The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

I have to hand it to Alex Jones he outsmarted the Legacy media (AKA Dino Media) who tried to bait him into helping create the hitpiece against alternative media. :bigtroll:

(alex being the poster boy for the so called "fake" news by globalist-friendly mainstream media providers)

When they attack your character you know you are a big threat to these guys and should hold your chin up high. It means you are DOING DAMAGE. They are getting scared that the trust the public has in them has dropped. So to gain it back they need to destroy the public's trust in alternative/independent media to get back viewers. (it's like a rescue operation for them to get back brainwashed cult members with them as the cult leaders)

Warning to all alternative media: always assume you are going to get baited into being used to make you look crazy when they pretend to be interested in interviewing you. Believe the EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT THEY PROMISE. Satanists do not have your morals. They see you as dumb puppets to be manipulated. What they don't get is the masses have gotten smarter over the years like the zombies in newer horror movies where they can run, jump climb, drive vehicles, and think. Yes they are still zombies denying that they are victims of being lied to by the establishment but they notice the world is getting worse and starting to question their perception of reality a bit more now.

Learn about OODA Loop" onclick=";return false;

this will train you in situational awareness. The bigger a target you are, the more enemies want to hit you. The smaller you are, the less people care because you are not considered a threat. You are not a blip on the radar. In the past the dino media would ignore Alex Jones, now that they are losing viewers, all of a sudden they want to interview Alex? That should be a red flag right there. It means you are danger to them. Don't take the bait. They see you as competition and fear you that is why they want to kill you. Mainstream media is part of the illuminati and it's why the world is getting sadder, more depressed, and uglier. (the demons feed off the negative feeling and emotions of humans - see Monster Inc. CG movie This is the illuminati's way of traumatising the population to feed the demons your energy and opens gateway to the demon dimension where they can smell your fear, hatred, sorrow, anger etc and then control your life by using these emotions to control your behavior. Everything is a psyop. They want you to be enslaved and feel helpless and weak so that they can come in as heroes to offer you things to cheer you up which distracts you from caring about the real world. It's the thing that powers the matrix and they don't want the prgram to collapse when humans escape the system and drain the Matrix of human batteries. If the mainstream media cared so much about truth you wouldn't see society getting worse and worse as time passes. You'd be seeing happy people laughing and smiling and kids playing outside rather than looking down at their little smart phones wondering if people like them on social media due to lack of real life friendly people to give them their narcisisstic supply of attention.

Illuminati hate you solving the problems. They want to be the ones to APPEAR in the public eye like they are solving problems but in reality keeping them there to extract energy off a brainwashed society. To beat them you need to train people in critical thinking ability so that they know how to investigate fake news and learn not to trust everything they hear. (the goal of dumbing down kids is to make them obedient slaves who don't think. You want to unbrainwash them while on the side make enough money to keep yourself around long enough to soak up whatever viewers the bad guys have who lost faith in the corporate media and need another opinion. Even if you are not perfect as long as they can think critically you can prevent the dino media from lying by competing with them for money and viewership. Without magic points the wizards can't sustain their illusion for too long. What you have are tired wizards panicking about their powers being drained by anti-magic truth seeking warriors. The devil canot make these people immortal and live forever. As they age they will run out of money and need to lift their game if they want to put food oin the table or at least live within their means by accepting a lower standard of living like the rest of society instead of enjoying cult leader status. Remember the ending to Conan the Barbarian when Thulsa Doom was beheaded? After the leader died all his power (which is in the sheer number of slave followers) faded as they dispersed and had to think for themselves again because his mind control could no longer keep up the illusion that they were"free" and magic lost to reality/nature as the spell wore off and people reverted back to normal.

I think this is a great lesson for kids who want to be like Alex Jones in future.. lol

The globalist obviously want nations to give up individual liberty in exchange for a promise of securty. But while people give up rights the world seems to be getting more and more dangerous with WWIII looming and doomsday preppers buying up survival gear just in case the russians fire first.

Men need to take control over the nations and stop letting manipulative people control the narrative and encourage their sons to investigate any claims made by the mainstream about tampering with machines to win elections, hackers giving the win to Trump and of utmost importance child trafficking. You can't rely on government to investigate itself. Because the people paying the worker is going to have the power to silence them. Governments are not above the law. This is the problem people have is they want governmentsd to investigate itself and that is equivalent to hiring the murder to investigate himself. Individuals have to wake up, learn OODA Loop and have backup plan for every situation for when you ARE lied to, so that even if they deceive you, there is a safety mechanism to catch you if you fall. Understand?

1. stop letting feminists control decisions of humanity
2. live within your means and stop expecting handouts (minimalism and deferred gratification)
3. expose lies daily. Think critically. If the media lies even once, stop continuing to expect them to tell the truth and cut them from funding. It's a business. They will starve to death without supporters.
4. Prepare for the worst and hope and pray for the best. It's not paranoia if the threat is REAL and someone wants to kill you, demonise you for telling the truth, and trying to defund your youtube channel just for not having the same opinion as the globalists.
5. Create awareness by asking people the basis for their beliefs and test them every single day. This is how you beat a brainwashed zombie. If they use emotion to manipulate you in a debate and not reason logic and evidence, you baiscally won. But they can't pblicly admit it because of ego reasons. Reality doesn't care about your ego.
6. kick globalists out of the country. Then see if the happiness levels of the average joe on the street is better without them.
7. If you like globlalism then only you should follow it, not forcing others to do it at the end of a gun barrel. If Aliens visit earth and take over the globalist government, declaring they are the new leaders (like a Red Dawn scenario but from space instead of comunists) how can there be a resistence to that government if its global? It means lack of choice which is bad for everyone right? More choice is always superior to less choice. Teach kids this concept: you need backup government in case the existing one turns against the people who the government must serve. People are what power the engine of man's progress, not systems. Even if for instance they replace humans with robots and they do everything, someone must understand that if robots are weak against one thing and robots are in charge of running the world, then those robots will need rescuing because the aliens can exploit the robot's weaknesses that might not be in humans. (eg hacking their brains to serve them, or using EMP weapons to fry them so they can't work. Backup plan and variety is what protects you from that risk. (just like investing in multiple things can protect you if one of the investments fail. ie you don't put all risk into one investment because if it fails you lose it all right?


for MMA fans:
the bruce lee channel experiences a spike in views after video of Bruce's only fight/sparring/demo is uploaded. Thanks to the people that restored this footage to high quality. :) Mainstream media is even reporting about this:
It is good to see younger guys take interest in Bruce Lee because many of the philosophies of his fighting style can be applied to pretty much anything. In martial arts if the moves you do can be replaced with more efficient move that gets to the target faster you should consider that option over the slower one if you want to intercept them mid-move.
And it makes me laugh that MMA fighter has to hide after beating Tai Chi master just because the traditionalist has ego and can not accept that other techniques are superior. In western world science is held as more important than mere belief in something that is blind and is how people have been allowed to advance. Older generations need to understand that yes in asia it is expected that a younger guy must respect his elders for having more experience, but the elders must respect the younger guy if he can prove scientifically that old tradition has deficiencies through pracitcal application. If something isn't going to save your life, then the purpose for doing it is less valuable so should be rated by genuine seekers of truth who want to go beyond the knowledge of the older generations. Old people MUST learn humility no matter what. If you don't test the techniques against everything, you can't assume it will be effective all the time for every unique encounter against ever-changing fighters whose knowledge grows and learns. Just doing something in isolation limits the fighter. (if 3 people want to kill you, and they know how to kill, you better know how to kill them faster and not waste energy or you got to run. Practical shit no matter what style is used equates to survival and if there were MMA that was real it would probably resemble something like what Bruce Lee was trying to teach to his students. (not flashy stuff or holding back moves like in UFC which is done because it is a sport and a commercial entertainment more than fight science these days)

footage of 317KG punching bag custom made for explosive kick practice
MMA fighter shows old man the value of mixed martial arts:
The fakes reminds me of this:
always questions what you are taught kids. Are the masters that teach you, actually REAL martial artists? Do they bash MMA without testing their skill against it? Just because they are older than you, don't be intimidated to fight. There are a lot of fakes out there making money and their students are made to act like they are getting beaten up so they can rake in the $$$ to make their school more profitable. (similar thing with TV Evangelists promising to give you blessing if you send them money in the mail lol) . The only way to find out how real something is, is to have a real fighter challenge the master to get your answer and save your money.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

Great discussion on Pepe the greatest internet meme of all time.
This should be mandatory education in all public schools imo. You can't just teach left wing about evolution and ancient aliens and not have people know anything about Pepe the great frog god that all of a sudden spawned from nothing even though people like Peter Molyneux at bullfrog were secretly worshiping way before it became cool.

Kek in mythology:
styxhexenhammer666 (an occultist and ex-satanist) explains the origins of the religion:

Proof the religion is working NOW (mainstream media finally discredited):
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

Finally hollwywood actors are getting busted for taking part in the illuminati's rituals (involving child abuse - this is the hollywood version of franklin coverup)
Satanic Ritual abuse used to be thought of as satanic panic in the old days and brushed aside. Nowadays in the age of the internet nothing is secret anymore. Which is why we need to hire robot detectives to find them.

Church leaders are not above the law. God wants truth to come out. It's not just pedophiles. That's just the tip of the iceberg. The real dark stuff is child ritual murder. (which is designed as in old testament times to worship Molech) This is the kind of stuff the mainstream media will never touch. This is why you must spend your money in wise ways and avoid businesses or church leaders that will abuse their authority. (wolves in sheep's clothing) Jesus said love of money is the root of all evil and it has a corrupting influence. When you have more of it, that means you can manipulate more people. Manipulation of more people = power. More power = more likelihood of abusing the power you are given. This is why we must have libertarian system of small government so it removes power from the power centres to prevent satanists seeking those positions of power which they then use to control masses of people using charismatic speakers, rock gods, sporting heroes, actors, talented musicians to encourage kids to become satanists like them. As long as dark exist so does the light to expose it. The devil always gets the bargain from any deal.

