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Post by Candy Arse »

Finally a game where you play as GameHED.

Anyone got this already? I've got the Superior PC Version waiting to be played tonight.
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Post by Rorschach »

I was going to buy it because I have a coupon through Humble but going to wait until days off. $30AUD for the superior PC version is a steal, really excited. Impressions please Candy.
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Re: Hellblade

Post by flipswitch »

Rorschach wrote:I was going to buy it because I have a coupon through Humble but going to wait until days off. $30AUD for the superior PC version is a steal, really excited. Impressions please Candy.

What's with the low price though, I mean it doesn't look like a budget title in any way and steam has it for $29.99USD.
I couldn't find it listed on EB's website. Maybe GameHED related after all :lol:
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Post by Rorschach »

I subscribe to Humble Monthly which automatically deducts 10% from the list price plus every other month they give you a $5 voucher to use on the store, brings it down to $29 AUD and change for me. Humble Bundle is probably one of the best deals in gaming, can't recommend it enough.
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Re: Hellblade

Post by Candy Arse »

Fuck, buy this game and make sure you have a quality pair of headphones ready to go.
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Re: Hellblade

Post by PhoneMonkey »

Candy Arse wrote:Fuck, buy this game and make sure you have a quality pair of headphones ready to go.
Was having a closer look at this, some reviews say gameplay is a bit lacking - should I be worried?

Also, how's the performance on PC?
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Re: Hellblade

Post by PhoneMonkey »

Candy Arse wrote:Finally a game where you play as GameHED.
How'd they implement that? Difficulty Settings? 'Easy', 'Hard' and 'GameHED's carer didn't fill his script'?
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Re: Hellblade

Post by Candy Arse »

Gameplay lacking - it's a strong narrative experience with combat and puzzles mixed in. It's not your usual Ninja Theory character-action game but I am 100% down for this experience.

The voice acting and facial expressions are absolutely first class. Performance on PC = 4K 60fps all settings max on my uber PC.

GameHED implementation - the main character battles with mental illness and has numerous voices in her head, hence the need for headphones with this game.

Pretty clear the main character is modelled after GameHED - means well but is batshit crazy and has conversations alone...
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Re: Hellblade

Post by PhoneMonkey »

Thanks for the impressions, glad PC performance is on point. And thanks for explaining the GameHED connection :up:
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Re: Hellblade

Post by lestat »

Thinking about picking this up, the visuals look pretty amazing.
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Re: Hellblade

Post by GameHED »

Don't buy it before you try it Lestat. I think this game is preparing us for the eventual takeover of the minds of the mass population.

If you want to know why all the leaders are travelling to the south pole/antartica, it's because they are meeting with the fallen angels who will take over the governments and rule over humanity (possibly after a third world war which the illuminati wants us to fight in order to collapse the systems we have to rebuild a global dictatorship.

please see:
In order to understand WHY the bible warns us that the end of days will be like the days of Naoh it is because of these entities the illuminati worship coming back to terrorise the human population and bring back the violence they had in pre-flood times before Noah got in the Ark and God punished these guys by kiling their children known as the Nephilim in order to judge them for mating with animals, teaching man how to make sword and women how to use witchcraft, and creating monsters on the earth through genetic manipulation and basically play god over us humans. Thier job was to watch over us not enslave us and rule over us.

Many athiests who were ex-christians that became athiest because they didn't like the parts of the old testament where the Israelites were ordered to kill women and children (this was to kill off the remaining giants on the earth that escaped the flood somehow; Goliath and his brothers being included) have converted back to christianity again because they see the purpose of killing evil monsters that were hyper violent and cruel against man in the pre-flood times. The illuminati worship these giants and we are now living in times where they are openly showing who they are. (watch the CERN ceremony on youtube)

