Feminist infiltration of the game industry (and male spaces)

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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by GreyWizzard »

The no nudity clause has been removed from the new ME. So shut up and let me whack off to hot Krogan sex.
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by GameHED »

A good unbiased defence for why fantasy barbarians would be better off running around almost naked:
Feminists always complain that characters with no armor are oversexualising the female warriors but when you think about it the advantages of not having full body covering armor are

1. in a fantasy world the rules are different (most obvious thing being that wizards who can fireballs and magic missiles exist and having less weight means you can dodge out of the way of the spell or a dragons breath is easiser. (same reason Batman isn't going to wear noisy heavy plate armor when bashing up bad guys who are better off being snuck up on.) Since magic ignores armor in fantasy worlds, if you are the slow guy you get out of the area the slowest just as a tank cannot avoid anti-armor fire the way an unarmored vehcle might. Armor does not automatically mean "protection". It just means you are protected against things the armor is resistant to and anything it isn't good at protecting you against means you are just as vulnerable if not more, than unarmored targets. A lot of the tactics in war involve getting the task done faster and doing it quick means you sufer less casualty. So any speed downgrade can theoretically increase the casualty if you are up gagainst faster moving enemies that already equiped themselves with anti-armor weapons. (eg sneaky ranger on horseback with with enchanted lightning arrows that shock damage the victim. Monster with poison gas breath that spits balls of explosive fumes from its mouth etc)

2. its heavier so when you run away or run toward people, you gain ground faster per unit of time. (speed is the gain for the loss of protection. If the objective is to kill as many unarmed villagers before they can run for help, you might be able to kill the entire village in time before they can respond with guards who may have not expected an attack on that area and will take time to get there. By the time they get there and you've looted the bodies you are already gone so the speed advantage of barbarians means you save stamina which can be used for other tasks.)

3. shields let you deflect arrows whilst maintaining the full range of movement. When you punch some guy in the face without a stupid platmail, you gain a higher impact damage with each punch. It's the same reason martial artists like Bruce leee emphasised the lean and mean body physique over the brwny heavy handed style you see in wrestling. (one reason I prefer a lean superman vs body-builder superman. The old boxers of their day would always prefer less weight on their arm in exchange for quicker punches so you could theoretically reach the target earlier and retract your arm back to defense with less lag when fighting a quicker opponent)

4. Intimidation factor. A warrior with big muscles is going to show how strong they are by showing off their physical fitness to lesser fit warrior and that has an effect on the people that fight against them. It's like taunting them so they are drawn towards you. If you are better than them at fighting you want to get them to come to YOU, instead of chasing them down. Showing off makes them want to punch you in the face because they have ego and want to prove they are better than you so going in naked may save time. You draw out the strongest warrior in the community, kill him in front of the villagers and they are scared because you took out their leader and maybe they are more likely to avoid attacking you in co-ordinated fashion due to fear and lack of leaership. A classic example is in diablo when you take out the mid-boss and the orbitting crew scatters when the boss dies making it less annoying to fight because they are thinking of saving their own skin not following orders.
If you can beat Goliath, the giant they suck up to, the status you hold is higher and they may even like you for doing this by showing their cruel boss that he isn't as bad as they thought. Without the ability to show confidence they will fight much harder thinking you are scared. In fantasy setting, the climate usually doesn't matter to clothing since wizards can use spells to keep you warm, different races have natural resistence to cold or heat (example Nords are use to cold weather and it's "normal" weather for them when it is freezing in Elder Scrolls games)

5. The noise factor. Clthing is always sneakier than armor. A naked person is always sneakier than a person with clothing. In fantast worlds, there are races with very good hearing like the elves. A guy wearing fur is not going to make as much noise as a knight wearing plat mail and who doesn't agree to sneaking up on people's backs due to honor. Many supernatural creatures also need to be naked as part of ritual (it is part of witchcraft) and if they are going to do a spell on themselves, the effect assists them than if they were not naked. The gods they worship are fucking horny and there is nothing you can do about this because they have no shame about sex. In fact sex is what they want because it might factor into how the cult can raise money easily to gain more followers just as sex is used in advertising today. Why would fantasy world need to be different than the 60s sex drugs and rock n roll period of the 60s?

6. lack of money
The armor acts as a status symbol that only the elite is able to get access to just as you don't see peple today with their own mansions, being driven in limos, and eating at the finest restaurants with butlers helping them and slaves to shine their shoe and wipe their butts for them. If you are poorer than the civilised people you are going to have to share resources and if yours got stolen, you have little choice in whether you go into a fight with the protection. Whole game genres are centred around the idea that you must "work your way up" for example in Vagrant Story you are a bum. It gives the player something to work towards. And feminists have to get used to the fact that poor people must work harder and therefore are going to have better looking bodies if they never stop working all the time busting their butt and are not fat as the king on the throne who just gives orders and has a feast and gets a pot belly and can afford to be fat. (since its the mind of the person and decisions that are where the value is)
Fantasy novels and games will always be able to have in-lore excuse to why people can run naked. Just as reasons for why dragons can fly in the air and tiny people can beat them in fights despite the enormous size advantage of the monster vs the hero. Same reason David could beat Goliath in the bible. There is no "reason" that something works. It's fantasy. The gods can hack the matrix to favour whoever they wish to be their representative on earth and that's why stupid stuff can happen due to miracle and magick. Without the element of "I'm special becaue I have help from the gods" then it ceases to be fantasy and removes the appeal of why your character is notable exception to the rules while the background characters have to worry about playing by them and are not as special. Most comics involve having power to overcome the bad guy and if the hero is a weakling, the story would be boring. (unless the story isn't about heroes but the brave guy with ordinary skills/abilities doing dangerous stuff and getting out of things mostly out of luck - ie indiana jones type character for instance)

At the end of the day the fat feminists are angry at normal feminists because they are lazy and have ugly body and don't want everyone else to look good because they DON'T, so instead of working out at the gym they would rather drag standards of beuty down through movmeents like "Body POSITIVITY" even though it's negativity to point out that you are fat. There are already women that are happy to be FAT, and who are happy for women who are not fat to flaunt their own form of beauty. But they don't want to force others to feel ashamed to be FIT. Do you see the difference?
One set of fat people accepts who they are (no need for political movement) and the other wants to control minds because they are control freaks and want to shame Fit people. Fit shaming is a weapon the fat chicks love to do because they want the fit women to lower their sexual marketplace value. We can see through their plans! lol

Now they are trying to pressure the japanese game companies to censor at the source (I think this is due to region coding on new nintendo consoles - the fatties are trying to overcome this by trying to police the thoughts of the creators of the games DO NOT GIVE IN JAPAN.
Follow the creator of Tekken and show some spine and explain that your culture is what western people want to see more of in their culture and turn this around and call them racists. This will counter the feminists in the west by showing they are not tolerant of other cultures other than whites. Then observe the results and see if the asian community fights the white feminist communities hehe)


Joe Rogan has Sargon of Akkad on his show for interview about Anita Sarkesian false accusation that he was harassing her by merely attending the talk:
As long as people know the truth and can see the deception of these radicals people can avoid supporting them and they have to get real jobs doing work that is honest. Western civilisation must overcome attacks on freedom anywhere it sees it by countering the damage the radical does as they try to brainwash the gullible people of society who innocently just believe what they say on the face of it without any investigation. (the bad guys prey on these people through scamming them of money) As long as Anita Sarkesian is out there making false accusations game companies need to be very wary of giving them what they want. Show solidarity with the gamergate guys and you will profit. Just don't chicken out. You want western civilisation to be free? Then help it if you want to make money.

To be clear: I am not anti-feminist,(I believe in equality of opportunity but not equality of outcome because men and women are biologicaly different and there is nothing you can do about that) but I am against the radicals trying to scam people by making false claims about rape, and lying and scamming their way to attack male spaces and men in general. It's self defence. You try to thought police us, we will hit you back 10 times harder by getting the honest people in society to invesitigate you and expose your evil. Eventually when enough people see you are scamming them, they will use their money for good causes like helping REAL RAPE victims and maybe even helping homeless MEN for once instead of wasting it. As the mainstream media crumbles, the eyes will go more towards social media platforms and people will get information off of there so we are starrting to see these attacks coming from lone wolf attacks by communists who are anti-family and anti-male and it is important to stay vigilant and demonstrate that we are stilll watching them 24/7 like watchdog hoping they will come on to the property to get a chance to bite their arses.

Francis was genuinely scared of talking at vidcon.
You see what the radical feminists do? They made a nerd feel ashamed for no reason at all. Just for existing. This is the power of the deceptive people. They want everyone to be spineless shits that don't fight for truth. (the left are trying to do what the conservative right did in past by trying to use shame to get what they want. It works on weak minded people)

Within any group there is hate group trying to profit from division of people for gain. The maintream media will never cover serious stuff but they will cover one of their own agents who want to bring about social changes that benefits them in some way. (the intent is divide and conquer and then use the evil to get some power over others which is why those who want true equality are kicked out of the groups. I think this is known as the delphi technique where you isolate the people who are really trying to do good and put them in a group where they are surrounded by people who strongly disagree with them so that when they vote on some issue they never get what they want but the hate group always gets the change they want because they know what person believes in a particular thing ahead of time and then moves them around to places where their opinions never get chance to be heard)
If you are for equality that is fine but be aware that the radical feminst doesn't want this. They want total control and domination of others and seek power.You should have no sympathy for these types of people because if you go easy on them they interpret that as weakness of your character and will punish you for it, This is the type of personality of Anita Sarkesian which is why she gets so much hate. She recieves it because Scammers derserve to be hated or thrown in prison for fraud. When you try to attack freedoms, you will get a bigger crowd than someone who promotes it because people want to live in a free society without thought police telling them what they can think. So when you make a profit doing evil things of course you will get lots of critics and haters harassing you. The harassment itself is nothing compared to the type of change the radical is trying to bring which is to not allow men to have their own space to be left alone. And this is why I think generation Z is going to be fascist in future because they will not put up with abuse from the left like Boogie does who i obviously not strong enough in his beliefs to defend himself against militant feminists.
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by t0mby »

GameHED wrote:A good unbiased defence for why fantasy barbarians would be better off running around almost naked:
Feminists always complain that characters with no armor are oversexualising the female warriors but when you think about it the advantages of not having full body covering armor are

1. in a fantasy world the rules are different (most obvious thing being that wizards who can fireballs and magic missiles exist and having less weight means you can dodge out of the way of the spell or a dragons breath is easiser. (same reason Batman isn't going to wear noisy heavy plate armor when bashing up bad guys who are better off being snuck up on.) Since magic ignores armor in fantasy worlds, if you are the slow guy you get out of the area the slowest just as a tank cannot avoid anti-armor fire the way an unarmored vehcle might. Armor does not automatically mean "protection". It just means you are protected against things the armor is resistant to and anything it isn't good at protecting you against means you are just as vulnerable if not more, than unarmored targets. A lot of the tactics in war involve getting the task done faster and doing it quick means you sufer less casualty. So any speed downgrade can theoretically increase the casualty if you are up gagainst faster moving enemies that already equiped themselves with anti-armor weapons. (eg sneaky ranger on horseback with with enchanted lightning arrows that shock damage the victim. Monster with poison gas breath that spits balls of explosive fumes from its mouth etc)

2. its heavier so when you run away or run toward people, you gain ground faster per unit of time. (speed is the gain for the loss of protection. If the objective is to kill as many unarmed villagers before they can run for help, you might be able to kill the entire village in time before they can respond with guards who may have not expected an attack on that area and will take time to get there. By the time they get there and you've looted the bodies you are already gone so the speed advantage of barbarians means you save stamina which can be used for other tasks.)

3. shields let you deflect arrows whilst maintaining the full range of movement. When you punch some guy in the face without a stupid platmail, you gain a higher impact damage with each punch. It's the same reason martial artists like Bruce leee emphasised the lean and mean body physique over the brwny heavy handed style you see in wrestling. (one reason I prefer a lean superman vs body-builder superman. The old boxers of their day would always prefer less weight on their arm in exchange for quicker punches so you could theoretically reach the target earlier and retract your arm back to defense with less lag when fighting a quicker opponent)

4. Intimidation factor. A warrior with big muscles is going to show how strong they are by showing off their physical fitness to lesser fit warrior and that has an effect on the people that fight against them. It's like taunting them so they are drawn towards you. If you are better than them at fighting you want to get them to come to YOU, instead of chasing them down. Showing off makes them want to punch you in the face because they have ego and want to prove they are better than you so going in naked may save time. You draw out the strongest warrior in the community, kill him in front of the villagers and they are scared because you took out their leader and maybe they are more likely to avoid attacking you in co-ordinated fashion due to fear and lack of leaership. A classic example is in diablo when you take out the mid-boss and the orbitting crew scatters when the boss dies making it less annoying to fight because they are thinking of saving their own skin not following orders.
If you can beat Goliath, the giant they suck up to, the status you hold is higher and they may even like you for doing this by showing their cruel boss that he isn't as bad as they thought. Without the ability to show confidence they will fight much harder thinking you are scared. In fantasy setting, the climate usually doesn't matter to clothing since wizards can use spells to keep you warm, different races have natural resistence to cold or heat (example Nords are use to cold weather and it's "normal" weather for them when it is freezing in Elder Scrolls games)

5. The noise factor. Clthing is always sneakier than armor. A naked person is always sneakier than a person with clothing. In fantast worlds, there are races with very good hearing like the elves. A guy wearing fur is not going to make as much noise as a knight wearing plat mail and who doesn't agree to sneaking up on people's backs due to honor. Many supernatural creatures also need to be naked as part of ritual (it is part of witchcraft) and if they are going to do a spell on themselves, the effect assists them than if they were not naked. The gods they worship are fucking horny and there is nothing you can do about this because they have no shame about sex. In fact sex is what they want because it might factor into how the cult can raise money easily to gain more followers just as sex is used in advertising today. Why would fantasy world need to be different than the 60s sex drugs and rock n roll period of the 60s?

6. lack of money
The armor acts as a status symbol that only the elite is able to get access to just as you don't see peple today with their own mansions, being driven in limos, and eating at the finest restaurants with butlers helping them and slaves to shine their shoe and wipe their butts for them. If you are poorer than the civilised people you are going to have to share resources and if yours got stolen, you have little choice in whether you go into a fight with the protection. Whole game genres are centred around the idea that you must "work your way up" for example in Vagrant Story you are a bum. It gives the player something to work towards. And feminists have to get used to the fact that poor people must work harder and therefore are going to have better looking bodies if they never stop working all the time busting their butt and are not fat as the king on the throne who just gives orders and has a feast and gets a pot belly and can afford to be fat. (since its the mind of the person and decisions that are where the value is)
Fantasy novels and games will always be able to have in-lore excuse to why people can run naked. Just as reasons for why dragons can fly in the air and tiny people can beat them in fights despite the enormous size advantage of the monster vs the hero. Same reason David could beat Goliath in the bible. There is no "reason" that something works. It's fantasy. The gods can hack the matrix to favour whoever they wish to be their representative on earth and that's why stupid stuff can happen due to miracle and magick. Without the element of "I'm special becaue I have help from the gods" then it ceases to be fantasy and removes the appeal of why your character is notable exception to the rules while the background characters have to worry about playing by them and are not as special. Most comics involve having power to overcome the bad guy and if the hero is a weakling, the story would be boring. (unless the story isn't about heroes but the brave guy with ordinary skills/abilities doing dangerous stuff and getting out of things mostly out of luck - ie indiana jones type character for instance)

At the end of the day the fat feminists are angry at normal feminists because they are lazy and have ugly body and don't want everyone else to look good because they DON'T, so instead of working out at the gym they would rather drag standards of beuty down through movmeents like "Body POSITIVITY" even though it's negativity to point out that you are fat. There are already women that are happy to be FAT, and who are happy for women who are not fat to flaunt their own form of beauty. But they don't want to force others to feel ashamed to be FIT. Do you see the difference?
One set of fat people accepts who they are (no need for political movement) and the other wants to control minds because they are control freaks and want to shame Fit people. Fit shaming is a weapon the fat chicks love to do because they want the fit women to lower their sexual marketplace value. We can see through their plans! lol

Now they are trying to pressure the japanese game companies to censor at the source (I think this is due to region coding on new nintendo consoles - the fatties are trying to overcome this by trying to police the thoughts of the creators of the games DO NOT GIVE IN JAPAN.
Follow the creator of Tekken and show some spine and explain that your culture is what western people want to see more of in their culture and turn this around and call them racists. This will counter the feminists in the west by showing they are not tolerant of other cultures other than whites. Then observe the results and see if the asian community fights the white feminist communities hehe)


Joe Rogan has Sargon of Akkad on his show for interview about Anita Sarkesian false accusation that he was harassing her by merely attending the talk:
As long as people know the truth and can see the deception of these radicals people can avoid supporting them and they have to get real jobs doing work that is honest. Western civilisation must overcome attacks on freedom anywhere it sees it by countering the damage the radical does as they try to brainwash the gullible people of society who innocently just believe what they say on the face of it without any investigation. (the bad guys prey on these people through scamming them of money) As long as Anita Sarkesian is out there making false accusations game companies need to be very wary of giving them what they want. Show solidarity with the gamergate guys and you will profit. Just don't chicken out. You want western civilisation to be free? Then help it if you want to make money.

To be clear: I am not anti-feminist,(I believe in equality of opportunity but not equality of outcome because men and women are biologicaly different and there is nothing you can do about that) but I am against the radicals trying to scam people by making false claims about rape, and lying and scamming their way to attack male spaces and men in general. It's self defence. You try to thought police us, we will hit you back 10 times harder by getting the honest people in society to invesitigate you and expose your evil. Eventually when enough people see you are scamming them, they will use their money for good causes like helping REAL RAPE victims and maybe even helping homeless MEN for once instead of wasting it. As the mainstream media crumbles, the eyes will go more towards social media platforms and people will get information off of there so we are starrting to see these attacks coming from lone wolf attacks by communists who are anti-family and anti-male and it is important to stay vigilant and demonstrate that we are stilll watching them 24/7 like watchdog hoping they will come on to the property to get a chance to bite their arses.

Francis was genuinely scared of talking at vidcon.
You see what the radical feminists do? They made a nerd feel ashamed for no reason at all. Just for existing. This is the power of the deceptive people. They want everyone to be spineless shits that don't fight for truth. (the left are trying to do what the conservative right did in past by trying to use shame to get what they want. It works on weak minded people)

Within any group there is hate group trying to profit from division of people for gain. The maintream media will never cover serious stuff but they will cover one of their own agents who want to bring about social changes that benefits them in some way. (the intent is divide and conquer and then use the evil to get some power over others which is why those who want true equality are kicked out of the groups. I think this is known as the delphi technique where you isolate the people who are really trying to do good and put them in a group where they are surrounded by people who strongly disagree with them so that when they vote on some issue they never get what they want but the hate group always gets the change they want because they know what person believes in a particular thing ahead of time and then moves them around to places where their opinions never get chance to be heard)
If you are for equality that is fine but be aware that the radical feminst doesn't want this. They want total control and domination of others and seek power.You should have no sympathy for these types of people because if you go easy on them they interpret that as weakness of your character and will punish you for it, This is the type of personality of Anita Sarkesian which is why she gets so much hate. She recieves it because Scammers derserve to be hated or thrown in prison for fraud. When you try to attack freedoms, you will get a bigger crowd than someone who promotes it because people want to live in a free society without thought police telling them what they can think. So when you make a profit doing evil things of course you will get lots of critics and haters harassing you. The harassment itself is nothing compared to the type of change the radical is trying to bring which is to not allow men to have their own space to be left alone. And this is why I think generation Z is going to be fascist in future because they will not put up with abuse from the left like Boogie does who i obviously not strong enough in his beliefs to defend himself against militant feminists.
Do you have a girlfriend GH?
selfish wrote:Being a massive fanboy and trying to hide it is Lestat's worst bottleneck.
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by flipswitch »

And more importantly, have you infiltrated her?
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by GameHED »

Tomby: nope and I don't want one. I prefer being alone but I do not promote that for others. (much like how I don't necessarily want to fund kickstarters of games but do not promote NOT funding them. We are all different)

What the feminists need to understand is that when you try to manipulate and bullyy fat guys with social anxiety and get them onto your cause to assist you in helping to infiltrate the male spaces you are doing this based on a belief that women should be allowed to control men in an abusive way instead of letting men have their own things.