The way to remove the contract is turn against satan and serve God. (the real fight is in the spirit world not flesh and blood battles) We are suposed to use the serpent's head as a footstool and trample on it. Too many christians are not understanding the purpose of Jesus as a sword coming to turn sons against fathers and daughters against mothers: it's to prevent evil from infecting future generations and turning them evil too. If your own leaders in authority are liars, then you must correct them and seperate/cut yourself from them for rebelling against God. If the system collapses, then a group will always be around to rebuild and learn the lessons of the descendents instead of following them to thier doom. ie in this case parents sacrificing kids to their god for power. The kids should be turning against their parents and running from them to sap the demons of energy which would close doorways to the dimension they should be trapped in.

Jesus cast demons out of people and bound them which is a power man has over them if man would use it. The problem is churches are ignorant of the purpose of spiritual warfare which is to make it hard for them to operate in our world. They are no different to secular people. If they have no power, why do people even go to church? The whole point of trampling on the serpents is that you have been equiped with authority to command demons. Do people today even preach about spiritual warfare? Doesn't seem like it to me. All they do is ask people for money. No wonder people turn to wicca. Then complain they are getting abducted by bug-eyed grey aliens who chose them to make hybrid breeds of human and then wonder why they have implants in their body. You close the doorway/opening to their world and you will stop them in their tracks. Man was made in God's image so they are lower in rank to man. If you invite them in, then they have legal authority over you to do what they want. But you have the Word of God which is the weapon (Jesus said the Father sent a sword) to use on them to fight them spiritually. But if you choose to reject the offer of authority then these beings have free reign over people. (most that make oaths in masonic lodges to lucifer, or those that worship the false gods/fallen angels and confess this with their mouths publicly in front of the others who act as witnesses to the oath,. Your tongue is powerful weapon. If you say something you can curse things or bless things. God spoke creation into existence with the breath of life.

The dead use laws and promises you make to manipulate you and that is the cause of the problem. The previous generation make generational curses when they swear oaths to them which falls upon the children who are included in the parents deal. Break the contract by regaining authority over them and commanding them and you close the doorway. Communication with the dea is considered a sin known as divination. They are in a state of decay and death due to sin. If you let them in, you are the food that feeds them energy to be here. (and they seek innocent people as the meal most of all as they have life) You will see more and more cannibalism in the future.
Latest music video from katie perry involves cannibalism as the theme of the song:
The satanists are not shy in advertising their intent anymore. They are telling you they will eat the living like a zombie in horror movie and you are the meal. Obviously they are capitlising on pizzagate thing of spirit cooking here for shock value but it's also ritual at the same time. Mainstream media is slowly losing power and the older generation is going the way of the dino soon. What will replace it will be citizen journalism and more diverse forms of news from non-mainstream sources. (which is why they are trying to censor the internet, not understanding that people are equiped with phone cameras and peer to peer software to do things. As long as people pay money to get news that isn't bias shit, they are going to have to compete by improving or die off like print media which is favoured mostly by the older guys who are eventually going to dry up as customers)

Ted Gunderson - explain franklin coverup (pizzagate style scandal from the past. this is where all those missing children most likely end up. Just like in the Taken movies)
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

Is Mythbusters doomed? Rob Skiba (devout flat earther) tries to prove the earth is flat by launching ballon just under 100 000 feet to see if the horizon curves and we still can't see curve of the planet unless you use the fish eye lens.

3 hours long warning
vid description:
Published on Jul 10, 2017

OK. I finally got it done. Our first balloon launch got to 118,000 feet but we lost the payload. So, we had to do it again. This is our second launch and we only got to just under 100,000 feet, but we got everything back intact. Was it a success? Well, that depends on how you define success. I believed we achieved our primary objectives, which were to bust Mythbusters (while showing the differences in footage shot with a fish-eye lens and footage shot with a non-fish-eye lens).

As for the other goals of exceeding 115,000 feet and honestly examining the results as we test what we believe, well, we didn't meet the altitude goal, but we will be testing what we believe as we examine the results of this footage.

The big question on many people's minds is, "Well is the Earth flat or a globe?" Honestly, I think both camps will see evidence for their position in this footage... which is a bit frustrating. All, I can say is this footage is inconclusive and needs more careful analysis. But again, those who believe the Earth is a globe, will see evidence for that and those who don't will contest that evidence and say otherwise, so as I said in the interview I did prior to the first launch, I'm under no delusion that we will convince anyone either way with this test. But I will say the evidence presented here must be weighed against a lot of other evidence (such as other weather balloon footage shot at above 120,000 feet, showing a perfectly flat horizon) before drawing any conclusions.

What I did with this video was sync up the footage from the two cameras we had on the payload with footage shot by me, Rick and another guy named Tim and I added some animations to show exactly what was happening in real time. I know at 3 hours in duration, this is a long video, but hopefully, you will feel like you were right there with us on this adventure.

NOTE: YouTube allows you to view videos at 2x speed, so if you don't have the time, that might be a good way to view this video (it's what I do myself these days).
It's good to see they are at least trying to prove their claims. I'm thinking it's all a giant spaceship run by the reptilians like Megazone 23. There is no earth. It was destroyed, and you are inside a alien prison and alex jones is the captain while the secret space fleet fights all the innocent aliens and steals their stuff for the reptilians. No one has ever breached the hull of the giant ship which projects holographic images to people living on the inside to trick them into believing we are rotating around the sun. (which also doesn't exist. it's just CG like the internal hologram system in the SDF-1 in SDF Macross. Why else did that british hacker get into so much trouble trying to download spaceship image from the internet if it isn't real? (ie secret space command)

Maybe 100 years from now people will agree with David Icke and say he was right: everything is a hologram. You just didn't have the money to investigate the claims in his day when anti-gravity cars and levitation boots was exclusive tech only the elite could get access to. That was before the ancient robots tore massive holes in the ship's hull and proved we were just food for alien space monsters on the other side who were trying to grow enough of us to survive a famine in space due to overpopulation thanks to the reptilians over-producing too many alien species and not giving them freedom to own property to allow them to be self-sufficient and now they had come to punish them by creating robots to kill the leaders.

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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

More skiba stuff:

countering the globe-ist who say the video actually confirms the earth is round:
He shows the curve is shown at high and low altitude and all it does is prove the non-fish eye lens is also distorted, which means the non fish eye lens isn't enough to prove or disprove either way if the horizon is curved no matter what altitude. (the purpose was to challenge Mythbusters to show the differences you will see if you use non-fish eye lens)
It brings up an interesting question though:
Could the illuminati be working with camera companies to put in imperfect lenses on the cameras to reaffirm the bias that the world is round? This must also be looked into. (get off your arse Jesse Ventura)
We know NASA lies all the time so you can't rely on what they tell us. They just use fake images which is just censored crap safe for public consumption. If there is a dome people have to start making their own anti-grav tech, launch a missile with camera on it, and record live the impact of the object on the invisible dome to prove the biblical firmament (force field?) exists.

Even if the flat-earth guys are proven wrong, the journey to get to the answer is the important thing as science doesn't care what side you are on. And it doesn't care about your career. It is your duty to understand things using it and if you were lied to from cradle to grave (ie the earth isn't as small as they say or its not a sphere) science can help tell you the answer to that too. But you got to go on the journey. It might explain why UFO is hidden away (perhaps it TELEPORTS past solid objects rather than moves at high speed and is shifting into a different dimension of reality before it passes the wall, then passes the wall in the other dimension, and then shifts back into this reality to get inside the dome/force field? (ie the "aliens" might not be from space, but beings from other dimensions passing from dimensional doorways to get inside? People see them move at high speed so they may have multiple modes of moving around, one is to dip under or over to lower dimension or jump to higher dimension, and the other is just moving normally so they technically don't have to have a planet to live on or origin within this reality) In a lot of movies aliens always have some planet they live on or a homeworld where they came from. But what if they were created outside the universe and dipped down into this one from another plane of existence? That can explain how they can survive without any organs like a stomach to feed - they are not living organism but more like zombie with connection to beings outside this universe and there is time limit to how long they can stay, constantly hoping from one body to another in spirit form. They create hybrid bodies through abducting women, implanting seed and then attach to the hybrid body to sustain their existence in our plane. If they are interdimensional entities that explains why they can't just attack anything because the spirit inside the grey body is held back by something or someone else in their dimension where their REAL body exists. (the physical body that we can see as the "grey alien" just being like a remote controlled drone is to us)
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

Looks like the Beast Chip is finally here:
people are going to become the new Amiibo for their bosses just because they are too lazy to use an external device. Whoever gets the 666 will proabably be the Beast ie shapeshifting fallen angel that tricks people into trusting him to give up their souls to the demons who will then have legal authority to live inside their body and take control over them from the spirit world. You either worship mammon (the god of this world) or the true God.

