zelda botw, Horizon ZD, Mario Xcom, Mario Odyssey, Persona5.
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Post by GameHED »

I understand the appeal of it. Having lots of games on one thing. But people like to collect things. Amiibos are proof of that.

They have infinite space in their houses to clutter it with crap and then when they want to un-clutter it they can have fun selling it off to other collectors who just moved into a new house and need stuff to clutter it with. (if you are single you get to do whatever the fuck you want and make the house as mesy as you wish)

Retail is never going to die off to digital but digital is great for those who have limited space. But it comes at the cost of not truly owning the thing you downloaded from the e-store. They still won't let you resell a digital product because it would be a stupid business decision to let people re-sell games they bought on the digital store when they can force people to own their own copy forever and ever and ever even if they no longer want to own the game they bought digitially and will never play it ever again.

It makes the poor guy unable to get some money from older games they own which they can pass to another person. This is the thing that is keeping EB alive and consumers shuold always remind microsoft that this demand to own physical things is never going away as much as they want it to die off as the middleman.

Also it's time to remind people that new things are usually superior to old things so as long as the new things are better than the old things. The greedy companies should never fear the freedom of consumers to sell old things since by allowing people to wait until a stocktake sale it gives them incentive to improve and creates new demand when new things are made and is overall healthy for the industry at large as innovations is what pushes us forward not merely the technoogy being more powerful.

Take Zelda Ocarina of Time for instance. It is considered the best zelda game made by fans but it's aged badly simply because it came out at a time when you only had 1 analogue stick. Fighting bats was a nightmare because to get a tiny target you had to Z-target each individual bat at a time and they usually attack in swarms. Contrast this to new games like Zelda Breath of the wild where you no longer fear bats and you have the ability to move the camera while still moving the characters direction quickly and smoothly. (better for swarms since you can position yourself in a spot that gives you chance to see them properly and shoot arrows with z-target at safe angles and distance - not something that happened in OOT because c-button are not as good as a camera-stick)
Games generally get better and more polished and refined as time goes on. So the demand to keep buying new games wil always exist as long as they don't stay stuck in the past. (I will probably get beaten up by rabid Ocarina of Time fanboys for daring to suggest Breath of the Wild is better game. The point is I am right and the n64 controls were shit compared to modern controls in Zelda games right now and its all thanks to company offering better things to create new demand for new products. Something all game companies need to do to stay relevent. Even Mario Kart wa becoming Formulaic after no.7 which is why 8 stand out so much because the critics were hard on nintendo on the MK7 due to franchise getting stale. Without criticism of the old things through the lens of today's eyes, you won't see them improve. And what did we get after MK7? MK8 with interesting twisting anti-gravity tracks straight out of the movie Inception. See? Creating new demand.)

BTW Zelda LTTP and OOT as great as they were, still don't feel like adventure games to me. But high budget fetch quest game compared to Breath of the Wild which is a true exploration title with freedom which is the thing that defines going on a journey and adventuring by taking risks. Older Zeldas (not including the first game) felt more like scripted set pieces forcing you to see certain things in a sequence which is much less fun. (imagine if megaman games didn't let you tackle bosses in any order you wished? Not as fun on replays right? Same deal with older zeldas which don't feel like pure adventure titles that let you do anything you want)