more about the Book of Enoch here which explains the origins of the demons and also the prophecy that Enoch wrote in it concerning the end of the world starting from his time all the way up to the modern day times we are living in now and beyond into the future that has yet to come about. (catholic church has covered up this book by not including it as canon in the bible)
I don't agree with the end part of the video though about black people being holy and white people being evil. God will judge individuals based on their fruits as we are spirits with a body not a body with spirit. Your appearance has nothing to do with whether you can get into heaven. The ible say you judge poeple by their fruits/works to know their character. If you obey God he likes your character. If you follow Satan you are bad. And no matter what you look like (white black red yellow etc) you are a fallen being in his eyes. What matters is whether you repent of sin and accept Jesus as having paid for sins. The demons can accuse mankind of being evil like them by preying on our weaknesses. You can avoid penalty of death as a result of sin by using Jesus's blood to clean you to keep the demons off of your body and scare the crap out of them because they can't go near clean things. It is like poison to them or light to a vampire that burns them when they try to get close.

When this transition government comes you might see "alien disclosure" and people will probably think of the fallen angels as the saviors who can use technology to bring order. The chaos being the world war they themselves brought about as outlined in Albert Pike's demonic vision of the future. see more about that here: http://www.threeworldwars.com/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

You must learn to fight the demons through non-violent means by not attacking the flesh and blood possessed person. The war is against the evil spirits themselves not the possessed body. Satanists hate that you can reove curses and hexes and cal on angels to fight thier fallen angels and use truth to expose a demon's lies which makes it hard to manipuate you. God created the angels and knows how the fallen angels work. Nothing they do is going to allow them power over you because they can only get away with whatever God allows them to. But if you break God's laws, then you are fair game. So this is why the satanists need to recruit little kids and power-hungry poeple to their cause since most people are good. The only way to control us all is through OUR CONSENT.

You might want to learn more about the cancer-causing 5G cell network which is going to be used for mind control. With this technology the elites can make you crazy if they want to and use remote neural monitoring to achieve the same effects of going crazy. Remember the scientists that makes these things are occultists and they desire control over you so you can't escape their mind manipulation. As more people wake up to the dangers of the Internet of Things, microchips in all your household appliances, and 24/7 tracking over every human on earth using this evil technology, they are starting to reject being watched by the government and moving away from the control grid.

They know the Beast system is coming and guys like Candy are probably happy to take the mark and be tied to the matrix (he is like Cypher in the Matrix movie)
When 5G covers the planet, don't be angry at me when every single item you buy and sell is tracked by the illuminati and they restrict who and what you can buy and sell and you are forced into the cashless system (they are working on their own version of bitcoin now) where privacy is outlawed. (in other words you won't be able to buy cheap alternatives to things that are not within their control; giving them a monopoly on the supply of everyday essential things to survive)

I've done my bit to help warn you guys but when people start acting crazy it won't be because of the mental illness, it will be because the portable cell tower system has been placed into your neighborhood and they are mind controlling you with the microwaves to cook your brains just so you can download 4K porno quickly. Inside the tower is the mind control and that is why people are getting worried about the safety issues of 5G and wishing they could have tinfoil hats now. Not for fashion reasons. It's because they know IT'S REAL. The demons can travel through wires and through your appliances because they can posess people, objects and places.

What you see as ghosts are the demons disembodied spirits of the giants of old testament times who were forced to wander on earth. And now these occultists are working with them by having meetings. If you don't believe it that is fine but I have to warn you guys so that when the prophecy in Enoch comes true you will be able to say "it was my fault because I was warned" and that way I don't get the blame.


By the way the game got "essential" from eurogamer. But since Eurogamer gave Horizon Zero Dawn crap score and called it generic you are better renting from ebgames first and deciding if you like it because we don't know how honest the journalists these days are since the gamergate incident.