Already Hollywood is planning to trick people into worshipping the New Age brand of Jesus (combination of new age teachings mixed in with christianity)
Think of the human body as the temple where the Holy Ghost lives in wen you are loyal. That temple/body can also have demonic entities which is why they need to push for the implants and invasive technology of the transhumanists because these beings want to get inside the temple to claim ownership of God's property. Yes the jews want to re-build the temple in the middleeast but individual people are the temple as well because that is where the Holy Spirit goes to when people are guided by God. But it must be your consent otherwise it would not be a choice to give up loyalty to God (it only counts if you choose the money Satan tempts you with just like when Jesus was tempted by satan to have the world if he just bowed down to him)

You can see satanism everywhere now. Celebrities are mindcontrolled robots pretty much owned and controlled by the demons the iluminati worship and given supernatural talents to perform. The opposite of this is the authority we have over the demons which pisses the dark angels off because they can't control us without us giving them consent. In future I think it will probably end up looking like a tattoo rather than chip. This way people will not need to inject the thing in them and it has permanent mark on them for life to make it harder to remove. Once connected to the giant computer that controls all the thoughts and sends all the commands to manipulae you from the inside, you will be slaves to the machine. The elites can then become fake "gods" over the masses and command them to do their bidding as puppets in this physical world through hypnosis. (TV used to be the way they did over long period of time. Now the chip will be the new way as mainstream television dies off after the alternative media took over)

Demons can then change your DNA to slowly over time alter your image (the image of the beast being that which is not what God had originally intended for man: natural men were made in the image of God) and prevent men entering into the Kingdom of Heaven because you no longer have the image of God anymore. (read Steve Quayle books and listen to interviews - scary stuff)

What Satan ultimately wants is to have people voluntarily worship him as god in mockery of christianity. It involves contracts. If you choose not to worship him you will miss out on lots of things and constantly tempted to join him. So by exploiting weaknesses of the human flesh, he can get you to volunteer to give up authority over the demons who you can bind using the name and authority of Jesus Christ who died for all those that believed he was the messiah and died for them to pay for their sins. Money is the biggest motivation tool to getting people to do things in this world and when people are desperate (economic collapse, war, poverty, famines, etc) people will beg to be part of the system if they can have temporary comforts. The flesh wants relief, but the spirit doesn't want to be controlled. It is an internal battle between wanting freedom vs getting materialistic desires met. Why else do feminists keep complaining that men constantly oppress them still even though they have even more rights than men today? because they still want free shit from the government which can't give anymore away after going into debt. By starvation I think this is how people will worship the beast because he can offer the "solution" again but it won't be free.

understanding monitoring spirits (these are the spies of the demon world - possibly what occultists use to follow the celebrities)
If you feel a presence following you or watching you eg you see black cats a lot and people that act strange (the demons are inside them controlling them) it is possible a monitoring spirit is hanging around you probably sent by the guy doing the hex/curse/spy/demon on spy mission. Always test to see if the spirit is good or bad since they also lie and trick people. They like to deceive people. Spiritual dsiscernment is how to detect whether they are the good or bad ones. After sucessfully detecting a bad one you can cast it out in the name of Jesus. Send the spell back at the witch that sent the spell to you so it backfires on them and gives them bad luck. This is the spiritual warfare modern day christians should be doing today but they don't do it. They are too busy acting like the secual people and trying hard to blend in with them and forgot to fight. (it's this need to please others that is the problem - by being nice they think they can befriend everyone but at some point you got to say "I am this thing, and not that other thing", and stop being so diplomatic and just love your enemy the normal way which is to attack the demons to seperate them from the oppressed. As satanism starts to get popular among the kids who look up to these celebrities you will see increase in black magick in future so you got to demonstrate God's might compared to the other fake gods the hollywood celebrities worship which is all about illusions and fakery and counterfeiting the real thing. Make them your bitches. It's a war. Don't let cucks tell you otherwise.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

The truth about the Crusades:
I like these videos on historical events. (his fall of rome was still the best) We may be experiencing a second version of the crusades at the rate we are going with the muslims bombing innocent people. People might need to buy guns or something. Will the left wing guys let people do that? Hopefully the attacks will let citizens finally buy guns and allow the innocent people to defend themselves against attacks from the NWO arming the muslims.

Steve Quayle and Tim Alberino come back from Peru and discuss the underground stargates and tunnels where the underworld being will emerge from soon. (they claim in their lifetime) (seek to about 1hr 30mins to skip earlier guest)
We are living in some strange times where the good guys are told they are bad for preserving civilisation instead of turning the first world into a third world nation by letting people invade. The consequence of weakness is judgement. (muslims are just doing what benefits them - the people that let them in are to blame for being asleep imo. So the punishment is justified)

Planning on buying all the dvds. I think the legend of atlantis and the land of mu and other lands with advanced tech were real places. it is just that modern mand doesn't really care about events so long ago and how they were destroyed. (unless it is presented as entertainment in disney movies, jpgs or animes)
Last edited by GameHED on 27 Jul 2017 10:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

The Meme wars continue on: (it's getting ugly now the people who actually make a living off of youtube are starting to feel the pain)
Blackpigeon Speaks now targeted by the commies.
Both groups need to understand that you are both two wings of the same dragon which is to give the public the illusion of choice. On one side are spoilt rich kids whose dads didn't discipline them, and the other are kids who think big corporations are good because they can bring positive effects. Both are bad because the former steals money from the productive, and the latter ignores non-commercials activity which is much more important than buying bigger things and shinier things. (materialism is evil)

To solve the problem you have to look spiritually for the answers: the left needs to stop scunging off others, and the right needs to accept that your work is not who you are and money isn't even real anymore. Most of the things you can get for free like the sunlight from the sun and water from the rain don't belong to anyone. You can pretend it's something we should have to pay for but it is God's property, go make your own and then sell it. Guys like Tesla would never have charged for energy.
If both sides admit they suck they could save so much energy and use this to fight the NWO but they are both fighting each other instead. Reptilians are never going to be defeated at this rate.

One thing I have noticed is after ads were a thing on youtube, was that there seem to be less people on youtube doing it for free as a hobby and more guys just being there doing stuff just to make a buck and it kind of made me sick. I think what made it appealing was how it was not like the mainstream media and now it has become the thing we were trying to get away from: some mainstream media thing where the baby boomers can still profit from the creative people and exploit them like some negro on a plantation. I hate the ads and prefer people to just do shit for free as community service like people would do in the old days. ie if you see an old lady you help her carry her shopping bags. If you notice a wallet someone left behind you return it to the owner with all the money intact.

People don't do this anymore. They are becoming self-centered and this is why satanism is growing in popularity and kids are attracted to dark side. Is it the baby boomer generation's fault for turning against the system? maybe they can take some of the blame but even those who are conservatives are now turning towards the dark by uniting themselves with the evil guys rather than sticking to their belief. (possibly due to fear they will be criticised by popular figures and want to avoid social pressure to conform) If everyone just think for themselves, you wouldn't have this invasion of social media by the communists and targeting the profits of youtubers by getting them banned. The left can have their corner and the right can have their corner and the rest of us are left in peace. (ie not being on youtube for money or to bring social change but just speak however we wish like it used to be before google bought them for commerical profit reasons. When politicians enter into social media you have big problem of the internet becoming the mainstream media again and people will leave and go somewhere else and rinse and repeat...It always happens when something gets too big.)


right wing jews want multiculturalism for white people's nations, but not for jews of Israel (hyposcrisy alert)
Mel Gibson should come out and comment on this and ask why it's ok for jews to be racist and not open the borders to immigrants while he gets judged for racist comment about jews owning hollywood while he is drunk. The jews have a lot of wealth so it's a big deal to commies that they share all the money with them. If white guys want to win debates and influence the younger generations who will grow up to be voters you need to bring up these issues and show the hypocrisy on BOTH sides of the politics and train them to think critically because both sides want to influence your thinking using social media platforms. (the left can hate trump all they wish but a majority want him in power and that is how democracy works: it's mob rule. Their own system failed them)
PrivateAttorney8 hours ago (edited)
I call it ZioMarxism, which pushes Zionism via nationalism, patriotism, and closed borders in Israel and the exact OPPOSITE in the western world through Marxism via globalism, anti-western propaganda, and wide open borders throughout Europe and America. It's complete hypocrisy and exposing their anti-western, globalist agenda centered around Jewish supremacy.
^example of the left not thinking. They are now manipulated as a weapon by rich guys to eliminate the competition which is what I have been saying for ages but nobody wants to address the issue because they are scared of being politically incorrect and this social pressure to conform to society is what allows the muslims to invade so easily. They are laughing at how stupid the left are for letting them take over. If the muslims are peaceful why not let them move into the rich guy's community where the politicians are? LOL Younger people need to ask these questions daily. Then as they get closer to the truth they will see that yes political conspiracies are real and that rich guys pay politicians to screw over the peasants. It's a trend that is is as old as time itself. And questioning the establishment is a life skill all young people need to survive the jungle. What they did to the black community by encouraging them to be gangsters and thugs they will also try to do to white people who are unemployed and broke. Feminism is one weapon they will use because men are naturally protective over females having rights almost to the point of not caring if they have more rights than men and can act sexist towards men. This causes dependence on government welfare and eventually the government can then justify why it should be allowed to control your life which then lets the authoritarian enslave people by seperating them using divide and conquer tactics. It's very clever but an old trick. By the time the left realises it was used, it will be too late.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

Flat Earth Theory:
Rob Skiba uploads video about the various verses on the glass dome (considered by the flat earth theorists as the floor of the heaven of heavens which seperates the "waters above from the waters below" IE When Noah's Flood happened windows of the dome opened up to let waters from above flood into the dome, along with waters below and rain clouds.
Dean Odle presentation that Rob Skiba is commenting on:
The jews need to start spending money to investigate if the earth is flat or not. It's their book too not just the christians. If the Dome is real then maybe they can open up some of the "windows" that were opened back in Noah's Flood to let some of the water above the firmament/dome on earth which was used to kill the giants. They can use search robots to do the labour of humans. Put cameras on the robots to feel where the walls are. Flat Earthers are not going anywhere. The movement is growing! The Genesis verses make more sense under the flat earth theory.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

A compilation of the most frequently asked questions about flat earth theory:
Question your reality. The lizards don't want you to explore the southernmost areas of the flat earth maps. Why? Because they don't want us to see the monster that live beyond the wall of ice. They don't want their cattle getting slaughtered by the snow demons and that is why astronauts get "sick" trying to visit there.