Digital stores are great for indie games and old shit that is no longer available on retail anymore, but they won't replace boxed products demand. It's like saying "the internet will totally replace talking to a person face to face." Sure people will text on their phones and email instead of use the snail mail thanks to the convenience of not having to be next to them, but does it mean nobody speaks with their mouths? Same argument with digital. It's more convenient than buying a physical media, (ie having lots of games on one thing instead of lots of seperate things scattered everywhere), but collectors want to own the physical game and one day have the option to sell it. Microsoft tried to push always online (thinking we would just abandon freedom to sell our games to others) and digital services but the harsh reality is having a game be a SEPERATE thing in a collection of things you owns, gives more FLEXIBILITY. You could buy a shit game, play it for 10 minutes, say "I don't like the game now, I am going to save money by ridding myself of my ownership rights of the game" and sell it and buy a new game. You still don't get this from digital which wants you to be spied on day and night due to DRM. Consumers are automatically assumed to be thieves/hackers/modders of the console until proven innocent. I will never buy digital over physical if I were given a choice of only one option. The reason is I buy lots of games and want to try out everything and then if I find a game that is good but not to my tastess I can easily sell to a fan of that game who wants to buy at a discounted price. This then gives me the freedom to use money on things I want to own forever and not be stuck with crap I don't need. Boxed copies > digital copy. The convenience of owning lots of crap you won't ever play on one little card is outweighed by the consumer freedom to swap games with collectors and regain some value from past purchases through second hand sales or one-to-one swaps. Especially if a game is out of print and no longer on digital stores. (eg the license on the movie, comic book, character, soundtrack etc runs out and can no longer be placed on the digital store. Once in a while I like to whip out Rogue Squadron on GC to relive old memories but Factor 5 is dead now.)

If you own physical, you truly OWN the physical game not mere temporary ACCESS to the game. And there is a difference. There are some games that change as new patches and changes are added with differing results. Eg Warframe started out being only ok, but then suddenly it got massive improvements later and being an online game, it's not the same thing as it was in the past. But let us say there was a game in reverse of that: it started out amazing, and as changes were made to the game, it actually got worse instead of getting better? You'd be angry that you can't play the older version right? You don't encounter this problem with physical games since consumer has a right to own the physical game not mere access to an service which is online. And that means if a game is awesome in the beginning before it got additions put on it due to businessmen getting greedy and ruining the game, you have the best version of that game in your hands, not a digital copy which will change when a greedy guy decides he wishes to change the game to be LESS fun to play in order to increase profit by watering down the content quality and quantity. See what I mean? With digital you would be forced to play the latest version which won't be as good. Because you own the ACCESS rights to merely play it, not the actual game. lol )

Why OOT (first 3D zelda) was not as good to control as you remember (Hint: tiny objects in swarms attacking you suck to fight using targetting systems instead of manual controls over where you shoot arrows or aim your sword swings. Thanks god for camera stick of modern day):
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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Post by GameHED »

Jasper wrote:Image

The Champions Ballad Pack 2 DLC for BOTW sounds fucking incredible! :up:

Eiji Aonuma has confirmed the new story will take place AFTER defeating Ganon. Thus the new challenges, new dungeon, etc will all be in a post Ganon Hyrule. :shock:

Also, the iconic lobster shirt from Wind Waker is making a comeback in this new DLC pack! :D

Will be buying this expansion thing today. (It's a bundle meaning you can't just buy DLC 1 or DLC 2 you have to buy it together)

I think the map feature of where you have already been in the past 200 hours should have just been a free patch though...

Maybe nintendo will one day go the road of Bethesda and allow zelda mod or at least offer developers to create expansion packs that are good enough as stand alone products on the digital store. (sort of like spinoff universe that you can portal into as sub-main quests and the reward for beating the 30hour long sub-main quest is using the unique items you got in those universes to beat the main quest with? (this idea would make Zelda a semi mind craft feeling game where developers themselves contribute interesting new dungeon types that nintendo themselves didn't think of, but unlike mods by fans, these are quality tested as commercial products for fans of the game who have done absolutely everything and can't wait 5 years for the next zelda? eg: you complete the expansion pack, get a whip item, that whip item lets you rip away enemy shields from their hands to kill a shielded enemy quickly if you don't have the club? What this does is speed up fights so you can play with new tactics in new game plus run-throughs of the game?)