Look if you are fat, if you are ugly and if you can't get a GF and people tease you for being an outcast (think of the character Tyrian from Game of Thrones who knows what he is and accepts what he is without bullshitting himself) ..it is no excuse to NOT stand up for yourself and push back when you are being manipulated and abused by toxic personality like Anita who is only doing this to obtain money and rip people off.

It would be like if someone ran a pyramid scheme and people get angry at others trying to warn the innocent people that it's a scam and you should avoid it instead of getting angry at the one doing the scamming. Whatever harassment she is getting has nothing to do with her being a victim but it is due to her manipulating people an making herself out to be a victim in order to obtain riches. No different to fake charity or religious cult which uses its members to get their bank accounts (ie scientology) by using famous celebrities to promote it. This "outrage" community (it used to be religious right doing this trick and it no longer works for them) is no different to scam artists playing the public into believing a wrong must be righted and then asking them to pay the cult leader to get something done but upon investigation of the cult leader, it is discovered they are not what they say they are.

So any time the mainstream media claims "women are being harassed" it's not ALL women are being harassed just the scammer who has a vagina.

Now for all those fat guys like Boogie who aspire to do comedy you should look up to figures like Patrice 'Oneil who understand female nature and manipulation tactics and try to emulate these guys and get over social anxiety. (for those who don't know Boogie's upbringing was rough and his mother was the abusive type - you've seen it in movie where the mom is a controlling bitch) Once women understand that you are not a pushover and that you stick up to them and know they are trying to control you but they CAN'T control you and won't break you, they will start to really respect you for knowing this and like the bully at the school who sees the skinny kid doing mrtial arts and kicking his butt and showing no fear, they will back off.

In fact women will find this sexy even if you are an ugly guy who is fat because they do not want to marry and have the kids of a sissy. So when you show them you have an alpha male mindset and won't be controlled they know you are challenge and will not get bored being with you. But it takes a person with a strong sense of self to assert dominance over the women but the problem is ever since the 1990s the females have this idea that men need to "open up" and act like bitches that show emotions. I blame this shit on Oprah Winfrey where they basically tricked men into sharing their insecurities and secrets with women so then women could use them as a weapon against men to try to control them... and it's working because beta males now want to bully the alphas who are trying to stop feminists from doing crazy shit like create laws like manspreading and other such nonsense.

As long as fat ugly females exist, there will always be an attempt by the ugly people to try to shame the rest of the public into not desiring the beautiful people as a way to increase the ugly person's sexual marketplace value in the dating scene. This is what it's really all about as most of the normal feminists that have careers got to be there because men let them do this and after they achieved what they set out to do, they stopped protesting. Now all that is left are the people who are A) scammers trying to be fake victims to get money b) fat people wishing to trick men into thinking fat is beautiful over fit and lean and slim.
It's not going to work because men are visually stimulated. This is the one thing women need to understand: if we see a fat woman we think she is lazy and unhealthy so we avoid that and if we can't get the hot woman we will not want to settle with a fat chick as wife material but maybe just fuck one for sex only at most.

Hopefully the fat nerdy guys with Social Anxiety understand what is going on now. These are not nice people, they want to drag good looking people down with them to increase their own sexual marketplace value in hopes of getting someone who is much her than them on the scale which explains all the body positivity crap going on in society where they are now trying to shame the good looking models who worked hard for their looks. Sorry fatties we know what you are trying to do. You are better off working off the fay and getting off your butt and doing some physical activity than us lowering our standards. It's the age of easy access to porn and the men of today have a certain ideal for what is considered beautiful and this has been going on for thousands of years. (ie men fantasising about perfect female with great body and face and who also can be their best friend rather than an insecure controlling and manipulative person who wants to chain a man down so he becomes her bitch.

If you want to listen to new age garbage from the likes of Oprah Winfrey or relationship advice from women who think they can give men tips on how to get them into bed, that is fine but men realise most of that stuff isn't in the best interest of the man but in the best interest of the woman. What men should be aiming for is freedom of themself FROM women whenever they try to manipulate you and dominate you, and still get the sex on demand because the woman actually wants to fuck you herself out of desire for you and not just out of a DUTY to fuck you to get you to shut up. That's the difference between the Red Pill ugly guy and the fat guy with social anxiety whose mothers were contriolling and manipulative and didn't seek help for their dysfunctional behavior. What anita is doing is hoping she can use Boogie as a tool for her cause, but Boogie was at least smart enough to promote the "all abused guys and girls need to unite against mean behavior to stop mean behavior" and what happened was Anita saw this and didn't like that she wasn't the bigger victim than boogie which then pissed her off that she had to regain control over him. It's like her own guard dog decided it wanted to roam free of the leash and she didn't like this and wanted to shut him up and stop changing the messge from "I'm a victim and all women need to give me money" to "all victims of abusive behavior need to unite" and this didn't fit into her agenda.

The reason women like tough guys like Trump is he is confident. He wont the election telling the truth and people gravitated towards non-pussy leaders. Even if they don't agree with his views it's a change people have not seen before because most politicians must lie in order to trick you into voting for them, and when a non-politician gets into power and tells people how it is, they reacted to this by supporting the guy. Same deal with comedians who tell it like it is because the truth is fucking funny and they can relate to the joke fom their own personal experiences.

You have to understand men are not going to put up with women trying to compete with our videogames for our attention because we see this type of manipulation tactic coming fro ma mile away and we KNOW how the game works. You see men as utilities and thanks to the internet, even the ugly guys have no excuse to put up with this type of controlling tactic anymore.
All I offer is the truth since I grew up with a mother who ehibited that type of behavior and I didn't put up with it. I have strong belief in helping the real victim not the bad guy acting like a victim. When these types see nice people they think "this guy is a weakling so I should make him my prey and try to use him" and my job is to wanr the nice guys that mean people can ACT nice but be mean underneath because they want control and domination over accepting who they are and just improving themselves. We have this problem now where feminists can't stand that they must improve their own flaws to get a man. They think that just becase they have a vagina then they don't have to do ANY work to impress the man.

It's not going to work because men will not cross a certain line. If they know this type of crazy behavior is going to be in future generation of kids if they breed with those types of women they know they are going to breed new crazy types of people into society and going without the sex is still the better option. Movies like the Red Pill I hope can be used to train feminists why men are going on marriage strike. There is absolutely nothing in it for men to be slaves to pussy when they can just fuck a hooker and pay her to leave. And for those who want a girlfriend experience there are services in japan where men can get this. The lonely guy who wants company has options too. If feminists think they can use these guys, they are in for a rude shock as more wake up to the narcisisstic behavior in females and call them out on their rudeness and misandry. Yes the government will support them financially with tax payers money, but that doesn't mean the men who are being controlled by the laws will enjoy the abuse and decide to lower their standards for what attracts them. Body positivity will not work because men are driven by visual stimulation not by emotions like the way women are who see masculinity as bad and that men should act feminie to "fix" the problem. No men KNOW what they want, and if they don't obtain it, we think up new ways of getting it, and then if we have to settle for something less, we then make sure options exist to exit the matrix once the woman starts to get controlling and abusive towards us.

There is going to be a big change coming where the lazy people of society will probably end up going into work camp (called FEMA camps now) and they are forced to be there to give something back instead of playing victim forever and ever and claim they are the ones that are being abused when in reality they are the ones abusing the good guys who just want to help them rise above their lower status to help increase their confidence. Let's just say what is coming is going to be a bit of tough love.

For those who like to be told what to do because you don't mind not having freedom, this isn't aimed at you. This is for those who feel scared to confront the manipulator due to not understanding what is happening to them when they are called to assist these groups into creating social change that benefits one group of people at the exclusivion of others. (ie by thought policing the group they are targeting which is masculine men who will not give into abusive and controlling people that think it's ok to get away with anything)

Fat ugly black guy drops red pill knowledge to white guys who were misled by movies, thier own moms, relationship advice from women who write books about how men can please them rather than what women can do to please men to KEEP the man from straying:
much of what he is saying (and it came from his being rejected a lot before he figured it all out before being red pilled enough to get it ie that women are like natural Sith Lord manipulators) is common knowledge these days (the internet has changed everything) but future generations of men (the boys now growing up in feminist society being told not to act masculine) will need that stuff ingrained into them for self defence to fight the manipulators back when they abuse nice people. As the movies become more and more misandric, boys will need this advice to maintain their balls in a time where telling people the truth to their faces is an offence. It is important to talk about female nature in public so that bitches that think they can abuse men with impunity know we are out there watching you like Sargon and ready to pounce on you when you try to pass off bullshit as real. We do this not for entertainment to ourselves for fun, but to really stop you bringing about the change you want which is to see masculinity be deemed as something evil and wrong. Since you attack gamers, we are not forgiving you for this,. We want to stop abuse. And we will succeed ok? It starts with generation Z who will be the biggest victims of your controlling and abusive actions and resisting the abuse by standing up for themselves just like we had to stick up for the gamers back when Mortal Kombat was all the rage and conservatives thought we were evil guys plotting how to do violent things on people through playing the games like killing simulators. (thanks god these idiots retreated after figuring out the fear was unfounded after all or you wouldn't have your violent games) We are just fighting the control freak again but this time from the loony left. If you like the idea of a matriarchy? Fine I support you doing that. But just not for ME personally. (in other words you have the freedom to want what you want, but just don't force that belief onto those that don't share your opinion. Which is what the radical feminists groups are doing in hopes they can brute force evil and wicked behavior onto the good guys who just want to be left alone, play their games, and raise up children in safe world without manipulators preying on them to get their money by making false claims with no evidence to show they are correct in anything.

We live in an open society where an accused person should be allowed to face their accuser to see if the claim is real or fake in public place in the interest of exposing the lie of the false accusers. (but Anita won't debate Sargon publicly to settle it)
Women you have to read your bibles again. Men were given power over you by God himself. Not our fault you disobeyed the rules and got demoted in power. If you are an athiest the "survival of the fittest" rule applies where a shark doesn't have to listen to a little fish on how to be a great white shark. But that's what women want to do: boss the superior one by telling it how to do its job even though it has no idea what the nature is of the thing it is trying to boss. (ie total reversal of common sense, reason and logic)
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by t0mby »

GameHED wrote:Tomby: nope and I don't want one. I prefer being alone but I do not promote that for others. (much like how I don't necessarily want to fund kickstarters of games but do not promote NOT funding them. We are all different)

What the feminists need to understand is that when you try to manipulate and bullyy fat guys with social anxiety and get them onto your cause to assist you in helping to infiltrate the male spaces you are doing this based on a belief that women should be allowed to control men in an abusive way instead of letting men have their own things.

Look if you are fat, if you are ugly and if you can't get a GF and people tease you for being an outcast (think of the character Tyrian from Game of Thrones who knows what he is and accepts what he is without bullshitting himself) ..it is no excuse to NOT stand up for yourself and push back when you are being manipulated and abused by toxic personality like Anita who is only doing this to obtain money and rip people off.

It would be like if someone ran a pyramid scheme and people get angry at others trying to warn the innocent people that it's a scam and you should avoid it instead of getting angry at the one doing the scamming. Whatever harassment she is getting has nothing to do with her being a victim but it is due to her manipulating people an making herself out to be a victim in order to obtain riches. No different to fake charity or religious cult which uses its members to get their bank accounts (ie scientology) by using famous celebrities to promote it. This "outrage" community (it used to be religious right doing this trick and it no longer works for them) is no different to scam artists playing the public into believing a wrong must be righted and then asking them to pay the cult leader to get something done but upon investigation of the cult leader, it is discovered they are not what they say they are.

So any time the mainstream media claims "women are being harassed" it's not ALL women are being harassed just the scammer who has a vagina.

Now for all those fat guys like Boogie who aspire to do comedy you should look up to figures like Patrice 'Oneil who understand female nature and manipulation tactics and try to emulate these guys and get over social anxiety. (for those who don't know Boogie's upbringing was rough and his mother was the abusive type - you've seen it in movie where the mom is a controlling bitch) Once women understand that you are not a pushover and that you stick up to them and know they are trying to control you but they CAN'T control you and won't break you, they will start to really respect you for knowing this and like the bully at the school who sees the skinny kid doing mrtial arts and kicking his butt and showing no fear, they will back off.

In fact women will find this sexy even if you are an ugly guy who is fat because they do not want to marry and have the kids of a sissy. So when you show them you have an alpha male mindset and won't be controlled they know you are challenge and will not get bored being with you. But it takes a person with a strong sense of self to assert dominance over the women but the problem is ever since the 1990s the females have this idea that men need to "open up" and act like bitches that show emotions. I blame this shit on Oprah Winfrey where they basically tricked men into sharing their insecurities and secrets with women so then women could use them as a weapon against men to try to control them... and it's working because beta males now want to bully the alphas who are trying to stop feminists from doing crazy shit like create laws like manspreading and other such nonsense.

As long as fat ugly females exist, there will always be an attempt by the ugly people to try to shame the rest of the public into not desiring the beautiful people as a way to increase the ugly person's sexual marketplace value in the dating scene. This is what it's really all about as most of the normal feminists that have careers got to be there because men let them do this and after they achieved what they set out to do, they stopped protesting. Now all that is left are the people who are A) scammers trying to be fake victims to get money b) fat people wishing to trick men into thinking fat is beautiful over fit and lean and slim.
It's not going to work because men are visually stimulated. This is the one thing women need to understand: if we see a fat woman we think she is lazy and unhealthy so we avoid that and if we can't get the hot woman we will not want to settle with a fat chick as wife material but maybe just fuck one for sex only at most.

Hopefully the fat nerdy guys with Social Anxiety understand what is going on now. These are not nice people, they want to drag good looking people down with them to increase their own sexual marketplace value in hopes of getting someone who is much her than them on the scale which explains all the body positivity crap going on in society where they are now trying to shame the good looking models who worked hard for their looks. Sorry fatties we know what you are trying to do. You are better off working off the fay and getting off your butt and doing some physical activity than us lowering our standards. It's the age of easy access to porn and the men of today have a certain ideal for what is considered beautiful and this has been going on for thousands of years. (ie men fantasising about perfect female with great body and face and who also can be their best friend rather than an insecure controlling and manipulative person who wants to chain a man down so he becomes her bitch.

If you want to listen to new age garbage from the likes of Oprah Winfrey or relationship advice from women who think they can give men tips on how to get them into bed, that is fine but men realise most of that stuff isn't in the best interest of the man but in the best interest of the woman. What men should be aiming for is freedom of themself FROM women whenever they try to manipulate you and dominate you, and still get the sex on demand because the woman actually wants to fuck you herself out of desire for you and not just out of a DUTY to fuck you to get you to shut up. That's the difference between the Red Pill ugly guy and the fat guy with social anxiety whose mothers were contriolling and manipulative and didn't seek help for their dysfunctional behavior. What anita is doing is hoping she can use Boogie as a tool for her cause, but Boogie was at least smart enough to promote the "all abused guys and girls need to unite against mean behavior to stop mean behavior" and what happened was Anita saw this and didn't like that she wasn't the bigger victim than boogie which then pissed her off that she had to regain control over him. It's like her own guard dog decided it wanted to roam free of the leash and she didn't like this and wanted to shut him up and stop changing the messge from "I'm a victim and all women need to give me money" to "all victims of abusive behavior need to unite" and this didn't fit into her agenda.

The reason women like tough guys like Trump is he is confident. He wont the election telling the truth and people gravitated towards non-pussy leaders. Even if they don't agree with his views it's a change people have not seen before because most politicians must lie in order to trick you into voting for them, and when a non-politician gets into power and tells people how it is, they reacted to this by supporting the guy. Same deal with comedians who tell it like it is because the truth is fucking funny and they can relate to the joke fom their own personal experiences.

You have to understand men are not going to put up with women trying to compete with our videogames for our attention because we see this type of manipulation tactic coming fro ma mile away and we KNOW how the game works. You see men as utilities and thanks to the internet, even the ugly guys have no excuse to put up with this type of controlling tactic anymore.
All I offer is the truth since I grew up with a mother who ehibited that type of behavior and I didn't put up with it. I have strong belief in helping the real victim not the bad guy acting like a victim. When these types see nice people they think "this guy is a weakling so I should make him my prey and try to use him" and my job is to wanr the nice guys that mean people can ACT nice but be mean underneath because they want control and domination over accepting who they are and just improving themselves. We have this problem now where feminists can't stand that they must improve their own flaws to get a man. They think that just becase they have a vagina then they don't have to do ANY work to impress the man.

It's not going to work because men will not cross a certain line. If they know this type of crazy behavior is going to be in future generation of kids if they breed with those types of women they know they are going to breed new crazy types of people into society and going without the sex is still the better option. Movies like the Red Pill I hope can be used to train feminists why men are going on marriage strike. There is absolutely nothing in it for men to be slaves to pussy when they can just fuck a hooker and pay her to leave. And for those who want a girlfriend experience there are services in japan where men can get this. The lonely guy who wants company has options too. If feminists think they can use these guys, they are in for a rude shock as more wake up to the narcisisstic behavior in females and call them out on their rudeness and misandry. Yes the government will support them financially with tax payers money, but that doesn't mean the men who are being controlled by the laws will enjoy the abuse and decide to lower their standards for what attracts them. Body positivity will not work because men are driven by visual stimulation not by emotions like the way women are who see masculinity as bad and that men should act feminie to "fix" the problem. No men KNOW what they want, and if they don't obtain it, we think up new ways of getting it, and then if we have to settle for something less, we then make sure options exist to exit the matrix once the woman starts to get controlling and abusive towards us.

There is going to be a big change coming where the lazy people of society will probably end up going into work camp (called FEMA camps now) and they are forced to be there to give something back instead of playing victim forever and ever and claim they are the ones that are being abused when in reality they are the ones abusing the good guys who just want to help them rise above their lower status to help increase their confidence. Let's just say what is coming is going to be a bit of tough love.

For those who like to be told what to do because you don't mind not having freedom, this isn't aimed at you. This is for those who feel scared to confront the manipulator due to not understanding what is happening to them when they are called to assist these groups into creating social change that benefits one group of people at the exclusivion of others. (ie by thought policing the group they are targeting which is masculine men who will not give into abusive and controlling people that think it's ok to get away with anything)

Fat ugly black guy drops red pill knowledge to white guys who were misled by movies, thier own moms, relationship advice from women who write books about how men can please them rather than what women can do to please men to KEEP the man from straying:
much of what he is saying (and it came from his being rejected a lot before he figured it all out before being red pilled enough to get it ie that women are like natural Sith Lord manipulators) is common knowledge these days (the internet has changed everything) but future generations of men (the boys now growing up in feminist society being told not to act masculine) will need that stuff ingrained into them for self defence to fight the manipulators back when they abuse nice people. As the movies become more and more misandric, boys will need this advice to maintain their balls in a time where telling people the truth to their faces is an offence. It is important to talk about female nature in public so that bitches that think they can abuse men with impunity know we are out there watching you like Sargon and ready to pounce on you when you try to pass off bullshit as real. We do this not for entertainment to ourselves for fun, but to really stop you bringing about the change you want which is to see masculinity be deemed as something evil and wrong. Since you attack gamers, we are not forgiving you for this,. We want to stop abuse. And we will succeed ok? It starts with generation Z who will be the biggest victims of your controlling and abusive actions and resisting the abuse by standing up for themselves just like we had to stick up for the gamers back when Mortal Kombat was all the rage and conservatives thought we were evil guys plotting how to do violent things on people through playing the games like killing simulators. (thanks god these idiots retreated after figuring out the fear was unfounded after all or you wouldn't have your violent games) We are just fighting the control freak again but this time from the loony left. If you like the idea of a matriarchy? Fine I support you doing that. But just not for ME personally. (in other words you have the freedom to want what you want, but just don't force that belief onto those that don't share your opinion. Which is what the radical feminists groups are doing in hopes they can brute force evil and wicked behavior onto the good guys who just want to be left alone, play their games, and raise up children in safe world without manipulators preying on them to get their money by making false claims with no evidence to show they are correct in anything.