The monsters of the bible are real. Steve Quayle thinks that these will come up onto the earth in the end days. To prepare for their arrival/appearance it is the duty of the christians to help the non-believers and athiests/anti-thiests to mentally desensitise themselves to the horror so they won't pass out when they attack cities.
An example would be the Leviathan (ancient sea monster which God defeated) and is believed to be lurking in the deepest parts of the ocean. If they are intellegent demonic supernatural monsters (as opposed to animals) then nothing can stop them as they are supernaturally gifted to do things man can't. (spiritual warfare may be the answer to stopping it)
Could a fallen angel defeat a sea monster that hunts dragons? Would be interesting fight.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

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Cool thread bro!
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

Reupload of Michael Hurr Aliens Come From Hell documentary:
Published on Jun 15, 2014

Mirrored by Shield of the Son Productions 1/2/16

Undeniable Evidence Aliens Do Not Come From Other Galaxies

Unidentified Flying Objects and the Occult

UFOs entered popular consciousness as "flying saucers"— the name an anonymous wire-service reporter gave to the silvery discs Americans were reporting by the thousands in the last week of June 1947. At 3 P.M. on June 24 private pilot Kenneth Arnold, passing over Mount Rainier, Washington, spotted nine shiny disc-shaped objects flying in formation at what he conservatively estimated to be 1200 mph. The worldwide publicity resulting from his sighting, plus the other sightings that came in its immediate wake, brought the UFO age into being.

Since then UFOs have been the focus of furious controversy. Many dispute their existence, claiming that unexplained reports exist only because of inadequate investigation or insufficient data. Proponents counter that some of the best cases have withstood the most thorough scrutiny. The debate that began in earnest in 1947 continues, with essentially the same arguments being recycled endlessly.
Early Reports of UFOs

The UFO phenomenon did not spring abruptly into being one summer afternoon in 1947. In fact, the first UFO book, Charles Fort 's The Book of the Damned, was published in 1919. An eccentric social critic and keen satirist, Fort collected accounts of anomalous physical phenomena, including extraordinary aerial objects, and poked fun at scientists' sometimes labored efforts to account for them in prosaic terms. In The Book of the Damned and two subsequent books, New Lands (1923) and Lo! (1931), he theorized that visitors from other worlds are observing Earth.

Although it is often claimed that the phenomenon has been part of human history for many centuries, reports of anything resembling modern UFOs do not appear in print until the early decades of the nineteenth century. UFOs, in other words, seem to be a product of the modern age. In the twentieth century UFOs were called, successively, "airships," "foo fighters," and "ghost rockets" before "flying saucers" and (starting in the late 1940s, in U.S. Air Force memos), "unidentified flying objects" and (in the early 1950s) "UFOs."
Postwar UFO Investigations

Between 1947 and 1969 the U.S. Air Force ran three successive public UFO projects. The first was code-named Sign, followed by Grudge (1949-52) and Blue Book (1952-69). A faction within Project Sign concluded by mid-1948 that UFOs were extraterrestrial spacecraft, but air force Chief of Staff Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg rejected its report. Reorganized as Grudge, the project took a pronounced anti-UFO line. Except for a period between 1951 and 1953, when Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt, neither pronor anti-UFO but committed to open-minded inquiry, directed the project (renamed Blue Book in March 1952), Air Force UFO investigations sought to debunk sightings and to explain them, if not always persuasively, as arising from misidentifications and hoaxes.

In 1966 the Air Force entered into a contract with the University of Colorado ostensibly to conduct an independent investigation under the leadership of physicist Edward U. Condon but in fact to find a way of ridding itself of its UFO albatross. The Condon committee, as it was called informally, soon became embroiled in controversy as Condon's view, which echoed the Air Force's in dismissing UFOs as nonsense, were known. Released in January 1969, the Condon Report (formally titled Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects ) declared the phenomenon nonexistent and further research pointless. The National Academy of Sciences endorsed the report's conclusions, and in December 1969 the Air Force cited them when it announced it was closing Blue Book. To many it appeared as if the UFO controversy had ended.

Yet the Condon Report had its critics, including University of Arizona atmospheric physicist James E. McDonald and Northwestern University astronomer (and longtime Blue Book consultant) J. Allen Hynek, who pointedly observed that fully one-third of the cases in the report were listed as unsolved. They also contended that even some of the "explained" cases had been inadequately accounted for. In November 1970 a UFO subcommittee of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, explicitly rejecting Condon's conclusions, remarked on the "small residue of well-documented but unexplainable cases which form the hard core of the UFO controversy." Hynek's 1972 book The UFO Experience argued for renewed inquiry into what he thought might prove to be "not merely the next small step in the march of science but a mighty and totally unexpected quantum leap."" onclick=";return false;.

Aliens Come From Hell -- MIRRORED By SHIELD OF THE SON
interview about his documentary:
Show this one to kids so when the "ancient aliens" guys tell you to bow down to the reptilians , you can re-educate them on what these beings really are. When he talks about small reptilian dragons in the moon that burrow underground I thought of the Diablos from Monster Hunter games. (also appears on mars) This explains why they 'faked' the moon landings.
One mission is for public consumption (to hide knowledge of thwe watchers) while the other is for the elite. (secret space program - tech which they could use to create the breakaway civilisation)


flat earth stuff.. Curve doesn't exist: (the ball earthers need to explain. Has the world morphed back into flat surface as part of Unicron-style transformation of the planet as seen in the Transformers animated movie?)
We are all actors in the Truman Show. Jim Carey still isn't aware yet.
As we get closer to WWIII the people need to talk about what to do to evacuate the planet in case of total nuclear destruction of the planet (ie through efforts to colonise other places in the solar system. If there is a Dome, then people need to figure out if they can escape earth in future or not. If the Dome/firmament is indestructible, then you are limited in your options. Only demonic tech to pop through the dimensions to get to space (by going through the wall) is going to let you escape. (which is what I think is going on with UFO ie they shift dimension to go through the dome)

To Candy's secretary Cletus who can pass on the message to him:
I disagree that the thread is cool. It's not meant to impress the cool people. It's meant to be seeking of the truth for those who need to know why shapeshifting entities are flying around the sky. Hint: witchcraft is involved where people can summon them. Dorways/portals/stargates are the methods to meet them. Native populations are told to shut up about this so the elites can obtain the forbidden tech they have to later use as weapon against God when Jesus returns in hopes they can invade the third Heaven. Occultists know what the greys really are and the relationship between fallen angel technology and magick. (they view no distinction between the two - the ideas are handed to them supernaturally to build things and this explains the relationship between demonology and rocket science - Jack Parsons the rocket scientist being Aliester Crowley student, the Nazis being into the occult and building UFO, the occult logos on the various patches of US Military etc..)

Once the Pope announces that aliens are good guys you should run like hell. Because if it becomes the One World Religion of the NWO you won't have an option on whether to join. (you will but you will end up starving to death if you don't take the mark) So explaining to people about why they want to push the ancient aliens thing so hard is important to get people to look at the Greys more cynically to avoid being deceived by them. (they abduct people to create hybrids and make shit up meaning they are not good in character) Think of it like Magi-Tek armour in the Final Fantasy 3 world. The aliens give secrets but it comes at the cost of freedom. The tech is no match for what God offers. (satan's offer of transhumanism is the cheap counterfeit and the elite are going to give up individual thought which robs them of creativity. Think of Soundwave from the Transformers cartoon with no personality or individual expression)
Don't let Candy ignore my posts. He must be fed the truth no matter how much it hurts to show him things about the reptilians and the strong sales of the Nintendo Switch which destroys his predictions of it going to fail. (I still remember him predicting this and it shows he is a liar)
reflecting back on the documentary:
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

cool interview with Ben Shapiro on Joe Rogan
looks like the youtubers are targets now for not agreeing with the left wing. Much like how the religious right want to ban books like harry potter or dungeons and dragon in the 80s. The left is bnning any channel that isn't SJW-friendly. If you are a youtube influencer that isn't aligned with the reptilian control freak authoritarians (ie if you like Jordan Peterson for instance) they will demonetise you.

After Ben defeated Piers Morgan on his show on gun rights...,
..the left is going pro-violence now against people that disagree with them because they realise they lost the intellectual debate. When they lose debate they just go with the brute force method to get what they want. This is why you never let emotions dictate your judgement and action. The left likes to appeal to your emotion, while guys like Ben use logic. That is why they NEED censorship at some point to control what the masses can see because they can't defeat the logical people in society who point out the flaws in the reasoning of the left who think they can get away with manipulation tactics which people are waking up to every day. (MGTOW community are at the forefront here at exposing the mind games the weak people of society use to make you feel sorry for them through playing victims perpetually)

If we get into civil war over the issues, it will be because the illuminati started it by fomenting hatred between the different groups. Those people in the groups need to recognise this. The invisible war is the one you want to fight not the stuff the illuminati want you to fight. Go after the snake, not the puppets the snake is manipulating. (use logic, reason, evidence to destroy the Piers Morgans of the illuminati, then use guns as the counter to their mass demonstration of violence against innocent people, the second phase if they turn the land into venezuela. :D

They want "order through bringing chaos", (which they control from the shadows) so you want to COMPETE with that by being the order (invisible government that is outside their government) so they can't use chaos to bring their order which we all know is just a dictatorship with no constitutional rights for the people.