It's an exeprimental idea that I think might breath new life (nyuk nyuk) into future zelda games. Nintendo just has to look over their shoulder a bit to ensure they don't make complete crap expansions. (but it would boost sales of the core game for those who want to see all the new things other developers made to enhance the game since release)
Imagine if you had jump boots that could reduce the effect of gravity on your body so you could jump a little bit higher and dodge a bit further when you hop? And the only way to get these is to complete the expansion to get the upgraded clothes that make you feel lighter and use less stamina when you run? When you play on New Game+ mode you can slightly increase the speed of doing the mundan tasks such as climbing and running on foot to get away from enemies and like Crackdown you feel a bit more powerful than last run-through. (but not so much that it breaks the balance of the game. Just enough to speed up the pace of the second, third, fourth etc playthrough)

Or alternatively you do an expansion where your character actually ages and gets weaker and this story returns you into the world as a spirit that can see through walls but there is a magic meter to limit how long for. So when you play through Zelda on the second playthrough you will be able to avoid physcial attack by going into spirit form and then looking into the wall for a place to hide or block enemy attacks and then reappear on the other side? The downside is you can't take as many hits and get zapped back to the dimension you came from if you lose your life and have to fight your way back out of the underworld to get back into the physical world to retry? The perk of being a ghost is that you have weapons that can pierce through heavy armor enemies because they go through objects and attack the spirit of the enemy to kill them by seperating thier spirit from their body making fights more agressive (running towards them to take advantage of the spirit mode before the meter runs out will make you play like a berserker who doesn't have time to waste). These expansions wouldn't be canon to the story nintendo is trying to tell but fun extras that could add a "what if?" side story to the game. (and might introduce new ideas to be added into future zelda games)
If nintendo took a "Little Big Planet" approach to zelda they could sustain more long term interest in the game long after the initial release when the hype dies off. All kinds of new weapons can be introduced like daggers that make you fight at twice the speed but only do half the damage per hit can be introduced, arrows that can home in on enemies that fly because they are possessed by demon which is attached to them, shields that can be thrown Captain-America style to hit enemies and bounce off of them in a chain combo to wipe out mobs of weak enemies quickly etc... But all these cool things would be the rewards you get completing the unofficial expansions made by third party developers with different stories to tell. (in the past nintendo has let other companies do stuff with zelda for example capcom with Minish Cap)

What I would like to see in the game as an expansion is the concept of throwing daggers. Instead of throwing your sword which is about to break you can throw small daggers at enemy by doing a backflip while holding shield button and attack button together to do a retreating evasive attack move. This would make link fight more like a ninja and if you complete the expansion, you can see shop owners selling throwing daggers in the main game for you to use on enemies that tend to like jumping forward to hit you a lot with jump attack. The throwing dagger will let a player hit a jumping-forward enemy mid-air and blind them for a few seconds with smokebomb or throwing dagger to the face to buy time to run away easily. If the enemy is many times more powerful than you and you get detected you can throw a flashbomb in their face as they rush towards you and escape if you fail a sneaky stealth kill attempt. (ie you sneak behind them to kill them in one hit but they hear you because you made too much noise because you were interrupted by something else for example)

By adding new movesets to the game nintendo can increase the fun of replays on new game Plus. This way fights have a more arcadey feel to them instead of a grinding feel to them where you just get tougher by expanding your health bar. It should be possible to not expand your health bar but to compensate with high player skill using techniques that are harder to pull off but end a fight quicker if you can pull it off consistently and have good timing. (which would make for some interesting lets play videos. Imagine for instance "parkour boots" which lets link run up walls a certain amount of steps and backflip off the wall behind their enemies and then stab the enemies behind the back as they try to chase him towards the wall in a trap manuever? And people see that and notice the only way to do these cool moves is to get the gear that you get as a reward for beating the unofficial expansion packs? The long term interest in Zelda will go on for years as long as new cool things are made that don't break the game but actually add new ways to deal with problems which you could only use boring solutions to in order to survive. If you can play as a warrior class, wizard class, and ranger, the new gear can change your move sets to add a thief or assassin class and punish you in small ways like have less health but move more quickly and do more critical damage and have more technique (moves) than standard nintendo moves in the core game. (much like how weapons in monster hunter have unique signature movesets unique to that weapon)

An example would be you buy unnofficial expansion pack #1. When you complete this quest you get the moon boots which lets you reduce your weight so that you can jump much higher (you have access to a double jump to help scale a wall faster than normal or run a bit further per step you take)

you then buy expansion pack #2 and you get ninja training that lets you backflip and use throwing daggers smokebombs and flashbang type weapon to throw in a enemy.