We live in an open society where an accused person should be allowed to face their accuser to see if the claim is real or fake in public place in the interest of exposing the lie of the false accusers. (but Anita won't debate Sargon publicly to settle it)
Women you have to read your bibles again. Men were given power over you by God himself. Not our fault you disobeyed the rules and got demoted in power. If you are an athiest the "survival of the fittest" rule applies where a shark doesn't have to listen to a little fish on how to be a great white shark. But that's what women want to do: boss the superior one by telling it how to do its job even though it has no idea what the nature is of the thing it is trying to boss. (ie total reversal of common sense, reason and logic)
Have you ever had a girlfriend or paid for sexy time?
selfish wrote:Being a massive fanboy and trying to hide it is Lestat's worst bottleneck.
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by GameHED »

Tomby girls are never friends. They are meant to be fucked which is thier biological nature. You exist because two horny people fucked and you were spat out of a hole and now serve the reptilian's evil empire by working as a slave in the matrix, complete with a number assigned to you as one of their demonspawn to do the bidding of the devil worshipping, blood drinking, child-killing pedophiles who sell you crap to fund the war against God. Girls can pretend to like or be interested in the things you like but it's just part of the act to have sex with you in the hopes you will marry them so they can take your stuff. You should have been listening to Stardusk/Thinking Ape videos years ago because that is mainstream knowledge now. Sure I can be a friend to girls but girls will only pretend to be your friend because they desire to use men as a utility not be your friend. If being a friend is a means to an end, (winning cash and prizes) then yes they will be your friend but not because they like you or want to be your friend. You feeling me?

The western society is going to be like Japan in the future where people will not breed and girls will have to pay men to have sex with them like in the old days when fathers would pay a man a dowry when he gave away his daughter to the man who reluctantly agreed to take her daughter from him and pay all her expenses. 2017 = slow death of feminism.

I want you to listen to boogie's story about the abusive upbringing he had with his violent mother who physically abused him:
this is the kind of shit you see in Steven King horror movies. Assuming it is true and he isn't making the story up to get donations, (I believe him) we must fight these types of psychotic people back since the government does not recognise female on male bullying as a real thing and the family courts are designed to rape a man's wallet not women (due to men earning more and government being basicaly a business - ie they profit by going for the biggest producer instead of being fair. It's not about justice so much as what will be "good for the economy" lol).

The thing that men must understand is that it is ok to say "I was bullied by a female." In the Anita video you can see her pissed that the vidcon thing wasn't all about her victimisation and Boogie innocently wanted to get his message out to include males being bullied which did not fit the bitche's narrative that it is only women that get bullied and not men too. She is a sneaky bitch that wants the public to perceive her as a good person and not an opportunist like Starscream from the Transformer. We all know Anita misrepresents gamers and she is using the same old trick again by demonising ordinary males who like to give each other shit when they are being competitive. It's called trash talking which is not the same thing as BEING MEAN. Those same guys will have a beer with each other and not take the game so seriously as these women think. But in sports or any competitive activity trash-talking and psychological intimidation is a tactic to put the opponent off his focus and you see boxers and MMA fighters so this to get the other guy angry enough to be more predictable in how they react to you which makes it a little easier to get them to open up their defense when you taunt them to come at you. Conner Macgregor is a good example of this and it helps people to remember him too because you tend to think about the people you hate more than normal people - it can be a publicity thing to get attention. (which is necessary if you are unknown guy who has to prove something to the world)

Anyway. There is a shining hope out there that can save us from these SJWs who are creating ridiciulous laws to punish anyone who disgrees with them.
This man here:
As long as we got people that are fighting, western civilisation will stand a chance from the cry bullies. Even though they are small number NOW they have the backing of the elites who want to see chaos and division in christian nations that are resisting the NWO which is trying to force nations to accept immigrants that are anti-christian (the NWO will not let christian refugees into countries only the muslim ones which is part of the divide and conquer strategy of getting the enemies of each nation to live next door to the enemies of the immigrating people)

When you look at this from the big picture perspective you can connect the dots. Japanese people have japan. Indians have india. African have Africa. Chinese have china. But notice how whites don't have "white guys only" nation? It's all due to SJWs guilt-tripping the white man into giving them free shit all the time and soon white people will not have their own culture/istory preserved. If you are a white man that isn't racist but just want to go to a place that preserves your own culture and a place you can call your home, you will not be able to do this in future as the elite want to destroy the whole concept of borders and nations. They start by introducing foreign cultures into your nation first and then getting them into positions of power and then slowly wiping out the local culture that was there. After that the identity of the nation is lost and no nation has any unique character to it anymore and is the exact same as every other place. BORING!

What you want to do is preserve the diversity of the whole globe so that you experience different things when you travel the world. Nobody wants foreigners to bring the third world to the first world. It should be the first world being brought to the third world so the third worlders can lift THEMSELVES up (by giving them just enough to make decisions for themselves rather be told what to think and copy others) rather than drag down the first world. Communism doesn't WORK. It never has. And its little brother SOCIAILISM is just sinning. "Steal from the rich to give to the poor" But what often happens when you give free handouts to the poor guy is they get addicted to getting handouts without having to work for it and they go soft and the working people wonder why they should get up each morning to go to work when they could easily just stay home and get free money? So the hard worker just quits (the taxes get ridiculous) and goes on the dole and becomes dependent on the free money too. Then the nation gets weak and eventually collapses under the weight of the debt it can't pay back and the elites then offer the nation a deal where they cancel the debt but own your land and you no longer have any rights or freedom since you are on their land now. (slavery motherfucker :D )

If you want to kill the SJW and feminists you need to take them on head-on now while they are small and weak. If you don't they will end up owning your city and towns and you will see violent acts on the streets like what Germany is experiencing now. The feminists and the SJWs and the muslims (backed by the NWO who armed the terror groups because they are satanists and pedophiles and need to make money from war, child trafficking and general human misery to make the demons they worship happy if they want to maintain power) are teaming up to kill christian western nations by invading them through the guise of "helping refugees". See Black Pigeon Speaks youtube videos on this for more info.

What does this have to do with gaming? Well much like movies and comic books and v shows these are a form of propaganda tool for the elites too since so many people are exposed to them. It can slowly brainwash the youth over a long period of time as we have seen disney do with their cartoons of disney princesses and caused little girls to believe that marriage is the whole meaning of life and that men must be knights protecting them from danger and treat them like princesses when in fact they are not of royal breeding and don't have to act like royalty with manners and etiquette or do things that benefit the unfortunate people and generally take responsibility of a royal person who must serve the people by performing duties. Women today are just entitled bitches who think they are owed things and don't have to do anything to entertain men for attention. (thanks Disney) A leader will protect those who are starving on the streets and take responsibility for bad actions and is accountable to the people that put the leader in charge. Woman don't have the ability to take the blame for anything. They just shift it to men even when men give them power to make the decisions all by themselves. Even though women have more power than men do by having more rights, feminists STILL complain about the patriarchy and make false claims like the Wage Gap Myth. You are seeing hollywood movies and comics where men are the bad guys all the time now and boy are getting sick of it. Thor should never have been female. It makes no fucking sense but they did it.

If we can re-educate the SJWs by giving them the truth, they will not play into the hands of the elites who have tried really hard to remove constitutional god-given right from the local populations of the free lands. It's just like Star Wars when the empire eventually convinced the free galactic republic that it was a good idea to kill the moral authority (at the time being the Jedi) and go with a dictatorship because to the public it would keep them "safe" from danger and all it did was make it hard for freedom lovers to live. If you like authoritarianism that is fine but most people want a bit of danger and risk because it makes you tougher (you develop survival skills) and the elite are threatened by strong people which is why they hate males being masculine all of a sudden. They hate leaders that are actually strong VS pretending to be tough. If you are independent it means they can't control you. If you are strong you can't be put into debt and controlled financially by making you owe them shit. Owing them shit is bad because they can trade debt for physical hard assets which never go down in value and then you eventually give them your soul too.

Patrice O'neal understood this concept and explain this type of thing in hollywood system:
The idea of controlling people is to give the person things for free, then getting them to owe you back something. When you owe them, you are their bitch and they can make you do shit that goes against your own belief or morals or ethics. This fat black guy is fucking smart and it doesn't surprise me he woke up and became a fan of Alex Jones after watching documentaries on the NWO.

Comedians have to be intelligent to come up with jokes that make people laugh and it is a skill needed to poke fun at the ridiculous things people do that makes no sense. This is why the NWO is going after them too now and trying to censor what they can joke about. It has nothing to do about protecting children from offensive language or being prudish. It's control freak shit to help the NWO obtain power over your freedom and turn you into a boring zombie that just does what they say. If a comedian doesn't get big, its because they didn't sign the contract with the illuminati who have an agenda to serve the demons giving them the occult power to maintain earthly control. Since Patrice didn't want to be anyone's bitch and preferred freedom he would only accept things from low-mid level jews so that way he could say whatever the fuck he wishes because you have more creative control over the work than if you do what popular people do. (same with rap artists and any other profession.)

The same thing happen in games where if you get too big, the SJWs and feminists see a blip on the radar and want to destroy it because you end up being a threat worth noticing to them (remember they are control freaks, it's part of the reptilian DNA to enslave humans) and this explains why they are going after the guys behind Senran Kagura now. The games are getting more popular and this means the elites want to control it or attack it, or at least censor the content. The good guys know how the game works and will not let themselves be censored. It's too important to spread truth than to get lots of money and be someone's bitch. So what game makers need to do is start going independent and making smaller but edgier games. Games that have content you wouldn't be able to get away with if you were bullied at work by the boss for making because he is one of the reptilians serving the NWO and is scared to lose his reitrement fund. Politicians need to understand that the bad guys will kill the people that served them because you KNOW TOO MUCH. Dead men tell no tales. You have to openly declare you are against them as they hate people that can expose them. But if you expose their actions 9without necessarily hurting the individuals) you can warn the good people the intentions of the groups so that people will resist and be able to push back with strength, and that way the entire group of good guys can know they are fighting for good not just fighting.

It's ok to have conflict if it's not part of a plan by the illuminati to divide and conquer society. If you are fighting for God, righteous justice, freedom, truth etc that is not the same as fighting to be part of a controlled conflict which the illuminati planned to happen to ruin the order of society that exists which the people prefer. And this is the thing kids need to know as they grow up and start to vote. If you are being lied to, you need to be able to identify who are the bad guys and the good guys based only on actions. Even if tomorrow people just assassinated all the bad guys, new bad guys would just pop up to replace them. (It's not the bad people that is the problem as we are all bad people, it's their evil actions that cause the harm) So you got to identify bad behaviors and stop them before they grow like a cancer in the minds of the youth. That is the illuminati's greatest weapon: to brainwash/hypnotise the young people who are vulnerable to be influenced by evil guys who want to use and manipulate them to weaponise their natural hatred and rebelliousness of authority. (it works because the pro-authoritarian college professors know they are poor guys who are in debt so they can use this hatred to fight the power which they perceive caused the poverty rather than only target corrupt leaders or people who are abusing the system and their authority for personal gain which is why they ignore some laws and not others. ie selective enforcement)

If the authority is abusing its power then yes that rebelion can be a good thing, but if it is used to enslave everyone, ("kill anyone who disagrees with me" and not even debate them) then you got to watch out. Jesus was a rebel to the moral authority of his time but the fight was to replace lie with truth and this is an example of stopping brainwashed guys from following bad leaders who only want to serve their own personal interest instead of God. If the battle is between good and evil then fight the evil but not the person itself. It's the evil that is in them that is bad not the person who is brainwashed and just doing what they think is right. If they are doing what they think is right, then analyse their thinking and correct the thinking if you see the error. If they don't want to debate you, then you have no shame in defending yourself to preserve your right to exist. They should want to kill you before you kill them in self-defence. If they attack first it means they lost the argument intellectually/morally and you can justify harming them if they attempt to cause physical harm. Thier goal is to recruit you to their thinking or they don't get their antichrist figure to appear. (the beast system requires your consent you see?) If they know their brainwashing didn't work they will just try to kill you but you have at least given people a good purpose to fight back in defence rather than look like a bad guy yourself in front of the people by being the agressor. These satanist will spend lots of money to get what they want, but at the end of the day if their belief is all based on lie, the system crumbles. (the reason no empire has ever lasted indefinitely and needs new versions of the same thing to rise from the ashes. IE men have evil in their hearts so if you don't solve the spiritual issue of fighting evil within YOURSELF, you will get the same result each time)

could the time travellers be buying time for the resistence against the NWO? (Is Transformers Beast Wars tellings us something?)
By rights we should all have died ages ago. Communists would have won, and we'd all be living in a mad max world where women rule the world because society blames the nuclear holocaust on males with too much power. It's all possible time is being tampered with.
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by t0mby »

GameHED wrote:Tomby girls are never friends. They are meant to be fucked which is thier biological nature. You exist because two horny people fucked and you were spat out of a hole and now serve the reptilian's evil empire by working as a slave in the matrix, complete with a number assigned to you as one of their demonspawn to do the bidding of the devil worshipping, blood drinking, child-killing pedophiles who sell you crap to fund the war against God. Girls can pretend to like or be interested in the things you like but it's just part of the act to have sex with you in the hopes you will marry them so they can take your stuff. You should have been listening to Stardusk/Thinking Ape videos years ago because that is mainstream knowledge now. Sure I can be a friend to girls but girls will only pretend to be your friend because they desire to use men as a utility not be your friend. If being a friend is a means to an end, (winning cash and prizes) then yes they will be your friend but not because they like you or want to be your friend. You feeling me?

The western society is going to be like Japan in the future where people will not breed and girls will have to pay men to have sex with them like in the old days when fathers would pay a man a dowry when he gave away his daughter to the man who reluctantly agreed to take her daughter from him and pay all her expenses. 2017 = slow death of feminism.

I want you to listen to boogie's story about the abusive upbringing he had with his violent mother who physically abused him:
this is the kind of shit you see in Steven King horror movies. Assuming it is true and he isn't making the story up to get donations, (I believe him) we must fight these types of psychotic people back since the government does not recognise female on male bullying as a real thing and the family courts are designed to rape a man's wallet not women (due to men earning more and government being basicaly a business - ie they profit by going for the biggest producer instead of being fair. It's not about justice so much as what will be "good for the economy" lol).

The thing that men must understand is that it is ok to say "I was bullied by a female." In the Anita video you can see her pissed that the vidcon thing wasn't all about her victimisation and Boogie innocently wanted to get his message out to include males being bullied which did not fit the bitche's narrative that it is only women that get bullied and not men too. She is a sneaky bitch that wants the public to perceive her as a good person and not an opportunist like Starscream from the Transformer. We all know Anita misrepresents gamers and she is using the same old trick again by demonising ordinary males who like to give each other shit when they are being competitive. It's called trash talking which is not the same thing as BEING MEAN. Those same guys will have a beer with each other and not take the game so seriously as these women think. But in sports or any competitive activity trash-talking and psychological intimidation is a tactic to put the opponent off his focus and you see boxers and MMA fighters so this to get the other guy angry enough to be more predictable in how they react to you which makes it a little easier to get them to open up their defense when you taunt them to come at you. Conner Macgregor is a good example of this and it helps people to remember him too because you tend to think about the people you hate more than normal people - it can be a publicity thing to get attention. (which is necessary if you are unknown guy who has to prove something to the world)

Anyway. There is a shining hope out there that can save us from these SJWs who are creating ridiciulous laws to punish anyone who disgrees with them.
This man here:
As long as we got people that are fighting, western civilisation will stand a chance from the cry bullies. Even though they are small number NOW they have the backing of the elites who want to see chaos and division in christian nations that are resisting the NWO which is trying to force nations to accept immigrants that are anti-christian (the NWO will not let christian refugees into countries only the muslim ones which is part of the divide and conquer strategy of getting the enemies of each nation to live next door to the enemies of the immigrating people)

When you look at this from the big picture perspective you can connect the dots. Japanese people have japan. Indians have india. African have Africa. Chinese have china. But notice how whites don't have "white guys only" nation? It's all due to SJWs guilt-tripping the white man into giving them free shit all the time and soon white people will not have their own culture/istory preserved. If you are a white man that isn't racist but just want to go to a place that preserves your own culture and a place you can call your home, you will not be able to do this in future as the elite want to destroy the whole concept of borders and nations. They start by introducing foreign cultures into your nation first and then getting them into positions of power and then slowly wiping out the local culture that was there. After that the identity of the nation is lost and no nation has any unique character to it anymore and is the exact same as every other place. BORING!

What you want to do is preserve the diversity of the whole globe so that you experience different things when you travel the world. Nobody wants foreigners to bring the third world to the first world. It should be the first world being brought to the third world so the third worlders can lift THEMSELVES up (by giving them just enough to make decisions for themselves rather be told what to think and copy others) rather than drag down the first world. Communism doesn't WORK. It never has. And its little brother SOCIAILISM is just sinning. "Steal from the rich to give to the poor" But what often happens when you give free handouts to the poor guy is they get addicted to getting handouts without having to work for it and they go soft and the working people wonder why they should get up each morning to go to work when they could easily just stay home and get free money? So the hard worker just quits (the taxes get ridiculous) and goes on the dole and becomes dependent on the free money too. Then the nation gets weak and eventually collapses under the weight of the debt it can't pay back and the elites then offer the nation a deal where they cancel the debt but own your land and you no longer have any rights or freedom since you are on their land now. (slavery motherfucker :D )

If you want to kill the SJW and feminists you need to take them on head-on now while they are small and weak. If you don't they will end up owning your city and towns and you will see violent acts on the streets like what Germany is experiencing now. The feminists and the SJWs and the muslims (backed by the NWO who armed the terror groups because they are satanists and pedophiles and need to make money from war, child trafficking and general human misery to make the demons they worship happy if they want to maintain power) are teaming up to kill christian western nations by invading them through the guise of "helping refugees". See Black Pigeon Speaks youtube videos on this for more info.

What does this have to do with gaming? Well much like movies and comic books and v shows these are a form of propaganda tool for the elites too since so many people are exposed to them. It can slowly brainwash the youth over a long period of time as we have seen disney do with their cartoons of disney princesses and caused little girls to believe that marriage is the whole meaning of life and that men must be knights protecting them from danger and treat them like princesses when in fact they are not of royal breeding and don't have to act like royalty with manners and etiquette or do things that benefit the unfortunate people and generally take responsibility of a royal person who must serve the people by performing duties. Women today are just entitled bitches who think they are owed things and don't have to do anything to entertain men for attention. (thanks Disney) A leader will protect those who are starving on the streets and take responsibility for bad actions and is accountable to the people that put the leader in charge. Woman don't have the ability to take the blame for anything. They just shift it to men even when men give them power to make the decisions all by themselves. Even though women have more power than men do by having more rights, feminists STILL complain about the patriarchy and make false claims like the Wage Gap Myth. You are seeing hollywood movies and comics where men are the bad guys all the time now and boy are getting sick of it. Thor should never have been female. It makes no fucking sense but they did it.