ACG is the best reviewer for me so far. Very consist with my tastes in games. Fuck Angry Joe an his holidays. He obviously lost the passion to play games and combine it with comedy/entertainment and now just does the same thing everyone else does which is stupid twitch streams of him playing things. He has lost the thing that made him unique. (ok he stole the style of spoony but whatever. He filled a niche and is dropping the quality down and the channel is watered down to becoming a Vlog which nobody likes compared to a proper game review channel)

Game reviews should be structured like rating women: ie if it doesn't offer much for what you can get, you can just ignore it and buy the best. It's a buyer's market for gamers. Just like high sexual market value men who can travel the world. ie we gamers can demand higher quality as the industry is cluttered with amazing titles and our time to play it all is so limited so we can afford to be fussy considering the hobby is not considered a nerd's activity like the past anymore and is mainstream. (budgets rival hollywood blackbuster movies now - that means the lesssser known guys need to drop their prices a bit to remain competitive to get noticed by offering better value)
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Re: Hellblade

Post by GameHED »

By the way Lestat:

see Jim Sterlings review of Hellblade. He gave it 1 out of 10.

This is the dickhead that Candy Arse said was trustworthy just because he gave Zelda Breath of the Wild a 7 while everyone else gave it 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 better than bioshock.

That shows why it is important to play shit yourself and think for yourself. Don't listen to Candy or even me. You might encounter a bug that kills the gameplay that nobody else experienced. And that ruins YOUR experience. So buyers need to punish the crap coders of the industry by not just buying things because other people said they were good, but rather to actually try it out first hand yourself.

Moral of the story is never trust Jim Sterling, Candy Arse, or metacritic completely. Some of what they say may be true but it is mixed in with bullshit.
I like demons in my games, but ninja theory should have checked for all the game breaking bugs before releasing like nintendo have to always do. Candy doesn't understand that bug checking is why nintendo get 10s from Edge magazine because a buggy game can cause you to lose 100s of hours if it is a epic rpg title. This is why the japanese don't like western game companies and consoles because they have less ethics in business and will try to get away with a incomplete product if nobody notices it. While they polish the shit out of it so they don't shame the family name and be forced to commit suicide for the team to regain trust and respect. (not sure if they do this but it sounds like that's what goes on given the suicide rate there. lol)

This is the difference between me and candy: he likes shit that looks nice. I like shit that looks nice and plays good. If it only plays good I can stil like it. But the breaking point is when it feels like buggy mess. a buggy mess won't make the game unenjoyable but a company that can make a enjoyable game without bugs deserves a higher score than a one that makes an enjoyable game WITH bugs. And that is why Skyrim got 9 and Skyward Sword got 10. Some people do care about the polish on a game more than others. And I happen to be one of those guys. It shows you are proud of your work. The lazy guy that only works because of the pay is not as good as the passionate guy who puts his soul into the project.

Jim Sterling proper review after he angered everyone with his original score of 1 out of 10) :
You can never trust a guy who changes his mind. We don't know if he was paid to rate it higher due to peer pressure from other people. That's not how you do reviews. You should be in isolation from everyone else and give honest opinion based on your own experiences, not someone else's. Sterling lost credibility by doing that imo. Jasper should be happy that this guy just made a fool of himself :P

ACG review: (overall score = buy)
Halo did the voice in your head thing before this game so it's not original. Cortana could be considered a science-fiction version of a demon telling you what to do. El Shaddai is better: the three different styles of attacking things based on what enemy you faced made it more immediately appealing because the puzzle was in the combat too. Fighting is an art and a form of expression. Enemies need to have different philosophies to how they kill you. (ie styles) When you overcome the weaknesses in their various pattern you should feel that "aha!" feeling of satisfaction you get from old megaman games where the fight is dynamic and ever-changing. (same appeal people get in roguelites where you got to think several steps before you act.
The next indie game they should do is a zelda type adventure I reckon. Release to Switch and then I will get it. Nintendo needs a competing adventure series to Zelda and I think these guys can do it from the experience gained making the puzzles in this game. We used to have titles like Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain, Alundra etc back on the playstation 1 to challenge the zelda series but nobody puts them directly on nintendo platform which is where people would play it. They always aim for the wrong platform which is full of peple who just wants realistic graphics. Games like Tomb Raider forgot about puzzles and people are thirsty for more of the old style of games where you could spend hours thinking about how to progress to get things. ADHD generation basically ruined the fun of solving mysteries I reckon.
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Re: Hellblade