When you combine the moon boots with ninja training (in other words you bought both expansions and cleared both main quests in them) you can do an exclusive dive kick move which lets you double jump over an enemies head, dive kick them on the face, bounce off their heads, (you have to push jump button at just the right time on impact of the kick to their face) and forward flip while turning 180 in mid-air (pushing the dagger throw button hits them in the back for extra damage), land on the ground behind them, to then do a free back stab (push the attack button as soon as your feet hit the floor to trigger the backstab attack) on their back while they are stunned from the divekick and can't see. By the end of the move you should have used up enough stamina that you can't repeat it too many times and abuse it so you must try to combine this technique with other move types (eg magic or standard attacks)

Then you buy expansion pack #3 and in this if you complete it you get poison daggers and whip.
When you use these you can steal weapons off enemies hands just by whipping them and use poison dagger to hit boss to weaken him a bit before fighting him with sword to gain an edge. But when you combine this with expansion pack #1 and #2 you can do poison dagger backstab move mentioned above in Expansion pack #2 which is unique to buying all 3 expansions. These move make you into a more deadly fighter who can use less resources to end a fight and correct a mistake more easily. (example you try to sneak up on the enemies and the tower guy sees you and blows the horn to wake everyone up, and because you fail you have to make a quick escape by equiping lighter gear to move quickly. Then use smoke to hide, light flash to blind the tower guy and wall-run move to jump over the wall to stop archers sniping you from distance as you grab loot and make the getaway. A super sprint move is added if you can sheath the weapons and using the sprint lets you dodge forward as you dash past an enemy and when you press the jump button during super sprint, you slide underneath enemies that are blocking your way out and go through them (there is a certain amount of invincibility during the move to let you dash past an attack) and leave the area.

Although you could have done it the slow way, the expansions let you do things which requirem more skill to pull off but make you look cooler doing it so you don't waste so much time. Advanced players will want to try it out to add to their playbook in a risky situation say for example against a tough boss that can one hit kill you or groups of enemies that have high level stats. The poison dagger move of going behind their backs and hurting bosses to make them weak can mean the difference between winning the fight or dying attempting. But it lets you do much more risky things because you have them and lets you get to the end faster than usual. With some weapons like the whip, you can finally steal a non-metallic weapon without megnesis and just grab the weapons from a distance by latching onto them by whipping them with the whip to instantly equip them to your hands without any delay. Eg you see a nice wooden club on the floor? Don't have boomerang? Just whip the club and it will attach itself to the club, and you pull it to your hand instantly to fight enemy with that weapon without have to walk up to the weapon to pick it up the slow way.

What this does is just make the game pace feel more like an action movie while in combat because the player needs timing to pull it off and the result is seeing stuff you don't get in the core of the game alone. If you have played it dozens of times you can now replay in a different way.

Using magnesis to pull metal weapons towards you to attack enemy might be fun for the first few times you see enemies trying to rush for weapons and realising they are not where they left them when they set up camp, but is it as cool as engaging an emeny in combat pointing the whip at their weapon, stealing it from them and equiping it all in one smooth move to end the fight in style? That's what expansion can do for those bored of playing. And when you fail, you can make a graceful exit by using getaway tactics to jump over the wall, dash past an enemy by going through them, and detonating the remote bomb near explosive barrels to divert attention away from you as you flee in the other direction. These are just small enhancements that can make a big difference to the regular gameplay. (ie letting you play at higher speed and require more skill to pull off but saving time in exchange for being good at doing the moves through hours of practicing. Time is the currency, your skill is the reward for using time to practice. And the payoff is faster method of completing objectives and the joy of seeing things done in more style so you can show off more.)
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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Post by MiNiStRy »