If we can re-educate the SJWs by giving them the truth, they will not play into the hands of the elites who have tried really hard to remove constitutional god-given right from the local populations of the free lands. It's just like Star Wars when the empire eventually convinced the free galactic republic that it was a good idea to kill the moral authority (at the time being the Jedi) and go with a dictatorship because to the public it would keep them "safe" from danger and all it did was make it hard for freedom lovers to live. If you like authoritarianism that is fine but most people want a bit of danger and risk because it makes you tougher (you develop survival skills) and the elite are threatened by strong people which is why they hate males being masculine all of a sudden. They hate leaders that are actually strong VS pretending to be tough. If you are independent it means they can't control you. If you are strong you can't be put into debt and controlled financially by making you owe them shit. Owing them shit is bad because they can trade debt for physical hard assets which never go down in value and then you eventually give them your soul too.

Patrice O'neal understood this concept and explain this type of thing in hollywood system:
The idea of controlling people is to give the person things for free, then getting them to owe you back something. When you owe them, you are their bitch and they can make you do shit that goes against your own belief or morals or ethics. This fat black guy is fucking smart and it doesn't surprise me he woke up and became a fan of Alex Jones after watching documentaries on the NWO.

Comedians have to be intelligent to come up with jokes that make people laugh and it is a skill needed to poke fun at the ridiculous things people do that makes no sense. This is why the NWO is going after them too now and trying to censor what they can joke about. It has nothing to do about protecting children from offensive language or being prudish. It's control freak shit to help the NWO obtain power over your freedom and turn you into a boring zombie that just does what they say. If a comedian doesn't get big, its because they didn't sign the contract with the illuminati who have an agenda to serve the demons giving them the occult power to maintain earthly control. Since Patrice didn't want to be anyone's bitch and preferred freedom he would only accept things from low-mid level jews so that way he could say whatever the fuck he wishes because you have more creative control over the work than if you do what popular people do. (same with rap artists and any other profession.)

The same thing happen in games where if you get too big, the SJWs and feminists see a blip on the radar and want to destroy it because you end up being a threat worth noticing to them (remember they are control freaks, it's part of the reptilian DNA to enslave humans) and this explains why they are going after the guys behind Senran Kagura now. The games are getting more popular and this means the elites want to control it or attack it, or at least censor the content. The good guys know how the game works and will not let themselves be censored. It's too important to spread truth than to get lots of money and be someone's bitch. So what game makers need to do is start going independent and making smaller but edgier games. Games that have content you wouldn't be able to get away with if you were bullied at work by the boss for making because he is one of the reptilians serving the NWO and is scared to lose his reitrement fund. Politicians need to understand that the bad guys will kill the people that served them because you KNOW TOO MUCH. Dead men tell no tales. You have to openly declare you are against them as they hate people that can expose them. But if you expose their actions 9without necessarily hurting the individuals) you can warn the good people the intentions of the groups so that people will resist and be able to push back with strength, and that way the entire group of good guys can know they are fighting for good not just fighting.

It's ok to have conflict if it's not part of a plan by the illuminati to divide and conquer society. If you are fighting for God, righteous justice, freedom, truth etc that is not the same as fighting to be part of a controlled conflict which the illuminati planned to happen to ruin the order of society that exists which the people prefer. And this is the thing kids need to know as they grow up and start to vote. If you are being lied to, you need to be able to identify who are the bad guys and the good guys based only on actions. Even if tomorrow people just assassinated all the bad guys, new bad guys would just pop up to replace them. (It's not the bad people that is the problem as we are all bad people, it's their evil actions that cause the harm) So you got to identify bad behaviors and stop them before they grow like a cancer in the minds of the youth. That is the illuminati's greatest weapon: to brainwash/hypnotise the young people who are vulnerable to be influenced by evil guys who want to use and manipulate them to weaponise their natural hatred and rebelliousness of authority. (it works because the pro-authoritarian college professors know they are poor guys who are in debt so they can use this hatred to fight the power which they perceive caused the poverty rather than only target corrupt leaders or people who are abusing the system and their authority for personal gain which is why they ignore some laws and not others. ie selective enforcement)

If the authority is abusing its power then yes that rebelion can be a good thing, but if it is used to enslave everyone, ("kill anyone who disagrees with me" and not even debate them) then you got to watch out. Jesus was a rebel to the moral authority of his time but the fight was to replace lie with truth and this is an example of stopping brainwashed guys from following bad leaders who only want to serve their own personal interest instead of God. If the battle is between good and evil then fight the evil but not the person itself. It's the evil that is in them that is bad not the person who is brainwashed and just doing what they think is right. If they are doing what they think is right, then analyse their thinking and correct the thinking if you see the error. If they don't want to debate you, then you have no shame in defending yourself to preserve your right to exist. They should want to kill you before you kill them in self-defence. If they attack first it means they lost the argument intellectually/morally and you can justify harming them if they attempt to cause physical harm. Thier goal is to recruit you to their thinking or they don't get their antichrist figure to appear. (the beast system requires your consent you see?) If they know their brainwashing didn't work they will just try to kill you but you have at least given people a good purpose to fight back in defence rather than look like a bad guy yourself in front of the people by being the agressor. These satanist will spend lots of money to get what they want, but at the end of the day if their belief is all based on lie, the system crumbles. (the reason no empire has ever lasted indefinitely and needs new versions of the same thing to rise from the ashes. IE men have evil in their hearts so if you don't solve the spiritual issue of fighting evil within YOURSELF, you will get the same result each time)

could the time travellers be buying time for the resistence against the NWO? (Is Transformers Beast Wars tellings us something?)
By rights we should all have died ages ago. Communists would have won, and we'd all be living in a mad max world where women rule the world because society blames the nuclear holocaust on males with too much power. It's all possible time is being tampered with.
So you're gay then? Can GCF confirm this? Has he been approached by GH? Stay tuned.
selfish wrote:Being a massive fanboy and trying to hide it is Lestat's worst bottleneck.
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by Twiztid Elf »

That GameHed post about Anita S attacking boogie/francis, I went and watched boogies explanation of what went down:
Holy shit. Is this where we're headed really? Guys, you should watch 2min to at least 8.30 of the above video.
This poor guy. He's agonizing, panicking, rehearsing and suffering anxiety about being on a panel with a specific person because of her reputation? Not wanting to upset her because of who he is. Having to tiptoe around her and meticulously explain every thought in minute detail? This is mind boggling.

So at the panel, he has to back peddle, grovel and pander as a "person of privilege" just because he happens to be male and white?
Watching his life in pictures sure doesn't paint a picture of privilege to me....
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by itch »

Remember when activists said Witcher 3 should have black characters in it?

https://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2 ... 328a467e28" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Lol. It's set in Poland, there weren't any black people in 13th century Poland.

Make no mistake, if it were up to these people they'd like to mandate exactly what you put in their game based on their version of justice.

I'm fundamentally opposed to that.
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by GameHED »

Marvel comics has seen massive drop in sales due to SJWs now taking control of the company and fans have moved to DC comics for their needs:
There is nothing wrong with SJWs having their own comics to themselves but the way they went about it is that they want to deny non-SJWs whose opinions differ from their own not be able to have their comics where females are not feminists with butch bodies and boy's hairdos and always have average looks even though a crime fighter has to be fit and healthy to be able to take down super vilains. (while villains have alwayss relied on unfair odds ie lots of money, genuis inteligence, command over large armies, or being lucky by simply being overpowered compared to other heroes and taking advantage of that to bully their way to get what they want.)

The good news is the comic nerds are fighting back with indie comics that are specifically made to trigger the radical feminist commies:
If the game industry could make more games that make fun of the left the way comedians do (which are mostly politically neutral) and have quality story and art, then marvel will eventually have to get rid of the intolerant people they employ and adapt if they want to survive. But much like the mainstream media their goal isn't money. It is to use comics medium as a tool for social change and promote anti-western view of the world. (so the iluminati will continue to bankroll it regardless of sales lol)
If creators want full creative control, then they need to OWN their characters and go outside of the system like the independent musicians who are ok with being small and making less money but staying loyal to their original fanbase instead of selling out.

It's sickening to see they are not limiting their attacks to games and now preying on the comics nerds.

Even Transformers comic is going transgender now LOL
No thanks. You aren't going to brainwash children into getting genitals mutilated like the muslims lol. We'll be there to warn others to boycott if it gets out of control.

What the SJWs need to understand is that the nerds already had SJW comics in the form of things like the X-men where the outcasts and minorities of society were the good guys and the normal people were the bad ones for trying to enslave mutants and kill all weirdos due to fear the weirdo would rule over them. (if you were a mutant you were considered bad, so kids who never felt they fit in with the main groups could identify with them) There is this arrogant assumption that marvel wasn't already SJW before the Anita Sarkesian types started their campaign to invade nerd culture and use it as a platform to promote their religious ideology.

We were here long before you were even born and buying quality comics. When you make anti-hetero comics, anti-white racist comics, and anti-patriotism comics with pro-NWO messages, we get turned off the comics and form other groups. If you had not killed the original characters to replace them with SJW ones, marvel would be in a better position in the comic biz. You don't have to destroy existing thing to make your Pro-SJW vrsion. But you felt a need to attack people who are critical of the work and whose valid criticisms would have helped you get more money. Since you are commies, more and more people are waking up and finally starting to resist the coup that just took place. (or turning to japanese comics now LOL)

Hopefully the comicgate nerds can learn a few things from gamergate nerds and they form anti-SJWs alliance to fix the problems of the industry which is killing the hobbies of men who seek an escape from reality. (assuming here the whole point of feminist infiltration into male spaces is the belief that if feminists compete with men, then men will not imagine and create or dream about ideals and go back into the matrix and become a robot again like the indoctrinated commie who hates christian western values and freedom of speech. If lesbians think they can beat us, then let them compete but thankfully capitalism is triumphing as we can see with DC by just giving the actual BUYERS of comics what they want instead of brats who think they are entitled to rights without any responsibilities :P ie it's capitalism triumphing over communism in action. Business relies on actual customer satisfaction before it is permitted to continue, or else it must die off due to offering nothing of value, which is exactly how we all want it.)

more fake news from the SJW crowd who are making false claims about harassment
Beware to all younger creators who are victim to false accusations: If they haven't got any evidence to prove their claim, then you are not obligated to respond to them. They set things up to generate controversy in hopes of getting attention. Learn to ignore them and expose their character to the public. It's an ongoing battle between good and evil. Honest people and scammers who think they are safe (hint: we still outnumber you and more and more people are being red-pilled by the day)

comics as propaganda
who were the original superhumans? (did the creators steal their ideas from actual supernatural beings which they worship in secret or idolise as gods which non-occultist people see as just myths?)
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by GameHED »

Oh crap now college humour is attacking masculinity too now:
For those who don't understand cultural marxists you should look into the history of it:
The SJWs and feminazis are really everywhere not just gaming now. When are these jews going to just give up?
I can't believe they are trying to promote beta male orbiters as virtuous people LOL (they ACT nice as a strategy to get into a girl's pants, not that they ARE nice people for real.)

These guys are exhibiting cognitive dissonance. They realise they will never be leaders so they have to redefine terms by trying to turn the term Alpha male as meaning toxic masculinist. It's not going to work. Kids know 'the Fonze' from Happy Days is the cool one and the weaklings who want to BE him are the less-desired beta males. lol
Boys should never look up to a beta male as leaders. They should be wishing they could be Optimus Prime (example of an alpha male who probably influence little kids in the 80s to join the marines) not Rodimus Prime (emo dude who just wants to LARP or play WoW all day in his mom's basement) who is always whining about not being good at anything and complaining about responsibility all the time rather than kicking people's butts and defending freedom.

Role models are important and the ruining of star wars, the removal of feminine female in fiction, and the promotion of feelings over logic (requirement to make good decisions). A tough guy can cry at a funeral and feel sad, but he will not let his feelings get in the way of clouding his judgement. And that is something the beta male must learn: that some people are better leaders than others because they can take power, use it responsibily, and own up to any failures without it stopping them from trying again until they suceed at something that is hard to do. (Rocky movies are great example of "going the distance" despite the odds being stacked against you. Alpha males transform themselves by taking on tough challenges, that nobody else will take, enduring the hardship, but not let that stop them to attain their goal. And when they achieve something, we remember the achievement and it inspires people to want to be like them. Betas are the guys that may support the alpha and that is it. One is not better than the other but the Alpha is the leader, and women know that and prefer them. No amount of brainwashing will change this as they dont want the kids to be sissies who are cowards and opportuniists that say yes to everything to get the promotion (by not offending the boss) instead of telling the truth (telling people what you think about them to their face without worrying about feelings and giving them tough love if the truth will hurt) and changing themselves (not blaming society or an externel force like the patriarchy lol) to improve who they are as a person to attain the sucess needed to get what they want.
The children of single mothers really need to be taught about the benefits of being a leader rather than blindly going with the crowd due to social pressure to conform. These types of people are susceptible to brainwashing by the cult leaders of society who wil use them as tools. (and they usually are guys that won't express themselves freely and never come up with any original idea of their own: the illuminati love these guys as they can mold these robots into anything they want)

Everyone has the potential to be an alpha male or female. It is not genetic and has more to do with the attitude you have to life. If you constantly are blaming others around you for failings of your own, then you are most likely a beta male stuck in the mindset of a victim who must look for external source for why you fail all the time. If you are the guy that look at things as challenges to overcome and don't mind failing but will take risks (example if you are a game developer that support ideas that are new concepts and which venture onto unchartered territory rather than already sure to make profit due to past trends) then you are an alpha/leader because you are doing something more dangerous than the other and seem to be more edgy than the followers who just do things based on what others are doing not because they can think for themselves and have self confidence in who they are. A guy who fails but uses this as method of teaching him something and then strengthening himself rather than whining about it and blaming some external force for his failing, is alpha due to his alpha male/female mindset. It's not about how big your muscles are or your ballsack size or dick length. LOL That used to be the old version of how you measure a person's balls. It's to do with how confident you are that you will always try the new thing even if it is not certain you will profit from it. Taking risks and still doing something you want to do is what defines an alpha male.

This bullshit of using animals as examples of leaders is no longer relevent anymore. We don't kill things using our own hands these days so the definition of alpha has changed to meet the times. Today an alpha just refers to how you react to tough situations and whether you use failure as a learning tool to make better decisions next time, or whine about some external thing as an excuse to not improve yourself. SJWs today hate taking responsibility, so they blame the sucessful rather than trying to emulate the guy who is a success and BE him. If we can teach these millenials how to be leaders and how to deal with tough conditions by encouraging them to look within themsleves for the solution and answer to a problem, then they won't fall back on blaming the white male hetero sexual for their lack of confidence and competency all the bloody time. Their own parents might be to blame since they may be irresponsible too and so they didn't pick up good habits growing up, which is where role models come into things: the commie jews want to make Beta males the role models LOL.

And it explain why we got all these Mary Sue characters in Star Wars, and weakling main characters who don't grow or change and become strong through hardship in the stories. (the SJWs don't want the characters to go through a tough challenge that makes the reader/watcher relate to the hero in the stories. They just think ACTING TOUGH is what people read comics for without understanding the underlying reason we CARE about the hero. The hero is vulnerable by always doing things that are risky and dangerous and that is why we want to turn the page to see how they deal with impossible odds and uncertain challenges which they may not come out of suceeding all the bloody time. The type of thing a leader must go through who has more responsibility than normal people. If SJWs understood why the nerd likes struggle then the stories would appeal to them more because the nerds are generally weak themselves and have to struggle with life as normies who can't do dangerous things like the fictional characters in comics/movies/games/nerdy fantasy novels etc which is the escape from boring reality. (run by feminists who think skinny chicks can win a fight against big guys in hopes that boys will obey women when they grow up to be adults instead of run from them) )

The attack on masculinity is possibly to do with killing people's independence. Make them weak, then they won't fight the NWO.

Thanks to feminists, kids who like the movie versions of the characters can't find comics of the characters they see onscreen anymore because all the marvel comics have changed the characters to promote the diversity shit.
Marvel shot themselves in the foot. They could have kept the existing versions alive while having the diversity version alongside the old ones. But nooo they had to pander to the feminists. And the result is comic book stores suffering. Hopefully comics like Patriotica take off much like how alternative media has destroyed the mainstream media in popularity.

With the popularity of DragonBall FighterZ (uses the manga/comic style of graphics) maybe we will see a re-birth of masculine comics again. Comics like Beserk and DBZ and Fist of the North Star all celebrate 80s style masculine heroes who had to be tough guys that weathered a bit of pain to be able to survive the harsh fucked up world to stay alive. Over time they have slowly tried to make the characters more whiney and emo (Cloud from final fantasy 7 being an example: he really represents a weak guy wishing he could be strong but never finding strength through his own unique path and that is why he is so unlikeable - it's the appearance of toughness by merely acting tough) and it's turning me off some games. If I can't respect the character I don't want to hear his story. The promotion of the "whiney and incompetent fool" archetype all started about the time of Neon Genesis Evangelion where weaklings started to become the main characters of stories and I hated that shit. I don't want to hear about your problems, change yourself so you don't have to stay weak haha Your daddy had nothing to do with it. You just needed to adapt to the situation and then build yourself. Much better than whining about responsibility like Rodimu Prime in the transformers. When these guys became the central characters they kinda destroyed people's interest in the story because nobody respects a loser who won't change. What they would like to see is an underdog who will take the opportunity he is given to do his best and then through tough challenges, he gets strong by enduring the harsh times. That's why Rocky is considered good story while Rodimus is considered annoying. They are both starting from position of disadvantage (one is boxer with no chance of winning but uses it) and the other is given responsibility but doesn't even want to be the leader of the heroes. Nobody can respect losers who see being in command a pain in the ass and thinking they shouldn't have to do anything. You are not hero, you just want everyone else to tell you what to do! Kids do not want that and it is no surprise they cried after optimus prime died in the show and they had to put up with a emotional fag who is never sure about what to do and is so weak.

If you make a decision and then commit to it, the females will respect this because you are confident. If you keep changing your mind and can't show that you have a strong opinion on how to do a given thing and express yourself through actions and be true to yourself (whatever that person is inside you) then you are indecisive and will not be good at leading other people who rely on you to be right. The beta male can never be the leader because he is too worried about how others perceive him to be rather than being someone of good character who can get the task done with minimum fussing.

Hopefully the commie jews can learn what makes heroes attractive instead of trying to promote weak people in comics which only shows kids that it is ok to blame others for your failures rather than changing yourself from within. Logical people want to find the answer to the problem by searching for the truth and going on the journey to get it. The emotional guy will just react to things and run away from responsibility like a cat reacting to sudden movements. Kids do not respect cowards who let emotion guide their behavior. They want to be the alpha that conquers fears, can undergo the tough training to survive trials of courage and test their confidence in their skills, and come back from the adventure with the prize. (only rewarded for those willing to put their life in some form of danger which risks them losing something valuable on the way. Beta's avoid risk anytime they can or just support the alpha by assisting him. The beta can be a good guy but just not willing to take that risk the alpha will take to achieve the objective which saves everyone. (they only think short term ie save their own skin and how they can use other people to help, rather than singlehandedly trying to do things themselves and taking all the responsibility on their own shoulders)
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by t0mby »

GameHED wrote:Marvel comics has seen massive drop in sales due to SJWs now taking control of the company and fans have moved to DC comics for their needs:
There is nothing wrong with SJWs having their own comics to themselves but the way they went about it is that they want to deny non-SJWs whose opinions differ from their own not be able to have their comics where females are not feminists with butch bodies and boy's hairdos and always have average looks even though a crime fighter has to be fit and healthy to be able to take down super vilains. (while villains have alwayss relied on unfair odds ie lots of money, genuis inteligence, command over large armies, or being lucky by simply being overpowered compared to other heroes and taking advantage of that to bully their way to get what they want.)

The good news is the comic nerds are fighting back with indie comics that are specifically made to trigger the radical feminist commies:
If the game industry could make more games that make fun of the left the way comedians do (which are mostly politically neutral) and have quality story and art, then marvel will eventually have to get rid of the intolerant people they employ and adapt if they want to survive. But much like the mainstream media their goal isn't money. It is to use comics medium as a tool for social change and promote anti-western view of the world. (so the iluminati will continue to bankroll it regardless of sales lol)
If creators want full creative control, then they need to OWN their characters and go outside of the system like the independent musicians who are ok with being small and making less money but staying loyal to their original fanbase instead of selling out.