Post by t0mby »

Edge gave this a 4. :lol:
selfish wrote:Being a massive fanboy and trying to hide it is Lestat's worst bottleneck.
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Re: Hellblade

Post by Madmya »

Really? I thought this would be right up their alley.
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Re: Hellblade

Post by Gamma »

Yeah I don't know what to make of this one. I've heard good things about it, but after watching a decent amount of gameplay footage I'm not convinced I want to play it. The audio aspect has me very intrigued, the actual gameplay seems severely lacking. "Walking simulator" is a tired and oft-misapplied label, but if the shoe fits...

Might keep an eye out for a sale. It certainly looks very nice, I'll give it that.
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Re: Hellblade

Post by t0mby »

To be honest how many times have Edge been way off the mark? They might give the odd game a point less or more than you agree with but all in all they're pretty accurate.
selfish wrote:Being a massive fanboy and trying to hide it is Lestat's worst bottleneck.
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Re: Hellblade

Post by GameHED »

I think people need to just accept that some things are just about the taste of the individual.

And some people are just crazy and want to label things as being shit just to get attention. It's like the SJWs who label anything not them as extreme far right wing nazis. At some point does it really matter what number it got if we are all different beings?
Why do so many people care what Edge thinks if they bloody disagree with them so much? Because they are scared that others will believe them. That's why.

Same reason the far left is scared people will believe the truth seekers of society because they are worried about how others perceive the things they like. They demand we all conform to their opinions/taste in games. It's the ego. Games to them are not art plus tech combined to form something unique. It's either one or the other. You can't have anything between. Or you can't have different interpretations of something other than the one they want you to have. It drives them nuts and the cure for this is to remove the scores once and for all and just have a 5 point scale:

-must buy (changes the way you see games or has enough polish to stand out from others due to sheer passion or care by its makers -5 stars)

-buy (worth buying full price - 4 stars)

-wait for sale (wait until its cheaper than full price - 3 stars)

-rent (ok to try because you might still like it if you are a fan of the genre, but it's forgettable- 2 stars)

-avoid (they should be paying YOU to play it for using up your time - 1 star)

The true meaning of the score is in the words of the review. If people read the text instead of scrolling to see a number they would be better informed. For example the reason a game might get 1 star might be something as simple as the game being slow to load and this makes the player really bored so he quit playing it just because of a technical issue. But the game is fun to play otherwise and what's there is high quality. So if you are patient the game might be higher in score to YOU. (everyone is different and has different tolerance for loading screens. But generally any game that has less loading is going to be more enjoyable so its fair to lower a score if that's a deal breaker to you personally. Everyone is different so everyone might score the game differently based on their tolerance for waiting long times right? )

In the old days people actually tolerated differences in opinion. Perhaps we need to go back to the EGM style of reviews where there is a panel of reviewers who give their scores so you get a variety of opinions by people of differing tastes?

We have to stop this groupthink shit or the SJWs will be able to control our perception of reality by misuse of words to misrepresent things from what they actually are to something they are not. Guys like Jim Sterling can not be trusted because they go by emotion and let that cloud their judgement which is a classic weakness of the SJW lefty reviewers who think something that is edgy automatically must be loved and accepted by EVERYONE even those who don't want EDGY and different but prefer the classic thing. (eg people who prefer PC RPG with tactical views over the more cinematic console gamer view of seeing everything at ground level with dumbed down combat. See Dragon Age Origin for an example there. The older classic style is more functional and therefore superior)

You can't expect that which is new/progressive to mean "better" because often it doesn't. Just as post modernist people think they are more "sophisticated" than people who lived thousands of years ago even though those people had the exact same problems as the modern people of today and had answers to the problems long before the modern people of today were born; thus making them wiser and more valuable to society than they ever will be for lacking logical thinking skill to avoid common problems in the first place. (ie in asian countries for instance you respect your elders because of the wisdom and this prevents future generations making noob mistakes that could be avoided. Wisdom is valued over trying to be edgy and change things for the sake of changing them even if the change is for the worse.