Keep debating the Piers Morgans, but simultaneously keep stocking up on ammo and work on backup government if they succeed in confiscating the weapons. (train in counter revolutionary tactics and observe those communist professors with bikelocks. These guys are the cult leaders of the brainwashed youth but not the mastermind of the NWO. Tho masterminds hide in shadows which is the snakehead) Find out what they hate, then support the things they hate even if you wouldn't normally support them. Create as much chaos FOR THEM to make it hard for them to get organised. The illuminati want to create chaos for us so what we do is organise chaos to groups that they are supporting. Take their weapons, and use them against them, but improve upon the ideas of the left to BEAT them in the chaos bringing. If you bring chaos to THEM they won't be able to break the order on your side. Because they will be too busy reacting to the in-fighting on their own side. As long as you attack them, half of their energy must be spent on defense againwst your side and not 100% of their energy can go to offense against your side.

It's like a game and if you just play the defence you are giving them your energy by reacting to the bait they put out there. What you want to do is go on their turf, wreck as much crap as you can, turn everyone that is united and have them fight each other and then pay their leader off (since they have no morals this will be very easy to do) to betray their rivals on their own side. Basically it sounds evil but God made evil as the punishment to evil people. (diseases could be considered a way to prevent sick people from breeding. Natural selection prevents the diseased from spreading their sickness to more people by killing the infected off so future generations are healthy. If you are sick through decisions you made to get you infected, the punishment is the death for being reckless. People who want to rebel then, are saying they want to die because they have no respect for their own life and freedom and ability to reproduce by simply being stupid and not trusting logic and reason and morals which kept you safe from the danger of being stupid or evil or immoral or irresponsible. If you like crime then don't complain when the crimes are also commiteed against YOU and result in your death as penalty. Just like if you get caught red handed doing something that harms another and have to go to prison, you have no excuse to complain to pay with life. (in the form of time)

I'm political athiest but the government needs to understand we the people are the battery that keeps the machine powered. We are the leaders. The political reps are the servents. It will never change. And if it does people will die to fight and when people are dead you lose productivity and the machine just cripples itself. So if you can't beat the free-thinking people in intellectual debate and go rogue, you've already lost. You just don't know it yet. Your main hope is people don't care if you lose the debate and still give you support anyway. Which is the only reason the NWO gets what it wants. (due to people being distracted by entertainment and propaganda - but that option is going away now that people turn to decentralised forms of entertainment where individual expression and creativity is what gets people to pay attention to you )
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by Hercy »

I couldn't help thinking of this thread after seeing Taylor Swift's new music video:
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by Jasper »

She's making fun of my precious Kim Kardashian! :down:

For those unaware, last year five masked gunmen stormed into Kim Kardashian's Paris hotel room (she was alone) at about 3am. With a gun to her head, she was tied up and her mouth was gagged and then thrown into a bathtub.

She was also robbed of about 20 million dollars in jewelry including her engagement ring. 17 people across Europe have since been arrested for the robbery including Kim's chauffeur (it was an inside job).


Taylor is doing this because Kim Kardashian leaked a secretly recordered phone conversation between Taylor and her husband (Kanye West) - proving that Taylor is a lying manipulative bitch who tried to frame Kanye West (Taylor acted like she was a victim and pretended she didn't know Kanye had written a controversial song about her - when in fact, she knew the entire time)....


Taylor Swift's new song, "Look What You Made Me Do," isn't a jab at Katy Perry, it's meant purely for Kanye West and Kim Kardashian.

Taylor dropped her first single off her upcoming "Reputation" album Thursday night and called out Kanye in the opening verse, where she sings "I don't like your little games ... don't like your tilted stage."

Our sources tell us the song is definitely targeting the Wests, who Taylor feels betrayed her by releasing their now infamous phone convo. Taylor's side of the story has always been ... they discussed the lyric but she never approved Kanye calling her "bitch" in "Famous."

We're told Taylor feels she was backstabbed by the couple and there will be more not-so-subtle hints in the official music video, which will debut Sunday during the VMAs.

Taylor released a short clip that zooms in on her sitting on a throne ... with the inscription, "et tu, brute."

When the disses turn Shakespearean ... you know it's serious.


It's a famous line from Shakespeare's play "Julius Caesar" when Caesar is being stabbed to death and recognizes one of his pals, Brutus, is in on it. The phrase is now meant to symbolize backstabbing.

Taylor still played it safe for the video. She could've gone with "Et tu, Kimye?" ... ade-me-do/
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by Twiztid Elf »

It's all Illuminati bullshit. Kim Kardashian, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, etc.

Poor Kanye got his hands burned playing with the fire and being too publicly open with his thoughts.
This video provides a good summary of what's going on with Kanye. (Repost of one GameHED linked last page - definitely worth watching)
Electro Shock Therapy to bring him back into line and shut his mouth.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by Cletus »

Anyone noticed Rebel Media is on its last legs?
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

The neo marxists are trying to censor everything because mainstream tv is no longer the true mainstream anymore and people are no longer watching tv.

explains the left's long plans since the 30s and how they infiltrated unis (media and education being the two targets of the marxists whose goals are being achieved today - seek to about 2 hours in for the third guest):
When all the big tech companies come together to merge their efforts to shut down free speech it is time for alternatives to appear and you are seeing lots of youtubers being shut down through shadow banning and other things (playing with stats and just deleting the information that is harmful to political figures. You see this is why a "digital only" future is very dangerous thing as I warned about ages ago: when the bad guys buy up all the big tech companies, and they have certain political views, then they can easily just shut down the platforms or censor the dissident from expressing an opinion about something or just make it expensive for the dissident to make a living on the platform. They can delete your history and unsubscribe all the followers from your channel just like hackers who can hack voting machines during an election to help them get into powerful positions to make all the decisions.

But In a non-digital-only future people can still have backup records of things that were said in printed form, and there is no hacker to destroy files or throw the harddrive into the sea to cover up shit. Old newspaper articles from the past about say UFO sightings is still able to be see in printed form to prove this was a real event covered by media by real poeple who were there at the time with a date and the paper's existence is the proof of the coverage of the event. In digital-only future news is deleted easily giving the bad guys the ability to alter history.

First they go after the big guys, then work their way down to hunting the smaller guys who don't reach as many people.

They Live is a movie about a True story of communications control. (in the movie when the hero shoots the communications dish, the aliens can be seen for what they are by the masses of people without needing the special truth shades. That's what youtube did (act as alternative to mainstream media by letting people run their own news source) and the elites hate that. They want only positive information about them to appear at the top in search engines so that the masses don't see all the scandals and corruption right at the top of the search list. (unless they WANT you to know about it as part of a great strategy to manipulate you in subtle ways over long time)

As long as you the individual user can have the power to uncensor something, then they can't win elections as easily because the younger generation only looks at their smart phones for news and social media and gossip and rumours to get information, and not the old mainstream media platforms where you were really limited in choice as to where you could get information from, and when control over the flow of information was easy.

These illuminati guys know there are autistic kids out there with amazing detective skills (they were able to identify the bikelock attacker even though he had a covered face) and they can't have these guys working together to piece all the puzzle pieces together to expose their lies like the kids in scooby doo cartoon.

So they are trying to bribe all the tech companies into playing along with their NWO plan to use social media to gather information about any dissidents and then using that information that the user's freely give away, they can find their location and gangstalk them and even murder the ones they don't like. That's why you should never trust strangers online since you can't tell if they are who they say they are. The guy typing up emails could have broken into a guy's account and impersonate the guy you know online and spread fake messages to you without you knowing if it's your friend or someone else.

The internet is a dangerous place with many rogues running around using it to steal information, sell information, and post information about you to damage your reputation to get you fired from work or harass you for having views that might be unpopular. You always assume people are evil until you have proof they are not evil. That's how it always is and your kids need to learn this as a life skill. Bearing false witness against your neighbour is a sin and we all know chicks love gossip and rumours with no backup evidence to support the thing that is said about people. They love drama and that is as much their entertainment as sports is to blokes. Ever since feminists got into technology when technology became too easy to use for ordinary people, what you saw was the boring people of society coming into the cyberspace trying to police thoughts because women have always been the ones to nag others non-stop for thousands of years.

I remember when I was a kid playing commodore 64 games and shit, my mum would always say that I stayed too long in front of a monitor and that it was bad for me. She was right but that was only because it took time away from doing other things not because women hated the computers. It was because during the old days technology was actually hard to use and women hated it and thought it competed with them for attention and time. Now that computers/smart phones are easy to use it's now women using technology and being addicted to it and you can't seperate people from their phones now because they get a narcissistic fix by posting pictures of what they ate for lunch on social media to obtain love and attention. If a man were to say: "you are spending too much time on your computer you nerd, now come and eat your dinner" they will ignore you and the smartphone becomes their gateway to paradise where they can use tinder dating app to invite a gang of horny men over to their house to give them a backrub or fix their car for them. They would say we were wrong for taking them away from the computer too long and that its unhealthy to be addicted to it for ages.

Times change and now that the boring people of society want us to censor our thoughts, we have to come up with alternatives to google and youtube to give the refugees a place to make money being themselves and expressing thier thoughts and opinions freely which you can't do in a censored world where tech companies have joined the illuminati.
It happens to everything and now celebrities will probably be replaced by virtual porn stars and actors as the graphics of computers gets even better than reality. (eg instead of them putting on makeup by makeup artists to hide their imperfections onscreen, a computer model can be used that has no moles or scars or wrinkled skin to keep the celebrity young forever. You could have say the 1970-80s version of Kim Richards be in a movie forever or a younger version of Arnold Schwarzenegger in action movies (say Expendables 134) so if he dies you can continue the whole frnachise without the dead actor. This means smaller budget for future movies or the same actor appearing in multiple movies simultaneously once computers can capture all their facial expression data.