It's sickening to see they are not limiting their attacks to games and now preying on the comics nerds.

Even Transformers comic is going transgender now LOL
No thanks. You aren't going to brainwash children into getting genitals mutilated like the muslims lol. We'll be there to warn others to boycott if it gets out of control.

What the SJWs need to understand is that the nerds already had SJW comics in the form of things like the X-men where the outcasts and minorities of society were the good guys and the normal people were the bad ones for trying to enslave mutants and kill all weirdos due to fear the weirdo would rule over them. (if you were a mutant you were considered bad, so kids who never felt they fit in with the main groups could identify with them) There is this arrogant assumption that marvel wasn't already SJW before the Anita Sarkesian types started their campaign to invade nerd culture and use it as a platform to promote their religious ideology.

We were here long before you were even born and buying quality comics. When you make anti-hetero comics, anti-white racist comics, and anti-patriotism comics with pro-NWO messages, we get turned off the comics and form other groups. If you had not killed the original characters to replace them with SJW ones, marvel would be in a better position in the comic biz. You don't have to destroy existing thing to make your Pro-SJW vrsion. But you felt a need to attack people who are critical of the work and whose valid criticisms would have helped you get more money. Since you are commies, more and more people are waking up and finally starting to resist the coup that just took place. (or turning to japanese comics now LOL)

Hopefully the comicgate nerds can learn a few things from gamergate nerds and they form anti-SJWs alliance to fix the problems of the industry which is killing the hobbies of men who seek an escape from reality. (assuming here the whole point of feminist infiltration into male spaces is the belief that if feminists compete with men, then men will not imagine and create or dream about ideals and go back into the matrix and become a robot again like the indoctrinated commie who hates christian western values and freedom of speech. If lesbians think they can beat us, then let them compete but thankfully capitalism is triumphing as we can see with DC by just giving the actual BUYERS of comics what they want instead of brats who think they are entitled to rights without any responsibilities :P ie it's capitalism triumphing over communism in action. Business relies on actual customer satisfaction before it is permitted to continue, or else it must die off due to offering nothing of value, which is exactly how we all want it.)

more fake news from the SJW crowd who are making false claims about harassment
Beware to all younger creators who are victim to false accusations: If they haven't got any evidence to prove their claim, then you are not obligated to respond to them. They set things up to generate controversy in hopes of getting attention. Learn to ignore them and expose their character to the public. It's an ongoing battle between good and evil. Honest people and scammers who think they are safe (hint: we still outnumber you and more and more people are being red-pilled by the day)

comics as propaganda
who were the original superhumans? (did the creators steal their ideas from actual supernatural beings which they worship in secret or idolise as gods which non-occultist people see as just myths?)
GameHED wrote:Oh crap now college humour is attacking masculinity too now:
For those who don't understand cultural marxists you should look into the history of it:
The SJWs and feminazis are really everywhere not just gaming now. When are these jews going to just give up?
I can't believe they are trying to promote beta male orbiters as virtuous people LOL (they ACT nice as a strategy to get into a girl's pants, not that they ARE nice people for real.)

These guys are exhibiting cognitive dissonance. They realise they will never be leaders so they have to redefine terms by trying to turn the term Alpha male as meaning toxic masculinist. It's not going to work. Kids know 'the Fonze' from Happy Days is the cool one and the weaklings who want to BE him are the less-desired beta males. lol
Boys should never look up to a beta male as leaders. They should be wishing they could be Optimus Prime (example of an alpha male who probably influence little kids in the 80s to join the marines) not Rodimus Prime (emo dude who just wants to LARP or play WoW all day in his mom's basement) who is always whining about not being good at anything and complaining about responsibility all the time rather than kicking people's butts and defending freedom.

Role models are important and the ruining of star wars, the removal of feminine female in fiction, and the promotion of feelings over logic (requirement to make good decisions). A tough guy can cry at a funeral and feel sad, but he will not let his feelings get in the way of clouding his judgement. And that is something the beta male must learn: that some people are better leaders than others because they can take power, use it responsibily, and own up to any failures without it stopping them from trying again until they suceed at something that is hard to do. (Rocky movies are great example of "going the distance" despite the odds being stacked against you. Alpha males transform themselves by taking on tough challenges, that nobody else will take, enduring the hardship, but not let that stop them to attain their goal. And when they achieve something, we remember the achievement and it inspires people to want to be like them. Betas are the guys that may support the alpha and that is it. One is not better than the other but the Alpha is the leader, and women know that and prefer them. No amount of brainwashing will change this as they dont want the kids to be sissies who are cowards and opportuniists that say yes to everything to get the promotion (by not offending the boss) instead of telling the truth (telling people what you think about them to their face without worrying about feelings and giving them tough love if the truth will hurt) and changing themselves (not blaming society or an externel force like the patriarchy lol) to improve who they are as a person to attain the sucess needed to get what they want.
The children of single mothers really need to be taught about the benefits of being a leader rather than blindly going with the crowd due to social pressure to conform. These types of people are susceptible to brainwashing by the cult leaders of society who wil use them as tools. (and they usually are guys that won't express themselves freely and never come up with any original idea of their own: the illuminati love these guys as they can mold these robots into anything they want)

Everyone has the potential to be an alpha male or female. It is not genetic and has more to do with the attitude you have to life. If you constantly are blaming others around you for failings of your own, then you are most likely a beta male stuck in the mindset of a victim who must look for external source for why you fail all the time. If you are the guy that look at things as challenges to overcome and don't mind failing but will take risks (example if you are a game developer that support ideas that are new concepts and which venture onto unchartered territory rather than already sure to make profit due to past trends) then you are an alpha/leader because you are doing something more dangerous than the other and seem to be more edgy than the followers who just do things based on what others are doing not because they can think for themselves and have self confidence in who they are. A guy who fails but uses this as method of teaching him something and then strengthening himself rather than whining about it and blaming some external force for his failing, is alpha due to his alpha male/female mindset. It's not about how big your muscles are or your ballsack size or dick length. LOL That used to be the old version of how you measure a person's balls. It's to do with how confident you are that you will always try the new thing even if it is not certain you will profit from it. Taking risks and still doing something you want to do is what defines an alpha male.

This bullshit of using animals as examples of leaders is no longer relevent anymore. We don't kill things using our own hands these days so the definition of alpha has changed to meet the times. Today an alpha just refers to how you react to tough situations and whether you use failure as a learning tool to make better decisions next time, or whine about some external thing as an excuse to not improve yourself. SJWs today hate taking responsibility, so they blame the sucessful rather than trying to emulate the guy who is a success and BE him. If we can teach these millenials how to be leaders and how to deal with tough conditions by encouraging them to look within themsleves for the solution and answer to a problem, then they won't fall back on blaming the white male hetero sexual for their lack of confidence and competency all the bloody time. Their own parents might be to blame since they may be irresponsible too and so they didn't pick up good habits growing up, which is where role models come into things: the commie jews want to make Beta males the role models LOL.

And it explain why we got all these Mary Sue characters in Star Wars, and weakling main characters who don't grow or change and become strong through hardship in the stories. (the SJWs don't want the characters to go through a tough challenge that makes the reader/watcher relate to the hero in the stories. They just think ACTING TOUGH is what people read comics for without understanding the underlying reason we CARE about the hero. The hero is vulnerable by always doing things that are risky and dangerous and that is why we want to turn the page to see how they deal with impossible odds and uncertain challenges which they may not come out of suceeding all the bloody time. The type of thing a leader must go through who has more responsibility than normal people. If SJWs understood why the nerd likes struggle then the stories would appeal to them more because the nerds are generally weak themselves and have to struggle with life as normies who can't do dangerous things like the fictional characters in comics/movies/games/nerdy fantasy novels etc which is the escape from boring reality. (run by feminists who think skinny chicks can win a fight against big guys in hopes that boys will obey women when they grow up to be adults instead of run from them) )

The attack on masculinity is possibly to do with killing people's independence. Make them weak, then they won't fight the NWO.

Thanks to feminists, kids who like the movie versions of the characters can't find comics of the characters they see onscreen anymore because all the marvel comics have changed the characters to promote the diversity shit.
Marvel shot themselves in the foot. They could have kept the existing versions alive while having the diversity version alongside the old ones. But nooo they had to pander to the feminists. And the result is comic book stores suffering. Hopefully comics like Patriotica take off much like how alternative media has destroyed the mainstream media in popularity.

With the popularity of DragonBall FighterZ (uses the manga/comic style of graphics) maybe we will see a re-birth of masculine comics again. Comics like Beserk and DBZ and Fist of the North Star all celebrate 80s style masculine heroes who had to be tough guys that weathered a bit of pain to be able to survive the harsh fucked up world to stay alive. Over time they have slowly tried to make the characters more whiney and emo (Cloud from final fantasy 7 being an example: he really represents a weak guy wishing he could be strong but never finding strength through his own unique path and that is why he is so unlikeable - it's the appearance of toughness by merely acting tough) and it's turning me off some games. If I can't respect the character I don't want to hear his story. The promotion of the "whiney and incompetent fool" archetype all started about the time of Neon Genesis Evangelion where weaklings started to become the main characters of stories and I hated that shit. I don't want to hear about your problems, change yourself so you don't have to stay weak haha Your daddy had nothing to do with it. You just needed to adapt to the situation and then build yourself. Much better than whining about responsibility like Rodimu Prime in the transformers. When these guys became the central characters they kinda destroyed people's interest in the story because nobody respects a loser who won't change. What they would like to see is an underdog who will take the opportunity he is given to do his best and then through tough challenges, he gets strong by enduring the harsh times. That's why Rocky is considered good story while Rodimus is considered annoying. They are both starting from position of disadvantage (one is boxer with no chance of winning but uses it) and the other is given responsibility but doesn't even want to be the leader of the heroes. Nobody can respect losers who see being in command a pain in the ass and thinking they shouldn't have to do anything. You are not hero, you just want everyone else to tell you what to do! Kids do not want that and it is no surprise they cried after optimus prime died in the show and they had to put up with a emotional fag who is never sure about what to do and is so weak.

If you make a decision and then commit to it, the females will respect this because you are confident. If you keep changing your mind and can't show that you have a strong opinion on how to do a given thing and express yourself through actions and be true to yourself (whatever that person is inside you) then you are indecisive and will not be good at leading other people who rely on you to be right. The beta male can never be the leader because he is too worried about how others perceive him to be rather than being someone of good character who can get the task done with minimum fussing.

Hopefully the commie jews can learn what makes heroes attractive instead of trying to promote weak people in comics which only shows kids that it is ok to blame others for your failures rather than changing yourself from within. Logical people want to find the answer to the problem by searching for the truth and going on the journey to get it. The emotional guy will just react to things and run away from responsibility like a cat reacting to sudden movements. Kids do not respect cowards who let emotion guide their behavior. They want to be the alpha that conquers fears, can undergo the tough training to survive trials of courage and test their confidence in their skills, and come back from the adventure with the prize. (only rewarded for those willing to put their life in some form of danger which risks them losing something valuable on the way. Beta's avoid risk anytime they can or just support the alpha by assisting him. The beta can be a good guy but just not willing to take that risk the alpha will take to achieve the objective which saves everyone. (they only think short term ie save their own skin and how they can use other people to help, rather than singlehandedly trying to do things themselves and taking all the responsibility on their own shoulders)
I'm not sure I quite understand how role models & Star Wars are related. Could you elaborate?
selfish wrote:Being a massive fanboy and trying to hide it is Lestat's worst bottleneck.
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by GameHED »

It is to do with making kids weak and reliant on government handouts so they can enslave humanity through debt. The government wants to grow bigger and become a dictatorship. To do this they need people to be weak and act like a baby so that people will call for bigger welfare programs to protect them from something. When governments get big it means more jobs for women who like to get jobs in the public sector since the public sector is not a competitive place to be in due to it being funded by tax payers. In other words if you are a woman, you get a job relying on big daddy government to protect you, and then you work only to lousy standard of performance while still getting paid. In the private sector, men must compete with other men for resources in order to survive. So attacking masculinity is destructive to society since it is masculine men that keeps the whole system running. Imagine if you will, that the trucks stopped moving (no groceries for you) or the soldiers took breaks during an invasion (no defence) or the doctors decided to not finish your surgery and quit halfway during an operation? (you wake up with body parts missing because they forgot to put them back in properly)

Men have the commitment to see a task through to the end and get a job done without having to whine and quit. Something beta males do because they don't know responsibility on the level of leaders but prefer to be led by others due to lack of confidence in themselves. Being alpha means you will get it done. Not cry for government to do it. lol

The commies like the idea of trying to encourage women to act tough to appear like they can do the same work as men but in reality they work less hours than men and demand equal pay for less hours of work. So these movies like Star Wars: The Force Awakens are trying to trick people into believing that women can do the same work as men can when it simply isn't true. If it were true you would see just as many women in STEM fields and inventing stuff, and the same number of female doctors as males in specific areas but they only want to do the nursing jobs or work for the big daddy government which they use as a weapon to break up families and to kill men's wallets in divorce court. Equality of outcome is a myth that hollywood movies wish to promote to women and give them unrealistic expectations which is driving feminists miserable because they resent the fact that now that they have to go to work and be "strong and independent" at the same time as raise kids, they feel like they got ripped off by these commie jews and have been tricked into the dream they were sold of utopia. They get angry knowing that they have to do TWO jobs instead of one and have to buy their own house instead of just having one that is shared by the man and woman which would have cut costs in half! Now that they are miserable they want to blame US the people that warned them that feminism was just a tool for the bankers to get twice as many people fighting for the same amount of money as the people in previous times before tv had brainwashed them into believing they could compete on the same level as men who are driven to always win and obsessed with work.

Think of it like this: if we don't ahow boys to be masculine like He-man or Goku in Dragonball Z, they will grow up unable to compete with the other men in the real world and become sissies like the SJWs who rely on government to protect them instead of thinking for themselves and being confident people. (the world where in order to survive you must be productive and you don't just get paid regardless of your performance. We live in a meritocracy where the best get the resources. Not a matriarchy where everyone believes that we are equal. Otherwise guys like you wouldn't care about things like sales figures, who won in sports (your team or the other guy's team) and which game corporation has the best power. What feminists of today want to do is encourage men to be feminine instead of masculine because women know they can't compete with men at our natural state of being better producers.

What movies are doing is brainwashing you into thinking that when you put feminist in control of the story that they can do better than the men who made the old star wars movies. It's a taunt to men saying: "our stuff is better than yours" and men are now forced to look elsewhere for good science fantasy and sicnece fiction movies now that they have control over the franchise. Same thing is happening in the marvel comics scene (subscribe to capn cummings - he does reviews of all the SJW marvel comics which is angering long time fans) where fans of the old marvel characters are having trouble finding comics of their fave role models which the dads want to show to their kids who are angry that Iron man is now a black chick, Thor is now a woman, and captain america is a nazi. This is not a joke from the Onion lol This is what the commies have actually done to the comics biz to see if they can brainwash kids with cultural marxism. These people think gender is a social construct and they have succeeded in letting transgender people go into little girls toilets (fully grown men who merely think they are female) and watch the little girls changing in the nude while they walk around with their private parts exposed. Again Tomby: This is NOT a joke. They believe this.

Masculinity is being attacked and what these SJW need to understand is that being an alpha male doesn't mean you are evil or a bully. Being an alpha male means you take charge of things and get the job done without having to whine and complain. A bully is not alpha because a bully is someone who picks on someone who is way smaller than themselves because the bully knows if they fight, the damage will be tiny to themselves and there is no risk of getting hurt. (so that is why they are called cowards) An alpha male takes on people BIGGER than themselves because they have balls! This is why the best action movies always make the villain much bigger than the hero because he (the hero) has to work with less to appear heroic otherwise he will appear weak for fighting a weaker enemy than himself. It is something the SJWs don't understand about being a hero. They only think of heroes as violent dickheads who appear angry at the world all the time and who are only looked up to by little kids because they can fight well. They have a very shallow understanding of the real world around them because they are socially inept people in real life who believe we the normies are all evil and they are the hero in their minds. But they don't think they've been brainwashed by the left-leaning professors who hate us christians and want to kill families. Notice how all of them are childless people who don't have any real-life responsibility? I guess they suffer from the Peter Pan syndrome that Michael Jackson had where they just don't want to live in the real world at all and didn't grow up so they have warped idea of what courage is about. It's not about people sacrificing their own life to keep others free of harm but more how sucessful you can brainwash people into accepting their idealogy. (notice how they never want to debate you on the intellectual level? Because they don't want peace. They want you to accept their beliefs and have no shame in trying to shove their views down your throat. Something the normies are sick to death of and we don't accept their immoral beliefs in our society where people want kids to grow up as productive people and who are responsible for any failings they have and will admit to them and then try to fix themselves and become stronger for doing so. What these guys want to do is drag us down to their level thinking they are the ones saving people when they are the ones who can't even suceed in making good sotries with deep characters to please the audience. (in fact they now admit to hating comic readers and don't want them buying the comics LOL It is as if they never understood how running business is done. You don't shoo away people who are paying your bills. These idiots need to go. And if Marvel comics continues on the path they are going, then they will cease to exist. Hopefully by then DC takes over. (they just need to catch up to marvel in the cinematic portion of the business and everything will be good)

The rivalry between DC and Marvel kind of reminds me of the battle between capcom (caved into the SJWs by censoring R.Mika poses and removing titty jiggle) and Arc System Works (giving fans what they want and not being ashamed to retain the sexy female characters). If SJWs want to preach, ok that is fine, but do not say your sales are bad because of the patriarchy. The quality of the comic is why people are abandoning the brand now. Marvel already had SJW characters in the past so it can't be because anti-SJWs are the only ones who have an issue with you. It's because of the way they killed the old characters off just to serve a political agenda which is a slap in the face of real comic buyers who don't want to support your idealogy but like the old marvel characters. By them being unapologetic, they lack the ability to adapt to the real world! These types of people just see comics as a propaganda tool only not entertainment for people and that is why they are bad for the whole hobby just like EA is considered bad for the game industry becasue of the anti-consumer attitude of the past that they had.