Since people are intolerant of differences in opinions they feel a need to misrepresent the person as a way to get them to conform. You've heard it before: "anyone that gives Zelda Breath of the Wild cannot be trusted and must be a paid nintendo shill". Uhhh so it can't be that they are just fans of a formula of the adventure genre that zelda provides to them that can't be found anywhere else?

This intolerance of different opinions is happening now with neomarxism and PHDs are being targeted just because the politicians are trying to bring about the death of middle class by dumbing everything down. (see below: smart guy is labelled bad man because he isn't part of the hive mind collective. Smart man must correct dumb guy. Dumb guy becomes smarter by correcting his mistake. Opinion about him is adjusted as dumb guy lacks evidence of claim about who he actually is. Dumb guy learns to tolerate differences in opinions without calling everything that isn't their own opinion "Nazi propaganda" by listening to him first and forming educated opinion instead of being on autopilot and expecting smart guy to agree with dumb guy due to fear; an emotion. Smart guy doesn't give into the emotion of fear which would normally cloud their judgement and rather than believing the label of the dumb guy, smart guy bases his analysis of himself on logic and thinking for themselves by investigating the false claim being made by dumb guy before forming his opinion which may not agree with the dumb guy's less-valuable opinion which was formed by emotions and not through investigation of truth about smart guy who is bloody popular among young people right now which has become a threat to the groupthink/collectivist communists who hate free-thinkers and truth seekers, and the real reason why those who disagree strongly with his opinion must suddenly care so much what he thinks....much like people who say Edge isn't relevent always mention them over and over again because they can't tolerate different opinions especially ones that disagree with their own personal taste in games. If you don't conform with the hive opinion, then it is like a personal attack on the intolerant one who MUST get you to agree with them and their views about things or they will go apeshit and can't deal with the reality that people are ACTUALLY different in tastes, skills, tolerances, experience, income etc )
The only way forward to combat neo-marxists is to prevent women from having so much freedom and rights in order to get people to marry and breed so that robots do not take over, and foreign invaders don't have an easy time killing us all off when the illuminati decide we are weak and emasculated enough for a slaughter.
The feminists/SJWs have invaded gaming, comics, they have taken over TV, movies now have them playing the role men did, and now the colleges are full of them trying to indoctrinate people into believing that there are more than two genders and it is making people go crazy and expect non-scientific definitions for things. (eg idtentifying as women even if you have a dick and no womb) Remove these idiots from voting and this insanity goes away. And the shit reviewers stop giving easy scores to games just because a female developer sucked their cock for good scores.
Women and SJWs do not think logically. They let emotions govern behavior. And this has resulted in neo-marxist ideas which has ruined freedoms of the free societies in the western world. The left is intolerant of any opinion that doesn't agree with their world views. So if people do not fight back, you risk becoming extinct as less people reproduce due to sexual immorality causing population decline.
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Re: Hellblade

Post by lestat »

I think edge's score is based on the fact this game is a lot of walking and talking. What combat there is, is pretty simple I hear.
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Re: Hellblade

Post by GameHED »

Yes talking is for the RPG games.

So Lestat when is Dragons Dogma Online going to be ported to the Xbox One X? Now that Monster Hunter World is no longer nintendo exclusive I think it's time capcom expanded outside of just japanese PC land. We can't allow Candy Arse to steal all the good console game franchises and place them on PC-only.
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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