Looks like the pre orders are up for the headset. ... 0-6451564/" onclick=";return false;
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Post by guttermouth »

Does it come packaged with a phone??
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Post by t0mby »

The whole set up sounds cumbersome. Stick with xbl.
selfish wrote:Being a massive fanboy and trying to hide it is Lestat's worst bottleneck.
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Post by flipswitch »


This was from our 4 player co-op splatoon 2 party last night.
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Post by GameHED »

eurogamer does an article on fake NES Mini on ebay: ... oles-about" onclick=";return false;

Loads of dodgy bootleg products on ebay. Buyer beware. (unless you know what you are getting into ie you actually WANT a bootleg)

Nintendo could make minis where shigeru miyamoto personally sign them to further increase their collector value and encourage fans to buy the real stuff. (have it be like rare pokemon cards and be random so you won't know until you open the box)
19 hours ago
Why do Nintendo hate money so much?

I hope savvy Chinese company's flood the market with counterfeit SNES & NES Mini's, as long as they work.

Nintendo's business decisions are just dumb and make no sense...
this! Don't make the mistake of making SNES mini too rare. Just have premium versions of SNES mini that have certain nintendo bonuses. Eg I remember when some zelda cartridges were gold cartridges if you bought the game early.

That way the super fans have something to brag about by being earlier at buying theirs first. (if you are going to overprice stuff, may as well give them a fancier box than the other guy and maybe put a number on the box to show which of the limited edition 1000 you received. eg #536 of #1000 or something like that.

This way the narcissist still gets that feeling of being rewarded for having the better version over others but you don't anger the latecomers who couldn't get a SNES mini because they respond too slowly but still want to give nintendo their money. (nintendo should want their money or the counterfeit guys will take it from these desperate guys which will harm nintendo eventually when the late-comers are frustrated at not getting one on initial release)

Bring on N64 mini next!
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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Post by GameHED »

Ever Oasis (secret of mana, zelda and animal crossing had a baby and came out on n64 then ported to 3DS)
This is the kind of game the switch needs on digital store. Might make this my next 3DS game. I still got to get the recent Fire Emblem though. I'm in the mood for a sim. The last one I played on 3DS was Fantasy Life which this kind of look similar to. (but using Zelda OOT style graphical presentation)

3DS is still kicking arse after all this time. Hopefully capcom release Monster Hunter double cross in the west for 3ds. Dont see why not.
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Post by flipswitch »

Splatoon 2 one week from today. :thumbsup:
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Post by Ben »

Probs already posted but I haven't poked my head in for a while. Target will have Splatoon 2 for $64 ... a-bargain/" onclick=";return false;

Actual target link here ... 3Dsplatoon" onclick=";return false;

I'd go digital if Target didn't keep on making the prices so cheap o physical copies. From what I've saved on Splatoon and ARMS I'll probs pick up Thumper or Snipperclips to play with the gf.

Also just a reminder that the first Splatfest/public demo runs tomorrow for 4hrs from 8am to 12pm AEST, so for the folks in WA that's 6am to 10 am.

A little earlier than I'd like to get up but I'm keen as so I'll try and shake off whatever hangover I have and get some games in!
Lives in Blacktown N.S.W
Posts: 4310
Joined: 28 Nov 2010 12:25 pm


Post by Jasper »


Below are the times for tomorrow's Splatoon 2 Splatfest... :up:

Perth: 6.00AM – 10.00AM

Adelaide/Darwin: 7.30AM – 11.30AM

Melbourne, Brisbane, Hobart, Canberra, Sydney: 8.00AM – 12.00PM
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Location: Perth, WA


Post by Ben »

I only got a shade under 3hrs in, 6am was a bit rough after beers last night so I got up around 7 to have a crack.

A lot of fun :up:

I think I accidentally skipped the bit whwre they announced the winner. Given how many times I was matched ice cream vs ice cream I don't think there was any way it couldn't have been ice cream as the winning team.

Friday can't come soon enough!
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