What I'm advocating for game companies to do is give kids more Goku/optimus prime/Luke Skywalker and less SJW chun li (who looks like a retad in MVC:I, less mary sue from star wars (who can merely think shes a jedi and automatically have powers with no training lol) and less SJW Iron Man (whose only purpose for being a black woman is to say "girls can be scientists too" which simply isn't true. How many geniuses on the level of Tony Stark are woman tomby? sweet fuck all. All they care about is shallow stuff like how big their titties are, and what celebrities are up to so they can gossip about stuff that doesn't benefit society at all. The reason they do it Tomby is because they are brainwashed by the Marxist college professors who themselves are on the take from communist jews who hate traditional family values. They don't actually care about minorities. They see them as a tool to bring about hatred between people of different groups using divide and conquer tactics. And this is why despite not profiting, the NWO will bankroll these crazy groups in the hope of bringing negative social changes that empower them at your expense.
since we outnumber them NOW, we should fight NOW. Not later when they grow bigger numbers like a cancerous tumor. If you were Goku, you would train before the butt-ugly aliens got to earth so you can survive their deadliest attacks. You wouldn't wait for them to appear and then start powering up and leveling up your muscles. Learn from Goku not female Thor who didn't earn their way up the ladder from hard work and just stole someone else's name lol It would be like if there was a female He-men and the female version just took the name He-man instead of been a seperate character called she-ra. You get what I am saying? These people don't read comics. They are just there to piss off the true fans. They are counterfiet fake fans who have infiltrated nerd culture, and they almost succeeded in trying to take down gaming hobby. But thanks to awakened people, they have backed off for now. So I want to extend the coverage to comics now since they are a smaller fanbase than games and much more vulnerable. If we combine our might they can be squashed before they succeed in destroying peple's chldhoods with gay and tranny versions of old characters. I have nothing against them creating new ones but killing off the popular ones to replace them with the crap ones they made up is their way of saying "we don't give a fuck about you, buy our shit despite the lack of quality" and in a meritocracy (the real world) that's not how things work. These spoilt kids need to be re-educated and spanked so they will survive the real world, not encouraged to be weaklings who expect us to give them free money while spitting in our faces. lol

One of the good things about japanese comics is how characters actually have to train hard and work hard to get merit. Then you see them slowly grow over time. You didn't get this in Star Wars Force Awakens. The girl automatically has power because it was magically gifted to her for free. Entitlement generation may like this shallow shitty character that disney is trying to pass off as interesting (it's fucking boring) but the japanese comics teach little kids to study hard, work hard, train hard, and then you get skills, big muscles, wisdom by pouring energy into something and focusing your mind so when you concentrate on one thing you can outdo the other guy instead of being a lazy shit with unreal expectations. The lesson in manga usually is that the more committed you are the better chance you have of success. (which you used to get in old school star wars movies too, but not in the new SJW-friendly ones) You can see the difference right? Older readers prefer fictional beings to also have some sort of rule system that governs who can win and who will most likely lose even though it's all make believe. The less deep the characters and more shallow they are, the more "2 dimensional" (not real within the fantasy universe) they seem. The same feeling you get when you watch CG stunts that look way too over-the-top to be considered able to be done in real life. When there is no risk and no penalty for failure doing dangerous things, the story stops being interesting. (big sin of Star Wars Force Awakens which feels like a kids saturday morning cartoon in terms of gravity of situations) SJWs and feminists like to create characters with god-like abilities and no limits to their characters. This means nothing has to be earned to obtain sucess. And it is teaching children to feel entitled to be the winner without training or hard work or dedication. They will then grow up to be lazy like the SJWs who lack any work ethic.
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by t0mby »

GameHED wrote:It is to do with making kids weak and reliant on government handouts so they can enslave humanity through debt. The government wants to grow bigger and become a dictatorship. To do this they need people to be weak and act like a baby so that people will call for bigger welfare programs to protect them from something. When governments get big it means more jobs for women who like to get jobs in the public sector since the public sector is not a competitive place to be in due to it being funded by tax payers. In other words if you are a woman, you get a job relying on big daddy government to protect you, and then you work only to lousy standard of performance while still getting paid. In the private sector, men must compete with other men for resources in order to survive. So attacking masculinity is destructive to society since it is masculine men that keeps the whole system running. Imagine if you will, that the trucks stopped moving (no groceries for you) or the soldiers took breaks during an invasion (no defence) or the doctors decided to not finish your surgery and quit halfway during an operation? (you wake up with body parts missing because they forgot to put them back in properly)

Men have the commitment to see a task through to the end and get a job done without having to whine and quit. Something beta males do because they don't know responsibility on the level of leaders but prefer to be led by others due to lack of confidence in themselves. Being alpha means you will get it done. Not cry for government to do it. lol

The commies like the idea of trying to encourage women to act tough to appear like they can do the same work as men but in reality they work less hours than men and demand equal pay for less hours of work. So these movies like Star Wars: The Force Awakens are trying to trick people into believing that women can do the same work as men can when it simply isn't true. If it were true you would see just as many women in STEM fields and inventing stuff, and the same number of female doctors as males in specific areas but they only want to do the nursing jobs or work for the big daddy government which they use as a weapon to break up families and to kill men's wallets in divorce court. Equality of outcome is a myth that hollywood movies wish to promote to women and give them unrealistic expectations which is driving feminists miserable because they resent the fact that now that they have to go to work and be "strong and independent" at the same time as raise kids, they feel like they got ripped off by these commie jews and have been tricked into the dream they were sold of utopia. They get angry knowing that they have to do TWO jobs instead of one and have to buy their own house instead of just having one that is shared by the man and woman which would have cut costs in half! Now that they are miserable they want to blame US the people that warned them that feminism was just a tool for the bankers to get twice as many people fighting for the same amount of money as the people in previous times before tv had brainwashed them into believing they could compete on the same level as men who are driven to always win and obsessed with work.

Think of it like this: if we don't ahow boys to be masculine like He-man or Goku in Dragonball Z, they will grow up unable to compete with the other men in the real world and become sissies like the SJWs who rely on government to protect them instead of thinking for themselves and being confident people. (the world where in order to survive you must be productive and you don't just get paid regardless of your performance. We live in a meritocracy where the best get the resources. Not a matriarchy where everyone believes that we are equal. Otherwise guys like you wouldn't care about things like sales figures, who won in sports (your team or the other guy's team) and which game corporation has the best power. What feminists of today want to do is encourage men to be feminine instead of masculine because women know they can't compete with men at our natural state of being better producers.

What movies are doing is brainwashing you into thinking that when you put feminist in control of the story that they can do better than the men who made the old star wars movies. It's a taunt to men saying: "our stuff is better than yours" and men are now forced to look elsewhere for good science fantasy and sicnece fiction movies now that they have control over the franchise. Same thing is happening in the marvel comics scene (subscribe to capn cummings - he does reviews of all the SJW marvel comics which is angering long time fans) where fans of the old marvel characters are having trouble finding comics of their fave role models which the dads want to show to their kids who are angry that Iron man is now a black chick, Thor is now a woman, and captain america is a nazi. This is not a joke from the Onion lol This is what the commies have actually done to the comics biz to see if they can brainwash kids with cultural marxism. These people think gender is a social construct and they have succeeded in letting transgender people go into little girls toilets (fully grown men who merely think they are female) and watch the little girls changing in the nude while they walk around with their private parts exposed. Again Tomby: This is NOT a joke. They believe this.

Masculinity is being attacked and what these SJW need to understand is that being an alpha male doesn't mean you are evil or a bully. Being an alpha male means you take charge of things and get the job done without having to whine and complain. A bully is not alpha because a bully is someone who picks on someone who is way smaller than themselves because the bully knows if they fight, the damage will be tiny to themselves and there is no risk of getting hurt. (so that is why they are called cowards) An alpha male takes on people BIGGER than themselves because they have balls! This is why the best action movies always make the villain much bigger than the hero because he (the hero) has to work with less to appear heroic otherwise he will appear weak for fighting a weaker enemy than himself. It is something the SJWs don't understand about being a hero. They only think of heroes as violent dickheads who appear angry at the world all the time and who are only looked up to by little kids because they can fight well. They have a very shallow understanding of the real world around them because they are socially inept people in real life who believe we the normies are all evil and they are the hero in their minds. But they don't think they've been brainwashed by the left-leaning professors who hate us christians and want to kill families. Notice how all of them are childless people who don't have any real-life responsibility? I guess they suffer from the Peter Pan syndrome that Michael Jackson had where they just don't want to live in the real world at all and didn't grow up so they have warped idea of what courage is about. It's not about people sacrificing their own life to keep others free of harm but more how sucessful you can brainwash people into accepting their idealogy. (notice how they never want to debate you on the intellectual level? Because they don't want peace. They want you to accept their beliefs and have no shame in trying to shove their views down your throat. Something the normies are sick to death of and we don't accept their immoral beliefs in our society where people want kids to grow up as productive people and who are responsible for any failings they have and will admit to them and then try to fix themselves and become stronger for doing so. What these guys want to do is drag us down to their level thinking they are the ones saving people when they are the ones who can't even suceed in making good sotries with deep characters to please the audience. (in fact they now admit to hating comic readers and don't want them buying the comics LOL It is as if they never understood how running business is done. You don't shoo away people who are paying your bills. These idiots need to go. And if Marvel comics continues on the path they are going, then they will cease to exist. Hopefully by then DC takes over. (they just need to catch up to marvel in the cinematic portion of the business and everything will be good)

The rivalry between DC and Marvel kind of reminds me of the battle between capcom (caved into the SJWs by censoring R.Mika poses and removing titty jiggle) and Arc System Works (giving fans what they want and not being ashamed to retain the sexy female characters). If SJWs want to preach, ok that is fine, but do not say your sales are bad because of the patriarchy. The quality of the comic is why people are abandoning the brand now. Marvel already had SJW characters in the past so it can't be because anti-SJWs are the only ones who have an issue with you. It's because of the way they killed the old characters off just to serve a political agenda which is a slap in the face of real comic buyers who don't want to support your idealogy but like the old marvel characters. By them being unapologetic, they lack the ability to adapt to the real world! These types of people just see comics as a propaganda tool only not entertainment for people and that is why they are bad for the whole hobby just like EA is considered bad for the game industry becasue of the anti-consumer attitude of the past that they had.

What I'm advocating for game companies to do is give kids more Goku/optimus prime/Luke Skywalker and less SJW chun li (who looks like a retad in MVC:I, less mary sue from star wars (who can merely think shes a jedi and automatically have powers with no training lol) and less SJW Iron Man (whose only purpose for being a black woman is to say "girls can be scientists too" which simply isn't true. How many geniuses on the level of Tony Stark are woman tomby? sweet fuck all. All they care about is shallow stuff like how big their titties are, and what celebrities are up to so they can gossip about stuff that doesn't benefit society at all. The reason they do it Tomby is because they are brainwashed by the Marxist college professors who themselves are on the take from communist jews who hate traditional family values. They don't actually care about minorities. They see them as a tool to bring about hatred between people of different groups using divide and conquer tactics. And this is why despite not profiting, the NWO will bankroll these crazy groups in the hope of bringing negative social changes that empower them at your expense.
since we outnumber them NOW, we should fight NOW. Not later when they grow bigger numbers like a cancerous tumor. If you were Goku, you would train before the butt-ugly aliens got to earth so you can survive their deadliest attacks. You wouldn't wait for them to appear and then start powering up and leveling up your muscles. Learn from Goku not female Thor who didn't earn their way up the ladder from hard work and just stole someone else's name lol It would be like if there was a female He-men and the female version just took the name He-man instead of been a seperate character called she-ra. You get what I am saying? These people don't read comics. They are just there to piss off the true fans. They are counterfiet fake fans who have infiltrated nerd culture, and they almost succeeded in trying to take down gaming hobby. But thanks to awakened people, they have backed off for now. So I want to extend the coverage to comics now since they are a smaller fanbase than games and much more vulnerable. If we combine our might they can be squashed before they succeed in destroying peple's chldhoods with gay and tranny versions of old characters. I have nothing against them creating new ones but killing off the popular ones to replace them with the crap ones they made up is their way of saying "we don't give a fuck about you, buy our shit despite the lack of quality" and in a meritocracy (the real world) that's not how things work. These spoilt kids need to be re-educated and spanked so they will survive the real world, not encouraged to be weaklings who expect us to give them free money while spitting in our faces. lol

One of the good things about japanese comics is how characters actually have to train hard and work hard to get merit. Then you see them slowly grow over time. You didn't get this in Star Wars Force Awakens. The girl automatically has power because it was magically gifted to her for free. Entitlement generation may like this shallow shitty character that disney is trying to pass off as interesting (it's fucking boring) but the japanese comics teach little kids to study hard, work hard, train hard, and then you get skills, big muscles, wisdom by pouring energy into something and focusing your mind so when you concentrate on one thing you can outdo the other guy instead of being a lazy shit with unreal expectations. The lesson in manga usually is that the more committed you are the better chance you have of success. (which you used to get in old school star wars movies too, but not in the new SJW-friendly ones) You can see the difference right? Older readers prefer fictional beings to also have some sort of rule system that governs who can win and who will most likely lose even though it's all make believe. The less deep the characters and more shallow they are, the more "2 dimensional" (not real within the fantasy universe) they seem. The same feeling you get when you watch CG stunts that look way too over-the-top to be considered able to be done in real life. When there is no risk and no penalty for failure doing dangerous things, the story stops being interesting. (big sin of Star Wars Force Awakens which feels like a kids saturday morning cartoon in terms of gravity of situations) SJWs and feminists like to create characters with god-like abilities and no limits to their characters. This means nothing has to be earned to obtain sucess. And it is teaching children to feel entitled to be the winner without training or hard work or dedication. They will then grow up to be lazy like the SJWs who lack any work ethic.
Is Entitlement Generation an official term? I know ow there is Generation X, Generation Y and the Mellinial Generation but I've never heard of the Entitlement Generation reference before.
selfish wrote:Being a massive fanboy and trying to hide it is Lestat's worst bottleneck.
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by GameHED »

What the fucking fuck? They decided to send in bullies to attack other bullies online as the solution to everything? :lol:

Seriously a movie needs to be made about this. Nerds who play games were already bullied when they were too fat, too weak, and too slow to be on the football team in school and kids picked on them because they couldn't fight back. Plus girls would not fuck them. (hikkomori in japan is the equivalent of the bullied nerdy guy who won't even go outside to stop playing computer games and posts on imageboard like 4chan.)

Now that feminists have infiltrated the nerd male spaces they want to send in cyber bully to bully these guys even more? These are the people that fix your computers and expose child sex rings of your politicians. You don't want to fuck with them today. Illuminati has no idea what they are doing. Alternative media has destroyed whatever power feminism might have had and people are now more free to express themselves than in the past (as long as they do it on platform not controlled by the feminist or SJW)

I think it's time to form the Anti-bully hunter squads online. These are designed to police both sides (the bully and the bullyhunter) and make sure they don't harass each other and ruin the game experiences.This is about quality control. If you ruin a paid experience you are harming the consumer who pays for that service. It would be like playing a fighting game, you trash talk the opponent and all of a sudden another guy pulls the plug on the cable to turn off the system and forces you to stop match to play the bullyhunter and you are told that acting mean is justification for ruining the tournaments.

Guys this is not acceptable. These political groups need to be policed. You don't get to ruin my games and take my money. This is a criminal thing where you intrude on the normal play of a game, and then steal that person's money by harassing the players in the game to shove SJW ideals down other people's throats which nobody agrees to believe in. Imagine in a UFC fight the match could be shut down if the other guy taunts the opponent too much and makes the guy angry too much? You'd be getting your refund for paying to see that fight. The same needs to be done for online game services that support the bullhunter crowds. Part of the fun is the mind games in fighting your opponent so they lose concentration. It's part of a lot of competitive sports and it works. Taking that part of gaming away is ruining the online experience. Thats what SJW need to understand. People pay money to watch fights because they like the excitement of the trash talk and the skill involved to get the other guy to lose (a portion of which is the psychological side to it where the competitor needs to filter the unecessary trash talk and bluffing and con game to figure the truth and make good decision not)

What they see as people just being mean is the tactic of making the other guy lose concentration and play less focused than if they did't have to hear the trash talking. And it's valid in many competitive things to kill the other guy's ego or even feed the ego to make them overconfident so they don't take you seriously and then you surprise them at the end to take an easy win. The cultural marxists want to remove competitiveness from society because it goes against the communist ideal of everyone being equal and nobody being allowed to get ahead. This is a culture war. It's an attack on your right to do BETTER than others and achieve great things. By attacking western values of meritocracy (working hard and longer than other and earning more money) they think they can bring on a utopian commie world where everyone is happy because everyone else is miserable like them. The reality is: PEOPLE DREAM. Imagine if Nikola Tesla never invented anything or created new stuff or business didn't care about offering a better deal than thier rivals and you only had mediocre customer service (government services are one example where you wait a long time to be served because the tax payer is still going to pay the lazy worker regardless of performance. And the worker doesn't care about how slow they work as they will still get money because they don't have fear of losing the job due to lack of performance reviews).

Once we teach kids why being competitive is good for society and them, then they will be able to fight these SJW (identifying their underlying beliefs) and boycott the places where they teach. (big tech companies right now seem to be on the side of the illuminati and feminists and SJWs without understanding the consequences it will have on future generations. (they grow up to be pussies who whine and moan without taking any pride in achievements and just punish others who are better than them for getting ahead)

it was all an anita sarkesian style stunt:
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by GameHED »

Amazing stuff. Feminists think social media is private.
We should ban feminists from all game companies until they understand that you become a public figure when you talk on the social media platforms.
If you want to talk privately to people in your private circles just use email or set your "space" to private only. This should actually be company policy: the people in charge teach the feminist what is an isn't acceptable behavior in public. And if they don't like it, then they use a fake name for the real person. You lose your privacy when you input in real names into these platforms. The customer is always right. Even IF you are being abused, the money means you are being paid to be abused. So smile while being abused and talk shit about them behind their backs when you are off hours in private. So easy. She gets the Dumbest Feminist of the Year award.

Yongyea should be allowed to slap this bitch with a metal gear solid action figure to discipline her to become better at social skills. Fans are people you don't have to respect in real life, but who deserve to be served if you are being paid to provide the service. (you get money, they get service and everyone is even and power is equal between both parties) Acting out isn't going to help business profit. Can't handle it? Make you own company and do your own thing where you are the boss of the company. But they won't because feminist just hijacks things men created from the ground up. They hate the patriarchy but need it to survive.

I would love to see more characters in games that is fervently anti-feminist. It's time game companies have conflict within a game. So you have one character that acts tough (but isn't competent) and another that is polite but tough for real and the two have to get along. The feminist has to act tough but reality is they are weak and don't like having to act tough all the time. The moral of the story is mansplaining is necessary to teaching feminists how to be aware of their limits and that disrespecting people that are more wise than you isn't going to suddenly make you cool and edgy and popular. You got to learn respect for those who earned their stripes and worked their way up. When you get there, then you can be respected regardless of gender. There is no personal emotion in work, it's stuff you do for money and that is it. Just like a hooker who is paid to suck dick and then can use the money you earn to be 'powerful' and start your own company if you wish. Does the hooker care who the client is? Nope. Just do the work, get the money, then smile when you receive it. How hard can that be? Customers are not friends. Corporations are not slaves to customers. Both the buyer and seller are equal. Breach your end of a deal and you lose money and customers. You work for money, not to be best mates with the buyers. If you hate the job get a different one where you don't need to smile.
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

t0mby wrote:
GameHED wrote:Tomby girls are never friends. They are meant to be fucked which is thier biological nature. You exist because two horny people fucked and you were spat out of a hole and now serve the reptilian's evil empire by working as a slave in the matrix, complete with a number assigned to you as one of their demonspawn to do the bidding of the devil worshipping, blood drinking, child-killing pedophiles who sell you crap to fund the war against God. Girls can pretend to like or be interested in the things you like but it's just part of the act to have sex with you in the hopes you will marry them so they can take your stuff. You should have been listening to Stardusk/Thinking Ape videos years ago because that is mainstream knowledge now. Sure I can be a friend to girls but girls will only pretend to be your friend because they desire to use men as a utility not be your friend. If being a friend is a means to an end, (winning cash and prizes) then yes they will be your friend but not because they like you or want to be your friend. You feeling me?

The western society is going to be like Japan in the future where people will not breed and girls will have to pay men to have sex with them like in the old days when fathers would pay a man a dowry when he gave away his daughter to the man who reluctantly agreed to take her daughter from him and pay all her expenses. 2017 = slow death of feminism.

I want you to listen to boogie's story about the abusive upbringing he had with his violent mother who physically abused him:
this is the kind of shit you see in Steven King horror movies. Assuming it is true and he isn't making the story up to get donations, (I believe him) we must fight these types of psychotic people back since the government does not recognise female on male bullying as a real thing and the family courts are designed to rape a man's wallet not women (due to men earning more and government being basicaly a business - ie they profit by going for the biggest producer instead of being fair. It's not about justice so much as what will be "good for the economy" lol).