It's coming. We are all going to hell. Look up quantum cmputers and DWave. The bad guy from Call of Duty Black ops II used one to help hack through all the protection. Mimmicking people's behavior through brain mapping projects is how they will steal the soul of a person and keep them around forever in virtual form. They can steal your thoughts, give it into another virtual version of you and you have them as a product to be sold. This is what I think the book of reveleations talks about when referring to trading souls as currency. Our brains are very much like computers so when they figure out how it all works together they can create the virtual versions of us to replace us. Perhaps this is what transhumanist dream of like the dead guys on a chip in the Rogue Trooper comic book in 2000AD comic.

I notice in a lot of new movies its ok for a woman to hit a man a lot but the feminists do not like it when a man hits a woman back. In the old days you could smack a woman on the face to knock sense into them like the old Three Stooges show, and you could spank them on the butt for being naughty. Today? If you raise your voice it is considered sexual assault by these new feminists and they can accuse you of abuse. This is a form of thought control over speech and slowly over time the insane people are running the asylum. In spiritual form you see it on youtube where they tried to go after pewdiepie to see if they could prevent him from making an income to test their powers against a popular guy. They failed. But it shows they are thinking about policing thoughts for the communists to get the young people used to the idea that you can't say anything you wish. And the young people are scared to lose their income on youtube and making more sanitised versions of their content which shows the fear works.

If we can remove the fear and make them fear US, we can slow down the thought police a bit. How you do this is spread info through word of mouth. Youtube can be censored becaue they can isolate your channel so nobody can see it. But if you give direct links and spread the link through old fashioned methods you don't have to worry about search engine results to get to things. Most of the bad guys pay people to like their channel which is cheating. Instead of basing things on stats which are altered by the people working there, you just go on word of mouth like indie games. Remember they are going after people who are innocent. Or people they just don't like. They can't stop you the user from choosing to not watch their crap and ignoring search result lists. (which are fake) The mainstream media can come to social media and youtube but we don't have to look at them. It's sort of like having an ugly painting in your house.
Yes you may be forced to hang it up on the wall but you can choose not to stare at it and instead open up a box containing paintings that you like and looking at them instead. I think this is what is happening now with alternative media: they want to hide it away from the masses because it is so effective, but the masses are smart enough now to still ignore the mainstream media even though it appears at the top of the lists for searches on things.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

Looks like MGTOW is starting to get more coverage in mainstream media post The Red Pill movie:
The feminists know their time is up. Silicon Valley men are finally waking up to the evil gold diggers that are like sharks circling around the fresh meat of rich nerds who earn big $ and can have their resources stolen by pretending to be into tech. (yeah right I grew up knowing girls hate computers. The nerds of today should know better - it's a trap)

If there is a sequel to the Red Pill covering MGTOW I wouldn't be surprised if the feminists try to ban it. By them banning it, it only increases the desire for people to want to watch it because they want to know WHY it is banned and what the feminists want to hide from the public! :P

If you are a rich nerd it might be a good idea to get a vasectomy so they can't trap you into giving them free shit. You tell the bitches to earn their way to your level of intelligence and brilliance by competing against you which is what true strong and independent women (who are not feminists) do. If you are strong you will take on the men, not trying to marry them and then take half their shit after divorcing them so you can bang a new man and then divorce him and take half his shit too and then divorce that guy to marry another man and take half his shit after divocring him etc etc etc until you are richer than Scrooge McDuck. Generation Z is going to be conservative and wish for the days of Bill Cosby type family sitcoms where the dad was the wise elder who gives sage advice to his chlidren and the female is in the kitchen making the sandwiches and blowing dad on time while he is playing Duke Nukem. And if the wife tries to divorce? He will turn to the sex robot and order it like a pizza and then get the sex robot to make the sandiwches and fetch the beers and change his diaper while he grinds his MMO character to level 60 online and can't afford to go to the toilet or his character will die.

As the population reduces, there will be less children being born and shortage of labour to go around, so as humans become extinct, the robots will eventually replace us. (except for traditional family groups who discipline their slutty daughters so they can't become the town slut and rely on the government welfare which only exists to emasculate men out of fear that strong men represent a threat to the government's authority if too many men become independent of government assistance. ie because it will mean smaller government and loss of government jobs for government workers lol)

Stardusk/Thinking Ape (one of the early MGTOW thinkers on youtube) will have his cyborgs, but the government will see augmented men as a threat to it because it enhances the power of the average man. It is very similar to giving men free energy like what Nikola Tesla dreamed of for the future. The establishment do not want men to be free as they can make money selling energy while they secretly hide that technology for themselves and live in a breakaway civilisation with all this dream technology being used in isolation. So similarly once transhumanists get too much power and become a threat to the population, they willl use that same technology to enslave the transhumanists much like OCP did to Robocop in the movie Robocop by putting in "Directive 4" to ensure the robot cop can't arrest elites. They want to meter everything so they can control the masses by restricting what power an individual person can have. (if you aren't part of the club you will be playing under different rules)

Humans do not want responsibility. That is why God let man leave the Garden of Eden to be gods who can make his own decisions and sort it all out himself but under restrictions. (ie you can do anything you wish so long as your rights don't deny the rights of another guy who wants the same rights you have) This way man could learn the disadvantage of having to much freedom that you can't decide right and wrong. If the men do not breed the fallen angels will make their return and start to breed with humans and create the bully kings of the past who enslaved everyone like Frieza in Dragonball Z. (ie evil people who want all the power but none of the responsibilty when things go wrong due to having flaws and the system eventually collapsing as people escape the system or turn against their own corrupt bosses)
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

How belief in supserstitions can cause demons to have legal authority to come into your life and give bad luck (this guy knows all about voodoo and other black magic. I believe a lot of celebrities in hollywood that practice this stuff end up messed up after putting faith in the susperstitions and partaking in the rituals which results in being depressed and messed up. Not believing it acts like a shield that protects you against the demons that want you to fear the supserstition and if you have no fear of it, they can't legally touch you) :
the demons themselves are REAL, but the belief in the lie of the Omen made up by the deceptive spirit is what gives it actual power to afect your everyday behavior and alter your destiny which makes the fears you have come to reality and control your life. It's like the serpent in the garden telling people a lie and the test is whether you agree to it. Like signing a contract which then lets the demon accuse you of being on the side of the bad guys in front of God and then that becomes the justification for why a demon should be allowed to torment you. If you don't believe the lie of the demon, God can say: "you see? he is one of my guys so you have no permission or authority to be allowed to touch this one" and the demons get angry."

Many of the occultists who sacrifice people, they do it because they gave into the belief that you must seflishly serve yourself over the other guy. The truth is you sacrifice yourself by depriving yourself of pleasure in exchange for denying satan controlling over you. So not eating a meal by fasting shows your body isn't giving into the material world for sustenance but rather your self sacrifice of avoiding food, proves that you can get sustenance from God's word alone to sustain you. (ie living in the spirit not the material world)
When you give into the belief of self sacrifice over sacrificing others, you show satan you are not in his kingdom (which is earth as the bible says that Satan is the ruler of this world) but in God's Kingdom (which is the kingdom of heaven where you are spirits. Man has a spirit man in heaven right now that connects to the physical body on earth like a cord connecting two computers. So if you live in the spirit, you can get your wish by praying to receive what God wants to give to you.

Whereas the bad guys want material wealth, the poor guy wants spiritual wealth that gives you spiritual riches that is life-sustaining power so you don't have to kill things to feed your stomach. Remember that your stomach was only necessary because it was a punishment for disobeying God in the Garden of Eden. (having to work to feed ourselves to sustain life was not necessary if you live in paradise, it is only after the fall of man that this became necessary) So if you constantly need to feed yourself with physical food, it's like saying you are still guilty of sin, instead of showing God that His Son's death was enough to sustain your life. Only guilty people need to rely on physical world (which Satan rules over) to live by eating things to fill his stomach. But God says He is not of this world. To live by relying on the Word of God (Jesus was the Word of God made flesh) as your spiritual food, you are showing that you don't accept anything of Satan's and everything of God's. Very important today for people to understand as food becomes scarce, people will kill each other to stay alive rather than praying and fasting to live by spiritual food alone. If you can fast, God will provide the thing you need to live to show he is true to his promise. If you believe in promises of God, then you will not require eating because you are living by the spirit. (you are in the Kingdom of Heaven and getting the sustenance through your spirit man being in the throneroom of God.

A lot of african countries practice cannibalism because they believe the physical interpretation of things not the spiritual. God is the living being that creates, so all the food you see is his anyway. But the type of food you eat (Word of God which is Truth) is what sustains you permanently because your spirit doesn't die. Your body will die of old age at some point because it is corrupted due to the Sin Code (or Sin Nature) of the Garden of Eden, but by surrending the material things of this world by trusting in the Word of God and fasting, you are denying satan control. You are getting bad luck because you give power to the Omens/susperstitions that satan created to make you fear him. Unbelief in the magick, removes the magick curses and hexes of the occultists. Showing that you fear God by treading on the serpents (because God says we can cast out demons) shows Satan that you believe God's Word that we have dominion over earth. Why would you fear something you have power over? Show no fear! Win the spiritual war against the demons which is what christians are told to fight in. If you get invited to go to Bohemian Grove don't partake in the ceremony because it is like you are agreeing to the contract with the demons they worship. It's subtle method of getting people who are not worshippers to agree with what Satan wants to do and Satan can say to God that you were a part of the ritual so therefore he can ruin your life or use you to serve his plans.