The thing that men must understand is that it is ok to say "I was bullied by a female." In the Anita video you can see her pissed that the vidcon thing wasn't all about her victimisation and Boogie innocently wanted to get his message out to include males being bullied which did not fit the bitche's narrative that it is only women that get bullied and not men too. She is a sneaky bitch that wants the public to perceive her as a good person and not an opportunist like Starscream from the Transformer. We all know Anita misrepresents gamers and she is using the same old trick again by demonising ordinary males who like to give each other shit when they are being competitive. It's called trash talking which is not the same thing as BEING MEAN. Those same guys will have a beer with each other and not take the game so seriously as these women think. But in sports or any competitive activity trash-talking and psychological intimidation is a tactic to put the opponent off his focus and you see boxers and MMA fighters so this to get the other guy angry enough to be more predictable in how they react to you which makes it a little easier to get them to open up their defense when you taunt them to come at you. Conner Macgregor is a good example of this and it helps people to remember him too because you tend to think about the people you hate more than normal people - it can be a publicity thing to get attention. (which is necessary if you are unknown guy who has to prove something to the world)

Anyway. There is a shining hope out there that can save us from these SJWs who are creating ridiciulous laws to punish anyone who disgrees with them.
This man here:
As long as we got people that are fighting, western civilisation will stand a chance from the cry bullies. Even though they are small number NOW they have the backing of the elites who want to see chaos and division in christian nations that are resisting the NWO which is trying to force nations to accept immigrants that are anti-christian (the NWO will not let christian refugees into countries only the muslim ones which is part of the divide and conquer strategy of getting the enemies of each nation to live next door to the enemies of the immigrating people)

When you look at this from the big picture perspective you can connect the dots. Japanese people have japan. Indians have india. African have Africa. Chinese have china. But notice how whites don't have "white guys only" nation? It's all due to SJWs guilt-tripping the white man into giving them free shit all the time and soon white people will not have their own culture/istory preserved. If you are a white man that isn't racist but just want to go to a place that preserves your own culture and a place you can call your home, you will not be able to do this in future as the elite want to destroy the whole concept of borders and nations. They start by introducing foreign cultures into your nation first and then getting them into positions of power and then slowly wiping out the local culture that was there. After that the identity of the nation is lost and no nation has any unique character to it anymore and is the exact same as every other place. BORING!

What you want to do is preserve the diversity of the whole globe so that you experience different things when you travel the world. Nobody wants foreigners to bring the third world to the first world. It should be the first world being brought to the third world so the third worlders can lift THEMSELVES up (by giving them just enough to make decisions for themselves rather be told what to think and copy others) rather than drag down the first world. Communism doesn't WORK. It never has. And its little brother SOCIAILISM is just sinning. "Steal from the rich to give to the poor" But what often happens when you give free handouts to the poor guy is they get addicted to getting handouts without having to work for it and they go soft and the working people wonder why they should get up each morning to go to work when they could easily just stay home and get free money? So the hard worker just quits (the taxes get ridiculous) and goes on the dole and becomes dependent on the free money too. Then the nation gets weak and eventually collapses under the weight of the debt it can't pay back and the elites then offer the nation a deal where they cancel the debt but own your land and you no longer have any rights or freedom since you are on their land now. (slavery motherfucker :D )

If you want to kill the SJW and feminists you need to take them on head-on now while they are small and weak. If you don't they will end up owning your city and towns and you will see violent acts on the streets like what Germany is experiencing now. The feminists and the SJWs and the muslims (backed by the NWO who armed the terror groups because they are satanists and pedophiles and need to make money from war, child trafficking and general human misery to make the demons they worship happy if they want to maintain power) are teaming up to kill christian western nations by invading them through the guise of "helping refugees". See Black Pigeon Speaks youtube videos on this for more info.

What does this have to do with gaming? Well much like movies and comic books and v shows these are a form of propaganda tool for the elites too since so many people are exposed to them. It can slowly brainwash the youth over a long period of time as we have seen disney do with their cartoons of disney princesses and caused little girls to believe that marriage is the whole meaning of life and that men must be knights protecting them from danger and treat them like princesses when in fact they are not of royal breeding and don't have to act like royalty with manners and etiquette or do things that benefit the unfortunate people and generally take responsibility of a royal person who must serve the people by performing duties. Women today are just entitled bitches who think they are owed things and don't have to do anything to entertain men for attention. (thanks Disney) A leader will protect those who are starving on the streets and take responsibility for bad actions and is accountable to the people that put the leader in charge. Woman don't have the ability to take the blame for anything. They just shift it to men even when men give them power to make the decisions all by themselves. Even though women have more power than men do by having more rights, feminists STILL complain about the patriarchy and make false claims like the Wage Gap Myth. You are seeing hollywood movies and comics where men are the bad guys all the time now and boy are getting sick of it. Thor should never have been female. It makes no fucking sense but they did it.

If we can re-educate the SJWs by giving them the truth, they will not play into the hands of the elites who have tried really hard to remove constitutional god-given right from the local populations of the free lands. It's just like Star Wars when the empire eventually convinced the free galactic republic that it was a good idea to kill the moral authority (at the time being the Jedi) and go with a dictatorship because to the public it would keep them "safe" from danger and all it did was make it hard for freedom lovers to live. If you like authoritarianism that is fine but most people want a bit of danger and risk because it makes you tougher (you develop survival skills) and the elite are threatened by strong people which is why they hate males being masculine all of a sudden. They hate leaders that are actually strong VS pretending to be tough. If you are independent it means they can't control you. If you are strong you can't be put into debt and controlled financially by making you owe them shit. Owing them shit is bad because they can trade debt for physical hard assets which never go down in value and then you eventually give them your soul too.

Patrice O'neal understood this concept and explain this type of thing in hollywood system:
The idea of controlling people is to give the person things for free, then getting them to owe you back something. When you owe them, you are their bitch and they can make you do shit that goes against your own belief or morals or ethics. This fat black guy is fucking smart and it doesn't surprise me he woke up and became a fan of Alex Jones after watching documentaries on the NWO.

Comedians have to be intelligent to come up with jokes that make people laugh and it is a skill needed to poke fun at the ridiculous things people do that makes no sense. This is why the NWO is going after them too now and trying to censor what they can joke about. It has nothing to do about protecting children from offensive language or being prudish. It's control freak shit to help the NWO obtain power over your freedom and turn you into a boring zombie that just does what they say. If a comedian doesn't get big, its because they didn't sign the contract with the illuminati who have an agenda to serve the demons giving them the occult power to maintain earthly control. Since Patrice didn't want to be anyone's bitch and preferred freedom he would only accept things from low-mid level jews so that way he could say whatever the fuck he wishes because you have more creative control over the work than if you do what popular people do. (same with rap artists and any other profession.)

The same thing happen in games where if you get too big, the SJWs and feminists see a blip on the radar and want to destroy it because you end up being a threat worth noticing to them (remember they are control freaks, it's part of the reptilian DNA to enslave humans) and this explains why they are going after the guys behind Senran Kagura now. The games are getting more popular and this means the elites want to control it or attack it, or at least censor the content. The good guys know how the game works and will not let themselves be censored. It's too important to spread truth than to get lots of money and be someone's bitch. So what game makers need to do is start going independent and making smaller but edgier games. Games that have content you wouldn't be able to get away with if you were bullied at work by the boss for making because he is one of the reptilians serving the NWO and is scared to lose his reitrement fund. Politicians need to understand that the bad guys will kill the people that served them because you KNOW TOO MUCH. Dead men tell no tales. You have to openly declare you are against them as they hate people that can expose them. But if you expose their actions 9without necessarily hurting the individuals) you can warn the good people the intentions of the groups so that people will resist and be able to push back with strength, and that way the entire group of good guys can know they are fighting for good not just fighting.

It's ok to have conflict if it's not part of a plan by the illuminati to divide and conquer society. If you are fighting for God, righteous justice, freedom, truth etc that is not the same as fighting to be part of a controlled conflict which the illuminati planned to happen to ruin the order of society that exists which the people prefer. And this is the thing kids need to know as they grow up and start to vote. If you are being lied to, you need to be able to identify who are the bad guys and the good guys based only on actions. Even if tomorrow people just assassinated all the bad guys, new bad guys would just pop up to replace them. (It's not the bad people that is the problem as we are all bad people, it's their evil actions that cause the harm) So you got to identify bad behaviors and stop them before they grow like a cancer in the minds of the youth. That is the illuminati's greatest weapon: to brainwash/hypnotise the young people who are vulnerable to be influenced by evil guys who want to use and manipulate them to weaponise their natural hatred and rebelliousness of authority. (it works because the pro-authoritarian college professors know they are poor guys who are in debt so they can use this hatred to fight the power which they perceive caused the poverty rather than only target corrupt leaders or people who are abusing the system and their authority for personal gain which is why they ignore some laws and not others. ie selective enforcement)

If the authority is abusing its power then yes that rebelion can be a good thing, but if it is used to enslave everyone, ("kill anyone who disagrees with me" and not even debate them) then you got to watch out. Jesus was a rebel to the moral authority of his time but the fight was to replace lie with truth and this is an example of stopping brainwashed guys from following bad leaders who only want to serve their own personal interest instead of God. If the battle is between good and evil then fight the evil but not the person itself. It's the evil that is in them that is bad not the person who is brainwashed and just doing what they think is right. If they are doing what they think is right, then analyse their thinking and correct the thinking if you see the error. If they don't want to debate you, then you have no shame in defending yourself to preserve your right to exist. They should want to kill you before you kill them in self-defence. If they attack first it means they lost the argument intellectually/morally and you can justify harming them if they attempt to cause physical harm. Thier goal is to recruit you to their thinking or they don't get their antichrist figure to appear. (the beast system requires your consent you see?) If they know their brainwashing didn't work they will just try to kill you but you have at least given people a good purpose to fight back in defence rather than look like a bad guy yourself in front of the people by being the agressor. These satanist will spend lots of money to get what they want, but at the end of the day if their belief is all based on lie, the system crumbles. (the reason no empire has ever lasted indefinitely and needs new versions of the same thing to rise from the ashes. IE men have evil in their hearts so if you don't solve the spiritual issue of fighting evil within YOURSELF, you will get the same result each time)

could the time travellers be buying time for the resistence against the NWO? (Is Transformers Beast Wars tellings us something?)
By rights we should all have died ages ago. Communists would have won, and we'd all be living in a mad max world where women rule the world because society blames the nuclear holocaust on males with too much power. It's all possible time is being tampered with.
So you're gay then? Can GCF confirm this? Has he been approached by GH? Stay tuned.
I’ve not seen him at any meetings.. but the meeting place isn’t near a Bus route... soooo..

GH wouldn’t be man to take a dick anyway..
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by GameHED »

more on guild wars 2 saga:
definition of a real man:
doing exactly opposite of what feminists want you to do. :up: Men don't take orders from the irrational people of society who think feelings trump logic and reason. You want to enter the workorce? earn your right to be there and smile while being abused. How hard is it to smile? I'm not giving money to people that don't respect me as a customer. Don't like me? Stop participating in the making of games for me and start your own companies that cater to YOU or your kind. Why is that hard for these radical idiots to get? Communism and feels-based business doesn't work. Merit based systems of measuring performance is how companies succeed. None of this 'participation ribbon' shit. lol

No wonder the asian kids are taking over and running google so easily and buying all the land of the round eyes and promoting destructive values in your films after buying all the movie companies. White guys/gwai lows are idiots for ever letting radical feminist into the game industry. Do you realise what they have done to star wars? Everyone is weak except androgynous female character meaning there is barely a story to tell since they are surrounded by boys not men. We want men in star wars. (that means non-feminists who define themselves through actions otherwise why would kids buy action figure and toys of stuff they don't like? Makes no sense right? That's what feminist did! Now they want to bring that shit to games too! )

I think from now on psychological testing needs to be done on all future employees before hiring them in future because these 'radical beliefs' guys risk destroying a company's value to the customers and cost that company a lot of money in future. They are like bombs ticking down and ready to explode and bring down the reputation of the bosses that work there. Feminists and communists want to bring about social change. Change which will clash with western values like working your way up the ladder through hard work and having to improve performance before getting rewards/bonuses. Without improvement or correction of bad behavior you may as well hire chinese people from communist china who don't care about the quality of the work because they are paid in peanuts. Giving feminist too much freedom risks killing the whole Guild Wars franchise. Radical feminists should be avoided even if they have talent. I would rather settle for a less talented non-feminist or anti-femnist working on the game than feminist radicals. The only type of feminist that exist are ones that believe in equality of opportunity. IE give people a chance ragardless of gender and if they perform crap you avoid hiring them. You do not have to obey unjust laws. You ignore any law your government creates that has no moral backing of the community. You don't want to listen? You lose money. They want to kill you. You invited them in like a vampire. Don't complain when your neck is bitten. If you don't stand up for what's right you deserve to be victims to the monster.

Your dad didn't discipline you as a little girl and the feminist mother painted men as evil. We get that. But that shouldn't allow you to openly abuse the people paying money to play games. Even negative feedback is worth something. Act like a dick? don't expect the community to not reflect that back at you. It's a technique called jew baiting. See second definition of this on urban dictionary
https://www.urbandictionary.com/define. ... %20baiting" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
When you can't win a debate you rely on being victim and paint the other side the very thing that you are.
Men have to fight back both in gaming industry and in society in general. (prot tip: the family court needs to be done away with)
good feminists: females that worked their way up the ladder and can keep up with and/or surpass most or all the men on the team
evil feminists: using jew baiting to paint themselves as victims to make excuses for bad behavior instead of humbly admitting you are wrong and apologise to the community for acting out. We the customers are the BOSS at the end of the day since it's the money that allows companies to sty alive. (especially in a free market where you are competing with so many others)

Good feminist: equality of opportunity (lets females work in male fields based on merit and performance and there is no affirmative action where a company is forced at the point of a gun or threat of jail to hire women)

bad feminist: equality of outcome. entitled to have things without obeying the same rules men have to. In equality of outcome the goal is to depower men and empower women to try to make things equal which goes against nature. Since men are superior in a lot of things and women are superior to men in a lot of things, it cheats the high achiever of a job because the company can't hire too many of the high achievers and is forced to empower bad workers and low achievers because the radical feminist want outcomes to be equal. That is equivalent to giving a short man free points in basketball because he isn't tall like the others to ensure he can get as many points as others. IE you let the low performance person cheat and break rules. Nobody wants equality of outcome. It's stupid and men have to say enough is enough and do not marry, have sex with, work with feminists of this kind as they wil destroy our society and western values for the communists who see family as the biggest threat to government control over people.

Most feminist that survived under good feminism are perfectly happy and no longer have to fight for more since they are doing ok.
What's left is just bad people who want to use men as scapegoat for why they suck. Instead of admitting they suck more than others. If men give any power to these people you are just enabling bad behavior and I don't blame the person doing the bad behavior from continuing to do it, if the society enables it and doesn't give a shit about morals, codes of conduct etc You are just digging your own grave. Look at reboot of ghostbusters and SJW star wars movies as warnings of what can happen.

Someone needs to tap the radical feminist on the shoulder to let them know: "we don't give a shit about the small issue. At the end of the day you are paid, being paid has rules to follow, if you follow the rules, you get money. If you break the rules, then stop getting angry that you can't breach your contract and demand money when you didn't do what wa needed to pay the bills and survive". Men created laws to police shit behavior. You are not immune from it. And any government enforcing laws the community doesn't accept,.. for example unjust laws designed to make the government and lawyers money;... are not laws the good guys consent to being policed by. Only the bad guy that likes them should obey that since they WANT to live in shithole society so it's OK for them. But when you try to enforce the unjust laws on people that don't consent to being policed by them, then we have a problem. And moderate left is distancing itself from these radical left. (after all, who wants to be associated with people that can't even argue logically? This is why critical thinking is so important! Society can not function if the crazy people are in charge of everything and the reason you never give up the guns. They are potential spies for foreign nations to destroy your nation's economy and must be seen as a threat)

uni professors are getting scared of their students and preparing how to fight back against the cultural marxism in school
It's just like the matrix. SJW want to kill anyone that disagrees with their worldview and then claim whites are oppressing everything. Meanwhile they want to shut down speakers and governments ban certain people entering into the country. LOL Oppress my butt. You are the most hated people on the planet right now for not understanding basic freedoms. Soros is doomed when enough people arm up and prepare their children to fight back.

It is my belief the good guys are merely the silent majority and the globalist are too cocky to admit when they lose. Gamergate was just the beginning. :D When people are righteously angry they will organise and do something about it as I predicted. This is what happens when you ruin ghostbuster and star wars movies. You stepped on the wrong people. We destroy feminists as a hobby. Trying to infiltrate the nerd community won't work against the nerds who prgrammed the very phones they use to gossip and spread rumours about people on. Freedom must come with responsibility. The government must have balances and checks. We are the balance.

Never give up guns or freedom or the corruption in high places will eventually come to get you. They are scared of a critical mass of people rising up so they weaken the population over time because the weak do not want to fight for their freedoms and this benefits the elites. They (the weak) would rather someone else do it for them since they are narcisstic. Think of Vega in street fighter and why he has to wear the mask. He is too scared to ruin his face and thinks he is beautiful so he dodges your attacks for fear of taking damage. That's the beta male and SJW sissy boy for you. If they fight for their belief and then take damage they actually have to risk their own skin which is not acceptable. So they act like a pack of wolves and target one guy as a group.

To counter that you get bigger groups to attack them so they understand how small they are compared to the rest of society. This breaks their motivation because you can't take on community which is much stronger and bigger. They can try to convert them but since they can't publicly debate to justify their claims they are limited in who they can cry bully into submission. (ie that's usually the small channels on youtube or no-name celebrities who are has-beens that the illuminati doesn't care for anymore which could have influence a large volume of people compared to the tiny guy with a few subscribers in the old days when they were in their prime of their careers, ..but who can better serve as a sacrifice to an agenda to demonise men publicly which is part of the depopulation plan. Thankfully nobody agrees with the corrupt judges and people are turning their back on their leaders who are too scared to fight the NWO and talking about important topics again instead of watching mindless tv controlled by the reptiles. Brexit is one example)
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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GeneraL CyberFunK
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

GameHED wrote:more on guild wars 2 saga:
definition of a real man:
doing exactly opposite of what feminists want you to do. :up: Men don't take orders from the irrational people of society who think feelings trump logic and reason. You want to enter the workorce? earn your right to be there and smile while being abused. How hard is it to smile? I'm not giving money to people that don't respect me as a customer. Don't like me? Stop participating in the making of games for me and start your own companies that cater to YOU or your kind. Why is that hard for these radical idiots to get? Communism and feels-based business doesn't work. Merit based systems of measuring performance is how companies succeed. None of this 'participation ribbon' shit. lol

No wonder the asian kids are taking over and running google so easily and buying all the land of the round eyes and promoting destructive values in your films after buying all the movie companies. White guys/gwai lows are idiots for ever letting radical feminist into the game industry. Do you realise what they have done to star wars? Everyone is weak except androgynous female character meaning there is barely a story to tell since they are surrounded by boys not men. We want men in star wars. (that means non-feminists who define themselves through actions otherwise why would kids buy action figure and toys of stuff they don't like? Makes no sense right? That's what feminist did! Now they want to bring that shit to games too! )

I think from now on psychological testing needs to be done on all future employees before hiring them in future because these 'radical beliefs' guys risk destroying a company's value to the customers and cost that company a lot of money in future. They are like bombs ticking down and ready to explode and bring down the reputation of the bosses that work there. Feminists and communists want to bring about social change. Change which will clash with western values like working your way up the ladder through hard work and having to improve performance before getting rewards/bonuses. Without improvement or correction of bad behavior you may as well hire chinese people from communist china who don't care about the quality of the work because they are paid in peanuts. Giving feminist too much freedom risks killing the whole Guild Wars franchise. Radical feminists should be avoided even if they have talent. I would rather settle for a less talented non-feminist or anti-femnist working on the game than feminist radicals. The only type of feminist that exist are ones that believe in equality of opportunity. IE give people a chance ragardless of gender and if they perform crap you avoid hiring them. You do not have to obey unjust laws. You ignore any law your government creates that has no moral backing of the community. You don't want to listen? You lose money. They want to kill you. You invited them in like a vampire. Don't complain when your neck is bitten. If you don't stand up for what's right you deserve to be victims to the monster.