Many churches do not want to talk about the occult because they are worried they will frighten their congregation so they have given into the politically correct crowd who wants to weaken the spiritual powers of the church so they can push their agenda. Bigger congregation = more money. Less people going to church means less money. They want to attract people to come to the church but if it comes at the expense of making people weaker spiritually, the devil has easier time attacking christians and recruiting more followers to join Satan. But if people have spiritual discernment and can tell the difference between a true follower vs a wolf in sheep's clothing, then the demons can be held back in destroying people's destiny using fear to control or limit what they can do. (through curses that bring bad luck resulting in loss of job, failure of relationships, depression, anger, bitterness etc instead of being happy and sucesful. Controlling your emotions and not letting them cloud your judgement and decision making ability is how you beat the demons who need some control mechanism to get people to turn to supserstions and witchcraft to open the doorways/portals to the demon dimension to influence human behavior and manipulate society by preying on people's weaknesses.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by t0mby »

Satan, Jesus, Garden of Eden. You've lost it.
selfish wrote:Being a massive fanboy and trying to hide it is Lestat's worst bottleneck.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

Biggest gun massacre in US history
Why am I not surprised it was a gun-free zone advertising to shooters that "there are soft targets here to kill easily with no defence"?

The left is working hard to make guns evil again. People are the evil for misuse of the tool. Blaming the tool doesn't solve the problem of evil. If you create dozens of laws, criminals who are sophisticated will not obey those laws because they don't agree with the good guys on what is good and bad. Bad guys are not compatible with what good guys want. Laws only govern those who actually respect those laws. So evil will always roam free and the solution for preventing evil actions hurting people is to empower the people with the knowledge that there are more good guys in the world than bad ones and bad guys will always have to work hard to suceed in the act of killing innocents when they want to harm people in defiance of the laws that they don't respect.

It reminds me of the Terminator movies:
In the first movie the assasin is the agressor and wants to kill the mother of the human that beat them in the war. Technology is the evil right? Who built the technology? Man. So in a roundabout way you can't say guns are evil because police and soliders use the guns to kill bad guys who you want dead. It's just a tool.

In the second terminaor movie a robot is programmed to act as a bodyguard for a child to prevent an assassin who can use knives made from his own body to stab his target to death. And the assassin is stealthier than the original assassin. Is the shapeshifting knifeguy the evil? Or is it the evil itself to blame? Would a law protect you from assassins who use knife weapons and can conceal the weapon by shapeshifting it into normal hand?

It doesn't matter! evil is coming fo yo'ass and to stop it hapening you got to use the tools the bad guy has to defend yourself to secure your right to life freedom and the future. Technology is not the evil. Guns are not the evil. The evil is the problem. And it isn't going away. And the only way to reduce its harmful affect on the weak guys is to make the weak guys strong. Use the tools for good. You should make gun-free zones illegal so the weak can use guns to defend themsleves. If the guns are not good enough you at least provide a resistence to slow down the more-sophisticated killer. When the left understand that they will not end up being killed by these shooters who don't have to have a reason to go around masacring people. (the religion itself has nothing to do with it: it could just be a guy who wants to die in battle for kicks rather than die of old age similar to the japnese kamikaze pilots who see it as an honor to die for their nation or to get respect for their family. Knowing the reason for why the killer is going to kill you isn't going to stop killing. Just like trying to negotiate with a machine assassin coming to kill sarah conner isn't going to make the machine go against its program. If the gun free zones were illegal then it would be easier for weak guys to survive and the killers would have less easy time shooting people because they have time limit before they can safely do their act.

It will be interesting to see anti-gun groups try to reason their way through this as more people scramble to buy guns for doomsday/SHTF prepper reasons. They obviously know people are not believing them anymore. And the right wing guys are slowly losing influence in mainstream media if not outright vanishing. It's all up to us Libertarians to set things right on both sides who are both working towards their own agendas. (one side once commmie dictatorship and the other wants 1000 years of wars to build the weapons necessary to fight God when Jesus makes his Second coming on earth through the constant fighting that allows them to sell weapons that gradually get better as profits from thier sale increase between nations to feed the military industrial complex. Kids of the future are fucked if they let either side make the decisions. This is what happens when you deal with the aliens and let them have their way. They will give you toys but then corrupt the human to cause the suffering necessary for the people to cry out for a savior from it which inevitably will be a fallen angel who makes a deal to fix it all in exchange for something more valable than what he gives. It's all in prophecy. (look up the 10 toes prophecy of Daniel which predicts return of atlantean system of rule with 10 kings)
If you don't prepare and you don't study history of what happened to left wing nations that didn't solve the morla problems, you will be doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past. People need to stop fixing the blame and just prepare for the worst assuming it's coming but also being able to live if it (SHTF event) never comes. It's better to have it and not NEED it, than to need it and not have it. There are rich guys who want to build utopian socieities and will do anything to destroy the existing civilisations to build it from the ashes. If you like the one you have now then it stands to reason you should have exit plan when the leaders are part of the plans of these utopian idealists who have power. Nothing last forever. Just because you hve had peace for so long you shouldn't expect these left wing guys to let you have it forever. Adapting to change should be a healthy life skill taught in all schools just like disaster preparation or fire escape drills. These will at least give peopl a fighting chance when these ticking timebombs go off and start massacrering defenceless people in movie theatres and malls. If you had a gun in a movie theatre you could at least limit how many the left wing terrorists can take down before being shot in the face.
Last edited by GameHED on 03 Oct 2017 03:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by Cletus »

t0mby wrote:Satan, Jesus, Garden of Eden. You've lost it.
He's been running with this for a few years now..
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

Yes all the nations that had no morals or trusted in their own governments to be their god ended up collapsing due to corruption.

If the leader doesn't agree with your values he will ultimately try to kil you off. You are seeing it now where the guys that own social media platforms who have left leaning views want to ban anything that doesn't agree with left wing politics. Much like how organised religions would censor anything that wasn't in agreement with the religious leader, the left is creating their own version of censoring other views through shadow bans.

The only difference between the organised religion guys and the left is that the left sees the government leader as god in human flesh like the roman emperors of ancient times. The difference bewteen libertarians and the left wing guys is we want freedom for all people with different beliefs so lng as they don't infringe on the rights of the other people. In other words you can believe anything you wish but don't think you can shove those beliefs down others throats and expect to have more rights than the other guy to say what they wish to say.

If you are against the consitution whtehr you are from the government or not you are my enemy. I don't want you ruining my freedom. This is why the world is fucked up: you want to get away from the old authoritarian beliefs of the past pagan times into one where people are peaceful and can agree to disagree without forcing their way of life onto you through force or by using the government as a hammer to punish others who simply do not want to live in a dictatorship but want to be left alone. We don't have this. Jesus gave people the freedom to be left alone. Government want to play the role of God and say they are above the laws of God / common laws and majority of the people of the planet prefer christian values. So if christians are being slaughtered in the middle east, christians should fight back both in laws and spiritually through prayers and exposing evil in their own community.

Fighting is not just kiling people with guns but debating and explaining to the crazy people that want to bring in sharia laws and government dictatorships that they are crazy so they can un-crazy themselves and we can modernise civilisation and not just obey government authorities simply because they said we should obey them. You got to have the balls to say to the people in power: you may think your my boss but didn't you get the memo that we serve higher power and you serve under us?" that is what we believe. We don't take orders from people that are evil and who want to do evil acts in our name. We want to know what evil acts are being done, expose it, then scold the bad guys and educate them why it's bad because these are guys that may not have had morals growing up.

Sure they may try to say: "but I don't agree with your morals and I should be allowed to do anything I want" yeah but you are taking the money from tax payers who disgree with you so you can do what you want with your own money.
And this is the problem of the weak guys of today: they don't want to fight for righteous reasons. They just watch as the world is fucked and then complain that the world is fucked without stopping the bad guys from getting away from it.

Everyone has a different definition of what is bad. But that doesn't mean I am going to stand around and let them shove their belief down my throat. I want to be there when they say "you can't do this or that because I say so". And then say to them: "well there is this thing called the constitution and it garuantees certain rights given to me by the thing that created me. (In my case God which isn't made by the government)" That which you create you control. If I create a piece of creative work and someone tries to stela my work, I can stop that person because it's mine and I own it. If the government says I don't have certain right I have to ask that government whether I am owned by it for it to have the authority to tell me what I can do with myself. Right?

Most people don't want to take responsibility so they just obey orders without even asking why they should have to do a certain order which thye personally don't agree with. And that reason is mostly money. Loss of job if they don't agree with their boss. Or fear. I'm not one of them. I want to know the reason for why some other guys think we should follow something when you have right to not do so since you may not agree with the guy bossing you around. Nobody is above these laws. If you think it's ok to take right from someone then you need to give reason why you think its good and also accept that I can reject your reasons.
This is called critical thinking. Not enough people want to do this.

Why for instance does the mainstream media always think it is ok to criticise christians but when you get athiests to criticise Islam the left wing guys try to attack the athiest personally to stop him talking? Because certain dangerous groups are out there trying to manipulate discussion of important topics. We are not living in just world. So people like me come along and make fun of the media, the leaders and look at it from the libertarian perspective. (ie that everyone has right to speak freely so we can hear the other guy's arguments. You can't have this under authoritarian governments which is what the NWO is trying to do)

What is the NWO?

Essentially it's a occult religious group that wants to destroy the existing judeo-christian nations by replacing it with a luciferian one where the pope is the leader of the entire world backed by the fallen angel lucifer giving him the orders. Much like the Sith Lord in Star Wars controlling the galactic empire.