Your dad didn't discipline you as a little girl and the feminist mother painted men as evil. We get that. But that shouldn't allow you to openly abuse the people paying money to play games. Even negative feedback is worth something. Act like a dick? don't expect the community to not reflect that back at you. It's a technique called jew baiting. See second definition of this on urban dictionary
https://www.urbandictionary.com/define. ... %20baiting" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
When you can't win a debate you rely on being victim and paint the other side the very thing that you are.
Men have to fight back both in gaming industry and in society in general. (prot tip: the family court needs to be done away with)
good feminists: females that worked their way up the ladder and can keep up with and/or surpass most or all the men on the team
evil feminists: using jew baiting to paint themselves as victims to make excuses for bad behavior instead of humbly admitting you are wrong and apologise to the community for acting out. We the customers are the BOSS at the end of the day since it's the money that allows companies to sty alive. (especially in a free market where you are competing with so many others)

Good feminist: equality of opportunity (lets females work in male fields based on merit and performance and there is no affirmative action where a company is forced at the point of a gun or threat of jail to hire women)

bad feminist: equality of outcome. entitled to have things without obeying the same rules men have to. In equality of outcome the goal is to depower men and empower women to try to make things equal which goes against nature. Since men are superior in a lot of things and women are superior to men in a lot of things, it cheats the high achiever of a job because the company can't hire too many of the high achievers and is forced to empower bad workers and low achievers because the radical feminist want outcomes to be equal. That is equivalent to giving a short man free points in basketball because he isn't tall like the others to ensure he can get as many points as others. IE you let the low performance person cheat and break rules. Nobody wants equality of outcome. It's stupid and men have to say enough is enough and do not marry, have sex with, work with feminists of this kind as they wil destroy our society and western values for the communists who see family as the biggest threat to government control over people.

Most feminist that survived under good feminism are perfectly happy and no longer have to fight for more since they are doing ok.
What's left is just bad people who want to use men as scapegoat for why they suck. Instead of admitting they suck more than others. If men give any power to these people you are just enabling bad behavior and I don't blame the person doing the bad behavior from continuing to do it, if the society enables it and doesn't give a shit about morals, codes of conduct etc You are just digging your own grave. Look at reboot of ghostbusters and SJW star wars movies as warnings of what can happen.

Someone needs to tap the radical feminist on the shoulder to let them know: "we don't give a shit about the small issue. At the end of the day you are paid, being paid has rules to follow, if you follow the rules, you get money. If you break the rules, then stop getting angry that you can't breach your contract and demand money when you didn't do what wa needed to pay the bills and survive". Men created laws to police shit behavior. You are not immune from it. And any government enforcing laws the community doesn't accept,.. for example unjust laws designed to make the government and lawyers money;... are not laws the good guys consent to being policed by. Only the bad guy that likes them should obey that since they WANT to live in shithole society so it's OK for them. But when you try to enforce the unjust laws on people that don't consent to being policed by them, then we have a problem. And moderate left is distancing itself from these radical left. (after all, who wants to be associated with people that can't even argue logically? This is why critical thinking is so important! Society can not function if the crazy people are in charge of everything and the reason you never give up the guns. They are potential spies for foreign nations to destroy your nation's economy and must be seen as a threat)

uni professors are getting scared of their students and preparing how to fight back against the cultural marxism in school
It's just like the matrix. SJW want to kill anyone that disagrees with their worldview and then claim whites are oppressing everything. Meanwhile they want to shut down speakers and governments ban certain people entering into the country. LOL Oppress my butt. You are the most hated people on the planet right now for not understanding basic freedoms. Soros is doomed when enough people arm up and prepare their children to fight back.

It is my belief the good guys are merely the silent majority and the globalist are too cocky to admit when they lose. Gamergate was just the beginning. :D When people are righteously angry they will organise and do something about it as I predicted. This is what happens when you ruin ghostbuster and star wars movies. You stepped on the wrong people. We destroy feminists as a hobby. Trying to infiltrate the nerd community won't work against the nerds who prgrammed the very phones they use to gossip and spread rumours about people on. Freedom must come with responsibility. The government must have balances and checks. We are the balance.

Never give up guns or freedom or the corruption in high places will eventually come to get you. They are scared of a critical mass of people rising up so they weaken the population over time because the weak do not want to fight for their freedoms and this benefits the elites. They (the weak) would rather someone else do it for them since they are narcisstic. Think of Vega in street fighter and why he has to wear the mask. He is too scared to ruin his face and thinks he is beautiful so he dodges your attacks for fear of taking damage. That's the beta male and SJW sissy boy for you. If they fight for their belief and then take damage they actually have to risk their own skin which is not acceptable. So they act like a pack of wolves and target one guy as a group.

To counter that you get bigger groups to attack them so they understand how small they are compared to the rest of society. This breaks their motivation because you can't take on community which is much stronger and bigger. They can try to convert them but since they can't publicly debate to justify their claims they are limited in who they can cry bully into submission. (ie that's usually the small channels on youtube or no-name celebrities who are has-beens that the illuminati doesn't care for anymore which could have influence a large volume of people compared to the tiny guy with a few subscribers in the old days when they were in their prime of their careers, ..but who can better serve as a sacrifice to an agenda to demonise men publicly which is part of the depopulation plan. Thankfully nobody agrees with the corrupt judges and people are turning their back on their leaders who are too scared to fight the NWO and talking about important topics again instead of watching mindless tv controlled by the reptiles. Brexit is one example)
Do you find it better to choke yourself when wondering what it's like to have relations with women? Or men?
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by GameHED »

The new she-ra cartoon makes her look like a boy:
looks like star wars wasn't enough they have gone after kids cartoons now to push the agenda. No wonder Trump won. LOL

scarlett johanssen shamed out of a job thanks to the trans community
all this SJW shit is spreading into all the entertainment mediums and each medium needs its own equivalanet to "gamergate" to push back. (gamergate suceeded in showing corruption and shaming the journos who were cheating)

"Do you find it better to choke yourself when wondering what it's like to have relations with women? Or men?"

Are you scared I am pointing out the gay community agenda against western masculinity? Got a problem with white masculine men and need someone to blame for your inability to argue the point of the fans of comics who do not want to read stories about SJW and prefer the older characters more?
You won't answer that because you believe companies need to kowtow to politicians instead of give fans what they like. You are one of the losers who just don't want to take criticism from the gamergate community who hates these SJW because they have an agenda to corrupt the youth and society. The commies are unable to shame us because we are free. We can do what we want. Say what we want. And the government isn't able to police thought. If a gay man wants to force a christian guy to bake a gay wedding cake then we will force freedom onto the minority and make them as unwelcome as we wish. Stop thinking that isn't fair. It's war. You started it. You want to impose your will onto us? We will impose our will onto you now. :up: This will teach you a lesson in how to not be dicks. It's necessary to preserving freedom of thought.

If you don't like us giving shit reviews to shit games (which get high scores because the journos fucked the maker of the games) or saying we don't like losers in star wars (putting luke skywalker in just so they can destroy his character) then that's your problem not ours. We are just saying what we feel. You can go out and buy hose things if you wish but we have the right to criticise it if we think it's bad or not as good as we got before. (and avoid paying money for it by boycotting the crappy movies)

The beauty of this is we don't have to use violence: just don't buy the bad stuff and only buy good stuff. The free market in action. But what you guys want is to force your world view onto others by thinking the government can just make up whatever laws it feels (eg manspreading) as if it can ignore the people and the authority of moral leaders who see the destructive acts of these political groups to culture. Sorry fem-tards: that's not how the real world works. Men built the civilisation. Women support the man. The man continues to build new things and if you don't like it? Go build one yourself instead of trying to destroy the existing one you rely on to survive and leech from.

These are things that are not right wing ideas so don't bother attacking the right wing conservatives who are just as cucked by the feminists as the left wing ones. These are basic fundamental principles that ensure you can continue to think for yourself and act on your own free will. If chinese communists who want to buy up all the land, feminists, and gays feel uncomfortable about this, it's because they have evil intent. (to control others against their own free will by trying to hijack something that isn't theirs and which they didn't build themselves)

You losers are just angry you lost the influence wars. Nobody liked the feminist star wars. They preferred the real one. And profits reflect this. Shame the nerd all you want but they were there first. Just like the aboriginees in australia before the white guy conquered the land heh heh
You guys are the new white colonist trying to tell the wakandans in Black Panther movie how to live when the natives are far more sophisticated than you and want to lecture YOU on morality rather than allow their culture to be transformed into the shithole you want to build. Your shithole is people starving in the streets and co-dependent on bankers lol The real utopia is people being free to say what they want. You try to police our thoughts we will go into your strongholds and tear these down from the root and smile. (we are just giving you payment back for a gift you handed to us and helping you as friends, why so angry?)

IF you like androgyny then buy the comics with those characters you like so the artist can keep making it and support themselves. Don't complain to us because we don't share your taste and buy what you like or want to push. You are free to like what you want just as we are free to like what we like. But we are ALSO free to say what we DON'T like and explain WHY it sucks. You have to be able to take criticism in a diverse world of different taste and opinion since everyone is different and not the same. (otherwise we would all be gay like you GCF) But when you force others to have to like what you like? Then we have a problem. We have to now force what we like onto YOU. Just to show you we are as serious about Social Justice as you guys are by letting the conservative guy who may be a minority in a liberal group that he has just as much right to destroy something as you do to destroy his society, in order to maintain healthy balance and gain his justice when he is oppressed by communism which he didn't agree to.

If two boxing rivals enter a ring, the other boxer is not going to fight back with one arm tied behind his back if the rules let both boxers fight with two hands correct? So stop crying about that (you being attacked) being unfair. (just attack back) The rules where both sides get to hit each other with two hands works fine. For all the people in these minority groups: you should not let these SJW use you to shame the normies. They are opportunistic people who will turn against you as soon as you disagree with them.
I predict the gays will rebel against the SJWs once it becomes inconvenient.
don't bother paying tax. :up: Don't go to court. Don't disobey the constitution. Stefan is just scared. Force your leaders to obey the law of the land. They are simply evil. Not human. They are reptilians. Why did they try to ban david icke from speaking? Because they know he is right. They don't want to hide it anymore. It's war. Go outside the matrix. Buy gold to protect wealth. Also you should not have believed them when they take guns from you in the belief it was for security. IT was security for THEM. So get out of the system. Stop asking the bad guy to be nice and just walk away from that corruption.
The leeches outnumber the producers so that is when you abandon the ship and let them leech off each other until they kill themselves for self preservation. (like turning the two imps against each other in Doom so you don't have to waste ammo shooting them yourself)
Last edited by GameHED on 19 Jul 2018 03:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

GameHED wrote:The new she-ra cartoon makes her look like a boy:
looks like star wars wasn't enough they have gone after kids cartoons now to push the agenda. No wonder Trump won. LOL

scarlett johanssen shamed out of a job thanks to the trans community
all this SJW shit is spreading into all the entertainment mediums and each medium needs its own equivalanet to "gamergate" to push back. (gamergate suceeded in showing corruption and shaming the journos who were cheating)

"Do you find it better to choke yourself when wondering what it's like to have relations with women? Or men?"

Are you scared I am pointing out the gay community agenda against western masculinity? Got a problem with white masculine men and need someone to blame for your inability to argue the point of the fans of comics who do not want to read stories about SJW and prefer the older characters more?
You won't answer that because you believe companies need to kowtow to politicians instead of give fans what they like. You are one of the losers who just don't want to take criticism from the gamergate community who hates these SJW because they have an agenda to corrupt the youth and society. The commies are unable to shame us because we are free. We can do what we want. Say what we want. And the government isn't able to police thought. If a gay man wants to force a christian guy to bake a gay wedding cake then we will force freedom onto the minority and make them as unwelcome as we wish. Stop thinking that isn't fair. It's war. You started it. You want to impose your will onto us? We will impose our will onto you now. :up: This will teach you a lesson in how to not be dicks. It's necessary to preserving freedom of thought.

If you don't like us giving shit reviews to shit games (which get high scores because the journos fucked the maker of the games) or saying we don't like losers in star wars (putting luke skywalker in just so they can destroy his character) then that's your problem not ours. We are just saying what we feel. You can go out and buy hose things if you wish but we have the right to criticise it if we think it's bad or not as good as we got before. (and avoid paying money for it by boycotting the crappy movies)

The beauty of this is we don't have to use violence: just don't buy the bad stuff and only buy good stuff. The free market in action. But what you guys want is to force your world view onto others by thinking the government can just make up whatever laws it feels (eg manspreading) as if it can ignore the people and the authority of moral leaders who see the destructive acts of these political groups to culture. Sorry fem-tards: that's not how the real world works. Men built the civilisation. Women support the man. The man continues to build new things and if you don't like it? Go build one yourself instead of trying to destroy the existing one you rely on to survive and leech from.

These are things that are not right wing ideas so don't bother attacking the right wing conservatives who are just as cucked by the feminists as the left wing ones. These are basic fundamental principles that ensure you can continue to think for yourself and act on your own free will. If chinese communists who want to buy up all the land, feminists, and gays feel uncomfortable about this, it's because they have evil intent. (to control others against their own free will by trying to hijack something that isn't theirs and which they didn't build themselves)

You losers are just angry you lost the influence wars. Nobody liked the feminist star wars. They preferred the real one. And profits reflect this. Shame the nerd all you want but they were there first. Just like the aboriginees in australia before the white guy conquered the land heh heh
You guys are the new white colonist trying to tell the wakandans in Black Panther movie how to live when the natives are far more sophisticated than you and want to lecture YOU on morality rather than allow their culture to be transformed into the shithole you want to build. Your shithole is people starving in the streets and co-dependent on bankers lol The real utopia is people being free to say what they want. You try to police our thoughts we will go into your strongholds and tear these down from the root and smile. (we are just giving you payment back for a gift you handed to us and helping you as friends, why so angry?)

IF you like androgyny then buy the comics with those characters you like so the artist can keep making it and support themselves. Don't complain to us because we don't share your taste and buy what you like or want to push. You are free to like what you want just as we are free to like what we like. But we are ALSO free to say what we DON'T like and explain WHY it sucks. You have to be able to take criticism in a diverse world of different taste and opinion since everyone is different and not the same. (otherwise we would all be gay like you GCF) But when you force others to have to like what you like? Then we have a problem. We have to now force what we like onto YOU. Just to show you we are as serious about Social Justice as you guys are by letting the conservative guy who may be a minority in a liberal group that he has just as much right to destroy something as you do to destroy his society, in order to maintain healthy balance and gain his justice when he is oppressed by communism which he didn't agree to.

If two boxing rivals enter a ring, the other boxer is not going to fight back with one arm tied behind his back if the rules let both boxers fight with two hands correct? So stop crying about that (you being attacked) being unfair. (just attack back) The rules where both sides get to hit each other with two hands works fine. For all the people in these minority groups: you should let these SJW use you to shame the normies. They are opportunistic people who will turn against you as soon as you disagree with them.
Okay so you are more into self sucking.... I dunno.. not sure if that's straight or gay to be honest. Are you choking yourself while you do it?
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by GameHED »

Hehe I can tell you are angry that nobody bought mass effect andromeda because they put so many ugly people in it. Get over it dick licker. Nothing wrong with SJW but when they force diversity they are authoritarians. We aren't giving up freedom for you idiots. Get used to being targeted by the pissed off silent majority who have lost jobs because of these entitled shits. :P Look it's inevitable that we have this war. I'm happy that so far we haven't used any violence yet. I think we should criticise bad ideas first so we are justified in stopping all the commies from killing individuality in people (by commies getting them to follow orders without questioning why they must do something.)
In a democracy where you have mob rule, you should not even be angry that the majority have their way. But the left wing guys always fucking do it: thinking that somehow if you are majority you must be overthrown by foriegners because they want to kill the people that held onto the principles which the nation was founded on. IF you 'win', (masses of left wing guys who want to demonise the productive people in the world) you will lose. (no one to leech from, the government has to form a dictatorship when people have food riots due to starvation) God wants order. You like chaos. Ok have your chaos but don't force others to follow you. That's slavery. We just got done killing the bad guys who enslaved people. Why should we go back to that system?

Kids play COD and kill thousands of nazis in the game as celebration of the triumph of west against the occultist europeans. We gave back europe its land after just killing the bad guys. Now the bad guys have risen up again in the form of the SJW by trying to be sneaky and ruin the entertainment. We should never have given them the land again and instead conquered europe and owned the land. It was a mistake. Now we have to fight them again.

SJW see people as utilities to be used. Since their manipulation is failing, they are trying to censor shit the way hitler try to ban books and art and shit. We aren't budging! We killed you statist guys for a good reason. (and now that you are cocky again we are ready to fight again) If the commies don't like our values then don't do business with us. You should not be trading with the enemy. And globalism isn't going to solve all the old problems because it assumes everyone is equal therefore should have same rights. You have rights if you take responsibility. Without one you can't have the other. Too many SJW can't understand that simple concept. Adults don't take orders from children who haven't grown up. Prove you can act like a grown up and maybe people will listen to your arguments.

If you are leeching from others you are still a kid. You haven't taken responsibility so you believe the government needs to own you and then you feel secure. Ok that is fine, but what does that have to do with people who are in you slave system? You should be bound by laws that YOU created, not try to apply those laws on others who don't believe in slavery. And this is why democracy kills itself: the majority tell everyone what to do, and the leech has to import new people to attack the local majority that didn't agree with them if they want to leech more money. What results? You get dangerous guys taking over the land and importing their culture and destroying the local one. And then they outbreed the locals and kill them off eventually and replace them with a bad system. This causes collapse of civilisation and move to more barbaric one again. I'm not paying for that. That's like being forced to dig your grave before you are shot in the back lol The solution to the problem is the locals need to start breeding like crazy to prevent big government from taking over the control of the land. Take advantage of the fact that you still have time. No shot has to be fired. More high IQ population = more stability. Less people in the land who think for themselves means you get values imported in that clash with the constitution. (the only thing that polices the government is the people who believe in that as the check and balance of government power over the people. When it abuses its power, the people are not obligated to obey any laws that go against the constitution and that is how you maintain peace. In other cultures its the other way around and people are cattle to be seen as property of the government which is causing this mess)
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

Andromeda had a solid engine in terms of gun play and battles.. I actually didn't care about the faces. But then neither of you since you're the one self sucking.
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Re: Feminist infiltration of the game industry

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It sucked because EA sucks and doesn't take pride in the talent behind the cool games and give them (original creators) the freedom to do what they need in order to please the hardcore gamer.

EA just panders to the extreme left groups and SJW out of fucking fear! More game companies need to take Bill Burr's advice and stop apologising for what you do. It's a shit test. If you give in to the demands of a weakling, it means you lose the shit test and they then make fun of you and lose respect for you for letting them bully you. Then they ask for you to do even more things for them to see how far they can take the bullying even more. (like when atheletes who challenge themselves after beating a world record to see if they can beat their old times to go even further despite already being at the top ie going beyond the top.)

They don't ACTUALLY BELIEVE THIER OWN BULLSHIT. :lol: They pretend to care for the poor people, minorities etc but in reality they are interested in using these groups to obtain political power! It's not rocket science. You can ask a SJW "so what did you do today to help the suffering and poor and minority? I want a response don't walk away. Show me each day how much money you gave to the poor homeless guy and make a vlog and total it per year so I can measure ho much work you are doing as a superhero rescuing the unfortunate." You will find these guys just sit on a computer all day on social media whining and complaining without getting off their butts to make the world a better place. These SJW need to be TESTED on their own rules/beliefs/life style so that we can expose them.

Remember: they don't actually care about the people they claim to be defending. Only using them as a tool to obtain votes for their left wing political leader so they can leech more money off the working class who has to give them free shit. LOL
We need more guys like Burr and whoever the equivalent of Patrice O'neil is today to talk on this issue. These SJW guys are so full of shit. You just investigate who they are and you will know this.
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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