Why are we against NWO? Because I am libertarian and the NWO is authoritarian so I want to keep an eye on what they are doing because it will affect me. Step 1 is they want to get rid of existing powers. Step 2. change those powers into the hands of occultists and new age types like Oprah Winfrey. Step 3. make the dictatorship seem good by getting people to love their slavery by givgin them distractions. The latest thing is to get people used to the idea of being scared of stuff so they will welcome more controls on their everyday life in exchange for an illusion of safety.
We all know they can't give you safety if they themselves are weaklings. You have to be tough yourself. That's what majority of people prefer and why we got away from a monarchy system of having one individual claim they are divine while everyone else is dirty and unclean. If you want to go back to this but on a global scale then go do it, but don't invlove me lol
What collectivists want to do is drag down the people that are not weak, enslave them to be their leader to tell them what to do (instead of God in the bible) , and then drag down anyone else who is trying to be strong and independent.
What Jesus was trying to do is the opposite: take the weak people, raise them up to BE strong, then hopefully live in a world where everyone is gorwing not shrinking. In socialism: it's all about stealling from the rich to give to the poor. Why not teach th poor skills so they don't have to steal from the rich and go on welfare?

So what Jesus was doing was rather than blaming people and making poor people the victims and saying we should make peple weaker so that all the weak people can feel good, .... he took the weak and made them strong so all the weak people could grow and help other weaklings.

One is a pyramid where everyone enslaved by the leaer is a slave. The other is an upside down pyramid where nobody is a slave and everyone is a ledaer/strong. Which would you rather have? A world full of miserable people with shit morals, or one where nobody has to worry about wars, and theft and lazy guys bully peopl because they think they have the right to boss other guys around because they are control freaks who are aobve the common laws? All we have to do is teach the bad guys the problems they can't solve are correctable and then correct it, so they can be more like us rather than them trying to convert us to their beliefs. But the problem is they will use force and violence. If they have all the power then they win. If we have the power we win. God has all the power becaue he built everything. But nobody likes to admit they are powerless to do thing singlehandedly and they assume everything will be fine if you let the authoritarian guys bully you into giving up your rights. So we have crazy left wing guys gaining more power and telling everyone that they are not the crazy ones and that we should follow their orders. Uh-uh. You didn't create me so you can't control me. It's all about who created what. If I created a piece of cition and own that fiction I can control it. God created me not the government or the Roman emperor. I don't have the barcode on my forehead.

Thousands of years ago before your nations were ever formed you had a kingdom and a king you served and that was your government. Some people do not want to give up serving another king, other than the one they serve in the bible and I think the consitution says something about religious freedom. Unless that person harms another or their property they are respecting another's rights to life and liberty. So to fight, you can't just think of it as using force in civilised times. You have to look at their harmful ideas and challenge them and decide whether you want your kid to follow it or your comunity. Each individual has the right to believe whatever they wish but if it results in harm to your life (which God created) or property (which took your energy to build up) then we have a problem. But if you don't exercise your rights then you are to blame for not fighting those who want to trample on it. Freedom isn't free. People just haven't fought in a war so they take it for granted. So they don't prepare they just see this as entertainment. And laugh at it thinking it's not going to affect them and by the time they prepare, it's too late. "Massacre in gun-free zone" "bomb goes off in sschool" and then after the event happens people then expect the government rather than themself to solve the problem. It's a sign people have gotten weaker imo. By taking responsibility for your own safety you are leaving that up to people who just see tradegy as an opportunity to grant themselves more powers over you. (which is happening now as governments slowly grow in power instead of shrink in power so people can police the bad guys who commit high crimes)

If you don't think evil exists then ok go and blame a faceless political party. But the reason people get away from being caught is because someone is always there to protect them by using manipulation tactics and trying to get you to believe that nothing is wrong and there is no reason to worry about powers being misused. Some people like this because it means they don't need to take responsibility for their own actions and want a leader to blame. I think that is the cause for why people are so trusting and want more beaurocracy because they believe in man and not God. If you believe in laws that make snese (honour all contract, the ten commandments ie do not lie do not steal, do not spread false rumours, don't be a whore etc) all the rest is unecessary. It's just extra shit power-seeking men put there to confuse people and make more from. (knowing laws has become a profession so I can see why there are thousands of stupid laws to control people- it makes profit and gives layman less control over life)
The NWO is not going to stop trying to hack away from individuals rights. They want that system of two classes: the peasants who are kept in bondage and the kings using them as pawns in chessgame. They can't achieve the goal if people prefer a free moral society where the guy at the top of the pyramid is held in check so he can't misuse his authority and do whatever the fuck he wants. The keyboard may be mightier than the sword because we live in an age where you can challenge the idea of a guy who lives halfway across the world and fix his shitty behavior that cause harm to others.
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Re: The Official Thread of Seeking the Truth.

Post by GameHED »

Ex-illuminati (7th generation) member Doc Marquis explains the purpose of hollywood to occultists and its use in spellcasting:
(fast forward to 1 hour into the video to get to the second guest)
This will help you understand Kaballa, druidism, the reason why you see occult symbolism in disney cartoons and why the occultists do these rituals by using the technology of today to influence the thinking of the masses. (hint: it's a spell to mesmerise us all)

The symbols to most people do not mean anything but to the occultists there is magickal significance to them and their religion. This is why the jewish mystics are so powerful like wizards with manipulation skill to get everyone turned against each other. (think of the game "Archon" on comoodore 64 where you have the wizards ordering monsters to fight and we are all the monsters on the board being manipulated by the tech/occult magick to do the wizard's bidding.
People who question their reality tend to be immune to their magick and they do not like mavericks who can think outside the box which is why it is so important to be wiser than them to see what they are trying to do so you can not be influenced by it.

This is why if you have friends who ever get involved in the entertainment industry to watch out for the people who work in the biz and don't let it influence your thinking. Mind control, entertainment, and propaganda are all close cousins. And hollywood is all about fakeness and projecting a fantasy which you will believe is the real thing. Once you are drawn into the fantasy world, they can manipulate how you think once you are hooked and like the dungeons and dragons cartoon, you won't be able to escape the world. (because you act like a fake character out of one of the scripts in these movies rather than being yourself and grounded in reality. kids are who they target since they are easily influenced by what they see with their eyes and copy what they see. When the kids grow up to be adults they will be the decision-makers of the future and be more easy to mold into slaves due to the exposure to tv they've had growing up watching these illuminati programming technologies)

When you watch tv, you are literally being brainwashed because your brain enters a state that is open to suggestion. The occultists who create the shows use the technology to then get you to go along with their agenda. When the luciferians die they believe they will be reincarnated and continue the plan they have for the world which can stretch for thousands of years. Which is why they are so patient. They will take baby steps to subtly change the world into their utopian vision. Once the public understands these symbols the strange rituals these elites partake in will not seem so strange anymore. Because the pagans did those same rituals in ancient times.
And it removes their fear of the occult as they remember that the pagans were worshipping the false gods. (really fallen angels who counterfieted the One True God) Since angels were created by God before man, they have a higher intelligence than us and have a head start. They can offer Man all the tech, on the condition that they serve satan. This is why tech is often misused for evil because the reason it is handed down is to enslave humanity and not free humanity. The technology itself isn't bad, but the ones who have it do not want it to be used for the benefit of man. Only to the benefit of the elites that worship these pagan gods. Now fast forward to the modern times: you have Oprah Winfrey promoting new age beliefs and gaiai worship by these UN leaders who think we must depopulate the earth to save nature. It's the rebirth of the old god's religions where man is evil and the nature gods are good. It's just a repeat of the shit fro mthe past again. But the difference is they use TV instead of getting people to do mind-numbing exercises where they encourage the cult members to not think rationally and logically so they are easy for the cult leader to brainwash.
The internet in a sense can also be considered a brainwashing tool since the information can be erased and modified and hacked and changed and future generations would never notice! It's important to remember the history of the occult and decode their symbols so you can understand their intent. What is the goal of the illuminati?

A One World Religion with lucifer as the the god of the universe and everyone bowing to the statue and worshipping their god. Lucifer being a fallen angel can't do anything that the Almight God allows. this is where spiritual war is fought between the neo-pagan and christians. In the old days physically warriors would just go and kill the giants and hunt them down. Now it's about people praying to God using his power to bind demons (who no longer have bodies) and cast them out of this world. While the occultists try to open the portals/doorways to let them in doing their rituals to summon them to influence the behavior of the leaders to get them to agree to the New World Order and build the One World Government.

All the nations that do not have central bank controlling them are targets for attack by these guys since control over money = control over people's energy to do things. How they get us to go to war all the time is through the divide and conquer tactic by turning people against each other based on differences so that we get weaker and poorer from all the fighting, and then they can come in as the "peacebringers" who have the "solution" to end war: by lending us money and then being debt slaves to them forever. When you take something from the devil, he gets more than what you were offered - he is the god of this world. God i not of this world but will bring the Kingdom of Heaven after destroying the corrupt world which is trying to kill god using the world's resources to fight the judgement to come. If you are controlled by a desire for money then it is safe to say you are easy to manipulate by the occultists since they are in control over issuing money and have infinite resources because they can print it into existence. That's why it is crucual to not be materialistic because they can use that to lure you like pedophiles using candy to get kids to get into their cars.

Now it doesn't matter whether you believe their religion. What matters is that they have power, and control the world and you are affected by it. (I always find myself having to repeat this to athiests because they think what you don't know can't hurt you - these guys want to hurt you financially, physically, and mentally by dumbing people down by getting them to believe they don't exist) The plan is getting us angry to kill each other, (through wars) then they act as the heroes rescuing us from the old system by introducing new system. ie like the phoenix which dies and through its ashes is reborn again. They need to knock the old building down (judeo-christian values and culture) before they can rebuild the new one.(the new age which is pantheistic system) And that involves people fighting all the time so they can say: "we can end the war by forming a giant one world government so there are no longer any sides" and when they do this they can then enslave everyone. (and the people will be too exhausted from fighting to care if they have no rights in the new system which is just reborn version of ancient babylonian empire as pointed out in the book of revelations. ie "Mystery Babylon" which = ancient babylon with new version of Nimrod (known for being good at killing) as the leader." onclick=";return false;
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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